Life and meet the sisters who gave up a piece of themselves to save their father. Iran nuclear deal with wars in syria and yemen and the complicated relationship between the United States and the middle east all on the table at a highlevel meeting here in doha. We have the leaders of the gulf cooperation council, long time allies of the United States and rivals with iran. Saudi arabia is leading the coalition against Houthi Rebels in yemen. United states and secretary of state john kerry architect of the Iran Nuclear Deal and Sergei Fedorov one of irans closest allies and russia is a defender of russia president assad and here at the meeting in doha and important topics and what do you hear about what is suspected and fears of the g. C. C. . Crucial gathering indeed jane, the americans are not trying to sell the Irans Nuclear deal to the g. C. C. Saying this is something that is going to curb Irans Nuclear ambitions and lead to prosperity in the region but they are very skeptical and say this is something that could pave the way for iran to further expand in the region. When you look at the map and this is a way that g. C. C. Officials look at reality and say this is a shifting Political Landscape with irans ally expanding in yemen, in iraq and syria and different parts of the world and they are pretty much concerned and say they would like to put an end to that. The only way to do that is to get strong guarantees the americans are going to step in and provide the region with substantial military aid of greater Defense System of the gulf countries and also be there politically to enhance the region. And its going to take some time for the g. C. C. To convince the americans that there needs to be or things need to be done in a different way to maintain the strategic interest of the gulf countries. You are talking about g. C. C. Which is a gathering of predominately sunni countries concerned bt a what they see as a threat by iran and its allies. The players who are there, key players, does this suggest that they will be looking for more political than possibly military solution to most of these problems . This is definitely the center and that the only way out of the conflicts in yemen, in syria should be diplomatic and for the first time you have heavy weights like the russians, the american talking to the g. C. C. The gulf countries have been backing the antiassad forces in syria and have been backing prohadi forces in yemen. On the other hand russia has been backing them and forces loyal to assad and no one is making significant gains on the ground and what we have in doha has been more crucial because for the first time you have a saudis and qatar and the americans and the russians talking about an alternative which could be political settlements instead of providing significant military access to their own allies in the region and the general sentiment is with long running conflicts of the region i. S. I. L. Sees this expanding in parts of the gulf region and this is something that Everyone Wants to come to an end. Reporter lets leave it there and come back to you when there are more people in those seats. As you can see people are Milling Around but clearly an important meeting underway here in doha. Controversial politicians due in court on monday and already has a hate speech conviction and,000 faces charges of racketeering fraud, corruption and Money Laundering. And we are outside the court. What happened . Well jane it was to begin with a very slow start to the day only to have this matter postponed at the high court here as one of the coaccused in the corruption trial was in prison in court and apparently taken ill and that was last week. Defense presented a medical certificate to the court saying he would not be available for three weeks and following the adjournment he addressed supporters who congregated just outside the court explaining that he wants his day in court. He wants the National Prosecuting authority there to separate charges to allow his trial specifically to go ahead and indeed these are very serious charges. And he has of course indicated to appreciate the supporters seen here but he also wants them to return to work and not be at the court, very much coming across as a martyr saying he will face these charges alone and he is here to clear his name. Now of course we must remember that he was the president of the Anc Youth League and it was only after his expulsion from the anc and the formation of his party the eff that he then faced these charges. He of course calling it a persecution while the National Prosecuting authority says the charges against him are valid. We want the president to answer a simple question when is he paying the money . Translator in resent months Opposition Party leader julius has been at the forefront for calls for south africas president jacob zuma to address corruption stemming from the 24 million refurbishment from his private residence paid for by taxpayers but this week he goes to court to face the music. He along with two others was charged with over 50 counts including corruption fraud, Money Laundering and racketeering. Its alleged that he had criminal business ties with coaccused and he is working on family trust and was an indirect shareholder in a company that netted a government payment with more than 4. The money was postponed last year on three occasions because of the Legal Defense of the accused to make their presentations to the national persecution and they were unsuccessful. Reporter its here at the high court in his hometown where his trial resumes. Just before being charged with corruption he who was president of the youth wing of the Ruling African National congress was expelled and then formed the Economic Freedom fighters the party came in third in last Years National elections giving him and 24 others from his party seats in parliament. Should he be found guilty he stands to lose that parliamentary seat and faces serious jail time or state fine. I believe that he will appeal the ruling if that is the outcome of this case. Either way we are set for a scenario in south africa where despite what the ruling party and other Political Parties might hope he will not disappear from the Political Landscape. Reporter the Party Faithful has been vocal at Previous Court appearance demanding charges be dropped and its expected this time around will be no different. Al jazeera. We have an editor in south africa and is live from johannesburg and nice to hear what you think is going on in the court and is he right . Well that is the victim card he has been playing for quite sometime and its a card his party has been playing that these charges have been politically trumped and its a card he played before power. Very successfully and he was facing corruption charges before and faced other charges as well and played the victim card a lot. The charges against him date back before this before the formation of this when you are still in the youth league and investigation that was done by the media but the formal charges, the formal investigation by the Law Enforcement agencies began after the formation of the eff so which actually gaves gives him the ability to say this is a politically trumped up charge and you saw in court today we had thousands of thousands of people outside there coming to support him and supporting him on that basis that he is being victimized because he is there to stand up to the anc and there to stand up to the president zuma and. Sure how important is it then for anc what is going on at the moment . He has taken away so many supporters from them, hasnt he . Wonder if he does get taken down by this where this leaves the eff. Its very fundamental and since the eff came into parliament or former politics in may last year they came into formal politics six months as a party and managed to get 6 of the vote with little in terms of resources which is impressive and grown and seen as a threat and a party to reduce them below 60 into 16 and even below. And that has been very much due to the charisma and the power here and he is powerful and charismatic and great audit and people believe in him and has ground beyond the ranks of the marginalized and people in the middle class and even a lot of white people actually are now beginning to empathize with them and he does not speak the message and he is standing up to the political party. Very important. Excuse me again, is what is happening in south africa politically being seen as something that is vibrant and exciting and important or more a crisis when it comes to politics and possibly a crisis of confidence in the country itself . Well, what happened in the past year since the eff came into parliament they revitalize politics and it was formal and the anc could get its way and has vie vibrance to it and it made parliament a vibrant place and chaotic place and do not listen to the speaker when the speaker says sit down. They are not willing to play by their rules. The very state was parliament is lewis used to playing but in terms of politics it has actually reduced the power of a very Strong Majority of anc and style of anc of writing corruption over other Political Parties because it could be just because the main Opposition Party came into being on the d. A. Was predominately white party at the time. Thank you very much for sharing your experience with us. Soldiers in Northern Nigeria rescued 178 people held by boko haram fighters and more than half of them children and they were found south in the largest city in borno state and boko haram commander was captured in the army raid and we have more from abuja. Reporter 101 children 67 women and 10 men freed when they launched operation on the axis liberating about eight villages and destroying camps in the areas and said it captured a very Senior Commander of boko haram. Now this is all coming at a time when the military is recording success over boko haram fighters. Two weeks ago the Nigerian Army announced it has finally chased out boko haram in all territories and convining them to the main base in the northeast of nigeria and the joint Task Force Troops from nigeria including the republic are also launching coordinated attacks on the front to corner boko haram in one particular location to launch a final onslaught and this is not effected by boko haram directly but also contributing its troops to fight the legacy in the north of nigeria and other parts of the maybe er neighboring countries and it cease it as a threat and also a regional threat. As we speak a major offensive under the way from the task force to chase out boko haram and the groups is very much in the play as this is contrary to what was there before during the previous administration. Quick update you on g. C. C. Meeting in doha secretary of state john kerry has just sat down. You can see him there pulling up his chair. When we get more details about what has come out we will let you know but he is there to allay concerns over iran. The channel tunnel linking france with england is the focal point for undocumented migrants getting in the uk and were there after escaping poverty in war in the middle east and north africa. New fences and infrared are at the rail terminal just outside of cali and blocked migrants again trying to storm the terminal and have attempts to stop people boarding trucks and trains. The makeshift camp here is known as the jungle and its home to about 3,000 men, women and children and this is what the migrants want to escape the Living Conditions are dire with lack of food shelter and basic services and Charles Stratford is there. While european politicians continue to argue how to deal with the crisis the conditions in this camp are utterly atrocious and people coming all the time and people are afraid to go on camera and do not want to be identified but when you ask them why its important to get to uk they talk about perception of immigration policy in uk is easier and the jobs are better and want to be part of an english language the englishspeaking culture. They also say they will continue despite the risks to try and jump some of these fences get in that tunnel and start what they see as being a better life. We are taking you back to doha, the foreign minister is now making an address, lets listen in. Translator that is the nuclear deal with iran with the five plus one, that should serve the stability and of the region and to deal with iran as Good Neighbors and not to interfere in the interiors affairs. Ladies and gentlemen, the middle east region its facing a big challenge and also the occupations of the israelis to palestine. And this has to be sorted, this occupation which will create stability in the middle east which is contrary to the will of the International Community and also the embargo which is in force against gaza and the blockage. Therefore, we are states to double the efforts for peace and to get rid of this occupation and according to the International Resolution for the creation of two states and this resolution did not lead us to any resort and the g. C. C. Council is unify edied for yemen and also with the peaceful populations and to a dialog in yemen which took place in may in 2015 and United Nations reservoir resolution and the population of the International Community in this issue also the Syrian Crisis and we ask the International Community to make more offers in partnership to stop the blood shedding and then get the Syrian People to ability and unity and also regarding iraq for the independence of iraq and should be no way for division in iraq and to accept all other players and tribal because the malitias could only lead to a division and also interior in which targeted some of the gulf states and which targets the civilians and innocent which need more effort and take in all the necessary procedures and steps in order to get rid of the real cause of it for stability of the whole world. And i would like to repeat and to welcome you again and hoping that our meeting will be successful successful. [applause] and i ask the members of the place to leave the room. Just to remind you what we are watching at the moment that was the foreign minister addressing the g. C. C. Meeting which is just kicked off, the u. S. Secretary of state john kerry is there. Iran top of the agenda. Taliban commanders said cracks in the relationship and the afghans new leader mansur causing divisions and this is after the groups founder had died. Lets go straight to Jennifer Glasse live in kabul and tell us about these divisions, jennifer. Reporter well jane we have been speaking to taliban commanders around the country and says that he was omars deputy and named the leader and has sent a letter to commanders saying he knows his leadership was announced quickly and asking for their support or asking if they dont pickup him who they would rather support and some commanders in the south say they support mansor as the new taliban leader and others dont and its a tense situation where a Splinter Group of taliban says they not only dont support the new leader but they will fight anyone who does support him if a political solution is not come to soon. Very serious cracks in the taliban around the country and spoken to a number of taliban commanders saying they will offer the new leader support and others saying they will not support and it has been a heavy fighting season in afghanistan so this split in the taliban makes moving forward quite uncertain. And the impact that it could have on peace talks, jennifer . That is right, the announcement came twoo days before peace talks on friday and have been put on hold indefinitely. I think the real concern for the Afghan Government who says they are committed to peace talks is they want taliban coming to the table to speak with one voice and the division in the talibon make it different for the government to know who they are negotiating with and he met with advisors and he is in germany for medical call but talking to pakistan leadership as well and he is committed to bringing together the two countries, two countries should have peace and stability. Of course the taliban leadership of omar as we understand according to the government died in pakistan and the new leader is there as well in pakistan so its not just about the Afghan Government and taliban, the Pakistan Government also involved as well so a complicated situation and hoping the peace talks will move forward and more come indicated ed complicated over where to accept its new leader. Thank you. Heavy monsoon rain caused floods and floods in east asia and thousands killed in west bangel and many states and dizzy esther in myanmar effecting 250,000 people and particular concerns for people in four western regions and Carolyn Malone has more. Reporter flood water as high as rooftops. This is the province in myanmar, one of the areas most hit by resent floods. What used to being an agriculture is a lake and pushed dams to breaking points and caused floods in the region. Translator there is too much rain here this year and the dam near here has let out water, so its flooded because of that. Reporter thousands of people have left their homes and many of them found shelter in an monistary. Translator i came here because my house is flooded, its not completely flooded but we cant stay here. Reporter 300 homes known to have been destroyed in rekine state and fears more people are cutoff from help and roads sub merges and bridges washed away. This is affecting a wide range of the country and access to assessments and get supplies in. The government has been working on preparedness because Natural Disasters are part of the life and environment here and this time around the government has reached out and is accepting and encouraging support from all humanitarian actors the u. N. And other partners. Reporter people affected in india especially those hit by flash floods in the state say they need more government support. Translator it has been three days since our homes were submerged and laying in the open and we had no help from the government and no food to eat. Reporter the same two weeks of near continuous rain has hit both countries. Myanmar is seeing some of its worst flooding in decades and many regions declared Natural Disaster zones, Carolyn Malone with al jazeera. Lets speak to richard and see if there is any let up in rain across this region. The short answer, jane, is yes, the situation should get better. I will show you on satellite image here and this is a shower cloud moving in parts of myanmar and potential of a lot more rain to come from that and i will reroute the satellite and show you the cause, an area of low pressure which is on the bay of beeningel and drifted across india and torrential rain in myanmar and you see a big circulation in parts of india and more heavy rain here but that circulation is pulling in across the bay of bengal and showers to myanmar and those are saying this is one of the worst rainfall events in myanmar in decades there is a set up that happens in june and july and most huge and get monsoons developing and moving northwest across india and myanmar sees the effects of them and it will continue over the next few days and low pressure in india will go to the west and they will see torrential rain and hopefully the flooding across myanmar will start to subside jayne. Thank you, richard and climate of change with just 18 months left in power the u. S. President unveils his plan to cut Carbon Emissions plus. Im ethiopia on the east point of the jordan river which has recently been declared a World Heritage site as a place where jesus was baptized. Coming up, find out how israel jordan and the palestinians are working together to try to save it. And how this friendly futbol match turned fiery as details come out with joe in sport. Hello again and you are watching the al jazeera news hour and here are the top stories, u. S. Secretary of state are meeting Foreign Ministers from gulf in qatar and trying to ease fears over rival iran and conflicts in yemen and syria are also being discussed. Corruption trial of one of south africas controversial politicians is being adjourned and the former youth leader of the Ruling African National congress were outside court. French Police Stopped more undocumented migrants desperate to reach english through the channel tunnel and fences and cameras and infrared detectors installed at the rail terminal just outside cali and return to the top story g. C. C. Meeting underway this doha and we are with the researcher at the study center and good to have you with us in the doha studio and what has been interesting to me is see who is there at this meeting which just got underway and the fact we have kerry there and the foreign minister Sergei Fedorov could be telling. When we talk about the middle east we are talking only about the United States leading the United States as the only super power that would like to control all the outcomes and the preferences are basically need to be protected but here we see that Sergei Fedorov is on equal footing and its very telling because they are the ones that encouraged Sergei Fedorov to come. From 20022014 saudis minimized the russians part in the economy and cancelled so many bids and contracts because of the russia opposition on syria. After mohamed visited moscow it seems to me there is a little renewed talks about saudis and russians and telling to see kerry and Sergei Fedorov are on equal footing in how to discuss the future of the region. Do you think it could have an impact on assad. It seems to me at the end of the day it will not be to change the regime but the ode of the regime and that would not be acceptable to many branches in the opposition but it will be a good beginning like iraq when they charged for abadi and that by itself smoothed a transition but as we see now the russians and americans and the gulf has to work on this. Its basically to try to force this wouldnt bring change in syria and similar to the iraqi one but more consolidated and stronger. And needs iran on the side right, to the russians as well. How real are their fears about iran at the moment . There are real fears about iran and we are talking here about priorities and psychology. The priority of the gulf is as follows, israel and much be a change and iraq must be a change. Yemen there must be also a change according to what the states see appropriate and serving their National Security interests. As well as irans concern there is a psychological issue about what iran will do next the day after it signed an agreement and the day after it goes in the agreement and would they be here for change or not. In other words were sanctions lifted or more money to fund groups which worry about that. What is more dangerous than the money here is relating what iran gets and when iran begins to venture in United States and arab gulf markets illegally and without sanctions would iran expect like they should or would they retaliate like the last 50 years, creating shallow governments in yemen or iraq in syria is unacceptable and unhelpful and will they change . That is a psychological question and the question ought to be answered by the United States now, the sponsor of the iran agreement and i believe the gulf has many to worry about. Why . Because their neighbor iran that can reach bay rain in less than an hour and united emirates and its now stronger and legitimate and has more resources and more money. What to do about all of that . I think the United States or kerry has to assure and reassure gulf countries the United States is not going to abandon the region and the United States will make sure iran will be here according to its agreement. Thank you very much interesting. The Iraqi Government declared a fourday holiday because of the scorching weather and electricity cuts prompted protests in several cities and millions struggle to keep cool. In the southeast temperatures have reached as high as 50 degrees celsius and the lack of basic services is putting heat on the government too. Translator people are out today to put an end to this craziness that has been for 14 years. They had enough. The people who we have elected are doing nothing to change our lives. Reporter Syrian Refugees in a camp in jordan have been hit by a sand storm. Hundreds in the camp needed treatment for breathing and dehydration and caused destruction in the capitol forcing some flights to be diverted to other airports. Leaders from israel palestine and jordan are trying to save the river jordan which is badly polluted and risk it will dry up and as we report its rare for the three sides to find a Common Ground on any issue. Holding hands in prayer at one of christianitys most important sites. For years pilgrims wade in the river in eastern and Western Banks to connect in this faith, the baptism of jesus christ and pal stint on this side of the river and jordan competed for tourism dollars and it designated the baptized area is where jesus is believed to have been baptist sized and a few shared by most christian churches. The fact that jesus walked here is astonishing. Reporter the jordan river also has significance for judah and some degree islam which is perhaps why there are growing concerns about the rivers deteriorating environment. The significance of the jordan river is undisputable but cannot be said for the rest of the region but in a rare show of cooperation israel jordan and the palestinians are working together to try to save it. The 251 kilometer river forms a natural border between israel and Israeli Occupied palestine and others and they had a buffer zone where the impact of pollution can water that version with surrounding countries is clear to see. After the past 50 years alone the river shrunk 90 and in a conference they signed an agreement to rehabilitate the river by 2050. We invited all the politicians and Decision Makers from the three countries and we saw there was political will. Political will talking about sections of the Jordan Valley that palestinians want as their future state. Peace building depends on these issues and that is one persons view so this would be of help for three neighboring countries using or sharing the jordan at this part from the gallery down to the sea. One river, fate and commitment from neighbors with complex relationships to preserve their shared religious history for future generations. Al jazeera on the eastern bank of the jordan river. U. S. President barack obama is unveiling a new strategy to tackle Climate Change and faces opposition in congress. Rob reynolds reports. Reporter the American West is burning, 20 wildfires have scorched large parts of california consuming houses and forcing hundreds to flee for their lives. In alaska forest fires devored 2 million hecters and western canada are engulfed in huge fires as well. Years of relentless drought have left western wood lands tinder dry and drained water reservoirs and led to emergency conserve water orders in several states. Against this back drop barack obama is unveiling a sweeping new policy to cut Greenhouse Gas emissions linked to global warning. Share this message with your friends and family. Reporter obama spoke about the need to take action in a memo to the American People posted on facebook. Climate change is not for another generation we will release the power plant, the biggest, most important step we have ever taken to combat Climate Change. Reporter key points include requiring existing power plants to cut emissions from 32 from 2005 levels by the year 2030 forcing electrical utilities to invest more heavily in Renewable Energy such as wind and solar power and give the 50 individual states a target of drawing 28 of their energy from renewables by the 2020s. Power plants spew about 40 of u. S. Greenhouse gasses. With just 18 months left in the white house obama may see a climate crack down as a key part of his legacy but the plan is sure to set off a political fire storm of its own. The Opposition Republican Party which controls congress is opposed calling the plan a job killer and abuse of president ial powers. Conservative groups in the Energy Industry plan to challenge the regulations in court. Of the 17 republicans running for president in 2016 questioned the Scientific Consensus of Global Warming is largely manmade and the plan risks losing the vote for the Democratic Hillary Clinton like ohio with large coal mining, industries. Rob reynolds l. A. Mexico is dangerous for journalists and the latest is this person found murdered in mexico city and john reports. Reporter even in death photo journalist takes his camera with him just as he did while working in the state of veracruz where he was threatened and harassed then in mexico city where he fled to. Translator its hard to do journalism or live in ceracruz and anyone who criticizes this attack and i had to leave because of violence that all journalists experience there and while i have been here they killed the 13th journalist in the state. Reporter he became 14 when he was tortured and shot in a mexico city apartment along with four other people on friday. Fellow journalists gathered in the main avenue to mourn and denounce his death. Protesters are trying to show their anger really over what happened with their colleague and there is a real sense of fear. Mexico city is men to be a safe haven for journalist in threat in parts of the country and has been shaken by what happened. They know what has happened to their colleague can happen to any of them. Mexico is the most dangerous country in latin america for journalists. Translator when they confirmed his death it made me very afraid and it was a message, them saying even if you run away we will find you and do the same thing we did to ruben. Reporter Administration May be particularly repressive but over the country its local authorities rather than localized crime that is a big danger for journalist according to a Prominent Group and especially from the government this is something we implemented for the last five years. If well for the whole country and the Northern Region to pretty much in every estate you find the case of journalists or kidnapped journalist. Reporter refuse the crimes have been solved and another on the desk they have come to fear and miss trust. John holdman. 6. Earthquake struck the province and killed thousands and made people homeless and rob mcbride reports. Reporter one year later home is still tense. Like many of her neighbors in the village she gets food handouts and money from the Chinese Government but life is still tough. Translator used to be more than 200 families living in houses here and now they are all gone and we cant afford to build a house and the government wont help us and we are afraid and couldnt afford to fix it in any case. Reporter the fear of further tremors in this earthquakeprone zone is a constant fact of life. We first met her in the aftermath of an earthquake that killed hundreds of people last year. She had lost her 79yearold mother. The memories of that day are still vivid. Translator i was outside when suddenly the trees were swaying and people were being thrown around. We moved quickly up the hill and when i looked back all the houses were gone. I was in shock and couldnt move for ten minutes. Only one road was open for relief teams and supplies coming in and for the injured and the dead coming out. At the time the local government pledged every effort would be made to rebuild. They are still promising that and telling the people to be patient. Sites have been cleared of rubble and damaged buildings but the replacements are still lacking. Translator my biggest concern is that we can build our house for my family to be happy and safe. Translator the rebuilding hasnt started yet and they want tell us what the plan is. Not a word. Translator how is it possible to get back to normal when you have suffered a disaster . Reporter the Southwest Corner of china is used to earthquakes and last years pales in comparison to the 6. 1 earthquake in 2008 which killed 70,000 people and resulted in an International Relief effort. Not on the same scale the lost here is more easily forgotten except those who went through it and now find themselves remembering the family they lost in it, rob mcbride, al jazeera. Up next riding the wave and those details coming up in sport with joe. One of the most advanced rail way lines built is taking zap and it will connect the britains capitol with the west when it opens in three years time and we have been seeing what the 200 million passengers a year can expect. Reporter it has taken 10,000 workers more than six years but now londons newest under ground train tunnels are almost ready for their rails. Cut at a depth of 40 meetings the cross rails go 21 kilometers beneath the heart of the city. Biggest challenge has been constructing this project in an area of london and then already dense infrastructure and design stage and alignments have to be decided with horizontal and vertical alignment to avoid construction with existing foundations or existing tunnels. Reporter eight laserguided tunnelling machines removed over 7 million tons of earth and the walls of the tunnels were then sealed using 200,000 concrete segments. At the same time engineers have been woushgrking on a new communications network, the first ever to control all aspects of a rail way line. This Computer Network needs to be able to handle data of more than 250 passenger information displays, more than 600 internet telephones and 1600 High Definition cameras all simultaneously. Maintenance is done quicker and ability to fix problems and safety aspects and moving away from traditional cameras to h. D. Provides more coverage for passenger safety and gets better images to the operators and provide real time information to operate this and make decisions quicker. The control network has been isolated to prevent it from being hacked. All systems are closed off and a few operator terminals that have the ability to log on like usb parts are disabled and have zero access to these areas. Reporter it will be another three years between the 23 billion line opens and still plenty to do to make it ready for expected 200 million passengers a year beneath central london. Hong kong two daughters donated parts of their liver to save their father and they use a new surgical technique. Reporter thankful to be alive the patient is surrounded by the daughters who saved his life. On their own the livers were two small but together and each donating a half they were able to give their father a new one. I was in despair because my liver was too small so my sister agreed to return from overseas. Reporter what surgeons did that was unique was joining the two halves of the liver before giving it to the patient. We are literally emplanting a whole liver into the recipients body and that saves a lot of time. Reporter a breakthrough for a team that rarely achieves medical marks with liver and donors. The family at the center of the miracle first are thankful for an operation, kaitlyn with al jazeera. Lets get the sports news now with joe and what is happening . Organization has been negligent on doping and is laughful and his response comes after new reports alleging widespread doping in the sport and told the chief they would answer allegations by the newspaper and german t. V. And they got access to 12000 blood tests from the state base which shows one in three in world track and field metals could have doping and questions the timing of the report. Translator its a surprise we have these allegations now because in two weeks time we will have new world champions, there is something behind it and we are going to elect a new president in a few weeks and someone will take over for me as a new president and there is no doubt about it. The International Olympic Committee Says they will take action against athletes if they are found guilty of dopingly and the president ed added its up to the world antidoping agencies to invest the agencies. If there should be cases involving results at the Olympic Games the i. O. C. Will act with zero tolerance. With our usual policy but at this time we have nothing more than an allegations and would have to respect the presumption of innocence for the athletes. The allegations are going to put further focus on drug testing leading into next years rio games and tri on sunday was the test events for next years game. Three years to go until the 2016 olympics in reo and this sport has come to the beach. We have a name coming out after approximately 1. 5 kilometers and now getting on their bikes and running 10 kilometers through the streets of reo. What we have are some of the best at athletes in the world and we have the topranked man and this is state four next years summer olympics and also a toplevel event to test the grounds before the olympics start next year. That is roughly and where the brazilian authorities and announcing difficulties to lift the consequences or the controversial polluted water where some water sports is taking place but this is one of the most pleasant and beautiful place you can hold an event with sugar life back there and looking at the city and people not getting in the way of sun bathing here and absolutely wonderful and the race on the beautiful day, 26 degrees, very little wind top level of sports coming to the city of rhea ahead of next years super Olympic Games. Blatter relinquishing the community and had been in for 16 years and didnt see reorganization on monday and didnt attend the assembly in kualaand will leave january 26 next year. Players from israeli team have been chased off the pitch during a friendly and they were playing sophia on sunday and happened in the first minute of time leading 10. A player was sent for a hard tackle but fans thought that wasnt enough and started throwing bottles at the team players and invading the pitch. The players fled into an empty section of the stand and one got hit and the player in the head with a bottle and support it particularly a group known as sector g have a history of violence. Australian rules footballer with debate is expected to return saturday and adam woods taken from the sport after several months of booing from rival fans and some said they did it because they didnt like how he played or was a racist he will return to training on tuesday and be valuable for the next game. American farroh returned to the tracks and threeyearold colt won the first race since claiming the triple crown and dominated the international and showed no signs of a two months absence from Competitive Racing and going to 2. 75 million pay day in front of a record crowd of 60,000 people at the park. Robby madison is known for his extreme extreme stunts but previously has been on atlanta and now there is video of him riding waves in tahiti with special and he insisted it only took two takes, amazing. That is pretty extraordinary. That is all for that and thanks for that and another bulletin coming up, in a couple minutes time and ill see you again then. Selling the Iran Nuclear Deal to the gulf states u. S. Secretary of state john kerry is in qatar. Hello and welcome to al jazeera, im jane in doha also ahead flooding brings uncertainty to thousands in myanmar. Hundreds gather in jerusalem and tel aviv for vigils to mourn a teenage girl stabbed to death in a gay pride parade plus. Im taking a look

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