Which has been pushing for a sci fi and yeah, my names cooling at the publication by the who fees and is threatening to respond by rain is one of the countries and the saudi led coalition. But as for the who decent human since 2015 last week, saudi and who the officials held a round of talks and re add saudi arabia said some progress was made during the tools, but they didnt give further details. Large numbers of Asylum Seekers are continuing to cross into the United States from mexico. Maybe 9000 people arrived on saturday alone, mabel paso, in the state of texas as the voted city is now at the breaking point. While another city eagle pass is declared, the state of emergency, how does your cast or has more from ego pos in texas once they arrive here, they often times feel elated to have a ride on us soil, but they cant actually climb up the banks because of this, this is all raise or wire point here by the state of texas as sort of a spinal deterrent telling these Asylum Seekers. Sure, you might have made it onto a u. S. Territory, but the u. S. Isnt going to make it easy for them to get up here where they can speak with Border Patrol agents to file those asylum claims. Thousands of Ethnic Armenians are fleeting and the going to occur backup to last week. C spy with s may con media and fighters. So far more than 6000 refugees across from columbia. Europe, im says its appearing to take in tens of thousands may fleet laguna kind of 16 officials have been arrested as part of libby as an investigation into how to dams best causing flooding, which killed thousands of people. Libyas prosecutor general says the officials were currently or previously in offices responsible for the management. Im now suspected of negligence level variations are continuing data. Those are the headlines and is continues here now, just so youre off to people in power station. Thanks so much bye for the critical the bank. Instead of trying to externalize the management of this problem in teaching is here to meet the to other countries to europe. The Member States should be trying to take control of this issue themselves. Inside story on al jazeera, the is regarded as the best place of civilization, but to rock is now experiencing an intensifying votes across across the is that us ton one slush farmland into best displays thousands and rule community and exacerbated tensions between desperate rent and the government but whats behind the deepening water shortage people in power went to find out the of the of the iraq is on the brink of another conflict. But this one is unlike any other it has seen before. I should like to leave this here marks the worst route ever recorded in iraqs modern history communities have been against one another as big 5 total. The exist to part documentary. We report on the fall out and investigate the governments response. Rather than addressing the root causes, authorities are reacting the way they always have in times of crisis using source. Congress all countries on the miles on you. And they also look can be a full kind of can me out. So i got stuff of the healthy and existential struggle in what was once the cradle of civilization, mesopotamia gave birth to some of the worlds earliest civilizations, thousands of years ago. Now these ancient communities are disappearing at an alarming pace for 3 more tests at the head on what are some of the troubleshooting . I said i should be in touch with a lot of higher, but i still have a ton of colors. But while the land is dying, iraqs Oil Secretary is driving Oil Companies in iraq, inject millions of barrels of water into the ground every day to extract oil sounds of a lot. Like how should i make it up in my job . I should. The rock is the will as far as the Largest Oil Exporter last year, the government rick, the a record 115000000000. 00 from oil, which accounts for 95 percent of its budget. The little upset of wells is benefiting ordinary rockies, whose livelihoods have been wiped out. My husband was a li man. Oh, let me know if youve gotten an issue but dont know what i can mom. Youve gotten an issue with doing and know what the, who a phone on like high low cost was what i saw, but then, oh god couldnt was into the safe. Who should i highly and so ill send that. Come live. Hi, the of mazda and how many so many, just off. These are going to jump up there and want to know what is the right hand corner invalid. When did you fill it in . Not in the middle of the, of the had the most as farm is located in the heart of mesopotamia, which means the land between the rivers, the tigris and euphrates. Its part of a so called for child crescent, the region where settled farming 1st emerged. Just a few kilometers away lie the ruins of the bobby 1000000 empire, which flourished over 3000 years ago. So the expansion of Irrigation Canals today, farmers here still rely on the same irrigation techniques of the how does family his farm this land ever since he can remember . Whos on the i got a sudden was that the problem on the municipal im off is that i in the room so they can hear what i did them and we live in and had lots of i dont know if a lot of the thought about dice no problem on this about thought about the annual, which was those 2 though, just the whole but not definitely ive done how it is. Could well be the last generation to farm this land. Hello hi. Sent in. Unless you look at some of the might that sidney ambien. Yeah. Yeah. No problem. And so with mia the the decline in water levels in the tigris and euphrates is mostly manmade and has been exacerbated by climate change. The rock smell, the neighborhood q has built over 600. 00 large dams, at least 23. 00 of which are in the tigris and Euphrates River base and to the east. Iran has also down to tigris of tributaries. In contrast, a rock has invested very little in water management, increasing decades. The country only has 6 major dams, in addition to several garages that we direct water into Irrigation Schemes. So if you be them or not, havent okay. For the test on my engine hasnt been a while for the modem. Lease fee is the im sure i have my despite these challenges, the ministry of Water Resources and local Irrigation Departments like this one have been chronically under funded for let them in the us to do the phone with shipping washer with. So itd be on the other mobile association will i just have to my and i should have them we either send to my little has been done to adapt to this new reality. Iraqs to realize on open surface canals and outdated flood irrigation techniques that were used by the bed below unions. Millennia ago, this means that the little water eros gets, evaporates into the hot air or seats into the ground before it reaches farmers crops. So instead of investing in modern techniques, the government has slashed water locations for farming, even though almost 90 percent of all households depend on agriculture to survive. San antonio and was out in the whole, my hope was a lie you in way more towards those you for how playful honey shocker is the manager of the main Irrigation Scheme and babylon province. Its one of the biggest and oldest Land Reclamation projects in the country. So the solve as much for and like if it was possible. Yeah. And had lots of monitor it. Did you use it . How Something Like a monitor, what day to how somebody and why the 10 minutes at the turn you, how do you say the, by the hello behave as well. You know, kind of watching was instead of the adult block, the see one of the here today about a couple of the additional total monitor dash was with me. The geo political protections over water between iraq and its upstream neighbors are cascading down to provinces. Communities, neighbors fitting upstream and downstream users against one another and creating an infinitive, number of potential for plants, for conflicts over water. So you can be in some way that said within the, within the whole small oh to had the the was yeah, i can me. And then from that in before adding up to had his farm is located at the very end of the longest Irrigation Canal to come. And so that was, ive been having trouble with this. I didnt, i didnt buy the home. I also have home, i might have been a he would have to be in my house. Im. C somebody does, it has almost the end of the month and was wondering how the, the, the job was helpful. The, and on the miles a new deal. So it can be a oh for kids can be out. And so i got, i thought of the how the cities it was all, well, why didnt you so this is, this is disproportionate. What you use by upstream farmers is causing tensions to think of communities. And there would you happen was all it and the whole is out. And jimmy at the job was, uh, it all enjoyed it as a dog shop with him in home every day. Honey shockers, Irrigation Department is inundated with complaints. These farmers have built on demand canal and now face the risk of demolition. Gosh you did i yes. Yes. Cool. Kinda along with my that some of the lawford um. How long . How long do you have that on us have to announce the vehicle, is you know, in many ways, so we have shuttle pop up well up street farmers lobby to maintain their privilege, access to water downstream. Farmers must cope with almost no water at all this year. Ive done how do you have cultivated less than 15 percent of his land going to setup . And he, i, lets see if it was whats a good fit to you . Im you dont want to with the ultimate it to of by any of that. Im thinking along being, im a highly, highly mobile and do the traffic it on while i certainly have erodes the from that to me. Yeah. Well, how does that are mazda model . But its good. The other other to the lack of order has made the country more dependent on employment, but has to how the industry, the mother with the at the bidding. John, is he a lovely if im lucky . Good honey industry. And which city vision, in my mind is a lot and it gets worse. Theres not enough food for the livestock to hello, lots them, get the 200. 00 of the month us to come in with the beautiful. But i would say that im on that is get into back because so now you know, thats all right. Whats another name . So im going to have the death in distress. Sale of livestock is pushing farmers deeper into poverty and designated via a had to be upset. Young vice hydrolyzed was nothing new. So it was your dental exam and then how they started to, you know, you dont want a lot of money that. And luckily i in the, in the line will come in a couple minutes and then the highly, theres no way much more or less and it has out of my life, my life. The later that evening, downstream farmers gathered up to hatties farm the night bring specified from the heat, not from their worries about the water. Thats all that it was on service. Ill leave my house on this one. Uh while i have my, i know a lot of my problem, what are the know how to mind that i got amount of no more . No, i push i me, her name, the one that has all the can add like sub games. Come on in my, i know whos the my digit to get 10 for la. Hapless on devin. And i know we as one does, which is 1900 more less than what was one light of his eyes tugged as opposed to one of the ones that have to wait a guy. Michael guy. Yeah, thats fine. We want to get the perspective of up stream farmers once other side has a farm at the beginning of the same Irrigation Canal on is the man who was out in the dont i mean, unless you message to go to joe. And if you wish on the bus should have, im going to join a jo, this check, you know so much the corner. Black folks are the ones from the same doing a certain dollar. We allow the good one even though when to those farm is upstream, the water he gets from the canal isnt enough to irrigate his fields. Like many other farmers in the area because thats a well to draw a ground water. I thought im gonna be around the about the ash my total been go around with. It doesnt give you the bathroom john. One way in the way of watching. Lot of minutes, its uh, from investment have the have to just had on its a Band Aid Solutions that exacerbates the problem unregulated. Well, drilling is likely to affect ground water levels in the not so distant future. There may be no well water either the farmers or paying the price for chronic under investment in the agriculture sector. The last time the government invested in this engagement scheme was during saddam husseins dictatorship and the 1980s. And a minute with this went down. So im going to look at the alicia, where i sent the photo on a, on my phone. I want a shot to blown away, especially the heavy shuffle. Im not sure thats what the, the the, its the day when the fight over water escalates the opening of the irrigation gates. Its an event that occurs only once every 3 weeks on each canal. The spanish ran in now and she has a problem. As soon as i finish while im on the left, the why should i have my fall on the bottom and then know a lot of the plans in me. I said i why they cool anticipating trouble. A special Tactical Police regiment is called for back up or how, what on the bus should have it at the job. I have to back them up all the way to do it some cases. I mean, the issue ive shopped with him, hes not, you know, mice coming out. I dont understand that and saw that in for me on the phone that hadnt been listed as to how it is all i know my husband had done at the end of the clothing too much that im shopping. Lets not let us go. Jim. The storage of should not be a knowledgeable sample for file. Think us on the connected. Yeah. It listed uh thatd be on a so the be able to do i give to him one of the and it was the other side of it. So possibly in the patrol sets off along the Irrigation Canal, the minutes later it stops as an upstream far, that is violating water usage rules. The farmer isnt at home, so his son must deal with the unannounced visitors. Um and nadia and cool. Um its nadia oh i wouldnt be its probably the flush. I got i got off the dog. Oh i see im hungry. Im just the other the oh, i see i see one on one i see all when i dont want 11. Why your, why your might and i know as you know, high month i in good right now we have are in addition to the in built valves which are part of the Irrigation Canals, farmers have resorted to extra and with water hoses to pump the water onto their fields, the practice, the government considers illegal. Im or from ha, ha ha, im just thinking about it. Do i say somebody with the city thats on here that you talk about this was a loss and nobody even when the Irrigation Canal is open, the water flow isnt Strong Enough to reach down stream farms of how heavy i get that kind of what hi, you there yeah, i live, you have to send this and the only way up to the heidi can water. His fields is by using salty water from the drain canal or by paying to have a truck directly from the river. And i thought thats why they had a heavy douglas for them and then wait till noon like highland dog wireless. And thats something that looks a lot. And so i think i just left in the box is not, this is the best way to cope with a drought. The government has instructed farmers to switch to more especially sprinkler irrigation systems, which they cant afford in the capital book that we meet the ministry of Water Resources on the of dollars. I want to know why the government hasnt invested more in Water Infrastructure at the moment when you have access to, to idea. If that is, we should do, they should be in center from the deal us to talk to jen to had some to let you know, well spice hello, funeral home. Sorry, she was highly in clinic. So if she needs that could godaddy and that you know, mustache, she now is going on to that village. Mean them yet. She then took one that was not then real quick. When i could step, got them to connect with you. We hadnt had in the audience and that never, denton was so cool. Magenta, if you have village thats a government allocated for me. 0. 5 percent or 800000000. 00. A lot of this. Heres a 153000000000. 00 budget for the ministry of fortune resources. While the security and all secretaries each cut more than 10 folds, that amount robin as administer says that 4500000000. 00 would be needed to transition to modern irrigation. Helping me aside from one to total of the need of love to have done that digital snap of life to denny about what can be done, but how this type of the default can ones and then talking about the, the job. Its a dangerous downward spiral. The less investment in water, the more competition over it, the more money needed for the Security Sector to suppress the fallout. And what kind of heavy and what kind of fiber level was to kind of yeah. Yeah, i need them to come in and out. Stop and how much like is the best bus . Why has it been that a spot of domestics . Ive seen that i know how the how do you choose when and that clean book . Well, him and then to be in their hands on one of the higher we on a gate which was even cool, thoughtful, so that they studied now many might but while officials point fingers with one another, farmers are bearing the brunt the irrigation patrol has arrived and once others of stream farm show us sure. Absolutely. Nothing. Was the life of my eh, i let and was out of the for a while the ship loud in the late the law is what is on one of them. Theres a lot of home like a dollar and all that as well. A hey, i need to buy a bottle, occlusal. Why . The whole isnt it that im going to come that it, im in the wi fi last agent. Want to ship to is not as much as you know. I dont know how to do it, which way the list, how to ensure that i give the 1000000 jo tool as to how it looks, what decision. What about on what i was shot a that is you felt i live, god must have go sometimes to have. Im always to have the a hey margie and he hi. Hi. I would like to help you out of my home. I have to talk to soon. Ok, so she, i left the jose at pain. He said to joe, is that the while youre just not sure. Yeah. The thought of staying the non duty at the i or for the haines in the home. Uh, because i dont know why the some that you saw that on that im on to that feedback how that ive been that much. I still have to have to reset the run cuz you have a shift see and nice. And i tell them you heading off because of hes michelle go, i had too many of to him and thats any of them. And they will gladly say it would have gone on monday. And suddenly i dont remember kind of running short of time and, and to jos items. Tell them whats going on. But one of the things that the government is selective and its application of the law, which the Irrigation Department denies that the issue going was, oh, im actually the, the, the knob on the line. And the last of the go, the rest of the it sure through another phone thing. Oh, i have to have them come in. You best one. The one to there has 6 children, but few of them see their future in farming while noticed on the edge of the land line. Most of the odd, i knew i had the saw this it um, the apply online i might have noticed ly moto, uh oh, it was a channel i go to india. Shopping emission. One, once other and up to hardy, may be on opposing sides of the Irrigation Canals. But ultimately, both upstream and downstream communities face the same extension of questions that are more than what you think it is. He had them by saying, by addition, convinced the flag that im i think that this idea in my mind animal stuck with him. So i just sent out to him. I have the hanover and went to the gave join him in the i can to you. I went to the the pump table on algae 0, trying to host the asian games with athletes from across the region competing and celebrating sports. Rigorous debate, unflinching questions up front. Come through the headline to challenge conventional wisdom. U. K. Prime minister. Assume that its expected to address these 1st Party Conferences leader with a general election looming and a wave of strikes being house broke house premier of a new series. Exploring the implications of us and to avoid talking to the 1st amendment, right. Which is in liberia, to the popes kind of incumbent president george way overcome corruption allegations and keep the temp job up. Tell you back on 20. 1 of the last remaining ancient forests in Southeast Asia is a lifeline to hundreds of lumber jacks and drivers. We follow that treacherous journey as they walk through extreme condition together and transport this dangerous but precious cargo risk in your phone. You on al jazeera, a bar rains as a drug attack by who sees this field to have its soldiers and saudi arabia just days off of you. How many rebels, how peaceful, and we have the alarm dire in jordan, this hassan to 09 from del, coming on. Im heidi joe castro on the border between the us and mexico were migrants by the hundreds of just swam across the rio grande river. And theyre now setting foot on us soil for the 1st time a rest and libya and the 2 dams collapsed and the city of doing the closing flooding. Im coming thousands of

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