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A rising death toll, i knew record numbers, the coronavirus pandemic 10 is a tragic 3 year we begin in the u. S. Where top Election Officials have released a statement describing the 2020 president ial vote as the most secure in u. S. History. Donald trump has refused to concede and claims without any evidence that rampant voter fraud stole victory from him. But authorities on election and Cyber Security say right now across the country Election Officials are reviewing and double checking the entire election process. Prior to finalizing the results. Theres no evidence that any Voting System deleted or lost votes changed . Votes always in any way compromised. Joins us live from, washington. D. C. Alan, the former president obamas been speaking, but before we get to him, just talk concerning what this announcement is. And is it a game changer . Well, this is a watch dog. This attacks the department of Homeland Security, obviously before the election. There was great concern that there would be foreign interference that somehow Voting Machines could be tampered with that there would be problems along the way. What this report essentially says is there wasnt, it was the more secure election and american history. And interestingly enough, in bold, in this statement, it says there were no votes taken away, none transferred no problems of that ilk. We think that that was aimed specifically an audience of one, the resident of the white house, because of course weve been hearing from donald trump for more than a week now claiming that there was widespread voter fraud that the election was taken from him. That votes are being counted illegally, and then just in the last few hours on his twitter feed, he retreated to a report which suggested that 2700000. 00 votes for donald trump had somehow been transferred to joe biden. Now not only is this watchdog body saying that didnt happen, but the company that made the machines said theres absolutely no way that happened that this isnt going to affect Donald Trumps view. He believes the election was stolen. And there are republicans who are not ready to break with the president quite yet. By acknowledging that joe biden won the election. And theres no the president elect. Thats something that president barack obama has been talking about. He gave an interview to c. B. S. Here in the United States. It will air on sunday, but in the next that weve obtained, he says the republicans are not acknowledging the result from the election is causing problems for the United States. And for democracy. They appear to be motivated in part because the president doesnt like to lose and never admits loss. Im more troubled by the fact that other republican officials who clearly know better are going along with this are humoring him in this fashion. It is one more step indeed, legitimizing not just the incoming by administration, but democracy generally. And thats a dangerous path. Now if youve been paying attention over the past 4 years, you will realize that there are very few republicans who are ready to stand up to donald trump. You can think of maybe a couple mitt romney. Jeff flake maybe a few others, but they really dont want to go up against someone who commands such a loyal base in the republican party. And they dont want to go against someone who can still reach out to millions of twitter followers and really destroy reputations. And more importantly, for a lot of these politicians, they can distil, he can destroy political careers. Donald trump, me a look at the report, this come from the department of Homeland Security watchdog. But its unlikely that he accepted his campaign, are saying that at the start of a Legal Process that will go on for some time. And they are firmly convinced that despite a lack of evidence, they will be able to make sure that at the end of it, donald trump is still president. There are many across the United States who will look at the report and think, where was the problem . It will convince some of the doubters, but it wont convince all of Donald Trump Space elevator there live in washington. D. C. Thank you very much. Nate snyder is a professor of Election Security at the university of chicago. He agrees this was an especially secure alexion and says extra precautions were taken in the lead up to the election. I take it with full credibility. So its really under the leadership of chris crabs at the Cyber Security Infrastructure Security Agency thats located within d h. S. Have taken numerous precautions in the lead up to the election, knowing full well that there would be incoming foreign interference and various other vulnerabilities. Learning from the 2016 campaign worked very close with state local officials work with the election boards. Worked with the election System Commission to bring resources to make a very secure election. I think one of the things that point out too, is just the size of participation. This is been the largest turnout in 100 years for us president ial election. At the end, the day were looking at projections of over 66 percent participation, and one of the major contributors for making this the most secure election in u. S. History is the fact. There were large numbers with vote by mail and actual having paper ballots that has been a Lesson Learned and that was taken to heart from what weve learned in 2016. The u. S. President has banned americans from doing business with companies that could help the chinese military. The move further escalates tensions between the worlds 2 largest economies. Donald trump declared a National Emergency to facilitate the executive order. It says beijing forces Chinese Companies to help finance a modernize its military. The bottom takes effect on january 11th, just days before trump is scheduled to step down for katrina, you is live for us now in beijing. Now President Donald Trump might be fired saying a war, his position. But hes also still fighting this trade will. Is this just another shot, do you think . Well i thought so much related directly to the trade war. Busy as it is about decoupling 2 of the worlds biggest economies. So weve got 31. 00 companies that are affected here in china. And some of these are the Biggest Companies in china. And many of these companies are stage r. And that is to say that this really targets the Chinese Communist party itself. Now we had donald trump stop the trade with china in 2018, we saw several chair of hikes, the really impacted the way that a lot of u. S. Companies did business with china. Many of them move their operations out of china and chinese manufacturers and turn also lessons in their reliance on the u. S. Market. But that being said, the u. S. Economy and the chinese economy still remain very tightly intertwined. You may not have american investors individually investing in chinese stocks, but you do have a lot of index funds and mutual funds with investments in china because its seen favorably as a such a large market and a growing market. So the trumpet, ministration doesnt like that. They really want to tear apart these 2 economies, and this move is designed to do so, although wed still have a lot of questions about this as, as to how will be enforced, what will the penalty be for violating this . , and of course, the big question whether u. S. , president elect joe biden, will enforce this once hes due to take office. Well, that is the big question. I mean, surely the chinese are just going to wait until january 20th and figure out whos actually in charge of the u. S. Thats right, we have no response from beijing on base yet very much taking a wait and see approach. Many did speculate that they were expecting, basically the Trump Administration to impose more policies targeting china. Some said that china may be used as some sort of scapegoated, a punching bag. Should the trumpet ministration, not perform well during the election, and they are waiting to see what george biden does on this. But as to the effect that this has actually on Chinese Companies, there are only 2 companies that we know so far that are actually listed in the new york stock exchange. The Chinese Telecom and china, telecom and china, more about they had their stock prices on the dow jones flip by about 4 to 5 percent. And in hong kong, their share price has also slipped this morning in beijing time. But most of these companies are state or, and companies for it, financially for the bin dorsey, they rely on chinese investment. And secondly, these companies were already, many of these companies were already blacklisted from by the trump admission. Trump, administration for their dealings with, in relation to activities in the South China Sea or in terms of surveillance of readers in shin, jiang. So it seems that this move is largely symbolic in what it does really is create a lot of uncertainty for investors in the us. They may be less willing to do have any dealings with Chinese Companies going forward. But as i said, beijing is taking a wait and see approach. Joe biden has said he will take a tough on china stance, but he has so far not seem to express the same sort of desire for decoupling of these 2 economies going forward. Could join a new law, is there a saurus in beijing . Popular chinese own video sharing uptake took can keep fraud saying in the us the now after a ban was halted. The Commerce Department says it will abide by a temporary ruling pending further legal developments. President donald trump called the up security threats because of its chinese ownership. Police in peru, protesters from reaching government headquarters. Theyre marching against the impeachment of full president. The star was voted out of office of the corruption charges, and replaced by the former had a congress. Do you know, he will serve as interim president until july, from lima. We have seen protesters on the streets, not only of lima, but different cities, major cities and smaller cities, all around the country since early today, protesting. And of course, what they want is for the new interim president manuel, maybe not to leave. Many people have been peacefully protesting despite in the past few days. Weve seen some violence. Weve seen protesters throw rocks at police, riot Police Firing tear gas at protesters and many plain clothes officers, detaining people, something that a human rights organizations are fitted illegal. But right now people are on the streets of mainly thousands of people saying that they want maybe no, the interim president to leave that they dont feel represented, and people are angry. They say that a mafia has taken over this, the government and especially congress that was able to impeach these kind of with 105 votes. They say that theres, well theres, there are 68 lawmakers that have criminal investigations ongoing with investigations that go from homicide to fraud, to Money Laundering and a long list of crimes. And people say that they, they should be unseated instead of having unseated president former president. Celera, how does there are i think it would be a desperate search for survivors after migrant bites sink a 6 month old baby is among dozens dead in the mediterranean. As protesters in thailand continue their calls for reform, we look at whether a political solution can be achieved. Tropical storm rita was much quicker than thought it would be running across almost the north of rodgers and hart seeing the rain here and in georgia. Its now over open water and its just briefly along going to be heavy, the eastern seaboard and as its going in this direction. So its being replaced by increasingly cold weather. Its showing by the amount of snow in the rockies and the cascades. Rain coming down Central Valley of california as well, but the temp should be significant could be persistent as well away. Got that junction of the walrus in the coldish. You develop showers in the southern plain states and further east and the ohio valley. They could be quite poky once, but for the time being it remains cold. The snows to easy about time to get to saturday, but so on Pacific Coast and certainly in oregon and washington, the next system is already on its way and that will be a particularly rainy one, at least for the coast. Sorry, saying goodbye to each other. We leave behind, you sink a bit of a vacuum, youd be right as well as much squashing cuba, most of Central America that a hint of a secular nation trying to get in here in the caribbean, but its staying over water. So that might give you some big showers in jamaica with a flood risk here. For most places, its a draw a picture of the us is deeply divided. Millions of americans feel disaffected and ignored by both Political Party and the Political Class is point scoring again is a dangerous game, but its a game of the sickness. Folk lines examines the political currents ripping through American Society in a description for a novel. The publisher would send it back and say its too unbelievable. Trump versus biden, the race to the white house on a, jesse, you know, youre watching out for a reminder of our top stories this hour. Top u. S. Election officials have released a statement describing the president ial vote as the most secure in u. S. History. And did i any form of fraud . Purcel refused to concede claims without any evidence that rampant voter fraud stole the victory from. The u. S. President has also been americans and doing business with companies that could help the chinese military. The ban takes effect on january 11th, just because days before trump is scheduled to step down, police in peru is couple of blocks. Protesters from reaching government headquarters, theyre marching against the impeachment of former president Martin Vickery manual marino served as interim president until july more than 1000. 00 people including a 6 month old baby have died of libyas coast in attempt to cross into europe as Search Operations also underway after another 74. 00, people died on thursday. After leaving the libyan port of homs, lorem birdman the reports. Being the harrowing cries, the mother desperately searching for a 6 month old baby chase. The mother and son originally from guinea, who cry when it started deflating hours after leaving libyas coast, the spanish open arms tweeted this message after baby tooth died on its rescue. Boat, it said they recovered him from the sea. Hours later, he died. They say she is the mother of jason openoffice rescued more than 100 people from the boat, all hoping to seek a fashion life. Europe. 6 people including baby joseph did not make it. Dozens of bodies washed up in the libyan port of point to another tragedy. The coast guards and local fisherman did what they could to rescue about. 4335 was sitting clearly in shock on the beach. N. J. Doctors without borders said they saw a loved ones disappear beneath the waves. Dying in front of their eyes. For shipwrecks in 3 days have killed more than 120 people. These tragedies repeated over and over again. Of people trying to flee libya if there needs to be, i think frankly, great empathy for the plight of these women and men and children who are seeking a better life. Part of the solution obviously involves dealing with the situation in libya and making it safer. Theres been a recent result of people taking the migration route, mainly from libya and tunisia to europe. The risk of these people seeking a better life is huge. The Un Refugee Agency says more than 20000 people who attempted to take mediterranean crossing have died in the last 7 years. It led to open arms referring to the migrant route as a cemetery, with no gravestones, nor about them on the aljazeera. It here appears. Prime minister has claimed victory in the Northern Region of the great, where the federal government is battling local forces. Understands International Says that hundreds of civilians have been brutally killed. The offensive began last week after Prime Minister, be on it accuse the Regional Government of attacking a military base. 11000. 00 already fled conflict to neighboring suit, done. Local Authorities Say they are preparing for up to 200000 arrivals and have a doze following developments. And has this update from theyre saying they have gained ground in the western part of the country, close to the border without a tray, and also on the border. If you appear hugs with the done, they say they have taken at the town of america just on wednesday that say they have taken the airport. They are now theyve taken the tower, which is not far away from the airport. They say theyve also taken the council should out as well as ancient city of exit, which has got a lot of historical importance here in ethiopia. Because most of the fighting school has been concentrated on the western part of the to gray region. And it has involved clashes between Ground Troops as well as anthrax targeting fuel. And the polls as well as a killer duels which have caused so much casualties on both sides. The government here in addis ababa maintains this operation will not stop until its objectives of this coming that the people of militias, as well as bringing their leadership to justice for president Jerry Rawlings has died at the age of 73. The military leader led to coups, but went on to establish democratic rule in the riffles. Jerry rulings leg on a 30 decades 1st as a military leader. And then as an elected president in akra, in 1947, his father was a scottish chemist and his mother, a canadian national. And he became a national symbol. The flight left tenant, go to 1st taste of power in 1979 when he joined other gini offices, frustrated by government corruption to take control and initial coup attempt failed in rulings was tried and sentenced to death, but before he could be executed, his co plot has helped oust military to frederick a coup for their own troops. His revolutionary council rang gonna for 112. 00 days before handing power to a civilian government, but rulings remained a major player. And within a year he was back in charge. If the economy struggled, he forced out president hilaly, a man in 1901, imprisoning him and dozens of other politicians, very, very strong populist. At the time when he thought that there was much hope sharing from the upper and middle classes, he went to greece. The gap between the rich and the poll i saw was very popular amongst the Public Public district people the morning sounded the National Democratic congress, a new, much to programme of for whom is including setting up workers committees, inspired by cold war superpower, the savy union. And its cuba, but the initiatives didnt improve the economy and he seemed switched to free market policies by the 1990 s. Gone as economy was one of the best performing in africa in 1902 rulings was elected president. He went on to win a 2nd term, 4 years later, the teaming candidates in next months president ial election have suspended campaigning to honor the man they regard as the driving force behind the emergence of a stable democracy in ghana. There is widespread anger and fear in armenia over a deal that ended weeks of fighting with azerbaijan. The agreement allows areas to keep areas captured over the disputed region. Im not gonna kind of ask how to arbil honeyed reports on the result capital. We have seen very few civilians all military since we arrived here and i care it now. The vast majority of people had left throughout the war, and it seems that no one is intent to come back even though there is a cessation of hostilities ever since the ceasefire agreement was signed. On november 9th. Now driving here, we went through a region called killed by john. It was a region that or armenia had occupied in 1904 and according to idea agreement, is now has to return to azerbaijan. Well, on the road, driving in the opposite direction towards the border with armenia. We so a lot of civilians with so trucks carrying beds, cupper cupboards, all sorts of personal belongings. And we also saw military personnel, most likely armenian volunteers. Being bussed out, we still military underground, dismantling their positions. So you do get really to feeling when youre driving on the road that people are leaving. Are mass, they know theyre not going to come back and theyre taking with them as much as they can because they know that the life they knew before is not going to be the same anymore. The u. K. Has reported its highest number of daily infections with 33000, new cases confirmed record rises, of being seen across europe, which is battling an aggressive 2nd wave that reports in a small town south of brussels, a funeral director was burying the dead. He says almost everyone joining the area is a victim of cope with 90 something that wasnt the case in the 1st wave ever greets the surgeon inflictions is pushing the Hospital System to its limits with doctors warning they wont be able to give proper care. The difference is that the number of patients is much bigger and so is the pressure on the clinics and the i. C. U. Units, the ages are also much lower than they were. Instead of a 2 year old. We now have 4050. 00 in c. In italy, Prime Minister is resisting calls for a 2nd nationwide lockdown. But here in the south, hospitals are being overwhelmed with more and more people being treated in their cars outside given oxygen or placed on drips as they wait to be admitted. The outlook is similar in germany to, for most non stuff, we must prepare ourselves for the situation to worsen in the coming weeks. Some clinics could reach their limits, it is possible that they may no longer be able to receive optimal care everywhere. Meanwhile, in ukraine, president vladimir is in hospital in kiev, after contracting the virus on monday, become trees imposed a lockdown at weekends. But its just reported a new daily record of 11000. 00 cases. Europe has just 10 percent of the worlds population, but 25 percent of global cobbett, 19 deaths with winter looming and infection surging. The picture is getting worse. At the Paris Peace Forum World Leaders have committed to ensuring equal access to a potential vaccine. Something that cant come soon enough for aljazeera. The European Union is demanding china reverse. A new role thats led to 4 hong kong legislators being sacked, 15 opposition, politicians in a sense, he resigned in protest at the ruling. On wednesday, china passed a law allowing legislators to be barred if they pose, a National Security threat. The u. K. , which handed the territory back to china in 1997, says the move undermines hong kongs autonomy and has summoned the chinese ambassador. Meanwhile, canada is easing immigration. Rules for people from hong kong to resign or receive citizenship. Canadas immigration minister says charges for breaching chinas National Security law wont disagree, qualify them. The country wants to speed up applications for young people in hong kong who wish to work and study there. Antigovernment protests as in thailand continue to draw thousands of people into the streets, demanding reform both within the palace and the parliament. But after months of demonstrations, a political solution remains uncertain. So are the reports from bangkok. After months of antigovernment protests and rallies, tensions peaked last month, as the line between the protesters demands, and the response of thailands government started by student groups at the beginning of the year, the protests swelled in july and have been growing ever since. So too has the focus on what they want change, they refine their demands to 3, the Prime Minister, resigned a new constitution be drafted and the powerful monarchy before the Prime Minister has repeatedly dismissed the idea that he stepped down and rejected any change within the monarchy in an effort to find common ground, parliament will set up a Reconciliation Committee. The government says, trust is needed to make it work. Were trying to show them that. Ok, we listen to them and we are willing to do whatever we can in the power of the government to actually do have the confidence that we are believing that their protests and their demands are being heard. Running on a pledge to reform government, the start up future Forward Party did very well in last years election, but it was later dissolved for taking an illegal loan from its billionaire Founder Party members called that a politically motivated charge. The move Forward Party was created, so some elected under a future forward could still serve in parliament, while skeptical the party says it will take place in the Reconciliation Committee. There is a sensitive topic that will raise alarm on one side discussion off want to hear reform. If this can be surely discuss where everyone put aside their differences and speak rationally. This will help you feel why did yes, no point to the committee. The protest leaders have said that they will not participate in the Reconciliation Committee because the government is not sincere about trying to find a peaceful, political solution. Historically, theres been little success with reconciliation programs and some feel that the spirit of compromise on either side is absent. The student protests movement has learned by doing, but also they have tabulated and sort of taken into account all these various other bogus attempts in the past. And this time i think that they would not settle for another kind of misleading reconciliation attempt. He went on to say that the government is hoping that while its presenting the appearance of reconciliation, its actually slow walking the process and hoping the protest movement will lose momentum. But so far, thats clearly not the case. Start either aljazeera, bangkok this is al jazeera and these are the top stories. Top u. S. Election officials are released a statement describing the president ial vote as the most secure in u. S. History and deny any form of fraud. Donald trump is still refused to concede and claims without any evidence that rampant voter fraud stole victory from him. Ellen fisher has more from washington d. C. This is going to make happy reading for donald trump and may well to the pressure to

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