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Music industry and his band 35 years on and we still selling out concerts around the world. With his dog biting lyrics water states the listener on a rare musical journey and offstage has been a loud voice when it comes to human rights issues. He has a particular interest in this really Palestinian Conflict and has publicly condemned other artists such as madonna for performing in israel hes also involved in many other causes like malaria poverty and Climate Change this week we connect with the iconic british musician to talk about the current state of the world. Roger waters talks to aljazeera. I. Roger waters cofounder of the legendary band pink floyd welcome to talk to aljazeera. Thank. You. Globally famous. You wrote most of the biggest successes of pink floyd. Youre a rock star and you are now very involved politically why why did you take that course. Ive always been very aggressive when i was a poem and sort of very political house so my mother would say im my father before it was killed mcculloch parent members of the communist bus and then when he was a young teenager maybe 13 of boards hed one day my mother said to me you know roger youre going to come up against different decisions that you have to make you know and i. When you do. It straight maybe you identify that as a decision thats been made and then you have to do research you have to look at these questions from every pippen and thats you wont commands. And then you will down the day and you will have done the difference whether its on the scene of to die for hunts next because you simply do the blanks thing than ours lesson the mom shes been there through that so. Thats and thats and. If you senator. Imagine if every prayer in the world with satan was in the sails of the child my mom and since then you have to educate yourself enough to take straight in character charge find out whats out there and before you make a decision. And then having made that was that you have to do why her thing was brightest. In all beings its. Pretty than their parents who are in the. Impact she had been be in knots and universal declaration from the United Nations parents so she actually believes that the. Codes of thought that the nation should be in the man saved an exception instant of system of instruction if they were. Almost all of the problems that weve given race that they just care. Open arms. But of course the only dogs the 1000000000 plus not all of them in the ones. They believe in the rights of the wealthy and the author and they couldnt give anybody in substance this is quite clear they paid lip service to because its politically convenient. But that missing dont trump my pencil mark. On the pretty beat in human rights. Not interesting thats not even there of citizens they couldnt think couldnt came to peace with the citizens of the United States and. Never mind citizens of any other than i youve been quite vocal about your opinion about donald trump you among other things you called him a mass this troyer of everything that any of us might love what do you mean well dont track pets no interests for instance and nobody he has never been interested in. He has no interest in compassion he has no interest in me and. He has no interest in the chair he has no interest in the post you have special interest in geography theres no interest in a cup of tea he has no interest in what he has no interest in. Or he has an interest in hes in several and hes eaten and and isnt tonic can stand for his life to be one big reality t. V. Show where he said in the developing its good about him so he has a very very small mean spirited it never paid of them on their well that i would like to him because each of to be 19 is when we. Grew very rare. Axioms know and wisdom is Joe Joe Biden the better choice joe biden is no different joe thats a puppet hes just hes hes the other glove puppet you know that both theyre both culprits the monster lives between the suckers which he hates well ive been trying to describe which is which has created the monster that its the United States of america and you know the seats that come from for 3 or 400 years got it all comes from european colonialism the British Empire was a disgusting monstrosity we were pouring we could we didnt exactly what the americans are doing now and we did it for several 100 years along with the approach he is now the spanish and the germans and the dutch and the better chance than we and we we went around the planet stealing rape and destroying. Everything just so that we or us could be a stream even of the constitution in the United States was very carefully written by the Founding Fathers to make absolutely certain that power would never orleans people bundestag and certainly its not going to do with the Current System in you have used to. Jump and. Sniping at each other its called the openness and when its where you keep a conversation so tightly focused on in this case this election but its completely elections you know rather than the picture around it its theyre going to make sure that they dont let the people look at. Because it because if they did stop nothing i said they would stop undermining the pound base and they would start removing. From the very very wealthy and you dont you dont have to be able to do simple arithmetic secret ones what i say is. The ok im not a sure that you seem quite involved in the palestinian one you have been very vocal against israels occupation policy and that backfired people like is being anti semitic and it was specially because you showed support for the boycott this invest in sanctioned movement to be the yes move it but why did you get involved because the Palestinian People love to back him sometimes 6 in 2000 find. Palestinian civil suits start to beat us and they asked people who were not history and i asked anybody in the rest. To join. In and find. See if brain. Made say. Human rights freedoms quite clearly are not and its not safe never. Never spoken as being the im susan its a word or its in my hands hot i think for Utter Nonsense mentally so whats in my head and in the prop and count the machine it is rape his son hes huge and he spent millions and millions and millions of dumbass simply trying to spread his mind that anybody who speaks against Israeli Government forms it is nonsense and some have criticized you saying that sometimes you have conflicting positions. Like on one side you are defending the rights of the palestinians and then on the other hand it seems that you supported the russia russias move in crimea and many a crane is would tell you well thats an occupied land as well at the moment so how can you explain that. And explain it by simply that the narrative accepted in the west about the russians an accession of crimea is complete. As you only have to look at what actually happened in crimea where crime and came from crimea which creates you dont to the say. So whats been a deeply divided country with the silence and me being predominant played. By russian speaking. People who adhere to little or kinds of russian for titians the most. So when they missed this illegal. But the whole question made protests and what happened is open to interpretation and im sure there will be many history is written up anyway but we know that the victorian unions and the cia were complicit in setting up this western. Aid for. Cia and United States government opus rates occur against the jews you know that jades president and government of the crane back in the day or he is and the imposition of this new government so the country became entirely fractured that when. There are them our staffs other than the accepted western narrative which was to overlook with screening the people of ukraine from the russian young comply however the russian government was put in a very difficult situation because suddenly now that was a government. That was extremely right wing controlled entirely by the americans and they were concerned about civil the poem about their own supply of oil on the cusp. Of the kosovo. So im not so that there was a population in something that was still cool in the crimea because people remember all those leaders who did not want this new government to the north of these not the friends of the people of the current man. And so actually the people of the crime man well code for 98 percent of them said we dont want to be any off this new illegal government of the craig we wish to join. The Russian Federation we want to be russia please 98 percent not excuse me not the shock was gone will be an exception in the crimea and such since its cool that school be an exception but russia now the legal niceties so what were the. Contracts between khrushchev the ukraine back in the years when problem. And thats constitutional or something but i do know that. The people who live there say no we want nothing to do least no city no people in the eastern ocean it wasnt quite so easy for them im not sure why this is no where but up when im standing in these you cannot you cannot talk about a 70 year old. Israeli occupation of palestine and the relatively recent annexation or change of power in crimea in the same breath they are in is highly Different Things one is that there are its not as if the palestinians in 1948 suddenly said could you send a load to jewish people from from North Eastern europe please. Throw us out of our homes and 700000 of us and sent us that we have to get off the land because they are going to make a jewish state and they dont want those that didnt happen there was no home with 98 percent pumice didnt suddenly say oh you know come on come in terms for us and the russians are throwing out the people who live in the ground near there supporting im sorry to interrupt because i just want to ask you about a few other issues and were going to run out of time so i wanted to go back to do you k. A bit you know the labor party is under accusations of being added to semantic allegation that Jeremy Corbyn is the man who took the labor party in that direction do you say that these are a fairly gazin is there a Labor Party Anti semite the conspiracy or. Overplan spread free and submitted. I mean story about people like me. And about like the poets in england. Brought it probably censored and came out of the ministry of its strategic. Intent of reading this was completely respected and very well. And succeeded totally in destroying jeremy cole clintons chances of becoming the next Prime Minister of the u. K. Chances that were very good seemingly a year before 2 years before what have they absolutely use the anti semitic smear. Campaign to destroy jeremy coatings chances of winning the election and they did it very very successfully and i succeeded in destroying jeremy cool women in my view made terrible mistakes along the way the biggest mistake that he and the labor party made was to the Labor Party Conference in 2090 where they fail to totally dismiss the new i h r a N International public roles remember alliance definition of bentley summonses of the rewriting. And cio that nobody even heard of and that is completely irrelevant in sense of history or politics or anything of. Definition offensive semitism so includes any criticism of the congress it is the government of spades. Wow and the labor poets he did knock. Say rubbish throw it out and go dosed and Jeremy Colvin did not resign and should have done hes should he should on those grounds of resign as leader of the potency anybody with a hawk also should have resigned at that point because it is such a nonce how come how come criticizing israeli israeli policy of occupation and to say things which is what theyre operating how come and he said mincing. That would be like calling criticism of the South African adminstration before the end of the post say stuff africa and christian all and christian you know we could like courting anti christian oh you know you just hate white people dont hate the system that europe moves in. Against the cover of us getting on your religion just as i have nothing against jewish people. You know im an atheist so other concepts cripes who in the midst you know in the mystification if you want to call it would probably. To any of the after how many religions or any religion and it just doesnt make any sense to me but i wouldnt dream of sending people that they call believe whatever they want to believe hes going to meet them well its a plot i look people do in texas by the way so so the labor labor pool and also the labor party under the new leadership of dawn backed down from the response to the miss. Case in the High Court Just a few weeks ago. And the documentary that john well made about it a year earlier and just where its now saying he made he made soup jeremy cool. These are rabid zionists and there are involved in a smokescreen a human being to cover up their violent more crimes that have been perpetrate seats every single day against the people of palestine by. Administration initiative in the state of israel has been going on for 7 millions since none since or since since nonsupport here expansion so anybody of good conscience and good heart houses continue in the line and do you think labor can recover from this if labor get its labor yes maybe it you know actually this fight shes taking place its really a fight between murdoch and the truth is i know its not just rip but the meat you are generally control now by very very very rich very very powerful people and its no coincidence that jeff bezos which made hundreds 160000000000. 00 now odoms the Washington Post on his young one man an influential printing all the papers or by. The times of london its a mother you score runs probably hermiones the times and they are coming from a member anymore you know but civic this is a fight between. Its its well its your lunch in 94 its a fight between we the people who live Winston Smith sound. And the ministry of truth who are telling you mines 24 ounce of 37 they simply and who are pulling the wool over all of the others but with the people who continue to do so until we stand up and say we need education and we need this system and we need because we are so we can buy you. Turn your neo liberal economic policies that its hard to see them through. Which is why the lot leg movement nazis. Actually die streets of american citizens is something to a certain someone planked them from the. Struggle were going to have to wrap up very soon bafta questions to ask you which changing gears here somehow back in 97 to now when you wrote mother and you osted that song mother should i trust the government have you found the answer to that. Yes of course not unless of course im a wager no you know or danish or somewhere where there is a government is trying is subscribes to some of the same beliefs i do and believes that the government. Of any of any country of any group or of any nation of any ship or that you serve the needs of the people all the people not just a wealthy people but all of and if you were to write a song about the current state of the world what would you like it to say. Man or a writes about ace. To strangers policy industry by chaunce to person drunks its me and i am you and well i see its me that were all human beings were all brothers and sisters of all at least distant cousins were all african we all of a nation. We all have to stand united and refuse to be slaves to the few very rich who control the knifes and who are destroying the planet and im writing about is always on and so what title would you give us all bad hurriedly right now if you had to do it about today or on your asking me to you know to so slip out so i throw it says which is would be flippant well roger watches it was a pleasure thank you for talking to aljazeera thank you. Thank you for getting me this platform says to say one thing because of love to have a platform where i can say what i think right or wrong openly and honestly and still thank goodness aljazeera is one of the places i can do that i can do and how much is here i can do it on how to see a conduit anywhere in the United States because. In 2008 just near undocumented a groundbreaking. Preparing some of indias poorest children for entry into its toughest universities d. We return to see how the students and the scheme a helping change the face of india. Super 30. This is one of the more sounding certain of our revolutions and all. We have to meet the c o 2 emission targets. Are to diminish and to be minor people are just talking about the song or is it thats going to solve the problem of. These trees and commerce is driving the Energy Transition is the promise of clean energy an illusion the drop side of green energy coming on aljazeera jumped into the stream and julian on Global Community this generation will have to create its own democracy with social media on and will online be part of the debate let me put some you. When no topic is off the table is taking on all the systemic arlins that people of color have suffered not only now but for decades we are going to be to transform lives the way tickets human way to a business if were going to adapt to climate breakout this street on out is there another Early Morning another ceremony to bid Health Workers by well. 29000 cuban doctors and nurses are working in 59 countries around the world has confirmed cases of coronavirus increase so does demand for cuban medics medical services at the on its main export while western commentators assume cuba sends doctors mainly to expound influence experts on the other Health System draw a different conclusion youre making a big stock of why youre willing to go. Because there are other people that need many people that is sick and dying and not isnt right people shouldnt be dying when there are people who can help them yeah the deadline its drawing near ivory coast his rival parties to nominate that president ial candidates. October selection is likely to be a major test for the countrys security who will face the people in iran for the highest office in ivory coast president ial candidates on aljazeera. Holding the powerful to account as we examine the us his role in the world on aljazeera. Raising their voices against Racial Injustice thousands march in washington on the anniversary of Martin Luther kings civil rights rally. Logan Peter Doherty here in doha youre watching aljazeera also coming up the black panther Actor Chadwick Boseman has died at the age of 43. 00 after a 4 year battle with colon cancer. Donald from gets into Campaign Mode a day after accepting the republican nominee

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