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Refugees and migrants travelling to western europe say theyve been subjected to abuse by police in croatia. 5 months enforcement of coronavirus lockdowns in kenya leads to legal actions and Rights Groups. With the sport Lewis Hamilton takes pole position for the portuguese grand prix and japan dives into its a limb pick preparations opening its Swimming Pool for the delayed take a games next year. Starting in the horn of africa and the grand renaissance down which is just become that much more controversial ethiopia has summoned the u. S. Ambassador of the President Donald Trump suggested egypt mind to blow up the dam its a 4 and a half 1000000000. 00 project aimed at pulling millions of ethiopians out of poverty but for egypt and sudan as well its been a source of contention for years well start with the support from ahmed. I want to just congratulate words of pride after brokering going to grima to between sudan and israel to normalize ties but President Donald Trumps next remarks suggested a new conflict in the mideast africa region its a very dangerous situation because egypt is not going to be able to live that way and theyll end up blowing up to them and. Blow up their dam and they have to do something. They should have stopped it long before we started this in how do you let it get built and then you see. Trump preceded those words with actions he ordered aid for ethiopia to be stopped over its failure to respect a u. S. Brokered agreement with egypt and sudan over the ground each opened a renaissance dam if you began to fill the dams reservoir in july provoking anger in egypt with u. S. President a close ally to egypts of the fatah. He was asked to intervene as a peace broker. But each open ever appeared at ease with thompson mediation and accused him of favoring egypt trumps latest remarks drew a Quick Response from each open Prime Minister and the g. O. P. Has summoned my corrina the American Ambassador to in protest occasional statements of belligerent threats to have ethiopia succumb to unfair terms still abound these threats and affronts to ethiopian sovereignty are misguided unproductive and clear violations of International Law ethiopia will not cave into aggressions of any kind these are obviously pretty outrageous comments from from the president and suggest that hes not really in touch with the reality on the ground the idea of conflict just so this dispute over the nile has always been and very far fetched ultimately hugely counterproductive and it could lead to some sort of regional conflagration while toms comments may have offended each o. P. M. Pleased egypt few appear to be taking the threat of conflict or military action seriously its unclear exactly what his motivation is i think part of it actually is vanity i think hes is pretty annoyed that the ethiopians. Withdrew from the talks unilaterally refused to show up to washington for what was meant to be the last round of talks i dont think that there is a serious risk that its going to proceed with any sort of military action on that. Theyve made pretty clear that thats not what their priority is but thompson statements are likely to push the crisis over ethiopias in a dump back into the spotlight and warn both sides that a failure to reach a solution could be dangerous divide our desire. Lets just pop us on the map here for a moment the ground or innocence dam which has been built on the blue nile in northern ethiopia the source of most of the niles water when you have sudan and egypt downstream of the dam worrying about how much water would be diverted ethiopia says the dam will produce power though that is essential for its Economic Growth paddy how hain is in washington for us this saturday paddy donald trump says a lot of stuff not all of it true not all of it backed by fact or actions but i guess what we see in a situation like this is the knock on effect the effect that it has on the other countries involved. Exactly and i think with the Washington Post has been keeping track of this and were well over 20000 outright lies from the u. S. President donald trump he just in that in talking in that oval office he talked about how theres been fighting between today and in israel and that he talked about egypt blowing up the dam and it is serious lets not forget when a u. S. President says Something Like that people across the globe take notice of that could be seen as giving egypt permission to go ahead and strike militarily that said it seems that egypt would be unlikely to do that because lets put it in a broader context i think every foreign leader across the globe is waiting to see what happens in the u. S. Election which is what 10 days away now. And then its not just the president even let say trump called up egypt and said go ahead and strike right now theyd have to worry about the u. S. Congress you ask gives an enormous amount of money to egypt the u. S. Congress has been sort of egypts been losing favor with many in the u. S. Congress because of its gross Human Rights Violations so its more than just the president saying go ahead and we know the president tried to use money as leverage we still dont know how much theyve taken away from ethiopian aid just in may they announced 230000000 for a Development Grant in september and the president said he was withdrawing some of that aid normally in a normal administration i could tell you how much theyve taken away because they have to Tell Congress but they havent done that so we know that they said that they were taking away from it the opi apparently not enough to encourage them back to the talks in the u. S. But again when the president speaks people do take it seriously but in the broader context of exactly where we are right now with the u. S. Election thats something to keep in mind context on this story from patty cohan in washington context which we always made thank you patty. Well donald trump made those remarks about that after announcing a u. S. Brokered deal for sudan and israel to start normalizing time palestinians theyre calling it another stab in the back sudans Transitional Government has agreed but it needs approval from the parliament and the parliament is yet to be formed this is all part of a broader deal which allows the lifting of u. S. Sanctions so thats foreign minister says the deal still has to be approved by that yet to be formed parliament before it can move forward who it development on little bit its a long process that requires a lot of work so this is an agreement to normalize that took place between sudan and israel and we are now waiting for the completion of the Democratic Institutions through the formation of the Legislative Council so that it can decide to ratify this agreement and if that happens then we will begin the steps towards normalization. Lets get more from him or can our correspondent in a cartoon on how the will of this will affect the economy of sudan. There were 2 announcements that were made by the us President Donald Trump yesterday the 1st which was more important to sudan was the issue of being delisted from the u. S. List of state sponsors of terrorism now sudans government says that that will give it a lot of economic benefit especially after the inflation rose to a record high of more than 200 last month and market prices have increased making a basic commodities unavoidable for many sudanese now weve seen due to the hard currency shortage which is the result of a lack of Foreign Trade between sudan and other countries weve seen that got the government of sudan the Transitional Government struggling to be able to pay for basic commodities such as wheat and fuel which resulted in long queues at bakeries and petrol stations and more frustrations among people now on the 21st of october there were protests people saying that the government should step up and improve the Economic Conditions that theyre living under and thats one of the reasons that or maybe the major reason why sudan announced it is normalizing ties with israel now while that 2nd an announcement was made the sudanese acting going to offer an offense that says that it is not a complete normalization but people here in sudan feel like theyve been taken advantage of they say that they were at a point of weakness due to the economy and that the government was forced to agree to the normalization because of its state of economy which has seen a lot of people suffering as a result amount maybe abraham in ramallah with more on the palestinian reaction. For palestinians normalization should only happen after that israel and its occupation of palestinian and at a land occupied in 967. 00 and this is why that there has been a wide condemnation by the palestinians including the palestinian president he should the statement saying that israel should abide by International Law and to stop your patient and that would lead to peace in the region this is why palestinians have been warning for years now god and the Arab Peace Initiative is going is not being respected because they are Peace Initiative this was adopted by the different at a countries at the arab league in 2002 states that normalization would only happen after the end of the occupation south indians see it as different parties in Different Countries in the world it giving israel 3 awards in 3 prize was. Ok patient continues was the 2nd and are expanding and lands are being confiscated the arab league itself has failed to its just healthy and draft resolution against normalization after the you wait we had signed this deal and palestinians have said that they worry that more countries are going to be following suit this is what happened when behind then join the u. A. E. In signing that already the station with the hay in the now saddam has announced sourcing the norm in a process for them they feel that they are i mean for palestinians they feel that theyve been left alone. And Irans Foreign Ministry is responding to this deal between iran and sudan and got a tweet here saying pay enough ransom close your eyes to the crimes against palestinians and youll be taken off the socalled terrorism blacklist obviously the list is as phony as the u. S. Fight against terrorism shameful this from Irans Foreign Ministry now. With more on that iranian reaction so they are really dismissing this as something that was prearranged and its very much in terms of somebody paid for something to get something in return in terms of iran sudan relationship its interesting to note that they were very close until 2016 every iranian president prior to the honey had paid a visit to khartoum and the previous president of sudan Omar Al Bashir had visited to iran twice there was a very strong relationship between the 2 countries they sever ties in 2016 and that had a lot to do with saudi arabia and irans relationship as well as sudans relationship with saudi arabia in january of 2016 in reaction to an execution that was carried out in saudi arabia of a shiite cleric the number of people stormed the Saudi Embassy in tehran and thats when the saudis withdrew their ambassador and sever ties and sudan followed suit at the same time and they havent had a relationship since then but historically theyve been very close and this fight the fact that over the past few years they havent had a relationship this will just be another events that will. Drive them further apart and make any kind of a reconciliation between the 2 countries that much more difficult. In the news ahead. We have had enough or we want a democratic and united libya an end to this bloodshed libyans react to the signing of a permanent cease fire with a report from misrata a city that suffered years of hardship and also the power of young people looking at why these voters in the United States could be crucial in deciding the president ial election and your sports news as well tiger woods bounces back the go faction from california with joe in the lead. On to other news and guineas Election Commissions as president alpha conde has won sundays poll securing a controversial 3rd term conde won with nearly 60 percent of the vote his main opponent. Got round 34 percent its not about us has our report. 6 days after guinea voted for the president Electoral Commission announced president alpha conde would continue on for a 3rd term in office of the. 82 year old home day one with nearly 60 percent of the voters according to full preliminary tally and though it still requires confirmation by the Constitutional Court. The announcement follows a week of violence in the capital conakry opposition supporters angry conde could run at all in munch the government how the referendum to change the constitution which allowed conde to run past his 2 term limit opponents say hes broken the law to hold on to power con days main rivals allude. Declared himself the winner on wednesday Electoral Commission seated he only won a 3rd of the vote. Now it is for all of us to fight to preserve to defend our victory and you know that it is threatened by conde who had no voters but had an army of fraudsters they have transformed the boat you expressed into another in favor of alpha conde we must not accept it. The government mobilized the army as opposition supporters flooded the streets. On day has manpower says 2010 instead of salute. We all the guinea reaches you f. T. G. Thats what getting wants if you have d. G. Is not elected guinea will not be calm. Come days decision to run for a 3rd term has sparked repeated protests over the past year and resulted in dozens of deaths the government has denied using heavy handed tactics and accused the opposition of causing chaos on friday the internet and international cooling was cut off across getting almost game guineas government faithful to his principle of preserving peace and social tranquility cannot allow this situation to take root we deplore the deaths and valves of their memory. All of them civilians and agents of the security forces. All the final tally has been announced the opposition a determined it will not be the final result they move into contains the outcome in the Constitutional Court shall about us out his era across a ill say is with us now professor of history and Political Science at Delaware State University in the United States good to have you with us or any surprise in this result for you given the influence and the control which alpha conde has no its not surprising its not surprising we as big telecom telegraphed for a long time that this was going to be. An election marred with all sorts of phone store and and funny goings on right now nobody really seemed to know exactly whats going on. They kind of intimate no Telephone Communication but the good news is that ecowas is undergoing the u. N. Is on that and i know theyve been in the current 3. Day lections so it must be talking. Finding ways to minimize the violence and thats really what is making the players unstable do you think that is going to take a last cia you for example will have enough influence that well if they had influence would probably would have had a situation where mr conde would sites say thats not what happens so it goes to the extent of the influence they only have so much however. I dont believe mr khan day d wants to. Superintend the worst situation where you have violence in you must see whats happening in nigeria you must see whats happening in cote divoire he knows that donna is going to have elections and it is in that sense that you might see some reason to compromise now whether compromise is going to be i believe thats what were discussing ok the possibly more likely outcome is that this goes to court what i report of a say the end of her report has that the opposition candidate may well look to the Constitutional Court again how well you want courts to be independent is that the case and guinea if no its not the case which is why eventually i believe that it is the all these groups including a u n ecowas who are on the ground and i also believe that the u. N. Is is involved are going to come up with some kind of agreement that might might keep conde in but make some you might make some concessions to the opposition now the opposition heard his cards when jello broke away and decided to stand they had agreed to boycott it and i think that was a judgment bad judgment on his for so maybe once the opposition gets together they reviewed for some concessions but my hunch is that mr conde is going to stay in there. For a bit and theres going to be some agreement there has to be some agreement because the alternative which is violence that is going on cannot be sustained is not sustainable just briefly across a remind me how long a president ial terms and getting im just thinking about the fact that already off the condoms change the constitution so he could get a 3rd. Or at least run for ted and hes 82 i think. Hes 82 so he could conceivably reign until 94 but i think that is an indication of the failure of leadership you know frankly across the continent where these older folks continue to want to stay in power but you know the story of getting you understand for the longest time it was. He went away and then it became a. Contest contest states for the longest line and then he die and conde came and hes been there since 2010 and now you might be there for another 2 or ready. So but i did a long running stay in power by a big man is what hes relying on and unfortunately thats thats the problem across the us i great to talk with you really learned a lot there thank you for your time thank you. Lets look at nigeria where the president has acknowledged that many lives have been lost during 2 weeks of protests people continue to block major roads and set fires in lagos has been growing anger over Police Brutality in nigeria 20000000 residents of lagos state have been under 24 hour curfew since tuesday in the millions it is huge many lives have been lost and the numbers are public again freddy through her tears completely destroyed it is and put in at the initial genuine and well intended for her to still leave in the parts of the country i guess has been hijacked and this is getting good. Refugees and migrants trying to reach western europe say theyve been abused by croatian author hes the Danish Refugee Council has collected testimonials describing whippings beating and sexual abuse has tried to contact croatian authorities for comment but so i found a success but as this report. There are repeated stories of desperate journeys getting even harder danish aid workers have collected nearly 150 interviews for migrants and refugees he said Croatian Police beat them this migrant from bangladesh shows his scars. That i had that when they caught us they started beating us with sticks and kicking us as if we were animals then they searched us and took away our belongings our mobile phones and money before taking us back to the bosnian border bosnia is used by thousands of people fleeing unrest and war in the middle East Central Asia and north africa 3 years ago other nations closed their borders and disrupted migration paths through the balkans but upon entering bosnia most migrants walk northwest to the countrys long open border with croatia one of the last gateways to Northern Europe on this journey through croatia many of the migrants report being beaten and stripped naked forced to lay on each other some of them have described it as before civilian a hash tag others have described as being forced to live like logs being stacked on each other. Their valuables have been taken their personal belongings destroyed or burned. In one case in 2 cases sorry we have reports of severe sexual abuse another migrant mohammad from pakistan says Croatian Police set dogs on him after he crossed the border 2 weeks ago before. The poor. Dog of baghdad. Report here to people guarding the leg are no good going here police. After being beaten in croatia many are sent back to bosnia part of this narrative the injuries caused much hematoma covering a large surface of the body indicating Severe Damage to soft tissue in the area that is likely to incapacitate the injured and prevent them from attempting to cross the coalition border for a longer period from what i know since oct 12th 150 such cases have been registered. Human rights organizations have long accused croatians police of brutality and illegally sending back the migrants and refugees coalitions government denies this earlier this week its interior Ministry Said these allegations were being investigated with the aim to quote remove any doubt about the behavior of Croatian Police officers the similarities between the accounts are really chilling in that they point to systematic patterns of abuse with consistent descriptions of men in black uniforms and black balaclavas so with their heads hidden d. The goal for refugees like muhammad is to reach western and Northern Europe and apply for asylum for the injured ones they must wait until they are Strong Enough to start their journey again. Aljazeera. Amenia and azerbaijan are accusing each other of shelling residential areas as fighting continues in the going to cut of the areas stepanek at cities suffered heavy damage overnight hundreds of people have been killed since the fighting began last month 2 russian brokered cease fires have so far failed. Libyans are spoken of a hope and caution after their countrys warring sides agree to a permanent ceasefire the un brokered deal was signed in geneva on friday after months of negotiations between the internationally recognized government in tripoli and its rivals in the east military and armed groups Must Withdraw from the front lines and foreign fighters have to leave libya within 3 months now that train has been speaking to people in misrata a city that has dealt with severe hardship ever since world war Khalifa Haftar launched his push for tripoli in april last year for libya which has been engulfed in violence for nearly 10 years these past 14 months have only seen the worst of it. While the east of the country is under the control of warlord fully for hafter and the to replace house of representatives the west is controlled by the un recognized government of National Court led by Prime Minister. They are based in the capital tripoli house or who is supported by russia egypt and the United Arab Emirates launched an offensive on tripoli in april 2019 but was pushed back earlier this year as pro g n a forces received support from shirky here in central misrata coffee shop worker are below watch the news of the nationwide cease fire played on the t. V. Hes optimistic the agreement will lead to a stable libya. We have had enough we want a democratic and united libya and an end to this bloodshed we have dreams and aspirations and want to live peaceful and happy nice. But not everyone is up to mr. Who will guarantee ceasefire weve seen these agreements before and then the fighting continued libyans dont have the power to make these decisions its the foreign parties who will decide if we will have a ceasefire if they decide to end the fighting maybe then we will have peace in misrata libyas 3rd largest city and a primary source of military power for the internationally recognized government in tripoli according to city officials over 700. 00 men from the city have been killed in the fighting since world war 2 so they still have to launch has failed military campaign to capture the capital although many libyans are hopeful that this agreement will lead to a permanent ceasefire and a political solution some are skeptical that were after and his foreign backers will actually add here to it for abdullah and many libyans like him theres a sense of hope that things here will get better but the real test lies an implement in the commitments of the agreement now the traina. Misrata. Still ahead here on the news hour we will look at one pocket stands government has increased the price of medicine man who is being affected the most. Also poultry standards in the u. K. Tell you what farmers are doing to stop a flood of cheap imports on the birds. And in sport with joe action from game 3 of baseballs world see us. How the weather set fire across the middle east culture sunshine some lovely weather probably the best time of year this actually lost the place guys so lots of sunshine comfortable temperatures as well so they were constantly getting up into the low thirtys woman in that kuwait may thirtys there for baghdad low thirtys there still into barrett says a little on the warm side but thats pleasant enough you see that warm sunshine iran across the region and a similar picture as we go on into monday not too much to speak of them with light winds it really will feel quite pleasant 30 celsius on monday here in doha so some lovely weather coming through we got some showers meanwhile for acting a good parts of Central Africa as they should do just notice a little clutch of storms itll just roll to wards the whole of africa towards some odd years ago on through the next a diode to some whites or whether theyre just around Lake Victoria around the rift valley pushing across the democratic republic of congo right across into congo some wet weather once again feeding down into northern parts of angola for a time at least further south as generate dry but we have got some rather live showers into eastern parts of south africa or south of could see some showers as we go on through monday the heat continues to the north about 30. From fossil fuels to modern day renewable as societies develop the energy demands increase requiring Innovative Solutions to meet such that moms as a global power develop into the Basement Company nebraska power is uniquely positioned to deliver against the state well we provide Business Growth promote social economic benefits and provide innovative safe and vironment least sound Energy Solutions for future generation the brash Pioneering Future Energy the 1st reaction was shock hush hush across the u. S. Meat packing tom some covert 19 hotspots these are people being treated as togs in a machine rather than actually being cared for for clients investigates whether Corporate America has put profit before the lives of its workers they care more about pieces of meat going in the tray then they care about their team members virus on the poultry line on aljazeera. This is the news hour from aljazeera these are the top stories ethiopias government has some of the u. S. Ambassador in at us up about stuff the president on a trump suggested on friday that egypt might blow up his ground or nice on stand. A Transitional Government has agreed to start the process of normalizing ties with israel part of a broader deal that about the lifting of u. S. Sanctions the palestinians are calling it another step back and getting his Election Commission says. President alpha conde one sundays election with only 60 percent of the vote the opposition is disputing that result 26 people have been killed in violence in the past week. To kenya now where police have been involved in the killing of at least 15 people since the government imposed its coronavirus curfew in march this is coming from kenyas independent policing Oversight Authority at least 6 additional deaths are now being investigated by the team as well as allegations of shooting robbery and Sexual Assault by Police Officers civil Rights Groups have now launched a lawsuit against Law Enforcement. You dont go hartson with us now executive director of Amnesty International in kenya its quite unbelievable actually reading out the list of offenses which happened or are being investigated and they came from the police. Yes Just International has agreed to be Interested Party in a suit that has been brought to. By 2. Human rights organizations and that is the key to a techie africa and we did this primarily because long after the news continues to be told you know the story of victims of Police Brutality those families continue to have to deal with the fact that their children or their parents have actually lost their lives or been injured as a result of unlawful excessive use of force and therefore for us this is a critical class action suit to make sure that even during pandemic during the pandemic that they will not be any violations of human rights or even the loss of life as it is in shrine. 26 of the constitution so this is the reason that weve done this weve also sought we also seek to have the operationalization of the National Court has acted this is a very important piece of legislation that has yet to be operationalized and would create the conditions essentially for an independent coroner that would be able to investigate cases that are being taken against Police Officers for excessive use of force or for unlawful killing so as you say this happened during the pandemic during the lockdown more specifically during curfew times now not to justify anything which the police have done there but was such a strict curfew that it needed in forcing all that people went at hearing to the curfew. No i mean in many cases weve come across in fact the figure that Amnesty International works with as a result of the missing voices alliance is a fit to figure of over 20 deaths 26 deaths during the period of 1000 at least since back as far as march and there are many cases the violence that was perpetrated was not in response to any form of violence that was being carried out by civilians it really was excessive use of force either to break up congregations of people as was the case on the lee county ferry on the 1st night of curfew or it was a discharge of a weapon that killed the young 13 year old yesin morial who was on his back at the end will pose no threat to anybody at all so it is really for the court to determine the cases but many of these. Cases are now before courts in the sense that we have Police Officers essentially who have been put on their defense to explain under what circumstances that they take place i guess the one im not going to say its a good thing theres very little thats good about this case but the fact that this is come from kenya is. Independent policing oversight or thorazine at least it shows that that part of the system is working and that the police are being monitored by their own. Yes i mean there are number of lessons i think from this period particularly which are similar to places like nigeria and america at this point one is that public outrage and policy dialogue does work we have noted that you know the number of killings and police. Instance of Police Brutality have actually gone down 80 percent since july and thats a result really of kenyans demanding better from the Police Service secondly that you know with leadership at the level of the Inspector General of the police and also the minister of interior it is possible for them to come down very quickly and interdict or suspend officers that have just judged their weapons recklessly so therefore its not just civilians and citizens that need to take action its really the higher levels of the Law Enforcement agencies and the criminal Justice System that need to see this as one of the biggest threats not just to life but also to the purpose of managing it but demick which is that you know the purpose of managing a pandemic is to keep people safe and to keep them alive and it doesnt make sense if the Police Officers are killing more people then you know that the virus itself which was the case actually for a couple of months it was hansen is from Amnesty International in kenya and we thank you very much for your time thank you very much more coronavirus news now the United States has posted another record daily jump in covert 1000. 00 cases nearly 84000. 00 of them announced on friday this is an art installation in washington it highlights the growing toll its a white flag for every american whos lost their life. Germany now where deaths have gone beyond 10000 infections have jumped to a new high of 15000 and the polish president under a do that is the latest world leader to contract the virus. Has more on all of this from a European Center in london. Its unclear why the president under a doodle or wherever he became infected with covered 19 to his office has tweeted out a message saying that he is fine he did attend a conference in tallinn last monday where he met the well gary and president now the barbarian president has gone into quarantine himself we havent got any more details about the the condition of the polish president of that country has some worrying figures its seen a 24 hour record in cases of over 13000 on friday there are measures coming in which are stricter than they have been including asking people over the age of 70 to stay indoors theyre extremely worried about the direction their cases are going in slovakia theres been a Record Number of 24 hour cases almost 3000 in that small e. U. Country and next door in the Czech Republic the. Cases has gone over 15000 for the 1st time theyve had 2 months of restriction so quite worrying for that government to see that its not having the desired effect and then germany the country which was lauded for its response earlier in the year now will fortys theyre saying that the total number of covered 19 deaths has gone past 10000. 00 and not only that over the 24 hours to saturday the number of new cases was 14714. 00 that is a record so far and chancellor Angela Merkel has come out and said that what winter will be what our christmas will be will be decided in the days and weeks to come and i think thats a message that resonates with Many Political leaders around the continent. Indias capital new delhi struggling with serious air pollution thats affecting residents soul ready worried about the coronavirus landmarks thing clude india gate and the official residence of the president of india covered by heavy haze the poor air quality is expected to last another few days Health Authorities are warning the pollution will make it more difficult to control the virus secure as winter approaches indias reported almost 8000000 cases and over 100000 deaths. This president has cast an early ballots near his private resort in florida and went to a polling station in West Palm Beach and once again called into question the legitimacy of mail in ballots without offering any evidence florida is a crucial battleground state more than 48000000 americans all told ive already voted with 10 days now until the election it was very secure. Much more secure that when you send in a ballot i could tell you that everything was perfect very strict right by the rules when you send in your ballots could never be like that you could never do secure like that they did a fantastic you have a great people and. So but its an honor to be running its an honor to be in this great area which i knew so well will young voters in the United States really have the numbers to decide the election but that rarely happens. The sea was on track to continue that trend but thats changed now according to figures from Tufts University a large number of young adults from 18 to 29 have been voting early in 3 battleground states compared to the last election in florida nearly 44000 voted early in 2016 this year so far more than 257000 have North Carolina 25000 last time now heading on to 205000 and michigan just more than 7 and a half 1000 young people voted early in 2016 this year so far 145000. 00 have cost their ballots well part of whats brought young voters out is the anger after the Police Killing of George Floyd John Hendren reports from minneapolis on how a bad incident could impact this years president ial election. When george floyd died beneath a minneapolis Police Officers need the youth of america filled the streets by the thousands. Every 4th november many go a wall ghosting the ballot box i think my one vote is really going to make a big difference in the grand scheme of things and yeah i voted for Hillary Clinton last time and i felt bad doing it and it didnt make a lick of difference. Young voters overwhelmingly lean liberal with 18 to 34 year olds in a recent poll preferring Democrat Joe Biden over the republican President Donald Trump by a whopping 37. 00 Percentage Points but americans over 60 are more than twice as likely to vote to be totally honest im not going to be voting for for either candidate. The ongoing protests over alleged Police Brutality against black americans could change that sending more young voters to the popes i know a lot of people who will be voting for biden a College Student at the university of minnesota adan boozing once backed Bernie Sanders but now supports biden here and 28000 we already had. Voter turnout any large campus in the United States but i think ill definitely continue after being in that dishonor the georgia flight protests in the democratic primary sanders was the clear favorite of young voters since the death of george floyd propelled the black lives Matters Movement and sent thousands of young demonstrators into the streets to demand changes in the way police treat black americans many have made joe biden their standard bearer but there remains an Enthusiasm Gap you know here and across the u. S. That gap presents a challenge to the Democratic Party bertie is going to have to bring them on board and if you have to push hard to get them to vote so i think that the pro trump young group is more energized right now than the provided group and that age that is apparent in the trump stores that have sprung up around the United States a phenomenon few president s have inspired the protests exam make you more likely to vote for drum yes most definitely music changes place around and hes been doing a great job when it comes to young voters support the numbers are clearly with biden but with young trump voters showing more enthusiasm for the president only it really matters is who will show up john hendren l. G. 0 minneapolis a little more election news for you polls have closed in the seychelles president ial and parliamentary votes president danny for a whos been in politics 2016 is facing vote has for the 1st time the oppositions been largely divided leading many to expect he would win another term observers from 10 african countries and spending 2 weeks in quarantine before they start monitoring the votes. And the polls are open in the 1st round of parliamentary elections in egypt voting is being staggered across parts of the country for several weeks there are a total of 568. 00 seats up for grabs a party which backs the president at the federal c. C. Called nations 1st is expected to win big critics say this election will see preseason parties grab an even larger majority the Outgoing Parliament only already featured a small opposition bloc when an explosion outside a school in the Afghan Capital kabul has killed at least 10 people afghanistans interior Ministry Says at least 20 others have been injured it happened in the neighborhood of dashiell but she in the west of the city. For the 2nd time in a month pakistans drugs regulator has announced an increase in medicine prices this latest one is particularly high hitting poor and marginalized communities during the coronavirus pandemic orphan come out in islamabad. August on has seen several bikes and prices of a century drugs for their treatment of high Blood Pressure Heart Disease and other important lifesaving drugs that are now costing far more on the open market the prices of course are fluctuating people are complaining that they have to dig deeper into their pockets and pay more for a century of drugs now all this is happening after the federal cabinet approved for a spike in the prices saying that it will essentially because of the demand of the pharmaceutical industry which of course said that it was entitled to get an increase in the prices because the cost of production of some of these drugs was far too high and there is a clause with the Drug Regulatory Authority of august and that can allow such an increase if the pharmaceutical companies decide to claim it over the people here are not satisfied because pakistan is a poor country and most people can order for essential medicines that of course and also lead to reports that people every day had to reduce their dotage of their medicine and in some cases give up treatment altogether it is going to be important to see where the ball gets on a little bit to come to grips with the shortages of essential lifesaving medicine the government saying as it has made a move essentially to ensure that there is no shortage of drugs in the market big pharma of course is happy because they say the cost of production is high and therefore they have the right to indicate prices that people are complaining that the government is buckling under pressure from the pharmaceutical mafia in creating prices gordon or deaf come at a worse time the countrys all pollution parties have already been blaming the government for mismanaging the economy now they will have more ammunition to add today call. Well protests are planned in london against the governments refusal to pass laws to stop cheap imported meat and other animal products in the new trade deals which are expected after brags that includes us chlorinated food items that dont meet european standards and are simmons went to a farm in the village of dolby in englands lincolnshire walls to assess the damage that unregulated imports could cause. 52 percent for the countrys hens it out. Andrew middleton has been a farmer 1st 3 decades hes invested more than a 1000000. 00 in farming reaching the highest standards of production will the father. And preserve his home should be really. Now the price of his eggs could be undercut by new trade deals primarily with the United States u. K. May be flooded with cheap imports andrews livelihood along with Livestock Farmers all over the u. K. Is threat the reason lower food safety and Animal Welfare standards in the us and other countries. And it will be a double whammy for this farmer his 4 backers small herd of beef cattle would be up against cheap imports to farmers right across the british countryside are demanding a ban on cheap inferior imports of livestock they want that ban enshrined in new legislation thats passing through parliament but the government is refusing to do that relying on assurances instead. Protesters say they dont trust those assurances repeatedly made by the u. K. Prime minister what we will do is use our negotiations to persuade our partners to you know if they want to trade freely with us then obviously well have to accept or are pretty trying to work. Ringback to highlight the issue Britains Royal Society for the prevention of cruelty to animals has released a video of secret filming in the us it features an american Animal Welfare expert the reason that you would chickens in chlorine is because the birds are literally sending any each others ways our ringback industrial Animal Agriculture system is designed to benefit the huge and multinational corporations at the expense of Animal Welfare farmer well being and. We fear that if its not in legislation then you will start to get in products produced in other countries like eggs like chicken like beef which are given. Other methods of production which are legal here all the different substances like hormones which are also illegal here that message and others may well have a big effect on consumers im all welfare and food standards is becoming a major issue in the u. K. Im drew Simmons Dolby in the kitchen. Sports news coming up for you on this news hour and n. B. A. Basketball has revealed the financial cost of the coronavirus starts driving a. Frank assessment if American Public Opinion Pieces betrayed by social media platforms after november what would be the cautions if you believe that theyre corrosive to our democracy one obvious solution is to break up informed opinion lucas and his dog anyway the protesters arent going anywhere either its ability is the revolution. Indepth analysis of the days global headlines who is it thats really out there on the street inside story on aljazeera. The worlds biggest economy was put on hold. Deregulating industries of old delivered new growth for a president who promised greatness again. That the coronavirus pandemic has seen resurgence replaced with a recession as the world eagerly watches zone to see how either president ial candidate might revive the flagship u. S. Economy. Details coverage of the us elections on aljazeera. Welcome back joe is here with the support thank you very much well lets start with basketball its being reported by the Associated Press that the n. B. A. Made 1500000000 dollars less than expected last season largely because of the current virus pandemic cable was the 1st major u. S. Sport to shut down in march it did manage to complete assurance. Hes an inside a bubble at disney in florida but at a cost of 200000000. 00 no fans were allowed to watch live 171. 00 regular season games who lost revenue was also hit by chinas decision to not show games after a tweet by former Houston Rockets general mark manage it down or mauri in support of protesters in hong kong. Thats ok lympics has also been hit hard by current virus but organizers are pressing ahead with preparations for next years delayed games the swimming and diving venue has been officially opened japanese swimming star recover care who is making her competitive comeback after being diagnosed with leukemia was the 1st to swim in the pool the Aquatic Center which cost 523000000. 00 was completed in february but its taken until now to open because of the pandemic the venue can hold 15000 fans but its not been decided yet if supporters will be allowed in because a virus restrictions. No you dont at the high note we need to hold the successful games i hope that the worlds top swimmers can perform here next year also for me its encouraging to see miss a key here swimming energetically in a healthy condition. To baseball and the Los Angeles Dodgers have taken the lead in the weald series against the Tampa Bay Rays on friday the dodgers beat the rays 62. 00 in game 3 to go to one up pay system reports series. Was. Looking to take advantage of the world series was all square after the 1st 2 games. Which los angeles were off to a good start. Was this 1st inning home run from Justin Turner was easy livin for the post season that ties the record. The dodgers had one game 183 and were looking dominant here a game they were 5 nothing up in the 4th inning. And then in the top of the 6th it was the turn of alston boggs to hit a solo home run to make it 61 was i was theres a 22 but the story of the night for the dodgers was pitcher who could bueller when he struck out randy a rosary it was his 10th strikeout of a 6 innings hes. Been a big game pitcher and really succeeding at on the stage theres only a few guys you know currently and throughout history hes in some really elite company and im just happy hes wearing dodging you know for him when youre facing a guy like bueller what we saw today theres really no margin of error. And they got us today. In the bottom of the 9th rosa rayna his own home but it was too little too late just as the final school 62 the dodgers l. A. Lead the world series 21 for a situation they have not been in since they last won it 8988. P. To stem it al jazeera. Forward one World Champion Lewis Hamilton is in pole position as he aims for a record breaking 92nd grand prix when the mercedes driver stash home in the final few seconds of qualifying for sundays portuguese graeme prix hitting teammate fro terry caught us to the front of the grid hamilton is looking to eclipse Michael Schumacher as record having already matched his 91. 00 grown prevent trees its also how wilsons 97th career pole. To go from tiger woods bounced back from a poor opening round at the championship in california he wrapped up 8 birdies in his 2nd round of 66 as he was up for the defense of his masters title coming up in a couple of weeks with his 2 under par overall for the tournament but that is still 12 behind the leader just in thomas who shot a 2nd consecutive round of 7 under 65 both thomas and woods will have taken notice of something that was posted on instagram on friday u. S. Open champion bryson to shamba revealed that he had managed to carry a drive 400. 00 yards in practice thats how far it goes before landing shambo who is known as the scientist has bulked up this season and is one of the favorites for the masters which starts november the 12 theres a huge fight in the u. S. C. Later with no regard of putting his unbeaten record on the line the russian lightweight champion has won all 28 of his points to date and now hes taking on the american justin gay chief on fight island in abu dhabi holds the interim title after stepping in for be when he couldnt travel because of the coronavirus pandemic to face Tony Ferguson in may. To cycling and the jury to tell you it couldnt be cosa heading into the final stage the 20th stage was won by british writer teo gagan harks for the team but that was not good enough to take the overall lead he is tied on the same time as australian jay hindley in the general classification that it is hindley who leads because of his performances in the time trial stages it means after 20 days of racing they are separated by only a few hundredths of a 2nd with one more time trial left on sunday. Spanish madrid have taken the honors in the 1st el classico of the season against arch rivals barcelona 31. 00 rail took the lead through Federico Valverde after just 5 minutes 17 year old and so fatty equalized for basso only 3 minutes later but in the 2nd half sergio ramos and luka moderates scored to secure the win for a 0. Brazilians have been celebrating the landmark birthday of and National Treasure pele the football it turned 80 on friday and rios christ the redeemer statue was lit up the yellow and green in tribute a mass was also held in his honor at its base is widely considered to be one of the greatest players in history and the only 123. 00 world cup. All right that is all useful for now have wolf we later thank you joe and join or 4 times today. Were back with more news here in just a few moments here. Dissecting the headlines in the midst of a pandemic lets start with some of the on the ground realities affecting the News Coverage whats the lay of the land that stripping away the spin eclipsing story about president ial corruption it is real reporting its not if you keep challenging assumptions and the official line we all decided we need to tell our school we dont want to theyre lying on the authority and its village post on aljazeera. Decades ago manila was called the pearl of the orient the manila metropolitan theatre was once a testament to the citys grandeur but decades later the theater has become a symbol of mandelas dickie now the Philippine Government is changing their government buildings the universities and monasteries were just some of the many structures that were destroyed in manila drawing world war 2. But were building a life and a city from scratch has proven difficult and some experts say manila has never truly recover it. Stranded 8 long years on the su is canal. Creating their own community and economy it was you know president ford used to go when he would aljazeera world tells the tale of 14 cargo vessels accidentally caught up in the arab israeli conflict it was quite a surprise to find myself right in the middle of a war through the sailors whose ships survived the desert sand as the yellow fleet on aljazeera. From europe to latin america surging coronavirus cases leaves countries scrambling to keep the numbers from rising further. Hello again on the mall santa maria here in doha with the world news from aljazeera the government summons their American Ambassador after donald trump said egypt might blow up its dam on the blue nile guineas president alpha converts confirmed as the winner of sundays elections that brought violence and allegations of fraud. Refugees and migrants travelling to western europe

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