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Swore on the life of his wife. Its five oclock. Our main story is that Police Believe they may have disrupted an alleged terror plot planned for the Christmas Period following the arrest of four suspects in sheffield and chesterfield. An Army Bomb Disposal team has been at a house in chesterfield and local residents have been moved from their homes. Three other men were arrested in sheffield. Our correspondent Angus Crawford has the latest. In chesterfield, the Army Disposal unit was called in. A large area was cordoned off, and residents were evacuated. People have been urged to be alert, but not alarmed. A 31 year old man was arrested in the early hours of the morning, and then briefly held in a police vehicle. I could see a white male in his 30s at a guess, he had no top on, im not sure if he had been dragged out of bed or what, and he had shorts on, and that is all i could see. The detentions have been described as intelligence led and preplanned, part of an ongoing investigation. Derbyshire Police Confirmed they had only targeted one person for arrest. In sheffield, there were three arrests, including one at this rundown property in mears brooke. Police said that what some people thought was an explosion was actually the sound of a forced entry to the property. We were woken up about 5 30am by a really loud bang. Initially we did think that somebody had crashed outside of our house. So we were looking outside, and all we could see were Police Officers dressed in riot gear. And they were storming a house across the road from us. In sheffield, a total of four houses are being searched. Three men, aged 22, 36 and 41, were detained in the city. Angus crawford, bbc news. Our correspondent dave edwards is there. We have just been reporting we havejust been reporting on the main events. Bring us up to date on what has been said this evening. The police cordoned remains in place in chesterfield, i2 the police cordoned remains in place in chesterfield, 12 hours after the raids took place this morning. The house was raided by the north east counterterrorism unit. Army bomb disposal experts have been here for much of the day. Within the last 20 minutes we have seen a truck from the on Disposal Unit leaving the scene. Residents have now been allowed back into their homes slowly and gradually. Those residents are shocked and worried by what has happened here and in sheffield where they were woken by a loud bangs as they were woken by a loud bangs as the raids occurred this morning. Derbyshire police say in a statement, please be reassured the arrest we wanted to make has been made. This is not the end of this operation across yorkshire and derbyshire. Four men are in custody in West Yorkshire tonight and police are now building their case against them. Thank you. There is any more we will be back to you right away. The justice secretary says he is determined to see a more diverse judiciary but has ruled out creating targets to appoint more black and minority ethnicjudges in england and wales. It comes after a review by the labour mp david lammy which said the problem of racial bias in the criminaljustice system was getting worse. Our Legal Affairs correspondent Clive Coleman reports. People from black and minority ethnic backgrounds make up around 14 of the population. So it was shocking that a review by the mp david lammy published in september found that people from these backgrounds make up 25 of the prison population and 41 of the youth justice system. Of equal concern, just 11 of magistrates and 7 ofjudges come from these communities. There are many complex reasons for the inequality, but according to this former prisoner, some are as simple as communication. We talk with our hands and something as simple as that, it used to get misconstrued as aggressive behaviour, which is just something that happens in my culture, we talk with our hands a lot. To address the inequality, the review made 35 recommendations including allowing low level offenders to defer prosecutions and opt for a rehabilitation programme. Gathering more data on the ethnicity and religion of offenders and publishing sentencing remarks in the crown court with online feedback onjudges. The lammy report confirmed an uncomfortable truth, that the criminaljustice system, which is here to serve and treat us all equally, discriminates against black and minority ethnic people. The governments wholesale acceptance of the spirit and most of the letter of the report represents a major attempt to right that wrong. The real test is going to be whether we can cut through what david lammy rightly identified as an enormous level of mistrust among people, particularly young people, in black and ethnic minority communities, towards the criminaljustice system. Mr lammy wanted change at the top, a National Target for a representative judiciary by 2025, but the government has not agreed to that. There are ethnic minority lawyers applying to our judiciary, they are just not getting through the process. And thats why i was keen to set a target or a goal, an ambition, that the system could move towards. Todays government response represents a step change in the criminaljustice systems awareness of and response to race discrimination. The hope is thatjustice will become colour blind. Clive coleman, bbc news. Peter herbert is a judge and chair of the society of black lawyers and is here with me now. Let us have a First Response to what this report tales as, and does it surprise you . I am not allowed to speak as a judge. But it does not surprise me at all. We had this meeting about setting targets with lord mackay in 1988 when we were told judges would not go with this in the seniorjudiciary. Almost 30 yea rs later in the seniorjudiciary. Almost 30 years later it is not acceptable to suggest you could set targets for Police Officers, prison officers, even other parts of the ministry of justice, but you cannot set them for the judiciary. Justice, but you cannot set them for thejudiciary. It is beyond understanding. If they are serious and committed to anti discrimination across the board for minorities, for across the board for minorities, for a woman, people with disability, they have two set targets. What is they have two set targets. What is the rationale from their point of view and what credibility to you attach to the reasoning that ministers including thejustice sector today have set out today . |j cannot sector today have set out today . cannot understand that. Unless it is protecting jobs for the boys and we do not want to feel, really you are feeling already, and you can see the results of each district that is not diverse. That rental enquiry, the refusal to have Panel Members from a diverse background beads to people saying they will would draw. The g re nfell saying they will would draw. The grenfell enquiry. That opens up the bigger issue of how black and ethnic minority people fear within the system itself. It opens up a much bigger debate about who fair the system is to a bigger constituency of people. It does. That is about credibility. We will ta ke that is about credibility. We will take the lord chancellor at his word and see what he is going to do. But you cannot just have and see what he is going to do. But you cannotjust have a dialogue of people that youd like to talk to, people that youd like to talk to, people who look like like yourself, you have got to have people on that team implementing real change, and listen to people like ourselves, and see, we need to do something different, we need to address the Sentencing Guidelines Council, breezed to have that address issues of racism and discrimination, we need to have monitoring, so we can drill down into which Court Centres have the worst rate of disparity of treatment. And even drill down to individual judges treatment. And even drill down to individualjudges because it must be an issue of retraining. The worst Case Scenario an issue of retraining. The worst Case Scenario that you ask somebody to go for retraining, or suspension, if they persistently discriminate. Very few people would see anybody deliberately does that. But you get there and the effects arejust as but you get there and the effects are just as damning for the people on the receiving end. When you think back to the profession in the 1980s, how do you compare your experience then and now . There has been a sea change, we took part in training between 1991 1995, involving mrs florence, and it did have an impact on the full and part time judiciary. Involving mrs lawrence. Myself and colleagues are currently suing the ministry ofjustice because we have problems with differential treatment. It may be that the former lord chancellor has to come to an employment tribunal and answer by we cannot treat each other fairly. In the sense that they cannot cheat our collea g u es the sense that they cannot cheat our colleagues clearly how can we cheat the general public with dignity and respect. Treat our colleagues. How would you help viewers with who you would judge success or otherwise of ministers who might respond now . We have two set up a task force. We did that with the Crown Prosecution Service when there was a big issue with discrimination. It was largely success. They have to have a high level implementation body which ta kes level implementation body which takes all, not some, but all of the recommendations, including targets, and they have two monitor what the Sentencing Guidelines Council does, and each court, and every year have and each court, and every year have a review. Not just and each court, and every year have a review. Notjust somebody saying there is nothing we can do because this country will be judged on the strength of its democracy, and the strength of its democracy, and the strength is do we treat people equally before the law . At the moment we do not. Council tax payers in england and wales could be asked to provide up to £270 million in extra Police Funding for the next financial year. Local police and Crime Commissioners are to be given the power to raise the portion of council tax that goes towards policing by £12 per household annually. Another 180 million will come from the government. The Home Office Minister nick hurd made the announcement to the house of commons a little earlier. As a government, we are acutely aware that the demands facing our Police Forces are considerable and changing. That is why this government made the decision to protect Police Funding in the 2015 spending review, and that is why today, we are proposing a settlement for our police that will increase funding for Police Forces by a further £450 million in 2018 19. Let me break it down, mr speaker. We propose that Police Forces get the same cash grant from the centre as in 2017 18. On top of that, we want to respond positively to requests from pccs for more flexibility around the levels of police precept. So we propose empowering them to raise council tax contributions for local policing by £1 a month per household, £12 a year. If they all use this flexibility, that will result in a £270 million increase in the money we invest as a society in our policing system. A former colleague of hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein has told how she was warned about his behaviour and how she went on to warn other women that he could behave in an inappropriate manner. But Zelda Perkins says matters escalated after he sexually assaulted a colleague and she accused him of rape. Attempted rape. Mr weinstein denies all allegations of non consensual sex. Ms perkins has been speaking to newsnights emily maitlis. This was 19 years ago. Harvey weinstein was at the peak of his powers. He was about to release shakespeare in love. In september 1998 his personal assistant in the uk, Zelda Perkins, quit. Speaking to newsnight she explained she endured a number of years of Sexual Harassment but then came the final straw. It came to a head when he sexually assaulted, attempted rate . Yes, we were at the Venice Film Festival and he tried to rate her. What did you do tried to rate her. She was distressed. She was terrified of the consequence. I tried to calm her for about half an hour. Then i went straight down steers to where Harvey Weinstein was having a business meeting on the terrace and told him he needed to come with me right away. For me to have broken into a meeting like that was unusual and he did not question me, he came with me straightaway because he knew why i was angry. So you accused him . Because he knew why i was angry. So you accused him . Yes. He denied it . Yes. He said nothing had happened and he swore on the life of his wife and he swore on the life of his wife and children which was his get out ofjail card. They were hoping to reveal his behaviour to disney who owned his company but their lawyer said that was not a realistic option, the only option was a damages agreement. That included the creation of a complaints procedure and therapy for Harvey Weinstein. It is not known if these stipulations we re is not known if these stipulations were carried out. Zelda perkins signed a non disclosure agreement and received a sum of £125,000. She calls for britain to follow the example of a number of us states and end the practice of allowing sexual assaults to be hidden behind non disclosure agreements. A spokesperson for Harvey Weinstein says he unequivocally denies any allegations of non consensual six. You can see the complete 20 minute interview on newsnight tonight at half past ten. Thank you. This is bbc news at five. The headlines. Police believe they may have disrupted an alleged terror plot planned for the Christmas Period following the arrest of four suspects in chesterfield and sheffield. The justice secretary says he is determined to see a more diverse judiciary but has ruled out creating targets to appoint more black and minority ethnicjudges american sprinterJustin Gatlin sang spurs saxes coach. Police make an arrest following investigations into the racist abuse received by Raheem Sterling at the clubs Training Ground, the incident is being treated as a hate crime. Watford captain troy deeney has been banned forfour watford captain troy deeney has been banned for four games after losing an appeal for a red banned for four games after losing an appealfor a red card he received against huddersfield. More on those stories at half past five. Government officials who are investigating the scandal into contaminated blood products have been using a discredited report despite assurances that it would be taken out of circulation. Campaigners allege the report, published in 2006, is full of lies. Around 2,400 people died after thousands of haemophiliacs and other patients were given blood products infected with hiv and hepatitis c during the 19705 and 1980s. Our Health Editor hugh pym has more details. This womans husband was a haemophilia. Because he was given contaminated blood products he developed hiv and hepatitis and died at the age of a7. The hope was that the truth would come out. She has campaigned for decades for a public enquiry into the scandal that claimed 2500 lives. At last that is about to happen. There are huge implications for the government. The bottom line for the government as they dont want to pay compensation because there are high numbers both infected and affected because you have the infected haemophiliacs and the affected family members. Blood products for haemophiliacs and transfusions were imported from the United States, some were infected by donors including business. In 2006 the government published a report but some documents had been destroyed so it was misleading. It was still in use this year. In august the top Civil Servant at the department of health wrote that the report has not been used by officials in recent years and will not be used in the future. But the bbc has seen a letter written earlier this year by a Health Ministry which did make reference to the report as an authoritative account. He apologised and said it would not happen again. Former lib dem minister who received the letters said it was shocking that even this year the department was putting out misleading information. He apologised because he himself had been part of what the community has suffered since day one, obfuscation, misuse of facts, lies, rebuttals. Refusing to acknowledge, almost incapable of listening. The department of health said the independent enquiry will make sure victims and their families got a nswe is. Victims and their families got answers. That battle with the authorities has come at great personal cost. At the end of the day, taking our family life personal cost. At the end of the day, taking ourfamily life back. I started this as a young woman. I am now going towards retirement and still no justice. She wants to pass on all her documents to the official enquiry. She can only hope it gets to the truth of what has been described as the biggest disaster in the history of the nhs. The Prime Minister has led a cabinet discussion on the future Economic Partnership the uk will seek with the eu. Theresa may said the final brexit deal must allow britain to set its own rules and strike ambitious trade deals around the world while having the best possible access to eu markets. 0ur chief Political Correspondent vicki young is at westminster. It isa it is a circle that is almost impossible to square. The governments and is that that is being ambitious. The Prime Minister has said she wants this bespoke deal and the idling is that the eu wants and the idling is that the eu wants and needs a deal as well. The question of what kind of relationship we will have with the eu was discussed today by the com plete eu was discussed today by the complete cabinet, the first time they have had this formal discussion in the 18 months since that referendum result. It went on for one and three quarters hours and 25 ministers did speech. The question is about their disagreements. At the moment they have been glossed over. Disagreements are about at what point we might diverge from eu rules but what theresa may is saying is that the uk has to be creative, they wa nt that the uk has to be creative, they want a bespoke deal, we are not like any other country trying to get a trade agreement, we are aligned at the board with the eu and there is no reason why we should not ask for this, but are theyjust being ambitious, or iv being unrealistic, which is what the opposition say because the eu has a ready said there would be no cherry picking . On this busy day for the Prime Minister, worth pointing out that pa rt minister, worth pointing out that part of the trade talks also involves the possibility of some kind of trade deal with the United States. There is meant to be some conversation on the telephone between the Prime Minister and President Trump. We think that has happened but we do not know what they talked about. It was indicated that the issue of jerusalem would be raised, that President Trump recognise jerusalem as the capital of israel. It is 13 days since toulouse at me and her spokesperson said she wanted to speak to spokesperson said she wanted to speakto mrtrump spokesperson said she wanted to speak to mr trump following the re tweets that he did of button first, the anti muslim re tweets that caused a storm of protest here. It has taken some time to schedule this phone call. I am not sure whether she will raise that with the president. The other issue is the visit, the state visit, which we are told the invitation has been offered, it has been accepted, but there is still no date for that. There are some suggestions that the president might come on a working visit to london in the new year. None of that is confirmed. We will have to see later whether that has beenin have to see later whether that has been in any way kneeled down. Thank you for the latest. It has cost more than £3 billion to build its the royal navys biggest and most expensive ship. And now it has emerged that hms Queen Elizabeth is leaking. The Aircraft Carrier was commissioned by the queen less than two weeks ago. But during sea trials, she began taking on 200 litres of water an hour because of a faulty seal. 0ur defence correspondent Jonathan Beale reports. This morning the royal navys newest, largest and most expensive warship was tied up at portsmouth, undergoing what looks like repairs around her stern. A diving suit hanging up suggesting they have already been investigating the problem. They found a leak around the seal of one of her massive propeller shafts. With hms Queen Elizabeth taking on around 200 litres of sea water every hour. This morning, the defence secretary was insistent it is not a serious or expensive problem. Shes in portsmouth having repairs that are needed. This is the aim of the sea trials is to make sure that we look at the problems that occur. It will not cost the british taxpayer any money. She will be out in the new year continuing her sea trials. A true flagship for the 21st century. This is still embarrassing for the royal navy. Less than two weeks ago, amid fanfare, the queen commissioned her into service. At the time, there was no mention of any fault as the £3 billion ship was handed over to the navy. The leak was discovered earlier this year while she was undergoing sea trials. Its now on a list of repairs, or snags, that still need to be rectified. The mod insists the contractors will be carrying out and paying for the work. The question now is how easy will this repair be . Can she be fixed while still in the water . Or will she have to be returned to dry dock, potentially delaying the programme . It depends where the seal is. If it is at the ship end, if you like, of the shaft, not expensive, they can do that while the ship is in the water. If it is at the wet end, towards the stern, it may be more difficult. Then they may need to get it into dock to deal with it. But i suspect its a minor fault. The navy doesnt seem to think its a big deal. The cost of the carrier has almost doubled. And its been a bumpy ride for the new jets that will eventually fly off her. The f35. Today mps accused the mod of repeatedly failing to answer their questions about the costs of that programme. This whole project has been expensive and complex, and all the technical challenges have not been overcome. Jonathan beale, bbc news. Kensington palace has announced that the queen has given her approvalfor prince harry to become the ceremonial head of the royal marines. Hes to replace his grandfather as captain general. The duke of edinburgh has held the position since 1953 when he was appointed following the death of king george vi. Prince harry served in the army for ten years, including two tours in afghanistan. We will have a look at the headlines and this board an imminent. Here is the weather. Frosty and chilly this morning but things are warming up and that is how it will stay until christmas. The weather has been mild across scotland. It stays mild through tonight, notjust across scotland but right across the country. Mild south westerly winds. Norfrost tonight. Chilly if the skies clear in east anglia. What we have in store tomorrow, cloud across and wales. Scotla nd tomorrow, cloud across and wales. Scotland and Northern Ireland will be clearer. Temperatures will get up to around 10 degrees in glasgow and 11 degrees in london. A relatively mild day. This is bbc news the headlines. Police believe they may have foiled an alleged islamist terror plot planned for the Christmas Period. Four men have been arrested in South Yorkshire and derbyshire and bomb disposal experts have been called in to a property in chesterfield. The government says it wants a more diverse judiciary despite rejecting targets for appointing more black and minority ethnicjudges. Government officials who are investigating the scandal into contaminated blood products have been using a discredited report despite assurances that it would be taken out of circulation. The hms Queen Elizabeth, the navys new £3 billion Aircraft Carrier is already facing repairs for a leak. Lets go straight to the bbc sports centre. Good afternoon. Justin gatlin, who won 100m gold in london at the World Championships in the summer, is caught up in doping allegations after an athletics agent was filmed by undercover journalists insinuating that the sprinter is using performance enhancing drugs. While his coach Dennis Mitchell said that athletes avoid detection because the drugs they use cannot be detected by tests. Gatlin has sacked his coach and denies any wrongdoing. Natalie pirks has more on what we know so far. Four months ago he stunned the world by beating usain bolt to become the 100 metres world champion. But Justin Gatlin is ending a brilliant year on drug cloud of suspicion. It stems from a video of undercover reporters from the telegraph newspaper at the florida Training Camp ofjustin newspaper at the florida Training Camp of Justin Gatlin newspaper at the florida Training Camp ofJustin Gatlin and the paper claims that he and his coach offered to supply and administer performance enhancing drugs for an actor training for a film. The video a p pa re ntly training for a film. The video apparently shows wagner insinuating thatJustin Gatlin apparently shows wagner insinuating that Justin Gatlin is apparently shows wagner insinuating thatJustin Gatlin is taking banned substances. Both wagner and Justin Gatlin denied the claims, the legal representatives of the sprinter adding he had five years of official drugs test to he had never posted to be tested for any banned substance of the Justin Gatlin himself released this statement earlier, im not using and have not used performance enhancing drugs. Im shocked and surprised to learn my coach would have anything to do with even the appearance of these grand accusations. I fired as soon as i found out this. The fired coach is Dennis Mitchell, seen here in the green t shirt. He allegedly said that athletes are able to get away with doping because the drugs they use cannot be detected by tass. Mitchell, a former 0lympic medallist with a chequered past involving banned substances, denied he ever suggested that any bus card athletes used any drugs. But for those fighting forfair sport used any drugs. But for those fighting for fair sport it is another blow to integrity. We once thought to be credible, we need to doa thought to be credible, we need to do a lot more to try to improve the immediacy of the sanctioning system in order that we actually make sure that what people see they can believe in. The Us Antidoping Agency said it is only fair to let due process occur before jumping to any conclusions but after serving two drugs banned in the past, Warren Gatland Justin Gatlin is rarely afforded the benefit of the doubt. A mans been arrested in connection with an alleged hate crime against Manchester City winger Raheem Sterling at the clubs Training Ground last weekend. Police have been investigating reports the player was racially abused and attacked after arriving at training on saturday. Troy deeney will serve a four match suspension after watford failed to overturn his red card against huddersfield at the weekend. Deeney was dismissed for a tackle on Collin Quaner and will now be unavailable for the games against brighton, leicester, swansea and Manchester City. Meanwhile Manuel Lanzini will serve a two match suspension with immediate effect after his denial of a charge of successful deception of a match 0fficial was rejected. It follows the awarding of a penalty for west ham against stoke on saturday. Gloucester rugby have said they will stand by head coach Johan Ackermann and his son who Ruan Ackermann who plays for the club, despite allegations they were involved in a fight in cheltenham last weekend. Gloucestershire police have confirmed they are investigating an incident which left a man with facial injuries. The ackermanns joined shortly before the start of the season the club say having reviewed the evidence they stand by the pair. Thats all the sport for now. There are fears toys r us could collapse after it was told to put £9 million into its pension fund. This puts more than 3000 uk employees jobs at risk. It has to come up with the money by thursday in order for the Pension Protection Fund to agree to the retailers restructuring plan. Earlier this month, toys r us said it would close at least 26 uk stores, leading to the loss of up to 800 jobs. Joining me now outside toys r us in south london, is our Business Correspondent Simon Gompertz who can tell us more. This has become a lot more uncertain for the 3200 staff who work at toys r us. The reason is the Pension Protection Fund you mentioned, that is the body that stands behind troubled Company Pension schemes like toys r us, theyre voted against a rescue plan which toys r us has cooked up with its creditors to try to struggle on. What it wants to try to struggle on. What it wants to do was to close 26 about slept shops. And persuade creditors to pay back less of what it owes. Outlet shops. The pension fund says it does not want that to happen u nless toys it does not want that to happen unless toys r us pays in advance, three years worth of pension contributions for the 600 people in the pension scheme. The company said it does not have that money, its pa rent it does not have that money, its Parent Company in the us does not have the money because it is going through bankruptcy and that has resulted in a stalemate with the main Pension Authority in the uk voting against the rescue for toys r us. Voting against the rescue for toys r us. With all that voting against the rescue for toys r us. With all that in mind what is your thoughts the seeming on the viability of this business and did the future of all of these stories . This is not the end of the road, toys r this is not the end of the road, toys r us has said it is ok for the foreseeable future trading, it thinks it is fine over christmas and new year, gift cards for instance it is happy to honour as well. So that is happy to honour as well. So that is what the company saying. And secondly this negotiation process has not come to an end, there is a final vote on thursday so the pension protection has said now that it is minded to vote against it, it has put in a Beauden Barrett can change its mind on thursday if after intense negotiations with the company they managed to find that £9 million that the Pension Protection Fund says they ought to set aside for the benefit of pensioners. The future is looking much more dicey however and the futures of these 3000 workers have been set against the 600 people hoping to benefit from the Company Pension scheme. Thank you very much. Senior executives from facebook, twitter and google have been cross examined by mps about the appearance of extremist content on their platforms. The labour mp Yvette Cooper who chairs the Home Affairs Committee accused the companies of failing to remove hateful and abusive material quickly enough. One person she questioned was sinead mcsweeney, a Vice President of twitter, about a series of anti semitic tweets that are still on the social networking site, despite being reported to moderators and even previously raised at a public hearing. We sat in this committee in a public hearing and raised a clearly vile anti semitic tweet with your organisation. It was discussed, and it is still there. And everybody accepted, you have accepted, your predecessor accepted, that it was unacceptable. But it is still there on the platform. What is it that we have to do to get you to take it down . I think that all of these discussions. I have already laid out the number of measures that we have taken, fuelled by conversations around this table and in many other countries across europe. We are constantly looking at these policies, looking at these processes. I will take that tweet away and i will come back to you with a definitive answer as to why it is still there. Seyi akiwowo is a labour councillor and also the founder of the organisation glitch uk which she set up to campaign against online hate crime after being a victim herself of abuse and harassment via social media. Seyi is at the un in geneva for the internet governance conference and joins us from there now. Tell us a bit about your work there today in light of what has been said in his Parliamentary Committee today and the clear suggestion that these big organisations are simply not doing what they promised to do in the past. Today definitely shows how global is and how we add tech three focus on uk issues but we see similarities with women in pakistan, women in lots of Different Countries facing abuse, hate crime and when they reported, social Media Companies not taking it seriously enough. Today i was on a panel with the National Democratic institute for women and gender equality and we discussed how online abuse is pushing women out of politics, pushing women out of politics, pushing minority groups, diverse groups from engaging online. It is a problem that needs to be tackled. I welcome some of the improvements that google, facebook and twitter announced today, but it is just a small step in the right direction yes but just a small step in the right direction yes butjust a small step. It is something i would have expected the company is to of them drew three yea rs company is to of them drew three years ago. They need to do much more and quickly. Well give us an example of the kind of more robust and assertive steps you would like to see them taking . The first step definitely is consistency in the reporting. Why is that we have certain issues, actually to give you a better one, i did a test, i received a bit of an abuse of 22 days ago and reported it through glitch. And from a verified and unverified account. Through my glitch account i was told it that did not violate community guidelines. And then through the verified account i was given royal treatment, told that my report was being taken seriously and they would go back to me. They need to be consistent. Why do the accounts such as trump and Katie Hopkins exist on twitter yet groups trying to provide a space, a safe space for women on facebook, get shot down. Do you think that there is enough corporation, you mentioned that this isa corporation, you mentioned that this is a global problem and not to do with individual countries, so what is your sense of the state of International Cooperation on this . Very minimal. I learned today that facebook and twitter and google have formed a kind of globalforum, i welcome that but they are only looking at a particular type of extremism. They need to look at online abuse of a whole because harassment which is a valid form of online abuse, it does not mean i will be abused on one platform but can be abused across all platforms. So there needs to be much more shared information among the three companies and also the smaller companies. But it is an opportunity to say actually, what are the Political Parties doing to recognise online environments as a form of violence. For the elimination of violence. For the elimination of violence against women i called out for all Political Parties to take this seriously and did not hear back from a single party. Why do you think that was . I guess it is not as sexy at topic is brexit at the moment, people can see a hierarchy in terms of violence which is sad. The Un Human Rights Council said in 2012 any off line crime should be treated the same way as online crime. So were asking the uk government to ratify that and recognise Online Violence as a form of violence. So i welcome a very robust scrutiny of these companies this morning but Political Parties need to look closer to home as many women are active online and they are members of these parties that are co nsta ntly members of these parties that are constantly being abused and there is no consequences for those actions. Thank you so much forjoining us today. A few there on the entire business of abuse and harassment online. Certainly women and as she was saying, the devastating consequences on young women especially who may want to enter public life and go into politics and put off by the extent of the dreadful abuse that they are seeing on daily basis on these social media platforms. This is bbc news at five the headlines. Police believe they may have disrupted an alleged terror plot planned for the Christmas Period following the arrest of four suspects in chesterfield and sheffield. The government says it wants a more diverse judiciary despite rejecting targets for appointing more black and minority ethnicjudges. Government officials who are investigating the scandal into contaminated blood products have been using a discredited report despite assurances that it would be taken out of circulation an update on the market numbers for you heres how london and frankfurt ended the day. And in the United States this is how the dow and the nasdaq are getting on. Safety investigators in the United States say a train that plunged off the tracks, onto a motorway, was travelling at 80 Miles Per Hour in a 30 mile per hour zone. Three people were killed, and dozens more injured, when the train travelling from seattle to portland, derailed on a bend in the line. 0ur correspondent james cook reports. Amtrak 501, emergency, emergency. We are on the ground. The conductor calling for help from amtrak train 501 has just survived a deadly high speed crash. Is everybody 0k . Im still figuring that out. Weve got cars everywhere and down onto the highway. Passengers say the train rocked and creaked as it took a curve at speed, and turmoil followed. Ijust grabbed onto the chair in front of me for dear life. My laptop went flying, my phone went flying. People were screaming. It was crazy. The new express was taking a faster route from seattle to portland for the first time. The investigator in charge has obtained a download of the event data recorder on the rear locomotive. Preliminary indications are that the train was travelling at 80mph in a 30mph track. Some experts say the Rail Industry should have embraced technology to prevent such accidents years ago. Its really ridiculous. The amount of automation, the capability that we have, the fact they have not implemented it yet, for somebody like me, whos an engineer, its just pathetic. This is the latest in a series of deadly rail accidents in the us. President trump says it vindicates his call to improve the nations infrastructure, but its too early to say whether that would have made a difference. James cook, bbc news, los angeles. While that phone call between theresa may and President Trump that took place this afternoon, we have no more detail on that. Prime minister called President Trump earlier this afternoon according to downing street. She offered condolences on the loss of life in that crash in washington state. They discussed the different positions that they took on the recognition of jerusalem as the israeli capital and agreed on the importance of the us bringing forward new proposals for peace and the International Community supporting these efforts. That is applied way to cover over what has been a major dispute between the us and indeed much of the rest of the world because of that initiative from President Trump in that area. The Prime Minister also raised yemen, highlighting our ongoing deep concerns say downing street of the humanitarian situation there, they agreed on the vital importance of reopening humanitarian and commercial access to prevent famine and alleviate the suffering of innocent people in yemen. And clearly that is one of the biggest crises in the world right now so they discussed that in some detail. The Prime Minister then updated the president on the recent Good Progress of the brexit negotiations says downing street. And the president set out the progress he has made on his economic agenda and they agreed on the importance of a swift post brexit bilateral trade deal. They agreed on the importance ofa deal. They agreed on the importance of a swift post brexit bilateral trade deal. What form that will take of course is an entirely different matter but we shall see. Then they wished at other American Christmas and look forward to keeping in close touch. Ending on a lovely warm milk. So that is the reader from downing street on that phone call today, that christmas phone call from theresa may to President Trump just a short time ago. Some detail from downing street. A bbc investigation has uncovered failings in the provision of health care at liverpool prison. Whistleblowers have revealed that inmates have died and others have been seriously injured as a result. The incidents occurred after inspectors visited the jail. The health trust involved has apologised. 0ur social affairs correspondent, Michael Buchanan reports. Liverpool prison is arguably englands worstjail. What are you doing . Its squalid, violent and riddled with drugs. You dont know. Staff and prisoners have been let down by a failing regime. Annette lost her grandson, ashley, through failures at liverpool prison. She raised him as her own and heard his growing concerns with the jail. In april, 2015, he died. The prison had repeatedly failed to give the 25 year old that asthma medicine he desperately needed. He wasnt getting any support for his health. He kept on and on, wrote letters to the doctor, begging them to get his prescription that he needed. But they did not decide to order that prescription until the day he died. Years later and the problems persist. In september, inspectors carried out an unannounced visit. Weve seen the unpublished report, it says, there is a lack of support for people with Mental Health needs and inpatients have an impoverished regime. Within days, an inmate killed himself in the health care unit. Less than three weeks later, another prisoner died by suicide. Staff told us the prison at the moment is so risky. A month later, a third death. Medics informed us the seriously ill man had died after waiting nearly 17 hours to see the prison gp. Health care at the prison is run by Lancashire Care Nhs Foundation trust. They say services are improving but their medical director admitted to me they had made mistakes. We have brought in new staff, we have considerably improved access to gps in the prison. So we have made improvements. But not at the pace and at the level we would have liked. Inspectors have described Living Conditions at liverpool as the worst they have ever seen, rats and cockroaches are rife, blocked toilets. Ministers say improvements are under way but such promises have been made before so staff and the 1100 inmates will want to see concrete changes before the jail loses its appalling reputation. 0nline pornography, sexting and how to stay safe online theyre all topics that could soon be covered by Sex Education classes in english schools. The government is asking parents, teachers and young people for their opinions on what should be included in new guidelines. Its the first time theyve been updated in 17 years. Heres our correspondent richard galpin. Whats different and whats the same. The guidelines for Teaching School children about relationships and sex have not changed since the turn of the century. And with lessons like this to be made compulsory in all englands schools, an update is urgently needed, particularly given how much time many children now spend online. Here, there are new risks like sexting, when explicit images of children are posted via messaging apps. And theres Cyber Bullying and the availability online of hard core pornography. 0ften young people dont necessarily know whats inappropriate in terms of behaviour and materials versus what is appropriate. Theyre confronted by so much stuff these days on the internet. Then they often dont know what is illegal versus what is legal in terms of what they themselves are doing, so it really is time that we now update this guidance. The government now wants pupils, teachers and parents all to suggest how sex and Relationship Education could be updated to make it more relevant. Hafisa who is now at university and toby who is in sixth form told me just how important its become to have a more modern approach to sex and relationships education. When i was at school, we got a really basic education so we sort of learned this is a penis, this is a vagina, this is a condom, here is how pregnancy looks. These are stds. But we werent really taught much about consent, lgbt issues or what it means to be lg bt. According to toby, many boys views of sex are shaped from a young age by watching pornography on the internet. 12 or 13, young boys looking at pornography online which is degrading to women, sexist and misogynistic. They look at these and they think that they expect girls to do things behind closed doors. Its just not like that and there are incidences of coercion and the way they talk about girls openly in the classroom is very sort of degrading towards women and girls. Its not right that that should be happening in the classroom. Sexual harassment and assaults in schools are a major issue. The hope now is that by broadening whats taught in Sex Education classes will help young people learn the importance of healthy, stable relationships. Richard galpin, bbc news. Time for a look at the weather. Heres tomasz schafernaker. It is turning milder out there, last night and this morning it was quite frosty. Not quite the amount of fog that was forecast but there was some around the top now things are starting to turn milder. This morning we had a in bournemouth but in the north of scotland, 15 celsius. So this evening milder air is coming from the atlantic, we should have a frost free night, a bit of rain around in the north of scotland, Northern Ireland. Temperatures hovering from a roundabout a couple of degrees across east anglia to around 10 degrees in belfast. A very mild night and morning to come across the north of the uk. And the mild spell is here to stay for the next few days and certainly in the run up to christmas. This is thejet days and certainly in the run up to christmas. This is the jet stream, heading even as far north and east as lapland and even into russia. So all that snow we had came a little bit too soon. The weather tomorrow, a lot of cloud across england and wales, double figure temperatures but brighter tomorrow across Northern Ireland and scotland. Thursday a similar picture across the south, a lot of cloud around, temperatures around 11 degrees. More sunshine around for glasgow and edinburgh, and newcastle. Towards the end of the week High Pressure still close by so the wind coming from the south west dragging in that milder weather up from the azores. Any weather fronts that come our way mostly affecting northern parts of the country. So in the run up to christmas it is staying mild, were pretty confident of that, often cloudy and any brain that comes will be across Northern Areas of the uk. This is just be across Northern Areas of the uk. This isjust a be across Northern Areas of the uk. This is just a sneak preview of what the weather might look like around christmas day. The thinking is there will be some rain crossing the country in the south. And if there is any snow around christmas the current thinking is it is most likely to fall across the scottish hills, maybe the tops of the pennines and parts of wales at a push. But other than that were not at this stage expecting a christmas. Off white christmas. A suspected terror plot thought to be planned for christmas is foiled, as Police Arrest four men in derbyshire and South Yorkshire. Hundreds of people were moved from their homes, as the bomb squad was sent to one address in chesterfield. They come banging on the door saying, you need to evacuate. My grandad refused to leave the house. Hes still in there now. The only one on the street. And they said, its for your own safety, bomb disposal are here. In the last hour, bomb disposal experts have moved to another property in sheffield. Weve have the latest on the ongoing operation. Also on the programme tonight. Social Media Companies taken to task by mps in parliament, as theyre accused of not doing enough to tackle hate crime. Killed in the hotel fire at loch lomond Richard Dyson and Simon Midgley were staying at the Cameron House hotel for a weekend break. The future of toys r us and more than 3000 jobs in the uk hangs

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