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U. S. Officials say they want to talk to him too, but they have to find him first. This is al jazeera america. Good morning, live from new york city, im Randall Pinkston in for steph. A piece of airplane debris is on its way to france today. That is where investigators are set to determine if it belongs to the Malaysian Airlines jet that disappeared 16 months ago. Charles stratford is where the fragment will be sent. What will investigatoring be looking for charles . Reporter the piece is expected to arrive tomorrow morning here at this French Ministry of defense facility, where other investigations have been held on aviation disasters before. Theres a number of things we gather they are going to be focusing on. They will be looking for evidence of what is broadly termed as data tags, anything suggesting a serial number or maintenance number to suggest previous repair works on that piece of debris. They are also going to be looking at how long the debris has been exposed to sea water. And at what depths. Theres a lot of speculation as to what the amount of barnacles on the piece of debris suggests, whether it suggests it has been floating on the ocean for a long period, or it has come up from the ocean floor. Oceanographers are saying this could have floated around 4,000 kilometers where they are focusing their efforts where it is believed the plane came down. And they are also going to look at the thickness of the metal as well. And simple things such as the patterns of rivets on the debris. It is also worthy of noting there was anotheroff ration disaster just off of reunion in 2009. A yemenian airbus went down there. So a lot of care and attention has to be made in figuring out whether in fact, this is firstly, a 777 piece of debris, and whether in fact it was part of mh370. So how is malaysia, the owner of the jet how will they be involved in the investigation . Reporter well a malaysian delegation will be traveling from malaysia to take part in this investigation. Obviously it is very important for them to be very involved in it here, and they are obviously keen not to be making the kind of statements and mistakes they have made previously. Of course, there have been announcements made since that plane disappeared, a thai satellite for example, in march last year, saw bits of debris in and around what was believed to be a crash site. That proved false. That was followed up by a french satellite that again claimed to have seen similar amounts of debris. So they dont really want to get it wrong this time. Its very important for the malaysians to make a statement that is conclusive, and basically gives a little bit of closure to the hundreds if not thousands of friends and relatives of the victims of mh370 that went down, well, in march last year. Charles stratford, thank you. Residents of the tiny island where this airplane part was found are now combing through the sands hoping to find more debris. Tania page has more. Reporter as we speak right now, that piece of wreckage is being wrapped in preparation for transportation at the airport not so far from where im standing. The identifying number on the side of it indicates that it is part of the wing, the wing flap from a boeing 777. It has barnacles on it which oceanographers say indicates it has been in the ocean for about the right length of time for it to be belong to mh370. It has caused a huge stir on the island. Lots of people are coming down today, police, helicopters, the Police Helicopter buzzing overhead, people hoping they toomey be able to find a part of this story. It has drawn many, many curious individua individuals. If it is a piece of mh370, it will be the only piece of physical evidence that would have survived that crash. Nigeria says it rescued 71 girls who were held captive by boko haram. The military says they killed several of the groups fighters in clashes overnight. Some of those were freed that were held hostage for more than a year. Its not clear if any of the girls are the schoolgirls taken captive last year. The baby killed in an attack on the west bank has been laid to rest. A funeral held for the 18monthold today. His brother and parents were also seriously injured this abbas says israel is responsible for the attack since it supports illegal settlements in the west bank. Netenyahu said there would be justice, saying this is an act of terrorism in every respect the European Union has also condemned the killing, and says it underlines the need for an enduring Peace Agreement between the palestinians and israelis. Reporter many people, not just from duma from this village but also from surrounding areas came to bury the 18monthold baby. As you said, there is a lot of shock here, i think, more than anger. Of course people are angry, but they will tell you that these kind of attacks happen all the time from settlers. So its more shock really what people will tell you here. Were in the bedroom where the horrific attack took place. Isle just get joe to give you a sense of what the scene is here, and we know that in the early hours of the morning as we heard, they they smashed the windows, through in a fire bomb and the family was all sleeping. Its a small room. They would have shared this. And we know from witnesses that one man we spoke to heard the father screaming, came just outside the house, and he said he saw two men standing above the bodies of the parents who managed to get out. They were lying on the floor. He said he saw their clothes on fire, and the two men were watching them. They saw him, moved towards him and then got away, and when he came here he said he managed to take out the 4 year old toddler, but there was an explosion and it was impossible to remove the baby. The United Nations says at least 120 attacks by Israeli Settlers have been documented in the west bank so far this year. An Israeli Human Rights Group says more than 90 of palestinian complaints to the police are never prosecuted. Police were supposed to be monitoring a gay rights parade, the man recently alluded to an attack on the parade, he served ten years for stabbing three marches during the same prayed event in 2005. The u. S. Has begun delivering eight f16 fighter jets to egypt. The delivery was made possible after washington ended us freeze on military aid in march. Turkey and the u. S. Have agreed to fight isil in a stretch of territory in northwest syria, but there is no agreement on which Syrian Opposition groups will fill the vacuum once the area is cleared. Zana hoda has more. Reporter this Turkish Military position overlooks the Syrian Border town controlled by isil. Its along the last stretch of territory isil holds along turkeys border with syria. But the armed groups presence extends further south. Turkey has reached an agreement with the u. S. To defeat isil in northwest syria, but theres no agreement on which Syrian Opposition groups they will support in the joint fight. The ypg backed by the coalition is positioned just a few kilometers behind that bridge. It says it is ready to advance towards the area, but turkey does not consider them as partners. The u. S. , however, backs the ypg with air strikes. This allowed the group to control more than half of syrias border with turkey. Turkey is curved the kurds plan to carve out their own state in the area, and that is why it made clear the decision to allow u. S. Jets to take off from its territory, does not involve helping what it calls a terrorist organization. Translator this has already been brought to the attention of the united states. Giving air support to the ypg is not one of the elements of our agreement with the u. S. Reporter it is no clear who will then replace isil in northwest syria. This man could be the answer. He heads the opposition syrian army. He says they are cooperating with turkey so they can recapture their villages and return home. Translator we are not just fighting isil, but the ypg as well. The ypg changed the demography, and we believe they will do the same in other areas. The region should be under fsa forces who are mainly turkmen, who are from the area. Reporter there is a powerful Opposition Alliance in aleb poe, but it includes the alqaedalinked alnusra front. The coalition will not work with them. Months later, fewer than 60 men are in the program because of strict vetting requirements by washington, and while there is a deal to take on isil, there is still uncertainty surrounding the operation. Zana hoda, al jazeera, turkey. Zimbabwe is calling for the american dentist who killed cecil the lion to be extradited. The wildlife minister says he wants him tried in zimbabwe. Palmer admits killing cecil, but said he relied on his guides that the hunt was legal. The u. S. Fish and Wildlife Service have been trying to find palmer, but have not been able to reach him. A man struck a barricade near the white house this morning. The driver whos name has not been released was taken into custody. Capitol police found no Hazardous Materials inside the car. Protecting the military, what the pentagon is doing to keep Service Members safe and prevent another shooting like the one in chattanooga. Welcome back to al jazeera america. It is 10 45 eastern time, taking a look now at todays top stories. Some Prison Inmates will be eligible to get federal pell grants for college while they are behind bars. Its part of a new Pilot Program announced this hour. Officials say the program would not take away funding from other pelleligible students. Ohio State University is pledging to get rid of its unofficial marching band song that made fun of jews and holocaust victims. The marching band director was fired last year over other issues in the band. He filed a lawsuit claiming his reputation was unfairly damaged and Atlanta Police are looking for two white men caught placing confederate flags near the church where Martin Luther king was copaster with his father. The pentagon is moving closer to arming troops at thousands of military facilities in the united states. This comes in the wake of an attack on a recruiting station and reserve facility in cat knew ga, tennessee, earlier this month. Five Service Members were killed. James macintyre has more from the pentagon. Reporter defense secretary Ash Carter Says the july 16th attacks in chattanooga illustrate a continuing threat to military personnel in the united states, posed by what he called home grown violent extremists. He ordered top officials and military officers to come up with an action plan to significantly upgrade security particularly at offinstallation facilities, such as the tennessee recruiting station. In his just issued memo, carter directs the commanders to the pentagon Spokesman Says carter wants the services to tell him if the idea of arming more troops on desk duty is a good idea. Looking at arming personnel doesnt mean that thats what the services will decide. But it does tell them that they have the existing authority to do that. Reporter the pentagon says there are more than 7,000 u. S. Military facilities not on bases or other areas where restrictions on access provide a basic first line of offense. Those include recruiting stations, rotc units and reserve centers. But here is what the pentagon does not want, wellmeaning private citizens to show up outside of military facilities with gun to protect the unarmed military work force. The press secretary peter cook issued a Statement Last week saying one big problem with the Citizen Protection force, its not always clear when someone approaches a military facility with a gun if they are a friend or foe. The army may miss its recruiting goal this year. It is nearly 14 short of the recruits it needs to fill its ranks. This is the first time that has happened in six years. The top army person for recruiting says the economy makes it difficult to attract young men and women. An oil train on fire a scene we have seen before. Jacob ward shows us how firefighters are preparing. Reporter across america, firefighters like these are trying to figure out how they are going to deal with big terrible fires like this. This is a derailment. 43 cars came off of the tracks at a high rate of speed. Right now six cars are in danger of exploding. And these firefighters are trying to deal with it. This is not a real fire its real in the sense i can feel the heat on my back, but its a training facility. They use it to train firefighters to deal with the new reality of america as an oil economic. This country is aiming to become the largest producer of oil by 2020 because of Tar Sands Oil and the bakken fields. They are bringing oil from all over the country by a rail, and that creates incredible danger. Your typical firefighter does not know how to deal with this. You cant go in and just aim water at an oil fire. You have to use a hightech knowledge foam which is very hard to come by. Your average Rural Fire Department is not going to have that. Instead you are to use these the way firefighters are using them now. You have to essentially cool down the tanks. They are trying to cool it down and they are using new techniques with the foam like banking it off of the cars behind me. Or using a bank shot off of the ground to create almost a carpet of foam. If you aim foam right at the fire, you have spread it everywhere. Thats the worst thing you can do. The dangers of this are very, very real and very, very new. Later tonight well be exploring the new dangers, the new technology, and the implications of americas oil economy, what it means for fire across america. You can see jake ward full report at 8 00 pm eastern. Hundreds of people north of San Francisco were forced to evacuate because of a wildfire spreading quickly. There are at least 14 large fires in california right now. The ongoing drought and tripledigit temperatures are exacerbating the fire danger. There is a glimmer of good news for californias drought. Officials say residents are doing their part to save water. Usage plummeted 27 in june. Officials will now target communities that are not saving water. The Olympic Committee makes its choice for the 2022 winter games. It came down to china versus kazakhstan. And a Baseball Card that is older than the civil war goes up for auction. Well take a look at its amazing history. Comedian mo amer. Are we filming a short . Are we filming a short . The international Olympic Committee made history this morning with its choice of the 2022 winter games. Beijing. Beijing becomes the first city to host both the winter and summer olympics. It was chose over the city of almaty in kazakhstan. Rob mcbride reports. Reporter widespread satisfaction throughout china. Around beijing there will be jubilation. When it was first announced that beijing was serious about bidding for the olympics, it was treated with some disdain in some quarters, but as time as gone on and other more natural contenders have developed by the wayside, there has been a growing realization of just how serious china has been about wanting these games. Theres also a growing sense of the political will it has, and the resources it can put in place to guarantee that all of the facilities will be built and the snowmaking infrastructure that will be needed to guarantee there will be enough snow for the event to take place. Human Rights Groups had tried to prevent this decision, arguing that the human rights record in china has gotten worse in recent years and china has not upheld the olympic principals that it signed its up for in 2008 when it won the summer olympics. But as far as the committee is concerned was the more persuasive argument of their commitment to stage the games. The person behind the winning bid for the oldestknown Baseball Card remains a mystery this morning, but they paid a pretty penny for it. It sold for just over 179,000. It dates back to the time of the civil war. John terrett met the woman who sold the card. Someone on that side, the fox, family, i think, had big ears, so my brother and i were trying to guess which one it could be. Reporter were looking at ears on this ancient Baseball Card. Were trying to work out which one is archibald, a relative of florences. Look for the big ears, right . Right. That could be him. Yeah. He has got big ears. Reporter this cashed card was given to her by her mom. It has been in their family for 125 years. She kept it in my grandfathers antique dresser. Reporter florences mom loved he game and would tell her stories about ancestors who played, like uncle archibald. To have something come out of the woodwork so to speak, something we didnt even know existed was treejsly exciting. Reporter florence discovered the card was so valuable when she took it to a geology class. We were reading it, and it said library of congress, its worth 50 to 500,000, and its very rare. Reporter very rare indeed. This card was you know, was created before the first drop of blood was shed in the civil war. Its very interesting, and a seminal piece of baseball and american history. Reporter the atlantics played bare handed without gloves and were champions. This modernday team attempts to revive their spirit every year. Florence is hoping the card rakes in enough for her to live debt free for the first time in her life. Ill be 75 october 14th. It takes a brick wall off of your back, actually. I can do what i want. Reporter her only regret is that her father, mildred, a mets fan is no longer here to see the sale of the card, but she kept pushing before she died even from her sick bed. I would put her in bed, and i would give her a kiss, and she would say thing you for taking care of me. And then she would go did we get the money yet . [ laughter ] also sold at the auction, a 1984 summer olympic torch, carried by then bruce jenner. It is a first major piece of jenner memorabilia to go up for auction, since the olympic athlete became kaitlin earlier this year. It was bought by an anonymous collector. Thats it for us. Thanks for watching. The news continues next live from doha. And for the latest headlines go to our website at aljazeera. Com. Announcer this is al jazeera. Hello there and welcome to the news hour, live from al jazeeras headquarters in doha, im shiulie ghosh. Coming up in the program. Funeral for an 18monthold palestinian baby burnt to death after an arson attack. The israeli Prime Minister calls it an act of terrorism. Malaysia confirms the plane wreckage found on reunion island is from a boeing 777

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