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Accusations of foul play. Thank you for joining us germany is imposing a posho law down from next monday to try and stop the record rise in corona virus infections johnson im going to merkel says is needed to avoid a National Health emergency germany recorded nearly 15000 new cases on wednesday as ring in need who is following developments from london so germany needs to germany have been praised for the way its handled this pandemic until now but they seem to be overwhelmed tell us more for us about merkel what merkel has announced. One local service she was responding to a very serious situation indeed she said that the doubling time for the virus housecoat shorter and the numbers in intensive care were doubling every 10 days she said shes been Holding Meetings with the leaders of germanys 16 different federal governments have largely been able to set their own coronavirus rules but what shes looking for is a nationwide concerted effort to bring the spiraling figures under control so form november the 2nd all bars and restaurants theaters cinemas will be forced to close all nonessential travel will be stalled hotels will only be allowed to remain open for essential travellers so no tourists shops will remain open but fewer than one person in an area of 10 meters squared will be allowed inside those shops so expect long queues of people of possibly a rush to stock up on goods before the new measures come into force or also schools will be allowed to remain open but we have heard that some schools are already shifted some of their lessons online in anticipation of a tightening of restrictions to come because the german chancellor said that these measures would be under review and could be adjusted within 2 weeks time so stringent measures across the board will likely to seriously affect how people live their lives in germany and its not just germany need they its also a number of countries in europe france expected to announce similar measures. Germany possibly setting a precedent france possibly may follow with something similar at 1900 g. M. T. And minute the french president will address the nation the french government has been mulling the possibility of a nationwide lockdown possibly not as stringent was in place earlier in the year schools may be allowed to remain open but given the soaring number of infections in france people are looking for tough new measures to bring the situation under control there because earlier in the week france was recording record levels 52000 infections in the 24 hour period a few days ago although one leading scientists the devices the government believes the figure could be double that number because some people dont get tested and some people are asymptomatic matic in the paris region alone 3 quarters of intensive care beds being used to treat coronavirus patients elsewhere similar stories in Different Countries 2 concerns particularly about the Czech Republic talking about extending its state of emergency and in italy the hopes of a new Financial Relief package to help businesses that have been hit hard by tough restrictions including the forced closure of all bars or restaurants at 6 in the evening that led to clashes between protesters and police in cities like youre in the middle of the past few days thank you for that need and live in london in other world news the media seaside between azerbaijan and armenia is crumbling after just 2 days as the by john is accusing armenia of killing at least 21. 00 civilians and wounding dozens more in strikes close to the disputed region of mcdonnell catabolic the attack in the city of bada is the deadliest on civilians since fighting side is a month ago between the 2 countries armenia denies the attacks which comes days after the u. S. Role could be humanitarian to residents have told andras year they suffered hours of intense shelling has more from azerbaijans capital back home. It was the worst attack on civilians since this round of hostilities began now the latest number is still stands at 21 dead but more than 70 injured and as we understand it some are in very Critical Condition and this comes on the back of 4 other people who died on tuesday evening including an infant not very far from barda city in a village nearby the authorities here were quick to condemn that attack president ilham aliyev himself said that the response will come back will be on the battlefield and aides to the president said that the armenians had used cluster smersh long range missiles to hit the city of bard today and the army is saying that this still trying to figure out the extent of the damage that has been done but we as we understand it there has been several civilian infrastructures that were hit too. And drew a challenge has more from armenians capital. Today of the asli has been a grim day the worst for civilians it seems in this conflict so far the armenians have denied they attacked shelled but the pictures obviously tell a different story the all mediums are saying that it is they who have been the victim of shelling today in karabakh that the capital the main city in going to carve outs to kind of kurtzs being attacked and that the main hospital there has been badly hit particularly the maternity wing of it no casualties as far as were aware in that incident but they have also said the armenians that that the city of shushi has been attacked as well and that one civilian died in that rocket attack i think theyre calling it and who were injured now. And is saying that this is a continuation of what hes calling a genocidal policy against the civilians of going to care about the armenians of nagornokarabakh perhaps this is the kind of thing that we might see more of as as as both sides gets increasingly invested increasingly desperate perhaps that attacks on civilian centers are going to increase as well. Anger is growing in muslim nations against french president emanuel hall with new protests in bangladesh iran and pakistan this after my call vowed to crack down on what he called radical islam and defended the right to mock religion and lexi obrien reports. In various cities from mumbai was to mogadishu they came to stand up for their religion and the man they believe brought them the word is gone it was not my place wrong time we are protesting against a french president who insulted our Prophet Muhammad we are marching we are burning the french play we are full of emotion were not out there in the bus. She capital dhaka they burned in effigy of emanuel mccrone the ngo was sparked by the french president s recent comments claiming islam is a religion and crisis valent to crack down he called separatism and defending the publishing of cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad. And now france has become a hated nation in the islamic world d we want to say if micron does not stop the cartoon the world will boycott them but france is doubling down saying it wont give in to intimidation. That france will never renounce its principles and values notably the freedom of expression and freedom of publication the 2nd thing i want to clearly remind is that it was hateful comments towards journalists towards a news room that led to the bloodshed we have seen in recent years in our country. Teacher some wild party was beheaded in france area this month to showing images of the prophet to students and a lesson on freedom of speech. Following the murder and a Memorial Service hailing the teacher as a hero mccrone said france would not give up its cartoons hes up for reelection in 2 years many say the rhetoric is slanted towards a domestic audience vying for vital win votes but Muslim Leaders say its hate speech. Chatter that. Disrespecting the prophet incites violence and its immoral westerners must understand that all muslims love the prophet and soaked in the prophet means insulting muslims and all prophets also feeling insulted as turkeys president richard tie a bedouin hes the latest target a french magazine. Which has a cartoon mocking him on its front page the magazine originally published cartoons of the prophet 2015 prompting an attack on its office in which 12 people were killed. Everyone says the magazine is trying to spread racism and hatred and is threatening legal action for a general of france and europe in general do not deserve the vicious provocative ugly hateful policies of mccrum and those who share the same mentality we ask those who use anti muslim and turkish hostility to cover up their failures and their domestic politics to lay their dirty hands off our sacred values but they dont want to is playing to his base turkey and france have had a fractious relationship in recent years on opposite sides over the conflict in libya and Gas Exploration in the Eastern Mediterranean muslims of france say they feel stuck in the middle elixir brian al jazeera. As just under a week to go until the u. S. Elections the president ial candidates are making their final push to win over voters a final stretch of campaigning is focusing on the key battleground states and analysts say when it comes to the elections its ohio that predicts the winner as speak to john hendren now who joins us from chicago ohio of course is known as the bellwether state john it speaks the winner in the last of the last 22 elections which way is it leaning in 2020 thats right fully the entire world is watching not just ohio but the american midwest and thats because in 2016 donald trump broke down the blue wall of democratic states that barack obama had relied on for to victory in 20082012 trump flipped state after state that he was not expected to win pennsylvania michigan wisconsin he did not he flipped ohio as well by far more than he had the other states it was the only one of those states that he was actually expected to win before the election so now everybody is watching this entire region over the past couple of days weve taken you to counties that are a microcosm of the American Public one in wisconsin one in michigan but really in ohio it is the entire state with its mix of industrial agricultural and service jobs rural and urban regions that is a microcosm of the u. S. And so thats why its called the bellwether state we put a story together about whats going on in ohio and talk to the voters there please take a look. For decades all routes to the white house have gone through here ohio has voted for the winner in every president ial election since 1064 and they take voting seriously here i think its most important especially if you want to see change no republican has ever won the presidency without 1st winning in ohio. At may holes Bowling Alley winning is the name of the game. Here in suburban cleveland the diversity within International Border the crowd leans toward democrats and away from President Trump hes mentally imbalanced and he is a threat to the health and well being of everyone on the planet im looking for a change this upcoming election season just that we can kind of get back on track as a country. On the states vast farmlands and in the factory town of canton where Apache Industrial Services recently expanded into coronavirus cleaning solutions penetrates the d. N. A. Of the sal the workers lean toward republicans and the blunt spoken president hes straight to the point he doesnt really take too much from people kind of says well its only when its a time his character not so much. But what hes done politically what hes done for policies and stuff i stand again polls show joe biden in trump in a dead heat here where trump won handily in 2016 but that was before the coronavirus and a wave of economic shutdowns oh i wonder stands the importance of Economic Issues also understands the moment the country is living the democrats have very wisely then shifted the politics to be the campaign to being a referendum on president with just days to go both candidates have made a priority of navigating ohios shifting political waters. So high oh has this fantastic history voting twice for george w. Bush twice for barack obama and then in 2016 for donald trump picking the eventual president seemingly every time but in 2016 a funny thing happened he trenched Hillary Clinton and that really was a predictor of what was going to happen nationwide he beat her by about 8 Percentage Points last time around well this time joe biden is proving to be a much more formidable candidate he has just cast his vote in delaware i think we might have video of that right now but biden has drawn far less negative attention than Hillary Clinton did last time around and polls show that 2 in a dead heat and thats why youre going to see both of these candidates trump biden and their running mates go through the midwest and hit ohio is well as these other states biden says in the coming days hes going to go to wisconsin donald trump has been hopscotching across the midwest this is likely to go up to the very last minute on november 3rd and we wont know possibly over night when that happens how many votes are in favor of either of those candidates and who has won because this is likely to be a very close election and vet is what ohio shows this time around a dead heat thank you john for that john hendren reporting there live from chicago still ahead on. In the hot seat heads of Facebook Google and twitter are facing some tough questions from senators over how they monitor content on their platforms. From the u. S. Secretary of state to sri lanka chinese influence why why my companion is calling beijing a prototype. For. Had always been stormy in libya and those showers might just catch egypt i dont think so says cloud coming in here and not really affecting the event temperatures still well above where they should be 5 or 6 degrees its quiet throughout most of this part of the world a gentle breeze coming down the gulf which means dohas holding on to the low thirtys showers just about possible to catch the coast of yemen more likely in circuitry and the horn of africa otherwise its dry and skies are more or less blue thats right this time of year the rain goes science the rain enhanced itself in the rift valley is only just catching south sudan goes as far west as the republic of the congo goes as far south as i go to this is standard daily rains and theres more showing up in somalia as well that has been in the last few days thats the forecast for the next 2 days south of all that that weve had rather a warm spring of the last few days weve seen maybe last couple of weeks joe has bigger particular has been warm that prompts a few showers and there are one or 2 in south africa but frankly spots im in from malawi southwards apart from whats going through Port Elizabeth its a dry and warm sea in the forecast johannesburg is still significantly warmer than normal. Jumped into the stream and julian of Global Community diversity is biosecurity it is that essential furs species to survive be part of the debate i know you have ideas and yet you can be part of this conversation when no topic is off the table the police are not neutral and all of these cases they fear is to terrorize heres the other part of this theres no consequence this stream on out is there. Youre watching aljazeera live from doha a recap of our top stories germany is imposing a partial lockdown from next monday to try and stop the record rise in corona virus infections those restrictions include closing cafes bars the ss and restaurants as well as limiting social Contact France is expected to make a similar announcement in the coming hours azerbaijan has accused armenia of killing at least 21 of its civilians and wounding dozens more it follows a strike close to the disputed region of my god. This is the deadliest attack on civilians since fighting started a month ago between the 2 countries. And there is growing anger against french president all with new protests in bangladesh pakistan any ron this after he vowed to crack down on what he called radical islam techies president has accused michael of an on time was slim agenda. Now the chief executives of phase 4 google and twitter are being questioned by u. S. Senators about. How the moderate content the Senate Committee is looking at whether to reform laws that protect companies from being held liable for uses both democrats say they needs to be stronger action over misinformation and republicans accuse some thoughts warms of censoring conservative voices lets bring in constables on capitol hill for us so how do you 1st of all why this hearing now and what have we heard so far. Awfully on paper this Republican Controlled Senate Commerce Committee called the hearing today 6 days before the election saying it was to discuss this 20 year old federal law that as you said is about liability of social Media Companies about user generated posts but democrats on the panel say that that was just a cover that instead the republicans on this committee wanted a chance for a final punch if you will directed at these big tech c. E. O. s just before the election and the accusation from conservatives is that Facebook Google and twitter are anticonservative and anti President Trump and the criticism is mainly focused on twitter at the moment of course this is the platform that labeled several of President Trumps tweets in the last weeks as either misleading or inciting violence and most recently twitter has blocked 2 users from sharing an article by the New York Post the had under 5 claims about joe biden and his son hunter that left to swift condemnation coming from conservatives across the board headed against twitter and its c. E. O. Jack dorsey and it was really exemplifies by a key to the accusation that came today from senator ted cruz. Who the hell elected. And put you in charge of what immediately allowed to report and what the American People are allowed to hear and why do you persist in behaving as a democratic super pac silencing use to the contrary your political beliefs were not doing that this is wide open. This year with calls for more transparency we realize we need to earn trust more we realize that more comically is needed to show our intentions in the show they consider if you are the concerns and their knowledge of them. Or that we want to fix it whats in its response to you. And the criticism wasnt just directed toward dorsey of twitter now there was also the c. E. O. Of facebook an alphabet googles Parent Company at this remote hearing and ted cruz the republican side are you just heard from said that the 3 of those c. E. O. s collectively represent in his words the greatest threat to free speech and america now it certainly was not a comfortable seat for either any of those c. E. O. s because democrats on the panel werent quick to jump in in their defense either we know democrats have been unhappy with social media as well saying that they should be doing more to police misinformation on their platforms so certainly even though or 6 days out to the election no matter who wins and as president this conversation that puts social media back in the hot seat will certainly continue thank you for that heidi show castro live there on capitol hill. The polls have closed in a general election in tanzania by violence and on occasions of president john michael fully seeking a 2nd term the government has been accused of cracking down on dissent on tuesday the opposition in the semiautonomous region of sans abbas said at least 8 people were killed during protests over ballot fraud catherine soy is monitoring developments from neighboring kenya. Throughout the day weve seen a lot of conversation online a lot of conversation in tanzania as well especially with opposition supporters claiming widespread dug a leg ations of the Opposition Leader to lisa has been tweeting as well saying that he is receiving reports that hes polling agents of being denied access to polling stations in some parts talking of stuffing intimidation some peoples names missing from the Voters Register and so on and in another tweet he is calling for mass action without giving details really of what this. Is we have not been able to identify. Into to verify independently this information but then i have to tell you the Electoral Commission president has just had a briefing to talk about what has happened throughout the day and he said that todays process has gone fairly smoothly he did address those concerns and allegations by the opposition and say that it is not sure that those allegations are not based on evidence he has told tanzanians not to listen to what is being said by the opposition saying that this are just ways of the opposition just trying to weave pop emotions he also said that they will not he was asked whether theyre going to have perhaps extend. Voting time and he said they will not but people who are already in the voting stations in the queues are going to be allowed to would so basically he say the process has gone fairly well just a few technical issues and this allegations by the opposition are not true the polls have closed for the 1st phase of voting in the indian state of bihar is the countrys 1st elections and see beginning of the coronavirus pandemic a nearly 72000000 eligible voters in the States Indycar spondon elizabeth random reports from new delhi. A new set of voting protocols people in bihar sanitise they hands and have the temperature taken before casting their ballot in the 1st election in india since the start of the coronavirus pandemic around 20000000 people lined up to vote in a local election season as an Important National test and whether the lodge of events like these can be held safely during the pandemic. Wanted to have their say despite safety concerns. Its 100 percent not safe because you may be sanitizing the areas but youve seen the rallies webers holding them they are so crowded we dont think anyone is safe. The government hasnt helped us deal with the coronavirus i would give them a 4 out of 10 people are forced to walk on roads they face many problems. The election is also seen as a test of how Prime Minister and his party have handled the coronaVirus Outbreak when the Indian Government imposed one of the worlds strictest lockdowns in march hundreds of thousands of Migrant Workers were forced to walk on many for hundreds of kilometers. 1500000. 00 workers who lost their jobs elsewhere and returned to be had including. The father of 5 says they feel abandoned by the government. The government hasnt helped us at all i lost my Identity Card we havent been given a Food Distribution card we have difficulty finding food. Is one of indias most impoverished states with a Public Health care system that is struggling to deal with the Virus Outbreak yet Prime Minister campaigned on what he said was his Coalition Government success in fighting the virus. I want to congratulate the people of be hard for fighting the battle against with courage the decisions have been taken quickly to tackle the pandemic. The b j p promised free card vaccines for the people of the heart the party is reelected but for the millions of biharis who are unemployed in a struggling to feed their families a yet to be developed vaccine is not what theyre asking for elizabeth aljazeera new delhi. Americas top diplomat has hit out at chinas ties with sri lanka and his latest albany tour of the region secretary of state mike on bail has been discussing trade and security with sri lankas foreign minister in colombo is pressing the country to be on guard against what he called predatory lending and investment by china beijing has accused the u. S. Of bullying smaller nations. Indeed a strong sovereign shoe ok is a powerful and Strategic Partner for the United States on the world stage they can be a bigot or a free and open in the pacific but thats quite a quite a contrast to what china 6 we see from bad deals violations of sovereignty and lawlessness and landed see that the Chinese Communist party is a predator in the United States comes a different way we come as a friend and as a partner katz as government has ordered a comprehensive and transparent investigation into an incident airport in which a number of female passengers were subjected to invasive searches it happened after a newborn baby was found abandoned in a rubbish bin inside a toilet at home at International Airport thats where a government has also expressed regret for any distress cost to the women who were mainly australian nationals it said an urgent decision was made to identify those responsible for a quote shocking and appalling and appalling attempt to kill the baby the child is said to be safe and receiving medical care australia has welcomed the investigation. Indeed the most powerful typhoon in 20 years has killed at least one person while fishermen are missing and half a 1000000 people are being moved away from coastal areas the government has ordered the shutdown of schools and offices in several provinces. Are at. Hello again im fully back to bill with the headlines on aljazeera germanys imposing a partial lockdown from next monday to try and stop the record rise in corona virus infections proposed restrictions include closing cafes bars see it as and restaurants as well as limiting social contacts france is expected to make a similar announcement in the coming hours azerbaijan as accused armenia of killing at least 21. 00 of his civilians and wounding dozens more after a strike close to the disputed. Region is the deadliest attack on civilians since

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