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Of a classified memo that rebutted claims there was anti trump bias in the fbis investigation of russian meddling in the 2016 president ial election. The white house said it couldnt be released because it contained classified material. Our correspondent peter bowes has more on the plan to redact the memo in order to get it published. Well, the democrats are saying that they will consider some reductions and actually, that isnt a huge surprise. I think we had been half expecting that this would happen. Certainly over the last few days, the signs were that the white house would probably come back and say that out of security considerations, it wasnt able to release this document which, as you have already said, is essentially a reduction is essentially a rebuttal of the very controversial document that we saw last week from the republicans, that essentially accused the fbi of being biased against donald trump. And if these redactions can be got through, do you think the president will agree to release the memo . Well, thats certainly the suggestion from the statement that weve had from the white house, that the president has instructed the Justice Department to work with the committee in the house looking at security matters, thats responsible for this memo, to see if there is a way to release it withoutjeopardising any issues of security. That would suggest that the white house and President Trump is open to its eventual release. A second white house staff member has resigned over allegations of domestic abuse. David sorensen stepped down after his former wife claimed he was violent and abusive allegations he denies. It follows the white house aide rob porter quitting two days ago because two former wives accused him of Domestic Violence claims he contests. Now lets take a look at some of the other stories making the news. The British Government says it is reviewing its work with the aid charity, oxfam, following reports that some of the organisations staff regularly used prostitutes in haiti in the aftermath of the 2010 earthquake. The charity has denied claims of a coverup and says it sacked several of its Staff Members after an investigation in 2011. Police in mexico have arrested one of the leaders of the zetas drugs cartel. Jose maria guizar valencia known as 2 43 is accused of smuggling vast amounts of drugs and weapons to the united states. The zetas cartel was founded by former Army Soldiers in the 1990s. Thousands of venezuelans have rushed to border crossings with colombia after president Juan Manuel Santos announced a tightening of colombian controls. More than 30,000 venezuelans enter colombia daily to look for temporary work or to buy essential goods. Us Officials Say theyre considering what action to take after two british jihadis were captured in syria. Alexanda kotey and El Shafee El Sheikh were part of a team of four british is members, who the americans say killed 27 hostages. Families of their victims have called for them to stand trial. Daniel sandford reports. They became the most infamous gang of foreign fighters in the self styled Islamic State. Callous torturers and public executioners of hostages. Jihadijohn his real name, Mohammed Emwazi now dead. Aine davis, in prison in turkey. And the two men we now know were captured last month, Alexanda Kotey and el Shafee Elsheikh. The gang are suspected of beheading alan henning, a driver and aid workerfrom eccles, and david haines, a long time aid worker from perth. His daughter now contemplating what punishment his newly captured suspected killers should face. They should die a long, slow, painful death, and i think quite a lot of people will understand that, that they should be allowed to live. But, realistically, thats not going to happen, and you have to come to terms with that. The best thing for them is to be locked up and throw away the key. They should never be allowed back in society, because they willjust recruit people and they willjust do this again. And, for the sake of her father, if they end up in court, she will go to watch. If it goes to trial, ill certainly be there. I certainly want to look them in the eye and let them know that i am who i am and they have destroyed a big part of my life, and hopefully, there will be some sort ofjustice. Some of the gangs hostages were freed, including former french reporter nicolas henin. He wants them to have the fairest trial possible. I would not be happy if they were just sent to guantanamo bay, because this is denial ofjustice. El Shafee Elsheikh arrived in syria from britain in 2012. Alexanda kotey left the uk on an aid convoy to gaza in 2009, and also ended up in syria. Their gang is accused by the us of beheading at least 27 hostages, including alan henning, david haines and americans james foley, peter kassig and steven sotloff. Theyre also suspected of waterboarding, mock executions, crucifixions, and electric shock torture. Alexanda kotey and el Shafee Elsheikh grew up close to each other in quite a small area of west london, near to the aao flyover. It became infamous as an is recruiting ground. As well as Mohammed Emwazi, jihadijohn, some half a dozen other men from these streets died fighting for is in either syria or iraq. Elsheikh and kotey had already had their british citizenship removed by the home secretary. Now a trial, possibly in the united states, seems the most likely outcome. Daniel sandford, bbc news, west london. With the so called Islamic State on the run in syria, how useful is the capture of these two british jihadists and what information could they provide . Heres our middle east correspondent, quentin sommerville. They called it home and raqqa was their capital, but their caliphate is now a ruin. Its not known yet how long Alexanda Kotey and el Shafee Elsheikh stayed here, but kurdish and arab fighters fought in these streets for months and more than 650 died, freeing the city from the so called Islamic State. The corpses of foreign fighters littered the alleyways, but even then we knew that plenty had escaped. Condition is in a ceasefire deal, hundreds of is fighters were allowed to leave the city. Across syria, is members began to flee through kurdish regime and rebel lines. The two british men, part of an is cell from west london, were picked up by Kurdish Forces, trying to flee to turkey. The two are a significant prize. They may be able to answer questions about what happened here. This is dabiq, where Mohammed Emwazi, jihadi john, murdered aid worker, Peter Abdul Rahman kassig. The same cell killed britains alan henning and david haines. Their bodies have never been recovered. The west london cell were seen as the worst of the worst, is superstars who had an air of invulnerability but no more, now all are dead or in captivity. They may also have information on the missing britishjournalist, john cantlie. Kidnapped by is, hes fronted some of their propaganda videos. This was his last appearance from mosul, before it too was taken from is group. And do they know the whereabouts of abu bakr al baghdadi, the is leader . Despite repeated claims that he is dead, he was last heard from in september last year. The captured men have served one significant purpose, though, a new front has opened in syria. Turkey is attacking Kurdish Forces it calls them terrorists, but the coalition sees the kurds as vital and effective allies against is and it wants the world to know those allies have just captured two of the caliphates most wanted. Quentin sommerville, bbc news, beirut. The British Foreign secretary Boris Johnson is to visit a refugee camp for Rohingya Muslims in bangladesh. Nearly 700,000 people have fled to bangladesh from neighbouring myanmar since a military crackdown began there last august. After meeting the bangladeshi government, mrjohnson spoke of the need to resolve the crisis. What we all want to see is safe, dignified and secure returns for the people, for the rohingya, back to their place of origin, and talking to his excellency and to the Prime Minister just now, i was really struck by how bangladesh and the United Kingdom really share a common analysis of what needs to be done, but i think where youre obviously right is we need to make those points together to the government in myanmar. Egypts army says its begun a major operation against terrorist organisations in several parts of the country. Security forces have for years battled an Islamic State insurgency that has killed hundreds of soldiers, police and civilians in north sinai. 0ur egypt correspondent sally nabil sent this report. The Egyptian Army has decided to strike harder than ever against islamist militants in sinai. The army has released footage of a full scale offensive targeting insurgent groups operating in the turbulent peninsula for more than five years. Translation egyptian air forces have targeted terrorist hideouts and their arms depots in north and central sinai. The forces have been beefing up their security measures to cut terrorist supply lines. The scope of the military operation is perhaps unprecedented. While it focuses on northern sinai, a military zone with sparse civilian population and no media access, it is also intended to cover other parts in the populous nile delta and the western desert, bordering the chaotic libya. People in northern sinai have told us highways in and out of the area have been closed, as well as petrol stations. Schools will be shut down too until further notice. The offensive takes place after gunmen killed more than 300 worshippers at a mosque in northern sinai last november. Since then, president Abdel Fattah El sisi gave his armed forces a three month period to wipe out the deeply rooted insurgency in the area. A deadline, seen by many as unrealistic, has been set for february. Translation you cannot have a precise timeframe when youre battling terrorists. The operation has started, but its the developments on the ground that will decide when it is going to end. I do not think the troops will go back to their barracks before they complete their mission and destroy the militantss capabilities. Sinai has witnessed similar military operations before, even if not that big. Many wonder if this one will succeed in what the past ones failed to achieve. Sally nabil, bbc news. Stay with us on bbc news. Still to come to the to the latest action from pyeongchang, the Winter Olympics, including skiing, skating and snowboarding. Theres mr mandela. Mr nelson mandela, a free man, taking his first steps into a new south africa. Irans spiritual leader Ayatollah Khomeini has said hes passed a death sentence on salman rushdie, the british author of a book which many muslims say is blasphemous. The people of haiti have flocked to church to give thanks for the ousting of their former president , baby doc duvalier. Because of his considerable value as a stallion, shergar was kept in a special secure box in the stud farms central block. Shergar was driven away in a horse box the thieves had brought with them. There stepped down from the plane a figure in mourning. Elizabeth ii, queen of this realm and of all her other realms and territories. Head of the commonwealth, defender of the faith. This is bbc world news. The latest headlines President Trump has blocked the release of a classified memo that rebutted claims there was anti trump bias in the fbis russia investigation. Us officials consider what action to take after two british jihadis are captured in syria. Families of the victims say the fighters should face trial. The European Unions chief brexit negotiator, Michel Barnier, has warned that a transition period for the uk after it leaves the bloc is not guaranteed, unless what he called substantial disagreements can be overcome. Mr barnier said these include britain not wanting to extend permanent rights to eu nationals who arrive in the country during the transition, and not wanting to follow all european rules during that time. John piennar reports. Brexit is coming and time is running short. Just 13 months before britain is officially out of the European Union and today, the eu had a sharp warning sort out key sticking points, or there will be no deal and no transition. Britains brexit secretary met the eu chief negotiator in downing street on monday. Friendly enough, but theres just weeks to thrash out the shape of a brexit transition. 0h, here we go. Today, in brussels, with a big eu summit coming next month, Michel Barnier had a blunt message, in terms easy to understand. If these disagreements persist, the transition is not a given. So much to sort out, and talks are getting prickly. 0n the rights of migrants, who arrive after brexit day, will brussels block trade if britain breaks eu rules . The brexit secretary called that plain discourteous. Oh, no, it isnt, said mr barnier. Translation throughout these negotiations, our attitude and my attitude has not been in the least discourteous or vindictive. We never wished to punish the uk. Its totally foreign to my state of mind. And how to leave the eu without bringing back a hard north south irish border . No one wants that, but. It is important to tell the truth. A uk decision to leave the Single Market and to leave the Customs Union would make border checks unavoidable. Its notjust a political problem at this shoe shop in newry, Northern Ireland. These shoes are meant for walking, on both sides of the border. Customs and tariffs could mean a business like this running into trouble. What we need is easy access from the factory to our shop floor. And if there is a hard border, then there will be hold ups all the way along that we cannot predict. Tonight, the brexit secretary is saying he is surprised Michel Barnier is not clear britain just wants to go on trading as now during a transition. The government is hoping for compromise in negotiations, whatever anyone says now, but if there is no transition deal next month, ministers will have to prepare britain and British Business for the real possibility of a cliff edge brexit. If there is a transition deal, its on to deciding the ambitions for brexit, which divide parliament, tory mps and the cabinet. One day, one crisis at a time. John pienaar, bbc news, westminster. Two of the biggest us Companies Developing self drive cars uber and waymo have settled a court case. Uber agreed to surrender equity worth more than 200 million to waymo, which accused it of stealing trade secrets. 0ur north America Technology reporter dave lee reports. This case captivated silicon valley, mostly because of this man. Ubers former chief executive Travis Kalanick is expected by many to be the very embodiment of silicon valleys bro culture, overconfidence and aggressive ambition. In court this week, he was accused of orchestrating a grand plan to steal Self Driving Technology from google and then put it into ubers own cars. Mr kalanick believes the technology is vital if uber is to survive. They had a meeting with then google employee anthony levandowski. It was alleged that he stole more than 111,000 alleged documents and then left google to set up his own company, then he sold it to uber. In a remarkable moment during the trial, the jury was shown this scene from the 1989 film wall street. The prosecution said Travis Kalanick acted like a real life gordon gecko. The point is, ladies and gentlemen, that greed, for lack of a better word, is good. Greed is right. But convincing jurors that mr kalanick is something of a slippery operator was not going to be enough to win the case. What the prosecution had to demonstrate was that uber was using the stolen technology, and that was proving much more difficult. And so, the risk for google would have been that they were a bully and if they went after a competitor in order to suppress competition, rather than to vindicate their legitimate intellectual property rights. Conversely the risk for uber, by continuing, would have been, well, what if we lose the whole thing . And so, this settlement is perhaps a good result for both sides. As part of the deal, uber agreed to give up 0. 34 of its company, worth around 245 million. In a statement, mr kalanick insisted no trade secrets were ever used and he said had the trial played out, uber would have won. We will not get the chance to find out if he was right. Whats believed to be the coldest ever Winter Olympics have opened with an unprecedented show of warmth between north and south korea. The action is well under way with canada dominating the early stages of the curling. After five sessions of the round robin mixed doubles, its increased its lead against norway and olympic athletes from russia. All three teams have played five games, winning four and losing one. Russian athletes Evgenia Tarasova and Vladimir Morozov top the board after the first event of the team figure skating. The european champions, who are real life partners, produced an Ambitious Programme to claim ten points, ahead of canada and germany. Shoma uno ofjapan is out in front in the mens singles. Last years world silver medallist impressing with a series of clean moves and spectacular jumps. Meanwhile, frances Perrine Laffont leads the first round qualification of the womens moguls freestyle skiing. An impressive run at the phoenix snow park pushed her ahead of canadian andi naude and Morgan Schild of the usa. And in the qualifiers for the mens slopestyle snowboarding, hot favourite norways Marcus Kleveland is currently in top spot, trailed by new zealands Carlos Garcia knight and Sebastien Toutant of canada. Rio carnival has kicked off with 1. 5 million tourists celebrating with the locals. Its been a difficult year for the leading samba schools which faced funding cuts. Its not stopped the partying, though, as our south america correspondent katy watson reports from one of the parades. This is the street named after the come alive and you can see lots of people here dressed up as nuns. It is in the traditional neighbourhood of neighbourhood but it is one of nearly five 100 st parades that is taking place across rio during carnival. It is a massive operation, nearly 6 Million People are expected here in the city to celebrate carnival it brings in more than 1 billion to the city and 17,000 military police are on standby because the committee here is a big issue with rising violence in the city. It is a time to celebrate, the party, to have fun but this year it is also a time to talk about politics are especially with the president ial elections coming up in 0ctober so some costumes here are politically featured, one man is dressed up as yellow fever to indicate the problems of the outbreak of yellow fever in recent months and other people are criticising politicians and rio is no stranger to that because the men here cut funding to samba schools by nearly 50 this year, citing financial pressures in the city but his critics say he is anti carnival and too conservative. But despite the problems, people here will be focusing more on partying than the politics. Always a joy. Now, most of us are used to posing for that family photo or snapping a selfie with friends, but what if someone asked you to embrace a complete stranger . Well, for more than a decade, thats just what photographer Richard Renaldi has been doing. The result is a series of intimate photos called touching strangers. He spoke to us about the project. When i walk up to people to make a touching strangers photograph, i introduce myself and i tell them that i am a photographer and i am doing a kind of unusual project, a series of portraits. I learned as the practice of making these went on and on, how far i could push people and how much i could ask of people. I wanted to touch on all the different types of relationships that you could imagine. I hope people think when they look at my pictures, i hope that they feel. How they feel or how they think is up to them, and i think that is the subjective and interpretive experience of looking at art. The bride and the Wedding Dress image. He is wearing a traditional outfit, so there is a veiling kind of happening with that. He has on his bluejeans and, of course, her Wedding Dress. So theres these nice little touches. This picture ended up being the most interesting, provocative and complex, because theres this sense of both protector and predator. It leaves you, i think, with more questions than answers. I think that there are universal truths of humanity, the potential for any stranger to become a friend or partner or relative. Intriguing and disturbing. Dont forget, you can get in touch with me and some of the team on twitter. I will occasionally tweet interesting stuff, sometimes im nkemifejika. That is all from us for now. Goodbye. Hello again. Most of us saw some sunshine yesterday, but there were also some wintry showers out and about. The highlands looked splendid, didnt they . After the recent snowfall here and clear blue skies as well. But looking ahead to the weekends forecast, not so much sunshine to go around on saturday. Sunday sees the sunshine return, along with some snow showers. Itll become windy for a time this weekend. Heres the satellite picture. It shows an area of low pressure, a curl of cloud racing towards the british isles, and this cloud is going to be moving in, bringing a band of rain with it. And that rain is going to be quite heavy over the next few hours, turning readily to snow even low down across parts of eastern scotland. I think we will see things turning rather wintry. The other thing youll notice if youre out and about first thing is how cold it feels. Yes, were looking at a widespread frost and a risk of some icy stretches first thing. Now, looking at the weather in a little bit more detail through saturday morning. The snow across scotland, well, five to ten centimetres possible over the higher ground. It will tend to transition back to rain as milder air works in from the west as we go on through the early morning. Further southwards, for wales and south west england, its just rain that will fall really. And after that cold and frosty start across east anglia and south east england, bright with some sunshine, but then the cloud moves over that cold air. Its probably one of those mornings where temperatures will be very slow to rise across parts of eastern england. Not really rising significantly until we get into the afternoon, when the winds pick up and we will start to see the threat of some light rain working into east anglia and the south east. Quite a range of temperatures, turning mild in the south west. Highs up to 11 degrees. We still have the cold air hanging on across northern scotland, where well also have some bright weather with some sunshine. Now, its six nations again this weekend and both at dublin and also twickenham, the threat of rain. Probably the rain heavier at twickenham as the evening progresses. Now, looking at saturday night, a windy spell of weather looks on the cards thanks to this area of low pressure. Ive just drawn the fronts in, and its around the southern flank of this low pressure that we could see the winds being particularly strong. Gales seem likely. Gusts of wind 50 to 60 miles an hour. It could be a bit stronger than that across parts of the east, it just depends how quickly this area of low pressure develops. Either way, as we get into the first part of sunday, that area of low pressure will be working across to cause problems in the continent. We are left with brisk north westerly winds, that will drag in plenty of wintry showers, most of them snow inland. Towards the coast, there could be a bit more of a mix of rain and sleet. There will be sunshine between those showers, but it will feel chilly, highs generally around three to five degrees. It looks quite likely that we will see another spell of heavy snow for the hills of england, Northern Ireland and scotland monday night. This is bbc news. The headlines. Donald trump has blocked the release of a Democratic Party memo, rebutting claims of alleged anti trump bias in the fbis russia probe. The white house says the memo contains numerous properly classified and especially sensitive passages, and for this reason, the president was unable to declassify it. Us Officials Say theyre considering what action to take after two british jihadis were captured in syria. Alexanda kotey and El Shafee El Sheikh were part of a team of four british is members who the americans say killed 27 hostages. The families of their victims say the fighters should face trial. Uber has settled its legal battle with the self driving car company waymo. The dispute was over allegations that the ride hailing app, stole trade secrets about waymos Self Driving Technology. As part of the settlement, uber has agreed to give waymo shares in its firm worth about 245 million. Now on bbc news, our world. For nearly a0 years, afghanistan has been in a constant

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