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Pessimists on the other side think are too ambitious. Mr speaker, i love our country but what i love most about our country is the people. All the people. But the reality is all the evidence is showing the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting. All the evidence and the poor are getting poorer. With those hit by austerity dying early, so, what is the prime minster going to do now to address these inequalities, not by 2050, or does taking back control means that he is more interested in sustaining wealth, income and power with the few, not the money . Im afraid what the later mac says is absolutely diametrically the opposite of the truth because income inequality has in fact declined since 2010. It has the incomes of families on the living wage, a policy promulgated by this government have increased by £4500 on it since 2010. And wages are now rising faster than inflation for the first time in a decade. And it is this party that is committed to higher wages and higher skills. It is that party that wants higher taxes and fewer jobs it is that party that wants higher taxes and fewer 1035 mr speaker, nowhere is enthusiasm and optimism more needed than in the Agriculture Sector so can i just more needed than in the Agriculture Sector so can ijust woken what he said ina sector so can ijust woken what he said in a statement about the future forfood in this said in a statement about the future for food in this country . said in a statement about the future for food in this country . I thank my right honourable friend very much, he isa right honourable friend very much, he is a champion for food right honourable friend very much, he is a champion forfood and farming in this country and has been for many years and he is quite right to be filled, suffused with optimism about it. I quite welcome the inclusion of social care in the prem and esthers list of priorities for his government. As he will know this thorny issue about how we should pay for it, to select committees of this house Work Together with the Citizens Assembly to reach a consensus on how we should fund this fairly and for the Prime Minister meet with me and the member for Sheffield South East to discuss how we reach a consensus and get it done . I thank you dot to make the honourable lady and i will make sure that i study the suggestions that she has made in her reports, and they will of course be taken into account as we come forward with a solution, a plan for social care. Thank you very much. Given the busy nature of the last few days, the new leader of the lib dems said that she had agreed to leave vote in the second referendum so does the Prime Minister agree with me campaigning for a referendum you intend to ignore is pretty pointless . for a referendum you intend to ignore is pretty pointless . I thank my honourable friend, and it smacks of tyranny it smacks 0f my honourable friend, and it smacks of tyranny it smacks of tyranny these people pretend to be democrat and yet their plan is to quash the people time and time again. Two months ago ministers confirmed to me they have to report members couldnt see it. The Prime Minister says he isa plain see it. The Prime Minister says he is a plain speaker so could he exercise some plain speech today, released this report and get this going at our football grounds . think the honourable gentleman for raising that important point with me, and raising that important point with me, and i am informed the issue of safe standing at football matches is currently under review but clearly we ta ke currently under review but clearly we take it extremely seriously. Thank you, mr speaker. Can i say thank you to the Prime Minister on his first day here in the house of commons he has given an unequivocal guarantee to eu nationals, like my mother and father which should have been done three years ago by the previous administration. Can i say having met mr barney last friday, if the Prime Minister wants to take the country out on a new deal basis, can he confirm he will do everything in his power to protect the 1. 3 million british nationals living and working in the eu . Of course. And i thank the honourable gentleman for what he has done to protect the rights of not just obviously of has done to protect the rights of notjust obviously of his parents, but of the 3. 2 million, and the 1. 3 million uk nationals living and working in the eu. Its in the interests of our friends and partners on the other side of the channel they should give symmetrical protections, and i am sure they will. I think the house would agree it is incumbent on us to look after the rights of the people who have lived, worked and dwelt among us, made their lives here, and that is what we are doing. Thank you, mr speaker. Some unkind fellas have suggested the new Prime Minister doesnt do detail but ive heard him just admit weve already spent £4. 2 billion as a country on stockpiling medicines, lorry parks and fridges in the event of no deal. He said the chancellor has confirmed all necessary funding will be made available if we continue no deal preparation so can he put a figure on that number . Im sure he wouldnt come without an idea as to what it is. Of course, the honourable come without an idea as to what it is. Of course, the honourable lady isnt quite right because the figure she refers to is not the amount that has been spent by the amount allocated by the previous chancellor of the exchequer. May i make a point that i think the house should reflect on about this expenditure and what we are trying to do now in getting ready for a note or brexit . Not that we want it but we must get ready for it. Under any circumstances in the next few years itll be and do to make necessary to extricate itself from the Customs Union and the regulatory orbit of brussels and that will require changes in which it is important to invest and that is what we will do 110w. Invest and that is what we will do now. And that is why there will be a big Public Information campaign and im sure she will want to join in advertising the benefits of that campaign. Id like to accommodate everybody, that might not be possible but ill try. Single sentence questions, beyond that people will be cut off. Thank you, mr speaker. The Prime Minister visited aberdeen and saw the Successful Oil and gas industry, does he agree this industry supporting 280,000 jobs he will get behind . I congratulate my honourable friend on what he is doing to support our hydrocarbon industry in aberdeen and thereabouts. And, clearly, that industry has a great future, and can be used additionally to help reduce our Carbon Footprint as well. As Prime Minister, his trademark bluff and bluster wont wash, he needs to be on top of the detail so can he now answer what is in article 24 paragraph five c of the general agreement on tariffs and trade . Mr speaker, as the honourable lady knows full well, we intend, not that we will get that situation, not that we will get that situation, not that i wish to rely remotely on article five c, but we intend, of course, if we have to come to confide absolutely in article five b, which. I dont know what the lady is looking to satisfied about, im sure the Prime Minister will quoted in latin verbatim soon. Thank you for his commitment on free ports which is fantastic that he is about cani which is fantastic that he is about can i push on one issue regarding oui can i push on one issue regarding our local industrial strategy which is of course the maintenance of current government approach to the sale of British Steel which is essential for providing confidence. I thank my honourable friend, and he can take it this government will leave no stone unturned to get a good solution for British Steel at scunthorpe good solution for British Steel at scu nthorpe and elsewhere. Good solution for British Steel at scunthorpe and elsewhere. The North East Children and young people will be off school today, they may well be watching this spectacle but forgive me for not encouraging them to have faith in the Prime Ministers bluster and warm words because the factors that are no deal brexit put at risk our 63 of exports to the eu and therefore theirfamiliesjobs. Exports to the eu and therefore their families jobs. I hope that the children in her constituency, that she describes, will be able to learn from watching these proceedings that they will get more funding for their schools 4000 people in primary schools 4000 people in primary schools 5000 per pupil in secondary schools 5000 per pupil in secondary schools that will be welcome news for them all. The vast majority of people in my constituency who voted to leave welcome the determination of the promised to deliver brexit. Beyond that, we welcome extra Police Numbers because we share the concern about rising crime but when can we know the numbers for Different Force areas . Thank you, my honourable friend. I can tell him he will know as soon as possible. Thank you, mr speaker. The Prime Minister talks passionately about unleashing the productive value of the whole of the north east. Just as he did about freeing kippers but without the detail. Can he now say to me what are the three things he admires most about the north east, and how are no deal brexit would make them more productive. Mr speaker, do you know what, i think the people of the north east should be left to decide what it is they admire most about their fantastic what it is they admire most about theirfantastic region. What it is they admire most about their fantastic region. It would be absolutely patronising of anybody to say what they admire about any particular region. But i will say the north east is the only region of the north east is the only region of the uk which is a net exporter yes, i bet you didnt know that i bet that she didnt know that mr speaker because she is not interested in economic success and we are in datemac interested in backing industry. We must restore some calm. Ive been listening with rapt attention to the Prime Minister but i dont want his arm to collide with the microphone because it was be analogous to a tennis player crashing into the net, and i know the honourable gentleman would never do that, knowingly or otherwise. Thank you mr speaker. Across the country more young people are carrying knives and knife crime has gone up and my honourable friend in his previous role as the excellent mayor of london solved this. What action will he take now to solve it across the country because itll ta ke across the country because itll take time for the new Police Officers to arrive. I thank my honourable friend for his campaign for safer streets in his constituency and i was proud to work with him in london when we were we reduce the murder rate by 50 , we kept the murder rate in london fewer than 100 for more than four or five yea rs than 100 for more than four or five years running. The way to do it, the way we reduced knife crime in london was by very active policy of stop and search. Which i know the Party Opposite opposed. They were wrong. We took thousands of noise off the streets of london, 11,000 knives. We saved lives across the city. In my honourable friend can be proud of what he did to help that campaign. The Prime Minister stated his commitment to increasing school funding. This week weve learnt his predecessors announcement of 2. 7 increase for teachers would only be partially funded by the government meaning those schools will face budget cuts as a result. Would he demonstrate his commitment to schools by agreeing to fully fund this teachers pay increase . Mr speaker, its clear, weve committed to £4. 6 billion package of extra funding to lift up funding across the country and that is what we will do. Despite it being the hottest night of the year last night, it is the first time in months that i have slept soundly. Prime minister, will you ensure that i, and millions of others, can sleep soundly in our beds . Mr. Mr. Mr speaker, i hesitate to do anything to disrupt the nocturnal arrangements of my honourable friend in any way, except to say that i think the whole country, the whole country, can sleep soundly in the knowledge we will come out of the eu on october the 31st, we will get it done, deliver on the mandate of the people and take this country forward in a way i think he wants. Which workers rights does he want to enhance that weve been prohibitive to do by the eu . Mr speaker, thatll be a matter for this house and he should welcome. He should welcome. He should welcome. That opportunity. If he is now saying. If he is now saying he does not wish to do anything to improve the rights of workers in this country, if he is saying the entire corpus of eu law must remain untouched, and there is nothing. There is nothing. That is why the people of this country are fed up. Fed up of remaining of the eu, want to be able to legislate for the advantage of the people of this country. His father is a great champion of the environment, will he continue that noble Family Tradition . Mr speaker, i certainly will. I want to congratulate my honourable friend from cheltenham for everything he does also to promote the environment, and i think it is an amazing thing, thanks to the work of colleagues on these benches, the environment, green issues, are now seen to be the agenda that we, the conservatives, want, and we will continue to make improvements in our environment. The Prime Minister yesterday started the job he always wanted. What is he going to do to guarantee the millions of people across our country are not going to see their employment end because we are hurtling towards a no deal brexit which doesnt command the majority of this house . The answer is for this house of commons to do what is sensible and write and deliver on the mandate of the people and get brexit done by october the 31st which is the right thing to do. Thank you, mr speaker. I welcome the Prime Ministers statement on increasing funding to education. Might he expand more on what we might do to help those with special needs because they are of considerable need not just needs because they are of considerable need notjust in my constituency but across the whole country. I thank my honourable friend and he is entirely right, and he may have noticed weve announced policies to allow special Educational Needs schools to be established, in areas where local authorities need those schools, and we will fund them. The new Prime Minister hasjust we will fund them. The new Prime Minister has just outlined a very significant spending programme. The new chief secretary to the treasury has committed to Government Debt falling every year, and we know in no deal brexit would be a significant cost to the national finances. I minister, how are any of those three things compatible with each other . The answer is actually the spending commitment so far are modest but they can be amplified and financed by the strength of the uk economy which that party would jeopardise by their retrograde policies. Mr speaker, will schools be getting some of that welcome extra cash in this Financial Year or wait until the next . Extra cash in this Financial Year or wait untilthe next . Now, mr speaker, it is my intention they should get the extra cash as fast as can be humanly expedited. 8096 of all children excluded from mainstream schools have special Educational Needs and disabilities. It isnt enough to simply fund new Specialist Schools were naturally what we need is mainstream education supporting special Education Needs and disabilities are what his plan for that and aint just about cash. thank the honourable gentleman, he is entirely right that all schools need funding for sen, and that is pa rt need funding for sen, and that is part of the 4. 6 billion programme we have announced. Would the Prime Minister agree with me that, notwithstanding his agreement to increase in Capital Funding notwithstanding his agreement to increase in capitalfunding on the nhs to rebuild the nhs estate, we should also focus on improving Mental Health care across our country, building on the work that myself and others in this house have done over the last five years to make sure we deliver for those people, too . The honourable gentleman is entirely right, and i believe one of the things we should do is to promote Mental Health in this country by giving businesses incentives to look after the Mental Health of their employees and prevent the burden from falling so heavily on the nhs and on social services. In a statement he said he wa nted services. In a statement he said he wanted to govern for the whole of the country but in a previous role the country but in a previous role the right honourable gentleman has accused my constituents of wallowing in their victim stayed. Repeated offensive and proven untruths about the hillsborough disaster, calling liverpool the self pity city so will he apologise to the people of liverpool for the offence he has cause . I asked the right honourable lady to look at my political record, look at what we have achieved, look at what ive done as a one nation conservative, lifting up, helping, with policies that are uniformly delivering Better Outcomes for the poorest and neediest in society and thatis poorest and neediest in society and that is what i stand for, that is what i believe in, that is what this whole government is going to deliver. Does my right honourable friend welcomed the findings of the alternative Arrangements Commission led by me and my honourable friend the mp for loughborough . led by me and my honourable friend the mp for loughborough . I do. They are, if the mp for loughborough . I do. They are, if i may say, a withering retort to the gloomy people opposite who say there is no solution, who begins the negotiations by saying defeat is inevitable. It is not true, as my right honourable friend has identified. The facilitation is to exist, the remedy is to exist and what it takes now is the political will to get there. The conservative pa rtys manifesto will to get there. The conservative partys manifesto 2017 says we need to deliver a smooth and orderly departure from the European Union and that phrase is repeated eight times in the document so does my Prime Minister agree with me that he has no mandate to deliver no deal . The honourable gentleman will also, since he is a student of the conservative party manifesto, know the government was committed, both then and since to prepare for a no deal outcome, not that we want it. Not that we want it. I. I am grateful to my honourable friend that reminds me the policy was a no deal is better than a bad deal. We dont want it but the way to avoid it is to prepare for it. Can i congratulate the promised and welcome him to his role. 19 of my constituents dont have access to 10 megabytes of broadband affecting their business, educational and leisure opportunities so can my honourable friend the Prime Minister commit, as he has done in the campaign, to delivering broadband to every one of my constituents . think my honourable friend and of course she may have noticed in the course she may have noticed in the course of the recent Election Campaigni course of the recent Election Campaign i made it clear we will accelerate, mr speaker, the full fibre broadband by eight years to every household in this country gets full fibre broadband within the next five years. Will the Prime Minister ordered an inquiry into the £76 million wasted paying Management Co nsulta nts million wasted paying Management Consultants to work on the shaping a healthier future programme for North West London which the Health Secretary has now abandoned after nine years . I can certainly say i think the healthier future nine years . I can certainly say i think the healthierfuture programme for North West London has not perhaps delivered the results that we wa nted perhaps delivered the results that we wanted but i think he and i share a constituency interest, shall we say, in ensuring that we get the improvements to health care notjust in North West London but across the country, and that is why this party and this government is spending an extra £20 billion of that is why yesterday i announced new upgrades new upgrades for 20 hospitals across the country including some i believe in North West London. the country including some i believe in northwest london. I welcome the promised to his role and his commitment to infrastructure in the north of england can the promise to commit to me the government will continue to invest in Small Projects across the north of england, such as the m 55 bypass . I think my honourable friend. I lost count in the course of this recent campaign of the number of duelling schemes and bypasses that i seem to commit myself to. But i will certainly make sure that we invest massively in road because although i believe in mass transit there is no doubt that for many People Investment in our roads, improving our roads is absolutely essential for economic progress. The Prime Minister said some may accuse him of hyperbole. I dont. I accuse him of getting his fa cts dont. I accuse him of getting his facts wrong. The first minister Nicola Sturgeon was elected by the Scottish Parliament in 2014, defeating Ruth Davidson by 51 votes. Will he apologise for getting it wrong . Well, i. I. I. I. Was relying on the very clear advice of a very distinguished colleague of mine. I undertake mr speaker to write to the honourable lady with further particulars about the dispute that seems to have arisen between us about that point of fact. My between us about that point of fact. My right honourable friend is a great one nation conservative and in that spirit i ask my right honourable friend when dont make any find honourable friend when dont make anyfind time honourable friend when dont make any find time to take a close look at my six Year Campaign to ban unpaid internships, which i think will bring great meritocracy to this country. I absolutely endorse the campaign my honourable friend has run and we should be a meritocracy, and people should be able to get access to jobs not according to who they know but according to their talents and hes right. The office of Prime Minister is accountable to this house so detail is needed. Exactly what changes to the Withdrawal Agreement does he believe he can achieve . I am grateful to the honourable lady and the answer i think was contained in my statement, which is, and shell have held it along with a house, what we need to do, asa along with a house, what we need to do, as a first step, let me put it that way, is a first step to get rid of the backstop, which i remember, i listen to the debate, it was opposed by people on all sides of the house, and if our friends and partners will see their way round to doing that, i believe we will be well on our way to solving the problems. My right honourable friend support the establishment of a stand alone uk investment and development bank, such as those the netherlands, germany and france have, even though they are members of the ip, which we are about to leave and can we have one of the First Investments be a giga battery factory in West Midlands . Mr speaker, not only will i endorse that suggestion, but i will invite him to meet my right honourable friend the chancellor at the earliest possible opportunity to discuss. What does it say to the promises of restoring sovereignty to the tao is the prime estimate when he was leading the leave campaign that he has appointed Dominic Cummings to be a one of his major policy advisors and was he right to d efy policy advisors and was he right to defy the select committee and not attend . Mr speaker, this government is appointing a fantastic team that will take this country forward and i think it is absolutely astonishing he talks of the campaign to leave the European Union. People on that side of the house voted to trigger article 50. I think it is an utter disgrace that they are now trying to reverse that result. Mr speaker, i very much welcome our honourable Friends Programme for government. As he employs an additional 20,000 Police Officers can he ensure county areas like warwickshire get their fairshare . Areas like warwickshire get their fair share . Not only that, they must also do much more to ensure that police in rural areas get out to victims of crime in a timely and efficient way, and i know my right honourable friend the home secretary will be insisting on that as well. Mr speaker, if he actually cares about it, why did he devote only one sentence out of 61 sentences in his speech last night and only to make sentences out of 97 in his Statement Today to the Climate Emergency . sentences out of 97 in his Statement Today to the Climate Emergency . I am grateful to the honourable lady for counting the lines in my speech. I can tell her that i think by what i have said today the house will know we place the Climate Change agenda, the absolute core of what were doing, and she will also i think have knowledge it is party, by committee to net zero by 2010. By 2020. It is this party that believes in the private sector generated technology that will make that target as attainable and deliver hundreds of thousands ofjobs. That is the approach. With the new spirit of optimism on the side of the house we re of optimism on the side of the house were my honourable friend tell one of his ministers to organise a city status competition. So, at long last it can become a city . status competition. So, at long last it can become a city . I think mr speaker ive no alternative but to a nswer mr speaker ive no alternative but to answer in the affirmative to that question. The Prime Minister has repeated this United Kingdom will leave the eu by the 31st of october with or without a deal so can you tell the house what range of figures he is working to as to the impact of gdp ofany he is working to as to the impact of gdp of any income. Mr speaker, thats why its vital that we prepare for a no deal outcome because after all the more determined and the more careful our preparation the less likely the risk of any disruptive order disorderly brexit at all. His commitment to the 20,000 new Police Officers is very welcome, as was the chancellors commitment to a new policing cove na nt. Commitment to a new policing covenant. Weve managed to get back boris over the line so when does he expect to complete the job on back bobbies . I thank my honourable friend. The answer is as soon as possible certainly in the next three yea rs. The Prime Minister surely doesnt agree with the home secretary about the return of the death penalty, does he . I have the fullest admiration for the home secretarys policies on law and order. I dont myself support the death penalty, but i think what the death penalty, but i think what the people of this country want to see is proper sentencing for serious violent and sexual offenders, and i am glad to see some nodding from the labour benches on this. There are members opposite who know where their constituents truly are on some of these issues, and unlike the current leadership of the Party Opposite, that is what we will do, but of course, we will also be pursuing all the measures

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