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A hillside in peru is discovered at unesco World Heritage site. Sudan could be about to end more than 25 years of International Isolation and transition to democracy u. S. President donald trump says hes ready to take the country off the list of state sponsors of terrorism thats likely to bring an injection of International Investment and allow urgently needed that relief habit morgan reports from the capital. This is one of the events that have kept sudan on a u. S. List of states ponces of terror and kept most Foreign Investors away for more than 25 years. In august 1908 truck bomb attacks on the u. S. Embassies in kenya and intends annia killed 224 people and injured more than for. 1000 sudan was accused of providing a base for the bombers then president ahmed bashir had already been accused of offering sanctuary to the likes of al qaida and its leader osama bin laden. But after you have negotiations by the Transitional Government President Donald Trump says hes ready to restore sudans International Status in a tweet he said sudan had agreed to pay 335000000. 00 compensation and once deposited he would remove it from the list. The road ahead of us is long and we have to have a serious plan and work to give the to benefit from the separate unity we promised 0 people and we work to achieve our promise with no agenda except the interest of the nation together we can achieve the impossible being on the list has meant sudan has struggled for investment resulting in a hard currency shortage that led to inflation that 1st throw slowly then steeply the countries pound has lost more than 50 percent of its value against the dollar in just the past 2 months the cash strapped government is struggling to pay for stuff lies of fleet fuel and medicine all items it subsidizes resulting in shortage of sudans removal from the u. S. List would allow it to be relieved of its that by the International Monetary fund that will still take months but the country needs help now some analysts say that may mean a move to normalize ties with israel which comes with an economic assistance package could still happen i suspect however that we will see in the coming days or weeks an effort towards normalization on the part of the sudanese because washington at the end of the day needs to get some kind of political way and i think its a sad commentary for washington and for the trumpet ministration that it isnt a sufficient enough win for them to point to a Success Story in the horn of africa where there wasnt one before this is a region you know beset with political problems and economic problems and for us to be able to point to a Success Story should be a sufficient Foreign Policy win for this administration that it should want to try and. Trumpet that when. And while President Trump seeks a Foreign Policy when so dance Prime Minister abdullah says the delisting would open paths for sudan economic improvement crucial for its transition to democracy he will morgan are just hot on Human Rights Watch has released video shows fighters from. Getting support from the military the leader of the group has been on the run for more than a year now reports. She is wanted by prosecutors in the democratic republic of congo. Action recruiting child soldiers and the crime against humanity of rape he leads an armed group called n d c r its fighters are notorious for torturing and executing civilians they controlled a larger area than any other militia in eastern congo until the group split 3 months ago. Some of the fighters surrendered to the government. Remains at large in spite of a warrant for his arrest and its widely believed that a lot of his weapons ammunition and uniforms have come from Government Army officers who supported him to fight other armed groups denies it and denies committing right to be says. The in d. C. Does not have any collaboration with the Congolese Army when were in confrontation with other armed groups we find heavy weapons ammunition and Congolese Military uniform. International rights group Human Rights Watch has released videos that it says show otherwise they will film secretly by local residents this one appears to show fighters collecting illegal taxes and shows people who cant pay being beaten. Punishment a brutal for anyone who doesnt comply. One of the fighters says you know. And one of the armed groups commanders. Over the years of the world. And the congolese government soldier. Well it is very. Humble but some things have recently changed. Deputies turned against him congos army has been fighting him said. Those who say there may be a certain collaboration between the army and we dont should bring evidence we are actually in military operations against collaboration would be against the nature of our mission which is to track down all armed groups. People in eastern congo have suffered in brutal conflicts for more than 20 years Human Rights Watch says and Army Officers who supported him must be brought to Justice Malcolm webb aljazeera elsewhere in eastern democratic republic of congo armed men afraid around 900. 00 prisoners from jail the jail break happened in the city of beni the towns mayor is blaming the allied Democratic Forces armed group the u. N. Says the a. D. F. Has killed more than a 1000 civilians since the start of 2019. The u. S. Is charged 6 former Russian Military officers over Cyber Attacks targeting major events the attacks in the past 4 years they targeted the 2017 french president ial election and last Winter Olympics british Officials Say there were also attempts to disrupt next years olympics and Paralympic Games u. S. Prosecutors say the group is part of the same unit that interfered in the 2016 president ial election. Mounted men are assumed to be in russia. New rules will be in place when donald trump and his democratic challenger joe biden face off in their final president ial debate on thursday their 1st Live Exchange last month was punctuated by frequent interruptions from the president but this time each candidate gets to speak for 2 minutes without interruption at the beginning of every segment of the debate the microphone of the candidate who is not speaking will be muted mike hanna has more from washington d. C. Strictly speaking its the same format and that is a 90 minute debate divided into 6 sections but what the change is is that each candidate will be given 2 minutes to speak at the beginning of each section and now the commission on president ial debates says the other candidates microphone will be switched off during those 2 minutes to stop all interruptions and then during the discussion that will follow a free discussion in each section any candidate that interrupts will have the time taken off him and given to the other candidate this just follows the absolute chaos that ensued in the 1st and only Television Debate between joe biden and President Trump now the commission insisting that it has to take these safeguards to ensure that some form of debate does take place between the candidates early on in the day of the Trump Campaign sent the commission a letter saying that it object to the fact that it was not focusing on Foreign Policy this particular debate it also described the commission as pro biden and also insisted that it would not accept the muting of microphones well the commission announced this change in rules after that and it doesnt appear that theres been any oppose all opposition to this particular fact so it appears that this debate will be going ahead according to this new formula in terms of which the candidates mix will be switched off for the 1st 2 minutes while the other candidate is talking the u. S. Supreme court has declined a republican bed that would have limited the count of mail in ballots in the state of pennsylvania it means postal votes there can now be counted up to 3 days after the election on november the 3rd a top court was deadlocked allowing a Lower Court Ruling to stand currently only 8 justices on the bench following the death of ruth bader ginsburg. President trump says if hed listened to his top Infectious Diseases expert there would have been hundreds of thousands more coronavirus deaths trump attack talk to anthony found g. During a call to his Campaign Team labeling him a disaster he also called other Health Officials idiots felt she has often had to clarify or correct trumps Public Comments on the pandemic which is killed 220000 people in the u. S. Thailands Prime Minister is recalling parliament for a special session next week as protesters continue calls for him to quit thousands of rallied for 6 Straight Days in the capital bangkok along with charges resignation they want reforms to the constitution and moloch e aid agencies are pushing for a stable ceasefire in nagornokarabakh to help those who can be who have been forced out of their homes the International Red cross says so far its only been able to provide limited aid there are reports shelling is continuing days after azerbaijan and armenia agreed to a humanitarian cease fire. In armenia civilians are volunteering to help those on the front line for many the fighting is different than the war in the line 990 s. Orry chalons reports from the capital you havent. Stripped by strip not by not theyre hoping to save lives the women and teenagers in this year around school are making camouflage netting to send to the front lines theyre volunteers part of armenias home front war efforts and there are scenes like this all across this small country restarted while not far from everything you said they so full of and a great source code to the cross if i want to stay here i would want to do more. The further is there and its obvious why everyone is affected by this war in some way here is a translator and teacher and asked her students who they knew at the front there this relate this. Brothers fathers uncles cousins friends childhood friends colleagues and every day. We come to class their eyes i read my friend and my brother that if we had one of the brother of one of my students days that although they insist on media wants peace and will ultimately be victorious theres a sense here that things arent going well people in armenia are aware the conflict has changed since the war of 1990 s. Many of see those videos of drawings picking off groups of young soldiers i dont even know whether these nets can protect their troops against such things but they are hoping. Armenia and azerbaijan are supposed to be respecting a humanitarian ceasefire but azerbaijans president said on monday that is very forces had regained 13 villages near the azerbaijan iran border from armenian control and azerbaijan said armenia shelled a factory in the town of terror well beyond the new corner karabakh line of conflict hopes for peace rose late on monday when a leader and armenias Prime Minister nicolas passion agreed in principle to meet in moscow. But the fight over nagornokarabakh has deep roots narramore r. T. M. Is one of many armenian artists raising money for the disputed region by selling their work. During the 1st war my sons were small 10 to 11 years old now they are mature men and our motherland is still in the same fatal situation im an optimist but when evil wants to enter your home even i sometimes lose my optimism as a boy john says its fighting to expel armenia from azeri land or media says its fighting to protect ethnically armenian nagornokarabakh either way most say theres more fighting to be done for each islands aljazeera year of on media. Still ahead of aljazeera combating the coronavirus resurgence in europe curfews and long downs are reimposed as fears grow of worse to come during the winter. And more than 50 u. S. Politicians demand the release of political activists and journalists facing dangerous conditions in egypt prisons. Hello heres some with artistry look at this unwinding level winding up law should say which is sitting over ireland expands itself in the front runs all the way down through western europe towards portugal which is the place to focus for significant right ahead of all that europes enjoying a bit of anti psychotic warmth and yes it is slowly warming up so big contrasts really today and they stay really its going to be portugal where the rain falls heavily central portugal there is a warning out for heavy rain and that rain will keep going in that general direction of the next 24 hours or so there are still potentially nasty storms in turkey they gave a few flash floods yesterday thats true maybe. Northeast or in the caucasus today i think mainly just shows the rain tonight goes across just catch in the northwest of spain the bay of biscay and northwest and france these are not time temperatures thats a no way is quite into frost as you see it is low single figures and then during wednesday that rain goes up towards the British Isles leaving porch cool well still cloudy and damp not quite as wet but the contrast between that whats happening in Central Europe particularly germany is quite obvious for cost really spells it out youve got a couple of days at 20. 00 or 21. 00 degrees whereas the average is 40. 1000000000 on Global Community we are having this conversation. But the whole craze is the response that looks like be part of the debate if youre nietzsche can jump into the conversation right away when no topic is off the table youre not afraid of anyone taking power we just cant watch t. V. Isnt used in the world you see is the rich are getting richer and the poor getting poorer its not kill and destroy the system its just to look at the system and. This street on out is the era. Welcome back youre watching aljazeera time to recap our headlines now sudans Prime Minister is welcoming a move by the United States that would remove the country from the list of states says of terrorism President Donald Trump says hes ready to make the decision which would likely bring much needed investment and debt relief. A mute feature will be added to the 2nd and final u. S. President ial debate previous debates saw president dog constantly into jacksons democratic candidate joe biden this weekend. Thailands Prime Minister is recalling parliament for a special session next week as protesters continue calls for him to quit thousands have rallied for 6 Straight Days in the capital bangkok they also want reforms to the constitution and monarchy. Countries all across europe are taking Emergency Action to stop a resurgence in corona virus infections the World Health Organization is warning Winter Weather will make the next few months especially difficult in the Northern Hemisphere there in barber explains. In ireland as elsewhere covered 19 is causing real fears for the winter months the countrys just recorded more than a 1000 new cases in 24 hours now the governments approved the highest level of restrictions for a limited duration people will be asked not to leave their home except for exercise nonessential shops will be shut with restaurants only operating take away and delivery services. Wales has taken a big step down its own path the devolved government is starting what it calls a 2 week fire break from friday the type of restrictions last seen back in the spring between friday the 28th of october and the 9th of november everyone in wales will be required to stay at home this means working from home where ever that is possible and the only exceptions will be critical workers and jobs where working form home is simply not possible the Welsh Government says the measures need to be short and sharp to fight an exponential rise in covered 1000. 00 cases its offering almost 400000000. 00 in support for businesses affected. Well the u. K. Has europes highest covered death toll belgium has the worlds 2nd highest toll per population or fortys there are warning of a tsunami of new cases of is read as a feast or directory of malta some up infections are doubling every 8 days and hospitalizations are doubling every 7 days on tuesday oct 13th we reached 12051. 00 new infections this figure is the highest figure ever of each so far bars and restaurants across belgium and ill shut for an entire month and the nighttime curfew starts on monday this Restaurant Owner says he understands the moves. The virus will keep spreading of people are not disciplined in some other countries people are behaving and they can see the end of the tunnel but here people are not disciplined. And in italy theyre also bringing in new measures including earlier closures for bars and restaurants and a push to increase working from home the aim is to avoid the need for a true lockdown across the continent rising numbers of coronavirus cases in hospital admissions reigniting the debate over how far to close down society and for how long the teen barber aljazeera argentina has become the 5th country with 1000000 infections new cases are increasing despite having enforced one of the worlds longest lockdowns other latin american countries are also heading towards the 1000000 infections mark including colombia mexico and. Scientists in brazil say an experimental vaccine being developed by china appears to be safe 9000. 00 brazilians are taking part in the trial of corona its one of 3 vaccines being tested their data on how effective the treatment is released until the trial is completed our reporter monica here has more from rio de janeiro. The one that is ahead of all is the chinese one produced by syn novak and its called corona vacuum has already been tested on 9001000 people theyve received 2 doses and its proved to be safe with very little side effects but what they really are worried now is to see how effective it is and ive spoken to a researcher who said that they are expecting that scenes to be like 50 percent 60 percent effective not 100 percent brazil also is testing its also working with the russians on the russian vaccine which they hope to have by the end of the year and also with astra zeneca so there are 3 vaccines that are expected to be in use here. Irans president Hassan Rouhani has ordered an increase in testing after its highest single day rise in death since the outbreak began 337. 00 fatalities raises the total there to nearly 31000. 00 the Health Ministry says the unprecedented spike is because people of flouncing Health Regulations schools gyms and theaters are all closed mosques are compulsory in parts of the country india has reported the fewest new daily coronavirus cases nearly 3 months nearly 45000 infections were confirmed in the past 24 hours taking the tally to about 7600000. 00 from the Health Ministry show a steady decline since september but experts warn numbers could peak again as a series of festivals approach. In south africa 2 black men accused of murdering a white farmer back in court seeking bail Brendan Horner was killed in early october what white farming unions say is part of a pattern of targeted racist attacks a Previous Court appearance or scuffles between white farmers and members of the Political Party who oppose the prosecutions Rights Groups say been nearly 300 attacks on white farmers this year and 37 murders for me as more from senate car where the court case is taking place. This is brought to the fore racial tensions in south africa which is an ongoing issue with an every so often does become a flash point depending on what is going on on one end of the spectrum we do have farmers white farmers in south africa who have said that theres a systematic attempt to get them off farms perhaps using violence crime such as murders and on the other hand you also have the government that has said that this isnt about targeting farmers in a specifically but its about a broader crime issue in south africa so africa does have one of the highest crime rates in the world it has the 5th highest or number of murders in the world and annually there are about 20000. 00 murders in this country of that between 50. 70 farmers are murdered every year so its actually a small amount given the 20000. 00 murders we do see in this country every year every year and so there is this argument and this back and forth between interested groups farmers on one side who say that they are targeted and the government and other interested parties a Political Parties who say that this isnt about farmers and this is also about perhaps labor issues and then you also have you know an organization like every forum an Advocacy Group whos saying that even if it had to do with labor issues less than 2 percent of the murders they see on farms are related to those labor issues and then again because of south africas history the is an issue around Land Ownership about 70 percent of farmland in this country at least 70 percent is owned by white farmers specifically. Thousands of u. S. Politicians are calling on egypts president to release jail journalists and critics of his government they say prisoners lives risk because of crown of virus outbreaks and overcrowded and dangerous conditions or about man records. Activists journalists and lawyers are among the thousands of prisoners in egyptian jails most to held on flimsy challenges for challenging president abdel fattah theses regime in that is he him 56 members of congress criticize the unjust attention of egyptians for exercise nephi demential human rights this is accused of locking up his critics and notoriously overcrowded and dangerous presence the american politicians are urging sisi to free all Political Prisoners mourning the continued imprisonment risks death due to covered 900. 00 outbreaks in jails the politician class the highlights the frustration in both chambers of congress and what they call theses glaring Human Rights Violations its not the only way to achieve accountability a lot of the people on the ground in egypt they are trying to build solidarity with their peers outside the country and this is one of the things that this letter stressed is all wrong is that they are the practice of taking family members and friends and side egypt who are working was all related to people outside egypt as political hosts this is not acceptable. Egypts government is crackdown on dissent in fisi let the military coup 7 years ago which depends democratically elected president Mohamed Morsi the lesson may prove problematic dont trump a full his reelection bid next month hes repeatedly shown support for fisi once referring to him i think favorite dictator. The u. S. President has so far been fined about abuses under theat leadership. Our desire janice mom the same is one of the many to melt hes been held for nearly 4 years without charge after his arrest 2161. 00 on a personal family get it out his ear is urging the Egyptian Government to immediately release all detained journalists more about him and the aljazeera the United Nations is hoping to raise a 1000000000. 00 in food aid to Donor Conference later on tuesday thats after the World Food Program warned of catastrophic levels of hunger in parts of west africa attacks by armed groups in the saddle region of force more than a 1000000 and a half people from their homes the un is urging access for a groups to be facile marley and me share. A few compound and arrange already fragile situation because it exacerbated natural disasters to a raging crisis you see. There is this this region face 4 d or 5 years humanitarian crisis in the years to come if we dont. Continue to build. A military and development assistance. Of the philippine president says he has no problem going to jail for the killings of thousands of people during the campaign he ordered against the Illegal Drugs trade for the ego deterred dismissed allegations of extra judicial killings and crimes against humanity Police Report nearly 6000 deaths during the crackdown over the past 4 years Rights Groups say the actual toll is far higher you can hold me responsible for it and it being. Made there. That thats record. Weve. Made. Archaeologists in peru have uncovered a giant cat or at least a 37. 00 metre long symbol of one its thought to be 2000 years old its one of hundreds of geometrical figures of the socalled nascar white lines some scientists think the ancient nascar culture may be actually in the desert as a prayer offering for rain to their gods. This design was drawn on the side of a fairly rocky hill on the nazca plain it was basically made by forming lines of about 30 to 40 centimeters which outline the figure and parts like the eyes in the mouth were formed by piling up rocks. The figure was in the process of disappearing because its on the side of a hill and its more than 2000 years old also the erosion was very strong so its basically allowed it to remain hidden for many years we hadnt been able to see it during all this time. And lets take you through the headlines here in aljazeera now so dans Prime Minister is welcoming a move by the United States that would remove the country from the list of state sponsors of terrorism president dan trump says hes ready to make the decision which could bring much

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