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Paving the way for talks in afghanistan the taliban both times the decision to release 400 prisoners and says it could be ready to negotiate within days i suppose next extreme. Or so well go over. The english translation angry over the jailing of a husband who has become the biggest threat to Alexander Lukashenko its 26 year rule and better roots. And wait in south africa where the pressure is on to stop whats being described as the countrys other condemning. Tensions are boiling over once again in lebanon as protesters gather near the countrys parliament a 2nd day and a passionate call for change in the past couple of hours police of 5 tear gas to try to disperse that growing crowd that youre seeing demonstrators held some sort fireworks into the air in a show of anger over tuesdays port explosion they say government corruption is to blame for these protesters want a complete overhaul of the political system and to government ministers have responded to the widespread anger by resigning environment minister dummy honest qatar has confirmed that he is out of following the information minister. This is the point of no return people are starving the economy has deteriorated the economic crisis is heightening our families children friends have just been left behind fear and disappointments lives within them in this fateful moments we cannot just sit behind we have to stand in dignity together as a nation i feel that i need to send an apology to the libyan people because we failed to achieve their ambitions due to the difficulties also on sunday french president emanuel led a Video Conference of International Donors in an effort to get aid to lebanon as quickly as possible while powers have pledged major resort to help recovery but have demanded transparency over just how that aid is used. The todays objective is to quickly and effectively coordinate all actions on the ground so that the aid can get to the lebanese people as efficiently as possible this offer of assistance includes support for an impartial credible and independent inquiry into the cause of the disaster on august 4th thats a strong of the cheetah mcclymont of the lebanese people its a question of confidence well our correspondent Bennett Smith is on the ground for us in beirut bennett weve been watching these pictures here of fires being let stones being thrown but it does look like the crowds are significantly smaller there than yesterday. Yeah there was a small protests in a stadium behind me earlier on a small gathering of people and there is over my shoulder is where the Parliament Building is and those confrontations have been going on theyre setting tires on fire making it look pretty big but it is a smaller scale. Than it has been than it was yesterday if you were to courses have been cracking down very hard yesterday there were very very violent crackdowns by the Security Forces on those who dared to protest and it might be that the poor people are perhaps but there are still some commentators going on and we are watching eyes will burn and were also seeing the political fallout continue another cabinet resignation could we see more. Well the most significant one was that 2nd resignation of the environmental damiana scots are significant because he is in our eyes of the Prime Minister has on the hour and there was rumors that during the day the Prime Minister ive been trying to dissuade has are not to resign but he has gone ahead and resigned in fact tomorrow though the Prime Minister is going to ask. The cabinet to allow early elections and if the cabinet does last and it drops a law and passes this to parliament which parliament then approves then you end up having the cabinet effectively resigning and becoming a caretaker cabinet before elections in no no longer than 2 months time but heres the thing the challenge is that anyone who stands in those elections must stand according to their religious sect its barry difficult for any independent independent candidate or group to get a foothold in the lebanese city. And bodies why these people approach so so frustrated because the radical political change they want cannot come with the Current System while french president emanuel macron has demanded political reform and he was the one chairing todays Donor Conference which promised major humanitarian aid but surely the challenge will be just how to roll that all out yeah because the problem for anybody donating money to leaven on is that they have to deal with the current political elites and those are the ones with the last 304050 years of essentially run this country into the ground they control all the major utilities the electricity the water the telecoms the ports was a major cash cow for one of those political elites Emanuel Mike Brown has warned but they will have to be reform before the money appears and the i. M. F. Has also said today it sticking to its demands for an overhaul and an audit of lebanons Banking System theyll be no short circuited said this was an i. M. F. Demand before tuesdays explosion and if thered been any hopes from those in or already here in lebanon that maybe they would get away without having to do that because of the immediate crisis i. M. F. Has made it clear no reforms no money and then its mess there on the ground for us in the lebanese capital beirut thank you very much bond. Well moving to some other news and the taliban has welcomed a decision by afghanistans grand assembly on noir jagga to set 400 of its men free the fate of the socalled hardcore fighters has been a key hurdle in launching peace talks with the government the taliban has now indicated it could be ready to start negotiations within 10 days of the president s release of some of inch of it has will thank you for centuries of understands traditional ground assemblies known as job is to solve problems by confrontation within 3000. 00 elders and Community Leaders joint politicians to decide on the final stumbling block for the negotiations with the taliban with some reluctance president danny has honored the agreement between the Us Government and the armed group decided 5000 prisoners must be released before incra of one dialogue can begin most inmates have been released the ago was called to decide about the final 400 prisoners if my government says these 400 are wanted for major crimes and some even face the Death Penalty they want to ensure that these men do not return to the battlefield the button. Today i will sign the decree that i did not have the authority to sign before now i will sign the decree to authorize the release of the 400 taliban prisoners by saw the request of the loya jirga and they will be released. In a complex power sharing structure is the chairman of the loya jirga as he leads the high council for national reconciliation. Hi sally. The declaration of the loya jirga has removed all of europes tickles to start the interim afghan talks and we are on the cusp of starting the negotiation we do have respect for all your decisions and the Afghan Government will be committed to implementing all of them. Despite temporary cease fire is one in 3 and a half 1000 Afghan Security personnel have been killed since february thats when the landmark deal was signed between leaders and the Us Government us troops are supposed to leave of want to stand by april 2021 and if ones remain divided over the u. S. Could draw. Shimoda it would be better that the us does stay here that will also help our security and reconstruction of our country. The withdrawal of foreign troops is good for us as they were against our culture and i want it will definitely have a positive impact. For almost all of the security remains there for most concern but they are no doubt kidor regarding the release of prisoners we need peace in afghanistan and we will need to pay a price for that therefore we are obliged to release the taliban prisoners and women say their rights and safety is nonnegotiable regardless of who wields power under it it has been disadvantaged i continued my University Studies despite losing many of my classmates to suicide attacks we still have faith stands government will need to bring security in all the places where we do not have security at the moment. The Us Government has acknowledged the release of prisoners is unpopular but leaning president danis government to hold direct talks to facilitate a Peace Agreement the release of prisoners is a 1st step for all of them factions to sit across the table but they remain multiple challenges and wide ranging differences to overcome for peace can be achieved. There and now at least 8 civilians have been killed in an explosion in southern afghanistan it happened in the district of august on in kandahar province a Government Official says the blast was triggered by a device planted on the side of the road. Well polls have closed in belarus where president Alexander Lukashenko is facing the biggest threat to his political career after 26 years in power his challenger is fed lana to kind of skier an english translator who entered the race after her husband was jailed she is channelled widespread anger over a struggling economy as well as a response to the covert 1000 pandemic Internet Service was significantly disrupted during this fires our step bason reports from the capital minsk. Cheers for start line up the kind of guy who went into hiding on the eve of the election because she feared arrest that was after 8 members of her Team Including her Campaign Manager were reportedly detained at 1st a reluctant president ial candidate she has grown into the biggest hope many belorussians have for change then are you worried the fact of safety was so out everybody would. Be kind of guy at election rallies attracted the largest crowds bellows i seen in decades with 2 other women on her site the wife and complain manager of 2 other jailed opposition figures she can paint across the country on the eve of the election one of them fled abroad and the other. Was briefly detained shes undeterred but i have a great hopes that all dreams are. Today tomorrow or day after tomorrow this is the beginning of the end its a beginning of a new life she came out of hiding to cast a vote the main opposition candidates but line its economy is where its going to rest on election day the election that has been dominated by accusations of fraud and the rest. After casting his vote president Alexander Lukashenko called the opposition weak this is. What you use if youre going to go against our country or even in the smallest way try to plunge the country into chaos and stabilize it you will receive an Immediate Response from me. For decades hes enjoyed solid support in the former soviet country lately hes faced criticism for downplaying the cold with 1000 crisis and worsening economy hes attracted voters by accusing the opposition of planning to create chaos. Criminalists of us to i want to vote for peace and the well being of the roots and every family here and have no crazy crowds in the city. As rallies have been prohibited in the past week supporters of the kind of scalia found creative ways to protest against us rule but even that led to more arrests more than 800 people have been detained during this Heated Campaign stop fast and aljazeera minsk when hundreds of belorussians living in the u. K. Queued up outside the embassy in london to try to cast their ballots many had to wait for Hours Tuesday coronavirus restrictions reports. The queue snaked its way through the back streets of kensington in london hundreds of fellow russian expats waiting to cross their vote at the countrys embassy here its our right and we should have human rights we should be able to choose our future even though im here like my friend my family out there and i want the future to be made to have i want them to have basically future and to have choice and they would wait and wait many for several hours with the embassy only allowing one person in at a time a deliberate tactic suggested some of the independent observers outside have people come in from manchester at the number of flying just to vote and now under restock not being able to hold because the news will run really slow why is it so slow. Well i guess we still under the virus conditions so they allow only one votes impulse inside thats the excuse is it was the excuse but youd be hard pressed to find anybody in this crowd willing to support Alexander Lucas shango the man often described outside his own country as europes last dictator ive been the can deduct in parliament i told him 16 and after pressure i have to leave the votes. After pressure from k. G. B. From government from police i have to leave 26 years just one president its horrible for any country but unfortunately goodness we live in 26 years and i think i think that this election here will he won again but it will be a force if you could but will find a way to get come there is no way we came all the way here you know for it to be the same way everyone like they were rated with hillary too much 26 years of this guy no no no there are calls for change inside bella and no less here with many having fled lucas shan because repressive regime. Worried about the country they left behind. While still ahead here on aljazeera a move thats inflaming tension between washington and beijing a top trump official arrives in taiwan. And in sync with social distancing the Opera Company thats found a way to keep performing during that 19. Hello there plenty of hosts and mostly dry conditions across much of the middle east quite a bit of chad has been streaming across areas of amman down towards yemen again in the last few hours but so that all that i manes clear and dry i look at these beautiful sunny skies across in azerbaijan ical signa on the banks of the caspian sea but also fine of course down across into the west of yemen this is inside of this is. Listed building which as you can see has collapsed and all this is coming from those very persistent and at times heavy rains not if you will rain showers in the forecast monday at quite a bit of cloud as well still across areas of the south so we could just see what got a child or even a thunderstorm and then to the north we have got a shot. And eventually working the way we just to the north of again towards the Western Shores of the caspian sea and then through choose day we will see more of those strong winds blowing through the interior sand and dust being funneled to the south nickel sandwiches on the high side 46 just 40 in doha so probably feeling fairly humid with a high of 40 celsius the end of activity through Central Regions of africa and the fronts on its way towards south africa in the meantime some very strong winds just to round out the day on monday and then the showers pushing into walls keep that were just a high of 50. From fossil fuels to a renewable as societies develop the energy demands increase requiring Innovative Solutions to meet such an amount as a Global Power Development Investment Company nebraska power is uniquely positioned to deliver against eastern mountains we provide Business Growth promote social economic benefits and provide innovative safe and byron mentally sound Energy Solutions for future generation the brand by metering future energy. The and. Again im just on the tail and doha thats remind you of our top stories here this hour protesters in lebanon have gathered near the countrys parliament for a 2nd tonight down as anger grows over to choose days course explosion chagas has been fired in an attempt to disperse the demonstrators have been hurling rocks they say government corruption is to blame and are demanding a political overhaul a 2nd minister has now resigned from heaven on this government as demonstrators demand that complete overhaul of the political system and vironment minister Damiano Scotto has confirmed he is stepping down following the information minister and ill kill some out and 9 m. P. s have now resigned as well so far. Theres no the news the taliban has welcomed a decision by afghanistans grand assembly to set 400 of its men free president ashraf ghani also back to the decision of the loya jirga to approve the release of socalled hard core fighters their fate has been a key hurdle and launching peace talks. Well the number of confirmed corona virus infections in the United States has now passed 5000000 as the country struggles to contain the disease President Trump has bypassed congress to sign a new measures aimed at providing Economic Relief to millions of americans but democrats say they provide little help to families and will actually reduce much needed support for the unemployed mike hanna reports from washington. Fresh from around on his course the president held a News Conference at his new Jersey Golf Club merger a number of the clubs Members Forming an admiring crowd heaped blame on the democrats for the lack of agreement in congress ignoring the fact that the house had passed a new stimulus bill back in may that the Republican Controlled Senate declined to vote on. The 1st stimulus bill was passed in march in a bipartisan vote but a number of its provisions expired at the end of july. Among them the 600. 00 unemployment benefit which the president has reduced to poor 100. 00 in his executive order why did you decide on 400. 00 when previously families were receiving 600. 00 now that will be a hardship for many what do you say to them well no sir no hardship this is the money that they need this is the money they want and this gives them a great incentive to go back to work and controversially hes demanded that the states many of which have been economically devastated by the pandemic pay a quarter of the new benefit one of the points of disagreement in congress was the democrats proposal to offer Financial Assistance to the country states better had largely been forced to come to the kind demick with limited federal Assistance Legal experts argue the president does not have the constitutional power to cut payroll taxes as he has done in addition these taxes go to Social Security and medicare and its not clear now how these programs will be funded. The House Speaker nancy pelosi and Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer issued a scathing joint statement President Trump still does not comprehend the seriousness or the urgency of the health and Economic Crises facing working families they say theyre disappointed that instead of putting in the work to solve americans problems the president instead chose to stay on his luxury golf course to announce unworkable weak and narrow policy announcements to slash the Unemployment Benefits that millions desperately need the president s executive orders will face a series of legal challenges and its uncertain when or if they will come into effect. My kind of aljazeera washington and now the astray in stage victoria has reported a record 17 coronavirus deaths in a single day and coincided with a Police Crackdown on protesters trying to hold an anti mosque rally in the regional capital melbourne victoria is now at the center of a 2nd wave of infections tight restrictions and the night time curfew have been imposed in the southeast and state which accounts for most of australias 21000 cases well north Korean Leader kim jong un has ordered the distribution of aid to a border city thats now been under lockdown for a month food and medicine have now been sent to k song that city was sealed off after pyongyang said a defector had returned from the south showing coronavirus symptoms but north korea has never officially reported any 1000 cases now survivors and dignitaries have marked 75 years since the atomic bomb was dropped on nagasaki in japan it was a scaled back ceremony because of covert 19 about 74000 people were killed after u. S. Forces dropped that bomb in the final stages of world war 2 the attack came 3 days after the 1st atomic bomb exploded over the city of hiroshima now the death toll from a landslide triggered by heavy monsoon rains in Southern India on friday has now risen to 43 a tea plantation in the state of karen i was swept away in the deluge bodies have been recovered from under the soil and debris but bad weather is hampering efforts to find those still missing. 8 members of a tour group have been killed by gunman in southern asia it happened in the west african giraffe reserve east of the town of cool rain the Regional Governor says 6 french tourists along with their guide and driver was shot dead by armed men on motorcycles but he gave no indication of who was behind that attack. A human rights inquiry in chad is accusing well thirtys of negligence over the suspicious deaths of 44 prisoners and april the government previously said they were suspected back around fighters who poisons themselves but the Commission Says they were civilians in an overcrowded cell who died from fast and hunger in 46 degrees and interest has more from neighboring nigeria commissions report disputed government claims that the victims were members of the boko haram the report insisted that these are farmers mostly who have been arrested after an operation by the child and forces in the lake chad region had ended during that operation government claim that it killed more than 1000. 00 booklet on fighters and imprisoned many of them in charge in prisons the report said that the prisoners were allowed to suffocate deliberately in their cells and that despite calls for help prison officials did not let them out remember that on march and approach temperatures in this hell and area can go beyond 40 degrees celsius and thats the condition these prisoners were in People Living close to the prisons admitted that they heard the cries for help by these prisoners or one night the government did not issue a formal statement but i just this Ministry Official said that they have noted the report by the commission now this is not the 1st time our Security Forces in the lead child weve been fighting book or arm have been accused of trumpeting on human rights or even extra judicial killings a lot of analysts believe that such actions by Security Forces could lead to one corporation and therefore making the fight against boko haram and other extremist groups in the region very difficult. Now the operators of a japanese ship leaking tons of oil off the coast of us have apologized they promised to help clean up the spill a day after morris has declared an environmental state of emergency the workers share was carrying 4000. 00 tons of fuel when it ran aground last month experts say the slick will cause catastrophic damage to coral reefs d. We will do Everything Possible to contain the damage is Going Forward and minimize the impact we will sincerely take any and all measures possible to deal with this situation ready. Now violence against women is a major problem in south africa on average one woman is murdered every 3 hours the governments planning legislation to try to reduce crime levels but activists say change is a long way off for me to miller has more from johannesburg. The small group outside the door to port to Magistrates Court in johannesburg is trying to bring attention to what has been called a pandemic theyre protesting against gender based violence in a country where government statistics say a woman is killed every 3 hours. In court the family of julia de cardo waits for the appearance on camera of 2 men accused of her rape and murder as well as the rape of a 21 year old granddaughter. And her son paul shows us with just weeks ago he says the accused men broke into a home hope ortrud looks over the room where she was raped stabbed and later died. Mother would prefer in front of brutal rule. It just made me lose hope in memphis i mean how does one parent of female and. Of. You know on long. In the last year 2695 women were murdered in south africa thats slightly down from the year before but still a big number after the rape and murder of julia 3 other homes were attacked in just 48 hours in this block alone in one of the other breaking an elderly woman was assaulted and seriously injured people here say that only women and children live in the homes that were targeted with close 2100000 followers on twitter number is a well known gender activist with strong views shes often come under attack even threatened with rape so it shows a turd reminder of what happens out its a reminder that gender based violence. Is with us everywhere it can flip just like that i am the South African government is working on new laws to help protect women including harsher sentences for perpetrators and strict to bail conditions but there are some who say more needs to be done to understand the rate of violence its too easy to say its a party to the cleanliness of obviously their payroll but what is their role how does it interact with prison how does a shift you know when it changes in the economy what is the impact of that history with the law in the present as this family mourns and struggles with their loss their say theres no except a bill explanation for the rape and murder of their mother for me tamala aljazeera johannesburg. At least 11 people have been killed in a suspected arson attack on an Apartment Building in the Czech Republic some of the victims died jumping from windows in the 13 story block in the city of both women police say traces of excel are and were found in the building one suspect has since been arrested. The coronavirus pandemic has silenced many performers around the world but not a british Opera Company. Yet. Begun bourne opera has launched open a mini operas after being forced to cancel its usual performances and in keeping with the times both the audience and the cost. Weve been having to figure out how to socially distance on stage and how to interact with each other. With all of that in mind but instead of it being a burden its turned out to be. Just really fun because were all thinking of creative ways to make it through a scene where were supposed to pass a prop to each other and we cat or someone supposed to have a fight but they cant touch each other. And i bet this is al jazeera and these are the headlines protesters in lebanon have gathered near the countrys parliament for a 2nd night as anger grows over tuesdays porch explosion tear gas has been fired in an attempt to disperse the demonstration as weve been having rocks they say government corruption is to blame and demanding a political overhaul. Now a 2nd minister has resigned from lebanons government and vironment minister damiano scats a has confirmed he is stepping down following the information minister. And 9 m. P. s have also resigned so far in 130 this is the point of no return people are starving the economy has deteriorated the economic crisis is heightening our families children friends have just been left behind fear and disappointments lives within them in this fateful moments we cannot just sit behind we have to stand in dignity together as a nation i feel that i need to send an apology to the libyan people because we failed to achieve their ambitions due to the difficult. The taliban has welcomed a decision by afghanistans grand assembly to set 400. 00 of its men free president ashraf ghani also backed that decision of the loya jirga to approve the release of socalled hard core fighters there faces been a key hurdle in launching peace talks voting has been extended in some areas of belarus where president Alexander Lukashenko is facing the biggest threat to his political career after 26 years in power his main challenger spent learned to kind of sky has voted after reports she went into hiding overnight when her top aides were detained this trail in state of victoria has reported a record 17 coronavirus deaths in a single day it coincided with the Police Crackdown on protesters trying to hold an anti mosque rally in the capital meldrum victoria is at the center of a 2nd wave of infections and survivors and dignitaries have marched 75 years since the atomic bomb was dropped on nagasaki in japan it was the scale back ceremony because of covert 19 about 74000 people were killed after u. S. Forces dropped that bomb in the final stages of world war 2 all those are the headlines next stop the inside story. Will the beirut explosions cause a humanitarian disaster the devastation leaves hundreds of thousands of lebanese homeless hungry and fending for themselves with no help from the government can aid organizations cope with the immense challenge this is inside story. Hello and welcome to the program im homages lebanon was in a dire state even before the enormous explosion

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