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Number of coronavirus cases might be around 3000000 thats triple the official count and. This is a fundamental step towards peace and stability in libya. Praise but also caution as libyas warring sides sign an immediate and permanent ceasefire brokered by the United Nations. Sudan and israel have agreed to normalize relations in a deal brokered by the United States it makes khartoum the 3rd arab nation to set aside its differences with israel in the past 2 months the sudans foreign minister says it still needs to be approved by the Transitional Legislative Council which has yet to be formed us President Donald Trump sealed the agreement in a call with the israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the sudanese Prime Minister abdullah doc he also told congress hes removing sudan from the list of state sponsors of terrorism palestinians describe sudans decision as a new stop in the back but President Trump says he expects more countries will want to make a deal as well. Its sudan they wanted to do a deal and that was in particular those because they essentially better war with israel for. A long time i dont know if it was fighting i dont know that but probably theres been a little bit but certainly its been for many years youve been officially at war with sudan and now its not only the deal was signed but its peace so thats official and thats you know we have at least 5 that want to come in its going to have town and fisher at the white house and any more information about how sudan was persuaded by the trumpet ministrations this. Well it seems that this process has been ongoing for a number of years according to mike pompei it started when he came into the administration he of course was the 1st cia director before becoming secretary of state what is clear the Sudan Government decided it would pay 335000000. 00 in compensation to the United States particularly to take care of the victims of the east African Embassy bombings back in 1908 the attack on the u. S. S. Cole in yemen in 2000 and also the murder of a u. S. Diplomat in the sudan itself that money went into the account at that point donald trump said he was going to remove sudan from the list of nations regarded and designated as state sponsors of terrorism that me gently opens up a number of opportunities because suddenly sanctions get dropped but theres a couple of problems with that 1st of all still has to go to congress they have 45 days consultation and if there is a joint resolution that objects to that it wont go through and then dont trump can put it in place but by lifting sanctions by lifting them from the list of state designated terror supporters then that means that israel was able to forge some sort of deal with them and 1st of all diplomatic recognition and then they were for numerous trade deals including in the aviation and agriculture what is clear from what donald trump has been seeing is 1st of all that he didnt really drill down into the details of the deal when he talked about the possibility of fighting between israel and sudan another thing is that hes trying to do little deals here in there rather than like his predecessor is one big peace deal and he believes that doing those small deals changes the reality on the ground and therefore it would help create peace avoids the expense of foreign wars and also explain make america safer but it also makes his reelection slightly more. Sure this far as hes concerned because he will be seen as a peacemaker it doesnt matter the sudans off the target list what hell be able to sell to the American People is loot secured 335 1000000. 00 for us victims of international terrorism. Thanks very much from the white house alan fischer thanks alan. Well there is have been morgan is in the sudanese capital khartoum she says the countrys removal from the u. S. State sponsors of terror list is going to be crucial for its economy lifting sudan out of the u. S. List of state sponsors of terror means an improvement incidentally economy maybe not immediately like the acting minister of finance said on tuesday following the announcement from u. S. President donald trump that he will be lifting of that list but they say that within the coming months they will expect the Banking Systems to open internationally so that sudanese can transact between sudan and other countries they also expect that this would be a way for them to be able to basically get loans from the International Monetary fund and the world bank and it will also help them be able to clear their debt of more than 60000000000. 00 thats what the government is hoping to achieve by being lifted out of the u. S. List of states hanss of terror of course sudans our Prime Minister has welcomed the steps when President Donald Trump mounted on monday he again welcomed the step that the us president took in notifying congress to deal with sudan in the next 45. 00 days the Prime Minister has previously stated that he is very worried about taking such a step because this is a Transitional Government not an elected government and its a government of a coalition of various Political Parties with various of various ideologies various leanings. And mary forces in west jerusalem he has more on the israeli perspective. Benjamin netanyahu has himself been talking about since the 1st agreement was signed or it was an announced with the United Arab Emirates back in august saying that essentially it was peace for peace as opposed to peace for land or any kind of concession given to the palestinians and thats something that the palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas also emphasized in a statement saying that nobody should speak on behalf of the palestinians that the only way to a comprehensive and just peace was through the end of the occupation and through an independent state with East Jerusalem as its capital as for the messaging coming from netanyahu after this latest announcement hes talking about the symbolism of this saying that. Referring to the pan arab agreement in a commitment in 1067 in khartoum to the 3 knows no to peace with israel no to negotiation of this with israel there was a recognition of israel that they had been replaced by the 3 yeses to those things and hes also trying to do a sales job to his own domestic constituency saying that these agreements will make practical beneficial changes to their lives that the kind of trading relationships that can open up will make the cost of living which is very high here in israel less but it is also worth noting that the text of the agreement so far released doesnt refer to the same kinds of things that were for to in the initial u. A. E. Agreement text i this is talking about trading relationships starting with agriculture as opposed to full diplomatic relationships at this stage no talk of embassies for example in either country or the palestinian leadership has condemned the deal affair from what had any had considered an ally this was a response that we had any yet. We thought then we denouncing does the need and we are sure that the sins of the nice people and to make sure the Sudanese National budget is the people of sudan on shalit is just his deeds because sudan and the people of sudan as their sadness and with the palestinian cause only to have his in ramallah or in the occupied west bank and hasnt palestinians feel threatened by dismiss this is what the palestinian leadership has been saying since then you wait he announced its going to be normalizing relations with israel that more countries are going to be following it and this is what happens if they behave and join the u. A. E. In signing a deal with israel and now so then who knows whos going to be next its worth mentioning that this is the 1st africans thing to be normalizing relations with not only talking about the gulf and that could be threatening as far as palestinians are concerned more normalization deals with israel the palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas issued a statement condemning the sedan announcement of not meditation relations with israel saying that the way and path to peace should only pass through International Law which is when israel and its occupation of palestinian lands the arab league we are the 3 nos were born and no to normalization or to recognition or peace who would negotiations with israel before it ends its occupation has failed to adopt a draft resolution suggested by the palestinians to condemn normalization and for them they feel that theyve been left alone especially amidst the Trump Administration that has been giving more and more as questions are concerned more gifts to the israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Well for more on this we can speak to rami hurry hes director of Global Engagement and seanie a Public Policy fellow at the American University in beirut and i suppose this normalization deal just reflects the deepening cooperation that we have between arab states and israel. Not really a perfect the moves by if you governments on a case of sudan half of the Transitional Government the military have to make transactions with an American Government that has brutally strangle them economically politically where the threats and sanctions blackmail the terms using finance and the terrorism 1st for half the Sudanese Government the Transitional Government to make this deal out of the separation sudan isnt a terrible situation with floods budget deficits shortages of food or let tricity continue and internal civil wars in different parts of the country massive unemployment in just the country is a terrible situation the Transitional Government in the middle of the 3 year transition to a democracy is holding its own but is so shaky and even the badge on a litter of of the sudanese economy and the fact that many people are struggling with soaring prices and inflation and other things did they mean they didnt really have a choice in the matter i suppose is what youre saying well this is the whole the there this is where the essentially the american certainly will give you lots of money youve got to accept these principles recognize israel eventually level recognize it yet normalize with it and this is what happens when you have countries without fully legitimate governments that represent the will of the people combined with an effective postilion leadership to counter these moves combined with a very brutal American Assault on palestinian groups that are wrecked lemo ending funding and representation of the palestinians and their occleve by making these deals this situation is typical to many others around the world in the last 50 years where the essential elements of the conflict were number result but people try to go around it and. So this is whats there are many of the u. A. E. Behind in deals now sudan others will follow this and the posts in this really conflict and factor calling out for sons is the need for to solve it politically in the way of the spirit of both israelis and palestinians though the interesting thing to learn people are certainly including the israelis the 3 nos of khartoum 30 years ago well you know 20 years ago they were the are the entire arab world im tired aslant world offered full peace and normalization with israel in the our peace plan but the israelis and the americans have never responded to that approach so what youre seeing here is a recent temperatures you know the risk to go around the global concern but the sad thing there are many risks running on just one in fact i never really responded to that approach does that mean that in some ways these deals kind of expose that and then the need for that to be some sort of new fresh strategy on the part of of the palestinians then. For sure you need a much better palestinian leadership with a Clear Strategy that supported by other means and has and principle massive arab and International Popular support 80 percent of the our people constantly saying that israel is their man and security for israel and the us most of them and they say that our people are deeply committed to palestinian rights and thats why the arab peace plan of 2002 was unanimously passed by all the our countries how do i think 47 islama countries. Together but the israelis and americans dont want to deal with the will of the citizens of the arab world or they want to deal with the interests of the small political classes in the us and israel and this is exactly what the americans undertow are trying to do which is to capitalize on this. Kind of a ramaj peace this this is not a Peace Agreement this is a deal by a desperate Sudanese Government to try to survive around for the better for the well being of the sudanese that probably think were this is not going to really bring about any major new changes the United States government also undercount was totally mistaken the these kinds of deals will impact the elections posters in the United States that ive spoken to in the last few days have said the people who support crown dont support him because of the when hes doing his policies abroad they support him for other internal reasons though the christian fundamentalist movement they even juggle fundamentalists who support him have already totally been behind him so theres no more christian fundamentalist evangelical votes to get the feel pro israeli donors like show that they will some of those given huge amounts of money they like anything that helps israel but they have already given huge amounts of money so theyre. Isnt really the only domestic electoral game for crow to get if he tries to push this as a Great American peacemaking agreement its going to not resonate with anybody really and they always said so this is this only emphasizes the need to go to the roots of the i was really in i was doing this really conflict and resolve a cordon to go global consensus that the israelis and the palestinians can agree to and that will bring about real peace over the meanwhile were going to continue to see more of these and the danger is that this might have destabilizing a franks inside sudan at a grade the local moment in the 3 year transition period yes it is a sensitive time for the country right now isnt it thank you rami khouri for joining us. In what the news hour life from london much more telling about how to bring all the latest from 20 that been more deaths on the streets as tensions rise after Election Results give president alpha conde a controversial 3rd time in office. I am the least racist person in this room hes legitimize north korea hes talked about his good buddy whos a thug. Joe biden and donald trump clash over north korea Race Relations and cover 19 in their final last chaotic president ial debate. Nigerias president saying 51 civilians and 18 members of the Security Forces have been killed during 2 weeks of protests against Police Brutality on the new bihari blamed what he described as hooliganism for the violence and claimed Security Forces and used extreme restraint im Just International has reported at least 12 demonstrators were shot dead by soldiers on tuesday as they were singing the National Anthem groups armed with sticks and knives set small fires on the streets of lagos on friday as anger grew of a biharis failure to condemn that deaths bahari says the protests have been hijacked to the millions that ensued 1000000 lives have been lost and their numbers are probably going for every through which is completely destroyed or burned like. I did and we need to move the Security Council where the issue the issue with the really discussed. It is unfortunate. And were intended for to use in the person of the country. Has been hijacked and this guy raped did. Well now tensions been growing in guinea where the army has now been mobilized after results showed the president winning a controversial 3rd term Security Forces have dispersed opposition protesters with tear gas and the internet and phone lines have been shut down at least 17 people have been killed in unrest since sundays election including a 16 year old boy a 20 year old woman and 3 members of the Security Forces on friday the Election Commission is saying the 82 year old alpha conde one around twice as many votes as his main rival Salah Dahlan Jallow who is disputing the result. So for more on this we can speak to hans for patil whos a Senior Research f a west africa f. P. Research consultant joins us via skype from dakar in neighboring senegal do you is it your expectation that the protests in guinea are likely to continue in the face of this the Security Forces being mobilized against the protest is. Very very lucky and very you know if you dont do it there will be more some portion of the script and were saying now it is not me and there. Be a mixed. Message to get werent we needed to be again be programmed to speak and when we meet men its not been reported in the morning its very important that there is a National Commission of inquiry. Sure that are ready and very very. You can very important for the region when its right there on the recall election becoming a mom or in the coming weeks. Why are you not are not you. Can you tell us more about who particularly is out on the streets protesting these are the the supporters of the main rival in this election. Well because there are protests from the opposition but there also were clashes between the orbits of the opposition and the order of the ruling party are the corresponding i understand if both pros conclude that it is between particle groups and only in quantity and even that is enough because countries. Are and again to be connected to get. Immigration or anything but it is in breach of national and right from top having a bit of trouble with the audio but when a child can you just one more question just broadening it out could this be a turning point in west african politics because youve got elections in the next few months and now sharon could do a good to watch how could events playing out in guinea right now impact domestic politics elsewhere in the region well all eyes are on me and if the new nano story you get away with calling the army reaping demonstrates you can do something donkey and maybe you know then and you know do a story in other countries you are at war miserable little or banana who will be holding an action in the coming weeks or months its very important that the International Community that aim and ensure that there is the mission of the inquiry. And hold perpetrated to account going strong that others are not and to resort to pain and repress. And be thank you very much with that from the car in senegal thank you from top a chill for sharing your full service. Well now a new Study Suggests that the number of coronavirus deaths in the u. S. Could double by the end of february to more than 500000 the warning from the university of washington came as a country recorded more than 71000 new coronavirus cases on day will than 8000000 americans have been infected and 28 states have reported record daily month numbers of new infections so far this month of course governments across europe have been a to act quickly to stop the 19 spiral a new daily corona virus infections of more than doubled over the past 10 days around the continent thats clear in a city where infections are rising fast to confirm more than 900000 cases on friday thats up from 10000 a week ago in france scientists a warning that the virus is now circulating more quickly than at the peak of the 1st outbreak in spring its reported 42000 cases in 24 hours spang past a 1000000 infections this week but Prime Minister Petra Sanchez now says that a nationwide Antibody Survey suggests the real infection rate is 3 times that ficca and polands government says that the whole country will become a red zone of strict strict restrictions this is it recorded a new daily record of over 30 and a half 1000 cases there is Andrew Simmons has more now on wesson in covert crisis in europe. Record numbers of covert infection rates are now being recorded right across europe in france there are now 1000000 cases 2 thirds of its population are under curfew the countrys highly regarded Health Service is becoming overwhelmed and theres the starkest warning yet about the resurgence of the virus if you will of holiday did it if we look at it. Demick viruses spreading more quickly now than in disappearing in spain the government says the pandemic is out of control and Prime Minister pedre sanchez has released research from a Public Health institute tripling the number of covert cases from guam to see 3000000 he says some regions fail to detect the actual number of cases hes being criticized by some regions for not imposing International Lockdown but he refuses to do so. Even if we want to avoid at all costs for people to be logged on the tarmac like they were in the spring we know the sacrifices it takes and the comic on social consequences it brings in belgium the government has also stopped short of a National Lockdown while announcing more restrictions hospital admissions in the past fortnight have increased by 254 percent compared with the past 2 weeks and latest positive testing figures standard nearly 10000 people a day 75 percent up on last week Health Workers say the situation is getting critical when i look at a lot of people are off work theyre exhausted tie and therefore the challenge is to continue and provide the best quality care possible despite these challenges and the challenges all over europe west and east are getting greater by the day along with the pressure on politicians to weigh up more restrictive measures and their impact on economies and jobs and to simmons. Elsewhere in europe another 20000 kroner virus cases in 224 deaths. Been recorded in the u. K. But its not united when it comes to restrictions while england has decided against stay at home orders for now 3000000 people in wales are back under lockdown as paul brown reports from the Welsh Capital cardiff its a threat to the local economy. This will be said before. Its not going to be. This is going scary times just a stones throw from the National Rugby stadium carlos angel hotel should have turned over more than 3000000. 00 since march instead just like almost every other Hospitality Business in this pandemic the manager feels like hes in a long dark tunnel with no light at the end of it its such a buzz here and up to date of 6 or 7 to start on site. Were now down to a quarter in the 5. Half the staff have already been unfortunately. Been made redundant. At 6 pm the bars and restaurants of st mary street cleared their terraces and shut their doors households are now prohibited from mixing indoors or even outdoors and despite having the lowest infection rates of any of the 4 nations of the u. K. The devolved government has followed its scientific advisors and ditched local lock downs in favor of a National Fire break although modelers tell us is that this will get us through to christmas if we act no were not decisively we will be able to sustain economic like found the Health Service through to the Christmas Period chepstow is one of the many communities which straddle the wales england border. The likely cost of this firebreak locked down in wales is estimated at more than 650000000. 00 and thats a big ask in a town such as this so close to the relative freedom on the other side of the border with england but the Welsh Government estimates that not locking down could cost more than 6000 lives. So i live on the welsh side of chepstow are my 2 daughters live on the english side of temp stow so this is very much our farewell breakfast the next 2 weeks are not really seeing each other because of the well shut down. Will financial penalties which start around 75. 00 be enough though to deter people from escaping to the other side of the river im not sure about escape escape seems to be quite a kind of you know its escaping from anywhere i think that might go for a stroll but the root of all this is the need to protect the finite resources of whales as hospitals and their staff still reeling from the 1st wave of the pandemic. And when my colleagues in tears or the night when we. Are unit back to her to a covert unit in the noncode this unit because we can envisage what is going to be like even in the snow is moving on into the spectrum. In diverging from the local and regional lockdowns preferred elsewhere in the u. K. And europe the welsh are acting early and hoping to reap the benefits but with the full impact in terms of jobs and infection rate only emerging 2 weeks or more from now its a real test of nerves paul brennan aljazeera cardiff. Now some Research Countries started a trial to test almost all the 5400000 population for the corona virus as cases surge there is a quiet 13000000 rapid antigen test for the mass testing of people between 10 and 65 the trials have been carried out in the 4 hardest hit countries from friday to sunday a free testing will then continue into the rest of the country over the next 2 weekends. And watches in jordan have attended friday prayers of the government allowed them to break down restrictions there for an hour the nation is under a full single day lockdown on fridays for the rest of the year following a surge in new corona virus infections and 11 pm curfew will be enforced on all other days after months of success and containing the outbreak country has seen deaths triple in the last 2 weeks with an average of around 30 a day. Washable still ahead on the program chileans are preparing to vote on whether to rewrite their constitution will look at why some campaign is saying it puts that countrys future at risk. But. We got some from all some weather pushing in the cross the British Isles this weekend just in time for the end of british summer time so were going to turn increasingly wet and windy quite a nasty area of low pressure top in fact i suppose it will be very very breezy gal force winds for time and some long spells of right ahead of that basin places and cloud and rain down towards central parts of europe sweeping across the balkans croatia serbia seeing some very heavy rain sliding a little further east with surface of the north we got some wet weather up towards the Baltic States grassy pushing across to that western side of russia temperatures in moscow falling back to around 9 celsius rash of showers down towards the balkans pushing across into remain here and bulk area and then coming in behind here comes that wet weather becomes that really windy weather is going to fill now absent the kohen mostly fresher 14 celsius the high in london and also in paris 40 celsius there for murder it as was a fair bit of wet weather there across a good part of a western year has moved away down into where northern parts of africa bits and pieces of that cloud of right also affecting the far north of algeria maybe in nature as well the majority of the shots where they should be across the central belt sinking a little further south was buffeted the good parts of the gulf of guinea. For. Myself this is our 1st show a singer songwriter dreams of making a mock up that will go all one right here. A world away a famous you tube baathist works in secret. A virtual connection spocks a magical collaboration. Presenting princess shore. Witness on aljazeera. Building a wall was the promise made in the bid for the white house 0 tolerance approach the southern border became government policy detaining children and separating families the stark reality of picture too much to bear for Many Americans in a country that was built on immigration. Follow the key issues of the us elections on aljazeera. The way the the earth. Welcome back the headlines now sudan and israel have agreed to start the process of normalizing diplomatic relations the us president announced a deal the 3rd now between israel and an arab nation. Nigerias president is saying 51 civilians and 18 members of the Security Forces have been killed in days of protests of a Police Brutality he blamed the on the rest on hooliganism and spains Prime Minister says the number of corona virus infections in the country could be 3 times as high as previously thought. Now u. S. Democratic president ial nominee joe biden has continued his attacks on the Trump Administrations handling of the coronavirus pandemic thats killed more than 223000 americans hes been laying out his own plans to combat the outbreak if elected and he accuse President Trump of actively encouraging the spread of the virus or put a National Trust him plan in place with the goal of testing as many people each day as we are currently tries to each week a 7 fold increase is a key difference in this campaign between donald trump would be. I believe in testy donald trump does not i believe in science i believe in Public Health officials i believe in the example of other countries which prove that widespread testing is needed to regain the health of our nation to reopen safely and critically to stay open. The pandemic was one of the many issues joe biden and donald trump clashed chairing the 2nd and final president ial debate its now 11 days until americans elect the next president. Looks at whether the final showdown is likely to change the minds of any voters. This was widely seen as u. S. President Donald Trumps last chance to change the trajectory of the president ial race where polls show him losing to his opponent former Vice President joe biden and terms 2 home was more moderate although Fact Checkers say he made many dubious claims and misstatements about his record and vines throughout the debate and his rhetoric was still in play the tory especially on immigration we would say come back in 2 years 3 years were going to give you a court case you did perri mason were going to give you a court case when you say they come back they dont come back joe they never come back only the really i hate to say this but those with the lowest i. Q. They might come back a president a letter again trans own government says that is untrue it says more than half of Asylum Seekers show up for Court Private studies put the number at 85 percent biden called his policies criminal us 500. 00 plus kids came with parents they separated them at the border to make it a disincentive to come to begin with. Been a real tough were really strong and guess what they cannot is not coyotes didnt bring them over their parents were with them they got separated from their parents and it makes us a laughing stock it violates every notion of who we are as a nation for joe the biden didnt escape the notice of Fact Checkers either although to a lesser extent and his exchange with trump on the future of big oil has emboldened republicans would you close down all the way adverts rendition from their owners for yes oh i would try to ship it is a big statement analyst namby carter thinks in a race where most voters have already made up their mind and tens of millions of already voted the back and forth on immigration could hit home i think it probably did perhaps do something more to the people on the margins who may have voted for him because of partisan identification but not because they necessarily care for the man or his policies and i think those people are perhaps the most persuadable at this moment but we dont know until you know the election call at this Debate Watch Party the issue resonated with. Those children to seek a different i think its very wrong for you know to lock that here keep it from here but it likely wont cost him support from his base let me look at the moderators i think a lot of questions are geared. Really try to get to like gotcha questions. Talk about race and be try to act as if Race Relations under its ministrations been flipped upside down this race is a referendum on trump his policies his personality and this final debate made clear to those who are for and against him exactly what and who he is as the clock ticks down and millions of votes are cast each day pedicle hane al jazeera. Well in 50000000. 00 americans a voted early in the president ial election a total that now includes the Vice President might pens he and his wife karen cost their ballots in their home state of indiana where pence is governor and congressman before election day has been expanded because of the current a virus pandemic its been a record breaking turnout roughly 8 times the number of early votes cast at the same point before the poll in 2016. President trump is back on the campaign trail hes been holding a rally in a Florida Retirement Community known as the villages is scheduled to spend the night at his marl august day in palm beach and says hell vote on saturday before he then flies will for more Campaign Rallies and he got a joins us live now from miami so president back in florida what see trying to accomplish. Well hes essentially on very comfortable home turf at the moment the villages is well known as a very conservative community that the president likes a lot if you remember the whole golf cart incident a few months ago where there were joe biden supporters and somebody on one of the golf carts yelled white power so this is him definitely talking to his base at the moment hes still speaking or he was until i walked out here and hes spending much of his time speaking to that crowd bashing joe biden saying that hes a socialist he wants to get rid of fossil fuels and not really outlining any potential policies for a potential 2nd term and of course hes still peddling that untruth that this country is rounding the corner from the coronavirus pandemic despite the fact that almost all the states here are seeing huge spikes meanwhile in delaware joe biden the former Vice President is outlining a very detailed plan on what he would do if he became president in january saying that he would give out the vaccines for free that he would encourage mandatory mask wearing in all the states of the states governor say no he would go down to the cities and the mayors so youve got 2 very different styles of campaigning on the road right now president very much talking to his base saying how this is the greatest economy that he created and how you know if he gets back in its just 4 more years of the same what those policies are were not quite sure where is joe biden is really getting into detailed into the crossing the ts and dotting the is about the policies that he would put forward all of this playing out of course with just days to go florida and essential state for the president and he will of course be voting here on saturday and it seems as though that final debate with joe biden seems to well its ended with a whimper and were just speaking about the number of americans who have voted early already i guess its unlikely to really make much of a difference will reshape the race in any way. I mean i think thats a great question because at this point in the proceedings where the number of early vote has really exceeded anything weve seen in generations im not sure whether either candidate changed anyones mind of course President Trump was far more civil in this debate republicans people are already going to vote for him thought it was a fantastic performance on his part but you know more than 50000000 americans have already either mailed in their ballot drop them off or gone in person to vote themselves so with just days to go im not sure what that debate would have done the viewing figures were down slightly on the 1st debate but they were still pretty huge when you consider how big this country is and the kind of u. S. Ship these things do get so it shows the involvement that shows the enthusiasm people have for both of these candidates and people really are getting out there really getting involved this time the voting records may go surprise us something that we havent seen since the about 1908 i think thanks very much annie kalika in miami. Well now after nearly a decade of bloodshed bloodshed in libyas warning signs of agree to a permanent an immediate cease fire the u. N. Brokered deal was signed in geneva after months of negotiations between need nationally recognized government in tripoli and its rivals in the east is the biggest step towards peace since mama gadhafi his downfall in 2011 plunged the country into chaos under the agreement all military an armed groups missed leave the front lines which will then be secured by a new joint police force all mercenaries and foreign fighters Must Withdraw from libya in the next 3 months thousands are known to be in the country on both sides sent in by foreign backers and production exports of africas Largest Oil Reserves are to resume as soon as possible breakthrough sets the stage for political talks in of ember but previous diplomatic initiatives have repeatedly collapsed and many a cautious about whether this deal will survive as mama gem jim reports. After 5 days of un hosted talks a historic breakthrough libyas warring factions signing a National Cease fire today is a good day for the libyan people. At 11 15 am this morning here in the un headquarters in geneva the 2 libyan delegations to the 5 plus 5 joint military commission talks signed a complete countrywide and permanent cease fire agreement with immediate effect. Under the terms all foreign fighters are required to leave libya within 3 months and a new joint police force will start patrolling disputed areas. For libya which has been wracked by conflict for nearly 10 years these past 14 months has only seen the fighting worsen while the east of the country is in the hands of a powerful world order to leave a half that and the tobruk based house of representatives the west is controlled by the un backed government of National Accord led by Prime Minister. They remain in tripoli the countrys capital have to who is supported by russia egypt and the United Arab Emirates launched an offensive on tripoli in april 2019 but was pushed back early this year as pro g. M. A. Forces received support from turkey the you in which is accused foreign parties of breaching an arms embargo urged them to stop interfering in libya. And while repeated attempts for a un brokered ceasefire failed in the past this round has seen both sides agree to reopen land and air routes across frontlines still many questions remain unanswered then the us to be. Arrangements on the ground its going to be monitored it will be done independent a mood of optimism may now exist but the coming weeks and months are likely to reveal whether this is a lasting peace. Well the un secretary general until you get terrorists held that cease fire is a fundamental step towards peace and stability but he also says that there is much work still ahead and he urged foreign powers to respect the agreement on diplomatic editor james bass has more on this now from the United Nations. The u. N. Secretary general summoned reporters to give a cease fire agreement his strong support major general. Begin to general antonio get terrorists read out the names of the signatures when asked about president earlier ones comments that these were just low level officials he then angrily added this these were the credited reapers entity of of both sides and these are libyan let the process with the libyan cease fire and i ask all countries that are involved in the conflict to fully support the libyans in implementing the cease fire. At the beginning of the year a major summit on libya was held in berlin to get everyone on the same page but many of the attendees continued to support the warring parties with both weapons and fighters at the top u. N. Official garceran salami felt so undermined he resigned at the beginning of march 7 months on his deputies Stephanie Williams who negotiated the cease fire is still acting in the role because the Security Council is deadlocked the latest candidate for the job of u. N. Libyas special envoy is nikolai malathion off currently the top United Nations official in jerusalem but 3 Security Council members south africa needs share and said vincent granted jeans a blocking his appointment because they want the job to go to an african candid it this could be libyas best chance for peace with talks planned in chinnis in the coming weeks with the potential of elections in 2021 the year that marks a decade since the start of the uprising against gadhafi however it appears once again there are some in the International Community who are hindering rather than helping the people of libya james pays aljazeera at the United Nations. Oh yes actually a state might be on paris and meeting the foreign minutes. Of azerbaijan and armenia in washington held separate talks with them as part of diplomatic efforts to end the conflict of a nickel in a car bug hundreds of people have been killed since fighting over the disputed region broke out last month and 2 russian brokered cease fire as a failed meanwhile the as ery army is training reservists and volunteers to reinforce the front line in the conflict as a by john has accused amin year of targeting its towns and artillery with with artillery and missiles something the armenian authorities have denied while the winner of bolivias president ial election is set to be officially announced in the next half hour the electoral tribunals already released the vote count which shows leftist candidate billies are say 155 percent of the votes are say served as finance minister on the exiled former president evo morales who resigned a year ago off to standing for an unconstitutional 4th term in office triggering mass protests. Is following developments for us from what is iras in neighboring argentina and it looks as though this is a comeback for the party of a more honest. It certainly does a part of evil moralist but without able moral issue as you say is here in argentina keeping his distance from bolivia and also from the mass party that he led that he was president. In bolivia for 14 years and i think that is probably what helped to say to this overwhelmingly convincing victory 55 percent of the vote because although he was very popular able morales during his 14 years in office he was also quite divisive as you mentioned trying to stay in power for a 4th consecutive term challenging the constitution to do that and he lost a lot of support even within his own party his own support base so luis out of say has come along with oh he served as a what alice is a financial finance minister he has managed to take all the credit for the for the positive things the able marleys did but distance himself from the negatives so a convincing victory and a well scrutinized election from all sorts of International Bodies the organization of american states the European Union the United Nations all saying that they were relatively well generally clean fair and Transparent Elections so really no room for argument even from the disappointed right wing opposition yeah and it has been a year of up evil hasnt it for the country in the way in which this election was conducted there were fears of violence none certainty its actually gone quite smoothly but one of the main challenges in priorities for the new president. They are many i mean 1st of all what he does with dave and what alice he was a big win a huge figure in the believe in politics since he became president at the beginning of 2006 almost everything thats happened and hes managed to reduce poverty massively wimmin Indigenous People the poor into the into the political framework take a lot of credit as i mentioned a lot of criticism as well so luis is a more pragmatic figure perhaps less charismatic but he will have to distance himself or decide what he does with model is whether he invites him back from argentina he has to deal with a copy of 1000. 00 pandemic which has hit bolivia very hard and try to unify a polarized country strong right wing especially in the east of the country in the city of santa cruz has to decide how hes going to go about bringing them into the political debate and try to heal some of those divisions in Bolivian Society thank you. Meanwhile on sunday chileans will vote on whether the constitution should be rests and to support the change they could mark a new start for a nation thats faced a year of political crisis but opponents as saying it puts chiles future at risk and latin america editor lucy newman reports now from santiago the. Police a sundial is frightened of the future of chile replaces its current constitution with the flag in one hand and a plaid guard in the other she joins hundreds of others whove been campaigning every week calling on chileans to vote late chassell or reject in sundays referendum to decide whether or not to draft a new magna carta the they chant chile will not become cuba or venezuela from people that follow mrs sandoval says venezuelas economic and democratic collapse began when its former president will go chavis rewrote the constitution in 1999 i can without him but people will be afraid to invest here and without investment theres no development you look at a rich country like venezuela and you see what happened after that those people change the constitution its just Common Senate remember things. Like mrs violet many of those here believe the chilis 980. 00 constitution which was written under a military dictatorship helped to make the country more prosperous. But there is also a deep seated ideological reason thats motivating chileans on both sides of the debate and it has to do with history if you listen to the chance there are just about as well as cuba it is no other country had returned after the 1970s when chile was governed by the worlds 1st ever democratically elected marxists i thought i ended it and thats why many are also cheering the favor of someone former dictator general i was stuck in a chair. Some openly show their admiration for him with t. Shirts that read by force suggesting that peaceful ways to resolve political differences are always the answer. While studies indicate that the majority of chileans no longer see the world through the prism of a left right wing conflict there are still many who do and to equate change with communism calles and hardship. And often even a problem we go to i remember the long lines to buy basic goods the ration cards in the 1970 s. Im terrified of going back to about oh the symbol used by these uniformed men is another grim reminder of the past it stands for fatherland in freedom the ultra right wing Paramilitary Group that fought the government there where there are no celestial after a long period of being dormant we re founded the organization fatherland and freedom last year and weve called it black spider to save it from communism but i dont have it at your. Ironically communism is the furthest thing from the minds of the majority calling for a new more socially equal constitution. But like in other parts of the world fear of the unknown and of the past will motivate many to reject that option when they go to the polls on sunday. See in human aljazeera sente out. On the news our 2nd day of anger in poland after the courts narrow one of europes strictest abortion laws. And conservation a scramble to work out whats killed thousands of seals along namibias coastline. So welcome back to bring you a story now about al jazeera journalist Ahmed Hussein has been illegally detained in egypt 1400 days without challenge he was arrested while on holiday to visit his family and cairo that was in 2016 the detention is in violation of both egyptian and International Law. In poland womens rights activists have been protesting for a 2nd day against a High Court Ruling banning virtually all abortions demonstrations were held in a number of polish cities the court ruled that having an abortion because of fetal defects is unconstitutional terminations will only be allowed in the case of rape or incest or if the pregnancy threatens the health of the mother. When used in a state its not that women are not ready to have a baby these women are not ready to experience the death of their young child who will die right after being born because of genetic defects and sicknesses no one is ready for that and no one teaches that at schools so we should not tolerate thought womens rights should be human rights not the of another. What the government is doing to us is not only taking away our womens rights but also our human rights for the 1st time we can confidently say that poland has the worst abortion bowl in europe. Now story from namibia more than 7000 seals have been found dead along the countrys coast experts are saying its not clear what the causes biologists from the Ocean Conservation and maybe a group of recorded seal pops foetuses an adult females washing up this month conservationists are concerned it could affect breeding cycles for years to come thats if the news but ill see you in a couple of minutes with another full bullet. 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Some in the west criticized come to measures us to hong or to we. Have the different experiences before asian nations in fact not shown the world to root out of this group pandemic. Coronavirus lessons from asia on a just you know. I care about how the u. S. Engages with the rest of the world were willing and fit in taking you into a place you might not visit otherwise and feel that you were. Their. President says sudan and israel have agreed to normalize relations in what the palestinians have called a new step in the back. So i Maryam Namazie in london youre watching aljazeera also coming up on the program when we spoke to. Nigerias president says 51 civilians and 80 members of the Security Forces have been killed in the last 2 weeks of protests. Spains Prime Minister says the countrys real number of coronavirus cases might be around 3000000 thats true

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