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Questioning the vote counting. And in other news of the president says his military has taken hold of the strategic city of shock disputed region of not going to cut about. What the next president s promising to restore the soul of the nation but the current president still refusing to concede defeat thats the situation in the u. S. Right now with joe bidens made his 1st address as president elect promising to heal americas deep political divide but dont trump is threatening legal action in an attempt to overturn the election which was called in by favor nearly 24 hours ago. Standing by for us this hour allen fisher who is in washington d. C. And in wilmington delaware joe bidens home state and we will be with both of them in a moment after this report from our White House Correspondent because. Addressing the nation for the 1st time is president elect joe biden spoke to a divided america and appealed for unity. People of this nation have spoken. They delivered us a clear victory one with the most roads ever crash from president ial ticket and the 1st to the nation 74 america. He promised to be president for those who voted for him and for the more than 70000000 who did not its time to put away the harsh rhetoric lower the temperature see each other again missionary joe there again and i made progress we have to stop treating our opponents as our enemies they are not our enemies there are americans. Wearing white in honor of the women who a century ago fought for the right for women to vote Vice President elect col harris acknowledged her own historic accomplishment. The very soul of america at stake and the world watching you ushered in a new day for america in january harris will become americas 1st female and 1st woman of color to fill the office of Vice President but while i may be the 1st woman in this office i will not be the last. Outside the white house and in cities across the United States crowds schon social distancing restrictions to celebrate biden promises as one of his 1st acts as president he will set up a commission to deal with covert 19. But for now biden supporters packed the streets to mark the historical significance of the moment. The knowledge man of america that i care as a black woman that i matter. Speaks volumes to me sends a message people. People voted for him youre hoping for something different. America decided after seeing 4 years of it we dont want any more World Leaders have congratulated the president and Vice President a lot 1st on Twitter Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau promised to take on the worlds greatest challenges with biden President Trump was on the golf course when the election was called for his rival he remains defiant and insists there have been voting irregularities observers were not allowed into the counting rooms i won the election he wrote trumps Attorney Says the campaign will keep fighting she just about the 700000 votes that President Trump was ahead by 2 days ago that disappeared. And we have no way of knowing because weve been deprived of the right to expect that if a single one of those ballots is legitimate. Can really help get al jazeera the white house. And thats where we find out on fish air at this hour 11 am on sunday morning allan donald trump on the golf course. On twitter his twitter feed starting to look like a cigarette packet with the number of warnings on it. Who can blame im going to the golf course in the Beautiful Day like this and get away from some of the concerns and the wider use of the Election Campaign he hasnt been able to play golf for a few weeks because of course hes been on the campaign trail he has been people have been appearing on one of his favorite channels faux news in the last few hours watching an election expert saying that there were irregularities that have to be investigated and if they arent it could put the whole election result at question and also retreating Newt Gingrich who listed the usual grievances from those who support donald trump dont trump has said that he is going to go ahead and pursue all legal avenues available to him and that will start 1st thing on monday morning that is reporting here in washington that Jerry Krishna his son in law and Senior Advisor reporting that go to see that we cant yet verify its going to go to the president and try to talk him into a concession in the next couple of days fox news itself has been reporting that the president will agree to an appropriate transfer of power under some conditions of course weve got a point under the constitution if there are no conditions your by if his result is certified by the states as we expect it to be he will become the president of the United States may be on the 20th of january 2021 and he gets all the powers but the certainly those within the trump orbit who believe that he should continue to fight this they believe that they have evidence of voter fraud of ballot stuffing of dead people voting but of course theyve got a high bar to pass one interesting fact is that the Trump Campaign and also the Republican Party put up a web site asking people to send then any reports they had the voter fraud that number that website has been besieged by by confounds gloating about the result. Thank you alan fischer in washington d. C. Its head to wilmington delaware joe bidens home state jamal shale there for us the president elect with a busy few months ahead and just taking a bit of time to reflect this morning. Indeed hes currently now in the church behind me this is a local church he just arrived in the past 20 minutes or so maybe we can put up some of those pictures as he arrived to attend sunday mass he is the an observant catholic and he came here obviously to be with his roekel community a community that did support him pretty strongly we saw many of them out in celebration and late on saturday evening adjacent to this church is where his son is buried it was actually his son both final wishes that convinced joe biden to contest the elections and therefore it is very symbolic for him. In terms of governance and his Program Moving Forward the Transitional Team put on live their web sites build back better dot com which will be outlining some of the policies that by then administrator want to implement an executed soon as they take office in january of 2021 at the top of the agenda is trying to grapple with the covert crisis the pandemic the virus thats has been essentially rocking the country both economically and from a health and safety perspective more than 100000 people a day being contracting the virus over the past few days he will be setting up an outlining this task force that will deal with it on monday wont include any government officials because obviously is yet to take office however it will give us an idea of what kind of direction he trees are to take it in its most likely will be a different one from what donald trump has aside from that there are other issues that youll be looking to do straight away in terms of really engaging with the World Health Organization youll remember that the United States withdrew from that on the trumpet. You re servo signing up once again to the paris climate treaty as well as reversing that muslim ban which was very controversial in the donald trump which banned people coming from predominantly muslim countries the United States so those are the main things that were looking forward towards obviously well be hearing more from the Transitional Team in the coming days thank you jim with that update from wilmington delaware. So lets talk about the peaceful transfer of power allan mentioned it before its a whole mark of american democracy but President Trumps refusal to concede is raising fears he could undermine that transition promising to launch legal challenges to the Election Results and his campaign is demanding recounts all of this could slow down by his transition plans which cant move forward until the governments General Services administration actually certifies the women but there are laws in place designed to limit the police has politicized zation of the trends and the president ial transition act does give Civil Servant significant power for the transfer of data and expertise into the Incoming Administration will hear from tom brooks now the dean and professor of law and government at Durham Law School in the u. K. Who explain to us what the next few months will look like in the lead up to and by and administration. Whats going to happen now is that biden will be certified as the president elect the. Normally recounts can can lead to some variation in the numbers spent but nothing close to the many tens of thousands across multiple states that trump trump would need so the chance of winning on recounts is nil and the in the legal challenges amount to nothing at all theyve already been 11. 00 court i think it was constantly threw it out just a matter of of hearsay and guessing and no new evidence or facts so i think that you know its just a matter of time but it will be president elect and will be getting all this Transition One of the main things that the transition will be back out will be about appointing a number of people that had various agencies the United States the he the head of all the different different departments are president ial appointees so he will be expected to be making about a 70 appointments for the next next week or so there must be about 300. 00 they think maybe by the end of the year hell be coming on with this to getting support from the Civil Servants as he already has here in kemah harris the virtually Vice President elect now theyve both been getting advice and sports and theyll be getting on with that they will see a lot of people expect from from bidens political career people whove been close to him but also people who are part of the obama administration. One of joe bidens more delicate Foreign Policy challenges will be in afghanistan where u. S. Troops remain 20 years after the invasion the taliban are in talks with the Afghan Government right now after the u. S. Signed a Peace Agreement with the taliban earlier this year but violence is still high in around 3000. 00 u. S. Troops still in afghanistan supporting the fragile government bidens previously said u. S. Troops must be withdrawn responsibly and that a residual force presence will be needed to ensure groups cant rebuild its future controversy has more from kabul. Afghan president earlier this morning along with other senior afghan officials like dr abdullah and former president harm comey karzai congratulated president elect joe biden and Vice President elect kamla kerry saying and i quote of galveston looks forward to continuing and deepening our multilayered Strategic Partnership with the United States calling the United States afghanistans foundational partner this happened this morning now most of the reaction weve been getting here is in social media from ordinary afghans who have been reflecting president ial spokesman to dixie dickey said yesterday that there is a perception here in afghanistan that a joe Biden Victory will bring changes both in the pre Peace Process and the troop withdrawal now the Peace Process has not been going exactly as people had hoped for same thing with the u. S. Taliban deal that was signed at the end of february it has done nothing here on the ground to reduce the file the violence in fact it has been doing exactly the contrary like you mentioned violence has been increasing by the day neither is any twit that appeared in my eyes is all this yesterday was by an afghan who said americans now got what they had hoped for now were hoping that one day we will get what we hoped for and this is peace. More election reactions coming up we will look at why some World Leaders are actually choosing not to congratulate the president elect and the polls are closed in myanmar but many say they have been denied the right to vote in their election. But. How i will start by focusing on the positive for slicking lassie 5 inch rifle many would clear skies across a good part of china through the Korean Peninsula japan on the other hand well see some onshore showers drifting into that western side of honshu see some showers to the wintry night into hokkaido this is similar pictures to go through mondays a cool breeze that northwesterly so temperatures no higher than around while 1617 maybe 18 degrees 40 wont be that warm to the north of that get up to around 15 in a sock attempt just to pick up a little for solace to go through tuesday with a High Pressure there light winds 12 celsius wont be too bad it seems for beijing and you can see the dry weather across a good part of china although we will see some wet weather just sliding towards taiwan a little bit of wet weather into west franker over the next day or so maybe somewhat weather to the fos out of india but for much of south asia over this last week clear skies plenty of sunshine around to see those showers just drifting in only a northeasterly monsoon the northeast libras and will feed its way down towards southern parts of the by a goal or more of the same as we go through choose day further north temperatures in delhi at 30 celsius with the smoke a high of 30 also for the whole. Since 2013 wish the World Innovation summit to have. Has gathered healthcare leaders practitioners and researchers together to larry interact and engage with innovative organizations. This year wish will take place spiritually under the banner of one world our health. Registered wish dot org dot q. A. Here with aljazeera these are the top stories joe biden delivering a message of hope and unity after declaring victory in the u. S. President ial election Vice President elect harris is also making history as the 1st woman and minority to hold the job biden says his number one priority is dealing with coronavirus sounds promising to announce a task force on monday but in 2 137000 americans have died from covert 19 and nearly 10000000 infected. Meanwhile President Trump has not conceded defeat in this election is again tweeted saying you go to court to make sure election boards are up thats. The mexican president and the rest Manuel Lopez Obrador says he wont congratulate any winner of the election until legal challenges are over looks like an attempt to avoid friction with washington during the transition period but other regional leaders are sending messages of congratulations to joe biden a latin america editor saying human as well latin american leaders may not have said so publicly most all along had been rooted into joe biden she begins from a concept which is very crucial to latino americans is that instead of putting wars. Or building walls you have to work for the relevant. You know numbers of corporation and support. But theres an exception brazils president jacob also noddle whos often described as the tropical trump vidas recent comments about deforestation of the amazon rain forest outraged also noddle who said publicly he was cheering for donald trump. Venezuelas embattled president Nicolas Maduro on the other hand is hoping biden will consider reversing crippling u. S. Economic sanctions. A new consciousness is rising in the United States of america in its youth and its people they no longer want imperialist wars they no longer want threats and alluding to. Sources to aljazeera the bidens regional aides are rethinking continued support for venezuelas Opposition Leader why they all as interim president reportedly described by one aide as a quote lost cause joe biden has visited latin america 26 times so hes certainly no stranger to this region for starters hes promised 14000000000. 00 to Central American countries to reduce poverty and violence as a way of tackling the Immigration Crisis a very different approach from donald trumps. Meanwhile many are commenting just how the latin american President Trumps electoral challenges are sounding so to them he got has had those sort of strong men who decided that they would be esteemed by will forever or would change the results of elections because they wanted. That merica isnt likely to become a top priority for the next u. S. Administration with perhaps the exception of the immigration issue but after 4 years of being largely ignored theres the expectation that it will again be on the radar you see in human aljazeera sent the adol. African leaders have welcomed joe bidens election win with many expressing hope his presidency will boost ties between the continent and the u. S. Lets take you through some of them south africas president Cyril Ramaphosa who tweeted that he looks forward to working with biden and deepening the bonds of friendship and cooperation he condemned Police Brutality and discrimination towards black people in the u. S. Nigerias president Mohammed Bihari praised biden for his track record adding in his election is a reminder that democracy is the best form of governments. Are offered his congratulations he said he hopes to increase cooperation between the 2 nations remember zimbabwe is facing us and e. U. Sanctions over rights abuses and irregular elections here is more without a meter in harare. And the general sentiment in africa was that donald trump never made africa a priority he never personally travel to any Subsaharan Africa he proposed troops pulling out from with african east africa u. S. Troops that are working with those countries to defeat boko haram and al shabaab which would have been a blow to the war on terror and he even proposed cutting some aid to africa the relationship between africa and americas normally that of trade aid in terms of aid america has given billions of dollars in aid to africa long before trump was even president and even its helped in things like buying food giving aid to countries in need and also creating the Health Care System by helping africa fight hiv and aids in terms of trade i mean every country has its own trade agreement with america but the ishi africans had is that many thought that these trade agreements tend to favor americans and leaders in this region have been trying to lobby or push america to remove sanctions imposed on zimbabwe back in 2001 these were placed on zimbabwe for alleged human rights abuses after the Land Reform Program when farmers was from commercial white farmers not static the region has been trying to say to American Government that these sanctions that you say are targeted end up hurting the zimbabwean economy and hurting poor zimbabweans in general which actually has a Ripple Effect on the rest of the region so is joe biden going to be any different some are hopeful they hope that hes going to support the continental Free Trade Agreement in africa they also hope that he is going to endorse africas candidate to be director general of the World Trade Organization but some say listen at the end of the day joe biden is the president of the United States of america his interest his priority will be putting americas interests 1st. Lets look at some other news on an escalation in the conflict between azerbaijan and armenia president says his troops are now in control of show one of the most important cities in this fight for the disputed region of going to cut about what makes capturing sure sure such a big prize is that it is a long played a pivotal role in the conflicts in the going to cut about it overlooks the regional capital step on a coat and its from there that azerbaijan shelled the city in the 1st were going to kind of a war it also sits on the main highway connecting armenia to step on a cut i mean his capture of the town and 992 was a turning point in the conflict and its been celebrated by armenians ever since. As you see now with osama bin in as a by johns capital bucker people there a celebrated news of this type of. Blood made by the president. With. The liberating what they say has been a victory in the making for the last many many months. Shusha if not district borders but it has an emotional importance for them as well weve been seeing people of all ages from all backgrounds coming in the streets celebrating the victory prison hes been able to do it with the birth of not just his military but the people standing behind him there have been conflicting reports about whether he should have been taken or not theres been a lot 48 hours theres been a lot of fighting thats been happening around the city but the people here say that they are behind their military and their president and theyre hoping that this will be the beginning of the recapture of the him to free up untested newborn back region. And who is in armenias capital yerevan which he says i mean he is contesting claims the shusha has been taken by azerbaijan. I mean is actually saying the. As they call it here has not fallen yet has not been retaken by by john in that tweet made by the ministry of defense said that the fight was still ongoing in that area it was described as a heavy fighting. Going at this hour something similar along the same lines was issued by the ministry of defense of the selfproclaimed republic of the karabakh so there is a belief here that that hasnt happened yet this is a difficult fight it is difficult. To have approached very closely to do town but some people do to them they say that they have no sure really if Azerbaijani Forces actually inside the city or not it is a realisation that things are difficult for the armenian side but people do say here that they have to continue despite to the end that has by johnny thing that. As they call it is important for them well d i mean is would tell you that shushi is also of loaded with them and importance for the armenian so the message youre getting here is that its not over yet even though they do admit that its a difficult fight. If european Prime Minister has ordered the immediate replacement of top government officials the Foreign Affairs minister the head of intelligence and the armys Top Commander have all been removed from office no official statement yet though it isnt comes out there are be ordered military action in ethiopias region earlier this week the United Nations says 9000000 people are at risk of being displaced by the escalating conflict there. Accuse the Peoples Liberation front of attacking a federal base though they deny the charge the un warms food and other aid is being blocked from going into the region and says about 600000. 00 people depend on food aid to survive another 1000000 receive other forms of support. Police have fired water cannon at protesters rallying in thailands capital bangkok thousands of demonstrators are demanding political reform and want to deliver letters to the king urging dialogue to try to march to the royal palace that 9000 Security Officers have been deployed. In may and ma the polls have closed in the general election the 2nd there since the end of direct military rule the National League for democracy led by and is expected to win a 2nd term but with a smaller margin than 5 years ago well from florence louis. This is what voting looks like during a pandemic mosques and his. Despite a surge in coronavirus cases across myanmar voters were eager with some arriving even before polling stations had opened to another member emerge from this even though the covered 19 op break seems really bad right now i have made up my mind that i must vote in this election all my family members have voted to the National League for democracy led by own son suchi is widely expected to win a 2nd term while her International Reputation has suffered because of the failure to speak up for the rich after they were targeted in a violent military crackdown in 2017 she remains a hugely popular at home but the end audis margin of victory is expected to be smaller this time Economic Growth has fallen short of expectations and ethnic conflicts persist in the country. The polls have been described as fundamentally flawed by Rights Group Human Rights watch more than one and a half 1000000 people mostly ethnic minorities want to be able to vote voting has been cancelled in more than 50 townships in areas the Election Commission says are troubled by unrest some ethnic Political Parties have accused the Election Commission of trying to block votes in constituencies dominated by ethnic parties. Most of the ring that minority are also excluded having been stripped of their citizenship and rights throughout the years and whichever party wins theyll have to share power with the military which is guaranteed 25 percent of the seats in parliament enough to block constitutional changes but despite the challenges protests optimistic by louisiana. I think this election is very important and everyone who is already 18 should vote because one food can change the result so everyone should vote regardless of which party they support. Main opponent in this election as it was in the last is the military backed Union Solidarity and Development Party florence li aljazeera the funny bolivians new president the result has been sworn in at a ceremony in. The left wing leaders promise to rebuild the country after a year of political unrest a landslide victory in october signaled the revival of the socialist mass party after former president evo morales fled bolivia last year the countrys been run by a rightwing interim government since last years disputed election. Its taken to the headlines at half past the hour joe biden has delivered a message of hope and unity after declaring victory in the u. S. President ial election Vice President elect is making history as the 1st woman and person of color to hold the job biden says his number one priority is dealing with the coronavirus and is promising to announce a task force on monday or than 237000 americans

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