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It was military confirms one soldiers being killed and a ground right on gaza. Almost fighters say they repelled the attacking con eunice and the occupied westbank. Israel attacks on most inside theres any refuge account as rates arrests and intimidation intensify the its 5 g m t. Thats 8 am in gaza with he is really mandatory is being carrying a dozens of strikes. At least 400 palestinians have lost their lives and sunday. According to health officials, homes lie and ruins. Hospitals are overwhelmed by the dead. On the wounded or medical supplies of old but run up buildings and theres a bali, a refugee camp in the north of young k for being hit by an air strike. At least 13 palestinians were killed in bath incident and dozens more were wounded. Since the director of the indonesian hospital insides of all the says, most of the injured are children, doctors have been unable to use anesthetic in some cases. Is very war. Planes have also targeted bay area surrounding 2 hospitals in the besieged enclave. Air strikes of hips, the guys as large as hospital as well as all codes, hospital tries of displaced. Palestinians have been sheltering from is rarely bombardment inside health facilities. A 9 am i going to be speaking down in session . Who has monitoring developments from occupied East Jerusalem . First were going to go to honey. Oh boy shave whos in gaza for us . So how do you 400 People Killed in the latest air strikes . Yes, tom, what we are seeing is a non stop of yours tries Campaign Across the gaza strip. In the only in the past night, in the early hours and the early hours of this morning, many, many Residential Homes have been targeted and destroyed completely with people inside of them. The worst of these heres try. Were concentrated into the valley, a refugee camp where 13 people were reported killed, right. A was so many injuries. The vast majority of these injuries according to a source of. Busy the indonesian hospital in the northern part of gauze, this trip, and our children. 5 more Residential Home in the city of brooklyn. Were completely destroyed by massive air strikes and a source of from the Civil Defense department in brooklyn said so far there 50 people are killed at the early hours of this morning. But with many people under the rubble, the number is likely to increase to a 100 in a different city 100 units another use try to place destroying more Residential Homes. In addition to all of that, theres heavy artillery shilling. Since yesterday at 5 pm, it is tardy. To went to the night and early this morning, as our tiller is showing in the city of rock by eastern a city of ton unit and gauze was sitting honey over the last day or so we of course being talking about the aid that has been making his way into guys in limited amounts want science. All thats the, the aid is getting to palestinians in the gaza strip. Who need it . Well tom, unfortunately the amount of a allowed into the gaza strip is so little compared to the dire needs of the Palestinian People. In the gaza strip. Were talking about medical supplies and Food Supplies compared to the amount, the regular amounts, palestinian, the dogs are used to receive in times of no war or no active conflict. Were talking about 500 trucks of daily needs compared to 20 trucks in, in time of, of war and, and complete destruction. Everywhere is just a dropping the ocean of what color simian needs here. The worst of these uh, the areas that are affected, the most is hospitalized hospitals like a serious medical supplies. And we know in some hospitals, doctors are reaching out to the corner shops for vinegar, just because of lack of antiseptic to treat. Uh, so the ammonia is a but curiel infection and this is serious. The other thing that is not included in the, in the convoys, human it here at the 8 is the fuse at which represents the lifeline. As of these, these without of fuel, hospitals will shut down its power generators. And when we spoke to the u. N. Director of operations yesterday, he said that the amount of a tool available uh for uh for on or what is only enough til wednesday. And after that, the owner will be forced to shut down its operations, let alone its the trucks to carry more humanitarian aid to the gaza strip. Funny, i understand theyre talking to us from calling us in gaza strip. Funny, thank you. The weather you guys and several of his allies have repeated the support for israel, while calling for the protection of civilians and access to aid. The statement came following discussions between us President Joe Biden and leaders of funds, germany, italy, canada, and the u. K. Officials joining us from occupied East Jerusalem. So tell us a little bit more about this statement on the well, its an interesting group, isnt it . It is essentially the g 7 minus one that is defined. They are not included in the statement this after what was described as a day of diplomacy by the white house, which you might be making numerous calls to all 5 of the leaders who signed onto this statement, as well as to benjamin netanyahu. Now these really is will be relatively pleased with the statement. Theres no, i would write condemnation of a mass, although they are described by the 6 leaders as a tetra risk group. But they do reiterate israels absolute right to defend itself in the face of what the statement calls terrorism. Now, what is interesting is that the leaders call for the adherence to international law, even at a time when israel has cutoff food power and Food Supplies to guys. Although there are a truck skating through and also a number of agencies have said that they have use white squarespace, which again is against international law. They the we, those welcome to flush the trucks and agreed to continue the course diplomatic court. The nation with partners in the area to try and bring this disputes to an end. But clearly this really is will be, please, that they are continuing to get international support, particularly as the statement does not mention a c spy, even a humanitarian c spy. And does not call for restraint on these relays, despite the growing, dest told, and guys all over the mountain is also, of course, ongoing discussion about whats going to happen to the captain is being held by how much. And of course, has it can be released as we can assume from the statement that those diplomatic measures are at the us and others using what leavers and couldnt do it. So they have to try and get in touch with them us to see if theres the possibility of having more of the captives released. Theres a report in the New York Times this morning, which suggests that the us continues to put pressure on israel to delete any crime and want to allow them the opportunity to negotiate the release of more hostages. Certainly here in israel, there is a feeling among a significant number of people, but there should be some sort of prisoner swap that perhaps the ground war should be delayed until all captives. And theres estimated to be more than 200. 00 of them are afraid. Its something that weve been speaking to ordinary is really is about. And it would be fair to say that their views are mixed, or its a very hard and very emotional and our friends are a hostage and weve been such a funeral of our friends and all our soldiers and friends. And my husband is in the army. So its very, very complicated, and theres no of searching on sir, and youll never to the new logic. So i think this is a little complicated. Its not simple, its not either. This was awful. It requires a lot of consideration. Each side is suffering. We have to think, well, this is a big dilemma and there isnt one answer. I totally understand the dilemma of the hostages. Im sure i would feel exactly the same way, but to say that this is what from us once is not correct. Because if thats what they wanted, then the butchery did not have to happen to the extent that it happened for them to capture people in order to bargain for political prisoners. Its as military is apologize after one of its tangs mistakenly hit any gyptian border post, a mere gaza. It says its investigating what happened injection authority, say 9 people have suffered minor injuries. At least 2 palestinians have been killed during a rate in the town and novelist and the occupied westbank. 3 others have been critically wounded. Israel was killed and 93. 00 palestinians across they occupied westbank since an unprecedented attack on southern israel by homeless fighters on october, the 7th to palestinians have been killed. One is rarely fighter jets attacked the most gonna be occupied. Westbank audi on sunday as well says the sites and the janine refugee camp is being used to plot a tax. The strike is raising concerns about a dangerous escalation, as need to abraham and reports from them all on the rear is really ears struck in the occupied westbank target to palestinians in the most indigent refuge account. Good that they should buckle and i was under this window until the last explosion just after 2 am the theres no place for us to go. So we stayed home with the hatch. We really troops usually wait the camp. Then most of the west bank often exchanging fire with palestinian fighters. This time is really soldiers were nowhere to be found. A dangerous escalation passed and you see these read, the army says the 2 people targeted were responsible for the previous attacks and were planning new totaling the strike some time in the seas. Really forces called them threatening to kill other one to tell us to have the say thats what it has, what subsidies with these assassinations. Its clear that these reinforces the sauce and copy what they do in the besieged, gaza strip in the occupied westbank to hold up the whole foot into the this is all fair. So these assassinations will come from the uh, this is a big problem because when you hit an area, you damage the surroundings and not really forces. Ive been ramping up their reeds and increasing their use of aerial attacks in the west bank, particularly in areas where armed groups are active. On thursday, a drone store i killed at least 5 palestinians, then with ships i few decals. The store cutting with more than a 1000 is ready raids on average per day and a growing number of casualties. Many youd fear that the names of israels war on gaza are catching up in the west bank. Does that, but he does eat a so ill just say the seller products in ramallah in the occupied westbank and she explains more about the is ready rate on novelist. And she says is really army is wanting palestinians not to protest and support from gaza. We know that safety for kills, including a teenager, and this is one of the latest raids that had happened in 24 hours when multiple raids were carried out across occupied westbank. And since that one and not blessed that have been plenty more in the usual areas that you see, such as to cut them out just outside of ramallah overhead. And also, um, the latest uh, theres been a few arrests including in a j, a zone refugee comp. Its one of the big a refugee counts, hey, and occupied west bank full of palestinians that originally had turns out that in 1948 when they were kicked out of their homes now. And interestingly, what seems to be to have taken a really send this to a ton, is that it seems and thats what were hearing. Its not confirmed. So im from patterson, is a talking about this, is that one of the people that was arrested and he then has a social media posts put top on his Facebook Page soon off to the arrest with these really flag and reason when text was the dont mess around with the is really all me, it seems to become that it seems to become a lot more personal at the moment, also, and not refugee camp during that rate. It seems that posters of also been put top warning people to not show solidarity with those are in gaza, but its also saying dont let this be another garza and it will and that they would revoke what thomas if they was seen to be supporting homeless or of course, any, the owned groups in the west bank, so its really taking an escalating into another level thats been not been seen assess. And the not recently in uh, occupied westbank. These are just not the usual rays, the daily rays that we do see here that happen all the time. But now its becoming a lot more personal. Are still ahead and ill just say that and how the world views the governing parts and kind of it defies falls in argentina as the president ial race heads for the run of the color. Weve got some very wet weather and usually wet weather, making its way toward southern pulse of the arabian financial lathers. This side plants hagin is making his way towards the end. It will cost lighting over the next couple of days running its way further northwards. Weather to coming to the southern areas of a monster, a city, somebody keeping on in the coming days, scattering a showers to into the pots of saudi arabia could catch a shout to its a positive and rock spilling across into iran, southern north. So you want to to showers into east composite ducky, just around the cool could says, but for the episode of the mediterranean, i think to master reporting tubs of the weather, it is dry and it will stay sunny. With light winds, sunny with light waves to close the northeast of africa, the northwest. Anything but light when say, a very wet weather, very windy weather, putting it across a good part of morocco. And that will grassy spread his way into the north west of algeria. As we go through tuesday, sounds continued may while around the southern parts of west africa, the coastal fringes, the seeing more storms rumbling away, stormy weather, extending across into the hearts of africa. It is drawn out for south africa with a few shouts, moving into central passive motion, peak of the freight companies, fake passports, international banks, and the proceeds of organized crime in purple. Shes begging p l. A bunch on the water when he was in a remarkable 3 pos people, the power investigation into a complex, secretive world. To a journalist, go in search, hell be tale and mafia. 30 money. The loans are parked one on a jersey to the the the youre watching. Ill just need a reminder about all the stories. This are at least 400 palestinians or lost their lives. And theres many attacks and gaza on sunday. According to health officials, 13 people have been killed, wine is really and stripe on buildings is a bali, a refugee camping garza dozens for being wounded. Most of the children and is really army spokesman, has confirmed one soldiers being killed during a raid into gaza on sunday. 3 other soldiers, a sense of being injured. Israel says the raid was aimed at locating captives. Cassandra gates, the military waiting upon us, says that repelled the as many a time more than 4600 palestine. It is, ive so far being killed and is very air strikes some guns uh, according to the latest updates from the on types of health ministry. 93 palestinians have also been killed in the occupied the west bank. And just over 1400 is varies. Have been killed since how much launched its attacks in southern israel on october 7th, more than 1100 palestinians have been arrested in the occupied westbank in the past 2 weeks. And 212 people from southern israel had been taken captive by how most more or more children living in the occupied westbank are being detained and is really jails. Human Rights Groups to say that they face difficult conditions and harsh interrogation techniques or the other. I mean reports as it started out, as a normal day, was with that, as is often the case in the occupied was backed, it turned into a bloody one. 0, do you have thought of to say all we were happy it was a good day. Then our car broke down. We got out to see what was wrong. The soldiers thought we were going to throw stones. They started shooting at us. So i have took 3 bullets in his right arm, the abdomen, and his left foot. But that was only his latest breast with these 3 d. Our meeting was just a few months ago, a man and his brother, where the, where did pain during and night rate. The experience similar to this . Well, the video released by bit salem and these really human rights group, a father tells his son to wake up of image image coverage. Probably suppose hes just dont be scared. The armies here he says, a member the or were taken away in front of the helpless parents. So good as it was petrified. We were both in a one square and made to so we couldnt lay down to go to sleep. We were tied up in a check and we also water. They said there was no toilet unless we have committed a crime. I kept on telling them we didnt do anything that could be more than a 180. 00 minus have in these really deals many pres, littlest throwing stones at soldiers or like this 13 year old child was arrested for picking wild herbs near a settlement. Maybe im just repeating, these are taken to prison inside israel. Parents need to apply for a visitation permits through the red cross and that could take up to 3 months. In the meantime, the minor is cut off from the world on average, 800. 00, but its 10 in mind. Those i have the military detention each year. Israel says its own security grounds, the age of criminal responsibility the occupied territory is 12. That doesnt apply to settlers who carry out the tax on police. Didnt do that to them of attention to this. So this is the mentality by which of these are, you know, sense of 310. But as the mentioned that i saw 1st before, they convince themselves that the art of 310 or dealing with potential risk and hearing according to the 15 year old asthma, the address still shivers, when he remembers his audio. He was on his way to have in here cut didnt have road. When is really the soldiers pounced on him just a few weeks ago. I dont want to at 1st they didnt do anything, but then they towards the doctor tried my hands blindfolded me maybe sit on a chair each time i tried to sleep, they would pour water on me. I was always thinking about my parents. What will happen to them if they were to keep me here and was really why for my mom and dad as mother was released after 2 weeks. But like many children who faced military courts and prisons, its an experience that will have an impact on him for the rest of his life. For that that had me a dizzy right in the occupied westbank. Iran has a gun, one the bottom and of guys, a crude have far reaching consequences for the region dosage. A body has more for me to hunt in this situation in the region is like a powder. Take those words from your owns for administer. Jose and im, youre up to law him earlier on sunday, he also went on to say that the Current Events could spiral out of control very quickly. And once that happens, the results could be severe, bitter, and how far reaching repercussions both regionally. And for those advocating for war, uh, this is not the 1st time weve heard that these uh, sentiments from the reigning officials, the ron in president ever whom bracy has also express the fact that the current Ongoing Events in gaza and the constant bombardment by is really forces on the pile of sending people could have far reaching consequences. Now, when it comes to the recent attacks on us interest in the region, the re needs have not officially commented. But we had heard from Iran Supreme Leader i had so loudly harmony last tuesday, who did issue a warning of what was to come. He said that the muslim nations are very angry and it will be hard to control peoples emotions. He did say that if the resigned is resumed, continues as crimes, no one can stop the muslim resistance groups, and they shouldnt expect the groups to be for benefit from taking action. Nobody can stop them when they get angry. This was last week why Iran Supreme Leader obviously hinting of what was to come for now. The waning officials have not commented on the attacks that have been taking place on us interest. But of course, iran holds the United States solely responsible for enabling israel to carry out what it calls war crimes against the Palestinian People door. So jabari out to 0 to her on which on has been describing the situation and guys as very serious, it says the outlook for the region is what is some currently using beijing and she incentives this update trying this is a situation is critical that its deeply saddened by the huge soul in civilian life and the state of this conflict, whitening even further. Its immediate the spot at the escalation and ends with an opening up to mandatory and channels and for the Un Security Council play and even think of role in mediation. Now it says that this conflict should not be allowed to lighten even further. China is forming. So one e last week, like, for example of israel saying that the actions in the gaza strip had gone beyond the scope of self defense. Now taught from that aging has actually critically, the us is around, it has condemned any actions that it says to catch weight. Like while its between israel and palestine. According to the aging, the only chance for long term peace is the establishment of the 2 states. So theres no to this and they do has said its middle east envoy georgia into the region. And last week was inc leasing with guitar and russian officials. It was also in egypt and in cairo, attended the palestinian summit, where he met with the other thing you need is, as well as other officials, including the secretary general of the arab league. Now in terms of progress, its clear that the aging is in everett kinds meet as many leaders as possible. Put this message forward and apply pressure to both sides. But in terms of how much progresses actually be made, that remains to be seen. Katrina, you all to 0. Thank you. Thousands of people to be in protesting across in germany to show their support for israel. Some of those who gathered in front of balanced Brandenburg Gate cabinet is really flags, as well as posters. The photos of some of the captives held in garza they actually lives in thousands. Hundreds of protesters carried flags and kinds of messages of support for palestine. The. The, lets bring you some of the world news. Know argentinas president ial election is heading for the run off off the leading candidates, failed to secure and majority and sundays. Vote says you. A mazda is the economy minister, and the governing party contender is defined. The poll is by finishing several points ahead. The populace kind of have a malay, a lot in america, and the tennessee and human has more from point to service. And it says that theres celebrating here, there are thousands of them. In fact, they are as founded by the surprisingly good results of the parent is party candidates. Weve been unable to consider the news of the current economy minister of argentine, our country that is suffering under a 130 percent inflation. The funded by a very, in the 30 percent versus the 36. 00 by the way, both in one months time and ultimately the next president of virginia now will be decided by the roughly 23 percent of voters who supported neither one of those candidates who now say that is between a candidate for our rights or the department of defense world. And um, who says he is against feminism and social spending, guaranteed social rights send a whole array of other things that would appear the addition of our versus hiring his party. Candidates, as i said, has been meeting a government has economies as craft and as many as 42 percent. Margin times the poverty line. Newman allen to 0 went outside the philippines as some of the base things on bassett or over to collisions between philippine and chinese vessels. And as i was trying to see, the countries have blamed each other for sundays instance between a chinese shift and a filipino vessel supplying troops on an auto and disputed waters. More now on the war on goss, im pope funds, as it says hes sudden and by these very error rate on the unclaimed oldest charge in which 16 people were killed in an air strike on 1st day. One grieving father has spoken to about the 0, about the pain of losing all 3 of his children and the attack. Let me warn you that some of you may be distressed by what he has to say. Is that in the lab admin . Asked him a lot of lightning data. Can you validate . No no, no the the the the, the to the a little i really love. I love the, i look at these are the, these, but the feed you saw head of the 40 was the 40. Imagine the 40 i am again. It was again no more than a fish. The issue, the whole i of the fluid off a dish. I mean that most of the photos so by i you say you live in until the show up over to talk a little bit about what was the zip code. So here the law of easy, its been a long called uh the last 2 boots little ways it will come on to be it for

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