An isolated island despite concerns from the un and Rights Groups. Plus backlash and boycott some like the provoke debate about diversity in japan. So more than one of the half 1000000 people have now died from 1000 worldwide a 3rd of those deaths happened in just the last 2 months several countries have been reporting record numbers of deaths and new cases among them its italy which did its highest daily death toll on thursday since the start of the pandemic its now introducing new restrictions including limiting movement between regions and in the worlds worst affected country the United States hospital admissions and fatalities have also reached new highs the president elect joe biden says he will ask americans to wear masks during his 1st 3 months in office. In the 1st day im an auger i had to say im going to ask the public for 100 days to mask this 100 days to mask now for over 100 days and i think well see a significant reduction if we curb that everything that occurs with vaccinations and masking to drive down the numbers considerably considerably but well have more on where the u. S. Stands of isolation shortly but 1st for a grand old has this report from the us the center of california. With new covert 19 cases surging across the u. S. Californias governor said hes pulling the emergency brake and will order a 3 week stay at home borders in parts of the state based on Hospital Capacity the bottom line is if we dont act now our Hospital System will be overwhelmed we dont act now will continue to see a death rate climb more lives lost governor Gavin Newsome says the shutdown will go into effect as each Regions Hospital intensive care unit capacity falls below 15 percent most parts of the state are due to pass that mark by mid december were bursting at the seams with too many i. C. U. Patients too many patients that need oxygen and the projections suggest were just in the beginning of this new some big people to hold on a little longer till coronavirus vaccines are rolled out we have a light at the end of the tunnel with these vaccines but we need to take seriously this moment this is the most challenging moment since the beginning of this pandemic but Public Health experts say restrictions lockdowns and stay at home orders are useless unless people observe them americans are fatigued we were never very good turns out and abiding by Public Health advice. We just not we have them all the more nasts we have been distancing weve alluded sizing it and been saying its my freedom not to do it. And so we really battle that and i dont see any indication that were going to change another issue that many states are struggling with is a lack of Trained Medical personnel to handle the siege Rhode Islands governor is begging for help and if youre a retired Health Care Worker of any kind or a Health Care Worker whos currently under employed maybe have some time to spare or are unemployed or working in a non health care setting. Im asking you to suit up and help us out the nations top Infectious Disease expert Dr Anthony Fauci met via video link with members of president elect joe bidens Transition Team for what he called substantive discussions about dealing with the pandemic here in los angeles the mayor had a blunt message for the citys 4000000 people cancel everything mere Eric Garcetti told angelenos if its not essential dont do it rob reynolds Al Jazeera Los Angeles ok lets get more developments in the u. S. With an official hes live at the white house or not and i hear that the food and drug commissioner stephen has been talking about the projected vaccinations. Exactly though the white house has been keen to get approval push through as quickly as possible clearly the pressure on the f. D. A. Got more intense and lead in the week when they realized that the u. K. Was about to give approval for the vaccinations there steven hunt who is the commissioner of the food and Drug Administration said that he did a robust meeting with mark meadows who is the chief of staff to donald trump robust tends to be technical terms for very low davidi show t. V. So you can gather that stephen hunt probably felt that he was coming under pressure he said that there is pressure on them but its to do the right thing in they will go through the process that they intend to go through so the f. D. A. Intends to hold hearings on the efficacy of these vaccinations or in december the 10th they will be public hearings they will review the evidence that is presented by the Drug Companies and then they will make the decision they are hoping that they will move very quickly after that so december the 10th theyre hoping with approval maybe just days afterwards theyll be able to start moving vaccination doses around the country and micheline i think the administration is hoping that theyll get somewhere in the region of 20000000 doses out into the country so people getting the fire showing the vaccinations before christmas with theyre talking about somewhere in the region of 500000000 to 1000000000 doses being available sometime in 2021 so with the the u. K. Approving the vaccination elio this week theres obviously pressure on the f. D. A. Here in the United States to follow suit but as we say that heating jus to take place on december the 10 so theyll be no movement before then despite the political pressure and then this year of course private hits employment rates were hearing theres another round of jobless numbers coming out how do they shape up. 145000 new jobs created in the United States in the last month you might think thats an impressive figure but when you compare that to the month before when 610000 were created it shows that the whole economy is slowing down its the 5th month in a row the figures have been what would be described as disappointing Unemployment Rate dropped from 6. 00 to 6. 00 but this slowdown suggests that employers are what he did but what lies ahead normally in the run up to the Christmas Holidays here in the United States you see a lot of employers starting to add to their what force expecting a rush before christmas hoping that theres going to be a lot of business particularly in retail thats simply not happening this time around certainly not to the levels that weve seen in years gone by you know in the past when the figures have been better than expected weve seen dole trying to make a very brief appearance in the Briefing Room to to see what a great job hes doing a couple of reasons that might not happen this time one the figures not as good as people hoped in to of course hes not running for reelection anymore so i suspect that these figures will be regarded by most in the white house as disappointing but at least theyre i think jobs and at least the Unemployment Rate is there so theres a few crumbs of comfort to take from these new figures and they are alan thanks very much an official there in washington d. C. The Foreign Ministers of qatar and kuwait say there has been some progress made to resolve the gulf crisis has been under an illegal land sea and air blockade by saudi arabia bahrain the u. A. E. And egypt since 2000 june 2017 the Foreign Ministers say constructive talks have taken place between the 4 nations and they all want to reach a final agreement President Trump Senior Advisor john krishna recently visited riyadh and for talks. We have achieved set and father set septum point of time more than a year ago and then things has slowed down and like now there are some moments that we hope that this will put and thought of us christ because we see and we believe actually that got a few nitty is very important for the security of the region for the stability of that region and for for the sake of our people this need this crisis needs to end what Kuwaiti Foreign minister gave a statement a short time ago saying progress has been made. If i thought that constructive and fruitful talks have taken place recently when all the parties have stressed the desire to reach a final agreement and resolutions to preserve the region stability and harmony maintain the interest of the peoples within this context we express our appreciation for the latest if its pledge or push into the us president s advice or joining me here in the hard small when Bashar Al Jazeera senior political analyst how do we frame this small and getting closer to resolution but just not quite there yet now absolutely i think. Were really getting very very close this time around the efforts on the part of the kuwaitis as well as on the parts of the qataris and the saudis are bearing fruit the main issues have been ironed and clearly the parties are willing to open a new page if you will not to look back and to see what is best to security and whereby. There is no return to the kind of crisis we saw in 2017 because as you know the qataris feel betrayed because of the way this been handled the dissent from ation the conspiracy and so on so forth so hopefully a new deal and you page a new chapter in the relations in the gulf the main issues and you say that how might the resolution look how would these issues and the challenges in the problems have been dealt with. Well look what we know for the time being is that that the corner negotiations that in places between saudi arabia and qatar so thats what its at and as we understand were saudi arabia goes the other 3 partners. Will probably follow and the saudis have at having got problems as you know whether it is the war in yemen the conflict with iran the gulf crisis and set them they losing an important ally in washington and having the threats of a new congress and the administration that thats not friends nettled so dave so clearly riyadh is moving towards sort of solution at least one crisis one preoccupation thats the gulf crisis i think they probably im not sure but i hope they understand that they made the mistake you know that way and so they would start behaving that way it probably through some confidence Building Measures like opening the airspace and saw so forth and then that could be followed with some specific buy in that total talks perhaps if you cut out of the way up in egypt and also what there was all the other problems i think what we have. We have for now is a Framework Agreement that they are turning the page and that there is a window if you will to dissolve this issue for a month thanks so much more mature with analysis and i think you. Still ahead here and there are egypts human rights record in the spotlight is International Pressure forces it to release 3 rights group employees. Holywood bowels to streaming one of the biggest studios says its going to start releasing films online at the same time as in cinema. Hello its looking nice and quiet across the good parts of china over the next few days off pressure in charge so it settles and lousy dry some sunshine to try to into the Korean Peninsula for the time being and it will become increasingly drawn into japan we have got showers straddling honshu want to shop showers pushing into that western side of honshu maybe some wintry flurries into the north of hoshi for a time over the high of ground and wanted to shower still in place of its woodstock years ago on through saturday but sunday was fine and dry temperatures picking up to around 15 celsius there we go with that clear skies across the south korea spotting sunshine coming through here want to wintry flurries into north korea into the northeast of china but for much of china it is settled and sunny a lot because see some showers there into woo hand showers longer spells of rank continuing across southern parts of india coastal a few showers that Northern Areas off franka cyclon brevik continues to move across the south 65 Kilometers Per Hour so its weakening in terms of those waves still plenty of rain around is staggering along at just 4 kilometers perasso where we are seeing the right its got to linger for a little while yet were seeing around 100. 00 millimeters of rain into that eastern side of the recently well right to come. Into this stream and julian on global can. Bio diversity is bio security is that essential for our species to survive be part of the debate i know you have ninetys but he can be part of this conversation when no topic is off the table the police are not neutral and all of these cases goal here is to terrorize and gives the other part of this theres no consequence to this stream on out is the. Very good youre watching out there remind of our top stories this and more than one and a half 1000000 people have now died because that 90 a 3rd of those deaths have happened in just the last 2 months several countries have been reporting record numbers of deaths and you case. The Foreign Ministers of q. H. In cuts say there has been some progress made towards resolving the gulf disputes the cuts that has been under an illegal land sea and air blockade by saudi arabia bahrain the u. A. E. And egypt since june 2017. The International Watchdog says that iran is installing more new advanced equipment to enrich uranium the i. A. E. A. Says centrifuges are being added to the underground plant in the tons under the nuclear deal only less efficient machines can be used irans leaders recently passed a law allowing for richmond and limiting watchdog inspections. The uns Refugee Agency says its hearing disturbing reports from refugee camps inside ethiopias to grey region the him to nearly 100000 refugees from they re eritrea where theyve reportedly been fleeing in such a safety ethiopias army has been fighting Regional Forces there for about a month the u. N. Has lost access to the region and previously said food and medicine is running out. The uns Refugee Agency says it bangladesh must not force ranger refugees to move to an island off the coast which is prone to storms and flooding groups have expressed concern and people are being coerced into going there and naval Officials Say more than 1600 refugees are heading to the island russia and china from coxs bazar the u. N. Says its ready to evaluate conditions in the new location if the government will let them. Know that it is therefore seen my son and his family to go he didnt want to go but the 1st time i came to see him probably for the last time. Only ringback my family didnt want to go hes taking them by force even if my family goes to the island only because the floods. Sleep eat my brother and 2 or 3 teeth when they brought him here my brother didnt want to go to the other they beat my brother and they brought my nieces and sister in law here last night. From time to challenge me who has more from. Finally the controversial relocation of rowing a reference to remote coastal island a boston charter has started out of 2500. 00 listed running as that is 1642. 00 knowing the refugees are on their way to this Remote Island by an adult vessel now the government has come under severe criticism from local and International Human rights bodies as well as you and despite all those the government is determined to go ahead and relocate at least a 100000 growing refuges there in phases now we know talking from the refugee camp as well as. 300 plus were rescued from the boats who are living in that island most of them are not happy with the situation the prefer to stay in the bordering area with me on my where they feel closer to home they can visit their extended families and they can help each other out now there is a lot of. This shortlist were made by the camp leader a lot of growing up told that they were enticed and forced into putting their name in there we cannot independently verify that now the government on its part said the facilities are good there was never a base hospital at least 220. 00 plus that villages with good bargains but still it is despite all this there are still a lot of controversy the government insists the concentration is a major problem in one area and its security reason to moving there is running out to this Remote Island the troubled ministration social media giant facebook accusing it of favoring immigrants americans claims thousands of high paying jobs where. It says facebook refused to consider u. S. Workers entirely for some roles facebook hasnt publicly responded to the accusation indias government and protesting farmers have yet to find Common Ground a new law could affect crop prices to meet again on saturday after a 2nd round of talks ended without an agreement farmers are continuing to protest against the legislation that was passed in september theyre worried it will put an end to minimum crop prices and lead to corporate exploitation. This was where the gaza Border Crossing between the states on the for the and delhi where farmers from the states of that i cant add author but they where thousands of farmers have gathered here on this highway which means that there is no traffic allowed to come from those states into delhi this is the smallest off the 3 session protests there are still around 2000 farmers as you can see everybody here is being fed theyre fed 3 times a day at all 3 protest sides tens of thousands of farmers remain on the other 2 key highways which are on the borders between the states of how to ghana and delhi and farmers everywhere everywhere say that theyre not going anywhere even as those talks have been Farm Union Leaders and the government continue the 2nd round of talks took place on tuesday and the main issue for farmers remain the concerns over losing a minimum price for their projects losing elektras city subsidies concerns that private buyers will have an unfair advantage of a farmers and unions and also they worry about who would resolve disputes over the procurement over prices of the government has said that they are willing to take all of these concerns into consideration even right amendments to these laws the farm a say that these laws are fundamentally flawed that they were created without consultation with farmers pushed through parliament and that theyre not going to end the sit in protests until the laws are repealed and were expecting the protests to only get bigger theres a nationwide call for protests on saturday and athletes from the state of punjab where many of these farmers from planning to go to the president ial building on saturday a number of athletes including a limpet Gold Medalist to return their National Awards to the Indian Government they say in protest against the governments treatment of fondas additional storage is a release through human rights workers who were being. Held on terrorism related charges after an International Outcry they were working for one of the last Rights Groups still operate in the country when they were arrested last month accused of joining a terror group and spreading false news the arrests were condemned by western governments activists and the United Nations well deserved continues to demand the release of journalist Mahmoud Hussein used now being detained without any formal charges in egypt for more than 1400. 00 days hussein was arrested while on vacation with his family in cairo in 2016 its attention is in violation of both the gyptian and International Law thats enough from Hussein Brahimi whos in egypt and Libya Research at Amnesty International he says International Pressure helped to secure the release of the human rights workers from an egyptian prison. Its simply because it shows what we and other human rights organizations and activists have been saying for years which is that in order to have really change in egypt syria needs to be coordinated and public action from egypt allies in europe and in america when we had set we have a clear example where is this pressure work with egypt and as such its very important that this pressure is maintained. European and north american states that egypt listens to because there are so many human rights defenders that still remain behind bars that are exactly from the already means behind bars muhammad bucket manual musri the fact theyre never in such International Communities the need to look at this moment as an opportunity not just its not this is a very minor victory but its an important unity because without the Human Rights Movement in egypt is it remains to face an existential threat and we would be in the same location in 2 or 3 or 4 months is a mess and doesnt maintain that coordinate up to the last 40 years under the Trump Administration we have seen that say u. S. Which is a measure ally and partner to egypt has taken a back role on human rights and democracy issues in egypt and other countries and this has materialized in even more oppression egypt where ization shortys were able to commit much much more violations against human rights defenders members or community christians and many many others including journalists the u. N. Says famine like conditions are reappeared in parts of yemen aid agencies are warning time is running out to prevent mass starvation and the outlook is even worse for next year famine has never been officially declared in yemen where after 5 years of war 80 percent of the population depends on. The window to prevent famine in yemen is narrowing is new figures reveal record high of acute Food Insecurity in the country thats according to new information today from the food Culture Organization the World Food Programme and unicef the agencys new integrated Food Security face classification analysis for yemen indicates that pockets of famine like conditions or face 5 Food Insecurity have already returned to the for the 1st time in 2 years they warn that the number of people experiencing this degree of catastrophic Food Insecurity could nearly triple from 16500 currently 247000 people between january and june 2021 not kids facing a backlash in japan over a commercial that highlights Racial Discrimination in the country 2 minutes ad has been shared widely on social media and some uses a calling for a boycott of the company from abroad as this report. The video features 3 teenagers who face bullying at school but overcome discrimination through sport. 2 of the girls are from racial minority groups and for some the ad wrongly portrays japanise prejudiced online criticism accuses nike of creating a false impression of japan from another critic the one thats prejudiced is nike while others have promised i wont buy nike ever again i think that they see the as be unnecessarily negative towards and and i think you have an older demographic it more male who are against one of the featured teenagers belongs to japans ethnically Korean Community mainly a legacy from japans colonial period when it ruled over the Korean Peninsula touching on the troubled relationship between the 2 neighbors always rekindles old animosities especially for the older generation but for younger people in japan there seems to be a greater acceptance of diversity with sport leading the way the success of japans multi racial rugby team in last years Rugby World Cup was widely celebrated and the emergence of bi racial tennis star nyoman osaka who is featured in the ad is having a profound impact on the images perience says that her project in the end you know i think resonate with young japanese over the summer we had black lives matters marches here japan is served leads exactly towards greater tolerance and diversity but of course there are people are not comfortable. For its part and nike is standing by the ad saying discrimination is a global issue and it exists around the world but clearly some in japan would have been happier if the company had focused on a different part of the world of the bride aljazeera. In a hollywood 1st want to brothers has announced it will make its blockbusters available to see. Stream online at the same time as a cinema release its a major shift in industry hits by covert 1000. 00 locked down the companys upcoming titles will be released on the h. B. O. Max platform in the coming months they just have been forced to bypass in a months closure to see their traditional Revenue Streams dry up john murray is a media and pop culture expert and he explains how this decision came about. What happened wasnt 2021 of the brothers released him it was a movie by Christopher Nolan the director of the right of the producer and he was adamant that that film had to go into theaters well were in a Global Pandemic and some people are going to be honest and depending on where you live in the world a lot of theaters will close so that will be heading over 200000000. 00 budget but in the United States it only made 20000000. 00 in its Opening Weekend now the Global Box Office of the film has been strong theyve made their money back and im sure what they start screaming at the film obviously make money but one of the brothers was like no were not doing this again so they already announce wonder woman was going to this streaming platform h. B. O. Max in december and now all 17 of their 2021 films will go on their streaming app because they are trying to err on the side of caution but also be think up their streaming about what weve seen are streaming platforms like disney plus already take some projects that were scheduled for theaters and added to the disney 1st platform theyve done that with several fields and for them just getting the unique brand new subscribers is a victory for the overall channel because the belief is if you show up for the matrix on a lot of brothers h. B. O. Match or you show up or disney film on a disney 1st and then maybe youll stay in consume all the content and so that subscriber and the long time in the long term sense of things is better than just a one off at the box office and so you know i dont lot of the theater owners across the world are frustrated they feel the solution money but the truth of the matter is Everybody Needs to err on the side of caution so the studios have this product and now they actually have a direct to consumer platform with the streaming apps that they can get the product to them and theyre not losing money in a lot. Now the original gun used by the late actor sean connery in his 1st James Bond Film has been sold for a cause for a 1000000. 00 all to p. P. Kate became an icon of the film franchise after appearing in the 1982 movie dr no its all for higher than expected option more than a month after the actor died at the age of 90 the winning bidder as asked to remain anonymous. So this is out there these are the top stories and more than one and a half 1000000 people have now died globally from covert 19 a 3rd of those deaths have happened in just the last 2 months several countries have been reporting record numbers of deaths and new cases. The worst affected country his United States or specialisations and deaths have reached record highs the president elect joe biden says he will make masks mandates free and certain Public Places during his 1st 100 days in office the surge seems to be stalling the economy has just reported its worst

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