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To be a lot at night it was also wholl ok thank you so much for that ma and i do remember that speech very well trump was forced to laugh it off im self. Cant get that out of the memory thanks for that ma when will come back to you a little later in the program joining us now from washington d. C. Is richard ponza he is the director of just security 2020 with the Stimson Center think tank. I want to pick up something that meaghan said and put it to you my almost talking about this astounding reversal of roles that we see now the u. S. Really its very nationalist and we have china and russia talking about multilateralism holding this up about their commitment to the u. N. And to you the uns role whats your take. It is truly an astounding reversal. From the beginning of the trumpet ministration not just the beginning of a pandemic the us has been very much on the attack about some type of book globalism that was antithetical with real American Values patriotism of course all tied to his america 1st approach but as we know as a previous commentator noted the us was perhaps most responsible for the founding of the u. N. Back in world war 2 and there was very little reference to that historic conference by the american president but the russian president brought it up of course he was questioning revisionist history and it was quite ironic that he would bring up concerns about this information and fake news when his country is quite associated with the use of disinformation because of these adversaries but that to your brain which is that china and russia both defending the International Rules based order is questionable about how they proceed in practice but at least their statements in terms of tone and even the substance of what theyve said today at the General Assembly are remarkable in their contrast to President Trump if we go a little bit more into the specifics all of what president vladimir person had to say he talked a lot they say about the pandemic all of them they this have it has up ended the world order he probably was praising russias vaccine offering it free to u. N. Stuff as james banks pointed out and he said the issue of primary importance though 2 is the extension of the u. S. Russia a new strategic arms reduction treaty explain to our viewers who may not be familiar what that reduction treaty is when it expires and why its important. Another concern that were dealing with cold war and nonproliferation concerns a many years after the end of the cold war its set to expire in february president putin referred to negotiations that are ongoing but there has been acrimony on both sides and weve seen an unwillingness to to make the take the steps that we saw at the height of the cold war when the 2 countries were known to be ideologically opposed much more serious stakes but a but turning to the fact that he brings up. The need for recovery and free trade and core doors that are also promoting Green Development dealing with climate issues thats ironic as well given that you know behind those policy pronouncements by president putin is desire to reduce or eliminate the sanctions against this country regarding bio clear violations of International Law involving ukraine in recent years but you know i would hope that over a getting over these tensions between the great powers well see importance of this weeks meetings in new york as highlighted by president putin and she to be focused on the Pandemic Recovery you hannah tarion relief which was very much the emphasis. King. Hussein of jordan president ever to want of turkey president run foes as chair of the African Union that needs to be the focus now we need to get serious and the u. N. To play a central role in leading both the humanitarian recovery in the short term and the longer term effort that is before us ok thank you for that now from washington d. C. Now the u. S. Death toll from corona virus has now passed 200000 thats off to another 115 deaths were reported on tuesday its sure to put more of a spotlight on president Donald Trumps management of the crisis ahead of novembers president ial election john hendren has the story from chicago. At Washington National cathedral the bell rang 200 times once for every 1000 lives lost in the u. S. To the global pandemic. 200000 dead and i hear about 200000 deaths is just a benchmark of sadness for me and for us as a country i think about the individual people that are here or who have died and then i think about multiplying that comes to acknowledge that its just hard for me to even rouse the amount of. According to Johns Hopkins university the United States with just 4 percent of the worlds population has more than 20 percent of the nearly 1000000 kovac 1000 deaths worldwide the number of coronavirus cases in the u. S. Is now 6800000 prison a trump says a vaccine could be available as soon as the november 3rd president ial election that is not a view widely shared by medical experts. Its a view the president shares often with thousands largely unmask supporters at his rally we are getting drugs and this is pandemic and were rounding around the bed. His rival for the presidency Democrat Joe Biden has urged americans to wait on a scientifically proven preventive. To treasury do back in february that this was an extremely dangerous Communicable Disease think about how many people across the ira. How many empty chairs around the. Because of his negligence and selfishness how many lies lives lost many medical experts say a National Strategy including a mandatory mask mandate could have reduced the be endemic considerably if you think that you made at that point 3 were surely not being one unit and one unified approach throughout the entire. With the number of cases in deaths still far from under control which direction the us takes in the coming months depends on the outcome of the november election John Hendren Al Jazeera chicago. The u. K. Government has brought in a raft of new restrictions in england with the Prime Minister warning that life may not return to normal for at least another 6 months our stance and said britain has reached a perilous point in its fight against the virus as he announced the measures they include extending the use of face masks tightening rules on gatherings and encouraging people to work from home schools and universities will remain open after 6 months of restrictions it would be tempting to hope that the threat has faded and to seek comfort in the belief that if you have avoided the virus so far then you are somehow immune. I have to say that it is that kind of complacency that could be. Well heres a breakdown of the new restrictions and rent pubs and restaurants will close early from thursday between 10 pm and 5 am people will be required to wear masks and taxis and on public transport and work from home if possible and the size of gatherings is being limited weddings reduced to 15 people instead of 30 bringing spectators back to sports stadiums is also being put on hold johnson says parliament will be able to debate the new measures as early as next week he adds scotland wales and Northern Ireland are likely to follow a similar measure is. A has the details from london. 41 of the key takeaway messages is that the governments going to get much tougher much stricter on policing for instance the use of face masks so people working in the Retail Sector will have to wear a mask legally they didnt have to before also a curfew on restaurants a 10 pm that comes into force on thursday theyll be it will be will be mandatory for Table Service to be offered there so you will be able to walk up to bars and order things Going Forward restrictions also on people gathering for weddings that will be reduced to. Ok we are taking you back now to the United Nations General Assembly which is under way a we now have the diplomat representing qatar who will be announcing his highness shake the membrane how much autonomy the america of qatar let so snow is going to be making his address as late as throughout the day do so they are going virtually. So lets listen in a moment to his a president of the General Assembly your excellence the secretary general of the United Nations ladies and gentlemen made the peace and blessings of god to be upon you at the outset i congratulate his excellent mr volcker here on assuming the presidency of the 70 live in session of the General Assembly wishing him every success i also think his excellency mr johnny president of the previous session for the appreciated efforts he exerted during his tenure and i have made myself of this opportunity to commend to the role of his ex and see the secretary general mr until youre the terrorist in promoting the role of the United Nations and achieving its goals mr president this session coincides with some greeting at the 75th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations and it is a pretty soon on this occasion to remember is that the u. N. Is an institutional embodied. And of our awareness that we belong go to one issue there are many historical experiences that prove this fact and show that we should not under estimated the potion so bush and the outbreak of the cold 19th demick has reminded us that we live on the same planet and thats not true that require precision is the only way to address the challenges of epidemics and the challenges related to the climate and the environment we all to remember that also when dealing with the issues of poverty and the war and peace and achieving our common goals of security and stability will open the door and saw a bill of the state of qatar of the promptly took all necessary preventative measures to protect its citizens and the residents on its territory however it has also provided aid to move more than 60 countries and 5 International Organizations that we have been in participating actively in International Efforts to mobilize resources and capacities to address this epidemic and its repercussions and we have been supporting researchers centers in several countries to reduce the negative effects of this pandemic and to expedite the development of a vaccine for this virus. Mr president were a little more than 3 years have passed since the start of the unjust and illegal blockade on the state of qatar nevertheless we kept to the path towards progress and development in various philosophical despite of the blockade qatar has strength sent its effective participation and the multilateral International Efforts to find solutions to different pricing is joy throughout the unjust and unlawful blockade we have consolidated our policies which are based on the respect of the principles and provisions of International Law and the United Nations charter especially the principle of respecting the sovereignty of states and rejecting any interference and. Entering the affair of states. We bear a moral and legal responsibility towards our people its we have stressed and we will continue to stress that unconditional dialogue based on common interests and respect for the southern tree of sovereignty of states is the way to solve this crisis it started with an imposing end in the go blockade and lifting this blockade would be the 1st step to and did. On this occasion i reiterated my db appreciation for the sincere efforts of his highness sheriffs above about i meant a job or a mirror of the brotherly state of coate and i would like 1 to highly value the efforts of other brotherly and friendly countries to bring this crisis to an end ladies and gentleman there is International Consensus on the fact that the palestinian cause is a just cause but despite this consensus the International Community stands by able to take any effective action to confront israeli intransigence of its continued occupation of palestinian arab land the imposition of the stifling siege on the gaza strip the expanding settlements policy. People and mark others israel is imposing a fence accompli and a figure in violation of International Resolutions and the 2 state solution agreed upon by the International Community in the just peace and can only be achieved when israel fully commits to the International Terms of reference resolutions and resolutions rather that accepted by the board that are accepted by the arab countries and upon which the Arab Peace Initiative is based and israel is trying to circumvent these parameters and acts as if the palestinian cause did not exist any arrangements that are not based on these parameters will not achieve peace even if theyre called arrangements for peanuts those arrangements do not aim to achieve just an illusion to the palestinian cause and they do not aim to achieve comprehend. Just and lasting peace. In the failure to find a just solution to the palestinian cause israels continued settlement of forcing a new reality on the ground without being deterred this is what raises the biggest question about the ground the vanity of the International Community and its institutions we call upon the International Community especially the Security Council to assume its legal responsibilities and compel israel to lift the siege on gaza strip to put to the Peace Process back on track through credible goshi actions based on International Resolutions and not on force during negotiations must address all final status issues there must end of occupation within a specific tribe framed they must lead to the establishment of an independent palestinian state within the 967. 00 borders with ease delivers them as its capital that they must and this radio completion of on arab territories as part of our efforts to create the appropriate conditions to achieve peace and to respond to the economic and humanitarian difficulties facing our brothers in palestine we and coordination with our International Partners have continued providing humanitarian and Development Aid to respond to the urgent and long term needs and of the sieged against us troops in addition to increasing our contributions to. History the boy mr president of the. We firmly believe in resolving disputes by peaceful means with the grace of god the state of qatars mediation efforts have culminated in signing a Peace Agreements between the United States and the Taliban Movement in doha on the 29 saw february 2020 discussions held in doha last month led to the Successful Exchange of prisoners between the government of afghanistan and the Taliban Movement martial in cooperation with our International Partners we successfully contributed to convening the interim afghan peace negotiations which began on the 12th of this month in doha with the success of these negotiations now depends on our afghan brothers themselves. Their own deal in cooperation with the International Community we will spare no effort to facilitate the dialogue but in the hope that peace and stability would soon prevail across afghanistan if everyone decides to completely renounce violence and accept diversity and equal citizenship. Mr president he said a lot more than 9 years have passed since the beginning of the Syrian Crisis it has brought an unprecedented tragedy to peoples lives and its impact is getting worse year after year yet the crisis has not been resolved due to the intransigence of the Syrian Regime and the failure of the International Community especially the Security Council to its human its duty to maintain International Peace and security and protect civilians the Syrian Regime still obstructs even the process of drafting a new constitution proposed by russia which unfortunately is all that was left of the International Efforts aiming to achieve some form of a peaceful solution there is deals with this process and using the same stalling tactics it has used before. And to responding to their quest of the International Community and is participating in the negotiations but without any intention to make any change on this occasion i reiterate the firm stance of the state of qatar that the only way to end the Syrian Crisis is a political solution based on the geneva one communicating. At the implementation of Security Council resolution 2254. 00 the state of qatar also affirms that it will continue with the International Community to support efforts to achieve justice and told to go down to the perpetrators of atrocities were crimes and crimes against humanity committed in syria in the humanitarian field and we will continue to provide all forms of support and assistance to the brotherly Syrian People in i. D. P. And refugee areas until the end of this crisis as for the raging war and sisterly yemen which is destroying its infrastructure depriving the yemeni people of the basic necessities of life and strengthening security in the region we stress that the only way to resolve this crisis is through negotiation among the yemenis and accordance with the outcomes of the National Dialogue the Gulf Initiative rather than Security Council resolutions particularly in resuming should 2216 we stress our Firm Position to maintain the unity of yemen and its territorial integrity. As for the brotherly so done with value of the signing of peace as a Peace Agreement in juba between the Transitional Government in sudan and a number of armed movements we express our appreciation to the state of south sudan for sponsoring the signing of this agreement and we look forward to the rest of the factions joining the Peace Process we stress the firm stance of the state of qatar we once turned by the brother of the sudanese people to successfully overcome this transitional period and achieve their aspirations for stability and development to go where you tiring to the call to the relevant countries to facilitate the efforts of the brothers in sudan tryna move the name of saddam from the list of states sponsoring terrorism as the hardships that the sudanese people are facing as thinking its on them that qatar stood with their brothers by. Providing support to respond to the floods that severely damage facilities and harm to people and we call upon the International Community to provide them with the necessary support to respond to natural disasters for sure regarding the libyan issue we reiterate that we wont come to seize it cease fire agreement. Or drug and the activation of the political process in accordance with the outcomes of the a green meant to achieve a comprehensive political settlement that whitman tain libyan sovereignty territorial integrity and independence that would stem the bloodshed and preserves libyas wealth everybody must understand that it is impossible to impose a military regime by force in libya at a moment when we were paying to go by what lebanon went through in the aftermath of the explosion at the port of beirut we stood by our lebanese brothers without conditions it is not our habit to impose political conditions to show solidarity during disasters but in the end it will really come bent upon the knees themselves and not by diktats or to find agreed upon ways for reform to fulfill the aspirations of an entire generation for a state based on decision citizenship rather than any other african nations this incidentally is an aspiration shared by the Younger Generation across the entire region ladies and gentlemen the terrorism remains of one of the most prominent challenging facing the world as it poses a real threat to International Peace and security and it impedes achieving Sustainable Development for all of all we in the state of qatar spare no effort to actively participate in international and regional efforts to address this phenomenon and tackle its roots especially by supporting education of minions of children young people and women and creating jobs for trinitys for young men and in this context qatar where the young men. Women in this context qatar is strengthening the Strategic Partnership with the relevant United Nations agency im referring here to the opening of the Program Office of the United Nations Counterterrorism Office in doha next may to implement behavior related approaches to combat in terrorism and violent extremism jennifer mr president as part of its efforts to provide Development Assistance to developing countries and these developed countries and support the countries affected by the negative impact of Climate Change qatar has forced fulfilled its pledge by providing a contribution of 100000000. 00 to support that is developed countries and small island developing states to deal with Climate Change we are pleased to host the 5th United Nations conference on the least developed countries in doha from the 23rd to the 27th of january 2022 were confident that this conference will support their efforts towards achieving development throughout the next decade in line with the 2030 agenda for Sustainable Development. In conclusion or can do for your firm the state of qatar as commitment to the declaration adopted by the General Assembly on the 21st of september when the participation of the heads of state and government and which the state of qatar is soon to in partnership with the kingdom of sweden rule in facilitating the International Negotiations for its adoption we will continue to work with the United Nations to achieve its goals and address the common challenges to pursue the interest of our peoples and for the good of humanity thank you and may gods peace mercy and blessings be upon you. Was. Coming been home of the emir of qatar. Just to walk you through what he had to say you talked about the un being an institutional boredom and of us being part of one humanity he talked at length about the illegal blockade on qatar and how the country has responded reiterated his desire for it to be miffed and talking about how qatar has managed to strengthen its position and its a multilateral efforts in spite of the blockade he also talked about. Israels normalization of ties with the u. A. E. And bahrain saying israel is fully commit to the International Resolutions accepted by the arab countries in which the Arab Peace Initiative is based talking about israels and legal occupation of palestinian lands he also talked about qatars role in hosting the u. S. Taleban talks and talked about the interim afghan talks which being held here in doha now let us go now to our diplomatic and i said james bass who is at the United Nations james what are your takeaways from what the american car had to say. Well i think certainly the issue of palestine it was very interesting to see what he had to say particularly as we did only just heard the king of jordan speaking a few minutes earlier and obviously aware where the news focus has been with the plan earlier in the year then with the trumpet brokered deals the u. S. Brokered deals between israel and the u. A. E. And israel and bahrain the u. A. E. Some critics have said its more of an arms deal than a peace deal but certainly its interesting to see that many in the arab league are still consistent in their views on israel and palestine and both jordan and cuts are very consistent that the International Consensus which is that you should have a 2 state solution that it should be based on 167 borders that should be a capital in jerusalem that is strongly there that its worth making that point there are many in the arab league who support things. As theyve always seen them rather than seeing the things that happened in the last few months of brokered by the trumpet ministration beyond that he went around the the subjects of the region i think it was interesting that qatar raised the subject of syria because its even though that war drags on and so many people die every month. Syria its absent from very many of the speeches and as you say of course he mentioned what has been affecting his country for 3 years the blockade of qatar what is interesting here at the u. N. General assembly normally when leaders come here of qatar is one who comes very regularly to u. N. Events and to speak here at the u. N. General assembly maybe in part because hes one of the younger gulf leaders mostly other gulf countries do not send their heads of state or have them speaking so talking of the blockading countries i think it is noticeable and will be one of the most important things we see on wednesday that we do actually have a speech for the king of saudi arabias king solomon will be speaking in a video recorded speech here to the General Assembly on wednesday that will be one to watch ok thank you for that for now that sound diplomatic editor james baker. Is their senior political analyst now and bashar joins us again from paris mariannas talking there to james about the america cause address what were your takeaways what stood out for you but probably the most important thing is the is this serious speech in light of the blockade. That was lucky because of the talks was issued on those very specific issues that the emir emphasize to the speech

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