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Good evening america its an honor to speak to you tonight from the hallowed of the hallowed grounds of fort mchenry the site of the very battle that inspired the words of our National Anthem those words have inspired this land of heroes in every generation since it was on this site 206 years ago when our young republic heroically withstood a ferocious naval bombardment from the most powerful empire on earth they came to crush our revolution to divide our nation and to end the american experiment the heroes who held this for took their stand for life Liberty Freedom and the American Flag and those ideals have defined our nation but they were hardly ever mention at last weeks Democratic National convention. Instead democrats spent 4 days attacking America Joe Biden said that we were living through a season of darkness but as President Trump said where joe biden sees american darkness we see american greatness thank you and. In these challenging times our country needs a president who believes in america who believes in the boundless capacity of the American People to meet any challenge defeat any foe and defend the freedoms we hold dear America Needs 4 more years of President Donald Trump a in the white house. Before i go further allow me to say a word to the families and communities in the path of hurricane lore our prayers are with you tonight and our administration is working closely with authorities in the states that will be impacted fema has mobilized resources and supplies for those in harms way this is a serious storm and we urge all those in the affected areas to heed state and local authorities stay safe and know that well be with you every step of the way to support rescue respond and recover in the days and weeks ahead thats what americans do. So the 4 years ago i answered the call to join this ticket because i knew that donald trump and the leadership and the vision to make America Great again and for the last 4 years ive watched this president endure unrelenting attacks but get up every day and fight to keep the promises that he made to the American People. So with gratitude for the confidence President Donald Trump has placed in me the support of our Republican Party and the grace of god i humbly accept your nomination to run and serve as Vice President of the United States in his a one hour and hour and a one. Hour on the serving the American People in this office has been a journey i never expected and its a journey that would not have been possible without the support of my family beginning with my wonderful wife chair. Laura is a lifelong schoolteacher an incredible mother to our 3 children and she is one outstanding 2nd lady of the United States i want im so proud of the car and we couldnt be more proud of our 3 children marine corps captain michael j. Pence and his wife Sarah Lawrence daughter charlotte pence bond and author and the wife to lieutenant henry bond who is currently deployed and serving our nation in the United States navy thank you and our youngest a recent Law School Grad our daughter audrey and her fiance who like so many other americans had to delay their wedding this summer. But we cant wait for dan to be a part of our family thank you in addition to my wife and kids the person who shaped my life the most is also with us tonight my mom nancy let me actually into iraq she is the daughter of an irish immigrant 87 years young and mom follows politics very closely and the truth be told sometimes i think im actually her 2nd favorite candidate on the trump pence ticket thank you mom. Thank you over the past 4 years ive had the privilege to work closely with our president ive seen him when the cameras are on american see President Trump in lots of different ways but theres no doubt how President Trump sees america he sees america for what it is a nation that has done more good in this world than any other a nation that deserves far more gratitude than grievance and if you want to president who fall silent when our heritage is demeaned or insulted hes not your man thank you ian thank you now we came by very different routes to this partnership and some people think were a little bit different but you know ive learned a few things watching watching him deal with all that weve been through over the past 4 years he does things in his own way on his own terms not much gets past and when he has an opinion hes liable to share it. He certainly kept things interesting but more importantly. President donald trump has kept his word to the American People tom tom. In a city known for talkers President Trump is a doer and few president s have brought more Independence Energy or determination to that office. 4 years ago we inherited a military hollowed out by devastating budget cuts an economy struggling to break out of the slowest recovery since the Great Depression isis controlled a landmass twice the size of pennsylvania and we witnessed a steady assault on our most cherished values freedom of religion and the right to life thats when President Donald Trump stepped down and from day one he kept his word we rebuilt our military. I mean this president signed the largest increase in our National Defense since the days of Ronald Reagan and created the 1st new branch of our armed forces in 70 years the United States space force to. Thank them with their renewed energy we also returned american astronauts to space on an american rocket for the 1st time in nearly 10 years. Thank you now after years of scandal that robbed our veterans the care that you earned in the uniform of the United States President Trump kept his word again. We reform the v. A. And veterans choice is now available for every veteran in america. Our armed forces and our veterans still this land of heroes and many join us tonight in this historic form tonight we have among us 4 recipients of the medal of honor. Among. 6 recipients of the purple heart. Of gold star mothers. Of the gallant navy. And Wounded Warriors from soldier strong a group that serves our injured veterans every month. We are honored by your presence and we thank you for your sorrow. And im going to have. A heros just like these we defend this nation every day and under this commander in chief weve taken the fight to radical islamic terrorists on our terms on their soil. Last Year American armed forces took the last inch of isis territory crushed their caliphate and took down their leader without one american casualty. And i was there. When President Trump gave the order to take out the worlds most dangerous terrorists a rans top general will never harm another american because qassam solomonic is gone allium total americans you deserve to know joe biden criticize President Trump following those decisions decisions are in the world of 2 terrorist leaders but its not surprising because history records the joe biden even opposed the operation that took down Osama Bin Laden its no wonder that the secretary of defense under the Obama Biden Administration once said that joe biden has been and i quote wrong on nearly every major Foreign Policy and National Security issue over the past 4 decades so weve stood up to our enemies and weve stood with our allies. Like when President Trump kept his word and moved the American Embassy to jerusalem the capital of the state of israel. Setting the stage for the 1st arab country to recognize israel in 26 years her at. Her closer to home we appointed more than 200 conservative judges to our federal courts we supported the right to life and all the god given liberties in trying in our constitution including the 2nd amendment right to keep and bear arms. And when it came to the economy. President trump kept his word and then some we passed the largest tax cut in reform in American History we rolled back more federal red tape than any administration ever had we only show American Energy and fought for free and fair trade and in our 1st 3 years businesses large and small created more than 7000000 good paying jobs including 500000 manufacturing jobs all across america illinois our country became a net exporter of energy for the 1st time in 70 years Unemployment Rates for africanamericans and hispanic americans hit the lowest level ever recorded and on this 100th anniversary of the womans right to vote im proud to report that under President Donald Trump we achieved the lowest Unemployment Rate for women in 65 years. And more americans work than ever before. In our 1st 3 years we built the greatest economy in the world. We made America Great again. And then the corona virus struck from china before the 1st case of the corona virus spread within the United States the president took on precedented action and suspended all travel from china the 2nd largest economy in the world now that action saved untold american lives and i can tell you firsthand it bought us invaluable time to launch the greatest National Mobilization since world war 2. President trying to marshal the full resources of our federal government from the outset he directed us to forge a Seamless Partnership with governors across america in both Political Parties we partnered with private industry to reinvent testing and produce supplies that they were distributed to hospitals around the one today were conducting more than 800000 tests a day and we have coordinated the delivery of billions of pieces of personal protective equipment for our amazing doctors nurses and Health Care Workers thank you. We saw to the manufacture of 100000 ventilators in 100 days and no one who required a ventilator was ever denied a ventilator in the United States. We built hospitals surge military medical personnel and an act in an economic rescue package to save 50000000 american jobs as we speak were developing a growing number of treatments known as therapeutics including convalescent plasma that are saving lives all across america. Now last week joe biden said. That no miracle is coming but with joe doesnt seem to understand is that america is a nation of miracles clean and im proud to report that were on track to have the worlds 1st safe effective Coronavirus Vaccine by the end of this year thank you al. After all the sacrifice in this year like no other and all the hardship were finding our way forward again but tonight our hearts are with all the families whove lost loved ones and have family members still struggling with serious and in this country we mourn with those who mourn we grieve with those who grieve in this night i know that millions of americans will pause and pray for gods comfort for each of you. In our country doesnt get through such a time unless its people find strength within the response of doctors nurses 1st responders farmers factory workers truckers and Everyday Americans who put the health and safety of their neighbors 1st has been nothing short of heroic thank you enough thank you veronica say is put on her scrubs every day day in and day out went to work in one of new york citys busiest hospital she stayed on the job put in the long hours until it was done and then got back in her neighborhood and help neighbors and friends struggling her brother william is a new york city firefighter and theyre both emblematic of heroes all across this country. Theyre with us tonight and i say to them and to all of you you have earned the moray sion of the American People and we will always be grateful for your service and care much. Will. Thanks to the courage and compassion of the American People were slowing the spread were protecting the vulnerable and were saving lives and were opening up america again because of the Strong Foundation that President Trump poured in our 1st 3 years weve already gained back 9300000 jobs in the last 3 months alone. And were not just opening up america again were opening up americas schools will. And im proud to report the my wife karen bed School Teacher ive been married to will be returning to her classroom next week and so to all of our heroic teachers and faculty and staff thank you for being there for our kids were going to stay with you every step of the way. In the days ahead as we open up america again and i promise you well continue to put the health of america 1st and as we work to bring this economy back we all have a role to play and we all have a choice to make. On november 3rd you need to ask yourself who do you trust to rebuild this economy a career politician who presided over the slowest economic recovery since the Great Depression or a proven leader who created the greatest economy in the world the choice is clear to bring america all the way back we need 4 more years of President Donald Trump will be no one will allow it was. My fellow americans who are passing through a time of testing but in the midst of this Global Pandemic just as our nation had begun to recover weve seen violence and chaos in the streets of our major cities President Trump and i will always support the right of americans to peaceful protests but rioting and looting is not peaceful protest tearing down statues is not free speech and those who do so will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Was last week joe biden didnt say one word about the violence and chaos engulfing cities across this country so let me be clear. The violence must stop whether in minneapolis portland or cannot show too many heroes have died defending our freedom to see American Strike each other down we will have a law and order on the streets of this country for every american every race and creed and color. Will. Thank you ira thank you. President trump and i know that the men and women to put on the uniform of Law Enforcement are the best of us every day when they walk out the door they consider our lives more important than their own people like Dave Patrick Underwood an officer in the department of homeland securitys federal protective service who was shot and killed during the riots in Oakland California daves heroism is emblematic of the heroes of serve in blue every day and were privileged tonight to be joined by his Sister Angela angela we say to you we we grieve with your family in america will never forget or fail to honor officer Dave Patrick Underwood thank you thank you thank the American People know we dont have to choose between supporting Law Enforcement and standing with our africanamerican members to improve the quality of their lives education jobs and safety. And from the 1st days of this administration weve done both and we will keep supporting Law Enforcement and keep supporting our African American and minority communities across this land for 4 more years. Joe biden says that america is systemically races and that Law Enforcement in america has and i quote an implicit bias against minorities when asked whether hed support cutting funding to Law Enforcement joe biden replied yes absolutely. Joe biden would double down on the very policies that are leading to violence in america siddons the hard truth is you wont be safe in Joe Bidens America and under President Trump we will always stand with those who stand on the thin blue line and were not going to defund the police not now for one. My fellow americans were passing through a time of testing but soon we will come to a time for choosing joe biden has referred to himself as a transition candidate and many

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