Authorities. An argentine i have issued a warning auditor venture right and some grounded flights on wednesday roofs with towing off homes and streets flooded by heavy rain and hay in the city of combined. Yeah. These are all the just say the rain thats folded in the past week is molded. The average rain full for the month of march. I think on the notes all the in 5 minutes, everything collapsed. All the sacrifices and hopes we felt to shake the wind. Then the window trembled, and all of a sudden there was a big explosion that made us think would be crushed. Because when everything fell from the roofs, it seemed like everything would come down and have gone as tom flash lots, close the roof of the house to collapse. Crushing 5 people on debate the floods hit the city of head out in the west of the country. Rather than say, the water has worse than the damage close to some houses in october of quake. More than 1000 homes have been partially or totally destroyed, and tens of thousands of livestock killed. Scientists have discovered new carl is more likely to grow near sounds that come from health. Phoebes researches played recordings of healthy call through the speakers next to the graded. Carl results show that car lava and the Us Virgin Islands were more likely to settle and grow near the sound sources. Scientists say the world could loose up to 90 percent of its called by 2050 and thats it from the elizabeth put on them. But the news continues here on algebra to the boss from 9. Thank you very much for watching the the russian president ial election will take place over 3 days from last. The 15th people will revising in russia. Crime in the full so called New Territories taken from ukraine was listening position legend increasingly excessive. So when again say was altered 0 for the global reaction. Hi, im Steve Clements and i have a question president by this promising to build a port to get help the guys up. But is it meaningless theater or a real shift in the us approach to israels war on gaza . Lets get to the bottom line. The to here is real, tell this story, the war and god is going according to plan. Even is really leaders admit theyre far away from their stated goal and destroying homage. But according to plan includes the killing of more than 31000. 00 people. Mostly innocent women and children. According to plan, also means 20 more than 2000000 palestinians who were refugees to start with, into a homeless, destitute and starving population. And according to plan offers no glimmer of hope that the future is going to be any brighter after the designation of gases infrastructure in schools and hospitals and bakeries, everything. The United States, as israels most important ally and benefactor, has resisted calling for a complete c spire and well, nudging israels military to be more cautious about killing tens of thousands of innocent people. Washington hasnt conditioned any of its a or support on getting is real to change course. Now the us and its partners are going to build a port in the gaza. That is real cant easily block, but its unclear whether well use the massive humanitarian crisis. Its meant to be assigned if something different. But what exactly endless, more, especially since, as of the time of this show, there still are no signs of a temporary truce. Today were talking with a us senator, who was one of the 1st and few american politicians to act on demand, made humanitarian catastrophe unfolding before our eyes. Us senator from maryland, chris fan holland center. Thank you so much for joining us. Let me just start this out. And say, and i watch a lot of c span c span is where we watch those of you in the house. And those of you in the United States Senate Debate issues, youre one of the few who is gotten up and talked in human ways about those people suffering and gaza. I hadnt heard President Biden talking to similar kinds of terms until about 2 weeks ago when the king of jordan king abdullah, came to town, there been very few people who put this in human terms. So i want to ask you, what is the gap between your frame that you have and you brought to this and many of your colleagues last day. First of all, its good to be with you. And as ive said many times before, in the aftermath of the our bought a mazda tax on israel of october 7th. Israel was of course, within his right to defend itself. But that does not justify the humanitarian catastrophe. They were witnessing in gaza, a man made humanitarian catastrophe where weve got over 15 kids who are starved for out of 5 of the hungry is people in the world right now are in gaza. And the huge parts of the population are on the verge of starvation. So i, you know, i am urging my colleagues to look at this from a human point of view. Weve been pushing President Biden to do the same. I was pleased to see present by it and Vice President harris speak out more forcefully on this issue. I was pleased to see the present decide to do air drops and now a c port. But that is not enough. We have to insist not just in words, but with all the levers of our power and influence that the netanyahu government opened up core doors to allow more aid to get to starving people. So we just heard the president United States and a major state of union address, talk about a multi nation effort to get more aid and medical supplies to those in gaza. I guess my question to you is, you know, having reported on this now for, for almost 5 months, why is the United States so impotent . Because when you look at the, when we 1st started, we knew israel was blocking aiden supplies going in by, by textbook definition. Thats a work crime. And when you sort of see it, the president succeeded in getting 8 trucks at the beginning of this crisis into this. You know, that looks. I dont know what other word to call it then other than pathetic. So is there some sense in the bite and white house and among those that you talk to in the National Security establishment that the world is watching this and its not a good picture. I think people understand that this looks really bad, not just to see. So many people in desperate straits, but the fact that the United States continues to be rebuffed by the net yahoo government president by it and has called upon a Prime Minister netanyahu time and time again, let more trucks and let more relief in. We have to have some light at the end of the tunnel with the 2 state solution. And time after time gets almost no real meaningful results, some incremental progress. So that clearly looks bad around the world. And what has to happen is in addition to job oni Prime Minister netanyahu, the United States needs to use other tools in our tool box. To not just insist, but the se, if you continue to ignore us. If you continue to robust these requests, there will be consequences as one of the things ive heard you talk about on the floor is a National Security memorandum. Im going to read it from National Security. Memorandum on safeguards and accountability with respect to transfer defense articles and defense services. This is basically a memorandum of a, an order that when we ship military supplies and munitions to allies or to those in need, that theyre going to be used responsibly and within a code of conduct that we would find to be within 2 monetary norms. Youve been talking about this and you said you see textbook war crimes in place. Do we have a problem in this country of a complicity with work crimes that are being deployed right now as we speak using us military, a, munitions, and bombs, etc. Well look clearly what is happening right now in gaza is not consistent with best practices for reducing civilian harm. Whether or not theyve tripped over International Humanitarian law is going to be a factual question that people have to look at. But theres 0 doubt, steve, that you have shoes, numbers of, unnecessary and avoidable civilian casualties. Number one, number 2, as you said, the deliberate effort to prevent humanitarian assistance from reaching people is, as i said, on the floor of the senate, a work, right . So the United States needs to be using all the levers of its influence to address the situation. And that is why we can call on the present do this. The National Security memorandum. 20 is a really good new tool if it will be utilized. This came about because i, along with 18 of my senate colleagues, introduced an amendment to the National Security supplemental that had funding for ukraine for is real heads. You may have turned a, we introduced an amendment laying out the terms in the framework that later were incorporated into the National Security memorandum 20. I worked with administration for weeks on this and it will finally say that when the United States transfers military assistance or weapons to another country, it could be as real. It could be ukraine, any country that country has to commit, and promised in writing that it will use those weapons in accordance with International Humanitarian law. And that it will facilitate and not arbitrarily impede the delivery of humanitarian assistance into any conflicts on where that country is using us weapons. I should also say it has a very big reporting requirement that will require the Bind Administration to Tell Congress about whether or not those other measures are being complied with and whether theyve been complied with. Um, since january 1 of last year. So that covers the war and guys that also covers the war in ukraine. One of the split screens in my mind, senator is on one hand, you on the floor of the senate talking about the devastation and the problem to the correct monroe is not funded. If United States and other allies do not fund unwrapped because it normally services the guidance in all sorts of ways, but a broader population of refugees. The other side is the, this, the side decision in israel to expand 3400 settlements in the west bank. And im just sort of saying, wow, very interesting timing. There. We have a major crisis going on. Im just interested in whether as you look at it, it is there is, you know, wheres the humanity at this moment, him be interest specs and on the moment and the, and i guess the question about when youre looking at a long term equilibrium that is fair in just to the israeli side and fair and just to the palestinian side. How does shutting on run down, you know, 16000 employees in, in gaza. And at the same time seeing a Settlement Expansion decision of 3400. 00 new homes in the west bank. How does that sit with you as well . Its, its really outrages and this should make present bite and very, very angry. And both in terms of expanding a settlement and making it even harder to achieve. What the president has acknowledged is the only viable long Term Solution to secure is Real Security and to give dignity and self determination, the policy and people, which is a 2 state solution. If you continue to have it x, its elements in the west bank. That becomes impossible with respect to an run, gaza. They are the delivery mechanism for humanitarian assistance. There are 13000 on route employees who help run schools at least before the war when people kids were going to School Health services. Now theres this allegation, which even if its true, even for true, that up to 14 members, out of that 13000. 00 organization were involved in the mazda attacks of october 7th. They need to be punished. They need to be held accountable and to be fair on re itself is then you are a nation and does an investigation and said they, they are. These accusations may in fact be true. Yeah, theyre looking into this right now and theyve already fire those folks. And obviously if theyre guilty, they need to be held fully accountable. I dont think Many Americans really know what under it is. So the operation in gaza is headed by a guy called scott anderson. He is a u. S. Army veteran. And i spoke to him just the other day via video. There is no collaboration between on raw and home us. This is a mist generated by netanyahu and others whose goal since at least 2017, has the been to get rid of on right now just in gaza. But in the west bank, jordan and other countries. They dont like the fact that on right exist, it is an organization that helps Palestinian Refugees to who were displaced since 19 of 48. And the world has an obligation to address this issue, which is why president byte and really needs to push hard and set forth right now, a practical path to achieve that 2 state solution that hes talked about. So center, i dont know if you had been briefed on, on the president s. Plants apparently are coordinating with other european nations and others around this new port to bring a didnt meet with, you know, medical supplies and food to desperate guidance. More directly. I have to say recently on my show, i had very powerful stories of a palestinian american doctor who lives in chicago, who went in and he worked over there and said, he said, you had limbs blown apart. You had a young childs job boys job blown away. They couldnt bring in the metal piece that they needed to replace this person truck. They had been able to do it. They could, they could fix these things, right. He gave a lot of detailed sort of High Traction examples of what the inspections and blockages of certain supplies were coming in and it, it really affected me in this. And so one of the questions i have is, are the materials and supplies going to be, you know, coming into causa, going to be inspected in the same way. Are we going to begin to see something there . And im just interested in whether or not youve been briefed on how f a keishas this effort will be. When you see 38000, you know, food baskets delivered and you realize the population is 2100000. You begin to wonder how much is theater and how much is real . A while youre right, im glad you had um that doctor on your show. Um, ive uh, dick durbin, my colleague from Illinois Center durban has been very much in connection in, in touch with him. And those are just some of the, the horrible stories look, again, air drops are, are, are good, but theyre a drop in the bucket. Now this new port facility will take a apparently, at least 45. 00 to 60. 00 days to get up and running. 4545. 00 to 60. 00 days to get up and running. I had not heard the idea then would be to transport you mandatory assistance and food from cyprus to this new port. Now the 1st of all, a lot of people can starve in 45 days. Secondly, its going to be very important. Have a Distribution System at the other end here because us is the americans, were not going to put boots on the ground. We come back to honora, we need a Distribution System in, in guys where people can actually deliver humanitarian assistance without themselves getting killed in the process as weve seen out a number of occasions. So look, im for, im for, you know, trying to get as much food and humanitarian relief in the guys as possible. We need to. Yeah, 2200000 people civilians who are some of starved to death summer or the verge of starvation. And so we need to do all these things, but there is no substitute for trucks coming across different crossings. And this is why, when you see a graph over time of trucks, you know, not getting anywhere close to the 500 trucks that were crossing before the war. And actually going down steeply under a 100 for many days at a time. When you see people like the finance minister smote rich holding up for over 5 weeks, flower as a port of ashed out. When you have starving people, when you have the police, the National Security, the head of the police, ben, cuz were essentially telling protesters term shalom who are trying to block food from getting in the gaza. That thats okay. And hes telling his police folks not to clear them away to allow for when you see that this is something that president binders to say. This is unacceptable. And we have us was on the books that can be enforced to say that United States will not be supporting a net yahoo government with people like this and it doing those kinds of things. Center i ask a very senior middle lease leader recently. How could all of this get a lot worse . And this person said, if we dont get a ceasefire a real ceasefire in place before ramadan, watch out that that ramadan can actually become a trigger of a far greater nightmare of desperate people moving across borders of mobilized militarys potentially in jordan, in egypt. And im just interested in whether thats on your radar screen and whether it is a sense of that kind of concerned of an escalation of this, you know, human nightmare that could lead other directions into an expansion. If you will, of this conflict in what it means for the United States, i think theres a very real risk of that. We need a cease fire and we need a release of all the hostages. And the hope had been to get that done before ramadan. Clearly or not at that point yet and you have Prime Minister netanyahu said that theyre still actively considering, or i have decided that theres going to be a Major Military operation against rasa. This is of course, the city in southern guys, a next to the egyptian border with the city whose population has swelled from 30000218 half 1000000 people today. Right, so exactly right. So 1. 2 to 1300000 people in ra for today are there because their homes in other parts of guys were destroyed or they had to flee. And they were told to go to rafa because this was going to be a safe place to go. And this will take it if you asked me how a humanitarian nightmare can become, even worse just, its hard to imagine it getting worse. Want your major attack against drop off, and you will see that in addition to all the other impacts that well have in the region. So in terms of other people getting, getting engaged, the risk of other violence in other parts of the middle east. Do you think President Biden now is taking this seriously or are we still seeing large we pastoring . I think its one of the things as you, you and i both know the president and i, i think the, the president largely is someone who does think seriously about Foreign Policy. Its hard for me to tell, for however, this is my side of the story on whether or not the recent actions are there as theater to respond to youth who are very disaffected by his posture or whether President Biden has a real commitment to change things. Now, so i think hes taking it seriously, but i dont think that by the ministration is taking it seriously enough. And i say this for this reason. There was an article in the wall street journal just about 2 weeks ago that said the bite administration was on the verge of notifying congress that they were going to have another major shipment of weapons for use in gaza, including bonds. So it is in my view incoherence as a policy to say, a Prime Minister netanyahu youve, youve got to allow more humanitarian assistance in the gaza Prime Minister. Netanyahu make me a commitment that youre not going to go in to rasa. And at the same time, be planning on sending more weapons, which is why i and the number of us have called upon the president to utilize the current one, which is called 620. 00 i or the foreign assistance act. Its called the humanitarian aid quarters act, which says that you cant provide military assistance to a country that is restricting directly or indirectly. Us humanitarian assistance into a conflicts done by the way it would not apply and were not cover fired on in defense systems, but it would cover offensive systems like bombs being used. And guys, its also why i pushed for National Security member random 20 and why its really important that they implement National Security memorandum. 20. Its an important tool for you. Its not a good tool if youre not willing to actually use it. So i would call upon the bite administration to immediately apply and use National Security. Memorandum 20 were in the president ial election season. There are primary is going on. You just saw what happened in michigan in minnesota, where folks came in and they voted on, committed rather than offer for joe biden. Who is, you know, right at the head of that ticket, no doubt that President Biden will be, will be nominated president ticket. But i guess my question is one, where is if you look back, its very rare that a Foreign Policy issue can be deeply consequential in the president ial election will be inflation or, you know, other uh, economic issues, how people feel about the economy. Do you think theres a real risk that if this conflict doesnt pivot another direction, the president by might actually lose because of the frustration to President Trump . So steve, i think this is a huge issue on voters minds, especially as weve seen younger voters, the air of American Voters in, in michigan and others. And i fully respect and understand these vote are me, youre not running this cycle, right . But are you out hearing it in maryland from your constituents . Sure, im hearing it from young young people. And you know, this is a case where just doing the right thing is also in my view, the politically right thing to do. This is where our principles and politics should be a line, and this is why i think the president needs to be doing more. I will say that i think the, the act of protesting by withholding your vote or voting for, you know, and not non candidate in the primary, is a very important political expression of peoples views. I do think it would be a huge mistake for those voters not to come out and vote for joe biden in november, for a whole host of reasons, both domestic and foreign. I will just remind people that President Trump cut off funding unilaterally to unreal not his own, on his own initiative. It wasnt a congressional act. So you know, donald trump and Prime Minister netanyahu are in many ways to p as in a pod. And um, so i would just say that as much as people may disagree with the presence actions and proposals, and ive express my my disagreements, yet it would be a disaster for the world. And for america to re elect donald trump. Well, i want to thank you for being here. I want to also thank you for being human and you know, looking at real people in this, in this conflict, sometimes its easy to forget them. So us, senator chris fan holland from maryland. Thank you so much for joining us. Thank used or so whats the bottom line . Sure, the world is full of contradictions, but the contradiction we see from the United States right now trumpeting that is providing a port for the desperate palestinians in gaza. One of the same time doing just very little to forcefully stop israels attacks is the kind of contradiction that simply cant pass without calling it out. So much time so much money and lives wouldnt have to be wasted and lost is real, had just allowed the gate between egypt and the gaza strip to open. And there are hundreds of trucks there right now at the border. And if america doesnt have the muscle to open a gate, but instead has to go over the water to reach those in need and to a be blocked by its own ally. Our as President Biden really think hes going to deliver on a palestinian state. Those are the contradictions that the whole world can see. And thats the bottom line, the, the people who is lived here for generations still use the natural terrain for shelter since israels war on god. So begin, post indians living and remote communities in the occupied westbank say secular attacks have double put a coordinated campaign by is really sensors and soldiers. One of home demolitions forced evictions and Settlement Expansions is forcing people back into the caves. Subterranean life is changing, living in a cave is not the same as it used to be. Theres electricity, indoor plumbing, modern appliances, tiles, palestinians living in this community may be forced to live under ground. But they say they cant be forced to live uncomfortable. But the threat of displacement to silence is never far away in palestine. It is another for blowing another stroke of Indigenous People fighting to stay on their own land. This freedom of speech on the internet are right for something but not for others. Palestinian or airbus content has been removed or restricted when he bu, content hasnt just 0 world investigates whether social media platforms moderate content equally, especially in times of complex. Theres a good understanding of the matter is that there are no standards between Israel Security services and other parties like my to close cyber space on adjusting it on the end of time. When is that . Thats right. Now the next thing thats about the template is the return of the lord jesus christ, the apocalypse. Witness those into the us is event jellicoe, christine, exploring its influence of democracy and Foreign Policy on this and try to if you have just read apocalyptic problems. Praying for armageddon, episode one of this business uptake this voltage by the city bank Growth Partner of bung the dashboard to use the this business uptake. These me, roy thought of bundle dash football to use the the hello on top of the kind of this has been use our line from coming up in the next 60 minutes is ready strikes target a refugee camp in central gallons or killing 9 members of a family, 69. 00 pellets indians are killed across the strip in the last 24 hours. The stiffening of hello cindy in resistance. How office and the occupied with bank of pushing back against is rarely oppression. Plus, this is a 3rd attack impediment escaped within one week. We report from a remote village in Northern Nigeria where people say the government is failing to protect

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