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Chief who rejected claims of Election Fraud. International condemnation, after ethiopias government targets rebels in the north with air strikes and hurricane ayers have basss Central America. Tens of thousands of people forced to flee there. Its now the pentagon has confirmed Shah Productions and the number of u. S. Troops in afghanistan and iraq by mid january, just before president of Trump Leaves Office. Both countries will be left with a contingent of 2 and a half 1000, but senior figures in the military as well as toms Republican Party have doubts about this decision. Out of there as alan fish reports from the white house, donald Trump Campaigned in 2016 and ending americas wars abroad. In the final days of his presidency, hes acting to cut numbers in both iraq and afghanistan. From 4500 in afghanistan, the number will drop to 2500. It will be the same number in iraq where there are currently more than 3000 personnel. This is consistent with our established plans and strategic objectives supported by the American People and does not equate to a change in u. S. Policy or objectives. In the stern is the us is longest war. Its lasted 1000 years, more than 2300. 00. Soldiers have died. Its cost more than 193000000000. 00. Earlier this year, the u. S. With the help of qatar, negotiated a deal with the Afghan Taliban to bring a permanent cease fire and remove all Foreign Forces out of the country by mean next year. In october, donald trump tweeted he wanted all u. S. Service personnel home by christmas, december 21st, when hes leaving biden is something that again, in the long run is probably where we would have ended up with eventually anyway. But the timing is seen as very rash and dangerous. Donald trump has a nose troop withdrawals in the past. Famously tweeting in 2018 that he wanted all u. S. Service personnel out of syria. That announcement led in part to the resignation of then defense secretary jim mattis. The military slow roll of that idea then, but its clear that donald trump wants the troops out. And on the timetable, hes unknowns. But the decision has brought criticism, even from his own side. President barack obama pull troops out of iraq just before the end of his time in office, ordering an agreement and a deadline set by his republican predecessor. But republicans claim that move led to the growth of eisel, a risk one senator says, trump is taking no other to extremely important here in the next couple of months. Not to have any earth shaking changes with regard to defense and foreign policy. Think up or ship it is. Draw down a new there. Afghanistan or iraq would be a mistake. The head of need to has warned of a quick, uncoordinated withdrawal. Seeing it risks lives. But its clear donald trump wants to leave office, claiming another Campaign Promise has been delivered. Alan fischer aljazeera at the white house. Well, lets not get the view from iraq. Aljazeera is and about that. The reduction of u. S. Troops in iraq to 2500. 00 is not that significant in light of the drawdown that already took place earlier this year. In january, there were 5000. 00 troops present in country that number was reduced to 3000 as of september. And of course, the political and security context that precipitated this reduction was rather complex. Back in january, we had the u. S. Assassination of iranian general custom still in miami, as well as other iraqi officials, which prompted the parliament here to vote to oust foreign troops. And we also saw a rise in rocket attacks against u. S. Interests here in iraq. And in that context, the u. S. And iraq began renegotiating the presence of foreign troops that began reducing the numbers. Of course, the u. S. Arguing that this was not in response to the Parliament Vote or the rocket attacks that it was the result of the official defeat. That such a large presence was no longer needed. Now it remains to be seen how iraqi officials will react and it remains to be seen how it rainy unbacked groups in country will react. And what is very interesting is that within minutes of the announcement to reduce troops to 2500. 00, there was a rocket attack on the u. S. Embassy here in baghdad. Such attacks have occurred relatively frequently earlier this year. And they were blamed on iranian backed armed groups. Now over the recent weeks, we saw a halt in these attacks, and some of these iranian backed militias have come out to say, we will wait for whoever is the new president elect. And we will wait for the trumpet ministrations to announce a full withdrawal of u. S. Troops from iraq. That did not happen. The reduction to 2500. 00 is not what these groups were demanding. And tonights rocket attack at the u. S. Embassy was probably a way to voice their disapproval with this latest mint. Fresh from firing his secretary of defense, donald trump has about dismissed his Cyber Security chief. Tom took issue with chris krebs off day. He rejected the president s claims that they had been widespread Election Fraud krebs and his agency are directly responsible for election security. And Donald Trumps legal efforts against the u. S. Election outcome have also had another setback. Pennsylvanias Supreme Court has rejected the Trump Campaigns arguments. The republican policy of service didnt get close enough access to vote counting. President elect joe biden is projected to have won that stage by more than 74000 votes. But dont trump has been contesting the result there and other battlegrounds more now from the 5 to decision. The judges there ruled that the Trump Campaigns claim had no merit. The complaint had been that republican poll watchers had been kept out of these rooms where ballots are being counted, while the judges ruled that simply wasnt the case. And the fact that the local election board of the city of philadelphia treated poll watchers Republican Party of the Democratic Party in exactly the same way and was in fact in compliance with state law. Now almost simultaneously, as this is came down, the Trump Campaign was making the very same argument in a different venue in a federal court. Also in pennsylvania alleging the same complaint. And in fact, the person making, the argument in that instance was president own attorney rudy giuliani. And he told the federal judge in that case that the pennsylvania vote quote, stole the election. Now that we have this ruling that is against the Trump Campaign from the state court will certainly that doesnt give much confidence to this federal case going any further though it does remain pending. Now ethiopias government says its troops have achieved significant victories in the conflict with forces in the northern tikrit region. As strikes have been launched at the regional capital mckelway, thats the main base for the Peoples Liberation front or tee. P. L. F. Which governs there to grand fires as have refused to comply with government demands to put down their weapons. Mamadou isnt ethiopias capital and says the government believes it can end this conflict quickly. The european Prime Minister ahmed, is promising a crucial and decisive face in the fighting that to get a regional level from ethiopia. He says his forces are now ready to take the city of mechanic up with all of the to great region. He made that announcement of to the expiry of a 30 day deadline here given to degree fighters to surrender themselves to the Ethiopian National defense forces. Security sources have told visit of the next 48 hours will be question as the European Forces launch a tux on mechanics for multiple fronts. The sources say that the fighting is expected to get more intense. That if European Forces near the mountainous areas with a couple of the to go to a region, mackellar, the to go Peoples Liberation front leadership in the conflict with the government in the suburb of say that they had a very, to defend their positions to the last month have been complaining about civilians getting hot in aesthetics carried out by Government Forces in macau is something that has been rejected and refuted by the government in the disability. Late last week, the t. P. A. Live fight to send up to 3 missiles across the border to us mother, a couple of at a trailer, something diplomats say could bring in a trip into the fighting. But the tibial of leadership maintains that they are already fighting at a tree and forces on the ground and say that up to 16 divisions of the trim forces present and helping Prime Minister its forces. Something that is of a body of nice on both sides are largely ignoring calls for mediation from the un and foreign aid is and as this conflict guys on more civilians about 27000, people have now crossed the border into refugees who are now arriving at the peace of 4000. 00 per day are coming out of it. Really scared of frayed with the stories saying that they have been fleeing heavy fighting. And that is not sign of the fighting. To stop right now, of course of the fear is as the fighting continues, we could see more refugees arriving the number of 27000 or more than that is what we have rejoiced or it could reach 30000 and beyond. Out of there as have a morgan has been speaking with some of those refugees as a camp and gatorade near the signals ethiopian puerto we here at limerick will be a refugee camp. A camp that is about 85 kilometers away from the nearest sudan is g. O. P. Or border. No, the camp started receiving refugees less than a week ago, but it already hosts nearly 3000. 00 if european refugees, most of them arrive at the border reception areas in the states of casella and got a lot of where we are right now. The received by sudanese authorities and the Sudanese Commission for refugees who registered them with some of them on buses and brought them here to this camp. Now this camp itself is not new. It was 1st established in the year in 1805. 00 for its european fleeing famine from their region back home, who came to sudan seeking basic services. It was then shut down in the year 2000. Now 20 years later, its once again open, once again receiving its european refugees, this time refugees who are fleeing conflict in the northern to grow region. Most of those weve spoken to say theyve witnessed atrocities that forced them to flee their homes. They say they witnessed family members being slaughtered, that they witnessed aerial bombardment that made them fear that their homes would be the next target. Therefore, they had to leave their properties behind and come here seeking refuge. But this camp was not prepared to receive refugees. Now most of them are still out in the open. They say they still lack proper food, proper water and proper sanitation. And that theyre worried. There will be a health crisis. So these Authorities Say more than 25000. 00 have crossed into its borders over the past 2 weeks. But they expect that number to go up to 250000 in the coming weeks and have been urging International Organizations to help them to respond to what they say is a growing refugee crisis. That they alone could not manage and need help from International Partners and International Organizations. To be able to provide basic necessities to those refugees. The refugees themselves say theyre not sure how long they will be here. But until its safe to go back home, they will continue seeking refuge, even if there is a shortage in basic commodities because they say theyd rather be here, rather than face danger. Back home. Still ahead in algiers, there will be live in hong kong where 3 former prodemocracy legislators have been arrest and government tends to. Its rich to have the 3 tough times. Weve got rain clouds gathering across northern parts of the middle east and some cold weather as well for good measure. Heres the west, the weather, up towards the black sea towards caspian sea, just around the caucasus armenia, georgia. Seeing some wet weather along with the fall north of iran struggling to get into double figures in tehran, just 11 celsius on wednesday as we go on into thursday. Likely to get around 1000000 degrees here at that stage, was the weather moving through the eastern side of the mediterranean, sliding across iraq through parts of moving parts of the gulf and pushing down to us here in qatar, doha, with a top temperature of around 27 celsius struggling to get to 27 celsius. So around 80 in found higher self the dry weather, the south weather continues around the horn of africa. One or 2 shell is just pushing in from the arabian sea into central parts of somalia, palencia showers there into tanzania. All the way over towards the gulf of guinea, towards cameroon, towards hugo bomb, sea west, a weather coming in here, and that wet weather, making its way down into angola as well. You see this cloud drapes down across pushing towards whats one of the eastern side of south africa, seen some lively showers, and that wet weather pushing further east france, once had a vast empire spanning several continents. But by the 1940, s. , the french were forced to confront reality and to moms dependence. And a fast part of a new documentary series, aljazeera looks at how the colonial on my screen conflict and full scale morning to china, not intense french to colonize ation. On aljazeera the, the, you know, theyre on the lets remind you of our top stories here this hour. The pentagon has confirmed to shop productions in the number of u. S. Troops in afghanistan and iraq by mid january, just before President Donald Trump leaves office 2000 will withdraw from afghanistan and 500. 00 from iraq leaving 2 and a half 1000 in each country. And the trump is fired at the top u. S. Election security official who had refused the president s unsubstantiated claims about ford. Chris krebs was the head of the department of Homeland Security agency that monitors elections, security, and ethiopias. Government says its troops have achieved significant victories in the conflict with forces in the northern tikrit region. Airstrikes have been launched at the regional capital, mccalla a, the main base for the teacher, a Peoples Liberation front or t. P. S. , which governs that. Now the Palestinian Authority says it will restore coordination with israel on the eve of a visit by u. S. Secretary of state mike, compare it suspended all contact 6 months ago and response to israeli plans to annex parts of the occupied west bank that had significant impacts including organizing the transfer of palestinian patients to israeli hospitals. We will raise your contacts with those writers on Financial Issues on Health Issues on political issues, on anything that israel is ready for. The most important thing is that now israel is saying that they are ready to commit themselves to the side negatives. What does this really mean . It means that according to the gun, it means head and it means the financial, it means, or other issues. For sauce isnt leicesters longman says, pressure has been building for contact to resort. The palestinians have had to deal with one of the key effects of this ending of corp, not accepting the money that israel collects on its behalf, in terms of tax revenues that is now built up to some nearly a 1000000000 u. S. Dollars. Since may, its meant that some 150000 employees of the Palestinian Authority have had to go with half salaries of these. Those who arent on the lowest pay have had to go with half salaries. Its had a big Economic Impact of that. Combined with the coronavirus pandemic has seen unemployment rise to officially nearly 30 percent. Some estimates put it at more than 40 percent. So theres a big economic incentive to restore these ties. Theres also a political incentive because of the incoming biden ministration. We know that there have been contacts between the Biden Campaign as was and presumably now the biden transition team. It is certainly a way of showing that they are open to a wrists restoration of some possibility towards progress under a new administration. It does though, put in some jeopardy efforts towards reconciliation with other palestinian factions, hamas and others have criticized this move, saying that it is going back to cooperating with an occupying power. And so the talk of possible conciliation possible elections on the palestinian side now looks to become less likely. 3, former prodemocracy politicians have been arrested in hong kong. Police are questioning ted queeny, editor, and rate chan. Theyre suspected of disrupting a legislative meeting, held back in june to discuss a law which criminalizes any insult to the Chinese National anthem. Sarah clarke has all the latest from hong kong. So these 3, former lawmakers are theyve been arrested for their role in that particular incident where theyre being accused of throwing a liquid at the president. And you know what that liquid was. We dont know, but certainly said he was distressed at this particular incident and it was during the 2nd reading of the National Anthem bill, which was very controversial at the time. All 3 should not have been charged with other offenses. Prior to wednesdays arist voigt, hes been arrested previously for writing charges, 82. 00, and theyve been arrested in the past for a similar charge which is disrupting disrupting the lives of council process. Now i should sides part of a wire to clamp down by beijing and hong kong to try and gag any dissent. On november 1st and 2nd, we saw 8 prodemocracy politicians. They were also arrested and charged over a heated meeting. You might recall in the chamber where they were fighting each other in battle to get the control over a particular position on the committee meeting. So its a widespread clampdown by hong kong and beijing to gag dissent. After last years protests. And its a campaign by china to install loyal patriotism to the motherland. So we also expect further arrests to come in coming over coming months. Perus new interim president has called for calm after he was sworn in. And francisco sagacity is the countrys 3rd leader in just one week. The former World Bank Official will serve until National Elections are held in april, and peru has been in turmoil since the removal of president Martin Vickery from office last week of the unproven corruption allegations that led to widespread protests. Our correspondent brianna sanchez, has more from the capital he has taken over with many challenges ahead for him. Hes only going to take the government through these a last few months into elections on a, on april next year and turn in the government over to a newly elected government in july. But he has many challenges ahead for these past few. For them, for the next few days of work for the next few months, i think the most importantly is to bring back stability in the country. That has been in turmoil for the past week. He understands this very well 24 hours before having been sworn in. He already spoke in congress saying that these protests have been a call, a serious call of attention to legislators and politicians from the people. And he also understood that he had to get close to the people. He went out. He walked out and waved at protesters outside of congress, and then last night he went to hospital to visit those wounded in the protest. Now argentinas, congress has opened debate on a bill seeking to raise billions of dollars from the super rich, the oneself taxes meant to help to support families who have been hit hard by this pandemic tourism bear ports. One is aires, argentina stacks by and how it should be sliced and made an economic crisis has become food for lively discussion. And when a site is and no for the 1st time deputies are set to debate imposing a wealth tax on arjun times who have over 2000000. 00 in assets. On tuesday, thousands took to the streets outside congress to show support for the new tax and the government of the farm. And this, it wasnt as if we are seeing a very delicate situation in argentina with people struggling to find food, people who have lost their jobs. So opposing a tax on wealth is necessary from the tax under discussion would amount to 2 percent for individuals with assets worth more than 2500000. 00 and scale up to us much as 525. 00 for all trial wealthy Citizens Holding their fortunes outside the country. Argentina is desperate for funds, as the coronavirus, endemic has had a devastating impact in the economy. Poverty rates are close to 50 percent. But commercial chambres in the country warning that a wealth tax in this context could have an impact on potential investors who already see the country as a negative for business. Several multinationals are fleeing the south american nation, claiming that doing business in argentina is complicated and unprofitable. Volatile politics, price and currency controls and state interventionism are part of doing business here. And the law is being debated as argentina begins discussing with the i. M. F. How to play over 40000000000. 00 in debt. What a lot better says the opposite. I will vote against the law. d with the people this kind of taxes per recession, its not a tax that will promote investment. On the contrary, the problem is how this tax is being discussed and the public protests by the government that generates a climate against business. There was no discussion. The only intention is to show that they are champions of the poor when they are giving in to the austerity measures demanded by the i. M. F. Last, but president of the for member said the new tax is meant to aid public coffers to cope with a pandemic. We are living in terms with solidarity years to be the role in congress. We see the debate on world what is being debated is whether those who have more can express in terms of emergency in solidarity with the rest of the country. These are difficult times for argentina, years of recession and inflation, and the impact of the pandemic have left millions in need. Finding balance between providing aid and stabilizing the economy is seen as crucial to help the country leave its economic troubles behind. It is one of deceit when a scientist oh hurricane has now we can to a Tropical Storm as it pushes across Central America and head nicaragua, as a category 4 there with howling winds and massive stuff, forcing tens of thousands of people from their homes. This is what a of hurricane looked like from the sky, but on the ground it brought more devastation to Central America, already battered by a major hurricane 2 weeks ago. Where unleashed flooding and winds up 250 kilometers an hour before reaching one duras on tuesday, left a trail of destruction. As the military struggled to bring people to safety. 40000 were evacuated from their homes in the 80000, not, not the number, but we have nowhere to go. We can only hope that god will have mercy on us. Landfall just 25 kilometers from where hurricane hedo hit 2 weeks ago, killing more than 120 people. This time the death toll might be considerably lower. After i was downgraded to a Tropical Storm. The preliminary report we were given deals with toppled trees, light posts, and electrical lines. Also roofs of destroyed homes and businesses are 1st pushed over to colombian, islands of sand, and simply monday. It is the strongest storm to hit colombian territory and record i spoke with the mayor of providencia. He gave me information about the damage, which we were able to see from the flight up to 99 percent of our infrastructure has been damaged. Theres been an unprecedented number of storms and hurricanes this season. It is tended to be even west, and we thought it started earlier and is going to end even late. For example, continuing flooding in countries like in nicaragua is going to affect the incoming harvest. And this will really strain subsistence farmers and already, whilst its still early days, it is quite, it is quite clear that this will extend the emergency even into into lead 2021. But for now the attention remains on the still heavy rains that could bring more flooding. And deadly landslides, in the regions already saturated soil. Listen, there are just now turkey as president has announced tighter restrictions and partial weekend lockdowns to try to reduce the 19 infections or supply better. One also ordered all schools to remain closed until the end of the year. Restaurants will be limited to deliveries, only turkey has recorded nearly 420000 infections and 11000 deaths while some good news, the 1st covert 1000 home test has been approved in the united states. It was given the green light by the food and drug administration. It can now be sold with a prescription to individuals who are at least 14 years old. That cant include swabs to take nasal samples at home. Gives results in about 30 minutes. The head of the International Olympic committee is encouraging athletes to get vaccinated against private 1001 possible. Thomas back finished a 2 day visit to tokyo at the national stadium. Its one of the venues for the games, which has now been delayed by a year because of the pandemic. 11000 athletes are expected to compete in tokyo and 2021 have a vaccine a should like to fish in a because grades are for their health. But there, its also worth any demonstration of solidarity with their fellow athletes. Tripolis people how theyre imus is it a, india, how with the headlines here on out as here. The pentagon has confirmed Shah Productions and the number of u. S. Troops in afghanistan and iraq by mid january, just before president of Trump Leaves Office 2001, leave afghanistan 500 from iraq leaving 2 and a half 1000 any country. Let us remind those who question our resolve or may seek to him

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