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Bodi and dies in hospital. And colombia lives a months long travel ban and allows restaurants to reopen as it eases one of latin americas longest coronavirus lockdowns. Welcome to the program u. S. President donald trump has talked of domestic terror in a city where a man was shot 7 times in the back by police his comments were directed at protests that erupted after the incident the name of jacob blake now paralyzed wasnt mentioned instead tribes spoke in support of Law Enforcement and against those he labeled anti american john hendren has more than can osha. The rubble is still piled high in the streets of can osha buildings boarded and tempers flaring president Donald Trumps arrival in this battered city pitted his hardcore supporters against the demonstrators protesting the shooting of another black man by police. He came to praise police and must give far greater support to a Law Enforcement its all about giving him Additional Support these are great people he came to condemn protesters these are not acts of peaceful protest but really domestic terror and he came to take credit once they responded and once we took you know control of it things when really in the 2 hour tour the president declined to say the name of jacob blake the black man now paralyzed from Police Bullets the officer responsible he said just choked and you have people to joke theyre under tremendous i said it yesterday i said it last night theyre under tremendous pressure he left the city more divided than ever his supporters on one side but want to show support for him arriving as well as show support for this. Victimized. Loot and murder. And stands for in the protesters of black lives matter on the other its effect seen a spike in my system since donald trump came to office this is a fact its totally out of control right now its totally out of control americans are fighting americans everybodys talking about civil unrest in the next ward this is our country. There is also a 3rd group who gathered at a spot sacred to them to reflect on what happened. When Group President didnt meet with the blake family they preferred to be here at the scene where jacob blake was shot among supporters to trump blakes family said simply stay away to the demonstrators they called for more protests and more peace were not mad at you when you stand youre angry and upset and we could see why you would want to burn some guy who asked you not to that 1st that you put up an anchor where its going to raise up high and you need to come or go with the blacks were going to make some big changes that affect only little jakes over. Many in this divided city believe there is still hope of unity once again here. Just little evidence of it any time soon john hendren aljazeera can no shit wisconsin. Is an associate professor of Political Science at Emory University now she explained why the president is taking a tough stance on protests. Donald trump has looked at the 28000. 00 elections he knows that hes doing poorly most White College educated suburban women and in the suburbs in general because the suburbs are increasingly racially and ethnically diverse and so he wants to try to use law and order as gifts and voters into thinking that if joe biden wins in the balance of powers and its tipped words urban communities that he presumes they fled by living in the suburbs in the 1st place i think that there are other factors that have to be taken into consideration we do have to look at the coding crisis in particular and how the president trusts Approval Ratings on combe that are actually very low but one of the things that trump is actually hoping wont work in his favor is that actually in wisconsin if we look at Public Opinion polling support for black labs matter appears to be waning and so what he thinks is that there may be some protests and he can tap into that protest and thats mobilize his base of voters to turn out in record numbers to support him and to reelect him police in los angeles have shot and killed a black cyclist 29 year old his own kizzy was shot more than 20 times in the back the trying to get away from officers the family Attorney Says he was stopped for a bicycle code violation the Sheriffs Department says officers opened fire after hunger and self from his bag a new york court has blocked the release of president doldrums tax returns while an appeal is heard trumpet been ordered to hand over 8 years of his financial records to manhattans District Attorney in connection with a criminal investigation into his Business Practices or humans have been jailed for later this month the president has been trying to block the release for over a year. The u. S. Defense Department Report says that china plans to double its Nuclear Weaponry in the next decade its believed to have 200. 00 warheads but thats a small fraction of what the u. S. Has in its all Single Particle he reports. Every year the pentagon is required to paint a picture for congress of the potential threat posed by china this year is painting a military on the rise and gaining on the United States. Some Key Statistics chinas navy is the biggest in the world its army the largest by far the report alleges that china is looking to expand by Building Bases around the world and it says that it has 200 Nuclear Warheads and wants to double that number in a decade as a report notes within the next decade china is on course to expand its. Ballistic submarine fleet into more capable one green sea launch Ballistic Missiles complete development of its Nuclear Capable airliners Ballistic Missiles and shield observer say the u. S. Is likely to use this to try and push china to join a trilateral nuclear deal that would also include russia although beijing has said given that it has only a fraction of the u. S. Arsenal such a deal would be unnecessary they were not just reluctant but refused to really show any interest in signing on to a follow on agreement to the treaty between russia and the United States before tensions deteriorated but of course when youre shouting at each other then that makes the green to do anything not much harder this is an annual report but it is being released today a time where the relationship between the u. S. And china is severely strained but also is the Defense Department is justify its own budget to congress the pentagon is expected to get more than 740000000000. 00 for next year that is more than 3 times what china is believed to spend on its military patika hain aljazeera. Is a china list and chief executive of undergoing International Consultants based in hong kong and he says washington sees beijing as its biggest challenge but chinas military power doesnt compare with the u. S. Even the of chinas according to the report double double or its from 300 to 600 thats what what china has at the moment so you 100 is still 110th of what america United States has got because the United States is said to possess Something Like 6 barrels of. Oil and of course the United States much more. Extensive in his military bases its got Something Like 800. 00 military bases in over 20 or 30 countries around the world and so even if chinas going to be able some places is the way this is so chinas posture is a lot of the events its not the 1st time the United States is flecking up are childless military expansion or advancement and in fact at a time when United States pushing back against china 360 degrees the only other military but also Technology Trade ideology. Human rights taiwan Hong Kong Xinjiang the chinese are now realizes that is a existential kind of pushback against china on all fronts and of course artists are taking steps to gut its own interests. Cyprus will soon be allowed to buy nonlethal equipment after the u. S. Live today 33 year old arms embargo turkey has expressed anger its all this with greece over oil drilling in the mediterranean now the 2 nato allies are also engaged in a long standing conflict over cyprus after turkey established a breakaway state in the islands north nonschool is a former assistant secretary of defense and a senior fellow at the center for American Progress he says this announcement is just the latest hit to sort of the u. S. Turkish relationship. Well theres no doubt about the fact that turkish American Relations are in very bad shape given the fact that the turks were bought and back out of boy a Russian Air Defense system which the United States is afraid will compromise on a lot of our capabilities in turkey at incirlik and and in your office obviously the turks are very upset about anything that empowers if you will the majority of the people on cyprus the greeks because about 17 percent of them are chirk so the turks basically want to keep them under control of a key south out and so they see all of these weapons fall on cyprus could use of the trier to unify the whole country this does not help and they go because youve got 2 major on nato countries the United States and turkey basically yet on over a number of issues in this use is one more i mean in addition to their disagreeing with each other and there in libya i remembered the overthrow of kompany was a nato operation and now the church is supporting the recognized government there but a rebel government. Well still ahead here on aljazeera. Was. d demanding a new 11 on demonstrators denounce their leaders as the french president visits to push for urgent political change. And the u. K. Campaigning karajan people to return to the workplace why they say working from home could further hurt the wider economy their stories after the break. Hello wassa seasonal rains shows some reluctance to go back again and theyre showing up here in cloud over pakistan and eastern afghanistan as you can imagine the trough line comes down through the very been seen it certainly injected more moisture into amman yemen and saudi arabia this is cloud or possibly thunderstorms where the ground is high enough to pop up in the sky theres no prevailing breeze anywhere so humidity around the gulf states is quite high and thats certainly a factor that in their heart for example but its also hot back in iraq and through the event and look at jerusalems temperature of 39 on thursday well above where you expected to be at this time of the year the rains are slowly starting to go science now through Central Africa but its pretty jumbled mess quite possibly because the biggest showers and less youre a bit further west are developing in cameron for example the onshore breeze isnt a strong as it was occasional shouts seemed likely in somalia not really in kenya or tanzania there are occasional ones and they build up over Lake Victoria every night and then spread out during the day but theres nothing big here this still go late winter which is a early spring weather to be found in Southern Africa particularly south africa which you have is bergin the sherry regime but much of south africa. Jump into the stream and join our Global Community this generation will have to create it summed up our sleep with social media on and off online be part of the debate let me put some you keep coming steve you when no topic is off the table is taking on all the systemic islands that people of color have suffered not only now but for decades we are going to be to transform lives the way tickets human way to business if were going to adapt to climate break down this street on out is there a. Rule. Book about your children or with musical romney a reminder of our top stories u. S. President donald trump has called and racism protests to bus to terror fueled by democrats he made the comments during a visit to commercial chicken plate was shot several times in the back by police the u. S. Department of defense report says china is planning to double its stockpile of more than 200 Nuclear Weapons in the next decade is as beijing wants to maintain the weapons on a higher state of alert we knew that they could be deployed a short notice. And cyprus will soon be allowed to buy nonlethal equipment tough to the u. S. Live today 33 year old arms embargo turkey has expressed anger as dogs with grease over oil drilling in the mediterranean. Comrie doric the committee rouge executioner who killed thousands of cambodians in the 1970 s. Has died at the age of 77 real name was kangaroo you had been serving a life sentence since 2010 for atrocities committed as head of the tules slaying prison now the tribunals that convicted him has not given the cause of his death but had been ill for several years lets go to wayne hey whos in neighboring thailand with more on this how significant really was he a figure in sort of the brutal regime of the Khamenei Rouge in the seventys. Well i think undoubtedly as head of that prison in phnom penh told chilling with so many people were tortured and killed but also as head of the internal security command he was a key figure within the cmere rouge regime during his trial which ultimately ended in his conviction 10 years ago he went to Great Lengths to point out that he was a junior officer that he wasnt that important that he was simply following orders from above and thats something we heard from others as well within the Senior Leadership of the kamya rouge that they were simply following orders from the brothers as they were known above them and if they didnt carry out carry out those orders and continue this campaign towards resetting cambodia as it was known at the time then they too would be killed but theres no doubt again that he was a key figure within the camille according to evidence given during his trial he carried out his role as the head of toll celing prison with a great deal of pride and calculation in his work not just as a jailer but also as a torturer and executioner of course justice is what many victims of the committee rouge wanted he was sort of the 1st Senior Leader to be tried and convicted again sort of crimes against humanity where do we stand now with those still wanted on trial or jailed i mean is there any closure to this dark episode income bodies history. Well there may be closure but peps not the sort of closure that the victims the survivors and the family members would want this is been a very slow and painful process right from the start when this tribunal was set up back in 2003 its been really an unhappy marriage between the cambodian government and the United Nations between the International Code prosecutors and judges and the cambodian counterparts there have been problems with a lack of funding which is all but dried up now and also complaints of interference from the outside as well so weve had 3 convictions only 3 convictions so far and there were 3 more to come but the next on the list who was a key figure in the leadership of the kim a rouge in the central zone where many people were killed and allegedly oversaw many of those killings including the murder of many of the charm ethnic minority groups well in his case just last month was terminated by the court so that leaves just 2 there is nothing shed jeweled in the Court Process according to the documents so i think there is a real concern now that this whole process may have come to an end the Prime Minister it should be pointed out himself a former member of the camaro has made no secret of the fact that he dislikes this process and would like to see it come to an end what we may well have seen that already before the their forests in thailand. To this is parliament has approved its new government the 3rd in a year from melissa she won a confidence vote of the move up of judges academics Public Servants and Business Executives instead of politicians. Little focus on social hardship and to newsies weak economy rather than political wrangling. There will be more protests in levels capital this time coinciding with a visit by french president manuel back role police fired tear gas to disperse crowds outside parliament in beirut where there have been widespread calls for political change a macro is threatening sanctions if that doesnt happen fast enough then to hold a reporter from beirut. Projecting influence and power its another landmark visit by the french president Manuel Mccraw who was here less than a month ago he has taken the lead in responding to lebanons economic and political crisis made worse by the explosion at beiruts port mccraw came back with the same message officials need to tackle corruption and reform state structures to get International Financial assistance this time however he talked about a timetable and consequences macross said lebanons leaders promised the government of experts in 2 weeks and that he expected the government to start delivering on a road map of reforms within 6 to 8 weeks. I think sanctions can come at the right moment if it doesnt necessary and attack man or a sanctions policy done when actions have been proven but not necessarily just in the political framework the sanctions make muslims can also be activated when we see illegal activities which can be military or terrorism related financial the french president who has repeatedly denied that hes interfering in the countrys internal affairs chose to return on a symbolic day 100 years ago the state of greater lebanon was proclaimed by the french mandate authorities he also chose went to meet officials after a packed schedule in what was seen a political message. Actions of present. Are clearly very. Nature and theres a clear power dynamic there and theres a clear sense of where the pressure on the somebody as follows. Frances influence in lebanon which has long been used as an International Playground waned over the years there are 2 main players now rivals United States and iran micro i think. War. Between the us and oh i can also. Call people return to the streets they dont believe the mainly sectarian leaders will agree to change that would weaken their power and they blame france for backing the new Prime Minister who they say is a product of the system weve tested this recipe over the past 30 years we havent shot that president that you know is tanked up like the same recipe now again the protesters demanded an end to corruption and a new leadership for months they had home one mother called 1st visited lebanon soon after the baby voted for the explosion on august the 4th thinking the International Community would help them topple the Political Class in power for decades. They arent giving up as lebanon marks 100 years since its birth people here say a nation independent of a corrupt Political Class and outside intervention has yet to be born jennifer there are beirut. Now the coronavirus has plunged australias economy into recession for the 1st time in 30 years it shrank 7 percent between april and june its worst quarterly downturn. The contraction was deeper than expected and blamed on cuts in Household Spending more than a 1000000 people have lost their jobs and small and australias 2nd most populous state is still under a tough lockdown. Todays National Accounts confirm the devastating impact on the strain economy from covert 19. Our record run of 28 consecutive years of Economic Growth has now officially come to an end the cause a once in a century pandemic the effect a covert 9 tain induced recession colombia has lifted its 5 month krone virus lockdown as covert 19 cases have begun to stabilize across the country the government now wants to fix a struggling economy and does not asunder m. P. s he reports from bogota many sectors are open for business. Sort of 1st time in more than 5 months airport has reopened to National Travelers under Strict Health protocols just a few flights are being allowed to each day but for the lucky passengers its a reason to rejoice better guess who was about to board a flight to visit his parents in his native battling for the 1st time since march. Very excited about the reopening and hopefully this means a reactivation of the economy something weve been watching for for a long time. Colombia slowly emerging from one of the longest quarantines anywhere in the world and entering a new phase with fewer restrictions. In the capital people are allowed back into the parks but many nonessential businesses or only opening 4 days a week. On tuesday in downtown belgrade time for those who are being chased by the police the bank only authorized to work sunday early was income isnt about how ive been out of a job for 5 months now the police are not letting me work im 69 years old and i havent received any help what am i supposed to do. Let you know americas 4th largest economy shrank nearly 16 percent in the last quarter tens of thousands of shops and restaurants have already close for a good 5000000 people have lost their job in the country since the beginning of the pandemic the National Unemployment rate has rose to 20. 2 percent the highest ever and the situation is even worse here in the capital where 26 per cent of the working population is now unemployed. But with the number of daily infections still stubbornly high the relatively cautious reopening seem justified look at what we are seeing in colombia is that after a long time of gradual but consistent growth in infections we have reached a point where it seems like the virus is fine. Growing its remaining constant to managing expectation that the curve will start to descend. The government is counting on people to keep wearing face masks in maintaining social distancing in this new phase but whats clear is that for many getting back on their feet will take years even if the fight to beat the virus succeeds at least in the room. Mexicos president has promised his country will come out of the economic crisis caused by the pandemic without Additional Debt and dress Manuel Lopez Obrador was presenting his 2nd state of the Union Address mexicos economy is now in its deepest slump since the Great Recession shrinking 17 percent between april and june but Lopez Obrador is resisting pressure to borrow money or bail out struggling businesses. In the pandemic has not resulted in famine Food Shortages or assaults mexicos people have resources for their basic consumption i predicted that the economic crisis caused by it would be temporary i said it would be like a v. We would fall but we would come out soon fortunately this has happened the worst is over and now we are recovering he also defended his handling of the virus about 606000 infections have been reported more than 65000 deaths thats the 4th highest death toll in the world critics have called the president s response to the pandemic tremendously bad. Law students in haiti have protested against the murder of the head of the capitals bar association. Who was shot dead at his home on friday night just hours after calling for constitutional reform a new Elections Police say it appears to be an assassination at least 3 other prominent figures have been killed in the past week protesters say the government is allowing Gang Violence including the killings to go unpunished for its own benefit. Thousands of students have skipped the 1st day of the new school term in instead they marched to demand the resignation of president Alexander Lukashenko or not many were arrested at the rally triggered by an election result the opposition say was rigged burned smith reports from neighboring lithuania. Barely older than a teenager makes no difference to belarus is masked Security Forces course. But these students in the capital minsk stood their ground peacefully ignoring rumors that their ali was illegal and to go home was so you know obviously leader of the Security Forces picked on move at the front and started making the rounds i. Think thousands of students at several colleges in minsk answered a call by opposition just that man a chicken a skier to boycott the start of the school year on cheese day morning. Basically came to support the people to show our political stance and demonstrate there is no need to stay i should be afraid yes here we are here. You can have sky i am now exiled from waiting and wants a new president ial election in. The reelection of president Alexander Lukashenko on august the 9th provoked protests ever since he says he won 80 percent of the vote the opposition says the result was raped. Theres not much sympathy for the opposition from the kremlin nor for the Baltic States that have spoken out against luka schenker revision substance and its going to scatter what we see no one is trying to hide it that our little iranian neighbors in my opinion have crossed all lines of decency in the demands theyre putting forward we have reason to believe that they along with svetlana chicken off skier are using not completely democratic methods which dont exactly respect the sovereignty of the republic of belarus. On wednesday look at the cloud over what he called the event will some much of a story but that looks premature and now washington says its considering sanctions on russia if a senior u. S. Official put it moscow were to intervene more overtly in belarus burnitz aljazeera vilnius the. Officer with me several raman in doha remind our top news stories u. S. President donald trump has called anti racism protests domestic terror fueled by democrats he made the comments during a visit to connote show where black man jacob blake was shot 7 times in the back by Police Violent mobs demolished or damaged at least 25 businesses burned down public buildings and threw bricks at Police Officers which your Police Officers wont stand for and they didnt stand for these are not acts of peaceful protest but really domestic terror. And in the same reason you get it or at least he is here to play out in fear and we reject even since to go back that we were not at all welcome here we do not need more pain and invasion from a president who is putting his own reelection and head and hes with us and the American People who were to come in for reconciliation you simply justify the kid who did the shooting. Youre an. Inspiration to the. Millimoles militia another black man has been killed by police this time it was a cyclist in los angeles 29 year old kids he was shot more than 20 times in the back as he tried to get away from officers the family Attorney Says he was stopped for a bicycle code violation the Sheriffs Department says officers opened fire after a handgun fell from his bag. The u. S. Department of defense ripples as china is planning to double its stockpile of more than 200 Nuclear Weapons in the next decade it says beijing wants to maintain the weapons on the highest state of alert meaning they could be deployed a chill notice cyprus will soon be allowed to buy nonlethal equipment after the us live today 33 year old arms involved turkey has expressed anger is it holds with reserve all drilling in the mediterranean the 2 nato allies are also engaged in a long standing conflict over cyprus after turkey established a breakaway state in the islands north. Comment the camero rouge executioner who killed thousands of cambodians in the 1970 s. Has died at the age of 77. Had been serving a life sentence since 2010 for atrocities committed at the has the head of a prison the tribunal of convicted him has not given the cause of death those are the headlines but with more news in half an hour the stream is next to stay with us. The aljazeera. Where every. And everybody im fairly ok welcome to the street can you believe its less than 10 weeks in the u. S. Actions in november theres been so much debate about voting. About the safety of voting. Everybodys vote counted we put together an x. But not for you to talk to and you can ask them questions you can air your concerns and do that. And be in this

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