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A jail break by 4000 gang members in support just a few hours until christie on even out as own us or take off in the course. Finals of the Asian Champions League ends at Caitlin Clark says shes living in a dream off to becoming time and leading sport, male or female us college, bosky the welcome to the news our. We started in Southern Gaza where israel has continued targeting residential areas, densely populated by scores of displace palestinians. At least 17 people were killed and rough or has 2 homes were targeted. Is really forces have killed more than 30500. 00 palestinians since the start if its were on gossip. And just really forces have carried out more reason around my law as well as other cities in the occupied westbank. And the palestinian teenager has been killed in those raids. We wall talks between the us, Vice President le harris and it is really work cabinet member benny gans are expected to focus on a ceasefire. Agreements. Guns is in washington to speak to senior officials without Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is official approval. Will get more on those stories shortly. But 1st times im how much begins are coverage with the bombardment ended up with the bad hands, rescues in the rough ice campbell to find somebody thats pulling another. Its really strange that tech on homes integrated. But i just want people who left several people dead in the east of the city. Another its really striking several other philistines is right, designated rough said so. But telephony and soft phones, anything but safety there. Hold on. I do hope you want to get them out. Shame on them to stop this blog stuff. Well, i this blog. Why, why the exterminating us . If you want to annoy like to ask, why didnt they just do it once and for all, there is no safe place on who told you roughly safe every day. Foaming, foaming, combing. There is no safe place on and this house is full of children, women, and then i found myself under the rubble. Im injured. Its likely i wont be our will to stop this. Will we need to cease 5 . Because were facing genocide, despite is the rise bombardment of desperate palestinians continue to head to the city from other parts of gus that if you want to eat, you have to die in the pursuit of getting fluids. We said no to this and decided to hit to the south effects to in central gulf cse us. This is the of the month of yet another strike on the same rock come at least 12 People Killed and thought to wound the spot. Adults drag on the people on clubs, the continued to body that didnt have them. Just hold on a place now with honey my hold, hes joining us on the phone from best also, honey. The raids, continue indiscriminate the killing people. Yet we get the sense that everyone is trying to be hopeful of some sort of pending ceasefire a yes, theyre in the general mode right now. People are torn between the ongoing concern and they dont panic because theyre more eerie strikes, taking a sleeve across the board at the same time, keeping an eye in 0 and each records are from cairo about a possible to 10. So i see fire deal that is going to be probably reached within the coming days, but people are hopeful, but at the same time they are cautious with that would they opt in advance, so were talking about so far, despite this cautious hope, you have to enjoy these but im not there at spikes, on the overnight, at the top of the death of 17 people, mostly women and children. There were sheltering and residential and sometimes rough northern parts of the city. And that number has been confirmed by that hospital in some try by that im not sure how to go. But within the past couple hours in the 3rd shouldnt be renewed. The time on a central area mainly on refuge account with the cat. A residential building was part of it. It was people work inside that residential on the display families from the uh, the other part of the golf should not be coming from the northern part of district. Were showing that Residential Homes come apart to report that, that close to 10 people are being killed, including the children and women. And as the children i, there are more to strikes, continue to destroy the remaining residential building. And then its important to point out that they to has been under. She be very unable them by been why theyre good in bathing courses on the ground. Good to be a military court then tied down on a vehicle. Ive been in the neighborhood for the past 2 weeks. Its causing review, the devastation and destruction like kind of been tired and thats why they work inside their, their homes and con units the paramedics and civil defense. Before were able to collect at least 10 body to some different areas of hon is believe to be goes within the past few days that and with, with the particular yesterday about how much it was. I mentioned compound of the restaurant, part of hon unit, that should be on top of that people to also diag of the hydration sort of ation going on. Because theres a family that is, its pretty quickly and the northern parts and dogs, if it didnt, due to the ongoing restriction of bulky, i dont believe a boy as well as the delivery of the human. Its very unpaid to people in the northern part of the guys troop here in rafael. We have the 1st document, the case of a child who died because of those complications in was in desperate need of a special kind of Food Supplies and medication, but not available. This caused you is this. I said earlier hours today. Okay, thank you very much, honey. My, what is reporting for us from alpha . Well, last week to melanie ward was the chief executive officer of medical aid for palestinians joining us from london. Thanks for your time with us. So as a reporter was just saying, theyve documented the 1st case of a child in the stuff whos died due to starvation. But we understand with no Palestinian Health ministry that at least 16 children have died because of stopped starvation and malnutrition. I mean, well, we, will we see more and do you think that these numbers are under estimates at this point . A very good questions, the average that question is that were even having to ask them about children and dogs. So its entirely possible to start the starvation that is being enforced appointment children and dog i see is really mailing cheapest, simply layoffs. How access . As you see, we understand that a 16 children have so far died from malnutrition on the hydration. And of the cases there are likely to be many more we just dont know the real numbers because we, as you might have tv, internal people to get to cover access to help the population. What we do is the road one and one and 6 children under 2 are so far suffering from an acute, my interest. And what that means is that children are starving. Im was really starting to use. It is the fastest decline in a population. Is nutrition states as ever recorded . It means that children are being starved to foster street. The world has ever seen, not been immediately if we were only able to get access to provide help to these people. So the un, special or reference her on the right to food has said that israel is deliberately starving palestinians. Of course, that includes children as a, as an organization to you, share about assessments. Is very clear to starvation be used as a way to kind of walk through just simply not be allowed to reach people and the whole image that is needed in god. Well, and theres a particular problem in the north of guys where there is a double siege being enforced. I can tell you that my own medical needs for post any other stuff in the north of guys. Uh, one of my colleagues, i me or anything. I dont teach nbc weeks because they just cant get hold of enough food. The animal feed, which was for horses and all keys, it started to my a 90 for each and a bird seed. This is a situation that is entirely created. I deliberately is not an accident and take it in mediately, if the is really mail it to you. But simply open more Access Points with your bosses. Humanitarian has access to the north of guys up to the car in crossing for example, or the crossing we be able to do with these problems, the streets, and we so its not difficult to sol, its just that there is no, well, to make it happen. Im not why political well really matters, pressure to lay age i need work or isnt right . No matter so much. And its also why we need them to be here ceasefire. So talk us through that process of access and, and whats the surrounding that you keep saying that you have no access . So do you ask that is release for access on a regular basis . What did they say to you . What mean . How, how does that process work . A yes it is all the a double see, you dont even see being imposed at the moment, because the only entry point into casa for people, for 8 workers, is through the roof, across the river to cross plains of the size for talks of age. But if we want to reach, for example, the north of guys a, there was another is really check pointing across one as well, which is a heavy use that in the middle of the services goes up from the north. We want to reach those people. We have to get into the 1st of all, i know we have to cross a 2nd check point then to the north on this issue is that the vast majority of requests for humanity in one way is to the north are being denies. Yesterday one was allowed to take some medical supplies to some of the hospitals lawsuit, chromeboys are not able to reach people. And in some cases, way that you might have to be in the one voice hospital. And weve actually the show tasks you saw that every succeeds last week in the north of guys, the way the food coined board did arrive. And then the desperate people who are gathered round the trucks to try to receive the war themselves shot to im more than a 100 killed by over 700 injured. So the conditions that exist on the ground in 1000. No, theyre not accident until these because of restrictions placed on the we all, she might have to be an organizations being able to bring relief to people in need of under International Humanitarian law. We have to remember that because israel is the buying power, it actually has a legal obligation to, to meet the basic needs of people. The. So is their responsibility to make sure that people have food and medical care, but they dont have it anymore. And as i see it something that could change immediately, its the same if we look at the situation and hospitals where there is no, no one else single. So we function and hospital and uh, this is because of the systematic dismantling of the Health System that we see. I have medically from out of color study and salters, working into some of the hospitals and guys of the number of people that were able to reach and the kinds of movies for able to invite. Its just a drop in the ocean compared to whats needed on until there is association of the ballpark months. And so we have a ceasefire on until we have proper access. So that means fewer restrictions on our ability to help people. Then we wouldnt be able to manage that kind of, as you might see, an option that is really needed to save lives in java. Alright, thank you so much. Melanie ward, we thank you for speaking to us from london. Now the us Vice President has called for an immediate cease fire in gaza using some of the strongest language from washington. Since the start of israels were on the strip. Cumberland harris says palestinians and girls are suffering a humanitarian catastrophe. She says a cease fire is essential to secure the flow of much needed aids and the release of captives. And given the amends scale of suffering in gaza, there must be an immediate cease fire which is what is currently on the table. This will give the hostages out and give a significant amount of age in this would allow us to build something more in during a full couple of harris the set to meet the former is really defense minister and current member of the war cabin and benny jones in washington, later on, monday and guidance will also meet with other senior american officials, including the secretary of states discussions, are expected to focus on a ceasefire agreement. Theres really Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reportedly instructed Embassy Staff in washington not to help in facilitating guns. This trip. Well lets take a closer look at who many guns is. The retired army general was israels minister of defense. Between 20202022. During his time more than 250 pablo spinny ends were killed in the 2021 war on gauze up. He was chief of staff of the is really ministry from 2011 to 2015. And during the 2014 war on gaza, more than 2000 palestinians were killed. A civil lawsuit filed in 2018 salt damages from gans who blamed him for violating International Humanitarian law by deliberately targeting civilians. But adults court rejected that legal action and opinion polls since the war and gaza have consistently shown guns leading Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. And when asked whos the most suitable to be Prime Minister of israel guns has around 50 percent of supports with 33 percent for an attorney who to hold them on the is really reaction certainly attends us. Im so its an occupied East Jerusalem. But 1st, lets speak to our white house correspondent, can we talk it in washington dc. All well get onto the issue of guns in his trip in a moment. Kimberly, but 1st, lets just stop at these comments that were made by the us, Vice President , pamela harris, calling for an immediate cease fire in garza for 6 weeks. I mean, is this a change in position . How we read these comments . Well, you have to remember that this is an Election Year in the united states, and this is an issue that is particularly resonating when it comes to israels werent goss with the t demographic. Namely voters of color as well as young people. The president and Vice President need in order to win reelection. So this is something but to Vice President. Com la harris has been leading on when it comes to this issue within the administration. And she is continuing to do that as she intensifies her comments. She has always been on the forefront of social justice issues, and this is no exception when she made these comments, but not only are the conditions in humane but the common humanity compels us to act. She has been pressing president joe bided even further than he has to really listen to the members of the administration is that are working within the by the government to take action. And so this, these comments come on, the keels of the announcement on friday of the air drops of humanitarian aid into gaza. As well as the fact that this is the something but the administration is really pressing, given the fact that they are trying to put in place that temporary cease fire a that would be much more substantial than what we saw back in november of just one week this time something that would not only be 6 weeks in duration, but that could even be in place something in during, but could be much more long lasting. So how much of the ceasefire will be featured in discussions amongst the a war cabinet, up member benny guns, whos visiting washington and visiting american officials today . So we know that this is going to be one of the key things that is going to be discuss, but the signal, Something Else to it signals the risk that is in existence between the 5 and administration and the current Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in israel. The fact that there has never been love between in joe biden and benjamin thats in yahoo. The fact that he has brought it down to be received here in washington is just another signal. This shows that the vitamin ministration is willing to work with gas that they see him as a trusted partner. We know that not only is he going to be meeting, as you mentioned, with the Vice President. So also be meeting with the National Security advisor, jake sullivan. Hell be meeting with the secretary state anthony blinking. We know that this is in defiance of the as rarely Prime Minister the us for us. And we should mention is that count david up in the, in the Northern State of maryland just north of washington dc. But we know theyre going to be talking about the fact that theyre pressing for the immediate cease fire. And we also know that this is something the message that is going to be conveyed is that really is rarely as have essentially agreed to the terms of the deal. But the, the onus is on her mouse to really come into the picture. Okay, thank you for the time being. Kimberly, thanks for that update from washington dc. Lets bring it home this. Im joining us from occupied East Jerusalem. So im from your end and from what youre hearing, is it clear what guns is trying to achieve with this trip . To the us as well, just need a data reach out to ben against his office and they did give us a response on a lot of the things they are trying to accomplish on this visit to the united states. The 1st is to cement that legitimacy for israels ground, offensive inside of gaza to continuously see that support. So despite 30000 palestinians killed despite 5 months into this war, the dire and catastrophic humanitarian situation. Theyre still trying to uphold israels image. In saying that the war they have waged on gaza is both just and legitimate. Now the 2nd part of the visit comes as they want the americans to put more pressure on mediators. While these discussions are ongoing for potential ceasefire, because these really do want to see all of the captives released another additional type of thing that but against is trying to do on this visit, is that american age he says is vital for israel defending itself. And he doesnt want to see that a be stopped in any way. But one thing that is interesting that seems to be a newer kind of development is promoting a security arrangement in 11 on the escalations on his roles. Northern border with his bola had escalated a little bit in the last couple of weeks. So perhaps try to find some sort of solution for that. But the main thing they are trying to get across is support for israel in their continued military operation and putting pressure on mediators in order to achieve a deal to release the captive. That is seemingly more so in his role saver. Okay, thank you. So a lot of times us on hurts for that report from occupied East Jerusalem will not speak to him at all. Sure. What is a professor of security and military studies at the door hot institute for graduate studies . So just give me your overall sort of view about Benny Johnsons visit to washington, what hell actually be able to walk away with. So the 3 issues there, one has to do with the political gains, so he may be a, get some extra points in terms of the popularity if he secured on one end, some sort of a deal with the us. But also say more importantly, i think, secured some of the minute, the assistance from the us, the, the, the other dimension has to do with the if there is some sort of a, a deal on a ceasefire. I think the most important thing we look at is it sustainability because the law says fire. If you looked at the number of casualties by the seeing college casualties before it, and after that, it actually increased to the fighting became much more intense. Afterwards we were talking before the true or the last these fight, it was less than 15000. 00. Now it exceeded over the 30000. 00 and so the, the, the, the escalation of the fighting was getting higher and higher. So you dont want the seas 5 to turn into just a rest and recuperation at the padding of the 7, ours, as we call them, you know, rotation. But basically the, the fist is getting withdrawn backwards to be able to hit harder because now they, they, they are arrested, they are more prepared and they have the, the constituted units. And therefore they have more than munition and, and, and what can we do to be able to get hard . And this is popular, whats good, what may be going on in the us at the moment, preparation for the next round of the if it happened and admitted as hes fine. Look, i mean, whatever he walks away with when he gets back to israel, how much leverage does he have over there . At the end of the day, hes part of the war capital. Hes not the Prime Minister a its, its a method all the hes not the Prime Minister thats for sure. And that there is a very yeah show we say hawkish, Prime Minister at the moment. But the same time um, its of its preparation for all the political grounds that he may have with the 5 minutes to the data stage of 5 minutes. There is nothing his best position at the moment the, the politically normative saturday. So he, he would need some gains, especially with regards to the release of the officers. And the been a, as another part of the issue is that i have a politician. He may be able to capitalize the, i mean guns against it. And you know, in this us visit. Okay, well are going to show the just the 3 that was put forward by robert ford. There it is. Hes saying ive seen israel humiliated previous us administrations, was met aside from murder as 1967 is really air struck against the u. S. Navy ship liberty. Now forcing the usa to do air drops of h. A garza as if usa is no better than egypt. And jordan, as israels worst humiliation of the usa that ive ever said, is this an assessment model . Sure that you agree with . I mean, robert ford obviously here is referring to the air drops that the us dropped over. Does uh earlier this week. Yeah, on one end the clearly it was, it dropped right. It was not the hundreds or thousands of trucks going through the junction border or even these really borders. Or for example, the enable of access due to, to gaza with a lot of a he made heading a to get a bar los ships its, its nothing like that. Its an air drop. So, diminishing is the, the level and also in competitors in the is where it was given over 50000. 00. And 151554 the me to, ill have the opportunity around. It was given a over 2000 how 5 laser guided missiles for the apache helicopter, as was given over 30000 of the 30 mill a. But its for the, for the old dependence of the apache is it was giving it a significant, uh kidding. And the some weapons on the one end and then youre providing some meals dropped meals for the, for the students that did the optics of this does not look great. And also hes making this competitive from 1967, the attack on the, on the diversity which killed more say those, the guy that killed in the school did that. So its just very briefly. I mean, is this a deliberate is really strategy . Do you think im not sure. Ready if its deliberate or not, but i think they are a, theyre not listening to the us just by the us having a lot of leverage on them. Okay. On my gosh, were thank you so much for that analysis is really soldiers are carrying out raids on a number of cities and they occupied westbank. The dozens of military vehicles were used and a rate on a refugee camp on the outskirts of the law. And 19 year old palestinian was killed by his really forces is really forces also search the homes of several palestinians and show women v. When these really show to enter the house, he slapped me in the face and told me to give him my id card. So i did, he bought my mother father and everyone into a room in the house and put me in the corner of the room and started hitting me. All of this without me speaking to him while he was speaking to me. I dont know why. Then he started telling me, you belong to him, us. I told him, i dont belong to him. I recently got out of his really prison. The other news on haitis government has declared a state of emergency a nighttime for a few following a storage and Gang Violence. On the storming of the countries to biggest prisons, Prime Minister are you on, reese has been visiting can you . Hes trying to firm up and International Police force to help patrol the streets. Stephanie decker reports the deadline in the streets. The result of an ambush by gang members on the prison in the haitian capital popular pulse, nearly 4000 prisoners were freed, including high profile gang members. The youngblood. I took 2 bullets, one under my arm and one in my chest. As long as youre just swap people being dying. So sunday evening i was sleeping in my cell. I woke up when i heard shooting. I sold a cell gate open. Many of the prisoners escaped, and many died. Police have been deployed since thursday as well armed guns have stepped up. There are tax including on the international airport. The powerful guides are in control of parts of the country and estimated 80 percent of the capital. And they say they want Prime Minister of you had only to stand out. Ok, thank you very much. All he left for can you last week to finalize a deal for an International Force to help restore order in a t . It would be part of the Un Task Force thats something that appears to have pumped at the latest violence. Its partly blamed on gangster and former police officer, jimmy chevy is a known as barbecue has been sanctioned by the u. N. And the us, its many linked to the official trip that the Prime Minister took to kenya as the torres gang leader barbecue. Claim that the united uh, pretty much all the gangs, uh, rival games and part of prize to fight against the government and topple it in response to that deal that the apartment is to or assign with the can government Gang Violence and then security has played k t for years exacerbated by the 2021 assassination of president driven l moines. Say. No elections have been held since 2016. Stage of emergency has been declared until wednesday when the nighttime curfew will be in effect from 6 pm until 5 am stephanie decker, which is 0. So hate to have suffered decades of turmoil, lawlessness, poverty, and natural disasters. The former french colony built on the sugar and coffee slave trade, gained independence in the early 19th century, but didnt hold its 1st free election until 1919 president s own birth or artist was hosted in a cru just 8 months later. Us troops intervenes while un peacekeepers were deployed later to help stabilize the country. And our state return to power in 1999, but flooded to exalt in 2004. As political unrest and violent protests increased in 2010 magnitude 7 earthquake killed around a quarter of a 1000000 people and devastated the economy. 10 years later, code 19 lockdown is compounded income loss. Food shortages, the constitutional crisis president jovan alamo, ease was assassinated in 2021. After refusing to resign, an organized crime gang, strengthen their control. Lets get more on the situation with diego, the run. Hes a lot in america and Caribbean Consultants with the International Crisis group joining us from paris. Thanks for your time. Um. So what sorts of negotiations uh has or johan re been having in kenya. Do you think and whats he walking away with as well as the wedding tonight owing to sign a reciprocal arrangement that it was a requested by a court to, to be able to send the police and you can. Yeah, because uh, pretty decent from the positioning kenya demanded it made, made uh, a judicial action saying that it was the cost. Could you show that it was illegal to send Police Officers to hey, the High Court Ruling on the case on the 26 january and told that in fact it was legal and. Busy there was these very simple kind of arrangements signed, so you know, he went late last week to sign these agreements. It was signed and he was on that same day that she arrived tonight, already a done, the games is started staging. The cmo teneo said tax in several parts of the capital. So, but despite the controversial legacy of the past or interventions, how do you think patients feel about the possibility of yet another for and for us coming into their country . Do you think that they believe that this forest can break the criminal gangs grip on much of the country and, and restore some semblance of stability as well . Yes, of course. Many of them who are in favor, most of the most patients are in favors right now. Of a deployment of it for enforce, even though the best interventions have left very mixed results in the peacekeepers that have been in haiti have committed several trends in 6 row by. Busy lens and badge right now, the batching over 4 and 4 is seen by them by most occasions as a last resort option. And the only thing that could help the Haitian Security forces to, to reassert control. Busy in the. Busy of the country you may need, look, ive been told that hes a come home is completely controlled by the games 20. What challenges do you think this force this propose mission is going to face and the country . Well, 1st of all, it will be to be able to operate without causing harm to civilians. Most of the gang strongholds are located in the, in very densely populated a urban psalms in which it is very difficult to access and ban. Busy busy and then they just enabling the main 1st obstacles and other than that a i know that. Busy single is that the games have links to the with the police. Many buttons officers are all in the rank and file and, but also in the higher echelons of the forest are in some kind of collaboration collusion with the guys. So the leaks of information about the operations is one thing that could seem to the operations against the gas from being successful. All right, thank you so much. Jake, other and friends running us from paris. It still has on the opposite. There is our familys control place if it didnt. Dicks defense expos here and go home and that will be shown for the future. Whole family is increasingly on that and coming up in sports, chris john, rinaldo gets freddy for the asian champions. The quarter finals will look ahead to the ties a little later. The 10s of thousands of chinese Asylum Seekers are risking their lives in a dangerous route to the us. Where in america, what happens once they make kids impart to of a special investigation 1. 00 oh, 1. 00 east of chinese, my friends, if the American Dream is worth the risk and the sacrifice on out to 0, starvation is being used as a what . The only way to stop cutting costs ation is to allow you then people are surrounding it. Sparks gold with the flour just hard to break it and show us the level of difficulty because of the shortage of humanitarian aid. We have no blanket, no food, and no rule to. I prefer the desk to this humiliation. War is not killed us yet. It seems that we will die of hunger and cant find food. People say that theyre stuck between death, star bases and displacements, the, the, the, [000 00 00;00] the kind of, again, the top story is on the al jazeera news. Our israel has continued targeting densely Populated Areas in southern gauze. Off were hundreds of thousands of displaced palestinians are taking shelter. At least 17 people were killed into the us, 2 homes for a target. Its a severely malnourished boy who has died in a hospital a month foster. His father took him to the Southern City in search of medicine. At least 16 children have now died from severe hunger and z hydration. But a groups worn there are likely to be many more and reporters to us, Vice President campbell of harris assessed to meet the former as really defense minister on current member of the war cabinet been against and washington later on. Monday. Harris has called for an immediate cease fire in laws of Russias Foreign Ministry says that its some in the german ambassador in moscow thought to officer Russian Media published a recording set to be of German Army Officers discussing supplying weapons to ukraine, and the potential attack in crimea, germanys defense minister has accused the kremlin, conducting what he called an information war, war to create divisions within the burden governments. So im gonna came this joining us now from berlin. So how much embarrassment is this week causing in germany . Dominic is theres no question the ministers have felt the need to explain themselves on monday following these revelations. Certainly mister shots, the shots. So saying that if control needs to stay with them and soldiers and they flew, so just have to be in ukraine. Theres no chance thats going to happen that this tourist miss all system will be deployed. And then you have his colleague, the foreign minister and the bell bulk in port goods. Earlier saying very clearly in her opinion, the situation is very clear. But what exactly is the situation, the amount of conditionality that mr. Shots has been using about what those miss solves would be useful where they would be wherever they would need to be. A start into relief by what the header of the left off of the German Air Force was heard to be saying in those comments that effectively they could not understand. The military chiefs why mister shots was putting the position out that he has been pushing out. So the question is a degree of embarrassment, and theres also a degree of difficulty for the highest echelons of the German Government right now. So what do we expect to the fall out to be from all of this . Its willis, several different layers to this in the sense of relations with russia. Well, very clearly the russian government has been speaking to the german ambassador and clearly this will have been one of the topics of that discussion between the ambassador and the russian government that took place on monday morning. Then there is the domestic political angle here, where the opposition parties to be making much play of this and saying mister shots appears not to be the right person at the right time. Thats a full echoed by members of the british governing and late in the u. K, what in the newspapers in london on monday morning its been said that people dont believe that mister shots has the right mind right now. And then there was that sense. Thats what is holding mr. Shots back if it is correct. As was suggested by these German Military chiefs in that conversation that was overheard by the russians, that the missiles could be deployed. Then what twill, those nato allies in person in front of the making of the suggestion a, the German Military communications appear to have been compromised. At this level and beat that the man in charge of the government doesnt seem to share the same point of view as his military. Chase. Lots of questions right now and more about many particularly clear ounces. Okay dominic, hell keep us across the story. Thank you. So many came reporting from burden to the dual hot International Maritime defense exhibition and conferences. Underway here and cuts are on traditionally focusing mainly on naval vessels and maritime security. The expo has expanded to include weapons of all kinds of zeros. Defense editor alex, good populace. Is there alex, talk us through some of the latest weapons that youre seeing. Well, the trend, this is for a month systems. So im going to give you a few examples here that are laid out. So we have the so many a cortical hope to system with some small pay out payload here, but up above is it a success . It looks like a normal drone but couldnt take off vertically. A more importantly, you can speak with all the drugs and communicate, give each other orders home to attack a single target can also talk to drones on the ground here that you can see. So this configuration makes it look like some sort of robo soldier. But really to be used for the just x and surveillance, but it could also speak to patrol craft, right the and they can gather intelligence, an attack talk, its on the sea. But most importantly that you will have this drone here in development. Now this is a kamikaze submersible drum that can travel the surface, but it sees a target. Itll dive on denise and hit the ship, sinking it. And this is the future of the battlefield at the moment. And its all laid out here before us. All right, thank you so much. Alex gets off of less reporting up from our thank you. Time for all the sports news. Now. Heres trauma catering. College basketball sensation Caitlin Clark says she feels like shes living in a dream thats off the she broke her reco that stood for more than half a century to become the old time leading college score. A male or female david starts reports a College Basketball history. It was low key when arrived, but this was the moment taking clock moved out on her own the highest scoring play in College Basketball history, breaking pistol, pete married. But shes month which it stood 54 years. It happened not a free throw. Were you disappointed that the housing pistol p wasnt a more dramatic shot . No, i mean now it will take free throws. Youve got to make them there for. Thats why. So i get them which relates to 22 year old clock is no longer right and shots. She averages moving 28 points, a game. And now having wrecked, so 3685 points altogether. Shes become one of the biggest names in us sport. Brand, james is tweeting yet. You travis scott, is here. What is this moment in history mean for Womens Basketball that all eyes are on you . Well, i wouldnt be here if it wasnt for people that came before me. I feel like im living in a dream. Honestly, holly and im hoping i could inspire a lot of young girls to be able to dream to be on stage is like this. And i think its moving woman sports for not just Womens Basketball players and across all force. And you know, women are pretty great book is confirmed at College Career is coming to a close to enter the 2020 full draft for the womens and be a what shes projected to be the number one overall picked by the indiana fever. Yeah, im on the floor like the w. Yeah. Use already seeing a rise in ticket sales, savings folks, how would you say, like the Boston Celtics continued to fly high in the end . The i havent just recorded that said largest franchise winning margin. The best performing team in the league thrash the Golden State Warriors 140 to 88 state and brown score 29. Jason say some have 27. What was his 26 best . I got so 11 wins integrate football. A pipe gabriella says that still site is the best play it in the premier league off the scoring 2 goals to help sail victory in the manchester dobby, defending champion city, were at home for this one. But it was the knights, as he went in from thanks with stunning strike, from marcus blasted in the 8 minutes. Definitely less than a look at this one. That was then followed by one of the misses of the season of red one from adding all the other end. He is human all through into the 2nd off. And it was all about food and he equalized with his own powers. Who shots in the top corner in the 56 minutes . To start that and with 10 minutes left of the 23 year old in the Minnesota School again, just sitting in front, taking his tale to 11 full the season. And it was still time to holland to make up that early enough to complete the 31 victory with his 18th go. And 6 of the weeks city on vincent and 19 months isnt in competitions. And next step in the least, they face meet as livable, who are just one point ahead of them. Ok, now your 1st step is leak. I know is 13 good results, but what and lipstick . 13 and group estates. And in 10 minutes we were 02 and the red potential red car, whatever never completed. So you have to be carefully and now in my mind to a local the tomorrow morning, is jessica been out of it and after wednesday night i always think about to the spanish tied to a race and vice ball. Selena. And youre right of fail to take advantage of round madrid. Dropping points to right. It would be to no one there. Let me. Ok, well boss, so a how to go withdrawal assets. Lets take bill bout rail. Also 7 points clear of to write that an 8 had fall selena over knowledge and seen that and some cologne is going to have treat for the g is a form thats how we sasha, and Manchester United strike and securing a 32 in the background. I witnessed the 5th place repeat the argentine it premera, division, christie on every now those and thats that will continue that quest for assessed asian champions, lead time to lisa when the quarter finals kick off. Renata is backs on us as best buy. Got you a site la enough to subbing a one game suspension. So making an offensive gesture, i dont position funds. Im also on 9 points of the pace and the saudi probably, but im basin and the last 8 games in this competition. While the 2003 champions ally in a coach by former chelsea forward unimpressed by the back in the quarter finals for the 1st time since 2017. Here is the course the final lineup in full then one game that sticks out is the saudi cost. Okay, between now hello and out. Its the ads we spoke to for williams k heist. If the agent gave me pulled costs, he sees out loud and also his favorites for thats high. So the whole tournament he had the defending champions and sadie rab, yes. Not having the best season, the 25 points off the price already behind our allowed. And each on these 2 slides made its always a tasty encounter regardless of whether theyre sitting on the table. And with that kind of being treated to a little bit of a faced event at the moment i met on friday, not in the savvy, probably like, ill sort of age to victory in that 131 without this task, right . Colleagues onto each of it. She was suspended as well, so i stayed in imperious form at the moment. Its been 3 years, almost 3 years since, as you had actually won a match in this fixture, which is quite staggering to think about. So i thought i would love to get some, some bragging rights either, either there are holes and perhaps didnt in the hopes of, of going on to faded, throw at the lake and Champions League as well. But its hard to say anyone being able to knock most the perch the season almost alcaraz beach, where i found it out in the netflix. Im exhibition much does have height each other in front of a set out crowd in las vegas. Positive net. Netflix is pushed to live stream Sports Events without being struggling with injury and many expect this to be his last season. He showed signs of the scales that advance him. 22. 00 grand slams is that hes 7 year old that weve been to losing 2 outcries. Who is 12 member to . Im 17 years younger. The big question for the down now is whether hell be fit to play in mays front chosen, which is one full teen time. The driver blast has won his appeal against losing his ranking points. Im twice money off the he was disqualified, and the 2 guys tennis championships last week was left was assaulted and who sent me find the against alexander duplex, a swearing after long judge and russian, which let the car in some form of playstation to social media, to voice, the disapproval of the decision of life is going back to number 5 in the wells is still have to say over 36000 dollars for the violations. I dont see anything until i do call. Police problems have what it takes to win on a limb. Pick metal in paris, a one the los angeles 7 to claim this this tracy in 19 is due. Paul skips the 15 aside 6 nations to focus on preparing for the games in the past. That is all youll support from me for now, but pizza will have another license. Ok, thank you so much for that. Update for still ahead on the news hour after refusing to return to their hospitals. Junior doctors and south korea are now threatens with having their medical licenses for both the the turn out for last weeks parliamentary election in iran was lower than in the previous 2 votes. The interior minister of via the says, 41 percent of the 61000000 eligible. It radians turned out to accounts their ballot on friday. Thats down from 42 and a half percent in 2020 and the 71 percent who voted in 1996 focused on this new Prime Minister has been sworn in to lead a new coalition government. Its the 2nd time as leader force advise sharif. He resumes the role held until last august, when a caretaker government took over the 72 year old as the younger brother of 3 time Prime Minister in the washer reef their party. The pockets on was the league, won the 2nd highest number of seats. And last months election, which was marred by Political Violence and allegations of vote rigging, to south korea as Health Industry is threatening to suspend the medical license as a 7000 junior, a doctor as went on strike 2 weeks ago. Many doctors have already ignored them back to work order. The trainees are protesting against government plans to increase the number of admissions at medical school. They say the governments plan to solve a dr. Shortage will harm patients care. Whatever to end them from them. Dont tell me its all up to opinion starting today. Well proceed with law enforcement. Stewart on site inspections and other meshes governmental utilize board available means to ensure that this situation doesnt pose a threat to the health applies of citizens by robustly operating the emergency medical system and ensuring there are no issues with the dimensions. The medical that it comes to do at most in this regard. And furthermore, although d days past, we once again appeal to the residents who were still pulling about whether or not to attend to work to do so. As soon as possible. Your name is kim, has more from the capital, so we are entering the 3rd week of those dr. As walk out and already there are reports of Hospital Personnel maintaining operations nearing breaking point in the absence of these junior adopters who have played important roles in the operations of ice. The use of e r as an cancer awards including at this hospital. So National University hospital for the account for some 40 percent of the overall hospital, a dr. Population. There also concerns over how many of the new intern and resident doctors that were supposed to on board this month will do so or join the boy card instead. Now as to the medical license inspections, we did hear from the vice minister of health saying that administrative procedures have begun on this monday. But we are expecting it to be a protracted process given that they have some 7000 cases to deal with a late. Please start with a small group questioning individual doctors as to what their situations are. And that alone is expected to take a couple weeks. Now since walking off the job at the do, your doctors have largely avoided the limelight and kept their silence. And critics say that they are able to exude this confidence of essentially ignoring the back to what orders because of the successes that the Korean Medical Association was able to procure in previous public fights with the government since the year 2000 concessions. And that is why the government now is saying that that will not be the case. This is kim alda 0. So soon been calling as a professor of Health Economics on policy it solely National University. He says, doctors in south korea dont think its in their interests for their numbers to increase in terms of the number of doctors per capita. Korea is the lowest among or you see the countries. But at the same time, korea is experiencing a very record aging of population. So theres some rapidly increasing demand and youtube creation of healthcare services. While the 1st issue, its a shortage of doctors. You know, the Korean Health care system, its a pretty doggy not to be private. So that means the most doctors means a more competition. And obviously reduced income for doctors. And these training doctors, they are basically uh they will get Board Certified in a few years and then they will be practicing doctors. So for them, the increasing number of doctors means a immediate decline potential income after these trainings. Ok. And when they get that open to practice, the position of the career and medical association, it is, the korea does not need any more. So in my view, the, the, the doctors did not has not been responding to government some communications and discussions. And then finally, government declared this the implementation of this policy, and then the medical association, and junior doctors, i mean, then okay, this policy and the kind of almost right now, a tuesday, well see the start of chinas biggest political gathering of the year. The National Peoples congress outlines the countries sufficient for the year as the worlds 2nd largest economy, struggles with stalled growth and the demographic crisis. Katrina, your reports from baser at this job market on the outskirts of beaching, advocates jonesal for attention from recuzs. Most advertised positions, also salaries of about 700. 00 a month, lower the average wage earned in the capital, but many here cant afford to be picky. Including recent graduate young who call it just came back to china from studying abroad. And the salary offered by most companies here is much lower than i expected. When the 25 year old was growing up, china was riding high on decades of double digit growth. But since the end of the curve of 19 pandemic, its economy has stagnated, and walk over to the seeds for those whose age are difficult to come by. Here and new rising unemployment is just one of the challenges the Government Faces as it convenes. But this is National Peoples commerce. People have a lot of questions about where the economys going and whether the central leadership has a plan to respond to this more negative reality been expected to cover it. And so far, we havent really seen a lot in the way of your new policy approaches or, or new Structural Reforms from the leadership. Chinese leaders say they are determined to shift away from china, is old growth model of relying on risky debt. Much of it in the once booming property sector, but efforts to prevent a real estate bubble by reading is huge, debt has crippled the industry, dealing a blow to consume and business confidence, as well as cutting into household welfare at o, adding more pressure to families who are having fewer babies than ever before. The president season thing has spent the last decade consolidation power and there are no visible signs of leadership is under threats. However, the leader is attending. This is National Peoples congress all under pressure to stable potential and rest unconvinced. The public, the chinese economy is not in decline. Officials have refused to roll out need to economic stimulus, instead, doubling down and close for so called High Quality Development included in occupational intelligence including technology. 2 this will take time. Such paintings. Message is the short term suffering will be with the long term gains. Its a message 1400000000 people will need to be convinced of, including those huge desperate to find work, katrina, you all to 0 agent. Thanks for watching the news, our back in just a moment with more of todays news by the is the biggest global election yet in history. The worlds biggest democracy, both its own epic showdown john main screen of offering grandfather, viewport box city, focusing on india. As i traveling across the country examining the issues of 6 and the 4th of athletics at this critical moment in the country of history. Beautiful coming soon on, i just need a huge, i mean, to be used as a un ambassador position given to you by or does have both. Youve described that is better than is that any thoughts provided . Hang on my question to you. All that good cooks. I think is the most difficult press than ive had to answer facing realities. Usb to in the security council. This is, it may just something look as if it exit or to hear the story on told to how does era more than half of the population of the cause of streaming is risk examined since the beginning of the world, they only have one meal per day a that is coming in of the cause a strip is not preaching all of the people and people are starving. We are in as in venezuela where theyre making their house as a kitchen. Please start very early in the morning. Theyre using wood fire because there is no cooking. Gus, this lentils do, is cooked without any specials. They are using on your house or an alternative to the onions. Its the woods and the smoke of the fire. It makes your eyes cry and fits suffocating, but a search. How many do this every single day to give a hand to the palestinian displays starving . Then they say that this is the least of what they can give to. Their fee for the israel launch is attacks on the rough uh in Southern Gaza, killing at least 17. 00 people on the worsening humanitarian crisis in garza, another child dies from malnutrition, bringing the total to 16 in the past 2 days the for my headquarters and theyll find a number of data also coming up there,

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