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Bus stop was cutting off and killed the passengers in a gruesome attack described by the human rights commission. The figure of the 4 dead are quoting to the commission as to rise in the coming days. Still an ethiopian, the leader of the tick rate region says his forces launched a rocket attack on the airport in eritreas capital. A smaller Ethiopian Government forces began an offensive 11 days ago. The 1st transfer of land between, i mean, and as about johns taking place, the handover of this part of a deal to end fighting over the disputed region of nagornokarabakh 15 nations in asia in the pacific have agreed to create the Worlds Largest free trade block. A deal that will cover nearly a 3rd of the worlds population and economic activity. The United States excluded from this people in moldova are back at the voting booths this sunday for a president ial runoff. The contest has been divisive between the pro russian and company go down and the former leader, my asunder who favors closer ties with europe. Sunday finished ahead in the 1st round. And police in belarus of used stun grenades and tear gas to disperse antigovernment protesters in the capital, minsk, for months. Thousands of people have protested every week demanding president alexander lukashenko, resign. And 2nd major hurricane in less than 2 weeks is now forcing people to evacuate their homes in several countries across central america. Many of us want about 2 asians have been in guatemala and nicaragua, thousands of people still in shelters after the storm hit in early november. Thats not for today. Thanks for your company. The latest edition of the listening post with richard is but is next. A multimillion dollar online sex scam in the philippines is blackmailing men from around the world. One of the nice time covers i was small time sending on aljazeera. Litigation tries to feel like i dont want to this is crazy, this irresponsible, this is dangerous. Hello, im Richard Geres bird, and youre watching the listening post working from home. Here are some of the media stories were covering. This breaking up is hard to do. Donald trump and fox news go way back and the Network Still has feelings for the mack, president , trump continues to take a pounding on social media news because theres still time and ethiopia erupts the ethnic on the rest. That has the makings of a civil war. The television encounter that may have cost the interviewee his life, and the Prime Minister, whose reputation has suffered, along with the country. When the u. S. Networks finally decided 4 days after the polls close to call the president ial election for joe biden, they did so almost in unison. Anchors, reporters and commentators, voices that president , trump labeled the enemy of the people, could not hold back their glee. In some cases, their tears, the continuing refusal of donald trump and Senior Republicans to concede the election, their evidence free attempts to cast doubt on the electoral process. Pose a problem for news networks, novel least for fox news, which despite calling the election for biden, cannot quite seem to let trump go. There is clearly an internal editorial debate underway at the murdoch own network, and its playing out on the air for all to see. And fox isnt the only news channel due for a reckoning. Other Media Outlets have issues they need to confront. But weve yet to see signs of that happening are a starting point this week, fox news headquarters in new york city. If schatten, freud is your thing, theres never been a better time to watch fox news. And we want every level. I just want to be very clear that shes charging up the other side of welcoming fraud and welcoming illegal voting to back that up again. Showing you that after years of defending the indefensible. Now that donald trump has made America Great again, time after time that and so much more all lives and scandal after scandal. Some voices of fox are clearly edging away from donald trump, his administration, and his allegations, the baseless ones of an election, somehow stone. And weve said numerous times we have not seen evidence clear evidence of massive, widespread fraud enough to change the votes in these states. Others that the channel or whole in the line democrats in the media mob. They just want to try and block any and all audit what are now growing examples of ballot irregularities and outright illegality. It can make for confusing if you have it. As though americas most watched 24 hour news channel has some kind of multiple on air personality disorders. Lots, so what kind of editorial direction does the fox news going to take . When will the line come down from the top . Rupert murdoch that says its over the conversation about an election being stolen needs to stop. So right now we are going to watch and see what those decisions look like. A Truck Campaign has made it an evidence of voter fraud. They have to make a choice though. Do they want to live in the world of complete fantasy, or do they want to still be somewhere on the spectrum of c. N. N. And other larger than you see . Eloquence will be on a shared set of facts. So this is a view, theres a difference among different person now that theres a degree shows on fox that you still want to look into the cost of the very of the candidates, not. You cant simply tell people to accept an outcome because force doesnt work in a democracy, thats dictatorship where some are reading the writing on the wall that the election has been decided when were not there. It clearly shows an institutional crisis. One, not a crisis, but something going on within fox about whether or not they really want to tie a lifeline to donald trump. Anie more. But also turn on c, n, n r m s n b c. And see how much criticism youll see of a democratic candidate on any of those networks you just wont show bidens. Character is such that it may well be that man and moment were made for each other. It became a matter of character and values. You look at joe biden, and that is who he is. Semana that the relief that those networks is. I feel i, i, its, i almost cant talk right out because of the emotion not much time was devoted to joe bidens record over almost a half century in federal politics. He spent decades on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and its chairman in 2002. Biden didnt just vote for the iraq war. He helped pave the way for the lies that sold it to the american people. By controlling which voices his committee would allow to testify the long suffering. Iraqi people need to know the regime change will benefit them. Biden has voted to cut Social Security 6 times and consistently backed crime bills disproportionately affect black america. As Vice President , he was a key player in an Obama Administration that deported more undocumented immigrants than the trumpet, ministration to and built those cages. Now holding those children along the border, the ones who cant find their parents, its easier to tell your kids, character matters as joe biden reform. Its a pertinent question, but the talking heads at c. N. N. And m. S. N. B. C. Just dont seem to think that now is the time joe bidens telling point as a politician, as an elected official cant be that hes not trump. What we need to be doing is holding him accountable, and that means holding him accountable to the record that he felt up over his 8 years as Vice President , you know, on things like immigration. And that means holding him accountable to the record that he built up over his decades in the senate on things like criminal justice. So its past time really for us to start reckoning with joe biden. Now that the more immediate danger of trump seems to be out of the play is frankly, a lack of kind of sophistication is in many ways lazy to just be like, oh my god, joe biden, you know, is going to save everything broke obama was an extraordinary president , he was also the deporter in chief, and joe biden stood by and let that happen. The notion that one man, one older white man can be the savior of everything that is happening in the United States is problematic. And so i watching very closely at how the journalists are responding to that particular narrative that the Democratic Party right now is pushing if there was a clear majority in this election, it was in the number of a stablished news outlets on the air and in print united in their conclusion that donald trump was unfit for office. Still more than 70000000 americans took that consensus and rejected it. One half of the country is choosing to see and hear one message, the other another. And even as fox news slowly distances itself from trying other Online Elements in the right wing media bubble are still hard at it to the president trump, the cavalrys coming. Conspiracy theorists like alex jones in for calling on trumps true believers to descend on washington this weekend. To stop what he calls, the final assault, the takeover. Were all living in different information. And a lot of people believe things because they want to believe them. Rather than based on how much evidence there are for them. So a lot of people want to believe the election was a big deal, find more than enough source is tell them a best case or a lot of people simply reject what they hear the Mainstream Media by virtue of the back thats coming. Its incredibly effective. The right has an incredibly effective december mission misinformation apparatus through fox news through their various websites, aided by facebook, who seems more than willing to spread disinformation on, on their behalf. Whatever screen youre in front of various kind of Information Available to you that is going to get in my eyes this election and why they are sitting even here. And if your computer or your on your own. And i think thats incredibly dangerous. Back to the ongoing sideshow that is fox news. The question of its future fox has reason to fear the president s base. What with all the talk now of trump starting his own news channel after fox called the election for biden. And then had a temporary ratings drop. Trump tweeted the network had killed the golden goose referring to himself so far and walks that fine line between journalism and self interest 1st. Tonight, Many Americans do not believe that this election was fair. Every american has a right to feel that way. I feel that way locating its audience in one time slot, rightest, a danger to our republic and the future of our country. Are these unfounded claims of voter fraud and giving it the bad news in another election . Balancing act is foxs way of keeping trump voters sweet. A slice of america that still seems to mystifying other Corporate News outlets. The biggest failure of introspection, introspection we have in the, in the news media right now is that most people who work in the Corporate Press are upper class. They tend to and gone to very good schools. Theyre almost exclusively urban people. And they just do not live in all those red areas that voted for donald trump. If you dont know who the people are, who are voting for, dont trump, then they become this like mysterious, this almost like an alien race. And thats the biggest thing that i worry about is that theyre just going to write off. This whole section of america youve been with these institutions. Exist and drawing large audiences significant. The people do not believe in the narrative or do not believe in their mission or in that any more than enough to undermine you know, our ability to have a democracy essentially without institutions being told its been just over a week since the Prime Minister of ethiopia abbey ahmed ordered troops into the Northern Region of to gray. Now theres talk of a civil war with accompanying accusations that the media are fomenting the unrest. Johannah whos has been following the story. Joe, what kind of reporting if youve been seeing on the ground there . Well, theres actually not that much to go on richards, and that is because the abbey government, in the capital addis ababa has completely cut off any form of communication into grey, including phone lines and the internet. And it is barring journalists from entering. So it is really difficult to verify any sort of information. What we do know, however, is that hundreds are dead and the result of escalating tensions between the federal government and the tea grace Peoples Liberation front or t p l f. Not a t p l s. Leadership belongs to minority ethnic group, the tea grey, who used to dominate ethiopia as military and government. However, since the current Prime Minister who belongs to a different ethnic group, the oromo took office in 2018 and introduced sweeping political reforms to gray are saying that they are being marginalized. Now that region has since held its own elections, which the federal government deems illegal. And abby has now vowed to get rid of the 2 great leadership. Misinformation is rife. Just to give you a couple of examples. Obvious supporters have been spreading fake images of t p l. S. Fighters using heavy anti aircraft weaponry, while videos, purportedly showing the fighting into grey, are actually from the conflict between armenia and azerbaijan. Ok, so is our strong alarm. But what about the accusations coming from the government in mainstream Media Outlets are somehow fueling some of this fighting . Well yes, at least 2 journalists have ended up behind bars as a result on november 4th, because of the lumber out of the privately owned allo media center was arrested for allegedly disseminating false information, smearing the Ethiopian Government, and inciting civil war. Meanwhile, maybe hine, a coup by miquel, an editor at news magazine, the other standard was also taking into custody for and i quote, attempts to dismantle the constitution through violence. Now when abi came to power 2 years ago, he was widely celebrated for opening up what used to be a heavily censored media landscape . Ok, thanks joe. Sticking with ethiopia back in 2018, the country was making news with its new Prime Minister. Met the International Media were giving him gray day reviews, his reforms seemed real and were fast. Incoming Political Prisoners released media brands lifted a Peace Agreement with bordering eritrea in 2019. Less than 2 years into the job. Abi won the nobel peace prize, how times have changed. The current conflict in 2 grey is unfolding as the ethiopian Justice System conducts a murder investigation, a killing that appears to have also had an ethnic component to it. The victim was a popular musician and or a model named her child to whom desa one week before he was murdered her child who took part in a television interview, always outspoken. He said something. Flo phillips now on the last interview had shallow whom desa gave and why investigators are poring over the tape, looking for clues in their search for who killed him. And the journalists who were interviewed or im not in doubt about it. On june 22nd, 2 big personalities from ethiopia is our Remote Community suck down for an interview. I think chuck, to whom this is an interview with me, did it work . Sure that hes true feelings to the nation as it is to live in, get all the little digital get what it can get. The new movement as the presenter of army and media networks, flagship Interview Program is known for asking tough questions of an important figure. But his interview with her childhood and sec, new records for the channel, tens of thousands queued into the live stream of the the following week. Charlie was murdered. So who was and why was he killed . Was beyond his artistic or musical career. He was also an activist, and i can of the almost rag these walks actually the political narrative of people that he was vocal against. He inspired on lot of young people to join the protest. Songs provided the soundtrack to be ethnically driven protests that swept ethiopia in 20153 years later, abbey ahmed became the 1st r. M. O. To be appointed. Prime minister abbey was making major changes and quickly ending a border war with that had dragged on for 20 years to mark that moment. The Prime Minister invited her child to perform at a concert held in honor of the eritrean president , a public platform that the singer used to highlight the are in my struggle. Fast forward to june 2020. And then the parents on another public platform to charlies interview with our a man media network. It was one of the most anticipated interviews he left, nobody untouched. He was vocally critical of the government. He was vocally critical of the Prime Ministers priorities that were going to get that he was vocally critique. Kind of the political elites, are you also he was vocally a critic of the civil war, which involved was the or more Liberation Army and the government. The other controversy in regards to his interview was the one where he mentioned about the past and purse and especially specifically and per minute where he said that shes not a great leader. And that, i mean had, but its a common narrative among the almost callers who claimed that normal people were subjected to too much grief and a lot of abuse during the era. So he touched our poor in almost every aspect of things that you could critically look. But there was nothing controversial about that interview. If her job was not assassinate. Just one day after her child, his interview went out, calls for his death spread on social media. A week later he was gunned down in addis ababa in the emirates that followed hundreds were killed and more than 1000 people, including journalists, politicians, and activists, were arrested security measures ethiopians might have mistaken for things of the past were not be honored, took office in 2018, the headlines coming out of the country signalled a significant departure, repressive laws overturned journalists and activists released from jail. Political reunification in the region. Landing abby, the nobel peace prize. Those days are gone and the reaction to her child is death and the hunt to find his killer. I directly tied to the volatile political situation in the country. Constant tension between its largest ethnic groups are most harmless and to great. After her child is murder politicians, activists on the network itself went back to that interview on iman, to look for clues as to who may have killed him following his assassination. The government will accuse him in being behind. Assassination of the artists, they say actually oil men omitted something section of that interview too high. That was receiving threats. I dont know, not to tell you. There are going to be somewhere. Its kind of government or because orchestrated kind of, you know, media propaganda. Theres always 2 sides to a story. Theres the governments narrative, and there is 0 minutes now to everybodys saying that i was right or the other party was wrong. It is up to an independent investigation to determine whether people are right or whether the government is right before an independent investigation could make that call. Our men were shut down. The main reason, according to the authorities, elements live broadcast of her child. They also confiscated the child who interviewed sticking to the line that our man had deliberately emitted a section which may have further incriminated the 2 suspects the government already had in custody. The administration also chose to its own versions of the interview in which it was a more selective editor than i man was. They had it on 2 channels and both versions included the angle the government wanted to get across. And i must give them the authority arrested. The interviewer. My last word is i never i never was a myth after the death of this mom. I was mormon. The devil, my friend has been drafted me. Where and how . I dont have information about autonomy, donnybrook, because im not write a book about the 1st. So who is the right person . Were trying to find somebody, anybody who will give us an answer. We started with the Prime Ministers press secretary. She passed us on to the attorney generals office. The attorney general ignored us. His deputy hung up the phone. And when we finally managed to reach the spokesperson for the department, he said it was actually a matter for the ethiopian broadcasting authority. The head of that organization promised us a response. Fire email. Were still waiting and we are not alone. Ethiopians are waiting to put the promise of 2018, the early days of the abbey ahmed era to be filled for a legal case in which the o. A man interviews could prove to be exhibit a and for justice after the murder of her child. And just to be served, we have no more done it work after he says, as an issue, we have new, more vocal political actors after he says, as a nation, they are now behind bars. The Political Landscape has completely changed. We have returned it back to that kind of authoritarian grip that we fought so hard. We dont know how we can maintain some of this rupture we are experiencing politically, socially, religiously, individually. I come to have my people come to my people, but i ended up in prison. So many promises for me. Nothing will last very, very bright solved by and finally we do realize that yes, this is the 3rd week in a row that were ending the program with a satirical video on donald trump. Usually Diversity Matters to us. We talk about representation all the time and who needs more rich old white guys on television. But while American Voters have in record numbers shown that theyre prepared to move on from trump, we in the media just arent ready. Do you really think that bloggers like christian von viewer, will ever have raw material like this to work with . Again, from joe biden, van buren from australia, his video is called by by donny. Well see you next time. Youre listening to drake told your voters to make it was your city and give your concession speech to everyone. Its a conspiracy. Blood will fall on american democracy. They would go tell more lies, do what you do best and propagandizing the fine cause. It was also the president that counted for you. You want to teach me some bars they did to do this is 2 days of tax by golf and golf course, you support the guilt of putting kids in cages. In 266 all misconduct accusations you dont like 4000. 00 active lawsuits, end up dani and hang out. The both finally succeeded in the white house. Someone who is much easier to lock yourself down in a suit used to decline the latter. Everything else no longer matters between the world with no regrets and 100000000 dollars, debt down low. If you know what a main like you night jeffrey, abstain. I youll be talking 223230000. People die just like daddys money, but youll fired one of the most wanted men on the planet, the mastermind of a 4500000000. 00 fraud. You want to put him in jail, but you cannot help being in the past and just 0 reveals never before heard recordings implicating some of the worlds most powerful players. Everyone phones would benefit by the use of power and jolo proof. You get to come and just, you know this is aljazeera. Hello there. Im starting at 10 am. This is the news hour live from our headquarters here and coming up in the next 60 minutes. The team, great conflict in ethiopia spills across the border with attacks launched in eritrea. Now tens of thousands of people seek refuge in sudan saying farewell medians, leave their homes. And just the last time before azerbaijan takes control of the area. After 8 years of discussion, asia pacific nations finally signed the worlds long

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