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The greatest country in the world were going back were going back to work were going to be out front and no one better and maybe im immune i dont know but dont let it dominate your lives get out there be careful we have the best medicines in the world and theyre all happened very shortly and theyre all getting approved and the vaccines are coming momentarily thank you very much and want to read what a group of people opposition protesters in kyrgyzstan have been demonstrating after rejecting early results of a parliamentary vote broken into government and state Security Headquarters the Election Commission says it will review a request to cancel the vote result which predicts progovernment parties will return to power. In Indonesia Workers unions are protesting about a controversial new jobs law. Theyve joined an estimated 2000000 other indonesians are angry about the bill by say weakens their rights for also reduced protections for the environment the government says it will attract investment and help an economy which has been crippled by the pandemic. 9 days into the conflict between armenia and azerbaijan and both sides appear to be ramping up hostilities over the disputed territory of. Thousands of casualties have been reported in the deadliest fighting there for more than 25 years their afghan president is in carter on an official visit but hes not meeting taliban officials. Visit comes as peace talks are underway in the Afghan Government have so far made little progress its counting the cost now stay with us. Of all my friends in the interests who were detained i want. For news of the men was only one. Boy killed in his fathers. But. I have only once in my life seen. One of the bosnian wars darkest secrets. The count on aljazeera. Hello im sam is a than this is counting the cost of aljazeera your weekly look at the world of business and economics this week tensions in the South China Sea over shrinking fish stocks as beijing sends out a naval armada to stake its claim the United States steps up plans to build in the ploy warships to the region also this week responsible capitalism the investors who got the chief executive of industry in mind the fired after blowing up aboriginal sides. Plus the 1st motor show during the pandemic we talked to the man behind volvos electric brand and ask what damage the pandemic has done to the Auto Industry. Competition for dwindling fish stock in the disputed South China Sea is increasing tensions china has sent out an armada of naval vessels to defend its claim to about 80 percent of the sea fisherman from surrounding nations say theyve been harassed or rammed by chinese vessels or countries are unable to stand up to beijing are turning to the u. S. For support which is deploying more warships to the region to counter the worlds biggest naval force and were going to focus now on overfishing and the damage that is doing to the delicate ecosystem fish stocks are estimated to have fallen by as much as 95 percent since the 1950 s. According to the center for strategic and International Studies it also estimates catches a fall and by as much as 75 percent in the last 2 decades one of the biggest reasons for the depletion of stocks is governments. Absurdities which allow Fishing Vessels to stay out longer and travel further than necessary china handed out 7200000000. 00 in 2018 globally government subsidies to the fishing Industry Standard about 35000000000 dollars americas top diplomat mike pompei recently denounced chinas territorial claim to waters fish by filipinos as completely arm law for the support from the u. S. Has been cautiously welcomed by fishermen in the philippines who say theyre being pushed out by the chinese navy general allen dogon reports from the northern philippines. So near oil remembers a time when the sketch was far more abundant there was many years ago when he says he was still free to fish inside the lagoon of Scarborough Shoal just a little over 120 nautical miles from his hometown of machine look in some ballast province that was until Chinese Navy Warships seized control in 2012. No you can disappoint the bigger chain dispersals we know they are no much against them we stay far from them. Government leaders in beijing claim the South China Sea as theirs saying its been part of chinese territory for thousands of years and chinas military continues to build installations such as on the Spratly Group of islands the. U. S. Secretary of state michael b. Is says the chinese claims to the South China Sea are completely unlawful and washington supports a 5 Asian Countries indonesia malaysia the philippines and vietnam to whats been described as their inherent right to exclusive Economic Zones there. The philippine secretary of defense the finlands on the supports pompey is message to china and there in santa says china should abide by the 2016 ruling when the Philippine Government one its case against china at the International Tribunal in the hague but philippines president rodrigo to tear down has repeatedly said the china is a far more powerful country and doesnt want to risk going to war the u. S. China this is seen by many countries as a conflict between 2 competing superpowers but geopolitics isnt the issue here in the philippines for millions of filipinos living in coastal communities like this one Food Security is at the heart of the South China Sea this. Many of the fishermen who sail to Scarborough Shoal sell their catch in local markets like this one in a box box in the unit the fish used to be delivered to us in crates now fisherman just come and bring supplies in bales it takes about 5 fishermen now for us to have this much to sell and the price of fish has tripled. Filipinos here tell us they find it ironic that they live in a country rich in Maritime Resources and yet the majority of them cant to regularly afford even just a kilo of fish they welcome the u. S. But they know that help should come from their own government 1st so what does overfishing and chinas claims to the South China Sea mean for future catches and tension in the region well to answer this im joined by top of a great smattering of the chief executive of the China Ocean Institute good to have you with us so is china 1st of all soley responsible for overfishing in the seas no a lot of chinas neighbors have big Fishing Industries and japan was the 1st country to have a Large Industrial fleet and the the 1st Bilateral Agreements in the 1950 s. In east asia were to prevent japanese from fishing in chinese waters so now you see the opposite you see chinese fishing in japans waters or koreas waters and then in the South China Sea the naam is a huge fishing nation if youve ever driven along the the enemys coastline at night its like looking out on a starry sky its look at on the ocean and see all the lights from the Fishing Vessels. And the philippines indonesia theyre all big fishing nations and essentially whats happened is the South China Sea was traditionally for centuries available for everybody to use and weve overlaid this new system of sovereignty through the Un Convention and the sea and that has led to people fighting over what belongs to whom and then if you add to the increased populations in the region and new Fishing Technology you get overfishing so china definitely catches the most fish but theyre not the only ones responsible for what damage is being done to global fish stocks then especially with practices like trolling. Yes so probably the most damaging event is the development of the huge industrial fleet so that started in the mid 20th century and it was you know the start of the modernization era and people approached fishing the way they approach factory work so the thinking was that if you added better inputs like bigger Fishing Vessels and Better Technology you would get more fishes outputs but Natural Systems dont work that way and theres so much we dont know about the oceans and theres lots of potential for discoveries like new antibiotics and antivirals for marine organisms but things like trawling you know sweep up everything thats on the ocean floor and destroying marine habitats and destroying marine organisms without a sea than necessarily knowing that theyre there and even non fishing practices like seabed mining can can do that too so its important to have a precautionary principle in our approach so for example in the arctic countries have agreed to a temporary moratorium on commercial fishing in order to better understand the ecosystem there before we just go in and catch everything but there are other parts of the high seas which belong to no country that need Management Systems and another important aspect is the subsidies we provide to the fishing the Large Industrial fleets those need to be limited while will come to subsidies in the moment but listening to what youre saying it sounds like its a very complex situation and youve got to wonder whether you know when you listen to the u. S. Secretary of defense talking about how the u. S. Must build more naval ships to count to china is that the best way to deal with the issue does that solve all of the problems youve been mentioning. No i mean the u. S. Navy is not going to be leaving the South China Sea anytime soon but the rapid increase in u. S. Presence there is just going to escalate things with china and thats not what we want either so i think we need to think outside the box in terms of managing our Natural Resources there you know its there always be hard Security Issues but the environmental Security Issues are also really important for regional Food Security and theres a lot more potential for cooperation in this area as well but what do you make of the arguing that perhaps the chinese approach is different how much of an issue is the use of that diplomacy as its called to get access to seas and oceans. Yes so that is a problem in places like africa in countries some of the countries in the you know the Pacific Island nations and so this is chinas distant Water Fishing fleet which operates on the high seas and also in the coastal waters are the exclusive Economic Zone countries on the basis of bilateral fisheries access agreements and so one of the things that china does is it avoids some of the limitations that host countries have on foreign pushing fishing fleets by refining their vessels and there was a recent report that estimated as many as a 1000 Fishing Vessels are operating this way that are actually owned by the chinese and so for comparison sake the regular chinese distant Water Fishing industry is about 3000. 00 vessels maybe a little bit less but are of around that and so earlier this year china revised its distant Water Fishing regulations and require certification now both from china and the host country if theres the establishment of a wholly owned or joint venture with the host country or you know any reflag ing but you know this is this is a great step and it you know it shows that china recognizes that theres a problem however we have to see how well this is going to be enforced thats a really important issue and then in addition to the Fishing Vessels theres also an issue with the fish carriers being replied to other countries and those are increasingly shipping fish back to china briefly how much of a problem the subsidies so subsidies are really important issue because they distort the bottom line for Fishing Companies making fishing profitable when it wouldnt be otherwise and chinas not the only one but it is the Worlds Largest fisheries subsidize or it provided an estimated 21 percent of the global total fishery subsidies in 2018 and 27 percent of the worlds harmful subsidies so those are subsidies like fuel subsidies that increase fishing capacity. And you know it really shows everyone was paying attention to the fishing fleet around the chinese fishing fleet around the Galapagos Islands and 2 thirds of that fleet came from judge john province and its no surprise that juggling is the province that receives the most subsidies from the Chinese Government so the right now is working out an agreement to discipline fisheries subsidies but china wants to be given special and differentiated treatment as a developing country and so thats pretty controversial its complicated though because other industrial fishing countries have also large fleets and theyve just done all their fishing mostly in the past but its you know its important that we work out this issue and limit subsidies because its crucial for our long Term Economic and Environmental Security that we get a deal on that issue its wonderful getting your perspective thanks so much top of thank you for having me. And so often said management runs businesses to maximize returns for shareholders right now it appears investors are looking for something more than just profits returning to e. A. s g. s or environmental social and governance metrics well the biggest scalp to fall for breaching those standards is being the chief executive of astronomy and mining giant rio tinto initially the miner fined 3 executives 5000000. 00 for their part in the destruction of 46000 year old aboriginal sites in Western Australia rio tinto had received legal permission to demolish the caves back in 2013 but when the archaeological importance of the rock shelters became clear the company failed to change course. As the pandemic wipes out decades of Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction long festering inequalities being exposed movements like black lives matter have taken to the streets to egg grievances and seek justice institutions from wall street banks to Media Companies have acknowledged their shortcomings and the pledging to do more to diversify workforces even all giants like b. P. And shell of decided to accelerate the move to Green Technology they plan to invest in Renewable Energy and norways trillion dollar wealth fund is selling its coal last its back in australia aboriginal Campaign Groups have stepped up campaigns to protect other significant historical sites joining me now from cut off in Western Australia is Peter Jeffries peter is the chief executive officer of the Western Australia based Aboriginal Corporation good to have you with us if we could start off by talking about your concern why are you concerned about what proposed developments might mean for australias 1st underwater heritage finds. The significance of the recent. For our traditional honestly in richer and more broadly across australia this is significant in that its a. Lot of trial and in australia and there were 2 tribes located just off the coast here at meridian. And lee the historic treasures date back between 7 and 8000 years ago but more importantly it control our belief and our history to call absolute in areas that are now you know under water today the sea level rise. Rio tinto sea as im sure you know was recently fired because of destruction of the jew can cause were you surprised by this move no i think we werent surprised you know you know you know with regards to marriage you know i think you know it it just now puts a little bit of more of an International International law. You know spotlight on top of activities that are done. By morning Companies Across australia and i think more importantly around the world as well and you know if you just say you know you know us here in australia that that dish you know unfortunate occurrence you know incident shouldnt have occurred and it just means that you know we have to be diligent now in ensuring or avoiding you know these type of incidents in the future so i think you are pleased then if not surprised what sort of message do you think that should send to other companies. I simply want what the message now sends to other companies he said he said the world is listening its watching and its an advantage and its looking at what you are doing in indigenous countries right across the world now and its and its also i think given you know organizations you know a little bit of a kick in the backside to actually sit down and come and you know conduct meaningful engagement you know down at that encourages you know valuable partnerships and opportunities. More importantly i think more important but also. You know potential mutual beneficial. Coexistence between traditional owners and industry. On country and you know on as a country as well does it also have some other good news in this that about shareholders in the sense that its theyre becoming more socially and environmentally aware now and responsible yes all right i think i am i mean i mean you know you know sharing knowledge for us is pain you know you are critical in. Paying able to you know you know share information to. Provide that better understanding. Culture and what what what role Industry Needs to play with with regards to that meaningful in that i just talked about. Also but it also. Clearly says to you know you know the wider. Group that i secluded start of you know. Bad behavior is not acceptable anymore all right thanks so much been great talking she thanks for your perspective on that thank you now china is holding the largest trade event since the pandemic began the beijing. Opened its doors in the hope of reversing the Auto Industrys multibillion dollar losses katrina you as been to see whats new to drive. New foreign luxury models are among the almost 800. 00 cars on display at the beijing auto show the 1st Major International trade fair during the current virus pandemic. This year there are fewer exhibitors but crowds still gathered for the unveiling of new models including b. M. W. s latest offering the german cars make a is one of many expanding operations in china. Automotive event here in china as if all of a sudden become a very special meaning. In 20 beijing. This is some. Week cost sales in the u. S. And across europe have forced several International Manufacturers to close factories and sack stuff many are relying on chinese consumers to improve their bottom line but even by bargain that. They realize china is still a goldmine luxury cars and ultra luxury cars have a huge market in china and this is also their only International Arena to show off their vehicles other auto shows geneva detroit and tokyo have all been called off analysts say the 10 day event points to the Chinese Governments confidence in having contained the carbon 1000 outbreak it also hopes will help to spur the sluggish economy chinas Auto Industry is worth 1. 3 trillion dollars employs more than 33000000. 00 people nationwide cost sales plunged by almost 80 percent at the height of the epidemic in china in february but sales have recently returned to prepare demick levels electric vehicles and cars using ai and Internet Technology are in the spotlight this year by the a 2025 chinas government wants 25 percent of all cost else here to be electric so chinese and International Brands are racing to. Hi rick electric models in order to meet government quota for the digital the Chinese Government is in krishna determined to use vast electric Vehicle Infrastructure this is attracting more events meant creating a better market and a more incentives for people to choose electric the beijing auto show is being held against the backdrop of the trade will the United States also make its tesla ford at volvo among companies doing the Trump Administration this week proposing one based on who full 25 percent tariffs on imported chinese parts. Joining us from beijing via skype now is thomas in the last hes the chief executive of pollstar volvos electric sports Cars Division welcome to the show they say electric cars are the future so maybe we should start by asking you what is pollstar been developing and what does it plan to put into production so well post a has developed over the last 2 an obvious electric car we are out with our electric pasta to. Midsize premium sedan which we presented and are now bringing to market but of course we have a lineup coming not include the really nice aerodynamic. S. U. V. Addressing the electric age in the s. U. V. Sector and we presented here in beijing a car that was a shocker became a production car and were really happy that this very very sporty sleek big saloon will hit the road sometime and now youre not saying 3 or 4 years or i think citing times ahead but when it comes to range is hydrogen a better solution to Climate Change what are your thoughts on that. Well at the end of the day its about their electric drive train their electric motor and able to see you too free mobility if you sources this but the battery or i didnt power it doesnt matter at the end of the day. I think the best technology has to be in place and at the moment feeding it this better east is the most appropriate way for the private sector and i think the customers the consumers need that confirmation and us as copper to use that should give that confidence that this is the technology for the next to kate im talking about confidence these havent been the best of days for the Auto Industry thanks to the pandemic all sales now coming back well you see for the electric brands this does not matter as much as generally the trend of customers that lot eyestrain cost before going to riding electability and really shifting to whats electrum ability now this a big gain for the electric kind of story and the general up and down of the economy and the kind of story has less income and song that then the willingness and how much politicians prepare for people to move people being really dedicated to you know making making the shift really happening which everybody is talking about but now its time for action so it sounds like you could be saying electric cars could also be a way out of the crisis i definitely think that generally moving to Green Technology embracing that in the basin that is helping us all to stop Climate Change is definitely the way forward you see that a lot of governments have similar thoughts and put. Support for the industry accepted into that sector not going what we called back to normal we dont want to go back to normal we want to go back to the future and that its about innovation in order to come to a sustainable life and industry and a final thought how damaging has the trade dispute between the u. S. And china been for the Auto Industry well definitely believe that generally the uncertainty. That not knowing what is happening tomorrow the terrorists definitely have a better influence on the atmosphere on. The industry and consumers who are settling tomorrow Investor Sentiment as well now about. An industry which is so dependent on trade and the free flow of goods and. Cultures living and working together its absolutely contra productive or its been great getting your thoughts thanks so much for your time thomas and good laugh thanks a lot. And thats our show for this wait theres more for you online around 0 dot com slash c. D. C. Thatll take you straight to our page which has the entire episode view to catch up on. A bad set for this edition of counting the cost im sam is a ban from the whole team here thanks for joining us the news on aljazeera is next. October on account easing was only a month left until election day candidates are warming up for the big day with a series of debates with a diverse range of stories from across the aljazeera correspondent take some consonant of the stories that have impacted in general states with britain seemingly heading for a no deal drugs can a last minute deal be struck between london and brussels aljazeera is Emmy Award Winning very green folk lines returns for the series on the u. S. Communities moved in by convict 19 as the incumbent president seeks a 3rd term and the opposition has formed an alliance against what course of the country struggles with often violent protests october on aljazeera. An excon that a lot of chess. After years behind bars he has to be strategic to stay out of prison with his friend and chess master hes planning his next move to give back to society and share the gate that saved his life discovering new filmmaking talent from around the globe if you find latin american jazz private lessons on the houses in. The remote kingdom of the tang has become known for its pursuit of happiness. One a one a 6 balls how this National Goal inspiring the Younger Generation on how to 0. And im sam is a than here in the house with a look at the headlines here now to syria now u. S. President dar trump has returned to the white house after 3 nights in hospital with covert 19 his recovery is far from over and hell continue to receive treatment my camera ports. The president arrives back at the white house he walks from marine one and up the stairs to the balcony of the residence where he stops and removes his mask a salute and a hit

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