Southern gaza. But the proceedings have been interrupted. South africa and these really representatives of heckled off to sing troops half to a time, cut off on that. Israel is flooding jobs, which you monetary and age in the us as far as trucks, carrying humanitarian data, rolling off a floating tier on guys as close for the you and the size, moving 8 by land is safer, faster and more efficient. Nowhere left to run child size is preparing for another wave of refugees framed conflict in so done is fault for both worlds governing body faith that delays a decision on whether or not its upon israel from international matches. The size of president s has ordered a legal review of pastimes, proposal and says a judgement will be made in july the were going to begin in the hey good. Israel has again rejected accusations. Its carrying out genocide in gaza on thursday, south africa, off the international go to just as to all the israel to stop its offensive and rough. I say its violating the Genocide Convention about lawyers have told the court israel has the rights to move ahead with a full scale offensive on the Southern City to defend itself against thomas. So if i pick up the parts to describe the rough, the last refute for civilians and guys was many civilians having did evacuated through rough over the past few months. The fact remains that the safety of for us also serves as a media to restrung cold, full time us, which continues to pose a significant threat to the state of israel and its citizens, south africa for parts to come before you. Yet again, as the guardian of humanity. In fact, it has a clear anterior motive. We need to ask you to order is ready to stay away from where i fall into with 0 or the troops from does. It does so in order to obtain military advantage for each spotlight from us, which it does not wish to see the feet its step, bostons joining us. I live from the head. So what are we heard from these very team this morning as well . This rarely t my use, im very harsh words against south africa calling it a misrepresentation of the facts. Basically that south africa was lying about the situation. And as i saw also saying that the off, i was not the last refuge of the people in garza, but it was basically a how much stronghold. And thats why i needed to do this military operation. But it was a very strange and different unusual proceeding today. Also because in the last 10 minutes or so, a woman from the Public Gallery show to lie or law your to the is really a legal representative. Im a, the, the feet, the live feed of the proceedings. Love cops uh very quickly off for and the woman has been escorted away from the ports. And what was also unusual was that the german judge of the, of the court asked another question. It additional questions as well about df actuation so which, which is also have, has not been done before here at the court. So it was a very different kind of proceeding which also shows how high the emotions actually are going up here. During this case, against the israel on the Genocide Convention in terms of the question that was asked, but also in terms of the procedures. Well, what happens now as well . The court has now to discuss both oral argues arguments from the south africa and israel, and will have to decide. And the main question of course is thats because the court finds that the, that the situation has changed. Now compared to january. And is there an urgent need now to order its route to stop . Not only its incursions in the last 5, but withdrawal from guys altogether. Thats what south africa has now been asking the court. The court there is, decides this in january. But now the sounds applicants as this situation is much more urgent. This is sort of the last, the last chance of the court to save the people in guys and safety people in the office. So they really ask the court to urgently come up with this decision, and the court has said they will decide in the next few weeks step. Thank you very much indeed. So have awesome talking to us from outside of a International Court of justice and the hague. Fundamentalist joining me live now from johannesburg, so its not a topic obviously having brought this uh this particular case. Good and no im who is the attorney general for international lot. Israels ministry of justice has said, weve made obligations that south africa was trying to achieve a military advantage for its ally hallmarks. Thats how he puts the how is so its after explaining why its taking this latest action as well. Just to add to that, weve just also heard from south africas international relations, started to general zane jangle and responding to that. He said its completely false and that israel is trying to cost political as versions on on. So thats because case at the i c j. So thats like a, as maintained from the beginning of its arguments and even when it large this case in december that this is a real human rights issue. And so thats okay in no way is represented, come us at the i, c j. And ultimately its about protecting the people of cause a protecting their rights and ensuring that people are not kills. And that is why it is we tons to the i c j because that has continued uninstalled africas words the killing of people has continued at an alarming rate. And its also responding to some of those arguments and, and attached to your question around why south africa is they, its pointed to evidence around why its the based on the number of mass graves that have been found. Again, the number of people that have been killed, the number of schools and hospitals and medical facilities that have been attacked and left palestinians, people in gauze, out in avon, rouble position. And also that given the latest military operation in the rough us, specifically people, they would have no way to go given whats already happened in the north. So this is really why so that frequency is its the and ultimately aside from its allegations of genocide wanting a ceasefire, one thing an end to as well as money to operations in gaza to ensure people are kept safe. Why is it know that the palestinian cause particularly does seem to resonate in south africa because we have discussed this before when the previous i c j hearing that side of africa had originated on this site does seem to be a very strong connection there as well. We know that the to im a part date was coined and institutionalized racism was, was, was in uh, developed into what they was instituted in south africa as far back as 1948 would be a party to government. And now this is a phrase that is also used to describe similar situations around the world, but specifically in palestine, when it comes to the oppression of people, segregation limited rights of force removals. And this is really why it resonates with many. So the africans, because of that, a part of history. Now the government as said to that, it feels compelled to speak up for palestinians because of that history. That should history. And we know that the African National congress as a liberation movements, the one that included Nelson Mandela would one point was called a terrorist, but now looked at as a freedom fighter. Its an organization that is due to for the liberation of people, of various freedoms. For decades and as had a relationship with a palestinian organizations for a long time. And thats in sharp contrast to the previous a part of government that had close relations with these really governments. So the, so that work and governments, and many people in south africa say they feel compelled to speak up for palestinians because of the select similarities between what is happening in garza and the history that south africa has had this problem in another and johannesburg from it i thank you very much indeed for the Legal Advisor to Israels Foreign Ministry is told the court is always being is ready policy to deliver sufficient age to the strip. As despite hundreds of thousands of people, the people in northern garza experiencing from an quoting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to maintain that israel has dramatically increase deliberate exemption monitoring aid to does so. From the beginning of the warren, my fullest, it was you have to provide the basic humanitarian aid that is required by international law. But in the last 6 weeks, we actually changed it. Not only to providing basic humanitarian aid, but sliding got that. We see many tyree an 8. Okay, lets go to a correspondence on a couple of whos who is in debt on bala, in central gaza. So that was kind of coupling choking on, saying that to israel has been flooding guys out with humanitarian aid. What have you been seeing on the ground with regard to the delivery of humanitarian aid and the amount that is actually being able to get in to gaza will roll. Now lets make it more clear for the audience that at 3, the invasion of rough they are where according to a constant flow of aids, supplies into the gaza strip with, with a very limited number of the humanitarian to get into the church. We do use by the army before said that they are providing the gaza strip with more than 300 humanitarian a trucks on daily basis. After we verify that weve been business only the 1st thing that have been confirming only what is getting into the causes trip in the best scenario, cannot surpass more than 170. 00 humanitarian shops on a daily basis. And later with the ease making decisions on to expand military operations in the north old boot as if the gaza strip has been completely controlled, then close by the east, very many trees without any kind of a float into a district. In the course of the past 2 days in this scenario is absolutely devastating as gets it contributed to victory, raising the human to, to do to reaching to humanitarian conditions in this trip as people were mainly depending on these 8 being distributed by the rules for program time the United Nations inside the gaza strip off yet a new an important fact that need that we need to mention is that the invasion of roof has pro completely negative consequences in terms of the human terry inside. Because now both both as are located in areas of operations, that means that theres going to be moved, probing danger for humanitarian organizations. Tough to walk in rough i. So they have been moving to areas away from the fighting in order to maintain their relief operations. And they have been pulling the humanity to the international organizations, even the, to National Community and the east by the all me to help to remove all kinds of restrictions being imposed on a delivery into districts. Firstly, the is recommended to you have a tax age walk is a sink, is alongside with a full boys that were using the land goose. The later they were defending the 8 drugs that worked completely unsafe for palestinians as the vast majority where it drops in the seats of the territory. On the same time, they have opened a new point to the north of district for agents low into the gauze district. Which had been recently closed in light of devalues operation. So clearly this is a complete siege alongside with a very intense domestic military operation in a rough and inability, a refugee camp as a humanitarian situation for old palestinians, not only for reduce and rough, and then develop. But those also for there was in here and there was the most the area is getting was when a daily basis route. Yeah. The child was, you just explain to view is or perhaps hasnt been watching with the last few weeks. The noise of the buzzing noise that we can hear in the background are, is very drones that offline constantly, i think overhead for where you are monitoring whats going on. And these really a representative was heckled up just saying that the israel had to attack, cut off, or just bring us up to date with the latest attacks that are going on there. Yes. Now the main focus for many trip races in rough off in the eastern areas of the city. Now this is where the minutes reparation starts, has been admitted to started using excuses for a pilot to make a military clearance on the ground. And may lady have been completely, depending on using, calling to offer new strategic tactics on the good on the present set in attracting residential buildings, problems and even giving more earlier evacuation orders for residents in the central areas of brooklyn as more moving threat that is military operation must be expend, this expanded within the coming days due to the rent, a ground assistance being made by the spending telling the people that be receiving these evacuation or the 600 pounds of palestinians fled roughly to the unless you enter them in an area only within the past 72 hours more than 100000 palestinians afflict back area means that the entire city turned to be a ghost town where its proud of the proud of the states become said. And so, you know, growing change being posted in the medical sex, so that which is really grappling would be a really existing humanitarian, the medical situation, the light of the repeated is very cool to actually oh, cool way to hospital as me, whole being made for medics inside the hospital warnings that hospitals will be safe place, that means that new protection being grown to even to do some medical work is not only for civilians as well as casualties. Continue to arrive to, to wait to your hospital, which is the only hospital right now. Providing you treatment for policy and refund check. Thank you very much. Indeed. Talerico assume talking to a some dental by the in central guys while were joined now by mach owen jones, hes associate professor of milly studies of how many holly 5 universities. Thank you very much indeed for the for being with us and they trust to be as many arguments. And that was essentially, if i understood it correctly to undermine south africas presentation of his case saying that south africas was case was distorting the situation on the ground that it was using that maybe was misrepresenting information that was coming out. You were listening to what sort of africa was had been putting forward, and the is really response. Do you think the south africa has presented his case strongly enough . Do you think that israels rebuttal is good enough . And pennsburg . I think stuff. Half of your cases, it was extremely strong. I dont think its hard to make it a strong case because i think as we have seen in the topic was, was documenting that theres such a sufficient amount of evidence in terms of documentation on social media. Another problem is that whats going on and gaza is akin to a genocide, right . Certainly ethnic cleansing and certainly will crime is of the code. Right . And i think there is a, theres a multitude of evidence presented that from south africa has mentioned of extermination zones to the lack of aid getting in. All of which can be corroborated fairly substantially. And which we can see on the ground. And i think the topics into there is actually a good indicator of why is around, for example, recently bind, ill just say era, because a fed especially a how does the rough invasion that documenting this would be detrimental. But im at the, at the i c, j, a israel document on the sign wasnt not an argument. And as i think these, the Spokes Person said after the into it was, it was an attack the on fire. It was an ad hominem attack on south africa it and try to attempt or attempted to bring south out because reputation into disrepute and suggested the reasons they were doing this with the size, to the extent that they actually equated south africa of sympathizing with how much and this have to be clarified that so that for to also, you know, wanted to, they accused how much of a conducting more crimes to so you know, either i have not only so to attack south africa, but they distorted the facts about the case. And you even sort the miss representing several other facts and my case, one of which was saying that the you and a had to downgrade to the number of women and children who are killed, which is very misleading. Well they did was update that figure to, to, to identify the known casualties. And the total amount of People Killed is still the same. But theyre trying to use that bit of information which went viral several days ago to try and downplay the severity of the civilian dest during the genocide. So it was appeal platforms for propaganda, in my opinion. And i, i think it didnt address any particular legal arguments and it wasnt really a sufficient rebuttal of them to say, israel has the right to define itself. And in terms of a, i mean, i appreciate, obviously were looking at a Legal Process and you dont have a legal background at the same time you were with us when the i c j was giving it to its previous with a link which israel, by all the kinds does not seem to have, well, lets give it the benefit of it, not it hasnt adhered to the full tone of what the i, c, j had originally ruled. What do you think israels response is going to be a to whatever ruling the i c, j put side in this case . Well, i mean, lets say hypothetically that the, the, the i c j does or the professional matter of measures. Then im, im not entirely sure that is where it will actually follow through what weve seen now is a complete launch of an attack on the International System. I is. I think israels position is very much they will tolerate to level all of you know, criticism and International Public opinion so long as they maintain the support military and political of the United States. That key allies. I mean, we saw recently a couple of weeks ago when of the 100, over a 140 Different Countries both to, to recognize palestine and is rose represented to view and got up and tried to view and charleston. Right. So what does that actually tell us about how israel perceives the International System . And weve seen these bellicose attacks on the fact that the icey Seed International criminal court are interested in maybe subbing a warrant on that in yahoo. We saw our american republicans, right. Electro essentially threatening to judge this attack on the International System. This attack on the credibility of International Institutions i think is indicative of what is wrong might do if provisional matches or just because what they trying to do now is discredit the system. So if, if exactly i teach, i do a replacement mattress, its like, well the i, c, j is biased, south africa and working for her mass. Uh, the system is not relevant. So long as they maintain that, you know, military support from the us, which they seem to have been getting and all guessing and will continue to get. Suddenly if donald trump gets selected, then i dont think they really worry about the ice each. A winning as an ex, essential threat, and i wanna talk to you briefly about the kind of local, ga political element to this because it help egypt is becoming a modem on, you know, factor particularly into of how israel is approaching it. So its a conflict in gaza. Egypt was coming in for a certain amount of criticism from these really teams saying that it was responsible for closing the borders. They would be better. There were talking about tunnels going between egypt in dallas in egypt was complicit in that. Nevertheless, my understanding is that egypt has some sort of Security Agreement or understanding with israel, how much of a risk of g politically. As i say, well taking, by essentially beginning to alienate, ill pass some of the blame, at least onto israel for its behavior, and its a by, theyre not, it opens the border into the site. Does that make sense . I think the long term consequences of israel antagonizing egypt are pretty huge piece. Lots of it because what were saying is were, ill try to do and what has been trying to do with the cat has come with decades. That particular, the past few years is normalize and establish legitimacy with the arab states. Even now we can see people, you know, theres essentially blackmail now going on using kind of less than your lives to try and leverage some sort of normalization agreement with saudi essentially saying, well, if we, if you normalize, decided will pull out right. If egypt what to get to the point where this genocide disrupted that relationship, it would set back or is where your relationship to an extent even more so than they are now. So itd be so usually problematic. And remember egypt during the difficult situation simply because if they open that border to some degree, for example, to allow an accident of how to send you refugees. They will always be in a position where they could be a bad thing ethnic cleansing. Because we know the last time this happened and the significance of scale with the next, the most promising is whenever repatriated. So what then is egypt to do, i think is really trying to shift the blame on the age of and lets not forget that there are other photos within ero, but can be open to deliver aid. So i think what this is a distraction, i think egypt havent nothing to cover themselves with glory. But at the same time, egypt regard for palestinians is very much questionable particular. As weve seen how the objection authorities are, is funded. The pro probably spend demonstrations of egypt, but either way, i think this is going to cause a great degree of and talking to them and you politically the region, its going to to, to increase the possibility of further instability. And its really good to get your analysis and this mark on joes. We appreciate it. Thank you very much indeed. Thank you. As well. The central come on says the fi shipments of 8 event. A guys are using the newly built floating periods, washington the says 90 truck loads a day. Im going to be delivered using the temperature report and around 500. 00 tons with entech guys in the coming days. But heres for the floating period is located, its farther siphoned was originally going to be position dots because last month is really on the asset to be moved closer to one of the major check points. United nations is going to coordinate distribution of the auto. Its on loaded and inspected again by where the forces but the un secretary general spokesman, is wanting. But if israel continues to prevent the entry of fuel into the strip, no be no way for the aid to be distributed. What do you and also size deliveries by land remains the most effective way to reach palestinians in need. Get uh amazon to report some un headquarters in new york. The United States says the floating dock is now anchored near gaza and ready to receive maritime aid shipments for the United Nations to distribute the un on thursday said it is still finalizing operational plans. How to do so, but reiterated that land crossings can bring in more aid, all right, much faster, to stave off the horrors of famine, we must use the fastest and most obvious route to reach the people of casa, and for that we need access by land. Now, the un says right now, the main land crossings and guides are remain either closed, unsafe or not logistically viable. And even if a drug skit in the lack fuel to get to places to distribute it. Basically the bottom line is its only small amounts of food are getting in and, and in terms of fuel the fuel imports have, for all practical purposes stopped, we desperately need more fuel humanitarian organizations. Echo the sentiments of the un that land nazi should be the focus. There are hundreds of trucks waiting on the other side of rock or crossing the main land route and get that, that previously we were getting aid into gaza. And, you know, filled with fluid filled up medical supplies, and theyre not being allowed through. What we need is for israel to reopen all of the crossing points into casa, all of the land crossing points into casa, and to allow unfettered and unrestricted access. Hes really openly hostile to the un, even killing a un Security Officer and wounding another in rough of this week. This causing the question how safely the un could deliver aid. United nations in a very difficult situation where theyre being expected to provide for example, this humanitarian supports the people gaza at the same time. And they have to provide for the security and safety of their staff members. Even when you have the opening of the support, even as you have more a come in, even if you have the fuel and the ability to distribute it, you still have this critical issue that is really, really prevalent on the ground. And goals are right now, which is, you know, the communication with the is really military and the ability to safely deliver this in. And that is the real problem with the un faces right now. Rushing to come up with a plan on how to safely deliver aid from a loading dock. It didnt build didnt request and doesnt even think is an ideal way to get a into gaza and could be nothing more than a costly distraction. Gabriels on to elders either at United Nations in new york, a springs and honest a will not allow ships coming on. Israel to docket is ports on thursday which would refuse to permission for the ship button for israel reportedly coming explosive materials to delegate the southeastern portion of cost of in a spot in spain has a launched holton weapons expos licenses to israel. The since october, when the country launched as war on guns, a 5 Prime Minister Spencer Thompson said friday he was deeply solved by the depths of 2 tie nationals killed in there until the 7th attack on israel and whose bodies are being held by homeless. These are the armies that late thursday informed the families of the depths of the 2 men who identified as quote could not tie citizens undoubtedly believed to be alive and the gaza strip. 17 time nationals held by homeless were released and flew home in november. The israel estimates a 132 captives remaining gossen me from fits are going to a number and depend on very southern to announce that the ministry of foreigners, as has been sold by the ty embassy and tell of these that upon consideration of the Available Evidence and is ready to give them a committee which works on assessing the hostage situation. Found that 2 ties who are on the list of hostages, who havent yet been released have already died there. I believe to have died at the beginning of the incident in october 2023. The ty government would like to offer as deepest condolences to the families of the deceased are still ahead on all the data. Not easy, common New Caledonia, following one of the most violent outbreaks of unrest and search a years uninstalled face off with a twist. I had a saturdays historic, heavyweight title fights the had that lets have a look at you where the full cost across your, over the next few days, and theres more heavy rain to come across central parts of europe. Now weve already seen flooding across the northern parts of italy. The rain is still there. Weve got amber alerts out on friday, but the west of the weather has shifted its way further north. We got a heavy rain coming into the west and pots of germany. So red warnings, stretching from cologne down to the border with switzerland and the remains of shower, re picture behind that western parts of europe windy as well for Western Areas of front. Some heavier rain moving into Northern Spain and portugal. But to the northwest, well still see some sunny spells from what to weather, moving into southern parts of england on saturday, however, but it is a story of settled and sunny weather across scandinavia attempt just sitting very high for no way to sweden as well with the risk of forest fires, thanks to the very dry and settled conditions, the weather intensifies for germany and poland. Still temperatures sitting very high here and temperatures will be coming up for that. Se corner thanks is a very hot southerly winds, blowing up from the north of africa, will see sunshine with settled conditions in athens. The, [000 00 00;00] the, the latest news as it breaks this years march is the message, not just for the current government, but also for the incoming ones that theyre not going away until they know what happened to their loved ones with detailed coverage, millions of pharma, now how rich thing that wed crop by day, whether they may not get that good right because the management of weight import from around the world surprises rose sharply. Yeah. Inside when neighboring nigeria restricted as of the georgia and ill just need a reminder of our top story is this. Israel has again rejected accusations is coming on genocide in gaza at the International Court of justice. But lawyer state has the rights to move ahead with a full scale attack on the Southern City of an offer to defend itself against comes the us says the 1st the trucks carrying humanitarian aid of entered gaza via temporarily peer, but a groups of reiterates of atlantis causing us to bring in more a much faster. Ill just get the senior political analyst. My one of the sean is joining us now in the studio. One of the fundamental elements of the case that these early representatives were putting forward this morning was the degree to which the israel was upon the suppliers. You monetary and aid into guys. One of them described it as a flood. Yes. You know, its uh in it and i kind of see it sort of the absurd. This would be some very funny. I mean its actually a comical but then its tragic. If i had the chance to capture that moment in 3 minutes, i would put it in my office for to turn it to. This is what media is, is made for in order to capture those moments expose them for what they are. The lies of power, right . And thats why power needs to be questioned all the time. You had these to kind of, you know, a grim characters appearing in the International Court of justice as making a defense, this defense indefensible of his read and making such claims that every body in the world knows to be false. Everybody of the one, why do i say everybody in the world . Because even is as all lice think its false. Otherwise, why would the americans build a floating port of the guys that cost if is that is flooding the guys that would a why would the the wife of former senator mccain republic concerning a great friend of his right. She is a good with this, but shes not the director or the head of the world food program. Why would she talk about 5000000. 00 guys . Why would they be able to talk about time . And guys, im talking about is ones friends in europe, germany, france has also so, so basically everyone knows we just heard from the you and your wonder portfolio. That is right is closing in on and on. Gotcha is right. Is, is blocking it from reaching does, the americans have believed it was that they didnt have government to allow it to go. So despite all the tests, though, despite all the images, despite all the reporting of all the facts, all the u. N. Documents still you would have, and its really been a crack right. Come out and say, ive seen loving god. So it is worth mentioning that when she came to the end of her, her presentation, it was a woman in the gallery who shouted a liar, which point the finger was caught. So even in the d, i. C. J itself. There were members of the public who and just not being convinced by what was being said. But these things are very often fairly dry, fairly, as you say, bureaucratic, in their approach. Weve seen a different approach from israel at the United Nations talk to us through what uses the different, different ways that is, are the representing itself in the International Court of justice compared to the united nation. So this is the thing, right . I mean, if i could use any kind of a analysis or metaphor, it would be that was the surface, right . Thing. Not the admissions, but these, ready and by the, during his acrobatics. Oh, abductions hotspot like aquatics. And at the i c. J. It was more of the see if the officer just lie after lie after lie after lie, just, you know, see theres of lies that easily debunk, easily contradicted these are they all good again so, so hot not convincing that it is interesting though that these really and best of the i think the measurements khaki. These really that addition by c j is corey khaki versus cory. Why . Why are they coy here and khaki there . I think because the i see g matters. Not because i see just going to liberate palestine or in the water and gaza or a force i cease fire on is read because you can do whatever you might do at the United Nations. And basically the end of the day, there is america, and it can block any action a t i, c, j. So, but the moral ends that illegals standing. And if the i c j does think the positions that there needs to be provisional steps that goes there and that is where as possibly again, getting genocide is right, cannot was done. But the same quickly. Thats why the, as you see is also important. Because once you start quoting those general nothing, you know criminals, this is what not go away. Follow bush auto. Thank you very much indeed. On the status of gathers and she liked his capital, colombo and a show of solidarity for palestinians and the besieged guys and strip folks as soon as the demanding an end to israels. While im going to go live to middle fernandez, presides the demonstration, i think has a world away from guys. What are people telling you they are, but why theyre processing of the absolutely, i didnt. Right now youve had the the demo and straight to raving the main head in colombo and marching on a former public pop towards the us embassy and colombo. And they had several issues that they were raising their voices against one. They wanted the genocide as they called it, to stop and have a sign in gaza. They wanted to call on the United States to stop weapons Sales Manager corporation with these rail as well as for that country to use its good offices and relationship with israel to judge a see saw in the the siege of a sort of gaza area to avoid the for the blood said, i mean for the people of sri lanka who have seen 1st hand the cost of war having sort of voted for over. 5 25 years. Whats happening in gaza is very sort of a close to what they went through many years ago. In fact, todays the 15th that diversity since that point that. But the thing is people, human life needs to protect, be protected, and hes really messed up using excuses to try and eliminate the policy and then people. But now thank you very much indeed, thats my know fernandez talking to us. Im showing the manual talk, even ne and ukraine says the cities under miss ayla attack as rushing run forces make janitorial games nearby lead trinity military says the rush has expanded its front lines for nearly 70 kilometers. With a new push from the north president brought to me as the landscape visited injured troops to boost morale. It says the situation is extremely difficult. A john home and reports from coffee. So its been a tough few days for the soldiers. The ukraine president below them is a lensky lumber. Juggling. I want to thank you for all you do. Thank you for your degree. What hell do. Hes visiting the hockey region. In ne ukraine, after rushing cross border offensive took about 200 square kilometers of territory. Ukraines own sources say big now slowed. Its about like they still fighting in the biggest town in the border area, both chance the boy, the situation extremely difficult. The enemy is taking positions on the streets of the town of, of 10th. Another russian push just west is about 7 kilometers in some of these up push carries. A few moments is more than brushing. Artillery will be able to show the northern outskirts of here, how to keep ukraine 2nd largest city and home to more than a 1000000 people. Its already being attacked frequently from yeah. Weve russia using especially guided phones. Theyve wings in a g p, a system and release from boma is come in trouble. More than a 100 kilometers to the target. The heating the front line to say step on please just come off it for a brief and a smoke. In the assume a region, we had a situation where more than 100 guided bombs flew into one of the settlements. In 3 days. They use them all over the place wherever they can. They have unlimited reserves to fight to jets, which could stop the bombs who carry them along with many of the other weapons promised by ukraines allies have yet to arrive. Although some of us alms from a 61000000000. 00 us military, a package on now coming in. I mean, well, this country likes troops away from ray, this latest incursion with also, i mean, its down tomorrow, feeling home. And i would just say to try to keep russian president Vladimir Putin is in china, where hes dropping off a 2 day visit to discuss what chinese president changing thing cause i know limits partnership, speaking in the northeastern city of honda and on friday, president bruton has called for the countrys economic relationship to be enhanced is also directly address developments in ukraine, saying his troops and coffee are not trying to take control of the city, but rather establish a so called buffer zone, so that you cream can strike russian territory. I say more of is a russian specialist, an associate professor of National Security and strategic studies coating university in perf. Surely it says the absence of a formal alliance between china and russia shows how limited their so called limitless relationship really is. And the limits of the 2 countries dont have a 4 dollar license agreement. To me thats a very clear sign that there are limitations to what seems to be limitless relationship. And that can be explained by the fact that neither side is bred bed festival, unconditionally comments and so forth, you know, each other with regards to particularly issues, whether its your brain for russia and spend the with nathan United States or assault chatting. This is Bridget Mathis or for china, and then the 5 on the issue. Other than that of the 2 countries seem to have reached the space of the status when they can be described as mia lions. Theyre almost there, but theyre not. They. Yes. So thats the principle limitation by electrical trade, which benefits both parties because china right now has accessed the rushes market, which was abandoned by the Wisdom Company is Asian Companies and, and the chinese like feeling in the gifts, bridge it pretty quickly. On the other hand, russia benefits from accessing chinas henry marketing, the rushes rush, i think we culturally express the china a full man. And so basically the experts of image, it results so they try and use provide rush that we keep, the kids acknowledges capabilities. The russians also provide training time was on capabilities, specifically in the security on defense b, answer me. And thats really the area where we would see continues some expansion and different, you know, the relationship that the area that i would then defy is based got the race on with the 2 countries agreed to join the hands in one exploration as well as joint ventures. With regards to or be those Space Exploration and so on. And so for a hundreds more french troops arrived in this overseas territory of New Caledonia to try the n days of unrest. Searching of emergencies in place for 12 days off to protest against controversial changes to local elections turned violent New Caledonia as an island territory that lies between australia and fiji. And was calling the ice by the french in the late 19th century. When hey, ripples daytime is but cleaning up the wreckage from the night before and nighttime curfew is in place in New Caledonia. But the protests continue. The cost of the economic damage increases by the day estimated to be at least 200000000. 00 so far. Many supermarkets have been burned, looted, leaving long queues for basic supplies. The french government has sent food and medicine along with hundreds of police offices. This interest from you has cut down the situation there remains very tense with looting brian suppliers and a soldier that obviously intolerable and unspeakable. I would remind you that to joan dom is have dieting as on dom or shelf in the head yesterday. Another issue on dom died today as a result of a weapon mishandling in by the caledonia is a french territory, but as always had strong Pro Independence groups lead by the indigenous come back, they believe, or propose new law a to allow more french nationals to take part in local elections is about colonize ation and will weaken their voices. This week, the French Parliament voted in favor of the change, which still needs to be ratified by congress bill. So just specifically, we are losing connect specificities that we have had over this island for the past 3000 years. We welcome people who with open arms and now voices being drowned out. The french government believes the violence is being fueled by support from as a, by sean tension between paris and bought through has increased in recent years. Following francis support for a medium and a territorial dispute. The other by johnnie government has rejected the allegations. But last year it invited representatives from french territories including New Caledonia, to box. The result was the formation of the bach who initiative group, which supports antique colonialist movements. Wayne, hey, al jazeera view and human rights to the size. Hes horrified by escalating bond instead of a sudden the city of l fossa, any of those weak vocal to countertops that come under some the roof and support forces and facilities. Armed forces is warning of an imminent risk of famine and to monetary and disaster. If the cities attacked at the same time, 8 agencies in chad are bracing for a new wave of refugees from so done. The countries already hosting more than 400000. So these refugees from the previous stuff or crisis shopping, pushing off food and fuel prices. Because like it has been going on for more than a year and the u. N says is created, the Worlds Largest displacement crisis of about 9000000 people. Authorities in chat expect the number of sit in these refugees coming in to rise by about a quarter of a 1000000 to more than 900 fighters. And by december, about half a 1000000 cities of also fled to egypt. And the a 140000. 00 have gone to size to die. And then more than 23000 to the Central African republic or more than 14000 people have been killed since the conflict began in mid april last year. So we, how is the un deputies, humanitarian coordinator for saddam . Hes joining us now live from nairobi. Thank you very much. Indeed for being with us for us to estimates, say that there are tremendous numbers of people about 900000 refugees arriving in child by december. I know the agencies are struggling to provide as humanitarian support already. If things dont change, how bad can they get as well . Let me just rebecca over to let me just um, direct your loss reports or, i mean they will 400000 refugees in chat before the conflict in. So dawn broke out last april. Thatd be more than 500000. 00 that have come across the board. Opposed to these rapids and chat in a written on these some of the points of the, the outbreak of finding last april. So child is already hosting more than 900000. 00 refugees and posts committed to read. So entities and it is possible. Ready that that number could grow significantly if indeed biting intensifies in the city of al vasta. I think the data for, i mean i couldnt tell you the units yall and in chat report, sometimes more than 1000 refugees. New refugees crossing the border from dark floor to chad every day. And when they are off, why are they crossing the border . They are saying primarily because they dont have food to survive. Remaining inside of the, for the conflict in our fax, it gets worse. We will be saying, i know that exponential rise and refugees crossing the border ins just now we mentioned before that vocal chuck had since spoken to the leaders of both sides and in the conflict. Is there any just historical indication that either side might listen . I mean, there had been a number of the outreaches so from see that you wanted visuals in other us country representatives had been reaching out to both sides in recent days in florida on baltimore in bodies to start a fighting to deescalate and to protect civilians in a box, you know, of so many responses so far, although we are, we remain who we have to remain hopeful, ask you monetary and thats besides will start to listen to a reason to logic and to step back from a terrible humanitarian crisis that is already evicting l fashion and come get me much, much, much less if the fighting continues. In the meantime, of course, agencies like yours are, are left to try to, to support the people who have been leaving. Sudan, and of course the people who are already in places like chat and weve mentioned egypt as well, but i understand the only about 12 percent of the funds are sold for sedan have actually being reached. How do you convince donors to, to bring in more cash when youre clearly so desperately needed . The right. I mean, youre aware of the power is donuts on friends that took place a several weeks ago. And during that done as a pledge, another 2000000000. 00 bill, 2400000000. 00. Why dont we only require is that those that funding to be dispersed quickly . But one of the big reasons why dont is, are reluctant to disperse additional funding is because our lack of access. We as humanitarians not to have access for all the Dogwood Forest line operations, bringing a into doc for and core to fall on. And how that come fix affected areas of saddam and we need access from chad across the board of each of those same areas. And as of now, i have to say a combination of biking and security and bureaucratic impediments on us by visiting these governments. All mostly affecting the amount of a we can get into the conflict affected areas and we are holding on both parties to ensure that you monitor and act as possible, regular and systematic access to the the, the areas with vulnerable populations. I asked us to write to the started hard by things could get if nothing actually changes and you were talking about the scale of it. The scale of it isnt incredibly difficult to get ones head around. But just briefly talk to us about the kind of conditions that people are living and when they were both within a sit down within the pricing, the more zones within saddam. But also of course, in the, in the places in shot and elsewhere in egypt that were there trying to get some sort of help. A lot i was talking to i speak to people in know, flash up the capital of the to every day. And the yesterday i spoke to a couple of a couple of people who said that the situation was like l o. When they couldnt use their lives as any day, there is active. One way of going on, often or attacks by the Rapid Support forces, about minutes by the cities and forces that are leading to the message you displacements, internally within the city. And people are trying to flee a problem. And so you need to get out to say for areas, but a finding that very, very hard to do because of tronic and security in the countryside surroundings. So no, wow. In any way, any other reason about sasha is say were also getting a more and more reports of people who are in tronic food in security, in other parts of data for many of the high dp camps. And indeed, refugee camps inside thoughtful space and really bad levels of food insecurity. We have strong indications of pockets assignment in some of the, of the, all of these areas and in the past and jazz, but again, you mentioned 12 percent are funding for a subsidy. I believe the funding in jobs is, is, is less than that, so do you monitor and agencies are struggling to get sufficient they in so those refugee camps to support those people who have already throughout the country. Tell me how the road we appreciate it. Thank you very much indeed for your time. Its time for the sports and heres andre. Thank you so much for help. Well, football is well governing body fee for has delayed making a decision on whether or not. So brand is ro, from International Much is the palestinian football association, made the proposal, its a fee for meeting and tylen. It says israel should be sentient for breaking numerous fee for roles, including having teams based and supplements in the occupied westbank office of president john infancy now has ordered a legal review of the issue and says a judgement will be made before the end of july. As i ask you to stand on the light side of your study and both know that self funding of millions, including thousands, are full. Let us in as much if not know, then when an extraordinary fee for council it becomes, needs take place before the 20th of july of this year. So in the next 2 months, to review the results of the legal assessment and to take the decisions that are appropriate. The correspondent tony chang has been following that story for us of the faith of congress and bank. This is being a slightly muted atmosphere here. Its fee for 70. 00 full annual congress and the tide capital bank of officer and impassioned plea from the president of the palestinian football authority. Israel be banned from faith in his address to the congress. He said, palestine is purple. Family had suffered greatly over the last 6 months. He talked about the football is being killed. The facts, it is really clubs of inc setup in the occupied territories. And the fact that the 2 stadiums had been used to house and humiliate palestinian prisoners in the defense is really delegation stood up saying it was a deep injustice because they were having to fight for that place and the game. And he says that these issues with nothing to do with pizza or foot 2 delegation stood up after those addresses. And suppose that the palestinian delegation know to be the joe daniel, who said there was a preston here. And that south africa and russia had both been banned from the game. And the history would be watching the 1st response. But the president of the 1st stood up and addressing the congress that thieves were terribly complicated issues the thief a needed to engage legal council, who would speak to both sides results to be announced by the 20th of july 20 trying to 0. Bank of will see fit did managed to make a decision on the host nation of the next womens world cup. And the winner is events. Hes heading to south america for the very 1st time presented, facing a joint bid from belgium, the netherlands in germany, papers member associations, bar team. 19 seem to 70 eights in favor of presented. A country has previously hosted the mens woke up in 1950 and 2014 grey fanning for us to see such a most likely would have the 1st one there we lose what coffee for you and supplemented a we are proud of that and im sure that its sort of in some is going to expire, lots of deals to, to keep improving as on the short flight has a lot filling up. So you heading into the day to have goals. Page a championship. The american broke the tournament record on thursday with a round of 62. Shell fight us just giving him a 3 shortly. I can pick. Ill take a 62 and any major uh, any day. You know, as spurts of, you know, moments and time are you feel like you can control the ball really while youre seeing degrees really while youre shipping really well that over a prolonged period is tough to, to upkeep, you know, high performance. But yeah, id say its its, its very close to it. If not, thats not. Well, let me say roy mcroy also had a good day. He finished up full shots back on 5 on the ball in oven archman house full with the valhalla coast mcroy. While his falls and the last that made you today at this venue, back in 2014, i thought i got a lot out of my game today. Um, you know, some good up and dines, you know, the chip and on 6 uh, you know, i had a little bit of a scrap the partner on the turn there. But you know, overall really happy with. Uh, not really happy with high play, but uh at least help you with the score. Short of the day that you belong to. Well, number one, scott t scheffler. This is approach to the 1st green one bounce straight into the home before play some full of shit. Place the raining message champion now, so it isnt the 1st one to win this for im the traditional slice off ahead of the heavy white fight between tyson ferry on sunday. As it came with the twist fury refused to look is rivaling the like the when it will be crowned the divisions 1st undisputed champion, the century boats met on the fated going into the fights on stocks. I want to talk to 2nd for time and open challenge. You make the most about it, mark you to all the problems are troubled over to support me because i know its those times on the moment. So all right, that as high school is looking at a thank you very much indeed to us or who is going to here in a couple of minutes with more on all the stories. Im roll, madison. Dont forget the website. Ill just see the dog come, stay with us on august the a full step of the homes and now hiding from the heat and the group of displaced people sit in the shade. This is the 3rd time theyve had to flee that village close to the town of coker and they hadnt even arrived. Itll be late before they start telling us. Its especially hard for the children. Most schools being close since the q 3 years ago and constantly moving is the plan set 24 hours a day as a constant bodies in the sky. Thats what the fight to say is why 12, its a supposed to play. Its of the looking for targets fronts, hillary, but also capable of jumping down on other basic Services Like health care scares to the clinic. A small truck arrives inside my pen a in labor and moaning in pain. The sound everyone has been hoping to hit smiles and really for the family and the medical stuff. For the new arrival in a very on system well of business latex to be sponsored by interlock tuck. Hes real estate consultant, the base initial agents to be sponsored by interlock tuck. Hes real estate consultant. The there is a tragic war going on, but there is no genocide. Israel ok is this case on the un top coal west of africa as calling for israels military to lead southern garza, south africa. And it was these really representative is had cooled up to saying garza has been flooded with humanitarian aid

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