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Cooperation with the World Health Organization team its well documented that beijing has been tightly controlling any information any dasa around the origin of the outbreak and in fact they were reportedly reluctant to provide access to media hater of this is why its taking them up to a year to arrive here and of course many are saying that much of the key evidence around when the 1st outbreak started now must be missing and therefore it will only still i mean this investigation and it doesnt help that this mission is also highly politicized weve had the u. S. Government and a number of other governments around the world pointing blame at the Chinese Government saying it was not transparent especially in those early days and that is what led it to becoming a Global Pandemic now experts we have spoken to say that this is a key time for beijing if they are able to cooperate with the behavior mission if they are able to clear the path for this investigation they can really prove to the International Community that theyre willing to be organ and transparent so far we have spoken to a member of the team who is inside the hotel behind us adults of religious by the name of Marian Crimmins and she says that the team is in good spirits shes want to get any skepticism and says she spent the last 2 weeks having daily meetings with chinese scientists and their plans for the next few weeks once they leave quarantine on finalized yet but they certainly have a few theories that they were going to investigate the going to investigate the market theyre going to investigate whether this virus 1st came from the baton theyre also going to investigate the ruhani lab which former President Donald Trump alleged covered 19 and indeed leach problems so theres much for them to tackle and her main message to the public through us was that this is going to take time so be patient. The u. K. Is tightening Coronavirus Travel restrictions arrivals from 22. 00 countries will have to quarantine for 10 days its an effort to stop the influx of new strains of covert 19. The new u. S. Sector state Anthony Blinken says if iran returns to full compliance some of the 2050 Nuclear Agreement the us will also come back to the deal donald trump pulled out of the agreement in 2018 lincoln also announced a temporary halt in arms sales to saudi arabia and the us Donald Trumps administration was conducting defense deals all through the last days of his term including selling 50 Lockheed Martin f. 35. 00 fighter jets the Us Ambassador to the us says his country will work closely with the biden about its ration towards peace and stability in the middle east and u. S. President joe biden has signed executive orders to address the Climate Crisis that includes cutting fossil fuel subsidies and posing oil and gas leases on federal land biden says Climate Change is that the sense of u. S. National security and Foreign Policy and just like we need a unified National Response to cope with 19 we desperately need a unified National Response to the Climate Crisis because there is a Climate Crisis we must keep we must lead Global Response because neither challenge can be met as secretary kerry has pointed out many times by the United States alone we know what to do we just got to do it when we think of Climate Change we think of it this is a case where conscious inconvenience crossed paths where dealing with this extra shameful threat to the planet and increasing our Economic Growth and prosperity are one in the same theres been a 3rd night of violence in the lebanese city of tripoli these pictures appear to show Security Forces using live ammunition to disperse the dozens of protesters theres anger a lockdown many say has made a bad Economic Situation even worse police say they were responding to 100 days by demonstrators those are the headlines the news continues here on aljazeera after Drug Trafficking politics and power station thats a water bottle. The. 1971 Richard Nixon launched the war on drugs. Americas public enemy number one in the United States is drug abuse. In order to fight and defeat this enemy it is necessary to wage a new all out offensive. Washington send agents from its brand new Drug Enforcement administration. Specializing in intelligence the da pardon of the French Police and its investigations within 5 years 3010 traffickers and dealers were arrested and the chemists of the corsican mafia fled to the French Connection was dismantled. Under the connection france eisa for a. Cause i spoke to last. When he has come to see us as heroin continue to flow on to the American Market another drugs surface deep within the andes 3rd cocaine. Fixed dreamily wrath the white powder list all the while the finance the wolf of wall street and the jet set the research lee a Time Magazine cover the champagne of rogers a wonderful broad get you to go viral and its not addictive wrong. Dead wrong. On june 18th 2019 somewhere in the pacific ocean. The war on drugs is engender new leviathan invisible unconquerable prey that are nearly impossible to spot today out in the open seas a rare catch. In the underwater belly of this beast the coast guard discovers over 7 tons of cocaine bluth worth 230000000. 00. When drug lords full criminal organizations reinvent themselves once more. They never disappear they simply recruit pose into networks not structures they become nodes in a Wider Network and even the commom nodes in these networks you can take down a commom mode but it doesnt dismantle the workings of the network its. A new era for criminal organizations began at the start of the ninetys in a system where everything was accelerating transportation communication cash flow globalization. The triumph of free trade hoped to raise borders. I believe we have made a decision that will permit us to create an economic order in the world that will promote more growth more equality better preservation of the environment and a greater possibility of world peace. In 1904 the United States along with canada and mexico inaugurated the greatest free trade zone in the world no more trade barriers and fewer border controls ringback. Oh mexican factories stepped up the pace and lines of trucks at the u. S. Border grew longer. d hiding drug cargo in the stream of vehicles became the favorite pastime of the mexican cartels implanted along the 3000 kilometer border. Heroin marijuana and cocaine flowed practically unobstructed helming the country mexicos sole Political Party the p r i received it share of the profits oh oh as long as the traffickers take drugs to the gringos and as long as they dont challenge the state its ok as long as they dont act against the new interests of the right to keep power as the state will not interfere with the drug trade very much. In colombia at the head of the cocaine trafficking chain the political establishment finally let loose on drug traffickers. Under pressure from the d. N. A. The criminals who came after Pablo Escobar hunted down their Shell Companies were dismantled and arrest increased. To absorb losses those who had survived counted on the mexican transporters they asked them to step up the pace. And they worked. And wanted a time they were flying convoys 7 or 14 points would take off at a time with each loaded up with nearly a 1000 kilos of cocaine and landing in northern mexico and show or they would be staged there and smoke across the border into the us. The logistics of the mexican cartels will fool proof they had the upper hand over the colombians and imposed a new division of labor the mexicans took charge of the riskiest a most lucrative component of the traffic cocaine distribution in the United States make an assignment that i dont read up on which most computer. Is almost 40 years kick obvious mess. It in the get out on that system now is it masterful new c. E. O. Live your lives your busted my your boat or camper caylees internet kemah than a platter better lies to sonny yes a producer much of let. In mr nichols who is you know your name she then went to. Mexico got caught up in a never ending spiral of violence meanwhile colombian traffickers stepped back to focus on production covering entire swards a valid and with coca crops. By the end of the ninetys drug production had become concentrated in lois areas where is impossible to unseat. Colombia was the worlds leading cocaine producer and another country emerged as a permanent player in the story of Drug Trafficking afghanistan the worlds top opium producer. Today 80 percent of the worlds heroin is produced in afghanistan the completely illicit drug represents one 3rd of the countrys revenue. From the dusty streets of its capital kabul to the highest levels of state all of afghanistan has become addicted to heroin. An addiction that was born in the eightys in the midst of the cold war. The soviet army occupied the countrys big cities and in the countryside the russians strove to repress afghan resistance. So in the mid 1980 s. They adopted socalled scorched earth policy they decided to destroy the countryside so people could not live there and in order to do so they would burn down orchard this troy what the system poison of alice but not everyone moved instead people started called the rethink opium poppy. For 10 years opium poppy funded the tribal leaders resistance to the soviet occupation what was once a marginal crop became the main source of revenue for peasants and warlords. When the russians left afghanistan tribal leaders clashed in a struggle to take power. Several 1000 afghans died and there was. Throughout the ravaged land one movement channeled the anger of a people prostrated by years of conflict. The taliban gained ground. They had political objectives the didnt like drugs when they started they really were very upset with all those corrupted watch in afghanistan and they really didnt like she wanted to bring law and order because of the kind of law and order we lived with it was their perception show part of that was to stop opium opium us advice is how wrong is not. Everywhere they went the taliban imposed less strict laws closing movie theaters out during music hiding women from view but opium was the livelihood of tens of thousands of families if they banned it the taliban rest losing support in the countryside. To build Political Capital the taliban started saying well the koran says that opium poppy is her and its still how to use it but it would say as long as you produce opium poppy for dick a fuse for the infidels as long as it goes to russia or goes to the us thats perfectly fine with us. O. P. M. Allowed the taliban to finance their advance on kabul the Afghan Capital fell in 1906. Afghanistan was immediately ostracized by the International Community and cut off from the world. Afghanistan was around bridge loan and there was no foreign aid. And so opium was for the knife to cut through the gordian knot of this social puzzle of how to restore economy its an annual crop you put the seed in the ground and a few months later youve got a commodity thats illicit that magically crosses all boundaries you know without any impediment whatsoever. The taliban set up labs on their land and turned afghanistan into the worlds leading heroin producer. Drug money made them both thinking they could Flout International Law in 1908 they granted a safe haven to members of al qaeda. But heroin could not ensure the survival of an entire country. Poverty was rife in afghanistan. The taliban regime sorely needed International Aid in hopes of regaining International Favor the taliban outlawed opium poppy production throughout the country in 2000. Peasants risk to death if they planted the forbidden seed. In just one year nearly every poppy failed in afghanistan had disappeared and the International Community and said things like well you know thank you and the United States undersecretary of state colin powell actually a word the regime i think 41000000. 00 in foreign aid but there are other issues human rights the status of women. And so the un wasnt going to recognize them and so the taliban. You know in retrospect conducted an act of economic suicide. After the attacks of september the 11th 2001 the United States invaded afghanistan. In a matter of weeks the taliban were pushed back into isolated zones doomed to disappear. But patiently little by little they reconquered the land by encouraging the cultivation of opium poppy a miraculous source of funds for the rebirth a movement. In the mid. Stretches of. The cities which were now on the high civilians. Drug traffickers sought refuge in the jungles of mountains well out of the states reach. Of the. A pain to stop most but it was true that we told you so much to see to them that no i. In these remote areas of modern day far west london long to whoever had the means to take it. Knowledge landowners purged columbias land of its wealth. Gemstones minerals oil rare woods. To extend their operations these large families created militias that would move populations by force colombians called them paramilitaries. With coca crops booming in the countryside drug traffickers also outfitted themselves with paramilitary groups. Made up wrote they had like the around. K. Or young men. A journalist got a gallon of foreign militaries they spray hardly less the error of the last couple of those go a long road will be a signal that told. They were mucho dinero. He made more steering the ship they were but by. Rovers. The paramilitary leaders gradually took control of coca production and the labs and handle connections with the mexican cartels and Major International crime networks. Deep in the jungle the scramble for cocoa would change the fate of another group. The fog a marxist Guerrilla Group fought for a Fair Distribution of land. Active on a few fronts but with meager means they would extort large landowners and kidnap them for ransom but in the mid ninetys thought guerrillas adapted to the changing times. We dont look at them now michael said about one community of commuters also because theyre about. Dying on the rail not of the of the global gag order but let all of your critics its wrong job it is your little call all of you sitting down the middle and so they say its ok to cultivate coke and being good revolutionaries and trying to build a social base so they start delivering a variety of Public Services flush with the money they get from taxing cultivation. The fat use drug money to buy arms and ammunition but also communication tools that allow them to synchronize their various fronts and make rapid progress. The fog continue their abductions targeting the very heart of the government governors deputies and former ministers were all held hostage. The guerrillas camped outside what bar they were hearing and they were outside fairly interview end of the ninetys people were talking about the potential of columbia becoming a knockers state with the guerrillas taking power. Faced with the fox growing power paramilitary groups wanted to retain control of coca production zones in 1907 all the paramilitary factions gathered under one commander. A far right to militia 20000 men the united self defenders of colombia defied the guerrillas. Meanwhile colombias legitimate military suffered ambushes by the far soldiers were abducted in the hundreds. Just curious faces mafias that mean and a comment on the us here. The matter you support we have this in the queue and. It does get we apparently have look as an innocent i mean secretary adolescent has seen us here to list yes. You to decide this but lets put us on the. Paramilitaries eliminated their opponents. The systematic killing led to the displacement of millions of people. The paramilitaries dictated their nose in the zones they took over areas the state could never reach. Taking control they lead to their lives on money hankel long via laws and going through i. E. And last but i military say years and years of principality allowed it they were there it was on my nose you just cant commit the much activities you must act or the our body our last ability. Will be my now only thought of me i was longing to go to rupa you know but i really got into the moment over when i rang a beautifully up the number of the only other thing that are both. Represent us young political. In the early 2000 the paramilitaries were in the same position as Pablo Escobar 20 years earlier. Its in your body. Before the congress one of their leaders salvatore man crews are defended the role of his men. A few years later salvatore noncausal nicknamed triple 0 would admit to the murder of 300 people. A day i didnt want you. To know lastly. You. Will look at the article the los. Altos of out so what about all of you leave it. There you. See a. Salvatore man cruiser spoke to an appreciative audience. Paramilitaries control the 3rd of parliament colombia had failed to push traffickers out the paramilitaries had turned it into a narco state. Unlike colombian traffickers the cartels in mexico never tried to take the reins of the government. Traffickers except to the game of corruption orchestrated by the single party the p. R. I. In power for 70 years. In 2000 mexican shrugged off the all for a tarion reign of the p. R. I. By electing dissenting fox as president. It was the promise of a new era for mexico and the change in power reshuffle the cards for traffickers. It did break what i would call the parks mafioso and that is to say the. Essential of the understanding between the mexican state and the major narcotic rafiki in organizations that they were they were untouchable the rogue going to be torched. So did break that certainty of that you would have had for years under the pier or. The p. R. I. Acted as a mediator between the cartels. Once they were gone violence was the only way to weed out competitors. Overlapping was soon broke out among all the cow tiles. There was a moment in our class a local eurasian ill know out in the law meals but a boy are going to marry and theyll put a medical bit of a gun there make all the. Aeronautical. In this cartel war the historic bastion of trafficking the singer was on every front driven by the insatiable appetite of its leader el chapo freshly escaped from a high security prison El Chapo Guzman is one of the most successful drug traffickers ever in history and his new turn before chopper was a quick one because he was able to move drugs into the us at a very very high speed say would be 0 in a stuffy field would emblematic i. Meet the law. In one are cool to them he can chappell was also very diligent and very systematic in how to manage brutality and extortion against rivals. And ruthless as chapo would have to strike even harder if you wanted to stay in the game on the other side of the country the gulf cartel recruited elite soldiers from the mexican army and created an armed wing last said to us. Military discipline planned operations intelligence methods were redirected with a single goal terrorize the competition and take over that territory just triggered one upmanship among the other cartels do you wanna see who died why is and soon i know all outfitted themselves with elite units scenes of horror erupted. Calm and make sure youre not hyping the situation be part of the debate my main characters are women when no topic is off the table the law is in the last allow Child Marriage to happen legally easer basically archaic walls often legitimize and legalize pedophiles on air online jumping to the quick section and leaching to be part of the discussion this stream on out is the euro. The latest news as it breaks the explosion near an a. T. V. Transmission site knocked out mobile phone and Internet Service for miles with details coverage many have told us that they have voted and voting for peace others say they are worried about the security situation in off of the country from around the world honestly it is a dependent on the success of its that seems to conclude its also national in that we just saw that since the beginning. Its 10 years since revolutions across the arab world challenge the power. But how did these leaders rise to their positions the principle of the facilities dictation is to be patient they played the game very carefully and how did they stayed in control of a common frame amongst the arabic states is is incredible will to survive the arab awakening absolute power. On a 0. 0. 0 im daryn jordan and with the top stories here on our jazeera a team of investigators sent by the World Health Organization is preparing to leave the hotel coryndon in the chinese city of. Look into the origins of the corona virus covered 19 was 1st detected in late 2019 katrina you as the latest now from. Some of the team members here in waiting in the hotel behind us including dr brawley just marian minutes she said that shes feeling quite optimistic that the team is in good spirits and shes going to get any citizens of the team will do what they can but also she says that the public may need to temper its expectations this is only the very beginning of what is a deep dive into the origin of the war in a virus and to expect any conclusive finding in the next few weeks is unrealistic this could in fact take years but u. K. Is tightening Coronavirus Travel restrictions arrivals from 22 red list countries not to Hotel Quarantine for 10 days its an effort to stop the influx of new strains of covered 19 the new us secretary of state blinken says of iran returns to full compliance some of the 2050 Nuclear Agreement the u. S. Will come back to the deal donald trump pulled out of the agreement in 2018. Lincoln also announced a temporary hold in arms sales to saudi arabia and the u. A. E. Donald Trumps Administration had been doing defense deals down to the wire including one of the 50 f. 35. 00 fighter jets for the u. A. E. Theres been a 3rd night of violence in the lebanese city of tripoli. Pictures appear to show the Security Forces using live ammunition to disperse dozens of protesters there is anger over a lockdown many say has made a bad Economic Situation even worse. U. S. President joe biden has signed executive orders to address the Climate Crisis that includes cutting fossil fuel subsidies importing oil and gas leases on federal land biden says Climate Change that the center of u. S. National security and Foreign Policy and boeing has announced a loss of more than 8000000000. 00 in the 4th quarter of 2020 companies suffered its worst year on record after the code red 900. 00 pandemic slash demand for planes the decline was also caused by the 737 max safety crisis the jet was grounded for 20 months the 2 crashes killed 346 people just 5 months apart those were the headlines that he continues here on aljazeera after Drug Trafficking politics and power stations that are watching. And ruthless as chapo would have to strike even harder if he wanted to stay in the game on the other side of the country the gulf cartel recruited elite soldiers from the mexican army and created an armed wing lost. My god they were in mitchell car and i mean the organized crime group there they were cutting off heads of rival cartels and look literally tossing them on the dance floor. I mean it was it was out of hand. In 2006 the newly elected president Philippe Calderon declared war on the cartels and sent the army to the front 45000 soldiers try to win back the lost territories focusing their efforts on lost say to us the most bloodthirsty of the cartels. Under the armys blows los zetas imploded into a multitude of groups they tighten their grip on smaller territories. And the violence ratcheted up a notch los zetas filmed them murders and torches in detail leaving azad on the walls and bodies of their victims. They didnt just stay involved in Drug Trafficking you have to pay whats called would be sold for everything so if you are running human smuggling through the territory. If you are engaged in kidnapping in the extortion they convolved in order to pay they have to pay the south. The army unable to fight on every front left this in a low a cartel to prosper by the end of the bloody wars. Had expanded his zone of influence to tijuana and ciudad why has. He will be in a heresy to buy that are these mean leave your lands here. Sent. In the solomon the same man who will in last for mass express the west but also this gary at the evil. Our mental yeoman top the latino men 1010 minutes 20 that the was asked to gather an email is there at the close. At the start of the 2000 the u. S. And colombia also chose the military option they are aberrated the most extensive plan for battling Drug Trafficking plan colombia 4000000000. 00 over 5 years. Hundreds of american advisors revamp the colombian army. Bolstered by these new means colombia turned away from its initial goal. The main traffickers paramilitaries allies of the state were not targeted. The plan against drugs became a war plan. Bogota poured everything it had into fighting its main enemy the far guerillas active in nearly half of the country is. Sinking in power the list albert made of the m. P. s and at the record you theyre going to really consider colombian of what radios in which assigns sin that. Really does matter to those august 2000 and. One years. Look were going to get us which will be yeah but arctic last request to show how to get there is really lousy and. The dirty war waged far from the cameras dealt a severe blow to the far its historic leaders were eliminated in time a process of negotiation will begin with the guerrillas. For colombia the military offensive was just the 1st step. The next stage was initiated under pressure from washington despite plan colombia tons of cocaine was still flowing into the us. The colombian government was ordered to take action against the paramilitaries. In 2006 the hard right empower practically offered them an amnesty leaving over 100000 killers unpunished paramilitary fighters turned in their weapons to carnival music. Where the gave way to bust a guy in the butter cookie blood because he might use not to eat and keep tomatoes have see the alleged victim as nichols who steered us in the course of nicola that. Is one email you perform one thing and earlier. And a lot of good those systems on us and they must buy them that is. Because a Committee Hearing prelim iack were going to elect him whatever number one is in fiend. The biggest jolt came from the supreme court. The judges decided to open an investigation into the incestuous relationships between paramilitaries and political leaders. A large scale cleanup began. The court examined flushed out and convicted several politicians. These efforts towards justice and memory continue today in a columbia that seems to be catching its breath. Violence is diminishing in the big cities and colombia is becoming a tourist destination. Yet well out of sight and hard to reach areas the same actions are carried on endlessly. After measures the. Yellow would have thought a lot of the processor is like a bus that. Like thousands of coca grow is this farmers in judeh eradication campaigns led by a 4 it is with the help of the da. For 30 years agent orange monsantos glyphosate and thousands of liters of herbicides were sprayed on coca plants and ravaged entire regions. Just do it when youre in them nor in what theyre going to go. Were worried about i have no one ever asked by jim where i live booker blah. Bear on their bread and when he got just a on your door on his 3 hectors this grower produces roughly 70 kilos of coke a pace which owns him 10 times more than if he grew coffee. d to make one kilo of cocaine it takes 350. 00 kilos of coca leaves 400. 00 once it is transformed crosses borders is sold bulk than retail uncut all this means that same keno of cocaine sells for over 120000. 00 on the streets of new york 300. 00 times its base price. In Colombia Coca still finances dozens of armed groups they are the distant successes of the great cartels direct descendants of the paramilitary factions or fox who refused the historic peace deal in 2016. For the trains that were in town or they are going to let go and all of the top pros in the market going again longer see america most likely more as it goes all for your neck remain ali go yet another males c. V. S. You have to get mosul and sell the stones unless you just dont complicate limon have cornered them or they cased us it can tackle 2 other cock up when directly out of the various. Courses can assert was also moscow more. Just living all the more the color wasnt there is a gap in there is a matter. As long as drug crops grow criminal or insurgent movements can take possession of them in afghanistan the us underestimated this latent danger. After driving the taliban out of power in 2001 washington for the problem was solved. A few years later the us army was facing a powerful insurrection the taliban had used drug money to enlist thousands of fighters. In 2004 under pressure from washington President Hamid karzai declared war against 0 pm. But the afghan president would play against his side his authority was held only by the Fragile Coalition of warlords and former mujahideen who used drug money themselves to run their 5. Of course there are many people in the Afghan Government too involved in into drug trade seamus and in the other on the opposing forces this is not a secret everybody knew it it was not very convenient in those days to talk about it because there are political allies thats west that was the logic. In 2005 in the region of helmand over 9 tons of opium were discovered in the governors basement President Hamid karzai had to remove him. Without his revenue the governors militia change sides his 3000 men joined the town of and and upset the balance of power. In the region of helmand fell into the hands of the taliban who turned it into the countrys leading zone of heroin production. To cut off the talibans main source of revenue the u. S. Beefed up its military response. U. S. B. 52. 00 bombers and us of 22. 00 raptor fighters bomb taliban heroin labs so heres a. An f. 22. 00 fighter costs about 400000000. 00 and a heroin lab which sounds fancy but it really is as a a mud brick shed with some rusting tim drums an a and a cheap electric heater probably 50. 00 worth of equipment. For the u. S. Uses its most sophisticated military equipment and all of its part getting in and teligent and research the drones to modern Term Movement you know the satellite imagery is the b. 52 bomber which is the biggest military plane on the planet and to to attack these these these 10 bruv sheds with their steel drums it is a. I think a demonstration of the limits of coercion. That is not one case where education has bankrupted by the insurance or significantly weakened them to made them easier to defeat people go hungry and they literally dont have anything to eat and they will protest and they will mobilize and so what happens is that the criminal groups insurgent groups like in afghanistan or in colombia get a lot of Political Capital people switch allegiance to them. And in fact the history of the socalled narco militancy nexus not insurgency nexus is that the state wins against insurgents when it stops eradicated. After 50 years of war afghanistans capital is now home to the worlds highest concentration of drug addicts. In the countryside practically one out of every 2 families is affected by heroin addiction the country continues to founder. In mexico a century after trafficking 1st began Popular Culture celebrates narcos and the swift rise in society. The Small Farmers who planted poppies in the last century in the mountains of sinhala gave birth to traffickers able to exploit every crack in the system. With Drug Trafficking organizations can afford the best lawyers they can afford the best investment brokers they can afford the best accountants and the Security Forces of force and are hugely out. In terms of accountants lawyers. Hundreds of millions of dollars belonging to the sinhala a cartel were found laundered in the accounts of the worlds biggest banking institutions. The banks all of the legal settlement no convictions were pronounced. We produce a german system. From them all stubble is a sentiment Davalos Santa able to buy bin that is it for the levels come sell if its known. As you dogs of wood to what happened to our. Southwest a honda is a survivor the year when you would take on bank here on this elvis key pulled his young total production and an initial rooted idea none of us picked you not for sale not even a real nephew. Left or the little name on there who are you chris possibly dimaio. In 2015 is called when you contacted an actress he groaned infatuated with. One of the worlds greatest drug kingpins was brought down by an amateur mistake. Extradited to the United States and sentenced to life in prison or left in his wake and nebular of Drug Trafficking and the myth of a hierarchical cartel held by a single man. Today in mexico violence has crept in everywhere all the time yesterdays big cartels have been split up by the army which is still deployed throughout the country a myriad of small elusive groups a pair decline disappear and reform constantly. On the Pacific Coast acapulco mexicos crown jewel has become one of the most dangerous cities in the wild. Around 30 crime organizations are active in the region. The middle. Of. May go for end. Only here your is the. Is oil at this and. The that therefore you dont know. What the. Force. Went and. For. Over the past 10 years more than 40000 people have disappeared in mexico killed by criminal organizations that blindly strike extort or kidnap for ransom people who often times are innocent. It was called me or mine or us me or mine or like your sick with the other team go the whole year that doesnt mean dossing we took or get rid of. Mary over garak owns the land relentlessly searching for his brothers body with other grieving families he has dug up over 400 bodies over the last 5 years here just an hours drive from acapulco. But i feel i want to the well i get a little celica but i dont mean to wearables seen as a daughter and i was. There last beer when dollars in los altos. By america look that up to see horse. Well they say theyre serious compassing look at the reagan are they credit that i said in my east but in pursuit of proceed im up bored. With a set get this up by the sky. At this bozo. E. C. S. Our new house behind us. Because i dont recall the title. But us here have a whole creamy none over scandal problem in those where bill and i one of the last was a splendid. Service and we had losses to newness by such as me we need to see to the. Video the into this will go into. It overall to kill it on the age. Of. I think when youre not persona. In a theater they get out. I dont care brain deal that i hear a lot but i dont know why theyve done it. Different the. System of this in that randall of allowed this to buy easily some of. Those to me he will say force us clandestine us and make equal he. Told us that but the when other is kind of is my last may he can muster the nice and i knew just organise as young as the market is here and there. Is not a lock up i see that there bro has dca they contracted to set a ski those. Lets say. The. Each mass grave must be visited by the authorities who are storing over 27000 and identified bodies as of today. A new chapter in the story of Drug Trafficking is opening somewhere in china a return full circle. Criminal organizations of stolen years another secret from the pharmaceutical industry. By manipulating chemicals theyve managed to synthesize fenton on a distant cousin of opium. Manufactured since the 1950 s. For medical use fentanyl is made without the slightest trace of poppy flour. The drug is 100 percent synthetic today these ports were the 1st bundles of opium arrived in the 1900 centuries marked the point of departure for invisible cargo is of an infinitely powerful drug fentanyl is at least a 100 times more potent than harrowing so it might take several trucks trailer trucks of cocaine to supply the u. S. Drug market for a year well it might take just one coddled to supply a small car load to supply the u. S. Entire opioid market with fentanyl you can basically forget about the agriculture i mean you dont need. Peasants growing opium poppies in afghanistan or in mexico or colombia you know you know need armies and warlords who are shipping opium if your is a way of chemicals the as you can you can manufacture in china and ship to mexico and then use them to produce drugs life and all it greatly simplifies the process and it means you can base your operations anywhere so modern centered these drugs really have the potential to radically change the illegal drug trade and the Politics International relations and geopolitics to surround it. Fentanyl flows into a country grappling with the greatest addiction epidemic in its history. In the United States the overprescription of painkillers encouraged by pharmaceutical lobbies has caused hundreds of thousands of patients to become addicted to opiates when their treatment stops and the illusion of well being is shattered they turn to illicit markets. Every day middle class men and women join the horde of heroin addicts and fall victim to fenton which is less expensive and a lot more powerful. Fentanyl kills 30000. 00 people each year in the u. S. This vial is a death trap for those who seek refuge from the pain of living. Yet theres nothing fatal about that as long as the war targets Drug Trafficking rather than the causes of drug use we will live in a constantly shifting maffia environment the world of drugs was created by our so seattle choices and our Economic System the only solution is to change it. Hello there weve got a north south split in the weather across the middle east at the moment surface southern areas says looking lossie fine a dry quiet but further north is a fair bit of cloud rolling off the turkish mountains that a ceasar to the mediterranean bringing some shabby right into the levant syria saying a few showers some showers there into Northern Areas of iraq pushing across into that western side of iran as we go on through friday the rain really peps up by friday actually cyprus will see some heavy downpours South Lebanon jordan pushing down across israel see some heavy rain into the palestinian territories you can follow this line of cloud on the right which stretches across northern parts of iraq into kuwait its essential areas of the red sea north of that thats where the active weather is south of that it is standard 5 and dry 22. 00 celsius here in doha with some pleasant sunshine the sunshine stretches down across the gulf of aden into the horn of africa a few showers just around the Lake Victoria into the rift valley and then as usual showers there across a good part of Southern Africa the wettest weather will continue across southeast aside of angola coming down across the botswana into the eastern half of south africa now remnants of a real tropical sites in the shallows continue here with wet weather the zimbabwe. Frank assessments youve got colleagues on the ground and in the canaries what is the situation there is only one doctor and one nurse for 2200 people informed opinions how big this Foreign Policy in the early stages of a by ministration he comes into office with a huge amount of Foreign Policy experience indepth analysis of the days global headlines how will a place like yours live get the vaccine when theres no money at all the rest of the rich countries are fighting for an inside story on aljazeera. Now all jews in. Every. World Health Organization inspectors prepared to begin that long awaited study into how the corona Virus Outbreak began in china. On patrolled peru deploys its military to block migrants from ecuador in an attempt to contain the spread of coronavirus. Money inside

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