A state of alert in the capital and france reports the highest number of cases since the outbreak began. The Nobel Peace Prize for 2022 the World Food Program a u. N. Agency wednesday 2020 Nobel Peace Prize for its global efforts to fight hunger and starvation we speak to the head of the World Food Program. Im joined again with the sports raphaela tao continues his domain an imperative as he reaches a 13 french open final with victory at the g 8. Thanks for joining us on the news hour we begin in kurdistan and nation gripped by Political Uncertainty the former president s back says there has been an attempt on. His life his car was reportedly shot out on the streets of the capital bishkek of the current president served by jim because of his order troops into the capital to enforce a state of emergency though enforce a curfew and tight security that will last the least until later this month now just hours earlier jim because of dismissed the government he also said that he will resign but only once a date for a new elections has been sects stratford is in bishkek and he says Parliament Needs to vote on the state of emergency before its considered legal. Despite the president announcing the state of emergency a couple of hours ago weve now had a statement come through this being made by the by speaker of Parliament Saying that parliament has to vote on the state of emergency in order for it to be legal and we understand that an emergency session of parliament will be held tomorrow to do exactly dieties expected that the state of emergency will be voted full and that emergency session will also include discussions of all the Prime Minister candidates now we already have a Prime Minister in this country somebody who apparently was voted in in a parliamentary session earlier this week. A person who other opposition supporters say was illegitimately voted as pm and as we will inevitably talk about has been causing. So some say some Serious Problems in the capital over the last couple of days but as i say this these mixed messages from from the government. In terms of when this state of emergency starts is just another example of the fact that there doesnt seem to be anybody in full control of this country at the moment you could argue that it is certainly the opposition are putting pressure on the government to follow the kind of legal parameters that this country is proud of setting up in recent years but yeah as i say in the last few days the chaos that weve seen on the streets seems to suggest that all those legal parameters seem to be falling apart. Well a series of crises in countries that russia perceives as part of its fear of influence is casting a shadow over president Vladimir Putins legacy on Foreign Policy so in bella ruse the kremlin has thrown its weight behind president Alexander Lukashenko following a series of antigovernment protests since august Public Opinion there is now turning against moscow central asia kurdistan is also engulfed in mass on rest that could soon force president. To step down tensions between armenia and azerbaijan over the nagornokarabakh enclave as erupted into all out conflicts russia has a military base in armenia but also had good relations with other rage on and once to achieve a peace deal. To samuel green hes the director of the Russia Institute at Kings College london he is joining us from there thanks very much for joining us on aljazeera so these 3 crises are very different but the roots all stretch back to the former soviet union lets lets break them down and look at them armenia and azerbaijan how much of a tightrope is russia walking there because it has ties with both countries. Well it doesnt talk to me both countries and i and so is what critical relationship is of course with with armenia it does as you mentioned earlier have a military base there but it has really set itself up as to a certain sense of that the guarantor of these in some offices and between us and our zone and armenia in particular it has the conflict in in in the border character of our has become known as as one of a number of observers frozen conflicts around the region that moscow has undertaken really to to help manage and it has been threatening to explode into on the south or for a number of years obviously it finally has in ways its been quite tragic so when will it be able to pull its weight and and come up with something positive from the talks that are currently going on right now in moscow. Well its going to be very difficult i mean the reality is that there are longstanding issues which have never really been resolved right so even though moscow has you know kept a lid on most of these one conference around the region using leverage at times to keep the peace it is also wanted to use these frozen conflicts as a means of leverage over both countries right so that if you know their governments in europe on our bankroll were just sort of looking in Different Directions building different relationships that moscow wasnt happy with it could use its role in managing this conflict and has leverage and of course that in itself is destabilizing and allows the conflict to to go on rather than to be resolved you know once and for all in a way that might be amenable to both sides which right now you know there are reasons that this is happening there are most domestic political reasons in both armenia and in one another by john that both governments have chosen to pursue this course of action on and at a time when you know moscows leverage is probably as weak as it has ever been at least since putin came to power the economy all right is so is is suffering and. And obviously which is preoccupied with that with domestic problems as well as you probably elsewhere that region so what about the situation over and kurdistan the Current Power struggle going on there to what extent is moscow trying to save the outcome. Well again i mean its done is you know i was in all these countries this is happening with the for domestic internal reasons youre just on is is a complicated country its a very competitive political environment it has a political and regional and to a certain extent ethnic divisions and it has undergone these sorts of events in the past as does the periodic thing and unfortunately have been incurious politics and moscow are you know one has tried to maintain again close ties with with respect to a certain extent to outcompete the United States and china in the region it has never been able to manage politics that really despite its its influence are so again it will try to do what it can i think to keep things from becoming unmanageable but its ability to actually dictate what the outcome is and certainly to you dictate to the kidneys street is it is really quite limited and umbrella roosts on the street there are things Public Opinion seems to suggest that its turning against moscow we know that moscow has thrown its weight behind the president Alexander Lukashenko if the crisis continues while russia trains its position. Well again i think you know washington in all of these cases has got to make some very difficult decisions as to make decisions about whether its relationship is going to be with the country and that means in the long want to have to be with the street and with the people or whether its going to be with us and you know it has learned hopefully learned some lessons in terms of how its handled ukraine and in trying to really throw its weight behind the former regime of victory in a quote which right at last the ukrainian people are probably for several generations to come it will need to be very careful to make sure that it does not do that in belarus d the conflict in belarus is all about the marching politics its about the power of the bell russian citizenship versus you know of the dictator and moscow does not have to make that about russia but if it does intervene in a more forceful way it will of course make it about russia and it will join the russians against russia in immunity but unfortunately it is assignment agree and we thank you very much for giving us your analysis on aljazeera. Lets just pick up on the issue of the conflict between armenia and azerbaijan we were just mentioning it with samuel green our Foreign Ministers of both countries are holding talks in moscow to resolve the weeks long border conflict over nagornokarabakh this is the latest effort to end the worst flare up in violence between the 2 for over a quarter of a century armenia as leader is saying he is ready to resume peace talks but the as a repressive and seems to be backing a military solution to the conflict for now sent us a hug lu is live in azerbaijan thats where the president addressed the nation earlier today 1st of all bring in journalist alexander stay out of its god for ojt she is joining us from moscow on the russe and mediation efforts there still going on what are we hearing about the expected outcome. Yes so this negotiations the 1st direct talks between any official soviet media and as a debate john since the conflicts started are entering their 5th hour now of the goal that was voiced ahead of this ahead of this meeting is actually not very high is to basically achieve a truce a cease fire a humanitarian kind that the bodies of the killed ones can be called active and also an exchange of prisoners could happen now that is probably because on anything else there could not agree so they could not there were calls for seize for immediate cease fire to going back to the negotiation table from all the cochairs of the oist the minsk group so russia france and United States but thats didnt work so now we were told that they are actually to talk about the possibility of ceasefire to Exchange Prisoners and to collect the deceased and now these talks happened after hours of home phone calls off russian president Vladimir Putin with the heads of state of armenia and azerbaijan and they are here on his invitation and if they shouldnt that one cannot refuse now as you said i mean ian the Prime Minister ahead of this talks said that there are many ways already to renew negotiation process but he also later said that what their media is facing is turkish aggression armenian people and that people in a going a quarter are actually close to a humanitarian catastrophe he also said a media is still thinking about recognizing the road in a car by hand that also other countries should to do that now this is something that the we know is an acceptable force for a debate john and what we saw the previous days and basically previous years as well is that these 2 sides have conditions that are unacceptable for the other rights thank you very much for that update from moscow lets now bring instead of course of a blue shield give us an update from where as were saying the president spoke earlier on today what was the takeaway message. Well there and as you said he said that the solution for disparate law was military and he proved that actually what he said basically is that in order to bring iranian side to the table he had to fight against it he had to find it through military means and he says now it was the military is military fight was the 1st phase but also diplomacy politics are going to work so according to how many of its 1st military and then politics and he said thats how our main us came to the table and he in a way accused the iranian Prime Minister nicolas pushing yun especially because earlier in the week hes kind of our is an iranian is our main in the long star mania and he said if you are to repeat this again then there will be no talks in moscow apparently the for the initial wish for does every side is that they are mean is unconditional withdrawal from the occupied 7 regions adjacent regions surrounding them going okara by and then talks for another an accord about will be in place now there are some areas that they are as a military has over the advanced as over through some villages of course but what the Foreign Ministers who have been in direct contact for the 1st time since september 2 and so what they are speaking right now and what we will hear from the presser is going to be binding but in how my leo was still of the size that and determined that with his conditions that Armenian Forces withdrawal is necessary for talks for the fair this is they came around the table there are some concessions from both sides. Are its an impossible and thank you very much. The news on aljazeera heres whats coming up donald trump looks to get straight back on the campaign trail after his doctor says its safe for him to resume public engagements. And why the safety for human rights activists in colombia has worsened during the pandemic. The weather spoils the return of the schumacher name to formula joe well have more details in sports. But 1st Donald Trumps aides say its now unlikely that he will hold any Campaign Rallies before monday because of logistics the u. S. President had earlier said he wanted to hold a rally in florida on saturday his doctor says he now has completed his course of treatment for corona virus and that it will be safe for him to resume public engagements by saturday the president is expected to take another covert 1000 test on friday meanwhile the speaker of the u. S. House of representatives is looking to introduce legislation that questions whether donald trump is fit to serve in office nancy pelosi says that trump may be in an altered state and his judgments and parents because of the steroids hes been taking for covert 19 below says move is being taken under the 25th amendment its unlikely to succeed as it needs a majority votes in the Republican Controlled Senate plus the support of the Vice President this is not about president. He will face the judgment of the voters but he shows the need for us to create a profit for future president s bill honors the duty of creating a standing commission. Of top former executive officials and medical experts selected in a bipartisan buy camel way a president fitness for office must be determined by science and that. Bring in our White House Correspondent kimberly halakhah joining us from washington so were hearing no that trump is unlikely to return to the campaign trail until monday yeah and the official reason being given is that this is a logistical issue that it was just too hard to try and get a rally together in time thats possible or its also possible that the explanation is the president hasnt finished his 14 day quarantine in fact its hard for us to know when that started or stopped because the White House Position and the White House Press team has not been forthcoming about when the president of fish fully was testing positive for covert 19 we only know when the president made it public now again its a 14 day quarantine period of according to the centers for Disease Control the president s physician says that will end on saturday but at the same time again the official reason for this being given that its logistical and nothing more than that that the u. S. President is keen to hit the campaign trail hes been making a number of appearances on radio his last Television Appearance was a phone into fox news and thursday evening where the president coughed multiple times hes since given a radio interview where he has not cost we dont know if its live or if its been edited and then this evening the president will be calling in or rather he will have his 1st in person interview again on fox news where hes also going to be evaluated by one of their doctors so a little bit of reality t. V. For the president once again again this is all an attempt to try and get back on the campaign trail which as youve reported is going to be delayed by at least a couple of days the president seems to be throwing his weight behind an antibody drug he was given during the course of his treatment. It is really touting what he called regenerate it thats actually the name of the Manufacturer Company that makes this antibody drug along with eli lilly this is theres no question something that was experimental the president says this is the reason he recovered as quickly as he did and now he wants to make that available to all americans and for free at least thats what hes saying so theres a big push to try and get the food and Drug Administration to approve this again the president touting it successes it should be pointed out this is again something that is experimental the president has been rushing not only to get this ahead of the u. S. Election but also of course the vaccine which he promised would be ahead of the u. S. Election but so far weve been not given any timeline for that as of yet ok can really help to thank you for that update from washington the World Health Organization is reporting a new daily high of coronavirus cases with the global tally surpassing 350000 the Johns Hopkins university tracker here shows the total of confirmed cases is now well over 36000000 more than a 1000000 people are known to have died well more than 25000000 have recovered infections ive continued to surge in europe and fronts the number of infections has risen by more than 20000 thats the highest its even ever been since the pandemic began hospitals in the paris region have moved into emergency mode after a rise in covert 1000 patients in intensive care units. And italy has recorded more than 5000 new Coronavirus Infections in 24 hours its the 1st time since march the country was the 1st in europe to be hit by covert 19 it has the 2nd highest death toll in the region with more than 36000. Over in germany the chancellor Angela Merkel announced that soldiers and Public Health experts will help local governments fight the pandemic new social distancing and Contact Tracing measures are being introduced in at least 11 large cities many cities have now reached the critical level of 50 new infections per 100000 residents take a look at madrid spain is the clearing a state of alerts in the capital of the region deals with a resurgence in coronavirus cases the move which will last 2 weeks have been imposed by regional authorities who say it will hurt the economy you know the 5000000 people will be impacted there and cuba will reopen to International Tourism starting next week the island nation closed its borders in march to contain the spread of the coronavirus Prime Minister. Says the majority of provinces will be open to tourists but the capital. Will remain closed for now. Well we live in havana shortly able to get an update from ed of us and hes standing by for us with more on the story but 1st lets bring in Martin Herrera as for the latest out of madrid and spain declaring a state of alert in madrid what are we to read into that and what does that mean for people. Well this will affect us as you said nearly 5000000 People Living in madrid and 8 other neighboring cities the Spanish Government approved a 15 day state of emergency lucky down in order to contain the spread of the cover at 19 madrid has become the center of the 2nd wave of coronavirus madrid residents are now higher risk as the number of infections keep increasing and represent a 30 percent of the total number of infections nationwide so these new state of emergency lockdown has got nothing to do what with so earlier in the year it is a partial lockdown but people movements will be restricted we have to say that all the politicians nationwide have been calling peoples response ability and we are now standing outside the Regional Government in madrid in one of the busiest places in madrid and we see how many people are Walking Around while all the movements have been limited there have been told that they couldnt leave their homes on unless this is strictly necessary which means going to talk to going to work or going to buy groceries also the guttering have been limited to groups of 6 people up to 6 people in public and private places we see groups of 8 or 9 people people hanging around kissing kissing one to the other waving and i mean the situation is very strange also bars and restaurants will have to close out the 11 pm and they will have to reduce their capacity but the most important thing is that people wont be able to leave the region will be able to leave madrid so for these reason this is why the Spanish Government has been rushing to approve to create this is state of emergency because. We are facing a very long week and monday is National National holiday and many people for mccain wanted to leave to go to other regions this was the rush of a Spanish Government to contain the spread of koran a virus for these recent to have deployed 7000 police to control and to monitor all these movements all right martha thank you very much for bringing us that update from the center of madrid lets now get an update from thats where ads are gustin is and as weve been saying cuba will reopen to International Terrorism starting next week whats behind that decision. You know thats why people are going to be reacting to International Terrorism starting next week have are where our reporting from remains close because infection rates are a little higher here than in most of the rest of the country but its important emphasizing what a good job compared to the majority culture in the world the cuban government has done you are posting a few minutes ago about cases and its early and how there were around 5000 cases in 24 hours well thats almost the same amount of cases the entire country thebus up in the last 6 months thats run 5900. 00 cases so theyve done a very very good job of containing it keith and cases that are keeping the death toll down but the Economic Impact has been disastrous right now here in cuba basic products people had to stand accused of hours and hours and hours to buy them its impossible to buy for example rice without a russian card black market prices of basic things like toothpaste that doubled and tripled so the country is out of cash and you have this conflict with saying playing out across the world between peoples lives and getting the economy moving the communist government here has has prioritized light over hard currency now things are getting tight and theres consensus within the government that theyve got to if not for certain because otherwise the future is economically very very bleak so thats the rationale behind this decision all right ed thank you very much for that update from havana the netherlands is seeing a rise in covert 1000 infections that person has an answer them and sent this update. A serious lack of urgency thats how critics describe the dutch governments response to covert 19 even now figures are going up at an alarming rate and are the highest per capita in the whole of europe Prime Minister that the said that he wants to wait another 72 hours before possibly imposing stricter measures the netherlands has this socalled intelligent lockdown that means that people can voluntarily follow the rules there are some sanctions in place though but wearing a mask for example is still fall entirely the government has only last week advice people strongly advice people swear one in public after many months of saying that it doesnt protect you against the virus so people are confused the many are still not wearing a mask so local leaders a mayor and the doctors and hospitals have been ringing alarm bells in the last couple of weeks urging the government to be more consistent be more clear and also be more strict like in neighboring countries the government is still watching it in the next 72 hours things could possibly change at the moment life is still going on as usual everythings open restaurants shops are only closing at an earlier hour but again that could change after the situation in the next couple of days is going to deteriorate coming up on the news hour. When you put texas you dont take control of the white house for a term you take control of the white house for a generation democrats in texas hope the changing face of voters can lead to a blue waves in novembers election an aid worker freed in mali after 4 years in captivity arrives back home in france plus bron james and the l. A. Lakers are chasing glory in the n. B. A. Finals against the miami heats asked stories coming up a little later. Still plenty of hates across the middle east not great surprises there but heat is just easing down a touch as we go through the next couple days because unless the weather pulling across to the cloud here maybe i was towards the black sea will break down polls in the west and yesterday she was coming a little larger as you go on through the weekend and a few showers into northern parts of iran these are in the process of easing but its likely the temperatures 37 celsius there in doha folding back there was a chilly 33 it was pleasantly warm 33 celsius there as we go in through sunday but fine and dry right across the middle east bunny a showers across central parts of africa some bigger showers today just sinking further south was through zambia into was in bob way for a time mostly some west of weather just around angola over towards the rift valley and just notice some wetter weather across southern cape pushing across the eastern cape as we go on through saturday now that cloud of rain at all not just well little further north which as we go on into sunday shall is just moving into good parts of southern botswana well all the possible for africa could see some localized flooding from time to time she was returning to was in bob i know the parts of my exam big be fine and dry. Corruption it is that invisible behind a wall of silence. Against corruption corruption is not something to be told that it. Is not the african. Country his email lets destroy this wall. In 2020 the free space award encourages the heroes who are fighting against corruption this helps our communities to save the resources that we need in order to address the burning problems that affect us all. Shine a light on your Anti Corruption hero. Nominate now. On counting the cost exit from the pandemic who will pay to get vaccines to the worlds poorest in kastrup zimbabwe strike oil using drilling reports in the 1990 s. And whats behind chinas plot to lift 1000000000 people into the middle class. Counting the cost on aljazeera. The redundant top stories on the news hour theres been an attempt on the life of the former president of congress to. Have his car was shot at in the streets of the capital bishkek the current president is certain by jim because of has ordered troops into the capital in a bid to end the unrest following disputed elections. Talks are getting underway in moscow between the Foreign Ministers of armenia and azerbaijan its the latest effort to end the ongoing conflict over the disputed region of nagornokarabakh. The World Health Organization is reporting a new daily high of corona virus cases with the global tally surpassing 350000 in france new infections are risen by more than 20000 and spain has declared a state of alert in madrid its. The United Nations World Food Program has won the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize for its efforts to combat hunger and Food Insecurity around the globe our diplomatic editor james bays reports. And so we work with the people in rehabilitating the land with what we call half moves and now the head of the World Food Program David Beasley was on a trip to west africa hed been in bikini a fast so and then was in 2 countries blighted by conflict and hunger when he heard the news i mean this is the 1st time in my life a bit speechless like. This luckily will talk about the most exciting point in time in your life is the Nobel Peace Prize it is because of the the family theyre out there in the most difficult complex places on in the world with us war conflict climate extremes it doesnt matter theyre out there and they deserve this award and wow wow wow wow mark it will even before the nobel announcement some of predicted the peace prize might go to the World Health Organization but that would have been controversial the agency and its head dr ted ross are at the center of disputes between the u. S. And china with the trumpet ministration pulling its funding instead another part of the u. N. Firmly deeply impacted by coded 19 was chosen for its assets to call. For its contribution to bettering conditions for peace in conflict affected areas and for acting as a driving force in to prevent the use of hunger as a weapon of war and conflict. The World Food Program has had a major logistical challenge delivering food this year with large parts of the Global Shipping and Aviation Networks closed instead its had to find alternatives one expert told b w f p is currently probably the Largest Airline in africa the award goes to the agency for its work and to wall its 17000. 00 stone of. But executive director David Beasley has been a bold and passionate leader repeatedly linking conflict and hunger in his speeches in the u. N. Security council but it is worth the job has the 1980s always gone to an american mr beazley is a former republican governor of South Carolina who knows President Trump well hes had a difficult year himself contract encoded 19 early in the pandemic but he ends it with the presentation of the award in december recognition of the agencys ever growing workload james aljazeera of the United Nations 000 or earlier i spoke to David Beasley whos the executive director of the u. N. World food Program Program who are the recipients of this years nobel prize for peace and i began by asking him if he expects. To win the nobel prize heres what he said. No no in fact were here in each area as you can imagine a conflict area because of extremist groups and Climate Change so we were literally coming in from the field and were meeting and someone walked in interrupted the media and said the Nobel Peace Prize im like oh wow yes who won it and they said we did the world cooper when i was like youve got to be good to be away wow i cant believe this that what an author what i mean really just an inspiration to everybody to put their lives on the line right now for the World Food Program to help people what do you think this means for not only the World Food Program but other humanitarian organizations around the work that you do the work that you do well i think the the Nobel Peace Prize Committee Senate emissions all around the world that they clearly understand the importance of not just the work of the World Food Program and our partners save the last around the world complex environment with us or conversely climate extremes but they also clearly recognize what the United Nations Security Council has just recognized and that is theres a clear relationship between conflict and hunger and hunger and conflict where you have hunger youre going to have conflict you can have starvation destabilization mass migration is so if we dont address hunger youre going to have catastrophe around the world and right now were facing the worst humanitarian crisis since world war 2. 00 and 1. 00 of the areas where we can see that link quite clearly between hunger and conflict is certainly in yemen and i know the World Food Program has done a lot of work in yemen but its been quite challenging as well what are the Biggest Challenges you face there and whats your biggest concern about yemen well youre exactly right yemen is the worlds worst disaster out of 29000000 people we see a system about 12 and a half 1000000 people on any given day and its driven nothing but by war man. They conflict and people are starving to death if we have the money in the yanks this and we need both we can avert famine and we can avert death but in a place like everyones just so much war conflict it is very complicated our people the men and women that work so validly at the World Food Program theyre putting their lives on the line to every single day their lives at risk every single day whether its yemen or syria or iraq or the northeast nigeria south sudan the hell region where you get aces and al qaeda and all extremist groups so we work in complex environments but if we have the money and the access we can avert salmon we can attack reduce destabilization as well as migration but but we got to have the money and right now money is a really really serious issue and youve also said that you have to hide and youve had to make cutbacks here a global food aid this year and thats of course due to the coronavirus pandemic so its been a challenging here what impact has the coronavirus had on your work oh my gosh just when you think it could not get any worse the coronavirus comes in just dynamically impacts the Global Economy as well as the supply chain around the world and that before kobe did we had 135000000 people on the brink of starvation and that is up from 80000000 from 3 years ago driven by me in the climate so were just when you think thats bad enough hope comes in and now were facing from 135000000 people on the break to starvation to 270000000 people on the brink of starvation and weve got a vaccine for starvation we have a bank seen against famine in this cold food and now we just need the money to make certain we save the lives of children and families around the world. One of the countries the World Food Program has been warning about is zimbabwe were more than 8000000 people wont have enough food if there is an urgent help by december so its blaming recurring droughts and an economic crisis as well as the coronavirus pandemic which has made things worse harm its also reports from on a land West Province where impoverished communities are mostly affect. One hit of cabbage some cooking oil a little bit of salt and about 3 cups of rice is all a mukherjee has left in her kitchen she says shell have to make it last as long as possible to feed her family of 8. Life is hard we dont have mashed to eat there is nothing good about our situation we are barely surviving the uns World Food Program says more than 8000000 zimbabweans will not have enough food by december if theres not agent intervention thats roughly 60 percent of the population militarization of course something that affects mostly Young Children oppression vegetating women in zimbabwe also it is a large number of people who are dealing with chronic illness of course their needs an Additional Needs are different from people who are otherwise healthy so its very important that we keep an eye close eye on those in the current circumstances basic goods and now beyond the reach of many people growing enough food is not an option for some years of drought the economic crisis rising unemployment soaring inflation and now coronavirus that hit families hard millions across the country are struggling in bud light cities and rural areas. Desperate families. Eating less she has to feed 10 grandchildren her own kids either died or left the country to look for work. If you do one is involved i can only hope my neighbors take pity on us and give us food even if its their loved overs we really dont know what we are going to do so bobbys cash strapped government gives food aid and a coke at 19 and islands of about 20. 00 a month to some vulnerable families local officials. Sometimes he. Was. Back in the kitchen the children wait for supper for stated they grab my the says she hopes to never have to say to them one day she has nothing to give them. Aljazeera. Province zimbabwe the African Union has lifted its suspension of mali which went into effect after president to bring boubacar case i was ousted by military leaders in august this comes 3 days after the west African Regional bloc eko us announced the lifting of sanctions that have been put in place because of the coup the sanctions included border closures on the ban on commercial trade and financial flows but not basic necessities drugs equipment to fight coronavirus fuel or electricity nicholas aka has been following those developments from senegal. The money and authority welcomed this announcement made by the African Union reinstating mali as part of a member state on tuesday the west african body ecowas lifted its sanctions on the country which included closing off its borders and halting all Financial Transactions then on the resume of course the United Nations Security Council reinstated its support with this government that has not been elected this government of transition in which many of the members of the military jintao that took over power on august 18th 18th overthrowing the brian burke arcade to well they are part of the leadership of this Transition Team now while this president michel announced a sigh of relief after the french hostage was released remember this is the last hostage held in captivity for france well the americans continue to impose sanctions on them on the in state saying that they will stop and halt military cooperation with the transition of government and tell they hold free and Fair Elections and that will happen in 18 months time and they are unhappy that the money is released almost 200. 00 fighters affiliated to both al qaida and these law make my grip and job mountainsides of the slum while mostly mean whilst theyre unhappy in mali there are people gathering hundreds of people gathering outside smile as he says home the Opposition Leader that was freed thanks to the negotiations held by the Transition Team and for them this is a victory for the money and people and french aid worker whod been kidnapped in mali and held hostage for several years has returned to her country sophie petro then was welcomed by president and i knew that my home she in mali an opposition politician some i left says they were among several people whod been released part of a Prisoner Exchange deal between armed groups and the governments antacid butlers in paris with more. So if you patron in this small in stature a woman 75 years old walked down the steps of the plane and she was greeted by a man of the french president bush she soon turned towards a group of relatives who are waiting there for her among them grandchildren and she just fell into their arms and they will hug each other for a very very long time in fact the french president just kind of had to stand aside he had planned to make a speech but in the end there was such emotion and it was a real moment of reunion between this former hostage and her family that emanuel decided not to make a speech in the end he put out a tweet instead only just saying you know welcome back to sophie. Now she had spent nearly 4 years in captivity she was abducted in 2016 in december by armed groups in the Northern City of galle where she had run an often age should know miley very very well she had lived there for years and obviously she has said since that she she loves the country very much in fact she considers it in many ways a home and whats interesting is she said that once shes caught up with her family and friends say one of the things that she really wants to do is actually go back to mali and visit the children in the orphanage and resume some of her work there. Human rights activists in colombia say theyre facing threats and attacks on their lives and a new report by Amnesty International accuses the government of doing little to protect them. He reports. 5 members of a Rural Community in the volatile region of the 19 yo were killed by armed men 2 weeks ago the perpetrators filmed in this tributed images of the aftermath to further instill fear the west the latest mass killing in colombia where violence is spiraling in remote Areas Community leaders are fighting to defend themselves and their land against criminal groups involved in Drug Trafficking illegal gold mining and other illicit activities but often deadly results in a new report by Amnesty International condemned the colombian government for inaction. And narrative has been built especially internationally that colombia is now in the post conflict process in reality we see that colombia is on conflict unfortunately continues to be a daily reality for millions of people. Who leads an Indigenous Group in the Amazon Region of put to my year says she received countless threats as she tried to confront Oil Companies in her territory and most for the simple reason of working for human rights we made enemies from wanting to lead and defend the community i have received Death Threats have been forced to leave the area the coronavirus and them it has only made matters worse without reducing levels of protection such as state provided bodyguards in armored vehicles. A peace deal between the colombian government and the countrys main rebel group the fark in 2016 was supposed to and decades of bloodshed but only a fraction of its provisions have been implemented and violence continues as other armed groups and cartels fight for control. A recent report by the International Crisis group also accuses the government of in danger and social leaders by allowing the exploitation of Natural Resources i mean pensive firing the eradication of illicit crops which have prompted retaliations. The government has not answered their reports directly but says its working to establish the rule of law in conflict areas but activists believe the threats will continue until structural issues like deep inequality are addressed. People fear assuming leadership in their communities we continue but always fearing for our lives if things remain as they are the violent people when. Its a cycle of violence that continues to be tray the promise of peace in colombia i listen. To the u. S. Elections now with certain just 25 days away and texas has historically been a republican stronghold but this year their rival democrats think they can stage a big upset ellen 1st reports from austin texas. The face of texas voters is changing their younger more diverse and that puts what was a solidly republican state in play 8 democrats are spending time and money hoping that the 2020 president ial election will bring a breakthrough the thing that were so excited here about at the Texas Democratic party from a National Perspective is when you put texas you dont take control of the white house for a term you take control of the white house for a generation and we think thats worth fighting for a lot of people have been moving to texas a Strong Economy a growing tech sector cheaper property prices all driving a change in the way the state lukes and that means new voters from 14000004 years ago to more than 16000000 know an increase about the size of the entire state of connecticut its estimated there somewhere in the region of 2 and a half 1000000 and registered voters in texas the Democratic Party is trying to track them down and give them a voice believing if they can do that it will fundamentally change the face of politics in texas and by extension the United States recent protests across the country have increased calls for change in america and the nonpartizan group move texas which registers people to vote says those on the streets see a path to change through the ballot box i think the black lines matter protests that reenergize folks brought them back into the critical importance of voting and being involved cynically i think by each match or of our organization we are seeing increases as a direct result of this protest texas went for donald trump in the last election its 2 senators a republican 22 of the 36 congressional seats are filled by republicans statistics which should be a warning to overconfident democrats the emphasis on demographics and even energy in the Democratic Party typically underestimates the ability of republicans in the state who are still very powerful very well funded and very well placed to mount. Counterresponse you dont get to just make your play and see how it works the most recent polls say texas will be a tight race but donald trump is still slightly ahead but that means he has to spend time money and effort shoring up what used to be a safe bet for the republicans and even that may be enough to ensure texas was the election one way or another alan fischer Al Jazeera Austin texas still ahead on the news its a rather tough day for the packet cyclings 0 to tell you all stories coming up or toe in sport right after this short break stay with us. Corruption it is that invisible behind a wall of silence. Against corruption corruption is not something to be told and it. Is a. Long country his email lets destroy this wolf. In 2020 the free space award encourages the heroes who are fighting against corruption this helps our communities to save the resources that we need in order to address the burning problems that affect us all. Shine a light on your Anti Corruption hero. Nominate now. Cut through the noise kernel of the character in a very hard way tell your word for it. You know were very smart. Monitoring the media listening post on aljazeera. Over. The over. The way again lets get an update on the sports news with joe thank you very much but we start in paris where world tennis number one of a joke of it is closing in on a place in the french open final djokovic is up against a finalist says a pass of grace he took the 1st 2 sets with relative ease 6362 and is on the verge of clinching the all important 3rd joke which hes the reigning Australian Open champion of course last won at Roland Garros 4 years ago if he wins this time then rafael nadal will be his next opponent and dow has moved within one win of a record equalling 20th grand slam title by reaching the french open final he beat argentinas Diego Schwartzman comfortably 636376 it was revenge for the spaniard who was knocked out in rome bush was meant a little over 2 weeks ago a victory on sunday for his hour would also give him a 13th roman garros title. Or will have to wait a bit longer to see the shoe makin a return to formula one thats not to make the son of 7 time champion michael at his f one debut cooled off because of bad weather she was set to drive in the 1st practice session at the nerve agreeing ahead of this weekends i full grown prix but as you can see fog and rain made it too dangerous for perth practice sessions to go ahead she america who leads the formula 2 championship says it would be worth the wait when he finally gets on the track. Well obviously i would have loved to be able to go out and drive my girls always been a fan and you know it is it is still in the thats where yeah you know my dreams of this place for me now is to focus on the after season to try and finish this on a high number see what the future holds will depend on on how the series is common and also on the see how different teams evaluate my my season so far the Los Angeles Lakers could cling 17 n. B. A. Championship title later on friday standing in my way is Le Bron James is all tamed the miami heat paid to stem it looks ahead to game 51 win away from glory basketball superstar Le Bron James has won 3 n. B. A. Titles victory in game 5 for his team against the miami heat will make it thaw and an n. B. A. Title with a 3rd different team. That desperation. Coming to a cause are. Now senators always. I mean their choice after you know having that mindset thats just. Become have challenges and chattered you know. You know my mindset and the moment theyre going to moment and thats going to granite but they are far from being a one man team Anthony Davis schooled 66 points in the opening 2 games of the series to go along with these 23 rebounds and there is an added incentive for the lakers in january 1 of their legends kobe bryant lost his life in a Helicopter Crash los angeles have already appeared in the black man but it is a tribute to brians in game 2 wood is that they will wear the out for the game in game 5. As for the heat they have won the n. B. A. Championship 3 times but not since they themselves had le bron in their ranks miamis star man is arguably jimmy butler he knows its all or nothing now for his team oh i think his version i think is just one or more. But hes had injury problems and ive had to make do with al gore and drag who hurt his foot in game one the odds are stacked against miami they trail l. A. 31 in the best of 7 series being played at disney world in orlando and only once before in the history of the n. B. A. Has a team come back from 31. 00 down to win the finals and that team the 2016 Cleveland Cavaliers had Le Bron James in their ranks peter stammered aljazeera the 2017 world series baseball champions the Houston Astros at through to this years American League championship series career hit this 3 run homer as the astros beat the Oakland Athletics 116. 00 on thursday this is a 4 heroes that houston will play in the American League championship series and if they can win that one theyll be off to the world series over in the National League the Los Angeles Dodgers have swept the series against the San Diego Padres a big 123 win in short a 3 nothing series triumph the judges are on their way to the national League Championship game for the 4th time in 5 seasons theyre hoping to go one better than last year when they were beaten in the wild same race. French cyclist on our democracy oldest sprint hat trick at the jury did talia despite good conditions on friday 7th stage some of the pellets home still got in a tangle 45 kilometers from the finish line but not the mahu clinched victory in a frantic sprint it was demolished stage when of the 2020 race which hes right as well made us still leads the overall classification by 48 seconds. All right that is a yes but for now it is but to derail or to thank you very much and thanks for watching the news hour on aljazeera will hand you over to marian the muslims but more news from london about. Corruption it is that invisible behind a wall of silence. Against. The rupture is not something to be told that there. Is a. Country his. Lets destroy this wall. In 2020 the free space award encourages the heroes who are fighting against corruption this helps our communities to save the resources that we need in order to address the burning problems then affect us and. Shine a light on your anticorruption here. Nominate. In the next episode of techno the team looks into the Environmental Impact of Waste Management trash is a big business and unfortunately smelly business to the complexities of recycling when these different plastics are landed together the recycling becomes difficult to impossible and the scientists that offer a solution its very easy for us to have a 100 percent recycled material techno on aljazeera. We know whats happening in our region we know how to get what they feel that others can offer i was just throwing beer guy by the footy on purpose the fires are still ongoing im going to give you. My you know. The way that you khalil death story isnt what can make a difference. Shots fired it karega songs former president as a state of emergency is imposed off to days of unrest over sundays election. Now im Maryam Namazie watching aljazeera live from london also coming up on the Program Russia host talks to resolve the conflict of in a garden a car back but as a by johns president rules out any concessions to all media well wow well here

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