Off the rails on hundreds of thousands of people are left stranded in south africa because of train truck. Iran is threatening the United States with a crushing response to efforts to reimpose sanctions the u. S. Has triggered a socalled snap back of the sanctions which were lifted in the 25th day of Iran Nuclear Deal but every other permanent member of the United Nations Security Council rejects the u. S. Plan arounds present tells on rouhani is urging the u. S. To respect International Law hes praised world ows for standing up to american pressure. Here. We could see the u. S. Lost 3 times in the span of a month but the un Security Council the americans always thought that they had the upper hand at the Security Council for many reasons including enjoying the veto power and having traditional friends they never imagined to be defeated at the same council we saw 13 out of the council 15 Member States seductive the u. S. They supported the j. C. And rejected the United States today we can say the u. S. Policy of maximum Political Legal pressure against their Indian Nation turned into maximum isolation for the United States and the u. S. Backed out of the Iran Nuclear Deal 2 years ago because of the as britain france and germany say the u. S. Has no right to reimpose sanctions the u. S. Secretary of state is not backing down though michael threatening what he describes as consequences the u. N. Member states failing to comply with u. S. Sanctions on iran as a bank has moved from tehran. President Hassan Rouhani made this televised address Cabinet Meeting the weekly Cabinet Meeting now we were expecting this we were told 20 minutes before he went to air and very much is taking advantage of this split the United Nations Security Council he china and russia who have been friends of iran and if that vote had happened at the United Nations russia and china would have vetoed it that was irans understanding but also he thanked those members of the Security Council of those Member States that stood up to the United States and dont want those sanctions imposed and this is an Unprecedented Division act knighted nations and iran is really capitalizing they see this as a diplomatic victory. This diplomatic battle has been going on for a while now and the United States is internationally isolated and iran feels that the odds are stacked in its favor but what iran does next very much depends on what the United States does in polls those u. N. Sanctions they are back in place everyone else disagrees but United States thinks that they are so whatever the United States does iran will respond and the rhetoric coming out of the problem is that response will be decisive against the United States and the really issued some warnings well aaron made out is an iran analyst he says u. S. Allies are now breaking with washington. Foreign policy in the u. K. Is basically in lockstep with the trumpet ministration on almost everything type for example last year. Seizure of the iranian vessel headed to syria. That i was told from the Spanish Foreign minister that the u. K. Was actually involved in in in ordering the seizure. I think what we can read from dominic rock u. K. Foreign ministers split from the us and with the with the other members of the 3 fronts in germany is that it is a totally unreasonable american demand no one in the no one in the u. N. Vote except the Dominican Republic supported not fact of u. S. Sanctions of u. N. Sanctions rather simply because the u. S. Left the j. C. Your way and most people see this has to do with american domestic is that. On fire has been really things information about. Attempts to assassinate u. S. Ambassadors and and in south africa hes got a habit of taking on verified intelligence and just putting out in the media it seems to be that americans are looking for political cover to basically escalate something perhaps by seizing. Incoming traffic into a wrong maybe illustrated will reveal something this is all about the election. Received with its during elections elect Lawrence Block to cumberland and times of war. Thats been widespread speculation that this is what the administration is. A series of government as strikes in northern afghanistan has killed at least 24 people the Afghan Defense Ministry Says 30 taliban fighters died in the attacks witnesses told the a. P. News agency that innocent villages were killed the strikes happened as Afghan Government and taliban negotiators me to come talk the peace talks to end the decades long conflict. Russian warplanes have targeted rebel areas in northwest syria the attack was on a nonresidential area west of the city of it in the province continues to be controlled by rebels resisting attacks by Government Forces and their brush and allies but hes about a ruse have been detaining protesters in the capital minsk there is a Large Police Presence and move and the internet has been shut down demonstrators are demanding the resignation of president Alexander Lukashenko following last months disputed election steadfast and joins me now on the phone from minsk step last hour we spoke to it sounded like things were heating up just tell us where are you whats happening now. Yes things got really intense in the last 0 4 to 6 sunday in a row mass rallies have been taking place in bella ruse and several cities across the country in minsk or tens of thousands have been. Around the city center and when they try to head to the Freedom Square in the middle of the center there was a. Police blockade and a stand of happened police moved forward pushed the protesters away there was a bit of a scuffle there and there was also some gas used also in other cities the tear gas has been used and at the moment with mass policeman 5 around the city trying to beat change people who have not 1 dispersed and spread all across the city and people are sort of simply trying 5 to hide and run away whats your feeling about the men men tim here are people afraid i mean you see these images of men in belak love is with assault rifles detaining people once not doing to the protest movement. Well there is definitely a fear factor here because of course these mass detentions in the past 6 weeks more than 10000 people have been detained and also many have been released but they a lot of them have been beaten have been tortured so theres theres definitely a factor of fear and i saw earlier in this a Police Standoff you could see that people really are very angry but theyre also afraid at the same time so they were pushing forward but also with growing as a little soon after especially people who have of course been detained before are quite worried and they dont want that to happen again but they also know that if they dont come to these protests that the everything had been for nothing and that theyre look as she took a shank a will win this battle with so many people being detained i mean where are they all being put. Yes you have to know that this is a country with no history of these protests so this is the 1st time that such mas rallies have happened and these protests so they have retention chances but not enough. Thousands were the changes after the Election Results was and 8 what these people were sort of d together they had to lie on top of each other yesterday on saturday there was a large womens rally 400. 00 women were detained as well and it was clear that they couldnt couldnt handle this many detainees so they let most of the women go just a few hours after that ok thank you for that update there steadfast and live on the phone from minsk. Tens of thousands of tired protesters have ended a new round of demonstrations by presenting a set of demands to the monarchy it calls for the kings power to be limited to a new constitution and elections criticism of the monarchy is illegal in thailand demonstrators placed a plaque next to the grand palace in bangkok declaring the nation belongs to the people more protests are planned for thursday and a general strike next month wait a has more from bangkok. 7 for the significance 1st of all is the location where the protest was held tens of thousands of people turning out on saturday and where this park has been placed on number one which is the park that you mentioned just across the road from the grand palace its a Historic Site its been the scene of many royal ceremonies for centuries and it used to be a place that was open to the general public to use during the day as well but in recent years thats not been the case its been off limits to the public so the protest leaders made it clear that that was one of their targets they wanted to retake this park for the people and thats exactly what they did and in the early hours of sunday morning they dug up a section of the concrete in the park and place this plaque into that area and now the significance of the park itself is that it commemorates the 1932 revolution that turned thailand from an absolute monarchy into a constitutional one so the plaque says that thailand is for the people not just for the king 3 years ago an official park in another location nearby mysteriously disappeared overnight so that was seen by many certainly the protesters here and as another sign that the king was strengthening his power and perhaps turning thailand back into an absolute monarchy again. Sudans government aid agency and volunteers are working on repairing the damage caused by record breaking floods and stopping outbreaks of Waterborne Diseases like malaria at least 120 sudanese were killed and more than half a 1000000 forced from their homes after the flooding has this update from khartoum. The latest is that the government has revised the numbers upwards up 2700000 people have been affected in 17 or 18 states that saddam is composed of says the government and people put in many parts of the country poppy with how snore the recession of the floodwaters have been mainly due to heavy rains pounding on the sedan but also the highlands of ethiopia where lect the source of the blue nile ease for the pushing more water into these should be of the nile which has been mainly disposable for the flooding weve seen in the past weeks and months so what were seeing us to ishan where theyre also stagnant water supplying around almost everywhere in those 17 states and their sons that there could be outbreaks of diseases like malaria chicken fever all of them caused by the mosquito as well as diseases like cholera and dysentery because of thousands of put latrines being destroyed during the floods and emptying their contents into the floods that still lingering in most parts of sudan still ahead on al jazeera. Increasing disharmony we need cheatings Indigenous People drilled and a land dispute thats getting more dangerous. How i was there got some wet weather into eastern parts of japan but it is in the process of pulling away into the open waters bright skies gradually coming back in behind this area of low pressure here which is not just out into the open water so you see more the west sunshine as we go on through monday in tokyo for example 25 celsius just bottle to shower was coming through be a few showers too into northern parts of china heavier rain though thats making its way across Central China and this is the last its a cool some flooding as we go through the next 24 to 48 hours it pushes a little further a switch and just not as i have it was the East China Sea we will see some wet weather to the towards the southeast of China Hong Kong around 30 celsius chance of some showers coming through here as well as we go on through the next couple of days but warm enough but a little on the humid side but a wet weather meanwhile across much of south asia more heavy downpours through the Western Ghats anywhere from around carol up pushing up the going to talk a bit stressed seeing some very heavy rain and thats going to continue to push as well little further north which as we go through monday and whats a weather sliding into northern parts of the bab in gold as well both eastern areas of meum ossington very heavy right and that will push all the way up to nepal. For decades criminals made millions trafficking drugs through thailand one of the least explored is why the country has now become the 1st in Southeast Asia to legalize medical marijuana. On aljazeera. Aljazeera. Every. One. Georgiadis there are remind all of our top stories this hour irans president is threatening what he calls a crushing response to the u. S. Decision to unilaterally reimpose International Sanctions britain france and germany say they wont cooperate with the americans that sanctions relief for iran under the 2050 nuclear deal will remain. Security forces a ballerinas have arrested more protest is this time at a march for justice rally in the capital minsk demonstrators continue to defy the governments crackdown to demand the resignation of president Alexander Lukashenko. Sudans government aid agencies and volunteers are working on repairing the damage caused by record breaking floods and stopping albrights of water borne diseases like malaria least 120 sudanese were killed and half a 1000000 forced from their homes. A u. S. Judge is temporarily blocked in the attempt by the white house to ban downloads of a chinese owned messaging app the ruling on we chanced came just hours before the ban was due to take effect the judge cited concerns over free speech and said the app is effectively the only option for those communicating with people in china on friday the Trump Administration ordered the ban citing National Security concerns. Refugees on the greek island of the valse have described the conditions in the new campus horrible thousands of arrived at the new settlement they were displaced almost 2 weeks ago after the morea cab burned down many refugees didnt want to go to a new cab demanding to be taken to the greek mainland instead at a rally in support of the refugees on those balls is taking place in germanys capital but then protest is a calling for the immediate evacuation of all greek refugee camps after the fires of moria Stephanie Decker is at the new camp. So the watching some of the people being able to happen even able to leave the camp today in the morning they were allowed to leave then were being told that at some point there was an order to close the gates are now being allowed to leave again so its very much a fluid situation but weve seen some of the managed to get mattresses and wheeling them back in you know the garbage cans that have wheels and wheeling them back into the tent because the tents at the moment are just basically a sand bottom yes theyre being handed those thin blankets so its a very basic infrastructure when it comes to discount and of course there was a lot of pressure to get people off the streets and been sleeping on the streets for 10 days off to the firebird. So i think its a work in progress certainly the refugees and migrants weve been speaking to saying the conditions are terrible particularly lack of Running Water showers the sanitation you know the toilets are terrible weve seen videos of that so i think its taking some time to get on its feet as various n. G. O. S in there are helping the greek government the army that is running this count but of course youre talking to thousands and thousands of people my 1000 people that came into this capital very short period of time so that is the situation at the moment i think interesting me tomorrow the asylum process is going to restart the paperwork processing that had been put on hold since that fire thats been a very lengthy process this is why a lot of these people have been here for over a year and i think it just in the 3rd thing it forward europe is going to be debating their my good policies many people will tell you that moria and this now is a symbol of the failure of europes migration policies of allowing these people to fester so long and these kinds of terrible conditions. Hundreds of people are rallying in the german city of docile dolph against coronavirus restrictions organizers have held similar rallies across the country on thursday germany reported its highest daily infection rate since april with more than 2000 new cases some areas are bringing in local restrictions in an effort to bring the numbers back down. Britains alvan history is warning that country is at a Tipping Point in the fight against the corona virus but hancock says if people dont follow Health Measures new restrictions could be brought and brought a virus cases in the u. K. Have risen sharply in the past few weeks on saturday the government announced fines of up to almost 13000. 00 for people caught breaking self isolation rules in england. And strangely is reporting its biggest decrease in new coronavirus cases for 3 months and the 2nd largest city melbourne reported only 14 cases on sunday as it moves toward lifting lockdown measures victoria States Health minister praised people for sticking to the rules but dozens have been arrested for defying stay at home orders to protest against restrictions. This is a good diet i die away victorians can be proud of the work theyve done their commitment their resolve have a look at europe but the minute its its heartbreaking to say all that those communities have given all the sacrifice that might and theyre theyve got cases running perhaps more walty than they 1st wife. Some of these notions as well as a bit of commentary around the place about here are well death writes in 2nd wives a lower. Thats not what the data sign is not what the data are in europe a sign you got to say off. Hundreds of thousands of people in south africa have been left stranded have to parts of the Railway System closed down Train Services had already been severely limited because of the pandemic now runaway bosses say theres an unprecedented level of vandalism and theft the minimal of reports from johannesburg. About 1200000 commuters across south africas halting province use these trains every day theyre a lifeline for those travelling to work in school who cant afford more expensive transport such as minibus taxis but with corona virus locked on restrictions limiting timetables and now widespread theft Train Services across all the africa a facing a crisis thieves of pillage stations stolen cables and vandalized facilities in how to province alone trains are operating at under a 3rd of normal capacity were considered as iconic as some would tell you because proton is an economic hub if you really infrastructure its it. Is the one that only men Economic Activity saw it is a real economy from that angle in this mobile footage the eaves a scene risking 3000. 00 volts of electricity running through the cables to get to the valuable copper in another video men can be seen removing corrugated iron sheeting from the roof of a Railway Station these are overhead traction why is which supply power to the trains little remains. The Passenger Rail agency prosser has had to rent diesel run locomotives to pull the trains instead the government says the stolen copper is melted down and exported through mozambique to markets in asia its believed it will cost at least 120000000. 00 to replace the stolen and damaged equipment and facilities this is one of several metro Railway Stations and offices across the halting problems vandalized and looted much of the damage happened after security was pulled out months ago leaving this station and many others and god and security was withdrawn after it was uncovered that contracts had been awarded illegally process is an organization that was overrun by months facades he says a lot of turd in number awful kiam strategic areas within prosser and the contracts the security contracts were designed to favor Security Companies and the people who are benefiting from that inside process. While the rail agency was last to place an administrator by the minister of transport to fix its problems the government is not given a clear timeline of when the train system will work properly so as a mess of cables dangled in the air so too through the hopes of hundreds of thousands of commuters desperate for a Reliable Transportation system for me to malaya aljazeera johannesburg. The latest to antigovernment protests in argentina brought traffic to a standstill in the capital but aside as the economic crisis the Pandemic Response and proposed judicial reforms all anger demonstrators are also questioning the removal of 3 judges from the corruption investigation into Vice President Cristina Fernandez to coach the. A centuries old conflict over land and discrimination is escalating in southern chile the disputes between Indigenous People government private landowners and they lease some younger mapuche a have begun arming themselves to expel people that they view as foreign as opposed to communities have given exclusive access to a latin america editor lucy in Human Affairs the 1st of her 2 special events. This vast landscape is just part of what many call my rock in the land of the indigenous. Rich for trial region stretching south of the bill beale river for 400 kilometers today its part of chile but as these mapuche of flags indicate some of the land is being reclaimed increasingly by force the in the last 4 months theyve been nearly daily arson attacks on trains trucks and Forestry Companies that now own the lions share of the land but also against farms in homes owned by ordinary chileans and people on both sides of the conflict are being killed. Outside of a jail in angora a push a Community Leaders announced will fight by any means necessary for the release of those they call Political Prisoners of chile accused of carrying out attacks. We are being persecuted and imprisoned for the morning our land for many years we were repressed but now weve learned to organize and defend ourselves with the motherboard you would gain or Spokesman Says new deployments of Chilean Special forces units to the region are escalating the confrontation its getting dark hair and well it was starting to steam out military trucks passing by this is right below ground level of course the gaza strip and they also say there are trees that have been chopped down to try to block the roads so the cars can pass and it will get worse as the night goes on as it becomes darker because its part of an ongoing can. A sabotage on the part of those who say that they have to spell the political obvious up their land for hundreds of years neither the spaniards nor the subsequent chilean state was able to conquer the comeback of my. But by 880 chiles army succeeded in driving them off most of their land destroying their Rural Economy and plunging them into deep poverty that persists to this day. Now many communities are trying to take back what they lost like this property owned by chiles largest forestry company. But they say its also about countering 140 years of humiliation today theyve gathered for a game of palin and incest or a sport played between 2 communities in order to reinforce their ethnic and cultural bonds 32 year old Susannah Suttle says that like many map which is her grandparents took up spanish names to try to offset deep racism and discrimination by chileans in my wildest dream only one that you know some of us may not have the pushing names anymore but we still have more blood and we arent ashamed of it we are from a new generation that has the strength to rise up again. More than 12 percent of chileans identify as much to change yet chiles constitution does not recognize their existence as Indigenous People for a supermarket owner delafield size says he too belongs here he takes us to see the remains of his familys country home just hours after it was burnt to the ground by unidentified armed men wear the same sort of simple. I feel nostalgic anger knowing they burned down something that belong to us nearly a 100 years we country build our memories but im going to rebuild the house right here because no one can throw us off for lent. Those resorting to violence are a minority. But miguel until melech jail says theyre part of a larger and conflict that the chilean state is refusing to address except with force. Thats a military plane with state of the Art Technology to intercept telephone and radio signals that are flies day and night when you see things like this who can deny that this territory is being militarized impossible. Which also become obvious is that theres no easy solution to a complex dispute to which most chileans were oblivious until now that its become impossible to ignore you see in human aljazeera political chile as that conflict to escalate someone having a new constitution could lay the groundwork for peace and reconciliation tune in on monday for the 2nd part of the report from southern chile. Morial consulates is being held in lebanon on 40 days after a huge explosion devastated the capital. The. Get go see that you heard. This. Is a live picture from beirut musicians have batted together to form outside beirut so sakus e. M. The one of the places in one of the worst affected neighborhoods the museum has been closed since last months loss that loss of course killed at least 190 people. Watching aljazeera reminds now the top stories irans president is threatening what he calls a crushing response to the u. S. Decision to unilaterally reimpose International Sanctions britain france and germany say they wont cooperate with the americans and that sanctions relief iran under the 2050 nuclear deal will remain. In their border pay all pay we could see the u. S. Lost 3. 00 times in the span of a month but the un Security Council and the americans always thought that they had the upper hand at the Security Council for many reasons including enjoying the veto power and having traditional friends they never imagined to be defeated at the same council we saw 13 out of the council 15 Member States stood up to the u. S. They supported the j. C. And rejected the United States today we can say the u. S. Policy of maximum Political Legal pressure against the iranian nation turned into maximum isolation for the United States. Police in belarus have been detaining protesters in the capital minsk there was a Large Police Presence in the capital and the internet has been shut down demonstrators are demanding the resignation of president Alexander Lukashenko following last months disputed election. Tens of thousands of tired protesters have ended a new round of demonstrations by presenting a set of demands to the monarchy it calls for the kings power to be limited a new constitution and elections criticism of the monarchy is a legal time that. Sudans government aid agencies and volunteers are working on repairing the damage caused by record breaking nile floods and stopping outbreaks of Waterborne Diseases such as malaria at least 120 sudanese were killed and half a 1000000 forced from their homes and us judges temporarily blocked an attempt by the white house to ban downloads of a chinese owned messaging app the judge cited concerns about free speech its of the opposite effect to be the only option for those communicating with people in china prison south minister is warning the country is at a Tipping Point in the fight against the coronavirus cases have risen sharply in the past few weeks. Well as the headlines more news on aljazeera after 101 east to stay with us. For decades drug kingpins made millions trafficking heroin opium and cannabis through thailand. In response to thailands long became top still tough its prisons are bursting at the seams. But theres going to be in the downing street you can call this a. Garden on the top but i did not. Even government ministers or extolling the virtues of cannabis really have seen that the beast brought that would not only kill illness for people it would become one of the major income. I people hired

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