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People stage antigovernment protests across brazil. And a baby brought ashore to safety. Hundreds more migrants are rescued in the ned train vinnie. I am lee welington with the sports news, premier League Champions chilly are thrashed by Manchester City and Jordan Spieth tries to join the alltime greats by winning his third major of the year. Syrian activists say at least 110 people have been killed by Government Air strikes targeting a rebelheld town. They say more than 300 others were wounded in the attack in a crowded market just outside the capital damascus. Syrias air force has confirmed it carried out the airstrikes in douma. Reporter nine opposition is calling it a massacre, dozens killed and wounded. Do ma is a strong hold it regularly comes under attack. The air rates targeting a marketplace, after the first strike people gathered at the site of the explosion and trying to help evacuate the people when more rates were carried out. So that explains the high casualty toll. Like i mentioned airstrikes in this region has happened regularly. This is being seen sass a message from the syrian government. Just yesterday opposition said quote, they would ignite all lines across the front of the country. The reason why is because they broke off negotiations with the government on a possible deal. There were negotiations taking place that involved two fronts in syria, one in the ga mass cuss country side and another in the north. In the villages. There were negotiations, but what we understand from the opposition, they suspended their participation altogether because they are accusing the government of wanting a to carry out a population swap. According to the opposition, the government wants to move the shia villagers who live in idlib to rebel to governmentcontrolled territories. And they are demanding that the sunni residents leave with opposition fighters to the north of the country. The targets were two besieged progovernment town and the opposition controlled Northern Province of idlib. A temporary ceasefire has collapsed. Rebels have resumed an assault against two villages the thousands there are mostly supporters of president is sad and are also shia. It has become difficult for the government to protect them thats why it wants to transfer them to safer areas as parts of a deal. But the opposition pulled out of negotiations. The rebel group that was negotiating on behalf of the opposition, said the governments main ally, iran, wants to partition the country. Over recent days, there were talks to give rebels who are trapped inside the town in the damascus countryside safe passage. According to the opposition, iran also demanded that the towns residents leave as a way to get sunni muslims out of the damascus countryside and areas along the lebanese border. We have seen for sometime now that proregime forces in syria have been focusing particularly on securing the most strategically valuable territory and some of that has been around the town and along the key transport routes west towards lebanon. We have seen all of the way since the summer of 2013 to some extent that policy beginning to take shape. Reporter for the government and its allies the town is important. Recapturing it would help secure the international highway that links lebanon and syria. And further consolidate their control of an enclave that includes the region on the border, damascus, homs and the coastal cities home to many of the countries alawites who is loyal to the president. The government and its allies can no longer defend the entire country. Their forces have been withdrawing to lines that they are able to defend. Even president Bashar Alassad acknowledged there is a lack of manpower which means they have to pick their battles in areas of strategic importance. Syria has been partitioned with frontlines. Separating pima cording to sects and loyalties the deal to transfer the besieged sunni and shia communities may have fallen apart. But the fact that a population swap was on the negotiating table shows there is a new syria emerging, one with different borders and about forced migration play become policy. Zeina khodr, al jazerra, beirut. Ray parliamentary investigation has blamed some of iraqs highest officials in power at the time for the fall of mosul city to isil in june 2014. Most prominently, the countrys former Prime Minister Nouri Almaliki is named in the report and may now face trial. Separately the current Prime Minister al ba al badi has callr military commanders to be court marshaled for ban dunning their posts in the fall of ramadi. The top ranks of politics, al badi has reduced his cabinet by a third firing ministers and merging ministries. Mohamed january joh jamjoon has. Reporter formally recommending that almaliki be proprosecuted for the fall of te city of mosul this past year. Not just almaliki, other officials. Dozens of in the province where mosul is. They are recommend that go they be charged with and prosecute today the fall of mosul. This is a very significant development. This panel in parliament has been investigating this for months. They made their recommend recom, they have passed it on for the speaker of parliament. The speaker of parliament has since passed on the recommendations to the prosecutor general here. It now rests solely in the jew dictionary what happens next very much up to the jew dictionary here in iraq. Now moore i almaliki has not made any statements since the accusations were played. Hes traveling in iran. This is also significant because this is really the first time that Iraqs Parliament has lobbed these actions towards nori almaliki. Suggesting there is a deepening resentment towards the mine minister for consolidating too much power during his tenure as Prime Minister here, it will be interesting to see how this develops. Although this particular 3w0d any parliament doesnt have that much power as far as going forward. The fact of the matter is, there is resentment that has built towards Nouri Almaliki. Analysts believe this is something that could be a lengthy process if there are to be formal charges made, that there is to be a case, this is something that could take months and possibly years to happen. And with me now in the studio is security and Intelligence Analyst justin crumbal. Thanks for being with us, justin. Can we go back to the fall of mosul last year. How big of a shock was that . A very big shock here, i think. And in the states. And i think there had been an over reliance on the ability of the iraqi force to his hold the line after the u. S. Withdrawal sometime. And i think no one has seen a movement of that magnitude the way in which isil was able to exploit their position in syria and had been driven out of iraq for all intents and purposes and recon sol date. Mosul was never really liberated from gee aheadist forces ever. The nature of conflict, you look at the maps and you might think of clear frontlines, iraq is very blurred one block to another could be under difficult control and i think that affects landscapes. The fall of the city is a big deal but its been going on for year old and we are seeing the same thing with ramadi where a very long conflict had taken place, and steady conflict but the only final fall was only a few blocks, that was the shocking and news worthy events and the el vent that was celebrated in jihadist propaganda especially. A lot of blame was placed on the military and the soldiers as well. Is that a fair allegations . I think what mosul highlighted was the corruption within it. And i think that was something that had gone from the top level to the most junior level. The key behind any military forces you have key components, your fighting power, part of what is you know, the conceptual abilities and moral abilities, moral cohesion, where the iraqi army and Security Forces were lacking, was the moral cohesion. They had a flag fragmented political state. And they were confronted by a much more cohesive you are talking about a belief in what you are fighting for . Aabsoluteabsolutely which isy understandable thing. Somebody who motivates the units. Particularly the support units. The special forces going right to the Prime Minister can be very effective. Other parts of iraqi that fought very hard. If the supply chain is week you cant deliver ammunition and the whole thing will fall over. The corruption and people paying for their position buzz then having another job and just paying not to turn up. The fact that very ranks were changing hands millions of dollars and people had to recoup that investment by extorting the people below them meant it was sol i and misunderstood. Why has isil proved to be such an effective fighting force particularly in iraq . Very clear, they absolutely believe in what they are fighting for and agree on it. Bringing the senior military commanders, you need as well. And of course the very amenable governors around tikrit and areas of the north. Mosul the city of the generals historically and allying them with the previous al qaeda aligned Jihadist Movement that freed itself from al qaeda. Meant that you have a very strong and kind of shocking grouping there that was very coordinated. Believed in what it was doing and had religious kind of unity which at least meant everyone was a lands fundamentally about what they were doing. Thats helped them no end. And i think in ramadi especially, they turned really good tactical abilities took advantage of the sand storm to clear out the city. I know the Operations Commander was condemned for at the time for allowing the city to fall. Some blame, given to the americans and british for not helping enough. Gun, the use ive sand storm for provide shield from their cover helped the militants take the final blocks of the city. Allowed the footage of the iraqis fleeing again a year after mosul. Very dramatic. Justin, thank you. Thank you very much. Still to come on this al jazerra news hour, an indonesian passenger plane crashes in the eighisolate the junctional with4 people on board. Chinas premier visit the blast site meeting survivors and calling for the rescue effort to continues. And the motto g. P. Rider championship couldnt be much closer, neave will have more later. But first, mass antigovernment protests are taking place across brazil. 10s of thousands have taken to the streets calling for the resignation or impeachment of president Dilma Rousseff. President rousseff is less than a year in for her second term and her popularity ratings are at a historic low a recent survey suggests seven out of 100 brazilians rate her government as either bad or very bad. And this is the third nationwide antigovernment rally to be held this year. Joining us live now from rio de janeiro, just explain exactly who are people are taking part in these protests. Reporter the people that are taking part in the protests are mainly people from the middle class and also from the. [ inaudible ]. The people actually who compose most of her electorate when she was elected the first time and the second time. I was just having a walk earlier in the march when it came by here and you really had a crosssection of ages, of people from different areas. So all with the same message. Dilma out. And the p. T. Being the Workers Party out. The same scene happened in several cities across the country. The organizers have called for the marchers to happen in 114 cities. Its not clear yet whether they all went down to the street. But certainly a large number. Most of the protests are over now. Some are still ongoing like in sao paulo. The big question is what is the turn out . At the moment a huge gap between the numbers put forward by the organizers and those put forward by the police. Why these numbers are important is simply to gauge the appetite for impeachment. As you said Dilma Rousseff is highly unpopular. Lowest approval rates ever for a democratically elected president in this country. 7. 7 . But the appetite for impeachment is different. And i think once we see the turn out, the organizers will also figure out whether that message is being well received among brazilians. There were many, many people who were actually on the beach looking at these protests going by. And i think the issue you here, Many Brazilians are afraid an impeachment would bring more inning thainstability place kled economically. Many say its not democrat i can to try to impeach a president unless there is a legal basis for that. And at the moment there is no legal basis. The investigations are ongoing, but at the time dill that rousseff is quite stable which when it comes to or protected when it comes to some sort of legal wrongdoing. Just extraordinary, though, isnt it, the real downturn in fortunate that Dilma Rousseff has suffered. Reporter i am sorry, could you repeat that . Yeah, i was saying that its quite extraordinary the downturn in fortunes that the press has suffered. She was once incredibly popular and now as we know her ratings have sunk to an alltime low. Reporter its. Reporter its extraordinary. And also extraordinary the rate in which it has happen. Less than a year ago she was reelected. 52 . Not a huge majority, but still in less than a year her popularity plummeted. Is she taking the brunt of the huge Corruption Scandal which has plagued this country. People say its of Epic Proportions thats why they are so angry. Many members of her party have been indicted in the investigation and its still ongoing. She they blame her because they say that at the time or at least during a period of time while all this was going on she was chairman of petro graph. And minister of energy under the previous president. So they say she is somehow responsible for all whats happening. And then you have the economy. When the economy shrinks in this country, its very difficult for presses to survive. It happened in the past and many say here it will happen again if the situation continues like that. All right, thank you for joining us live there from rio de janeiro. Thanks very much. To pakistan down where the home minister of Punjab Province has been killed with a a number of others on his office. Simon mcgregor wood reports. Reporter the attack took place as he hosted a local political meeting. Police said it was probably caused by a suicide bomber. The force of the blast caused the building to collapse burying the minister and trapping many of those waiting to meet him. Local volunteers worked with special rescue teams who brought in heavy machinery to help in the difficult task of removing debris. Including huge concrete slaps once part of the buildings room. Translator the explosion was very loud. After a while, i knew the blast had targeted the home minister. When i got here i saw his men working here, they remember rescuing bodies and injured. And then the police arrived. Reporter dozens of injured were treated in the nearby hospitals, where doctors doctors struggled to cope with the sheer numbers and the death toll Rose Steadily through the day. Translator the whole concrete roof collapsed on the people. Some flew in the air. I was sitting at a dance tans from that corner to this corn i object ocorner. Roof fell on me. I dont know how my son pulled me out from the rubble. Reporter a retired military man, and political ally of Prime Minister sharif. He had been leading a crack down against disparate militant groups responsible for a spate of sectarian attacks in punjab. His tough approach earned him enemies and his name was on the hit list of at least one local group. Al qaeda affiliated an affiliatd responsible for action against local shiites. Its leader and the two sons were killed in the recent operation. The punish jam government condemned at tack and announced a threeday grieving period. The chinese premier has visited the sites of the fatal explosioexplosions. He met Emergency Personnel and people affected by the blasts. Its been confirmed that highly socks i can sodium cyanide was being helped in the warehouse at the source of the explosions. In response, the Environmental Protection bureau has increased its monitoring of the site. Adrian brown reports. Reporter some survivors have compared this disaster to a nuclear explosion. Closeup, that is what it looks like. The toxic cloud is still that routing this industrial zone. The government has now confirmed the lethal chemical sodium cyanide watts scorecyanide was. There was an added urgency for the search of suffer vice as the toll of the dead and missing continue to rise. Among with the anger among families of the missing and those made homeless. For the second day, they attempted to protect outside a hotel where government officials were briefing journalists. Translator we want the government to tell us the truth and help us to find a proper home. Translator what we need most now is for the government to take care of us. And to keep us informed. Reporter the government still doesnt know what caused wednesday nights multiple explosions. But officials now admit that sodium cyanide has been identified at two locations, yet insist their readings show the air is safe for those outside the exclusion zone. If you are outside of the twokilometer zone these numbers should be within normal standards, this should not have any affect on peoples lives. Reporter gas masks are now the most precious commodity here. These are for the military but there is not enough of them and even if there were, they wont protect from sodium cyanide. I dont think, i dont think this is very professional. This is a. [ inaudible ] material. For protection. I dont think this can do that. Reporter chinas welloiled volunteer machine has now moved for nba to action, thousands of volunteers have come to the city from all over china and here they are handing out water, food, cloth can go, all of it vitally needed. The list for the missing is getting longer. The majority of those yet to be found are firefighters and police. Officials say the explosions were so powerful, that so far only a few bodies have been identified. Adrian brown, al jazerra. The u. S. Defense department is to look at two military installations within the country to act as possible alternatives to guantanmo bay. The pentagon will be assessing sites in South Carolina and kansas. Moving prisoners to the u. S. Would give them greater rights in the courts, such as constitutional rights. Live now to washington, d. C. And al jazerras show lab brie tan is a. How likely is it that some detainees will be moved to the sites. Reporter thats the question we were trying to figure out whether this is some sort of p. R. Exercise to snag to us all that the Obama Administration does take its pledge to shut guantanmo before president Obama Leaves Office seriously or is it indeed a real sign that the administration will redouble efforts to empty guantanmo. Its not entirely clear. Base there are reports that the pentagon and the white house has a fight going on about releasing prisoners both to the mainland and elsewhere on friday there was one of 52 men of the 116 being held at guantanmo bay who has been cleared for release, he was cleared six years ago, hes been on Hunger Strike for eight years, hes been fed forcefully through his nose. He only weighs 34kilograms now. Hes cleared for release, and yet the department of defense instructed the department of justice to block his or to fight his release in the courts on friday. The department of defense says hes a Hunger Striker and as far as they are concerned thats a weapon of war and they dont want to capitulate to that weapon. So they dont want him to be released. That raises questions. Is this an administration serious about releasing these prisoners or not. So we have that issue. Then secondly, though, we have the issue you of, well, okay, so say president obama does overcome congressional restrictions, which the aclu, the American Civil Liberty Union and others say he could. And resettles people in the u. S. Mainland, whats their status . You mentioned the legal issues there. Is he simply transferring the guantanamo model to the u. S. Mainland inning did he have in the detention for men who have been tour tuesday an tortured te process, so we cont know where they stand or if they are serious about can closing guantanmo down before president Obama Leaves Office. Thank you. The crash site of a missing indonesian plane with 54 people on board has been found by villagers in the countrys isolated region. The airplane lost contact with air Traffic Controllers after take off. It was carrying 49 passengers, including five children and five crew. The mountainous region is covered with defense jungle and there was bad weather at the time the plane went missing. Villagers reported seeing the plane crash in to a mountain. Indonesias transport minister says the villagers have found wreckage but official confirmation is needed. Translator according to the information the aircraft that lost contact was found at camp three in the mountains region. The information was provided by the local residents who said that the flight crash ed in to the mountain. The detail of this is still under investigation. Inky i didnt want a military court has sentence 26 officer on his charges of attempting to overthrow the government. The officers were all charged with spreading Muslim Brotherhood ideas within the army. They have been sentenced between 10 and 25 years of prison. Two senior Muslim Brotherhood leaders have been sentenced to 25 years in absentia. 10 people, including Palestinian Protesters and far right jewish activists have been arrested after clashe clashes in israel. It happened at a protest in support of a palestinian man who is on Hunger Strike while being detained in an isreali prison. 1,000 children marched in the streets in solidarity with the prisoner. He lost consciousness on friday after a 60day fast to protest against his detention without charge. He was arrested in november and accused of being in the Group Islamic jihad. Which is said to have carried out numerous Violent Attacks against civilians. The number of people who are known to have died when they became stuck in the hold of a boat carrying migrants across the mediterranean has risen to 49. A baby was among those brought to shore after being rescued over the weekend. They were picked up close to the libyan coast. Italy says more than 100,000 migrants have arrived on its shores since the start of the year. And it again calls for the International Community to do more to help. Translator we have rescued 320 people, but once again, we are counting the victims. We can say that we have rescued the survivors and thats a good thing. But either the International Community find a way to solve the libyan crisis or todays tragedy wont be the last. Staff aboard a Passenger Ship chartered by the greek government has started processing migrants, the fairy was sent to the island of k. O. Z where hundreds are arriving every day. The vessel will provide a come take up to 200,000 people. Priority given to Syrian Refugees and not everyone believes thats fair. If i al testimony them i am from iraq, they tell me to go from here. You are from iraq. Iraq is good. Go. But you dont know what happens in iraq. Still ahead on the program, hunger in america. The increasing number of people relying on hand out to his get by. Based on fishin fishing and herding, but can this russian Minority Group hold their ground against big oil . 12 humiliations to english champions chelsea at Manchester City. Lee will have full details. Eric. Get the real news youve beenic. Looking for. At 7 00, a thorough wrapup of the days events. Then at 8 00, John Seigenthaler digs deeper into the stories of the day. And at 9 00, get a global perspective. Weeknights, on al jazeera america. Held going, reminder of the top stories here on al jazerra. At least 110 people have been killed in Government Air strikes on the outskirts of the syrian capital damascus. Hundreds more were wounded in the attack on a crowded market in douma. Parliamentary investigation has blamed some of iraqs highest officials including former Prime Minister Nouri Almaliki for the fall of isil in june of 2014. And the home minister of Punjab Province in pakistan has been killed along with 16 others in a suicide a to be on his office. He was a key figure leading the campaign against the taliban in the region. Lets return now to our top story the conflict in syria. And with me now in studio is the director for the council of arabbritish understanding. Thank fox with us in the studio. Earlier we had a report from zeina khord talking about the collapse of the ceasefire and the idea that there would be some sort of population swap taking place in syria. All very complex, all very political, of course, was there ever a chance that this would actually come to fruition, do you think . I think actually the events in douma today with this dreadful massive deliberate targeted attack on is samardzijs already living unsiege as it is, demonstrates the huge distance that divides the syrian armed groups with the government. And also there is no international mediator. There is no presence that could actually not only try to mediate between the different parties, but actually observe and enforce any ceasefire that came in to being. So we have seen some ceasefires in the past, some locally arranged once, bu ones, but morn than not they are failed. There is a suggestion amongst some syrians that i have spoken to today that the massacre today and certainly the increase on the attacks in douma, its not just the shelling from planes but also mortar attacks that have gun going nearly all day are linked to the failure of these negotiation to his get ceasefires and proposed population swap. You mentioned no internationed mediators, but the International Community, more and more countries seem to be wanting to some what say interfere, but certainly have an influence on what is happening in syria. We have seen talks recently, for example, talks with the u. S. , saudi arabia, and russia, among others. Why have we seen this intense diplomatic activity recently, do you think . There is a number of reasons. I think that the iran deal certainly has created some potential space for this. And to what role iran can play. And the ability of russia and the United States once again to actually discuss syria in a meaningful way is very important. So i think that certain countries are beginning to see some small possible options in terms of syria. They havent exactly been another sidelines because men of these countries in one way or another have been supporting, arming, financing many of these militias and armed groups in syria. They havent been distant to some observers, the question is can they now get together to create the sort of energetic did 34r0e78 is a that probably has to include most the actors in this conflict and most of the external supporters to actually push forward the political solution this they all knowinger nearly all the major diplomatic leaders in the International Community know there has to be a political solution. I think that what we have seen in douma and other towns in syria that have suffered massacres is that this will be incredibly difficult but failing to do is is to actually give up on syria, actually give up on a country that has been decimated, with nearly a quarter Million People being killed and nearly half the country displaced. 4 million of which people are becoming refugees. Its a horrific situation. The rise in isil in syria has further police claitd the issue. Many in the United States and other countries would say that is sawed should go. Now they must be worried about filling a power vacuum should his government collapses . I doubt isil will replace president assad and his government. But syrians should not be faced with a choice of this extremely all of Islamist Group in isil that in some ways out does al qaeda for rue brutality and a regime that has quite clearly failed the country. And as so many syrians will point out its assad with his barrel bombings that has killed far more civilian than isil has. July saw the highest number of air at by the syrian have jim throughout the entirety of the last four years. So they are still very capable of delivering lethal, fatal blows to civilian populations. And the International Community at the moment is seen on the ground to be doing absolutely nothing. We have the u. N. , the new chief of the u. N. Agency in damascus at the moment. Is he going to ask, demand even to go to douma to see what is going on there . Will get the Security Council backing . Will we see a real, real drive to end this conflict once and for all . Because the impact on the region, across the mediterranean, this is being felt. This conflict cannot be allowed to drag on for another four years to see yet more of these massacres, there really needs to be a greater sense of urgency because every single party within syria, in the region and internationally is suffering for that failure. Appreciate your time, thank you. Thank you. Now, progovernment forces are battling Houthi Rebels for control of yemens Third Largest city. Fighters loyal to the exiled president mansur hadi say at least 50 houthis have been killed in fighting in taiz. Southwest of the capital sanaa. The mountain security headquarter was retaken by progovernment forces on saturday. Russia has 40 recognized groups of what it calls small numbered indigenous peoples. Many manage to hold to on to traditional lifestyles despite the effort of the soviet system to make them conform. These days their biggest challenge is the spread. Oil industry through their homelands. Rory challands has been there to tell a story of one indigenous mans confrontation with the system. Reporter they tell more i stories that stone people have been pooled from its depths. That the gods use it to reach earth. Sergei has his own tale of how he became the sacred lakes guardian. Translator you just immediate to feel it and it changes everything. It changed me every day. But when i started guarding the lake, he left me alone. After this, he would only going for reindeer, not me. Reporter but protecting this landscape has perhaps brought sergei danger from a different direction. Last year he tangled with men from the oil wells nearby. He says he shot their dog after it attacks his reindeer. The prosecution charge says he threatened to kill the men. Now hes facing maybe two years in jail. Translator all my ribs were broken. They still havent healed. Men dressed as police came and beat me up. Reporter by tradition, they are nomads, fishing the lakes and rivers, hearding reindeer across the vast tundra. But since the oil industry arrived in the 1970s, their way of life has been increasingly constrained by pollution, construction, and official bureaucracy. It is, of course, entirely possible that sergei hasnt been totally truthful with us, and that he is guilty of that which he accused. The judge will decide within way or the other. The sad reality of this is its a case where its one man versus a giant system and the odds are firmly stacked in the systems favor. Sergeis lawyer hopes dismanned think the charges before they reach the court, russian courts have a 99 conviction rate. Also this is a region where stayedowned Oil Companies have enormous influence. Translator when a firm shows financial prosperity when a little imagine goes against the company, the company has better chances of victory. Reporter this is legally their land, but they cant stop the Oil Companies from renting it and once they have come, sergei says, the leaks, pipelines, held heads, roads and illegal opportunity ar hunting l workers all make it impossible to chair on their reindeer hearding traditions. Reporter the city of the oildependent state are often in direct contact with the people who lived here long before russians every arrived. Sergeis case is just one small example of that. Rory challe around, russia. The german chancellor says she expect money from the International Monetary fund to form a new rescue magic for greece. Greek m. Mps backed the deal on friday. Athens will have to make further spending cuts. Firefighters in the u. S. Northwest have been trying to contain a cluster of wild fires, more than 900 people have been evacuated in state of on oregon. With the blaze covering an area of more than 190 square kilometers. Earlier a fire martial said they had only contained 3 of the blames. Millions of people in the u. S. Are living on food donations according to a new study. 46 million americans, including 15 million children are in homes without enough food. John hendon reports now from chicago where thousands of people rely on hand outs to get by. Reporter here in chicago, part of the American Farm belt, the hungry line up for food. We havent got enough food today. Reporter how come . Because they bring a little bit. Reporter this is the face of hunger in america. It helps me out with my groceries. When you are on a fixed income. Reporter right. And i have an 11yearold and a 35yearold to feed. Reporter in the Worlds Largest food exporting nation, not far from the illinois cornfields across town from where the Commodity Exchange sets food prices for the world, 311 people wait for hours for free produce. This is not even feeding the people who are sleeping on the streets, at the bus stations, at the train stations. Its not feeding everybody just feeding so much because there are people in need. Reporter the produce truck drops its load 50 times a month. Supplementing the free meals from food pantries, soup kitchens and homeless shelters here and across the u. S. This is an owe isis i an oasis,x residents gets food donated from the greater chicago food depository and they are not necessarily the people you think. One out of two households include someone who is working, most of them have a roof over their heads. Its not a small problem. Its something that in 2008 when the recession hit we saw a huge spike in need and unfortunately it hasnt gone back down. We are pretty busy and we are doing a booming business, about 200,000 pounds of food per day is leaving this warehouse and is being distributed to food pantries, soup kitchens and shelters all across couldnt downtown i. Reporter and thats just in chicago. Across the United States, 46 Million People receive food assistants from the u. S. Government. We have chronic hunger. People across america and across the world who regularly dont know where their next meal is coming from. But we have many other families across the u. S. Who might experience hunger from time to time because they run, you know, pay check to pay check. Reporter when times get tough, those americans join in lines like this. Lines Food Security experts say are growing longer. John hendon, al jazerra, chicago. Still to come on the program, on high alert and on patrol in senegal. Going after the poachers in a world there are taj park thats almost half the size of belgium. And cuban exiles look forward to a new future after restored relations with the United States. Plus in sport, badmintons perpetual bride made falls short again. Lee has more in a couple of minutes. Held going. In accept gal, the hunting reserve in the colonial era in 1926. Since then of course attitudes towards hunting have changed the illegal trade in wildlife is worth billions and led to large scale poaching. Nicholas hart joins rangers trying to protect threatened species. Reporter this is an exceptional operation inside an important World Heritage site. It is home to rare animals. The park is just under half the size of belgium. So finding poachers is difficu difficult. This morning rangers receive a tipoff. On the ground some clues, fresh bicycle tracks and signs of wild animals. These are the latest pictures from a nearby camera use today track animal movements. Here the west african lion, virtually extinct its worth hundreds of thousands of dollars on the black market. Now take a look at the last picture. Barely visible, one of the poachers standing in front of the camera. Local tribes were forced out of the area 40 years ago to protect animals from being hunted. But rangers say some tribes men are moan to work with traffickers. Translator we are not surprised locals have the best knowledge of the park its so lucrative its tempting to want to hunt here. Reporter we slowly approach the spot where the picks were taken. The poachers are probably armed. Rangers worry about a gun fight as well as being attacked by dangerous animals near by. Suddenly he spots them. They launch an ambush. 56789 is expected, local villagers. On them weapons and food ratio rations. He says he was hunting bush meat but the park rangers dont believe him. Most of what they kill is smuggled out of the country to asia. Poachers are after big cats like this. A rare panther, rangers found him when he was a baby after poachers killed hits mother and all his siblings. Despite all the efforts put in place to prevent poaching there are a number of animals like him that are on the verge of edges t so the United Nations says this World Heritage site is in danger. Rare antelopes, elephants, lions, primates, none are spar spared. Rangers say poachers kill indiscriminately evening using all machine guns. Its disgusting and we feel responsible. We are supposed to protect the site but its such a difficult task. Reporter worse an estimated 19 billion a year, the global trade in wild animals is booming. And despite local efforts like this, it continues to grow. Nicholas, al jazerra. All right, its time to catch up with all the sport. Thank you very much. Australian jason day is leading the last major Golf Tournament of the year the uspga World Championship in wisconsin. Day started the final round two shots clear. He is now four ahead of brandon grace and Jordan Spieth approaching the final holes. On course for the best ever major for an indian golfer and world number one rory macking roy is at 9 under but will be pleased at his return from injury. Spieth aiming for a significant piece of golfing history the 22yearold americana tempting to join ben hogan and tiger woods golfing greats as winners of three majors in a single year. And the first to win all three u. S. Majors in the same season. So a lot of work to do to catch up to day. You. Yeah, in it goes. In tennis, the new world in you be two, andy murray, and world number one, Novak Djokovic is in battle in the rodgers country final in montreal. Murray won the first set bow djokovic fought back to level the second match. Its 31 murray in the decider. Over in toronto. Belinda her first very title having beaten serena millions in the semifinal he she won the final. The 18yearold is 3 1 2 up when her opponent pulled out with a leg injury and apparent heat exhaustion. The u. S. Womens Football Team have played their first game since winning the world cup. It was a friendly in pittsburgh watch booed a record crowd of over four for you thousand. They won the game 80. Quite a performance against a team who qualified to participate at that world cup. Manchester city are on top of the premier league and they got there by beating the english champions chelsea 30 at the etihad stadium. City dominated the first half. And took the lead through sergio aguero. Now at halftime. Chelsea captain john terry was substitute today the first time under jose marinho. City captain venture Vincent Kompany headed in his second goal in two games, and fernandinho adding a third. A bad week for mourinho who controversially i left some of his medical staff on the bench. The second goal is completely out of the context. But its our mistake. Its our mistake. So we were punished by our mistakes in the second and the third goal and we couldnt capitalize on the good second half of it. The cap that you have with the five big teams is important. But we are just starting. We are just thinking about the next game and not to sends a message or thinking about what happened in the month of may. Meanwhile, as tonights first away match of season is a 21 win at crystal balance. Olivia giroux gave them the lead in the first half but he won the match with a goal. Barcelona manager believes the club can win six trophy this year, they have won four already in 2015. But were beaten 40 at athletic bilboa in the first leg of assumer cup on friday. A an extraordinary comeback is needed on monday. But enrique says it can be done. Translator i am not completely focused on overturn this is result. Its a challenge nobody thought we would have until now. We can achieve something thats never been done before. Thats the stimulus. If after that we can win another title, then even better. Since the beginning i said that for us little priority is to focus on our next challenge, our next challenge is this one. The motto g. P. Riders championship couldnt be close we are seven races left in the season. Lorenzo winning the czech grand prix to move in to a identity at the top. With valentino rossi. He dominated starting from pole after breaking the lap record in qualifying think then leading the race from star start to finish to get the full 25 points its his 50th victory rift season, marquez was second with rossi completing the podium. Lorenzo and roy are 52 points clear of marquez. They immediate again for round 12 of the championship of britains circuit in two weeks time. I could win this very important victory for the championship because now i lead in the championship with valentino and for marquez its more difficult to recover. The world governing body of athletic the iaaf has now been accused of suppressing the study that revealed widespread doping. Accord to this sunday times the research showed nearly a third of the worlds top athlete aheads admitted to using performance enhancing drugs. New sing land cricketerses have won. Martin hit 60 off just 35 balls in the new zealand total of 177. Off 20 overs account south africa were restricted to 145 so they lost by 32 run runs the sie immediate against at the same stadium on we understand for the first of 31day matches. Finally disappoint again for the world bad minute en championship. He was beating 2114, its his first match since a doping span. Hes never been world or olympic champion. The retains his tight and remains the top player in world badminton. Thats all for sport, back to you. Thanks, lee. Now cuban exiles have who building separated for their family are hoping a warming of ties between havana and u. S. Will help them recorrect with their loved ones people started to leave lube a after the communist revolution swept fidel castro to power back in 1950 fine. More than one hound thousand went to the u. S. Others elsewhere. Musician juan left cuba for mexico eight years ago. And shared hits story with al jazerra. Translator my name is juan soriano. I am a cuban may since and live ed in mexico for about 13 years. Came to mexico because i got a job to work. We had an audition in cuba. They liked our work, and brought us over here. A cuban never leaves his country. Leaving was a bit nostalgic because you leave your family, roots, your way of life. But on the other hand, you are excited because you are going to fulfill a dream that will probably be the biggest dream of your life which is to do well. I have mixed feelings. Cubans owe the government their free education, the healthcare is also free. A taste of sports. I got my education thanks to this system. Mike many other professionals not only artists but also sign tiffs, something that in any other country would cost thousands of dollars or more, here it costs nothing. Cubans have made incredible sacrifices, they ever shown bravery and courage, the food shortage says the lack of resources even for bathing, if you needed soap and didnt have it, people it hart to inning vent thousand get things, i think its the people from cuba who can take the credit for putting up with so much during the embargo. No one thought cuba and the United States would reestablish relations. And i think this is wonderful. And something that all cubans, both in the island the ones suffering the consequences of the embargo the most, and the ones outside of cube or also delighted. I am very happy because my whole family is there. And many things are going to get better for the people who are the the heros of cuba. And that is just about it from me Felicity Barr and the entire news hour team. Please dont go far way aim back with much more news for you in a couple of minutes income the meantime thanks for watching, see you later, goodbye. Tonight they control huge amounts of land in iraq and syria. Brutalizing millions and their membership is growing. Americas allies in the middle east say washington has to do more to destroy isil. But why is aisles americas problem . Why hasnt the muslim world defeated isil . Later in the our panel, three years ago the g. P. Might have lost the election because of a socalled war on women. With recent comments have they it

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