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Calls to come after false alarms across the country, send people scrambling for shelter. Israel analysis a war time emergency government preparing for the village reaction subsidies attack by how much thats killed at these 1200 news. We begin this news hour in gaza where entire neighborhoods have been reduced to rubble. At least 1100. 00 palestinians have been killed during a Relentless Campaign of his really strikes and guns is so power plants has been out of fuel and medicines and a Central Supplies are also running out. You know, the site has more from gloucester. So aluminum gets her be a final kiss before shes or hes taken away, john or the great one glimpse of the tragedy spreading through gauze. This is set to day. How to use a bearing, the brunt of 4 on the scale they havent seen before. Theres been new laptop in the east relief on boardman of the inquiries. On wednesday, these aerial shots show the extent of the devastation, is really our strikes, have reduced buildings terrible, and send peoples crumbling for safety homes and businesses destroyed. Phone and Internet Services cut and water and electricity supplies interrupted mysql in the residents of what was once alco ramos, the entire area with level to the ground. This is tied to destruction tied to and i lation hundreds of palestinians have been killed in thousands injured throughout the hospitals is one of the roughly 20 hospitals. And because the strip and its at full capacity doesnt have enough stuff for medicine to treat the number of when did another worry isnt like a fuel to upgrade the generators, israels, to, to seems new supplies can enter, does. So the look behind you along those streets and alleys, hundreds are killed and buried under the debris. We have seen a band and by the arabs. The whole world is watching in silence in tens of thousands of palestinians have lost their homes. But they have no where to go. The border crossings with israel and egypt are closed. Food and Water Supplies are running low, meaning not only they are facing the threat of bones and bullets, but also of hunger and thirst. With entire neighborhoods raised and fears of an ease, really Ground Invasion. Agencies are calling for humanitarian car doors and for regional and international intervention, tennessee ultra 0, gaza strip. Tara capitalism is inside gaza for us. It is 9 pm where you are behind you. I see some lights, but mostly darkness. Talk to us about how palestinian families live after dark as well. Uh, the since the early out to break of the current conflict of thousands and 100 thousands of palestinian families were forced to evacuate the houses in order to be saved from the is really ongoing compartment um the 3rd to, to uh to, to, to 70 percent of those displaced people had to the United Nations, a fleet of schools in order to take them as safe sholtes as from the is what people bought men to the United Nations that, that the number of displaced people reached around 175000, displace palestinian who are receiving now humanitarian aid and even help from the United Nation stuff in the United Nations actually to the school as well. In terms of what was happening inside the goal is the structuring the past hour. The, the gaza strip has been highly bombarded, specifically by the is by the novel sharps which was targeting the coast line of the gaza strip and destroying adjacent buildings to the uh, to the coast as well. According to the world health organization, the dis, casualties and the distort has rise and in both sides and in about tequila inside the gaza strip. Among the victims of the ongoing issue of the strikes. Well, around 15 public opinion, Health Workers who were killed during, during the talk, been evacuating victims in the strip as bill. In addition, aid published and in june of this for kill to others is still missing. Since the early out of break of the this current conflict, tara, thank you very much for that. Recap, i do want to ask you again how our families living right now. I mean, some people have no power left. Some people have a little bit of power left and its not like the last very long. How are they handling it . A world living in a very hot situation and in very city dress the conditions without electricity, without sufficient even water supply to uh, to do that washing or even to do their basic needs. And with the continued continuation of the boat, the structuring body is by the authorities. The condition is also excessive painting inside the strip the, the international uh, the International Health organization has cooled, International Community to open a human to your inquiry though, in order to provide help for palestinians. Now, due to the ongoing strikes on different residential and even public infrastructure, the palestinians are facing us a view of difficulty in terms of moving and reaching an access to their own degree supplies. Now in terms of food, there is a wide range of the shortage of Food Supplies and the gaza strip. That palestinian are really suffering from and even are delivering to months, the International Community to afford them. Then its just re foot supplies and even to allow the entry of these a humanitarian aids to the strip as will. And in terms of the electricity can victor condition the site. The goal is to strip as the only sole part plant has run out of it. Over a few the electric car into the going so strip has to be suspended to another for the notice until the entry of the fuel in order to be generated and provide goals and, and to provide more than 2300000 galls us with sufficient electricity in order to uh, to uh, be very able to live have 5 days of bombardments on the gaza strip. Um impaired. Hum, mazda is ability to launch rockets into israel as well. Uh before. Uh, just 10 minutes from now. Those are for ages of rockets with finding it towards the is really uh settlements and the relation to the ongoing strikes on the gonzo strip. So it seems that the ability to look for how much pointers to launch more rockets did not really stop and the, the level even of launching rockets is still continues as the is really strikes, remains hitting and targeting the civilians of the site district. All right, couple as im reporting live inside gaza, this hour is 9 pm where you are day 5 of this board minutes. And just to remind our viewers, the sol Power Generator of feeding power into gaza ran out today. Now the is really army is trying to con fears after a false alarm. Send people nationwide scrambling for shelter. Warning, savings reading out across northern israel and sneers were fired at the border as people across the country were told to seek shelter over a possible aerial infiltration from living on the army. Now says the panic was caused by human error on your zeros hold up. Theyll need is in west jerusalem. Hold on, we started talking about this with you, maybe some, some 19 minutes ago. Do you want to recap everything that happened to the last hour and a half us . Yes, certainly re what, what, what we 1st got is actually this red alert app that most people here in israel have on their foes that was being didnt constantly about possible hostile aerial intrusion in different areas. I long as the northern border of israel with lebanon, and then we started hearing different statements coming out from different bodies. The most important one was coming out from the head of the Regional Council in northern israel, and he was talking of. 5 15 to 20 power gliders who would have flown across the border and landed in northern israel. And he was saying that they those they were a fighters or people on those a power gliders, the army. The wasnt saying much except its calling on People Living in those areas to go to the shelters, to lock themselves in. And to make sure that they have enough supplies to stay for a long time inside those shelters. And as you said, 0, this really caused a wave of panic in all that north area of the country. Among 2000000 people who live in those areas was scrambled to go to those shelters. But the. 8 me was saying that this was the could possibly be infiltration. While the head of the Regional Council was continuing to say that it, they, what they actually was an infiltration. Eventually the army came out with a statement saying that their soldiers had been combing that area that they havent found anything that they havent been any rockets, loans, they havent been any infiltration or anything else. So we actually reached out to the spokesperson of the Regional Council there. And all we go is, as an answer was a text message. Thank you, heard what those folks then as folks version of the army said, i have nothing to add and, and this really comes to the heart or did just a demonstration about the level of anxiety, the level of fear that has really gripped this country. Since this war started a few days ago, how can i get you back on our earlier track to or. Busy your conversation, which was about the politics and this because there was a Significant Development today. We know how politically this is all going to be structured around Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister. Now, youre explaining to us that they now have a, this sort of to, to your political system with a, a political unity, government and a war time cabinet us yes, im actually what we were talking about does. Now it will, this phase of alerts have happened shortly. After there was this announcement that finally began to the head of the National Unity part in opposition for the had reach an agreement with Prime Minister, benjamin mcdaniel, about 4 in this emergency unit, the government. And its, as you said, this into forms 2 committees, you have the war cabinet where you are the have you the fence, administer you. Ive got a land Prime Minister, benjamin nathaniel, and benny ganz, the head of the National Unity party, who is also a former chief of staff, a former minister of defense. You have other 2 people. Well, also on that uh on that the booth cabinet who are uh, is that me as in called, who is a former chief of staff as what enroll on them, or who is a former a is riley basset to, to washington. They are there, as observers. Now that cabinet is in charge of taking decisions on how to proceed with this world, whether it is in gaza or whether things we could expand on the northern border, then you have the larger uh, good government. And that is spelled the Political Security government that includes the members of the ruling Ruling Coalition and with the many guns and other members of his national you need the party. Now their role is to, uh, from what we understand is yes to continue to be part of this emergency government to deal with all other aspects of what is that what has happened during this current war . Now the emergency unity government is not allowed to legislate or to take any decisions that is not pertaining to the work to and to this crisis message. What part of the view is that message is not allowed to pass . Any legislation that has, that is unrelated to this war until this war ended up. We spoke to someone is re lease, as many of them said that they were actually satisfied that they had reached that agreement. Because at this particular moment, that is the, the, the, the leaders of this country, the political leaders of this country should put all the divisions aside and the deeply divide. And those divisions were all the way up to the 1st day of this will all the way up to when i must cross that border friends between guys and southern israel and then carry that those attacks. Well, people here want those us sides want to see these 2 main political leaders of this country standing together and trying to bring this country, steer this country towards the end of the war to bring back security to this country. And thats how the need reporting from west jerusalem. Thank you very much. I want to look at some of the headlines today across israel. The newspaper is real. Hi um focuses on Political Leadership saying that the current government is conspicuous by its absence. It highlights former Prime Minister golda meir, going out to meet soldiers in the 1973 our visit really war and says the essence of leadership is to be on the ground with the people that will call them this to, for the hi ritz daily is taking his criticism one step further is v bar l describes Benjamin Netanyahu as a gang leader and reiterates the papers calls for the Prime Minister to resign. And i wanna bring in more one to shower your houses. You were a senior political analyst and i want to pick up the conversation with you that we were just having with her. She explains politically how its going to work. This war. The Big Decisions on this warmer one are going to be taken by a very small group of people and its going to be mainly Benjamin Netanyahu. Benny ganz, and the, the current defense minister. Youll have glance. So now we know how they are Going Forward with this. Yes and uh, we have a 2 top experience generals. Uh, one of them on a piece. Probably 2 of them called rather quite on the extreme side. And weve already heard from him a couple of days ago. Busy when he described the kind of sinews as human animals. So we know where he stands on the laws of war and benny gas in his uh, electrical campaign. Uh, i think it was a 2018. He boasted of bombing to palestinians back to the stone age, because when he was defensive instead of 2014, he left the war against a mazda at the time against guys up. And we know the cost was quite high. So we have these 2 extreme generals, gus, nothing. Yeah, which im not even start with him. And then you have the minister of strategic affairs. One drummer. Its interesting that they hasnt, as an observer, is not a military amount per se, but i think he wouldnt be the contact with the United States having been. So im, im not sure that, and kind of a student of our benjamin the video. I think he is best sit and he just spoke to i think he blinked and i think the cabinet would have a direct contact to washington through the administrative subject affairs rather than it doesnt seem that there have been any limits placed right. And the negotiations running up to the creation of this war cabinet. It doesnt seem that there were any limits placed on the netanyahus decisions regarding the war, right . Sorry, this is not very clear what im saying. Let me, let me rephrase this. During the negotiations, pending against doesnt appear to have set the net, you know, look, i will join you and i will help you give you this political cover and join in this National Unity government. If you do x, y, z. And if you refrain from doing x, y, z, it appears like he has some kind of a blank check netanyahu to prosecute this war as well. Yes, i think he just wanted to join for yeah, i got the sort of what one goes. He just got be outside while the war is going on. He just wants to join in to. I think he wanted to get things via out of the cabinet that was fair to him. But of course being here is not a military man. Theres also a very radical populace, extreme is rather fascist kind of a man that although hes in charge of internal security, certainly guns wanted the amount because he wanted the professional men right came and go on to be able to push straight toward because the are the 2 minutes, every man. No, he has no conditions, terms of the actually management of a lot because i think it would be him and the you are going to do it. Streams of these really made that establishment today. Thats what it lead to. But i think also to be fair, that would make sure that its going back to the point in so many 3 establishment priorities, not according to Prime Minister, not any hoas on portion of players. Because as we know, and as weve been speaking of the last few days, nothing. Yeah. As a personal agenda, he would like the war to be full as much as possible because sooner or later hes going to be held accountable for both corruption. What he was indicted on 4 charges as well as for having just major fiasco under his watch. So he has a personal agenda. They have a different kind of budget that these are too serious profession. I made their man extreme as they are and they would want to run the war according to the but i meters of the media to stop. Having said all of that, the system will see you at article. And as you said, political, i think the big issue is how when they come back this war just now theyve been bombing and theyve probably gone right now, almost 2000 targets with us within gaza. How much just of shooting rockets Still Holding hostages . People are dying right . If the center my estimate is probably were still really talking about 2000, although the numbers come to us less than that. And now, going out in the video, talking to the soldiers. He said, we dont do offensive, were confident. And next would be the Ground Division really. So they are actually preparing and they have all the deployed 100000. 00 is right. The soldiers to the southern borders around gas, up before the, as we reported a pulled up 360000. 00 reserves from the military. And hence they are in fact where they are generally with the banks and everything is preparing for gun. Envision this guy on the page. Ready is going to be more won respectfully, im going to have to interrupt you because were hearing us secretary of state anthony blinking, who is live right now, and we want to carry his remarks. We are heading his, you know, to, uh, israel, and im going with a very simple and clear message on behalf of the present United States and on behalf of the american people. And that is that the United States has israels back. We have the back. These really people, we have their back today. Well have it tomorrow. We will have it every day. We stand resolutely against terrorism. Weve seen the almost undescribable acts committed by a mouse. Against is rarely men, women and children. Every day, were learning more and it is simply hard break or not since isis, and weve seen this kind of depravity. And we will continue to stand very resolutely against it. When im in israel, i have the opportunity meet with the promise for non yahoo present. Heres our other senior officials. I look forward to seeing our embassy team as well. Thats been doing terrific work. During these difficulties. Were determined to make sure that israel gets everything it needs to defend itself to provide the security cuz people already significant military assistance requested by israel is on the way thats on top of everything that weve been doing for years. Including with the memorandum of understanding that goes to get it by president obama to make sure that israel has what it needs to defend itself. At the same time, we anticipate theyll be further needs further requests. Weve already been working closely with congress on this and we look forward to continuing to do that to make sure that israel has what it needs. Second, we will be reiterating, reaffirming the very strong message, the president , 5 minutes delivered to any country or any party that might try to take advantage of the situation. And that messages dont. The president has deployed, as you know, the Worlds Largest Aircraft Carrier group to the region to make very clear our intent to deter anyone contemplating any further regression against israel. Finally, workforce, very focused on our own people, our own citizens. We lost 22 americans. That number could still go up and are probably, well, at the same time, we have a number of americans who remain unaccounted. We are working very closely with the government of israel to determine their whereabouts. And if they have been taken hostage by from us to work to secure their release. So all of these things are on the agenda over the next step of the next day or so with this real. But the main point is this. We stand with this real look into this yesterday about getting civilian save today, what is the hold on . Whats the opposite . Civilian st. John, we are, we are talking about that and were talking to is real about that were talking to each of the about that its an ongoing conversation. I cant get into the details of some of this is need us to say and understandably complicated. But we want to make sure to the best of our ability, and i know israel wants to make sure to the best of its ability to civilians are not harm, but israel has to take steps to defend itself. It has to make sure that any ongoing threat is dealt with. And i believe it has to make sure that Going Forward. What happens doesnt happen again. Im not going to get into the details, but its an ongoing conversation. Well again, im not getting into any of the operational details of what israel may or may not do. I think you heard the president speak to this yesterday and is very, very strong and forceful comments. And of course, what a separate israel, the United States, and other democracies when it comes to incredibly difficult situations like this is our respect for International Law and as appropriate of the laws of war. We do everything we can to make sure that these situations we avoid civilian casualties. That is in direct contrast with uh from us which uses people as human shields. Uh, it actually seeks to be uh, put the Palestinian Civilians in situations where they could be harmed. Uh, this is very much part of their uh, part of the game plan. So we, uh, we know that the israel will take all of the precautions that it can just as we would. And again, thats what separates us from us and terrace groups that engage in the most heinous kind of kind of activities like you will have a chance to talk later. I or that was very us secretary state anthony, blinking speaking from the tarmac uh, of the joint base andrews just as he gets ready to take off. Hes headed to israel and so he will be there tomorrow. More on the shower houses. Youre a senior political analyst, you are joining us from paris. More one, im just going to people joining us now. Im just going to recap real quick. What blinking said, he said he, he himself said look, the most important thing im saying here is that we fully have israels back. But number one in a little bit more detail the, the us is determined to israel will get everything it needs to defend itself. And anticipate that there will be further needs. I suppose hes talking about the military needs since they are already providing military a number 2, he reiterated president bidens message to countries or organizations that would seem to take advantage of this to harm israel. The messages dont we are that yesterday you and i were talking about it. And number 3, the us just trying to determine what the whereabouts of missing us citizens and trying to figure out whether or not they were taken captive by hum us short remarks before he heads over to israel. Your thoughts on this trip, americas sending its top diplomat is real just to show a quick note about what he says, blushed, which you did not mention about how he or about how the United States and is there a respect International Law allows of war and we just had right before this new job, we had 2 senior legal scholars for an inside story. And for half an hour they explained how is there a is already in breach of International Law and breach of International Humanitarian law. In the way it is bombing guys, i mean, the way it is blockading guys. Uh and in the way it is cutting food fuels and goods from guys. So already we already have dish callers that have made the cold. But is there a is in breach of International Law . So its the secretary of state probably should update his information. Second, if the are so much in respect of International Law, why dont is there like the United States joined the International Committee . Why are we in our system is still outside, did that or something, but anyway, thats where the legal aspect of it. But as far as what you said about the commission support, look, this is whats been really bothering me for the last few days. Because my understanding was a student of us have relations for the past, you know, 5 decades. Plus, when really they became strategic is that america was almost a growing up in america. It was almost like going up a little. What is our act, like the world stage . It is, it was the United States will come in and say, no, no, no, we should do it this way should the other way. There is a respect for you under a solution is also for this very particular by the section that was really in a hostile relationship with with nothing. Yeah, for the past several months, decided not to be more royal than the king. Providing unconditional support setting is read, do whatever it takes, as long as it takes, which really meant so far, just in the last 48 hours. Yes, arms against the better since. So the american position is, is really becoming quite a problem, i think because it is not only not unusual, a, not a growing up in the room. Its actually help in excess coming to the, the, the water even for the it is not cooling furnace. Each party would expect him to go for a c spy, and last but not least, has been about and the address got it. And once again, there issuing ultimate games and stretch to anyone. Where would they. Busy take advantage of the situation, i think just judging for the past 24 hours as well. Um, is there a really exchanging kind of very strange uh you know, checked to bombs right between them and that could easily escalate out of control which banks. The question is the letter states going to use its ford naval strike. Busy Aircraft Carrier, just stop by me, let me know for sure. It is. Are we going to have it ready . And what happens when its just such a, its a invasion london vision of guys that you want to just drop before the secretary started talking. Because already american major, right. And a military and that was a former america major was a senior initiative. Questions is predicting unimportant tens of thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands of guess out of this, what is the division happens . And is the secure, the end of the issue of from us with Mexican Security for soldiers. Because its gonna have to use banks and the social. So already submitted, there are others are telling us that if the, if the lack of vision goes as i put a gateway because gallant has already announced it is our soldiers, individual already is on line that we are going to the next stage is, is not the invasion, which means that theres going to be a product play a game according to the military and the american military. I noticed that theres going to be the worst sort of sort of warfare since the 2nd world war. A more one, even as i was listening to you, i was getting the information that we have a hum us statement that has just been put out. And so im glad that im talking to you because id like to read it together and then get your reaction to it. Here is the statement of moss has rejected allegations that it committed crimes against women and children. These are, this is the quote, some western Media Outlets continue to spread. Zion is slender and lies about our policy and people in their resistance, which falsely and slanderous sleep, promoted allegations, the members of the Palestinian Resistance be headed children, and assaulted women without any evidence to support their allies and claims. Strongly condemns the baseless allegations. More one, lets, lets talk a little bit about this. This is significant because those, those act accusations are something that is growing louder and louder over the last few days. Now, a mazda is clearly owning up to the fact that it kills deliberately killed and hundreds and hundreds of his railings. But it seems theyre saying theres a red line and that we did not do ok. This sort of stuck with the latter part. There is no doubt a whole thing again to the fish callers. We just heard on the inside story that is it a thats how much, how much is in breach of International Law. That the way it took its action in black stuff to do it against israeli civilians and saw so for this individual, there is no doubt about that. And it could be defined as an fetters patch. It didnt be hit children and read what made them sort of was not because the news that 1st came out from the Los Angeles Times have already been retracted. So now its just being, you know, used as a, as fake information on the web. And of course, as you know, the web submission of the most you, you never know, you know how, how, how they will multiply a new data to out the world. But clearly there was, will be heading of children and there is no such thing. But i think those who are trying to make the case for the invasion and for the immunization up on him, how most of the or even of the better student people as animals. Theyre the ones. Oh, the equating the, you know, 710. What . 911. Right. Theyre saying thats what happened to is there a is a 911. 00, and how much is like a guide and how much the hits children and how mouse is trying to be slick, like isis, and how much hateful jews and has by those that its sold the reason for existence is to go just so ready. There is a demo advising process by is right and its active and its near sort of allies in the United States and elsewhere to make the case for a bit of to the 2003 war for the 2011 division of guns time. Basically saying thats how much or something but the not just was or the experience that we know what the result is. And hence, there is no diplomacy or piece of the how much, how much has to be dismantled and it has to be defeated that it has to be. And a, thats kind of a comparison is, 1st of all, the 2nd it is sufficient list. And 3rd, it will lead to the wrong decisions, mouse on like, oh god, im like i just as also for had a very particular nationalist agenda and it never acted outside of the borders. And by this time it didnt, it doesnt have an international agenda. And that has always functioned within that part of because of the started by the side. And even though it did take actions that are certainly could be defined as terrorist actions. This is a nationalist movement that used on safety tactics, but they always stayed within the logic of resistance. I guess what people they have pocket buyers of the past 55 years and more one. I think, i think this is a really interesting and important point because homeless has not spoken that much since the beginning of this war and what they have said their statements so far and has been about military things. Um the, the bombardment of gaza, they publicly said that they would start killing people that they are holding captive if uh, targets civilian targets and gauze are, were hit without prior warning that has been their communications. So for this statement, the one that i just read you and that youve been talking about tells us one very, very simple thing. In addition to everything youve just said, the almost cares about is public image. Yes, they have killed hundreds of people and they clearly own up to that. But theyre not denying it. And they have claimed responsibility for that attack there. 0 doubt about that, but they care about their public image. See actually this is a nationalist movement. The private selves of being, you know, the protector of which people are better perceptions of speed. But lets not forget that back in 2006, the one that legislative elections. And they have remained popular, although theyre not as popular in gaza, but they are more popular in the west bank. So the fact that it is the leaders of sacrifice once and again, and they spend the decades in jail, its still appreciated by the shifting sacraments of the palestinian people. Im not sure what brought us to people support the action of the last weekend. Im not sure how many do we havent conducted the servers, but ill tell you what it is in the eyes of how much and its supporters. This was a collective Suicide Attack because or 141500. How much type of stuff went in did not leave back to being killed. So this is so many ways that collective suicide. The fact that took with them more than a 1000 is right. And what i 1000 is ratings, which is owned by itself, is just of course for if it can switch it back at the end of the day. We have not bond is right from from there. Yeah, im not state say these people sacrifices their lives to can civilians and soldiers and so on. So. So the involved the logic logic, i submitted a role for logic resistance against occupation and their search for years restarted other ways and means they did not work. And according to them, they are basically are left to have no other option, but to resist. Is there any would, you know, would, would force with violence the decisions and now theyre taking the responsibility for it. Unfortunately, a lot of people and guys are in addition to the ocean, is, are and are paying the price, i think, as you and i were speaking before blinking, you know, when the one year and that the fixtures about somebodys of thousands, perhaps a tens of thousands but ive some of the sizes, its scheduled for the test. And guys, of course theres some things that we have to think this world must stop. A bus driver stopped by the way. And to, to the, to the last point about that, just before i forget, which is the point about a safe passage drive. Because again, its close to a point on the box from us. Im not sure what do they mean by safe patches . So think about what, let out a 1000000 guidelines into the assign. I wasnt going to go into assignment what theyre going to do in design. I mean, what, what are you going to do exactly like ship out a 1000000 people to what kind of, oh, and what get what guarantees that they wouldnt be able to go back. Because the entire tragedy of this school palestine started with the idea that is and is filling them out and well do, well get them back in. So what kind of these are soon as you make a safe passage, that these persons will be able to come back now to their home, but to their alternative refugee camps and, and villages, and so on, so forth and goes a 2nd. Im not sure how much did that because thats afraid of exactly not expulsion. This wouldnt be a safe passage. Right. But its a pretext to expulsion because thats what does it does. It wants to shift as many people, but a 3rd. No one who by this time including that Privacy Policy and have us do not want to make that is a job easier for is that you say the army. Right . Because now. Busy the site exactly that theyre hiding behind the civilian population. They are popular. Sylvia, this is not a professional. Are they all of a young men and women . Oh gosh, i think occupation. So their parents and grandparents and cousins are very smart to and so they live. Right, so thats the families that, thats what makes this conflict is a symmetrical bump. Its so complicated. And so tragic and his right knows that. And thats why we keep talking about the fact that there is no military solution to this even how much. Once its destroyed militarily and administratively, hows it going to destroy the idea of from us the idea of how much is the most popular in the west bank and in the senior refuge caps, then it isnt causal. And once you destroy how much, how you got destroyed the idea of how housing does, which is the idea of resistance and to justice is that things model, im sure also 0 senior political analysts. Thank you very much. We just the brief back the back, the statements by the us secretary of state anthony blinking and the statement that just came in to us by a mas. Thank you again. More one or a rocket fired from garza has hit a hospital in the southern is rarely city of africa. Law no casualties have been reported. Homeless has launched a barrage of rockets targeting escalade. Most of them were interested by israels, i in dont defense system. But there are reports of damage to some buildings in the city. How many times room is in ashton, southern israel mohammed, can you start by addressing the general security situation in southern israel right now as you know it to be of the serial. Let me bring you up to date with what were hearing just from the last 1015 minutes, more rock and siren sounding in towns and cities and villages in southern israel on the border with gaza, included among those towns and villages are steroids, as well as the now we should also mentioned that in the um, the is really army says that there had been clashes that were going on in the last hour between the is really army and between what these really army describes as a vehicle that was filled with how mass fighters these really armies says that a is really army tank, fired upon that vehicle, and that the fighters were supported. Were waiting more confirmation and more information about what exactly is going on inside me. Im in the hours ahead. Well bring those to you as we have them. Of course, another city that has been impacted not just by the sirens that have been going off in the last few minutes, but also the rocket strikes from guys up in the last several hours is as you mentioned in the intro, to me, ask alone where earlier in the day, as you said, a rocket, which ive been launch from gaza hit a hospital in ask a lot. Now, an article on right now, situation still quite tense as we understand it beyond ash go on, were about 1015 kilometers north of osh. Go on here in ash dot, and what weve been told is that us further south from ask a lot of it is a sort of a military barrier has now been established. So that if people are going to the south as a civilian or as a journalist, you may be able to get into ash colanda, but you cannot go any further. Beyond that, essentially a perimeter being placed, people are not able now to travel those roads to go anywhere beyond escalade more towards the south, towards the border with casa 0, howre is really, is responding reacting, absorbing all of this to 0. What were seeing in these as southern areas is theres still a lot of shock. Theres still a lot of people that say that they are really not quite able to process the enormity of the, of whats going on in the past several days. Um, at the same time, we continue to see build up of troops. We continue to see soldiers and reserve is that are coming some by bus, some driving their own cars to these communities. Then dropping their cars off on the side of the road. Joining up with their units to go fight in this war. And were also seeing this sort of raleigh around the flag effect as well. Because what you have is, in many areas here in the south, where the troops are, you will have citizens, residents who will come to these areas, bring boxes of goods, water, food, trying to show their support of the as rarely, troops, and many of the people that ive been speaking with have said again and again, they are very concerned about whats going to happen next. Many of them saying they dont know when a Ground Invasion will happen, but they feel certain that it will happen and that it will most likely be soon 0 Mohammed John zoom reporting there from southern israel. Thank you very much. The latest there. Mohammed, now i want to also bring you the report from our correspondent charles strep that because he was at the village, its far as our, which was one of the communities hit hardest. When im us launched its military operation on saturday. And dozens of bodies are still now being recovered. His, his report is, rails military says is back in control as far as off to one of the many villages near the constable to wit, tell us to be in flights, is guilty. The soldiers on the was about more info trojans and found Us Government hiding in the surrounding fields. Heavy machine gun fire, close by. And the bodies lying in the trees begin to appear, palestinian sciences. And then amongst the destruction of the homes, civilians, soldiers lift the body, bags on stretches to a waiting truck. So greg needs the snow bodies and houses, and slowly, slowly were nice eating these communities if you ever survived this is already out of here. Still counting the bodies doesnt the width and the sly amongst the rubble. A destroyed powder dry to which one of the fights has flew in the broken security fence. One of thousands of places preached what youre looking at. There is one of the breach points through which how much flight is came into as well. Theres been a lot of destruction here in the village of cars. As weve seen, a lot of bodies in the military tell us that they all not only have a spices, but for and workers. And many, these riley civilians. The road to nearby steroids is limited with destroyed cause more bodies close by. The smouldering ruins of the cosmetic factory destroyed by one of the thousands of rockets fired from garza and suddenly, the ripping sound of another approaching barrage. The weve been in contact with somebody that lived through that nightmare. Well, we need to kill them. We need to strangle them, otherwise it will continue. We cant go back to giving them food. Water Building Material really should not give them a sense the funding, the build up of the military equipment near the border continues as israel vows a vengeance for an attack on a scale, it has never suffered before child stopping. How does 0 perform as a multiple is really politicians and military leaders have been using inflammatory language when referring to palestinians in gaza . And this is something that began well before im off launched, its military offensive. And of course, most no electricity, no food by no water, no fuel, every single will be closed. I mean, we have fighting against human animal again, bit through that was the, is really defense administer. You will have good launch, referring to members of homeless. His language was echoed by senior military leaders. Not hit with horrible shelly, like saying its almost 2000 slave followed up. Theres lots comment on that as well. We still have going for you and god are but one of my best of the model. But give me your number of to so all as run them. Israels far right government regularly use is racist. And dehumanizing language, which normalized as violence against palestinians is a National Security minister. Post to this commons on social media supporting an ultra nationalist is really accused of attacking palestinians in the occupied west bank a. Heres a statement of jo, but defends himself and others against the murder of palestinians is not a murder suspect, but a hero who will receive my full support and the far right find the finance minister. Best little small rich openly said that the policy and town of who hours should be quote, it raised that was after hundreds of Israeli Settlers went on a rampage, burning dozens of palestinian homes and killing one person. Cuba illinois joins us from tel aviv. He is a political and list. Im calling this for reads. Thank you for coming on to talk about this with us at 1st start by giving us your perspective on this language that weve been hearing from high ranking is really officials. So lets do you just said its not a completely new phenomenon. This kind of this because of the money is ation of the other assaulted many, many years ago. Not from back in the 1st lead to, oh, really good. Has called the arrow fox and animals walking on 2 legs. This is the language that was used to call to describe the feature of the nazi terrorist. The nazi leader icons justify the operation the and my girls, children, women raping good. Um members of the Community Center boards in the saws. Uh, there was a difference between this and what is what it is doing. And um, i can pull out uh dozens of all the goals that, that i wrote criticizing the is riley contacts in the west bank and gaza. Now what you see is using the, a you as a frustration from the is riley, military and political blunder, serial blunders. And in order to pave the way for uh, as uh, my wife just said, uh, in these rarely evasion. And we go to a patient of guys uh and uh, destroying communities there and shutting down electricity and water, which is uh, actually a human, a crime against humanity. Um, but uh, i am afraid that that. Ready not only the language that is use the guys the but a cnn follow that. How much i have being label cause its rate. Uh, because i wrote out it goes to 80 sizing, and its i know people who are demonstrating to defend these larry democracy. The pilots had been the human eyes while they were in the field in the front. Uh, youve agreed in the social media. So all this all the time, you know, im calling them face call and accusing them both collaborating with how much and so this is a slippery slope of serials. So it could be easily locked. And with the, confront this around just on the front page, but keep a couple Different Things here. First of all, you were saying that you were saying i cant condone the raping of women, southern israel, just a reminder, we got that statement maybe about 15 minutes ago. Where they categorically deny in their words assaulting women. Just want to put that out there. My question was going to be what is really think when they hear this language, human animals, etc, etc. To uh well, im sure that uh your people down there in there near to love. You can uh find the footage of uh, a bunch of is wiley, holy guys entering no, uh, hospital and uh, looking for a cnn who uh was one of those and treated by usually the doctors and shouting best to the arabs and the trying to attack the doctors who were defending the patients. So of course its been a drug screen to the society. So if you watch uh, soccer games in this way, you can hear those people shouting best through the arabs and a salty is riley, are ups who are fighting for the national, the national team. So it works for them. And it was politically it to be human eyes. Everybody who doesnt support the is randy. Right. Or the is riley set list. You know, when i go to cover the context of the settlers, i am more afraid that i will not get back home safely. Not because i am afraid of the palestinians who lived nearby, but of the settlers. So this is not just erase is deal with is ation of. Ive seen these a political mendoza its i think a system is a method to get the support. Because nathaniel raised in moscow, hes a salesman of nature, and this is what hes doing best or a cuba ells, or thank you so much for joining us on the program, your political and list them call them missed at all. Right . Its good to talk to you today. Thank you. And i want to show our viewers what was happening at the United Nations, not that long ago re admin sore, the permanent observer of palestine to be United Nations called on the International Community to help the palace thing. And people that has to be a few minutes already an intervention in order to uh, to avoid a looming catastrophe and humanitarian massive crisis in the gaza strip. We would continue with these efforts with everyone. I understand that the up, the imagine submitted student meeting just concluded few minutes ago and coyote all we were to study what the outcome and see how we can fit all these things with our activities and our contacts with all the consent parties here at the United Nations, we hope very soon that the International Community, led by the as g led by the Security Council would rise up to the, to their responsibilities. And begin with the process of sending humanitarian had an assistance to the is about a senior and people in the gaza. Strip offices here, the she hubbard, tennessee, is live for us at the United Nation. So she hub the that those are the efforts that we heard from the palestinian and bassett at the un to try and obtain a ceasefire that would allow some International Aid in the gaza. It was like just before the palestinian representative spoke, we did hear from the un secretary general and he did make is most forceful, cool on the is right of these. Yes. To allow food and water into garza. Now on sunday, the un secretary general would only say he was distressed by b is rarely siege of food and water. The use of food and water as a weapon of war and civilian population. Hes moved on from distress style. He is actually calling for food and water to be brought him to gauze. Interest would be one other thing of the palestinian representative. I also said, my boss, the president of the policy and the authority spoke to the secretary general 2 days ago. And he impressed about the secretary general, the need to end the also to assume as quickly as possible. And it was nurtured that once again, the sector general has not called for a total si, fi in goes out. He simply called for International Mode to be upheld and view unsecure. General spec specimens us. Why are you not using the smaller to far to you if the us extra general to cool for peace . The cool for us each for the cool, for the end of the carpet bombing a goal is that all right, its like youre done with space pass and when you say, well, thats the way i didnt read the 2nd general statement. So apparently no need for explicit go over the swap according to the un. Thats also 0. She hubbard times the reporting from the United Nations. Thank you so much for that job. Thats it for me for this news. Our up next tom or gray will have all your world news with our continuing coverage of the gaza. Israel war your in great hands to stay with office the the expo 2023. The fast to make sure make sure you join us and lets discover a better world expo 2023. The the system youve been coming to add the new international and corruption excellence award, nominates your hero. Now we understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the world. So no matter what, ill do to bring you the news. Im current fast. The matter to you. How does era of the is really is strikes pound gallons of and the only power station in the strip stops working office this today

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