Assault suits in the oval office. Chinas anti pollution plans are in reverse its backed out of a decision to move away from coal because millions are without proper heating. The Virtual Currency bitcoin is defying its detractors its value has increased by 15 in the last 2a hours and is now worth 16,000 a coin. That volatility is causing problems. We will accept that from new york. As you want to get in touch, the hash type is bbcos. We have seen a violent reaction to President Trump is s decision to recognise jerusalem as israels capital. As you can see from some of these pictures which came into the newsroom , pictures which came into the newsroom, protesters have been burning tyres and throwing stones. Israeli troops have fired tear gas and rubber bullets. These protesters have come all the way from downtown the mahler weather was a central demonstration that called for more support from the arab countries. We have sensed a bit of disappointment from the palestinians who say we expected a reaction, a bit probably not from the arab leaders but the arab nations who have some sort of a relationship or a strong relationship or a strong relationship tojerusalem. You could sense the disappointment. This is just to point out that around hundreds, maybe 400 to 500 people have gathered today here. Also, the leader of the Islamist Group hamas has called for an uprising against israel. Tomorrow will be a day of rage and the beginning of a wider move towards an uprising, which we will call the intifada of jerusalem and freedom in the west bank. Well so saw and freedom in the west bank. Well so saw these pictures of a mural of donald trump on a security barrier in bethlehem. It is being painted over by palestinians. There was a message for mike pence, who is due to visit israel later this month. You are not welcome, they wrote on the wall. Donald trump says the decision recognises the reality on the ground. He says israel has the right to select its capital, as other countries do. The israeli Prime Minister agrees with that. Other countries do. The israeli Prime Minister agrees with thatlj Prime Minister agrees with that. have no doubt that once the man in embassy moves tojerusalem, or even before, there will be a movement of many other countries embassies to jerusalem. The time has come. No sign ofany jerusalem. The time has come. No sign of any countries following the american lead. The daily star newspaper from lebanon, the american lead. The daily star newspaperfrom lebanon, the headline reads, no offence, mr president , jerusalem is the capital of palestine. As we were talking about yesterday, palestinians want East Jerusalem the capital of any future state of theirs. That critical sentiment has been replicated across the region. There be played this report. Let me play this report. Jordanians are attached tojerusalem on both levels, a grass roots level as well as an authority level. This is one of the protests here today. In other cities they are taking place to condemn the decision by mr trump yesterday to relocate the American Embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem and recognised through some of the capital of israel. M is, as jordanians, we some of the capital of israel. M is, asjordanians, we have the closest relationship to palestine and the palestinians. We support everything that relates to jerusalem. Jerusalem was arab, is still arab, and will remain arab. It belongs to palestine. The feelings are very strong here today. Barbara is live from washington. Yesterday you were describing the domestic, political reasons for this disc decision by donald trump. Also the influence of donors on the decision. Notjust donors full to the critical base that mr trump was appealing to. He wanted to keep his Campaign Pledge to a particular constituency that voted to him. That did include a man who is an americanjewish billionaire and has donated to the Republican Party and to the campaign of mrtrump. Republican party and to the campaign of mr trump. This was a very important issue for him. It was not just him, it was evangelical christians who had carried out an intense campaign to try to sway mr trumps opinion, which was very important to them. They see it as a connection through the bible. They had a strong advocate through mike pence, a very committed conservative religious believer. You could see also when mr trump made his announcement, mr pence was right there. He was beaming away. Those we re there. He was beaming away. Those were some of the constituencies that mrtrump paid were some of the constituencies that mr trump paid attention to when he decided to take this decision against the advice of National Security officials who felt there would be a violent backlash. This is a decision he made based on domestic political considerations. Lets talk about the United Nations. The Security Council will discuss this tomorrow. I saw president erdogan and president putin discussing earlier about how unhappy they were about it. I dont understand what it will add up to when the Security Council comes together. It will add up to a statement, many statements, repeating the view of the Security Council onjerusalem. Repeating the view of the Security Council on jerusalem. That is something that has been for a long time, since my 248, the un has had jerusalem and given it a special status. Since the Peace Process started, it said its final stages should only be resolved through because she oceans between israel and the palestinians. In fact, it agreed a resolution about this time last year saying it would not recognise boundaries that were not agreed in negotiations, including in jerusalem. The americans went along with it, or at least did not veto the resolution under president 0bama. There is an International Consensus about jerusalem the 0bama. There is an International Consensus aboutjerusalem the un has signified and which it has carried. The people who called. The countries who called for the emergency session 121 and they have heard the secretary general speaker. When he spoke he talked about a moment of deep anxiety. He said, i have consistently called for people not to take unilateral steps that jeopardise the Peace Process. He did not specifically call out mr trump in the us that he was talking about them. We will hear more about that on friday. We will stay in washington where barbara is on another big political story. The democratic senator al franken has confirmed he will resign first he has been facing multiple claims of Sexual Misconduct. Earlier he spoke of learning about the allegations. was shocked. I was upset. In responding to their claims, i also wa nted responding to their claims, i also wanted to be respectful of the broader conversation. All Women Deserve to be heard and their experiences taken seriously. I think that was the right thing to do. I also think it gave some people the false impression that i was admitting to doing things that in fa ct i admitting to doing things that in fact i have not done. This is a major blow to the democrats. Al franken was seen by some as a possible 2020 president ial contender. That looks very unlikely now. In this speech today he described himself as a champion of women. Not a phrase the women who accused him of groping and Sexual Harassment have been using. At that very moment that mr franklin confirmed he would resign, he attacked President Trump. confirmed he would resign, he attacked President Trump. I will be resigning as a member of the United States senate. I, of all people, am aware there is some irony in the fa ct aware there is some irony in the fact that i am leaving while a man who has bragged on tape about his history of Sexual Assault sits in the oval office, and a man who has repeatedly preyed on young girls campaigns for the senate with the full support of his party. President trump was asked about those comments not long ago. This is a short clip but i will play it to you. Senator al franken made some comments about you earlier today. I did not hear them closer. It is about what the message should be on Sexual Harassment. With that the president had gone. He gave a resignation speech today that it was a defiant resignation, if there is such a thing. But it was full stop he said some of the allegations were not true. This was very reluctant. It is remarkable how quickly al franklin passed like position eroded. 0nly franklin passed like position eroded. Only three weeks ago was the first report of Sexual Misconduct, along with a photograph of him reaching to grope a sleeping woman, which was particularly damning. Yesterday there was dam breaking theirfemale yesterday there was dam breaking their female Democratic Senators came out and called for him to resign. By the end of the day of the several dozen Democratic Senators, the head of the Democratic Committee and that made his position untenable, i think full depends his speech today. It is hard not to notice the difference in approach between the democrats and republicans. Yes. I think now is perhaps the reason why the bus so much pressure on al franken, because democrats have their eyes on donald trump and the allegations made against him, and in particular the senate race in alabama. There will be an election on tuesday. Republican nominee has his own allegations of Sexual Misconduct, including Sexual Assault of a 14 Year Old Girl dating back years. A lot of people believe that with the resignation being announced, it is easier to accuse donald trump and others of embracing someone who has a cloud hanging over his head. They can turn that into what they think may be a potent campaign issue. We have all been focusing on the of arithmetic in the senate. With mr franken standing down, is there any possibility that senate seat could come into play in an interesting way . First and foremost, when he resigned, and he has not resigned yet. He says he will resign in the coming weeks. When it is formal and his successor will be reported by the democratic government of minnesota. At some point there will have to schedule a special election. That is a test. Right now it was relatively easy for the democrats to turn their back on al franken because they know he will be replaced by a democrat. It will not be the last person in the centre of a Sexual Harassment storm and some points the democrats they will be tested where they have to come out again. Someone facing these allegations and it could lead to them losing political power. That could be the real test of their principles on this matter. We started in america and in a minute we will turn to australia. That was the moment the Australian Parliament supported same sex marriage. Brexit talks over the irish border are intensifying as negotiators on both sides push for a breakthrough. We understand from sources there is some new language being put into a d raft some new language being put into a Draft Agreement that has been put to brussels, to the irish government, that has been shared with the dup this afternoon. Certainly some positive nods, a hint there is movement, but nothing confirmed yet from the government. All they are saying but number 10, from the government. All they are saying but number10, is from the government. All they are saying but number 10, is that there has been progress but no agreement has been progress but no agreement has been progress but no agreement has been reached. We have heard from the european commissions chief spokesman within the last half an hour or spokesman within the last half an hourorso, spokesman within the last half an hour or so, saying thatJean Claude Juncker, the president of the eu commission, has been on the phone to theresa may and the irish Prime Minister and that progress is going on. Expect talks to go through during the night and a possible meeting with Jean Claude Juncker tomorrow morning. Therell be a statement from donald tusk in the morning as well. So far, where we a little bit of movement but nothing confirmed. We are live here in the bbc newsroom. Violence has erupted as palestinians protest President Trump is my decision to recognise jerusalem as israel pulls back at that. These are some of the main stories from Bbc World Service. Democrats have voted overwhelmingly in holding talks with Angela Merkels conservatives. That makes the possibility of a grand coalition between the two biggest parties more likely. That is on Bbc World Service radio. Bbc hindi is Senate People in nepal are voting in parliamentary elections. Tanner has been substantial. Turnout has been substantial. Turnout has been substantial. This painting believed to be by Leonardo Da Vinci is heading to the louvre in abu dhabi. Reports say it was purchased by a saudi prince. China had some grand plans for getting people to use gas rather than cold to heat their homes. The aim of this was to improve air quality. These plans are being abandoned in some places. The ministry for the environment says keeping people warm in winter should be the number one principle, and that means more coal. According to Chinese Media reports, some 28 northern cities in the country have been affected by this new regulation, which was brought in initially in 2013. The government wa nted initially in 2013. The government wanted to transform china postbag Energy Supply from a coal powered economy to a green energy powered economy. There does appear to be a long march towards a greener economy. We have seen reports today that many households were left without any heating because the coal fired instruments are being switched off and new instruments have not been replaced. The government now is telling northern chinese cities that if you have not finished this process yet butjust keep burning coal. That sounds like a decision it will take quite a long time to implement. Yes. This episode does tell us something really adjusting about how the government in china works. When we talk about the Chinese Government we normally think it is monolithic. In fact, this order came from the Central Government back in 2013 and it still has not been done yet. Something must have been going on. By map of the reason this was suggested in the first place is these cities have major pollution problems. First place is these cities have major pollution problems. The reason. It is a short term fix and does not sort the long term problem. The government intended to sort the long term problem. The whole process is really, really long in this case. It does appear that it is not very smooth in the process. What is the weather like in this part of china . How cold is it . It is december. Usually in this kind of season, the temperature could drop down to as low as 10 degrees. Temperature could drop down to as low as 10 degrees. So, it urgent. Is the government minister of the environment issued a statement, telling northern chinese cities, if you have not done that yet but please let people get heating and keep burning the cold. Lets talk about more craziness going on with it calling. It has reached 16,000 a calling, up 15 it calling. It has reached 16,000 a calling, up15 in it calling. It has reached 16,000 a calling, up 15 in the last 24 hour. This is a graft of what the value has been doing. You will see a similar pattern. It started reasonably flat. Into the back half of this year it has been going up and up and up. Why . What is going on . There is a lot of interest in bitcoin. As we have seen in the last few weeks, just how much it has been gaining in terms of its value. It is creating more and more interest and more and more people want to bite into it. It is also getting more legitimacy from the Financial Community. Buy into it. Different exchanges are offering features. It isa exchanges are offering features. It is a forward looking way of how much it will be valued. Bitcoin is a volatile kind of currency and so the future may not be very indicative of where it will trade. That said, there are some people who believe that having these Financial Instruments will actually give it more legitimacy. Do not go anywhere. As soon have mentioned volatility, thats talk about that now. Bitcoin isa thats talk about that now. Bitcoin is a Digital Currency which is designed to be spent. That is tough. This is an article on the bbc website about an Online Gaming Service Called steam. It is not accepting bitcoin anymore because of high fees and volatility. This a nalyst says high fees and volatility. This analyst says it is ironic how the wild success is causing brexit to failfor wild success is causing brexit to fail for what wild success is causing brexit to failfor what it wild success is causing brexit to fail for what it was designed for, a currency for payments. There are concerns about how it is being used. The uk government is saying anti Money Laundering regulations should be updated to include bitcoin and also the issue of security. This report from the guardian has 64 million worth of bitcoin were stolen ina million worth of bitcoin were stolen in a cyber attack. Lots of pressure. Any normal currency under this kind of pressure might see its value fall, but it does not seem to be having no impact at all. With regards to some of those articles, there are different schools of thought into what temple micro is meant to do. Whether it is an alternate currency or an investment tool. What bitcoin is meant to do. If you think about some companies here for some stores in new york which accepted bitcoin as payment for a sandwich and they will probably no longer take that anymore because the value is so high. Probably someone is not buying 16,000 worth of sandwiches. This is a currency that is getting a lot more traction. Though there are some big people within the Financial Community that are really sceptical of this, it is something that big Financial Institutions are having to Pay Attention to. It might look to the untrained eye that this is a fear of missing out but it is really a bubble because there is nothing at the centre of it. You have taken my word. I have been saying that. People just wanting to cash in. Even asi people just wanting to cash in. Even as i came into the building today, a colleague from another publication stopped me and started to ask questions about temple maffeo because his friends had made so much money on it and he felt he was missing out. About bitcoin. suspect will will be discussing that again. We will turn to australia in again. We will turn to australia in a little while. No, we are going to talk about this now. There was an extraordinary moment in Australian Parliament earlier. This was the moment it supported same sex marriage. Cheering and applause singing here is our report on the story. After yea rs of here is our report on the story. After years of division and dispute, in the end it felt inevitable and emphatic. As australia postbag mps voted in favour of legalising same sex marriage. Campaigners in the Public Gallery applauded politicians who applauded them back. The vote marks a victory for them and the Prime Minister, alcan turnbull, who could not hide his delight. What a day for love, equality, and respect. Australia has done it. Every australian had their say in they said it is fair, get on with it. And the parliament has got on with it and we have voted today for equality, for love. It is time for equality, for love. It is time for more marriages, more commitment, more love, more respect. It follows last month postbag yes vote in a National Survey on legalising same sex marriage. National Survey on legalising same sex marriage. Last months yes vote. Pressure was put on politicians to deliver this before the end of 2017. Australia joins a growing list of countries, including great britain, ireland, the United States and canada where gay marriage is already legal. There has been filed in reaction to President Trumps announcement yesterday that america will recognise jerusalem trumps announcement yesterday that america will recognisejerusalem as the capital of israel and will move the capital of israel and will move the American Embassy from tel aviv tojerusalem. As the American Embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem. As i the American Embassy from tel aviv tojerusalem. As i was mentioning earlier, over 30 palestinians have been wounded in clashes on the gaza strip and the west bank because of clashes with Israeli Security forces. There have been lots of pictures coming in during the day showing protesters burning tyres and throwing stones but also the Security Services responded with tear gas and rubber bullets. If you wa nt tear gas and rubber bullets. If you want more background on the middle east Peace Process, you can find that online right now. I will see you ina that online right now. I will see you in a couple of minutes. Hello. Strong winds, fire, and some snow in this forecast. Another lip of the weather around the world. First of all were off to the United States where we have some strong winds at the moment. They are caused by an area of high pressure. The winds get squeezed over the mountains. In the west some strong gusts. Also very low levels of humidity. That combination of weather factors spanning some significant wildfires and they may well continue to rage as we go the weekend. 0utbreaks well continue to rage as we go the weekend. 0utbrea ks of well continue to rage as we go the weekend. Outbreaks of rain across the south east of the United States and things turning colder as air begins to move in from an old westerly direction. Across the bay of bengal this area of cloud is a depression. We have been monitoring it for the last few days. What is interesting is it is wrapping dry airaround the interesting is it is wrapping dry air around the circulation. As it d rifts air around the circulation. As it drifts its wayne northwards, some of the power of the weather system will be taken out of it. Its way northwards. So, although there is some forecast rain expected this weekend, for North East India and bangladesh, hopefully, it should not be too heavy as the dry air begins to evaporate some of the heavy rain. Storm caroline has been making the headlines across the uk during the last 24 hours. It has been working its way into scandinavia bringing strong winds on friday. Gusts could reach 80 miles an hour. We will have battering waves to the coast bringing the risk of flooding. Cold air follows. We will see snow showers coming in. 0vernight we could see some significant snowfall eastern france and germany, getting down to quite low levels, for example in munich. I pressure is blocking the progression of milder winds across from central areas of the atlantic. We have cold north westerly winds and proper arctic air with us bringing snow overnight and into friday as well. The wind is not changing direction and some areas will see a lot of snow. The amount will vary significantly. Nevertheless some significantly. Nevertheless some significant falls are expected. In Northern Ireland but wales and the midlands perhaps ten to 15 centimetres by friday. In scotland may be blizzard conditions to start the day. The totals of snow will mount up during the day. Ten to 20 centimetres of snow by the time you get to friday. Away from the snowy areas, there will be some sunshine but it will be a freezing cold feeling day. Temperatures struggling but the main thing is the snow. We will see some significant transport disruption across northern and western areas. There is the weather. Welcome to outside source. These are some of the main stories in the bbc newsroom. More than 30 palestinians have been wounded in gaza and the west bank in protest, following President Trumps decision to recognisejerusalem as the capital of israel. Israels Prime Minister believes others will follow americas leave. I have no doubt once the American Embassy moves tojerusalem or before, there will be a movement of many other countrys embassies. Al franken confirmed he will resign because of Sexual Misconduct allegations. He denied them, though, and attacked the president. Iam and attacked the president. I am leafing while a man who has bragged on tape about his history of Sexual Assault sits in the oval 0ffice. And we report from one of the areas in california, devastated by the latest wild fires. Lets start with the wild fires in california. Lets start with the wild fires in california. Residents of los angeles wealthy bel air neighbourhood have found their homes under threat after another wildfire erupted in california. Strengthening hot winds have been fanning the flames. This is bel air. The fire destroyed several homes in the exclusive area, quickly spreading over 150 acres. Its not just in its notjust in los angeles where the devastation has been caused. There is los angeles, and up the coast to ventura county, its been affected by the fires as well. I can show you this report from a colleague at cbs on the damage thats been caused. Well the destruction and the devastation is truly astonishing and ha rd to devastation is truly astonishing and hard to believe when you see it first hand. Neighbourhoods like this one, where i am standing at now, it is safe to say that half of the houses are no longer standing. All thatis houses are no longer standing. All that is left here is a mini van in the der driveway. So many people left with the clothes on their back. If they come back, they will find there is nothing left. In terms of there is nothing left. In terms of the wind. The good news is that the wind expected up to 70 to 80 miles an hour, we have not seen that. That is good when it comes to fighting the fires but the bad news, we are talking about 96,000 kerbs, that is about 140 square miles in ventura. The fire has made its way through this neighbourhood. And here it is just 5 contained. This is very much an uphill battle for the firefighters on the front lines. To what degree has one street been affected and the next not. Are we in affected and the next not. Are we in a strange situation where we are seeing what we are seeing beside you and a few metres down the road it is normal life . It is extraordinary to see. I dont know if we can pull back to zoom in on this house there but really, there is one side of the street where homes are devastated, levelled to the ground and nothing left but the foundation and on the other side of the street, i dont know if you can see it from your point of view but a house that is com pletely point of view but a house that is completely untouched. A house that people can return to. But here a series of homes are levelled. There was a cul de sac where six homes we re was a cul de sac where six homes were down to the ground. And nothing left other than the metal. Behind me, all that is left the is refridge rater. Huge moment in greek turkish relations today Recep Tayyip Erdogan has become the first turkish president to visit greece for 65 years. This is a delicate relationship for many reasons. Map one is cyprus. The north of the island was invaded by turkey in 1974. That was in response to a military coup backed by greece. Another issue was the Greek Supreme Court blocking the extradition of turkish soldiers who fled to the country after allegedly participating in last years failed coup. President erdogan spoke earlier. We also discussed the matter of the extradition of the coup plotters that have come to greece. What i told mr tsipras is that it is possible for these coup plotters to be returned to turkey. Turkey has abolished the Death Penalty its not a country where torture takes place, and therefore i believe the greekjustice system will hear our request to extradite the ten officers. Bbc turkish has been looking more in depth at this issue. This Cagil Kasapoglu in thessaloniki with people who fled turkey last year. The mediterranean has seen many people cross to greece in recent yea rs. People cross to greece in recent years. Now, a new group of people are taking the same journey. They are taking the same journey. They are members of the Gulan Movement, labelled by the turkish government as terrorists, since the failed coup ofjuly, 2016. Rights watch said that they had credible evidence of torture in custody but turkish officials have repeatedly denied these accusations. Turkey uses its diplomatic efforts to re m ove turkey uses its diplomatic efforts to remove members of the gulan people. But so far it has not happened in greece, instead, more people are arriving and trying to build a new life. Another gulan supporter, crossed the border only four months ago. He says he spent six months in prison, where he spent six months in prison, where he claimed to have been tortured but later released. Then he was charged again for having an encrypted message on his phone, which is the turkish authorities deemed to be used by the Gulan Movement. Against the Gulan Movement ongoing, many more are expected to arrive here in greece. From that report from greece to a report from italy, because pizza makers in naples are celebrating their skill of pizza twirling. It has been given unesco heritage status. Its a familiar sight to most of us, served up in restaurants and take away shops around the world. But in naples, considered the birthplace of the modern pizza, its a ritual handed down through generations. Here, the locals have been petitionening to have the pizza making process added to the United Nations heritage process. Pizza has become such a universal heritage all over the world, many people dont know it is italian. So the recognition from unesco will establish once and for all the truth that pizza is a global food but born here in naples and born in this oven. This oven, considered to be the place where the first ever pizza was made. For these masters at creating the perfect pizza, being added to the perfect pizza, being added to the list is recognition for the yea rs the list is recognition for the years that they have spent honing their skills. Going to school is not enough to learn how to make pizza. You can learn how to make pizza. You can learn how to handle the dough but to learn how to handle the dough but to learn the art, you have to spend a long time handling that dough in the pizzeria. For now, they are celebrating a slice of italian life that is near and dearto slice of italian life that is near and dear to their hearts. At this time of the programme, i would tell you about the bbc website and coverage of the stories we have on 0utside source, im not sure that the pizza story has made it to the website, ball of the other stories have. There is news on the brexit negotiations, there is news shortly on the west bank and gaza. Bbc. Com news is the address or download the bbc news atp app. Big row in nigeria 22,000 teachers have been sacked for failing a competency test that was meant for their pupils. This was in kaduna state the bbcs ishaq khalid is there. How are you, class . Fine, thank you. The future of these children is in the hands of their teachers. But only a third in kaduna, including the ones that we filmed passed the competency test. The government decided to take action. The government cannot continue to have these people in the classrooms. They are cheating the pupils, rather than teaching them. Of course, when we reported it to the governor, he directed that we should replace them. These sackings of teachers is unprecedented here. It is proving contraversion. The government says it is sacking nearly 22,000 teachers as part of efforts to tack 8 problems in the Education System in order to guarantee the future of these kids. But labour unions are opposed to the situation. The unions accuse the authorities of not following the proper procedures. The governor has no right to examine a teacher. We have the Teachers Council that is backed by law. Why not give the Teaching Council the opportunity to test the teachers. Unsurprisingly, those who have lost theirjobs are angry. Including one woman, teaching for 20 years and became a head teacher. Talking to me on the condition of anonymity, she said that the tests were not fair. Sincerely speaking the result of the competency test came to us as a shock. Some of us were really disappointed. Devastated, not knowing what to do. There is no doubt, education is nigeria is facing many challenges, and whereas the wealthy opt out of the government system, the poor have no choice. The question now is weather the mass sacking and hiring of new teachers will address the problems. Kaduna, northern nigeria. If you follow the news on monday you know we are reporting on brexit talks between the uk and the eu. How it did not go to plan. The Sticking Point was the irish border, theresa may had to find a deal to satisfy the uk, ireland and the dup, whose support they rely on westminster. The Democratic Unionist Party did not come on board on monday. Since thenit not come on board on monday. Since then it has been quiet. But things seem then it has been quiet. But things seem to be moving. Here this statement laura is tweeting that things are moving. Laura is not the only bbcjournalist looking at this. Lets bring in another. It looks like tomorrow is the day that there will be an announcement. The government have been trying to get the dup onside. No official confirmation on agreement but it is understood that is former words have been formerly agreed. It has been put forward. Theresa may is trying to get the negotiations put forward. The dyou cup the dup not saying much but it looks like the Prime Minister could be travelling to brussels tomorrow, we know that donald tusk is making a statement and we could get the break through. The dup were unhappy with the idea that Northern Ireland would end up with regulations similar to the european union, while the rest of the uk had something different. What has changed . The uk had something different. What has changed . Thats the main question. What form of words, what precise language has gone into this d raft precise language has gone into this Draft Agreement that is then to be circulated to eu leaders. Remember this is all about getting brexit talks on to trade to the second phase. But it centres around the issue of what happens around the irish border. Ireland are clear that they want to see Northern Ireland remain in and it yep regulations, in tandem with ireland after brexit. That will be britains frontier with the eu after we leave. But it is playing with sell antics at this stage. This is to nail down the language of an agreement. It is not the final details of agreement as to how the border looks. It is only to get a form of words acceptable to all sides so that the eu can say, yes, we are satisfied this looks like progress and talks can move to trade. It is less than a week before a crucial summit of eu leaders decide to give the green light to a second stage of talks. Thats what the sides say that they want. Getting the dup, ireland and brussels on side is crucial. I wanted to reiterate, something in your answer, this is not the deal, just an agreement of how the deal may roughly look . We keep talking about crunch points. This is a key moment. Trade talks are the substance of the brexit

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