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After a weekend of Mass Shootings that left 31 dead, in ohio and texas, President Trump has announced hell visit el paso on wednesday. The attack there is being investigated as domestic terrorism. In an address to the nation, mr trump condemned hatred and White Supremacy, and called for reform of Mental Health and gun laws. His language, from a prepared script, was in sharp contrast with his rhetoric on twitter and at public rallies and in a rare statement, former president barack obama has called on americans to reject language from any of their leaders that feeds a climate of fear or normalises racism. Jon sopel reports. Weve been here before, well be here again. Another heart wrenching vigil in an American City where deadly gun violence has made an unwelcome intrusion. In the midst of this darkness, there were also stories of immense heroism. Specialist soldier glendon oakley rescued many children, but hes haunted by the ones he couldnt save. I understand it was heroic, and im looked at as a hero for it, but that wasnt the reason for me. Im just focused on the kids that i could not get. These deaths at the hands of the alleged killer, patrick crusius, brought a more reflective donald trump to the podium at the white house, and he was unequivocal. This was a monstrous evil. The shooter in el paso posted a manifesto online, consumed by racist hate. In one voice, our nation must condemn racism, bigotry and White Supremacy. These sinister ideologies must be defeated. Hate has no place in america. He called for a new spirit of bipartisanship, but did not offer any new gun control measures. The focus needed to be on the people who got hold of them. We must reform our Mental Health laws to better identify mentally disturbed individuals who may commit acts of violence, and make sure those people not only get treatment but, when necessary, involuntary confinement. Mental illness and hatred pulls the trigger, not the gun. But democrats say the president s own language when it comes to race and immigration at rallies like this one in the Florida Panhandle has helped create a toxic climate. This is an invasion when you see these caravans are starting out with 20,000 people, thats an invasion. But how do you stop these people . You cant. Laughter thats only in the panhandle you can get away with that statement but today from the president , the language is of a need for unity. The same words being spoken at the vigils. Theres too much hate everywhere. All the hateful rhetoric around this nation has taken a toll on this city. Weve heard calls before of the need for everyone to come together, but in the past in washington, those words have tended to fall on deaf ears. Jon sopel, bbc news, washington. Cbs news correspodent hilary lane is in el paso. Thank you for talking to us. I know you are just thank you for talking to us. I know you arejust in thank you for talking to us. I know you are just in front there of a ceremonyjust about you are just in front there of a ceremony just about to take you are just in front there of a ceremonyjust about to take place. The donald trump we hear reading from a teleprompter is very different from the one we hear at rallies or on twitter. What has been the response. . Different responses from republicans and democrats, many congratulating the president s for coming out and making a speech in condemning hate but democrats are not satisfied the president did not come out and support for major gun reform and thatis support for major gun reform and that is what the democrats really wa nted that is what the democrats really wanted to see. Another thing that President Trump said is that he wa nts to President Trump said is that he wants to package gun reform with migration reform and for democrats, thatis migration reform and for democrats, that is a nonstarter. How seriously think you might be about changing the gun laws . Is gone near it before and walked back from it. Its really tough to say. In his speech, he said something needs to be done and americans are so traumatised and associated, so many people from all of these Mass Shootings that have happened, dozens of people dead in a week but the democrats say the president is not serious enough. The top democrat, senator chuck schumer, talked about ringing congress back to talk about gun reform so many are saying President Trump did not go far enough saying President Trump did not go farenough in saying President Trump did not go far enough in calling for major gun reform but republicans are saying he had rested and something needs to be done again, they want that tied to Immigration Reform that is going to be hard for democrats to agree to. Hillary, in el paso, thank you very much. Lets get some of the days other news. A florida man has been sentenced to 20 years injailfor mailing explosives to prominent democrats including Hillary Clinton and barack obama. Cesar sayoc pleaded guilty in march to 30 criminal charges. In october, just weeks before the congressional mid term elections, he sent pipes filled with explosives and wires to 13 people. Hed been living in a white van decorated with stickers glorifying President Trump. Mr trump has called the plot despicable. The government of Bashar Al Assad and his russian allies have resumed air strikes on idlib in north west syria, according to the syrian observatory for human rights. There was meant to be a truce, under a deal between turkey and russia last year, to create a buffer zone. But officials in damascus claim Anti Government forces in the province have not kept to an agreement to withdraw their heavy weapons. A town close to a military base in siberia has been evacuated, after a fire broke out in the ammunition store and sparked a series of huge explosions. This video, posted by eyewitnesses on social media, shows a huge ball of fire on the horizon. Its thought seven people have been injured, including four soldiers. Pakistan has condemned as illegal the indian governments decision to revoke part of the constitution that gives special status to indian administered kashmir. There are fears of unrest, because until now india, with its hindu majority, has guaranteed significant autonomy for a muslim majority state. Jammu and kashmir is a disputed mountainous region along the India Pakistan border. Among the scrapped provisions is one which prevented indians from other states settling in the region. From delhi, Yogita Limaye reports. An uneasy quiet in kashmir its people under lockdown at its future was being decided hundreds of kilometres away. With one dramatic announcement in parliament, the Specialist Status kashmir had held for 70 years was revoked by a direct president ial order. This is a black monday, this is a dark day. There was an uproar among opposition mps, who called the move unconstitutional. But among supporters of the decision, it was time to celebrate. One of the big election promises made by Prime Minister modi and his ruling bjp fulfilled. If i look at it from the peoples perspective, in terms of employment opportunities, in terms of economic opportunities, seeing that development reaches at the grassroots, Jammu And Kashmir deserves much better so this is about the people of Jammu And Kashmir. At the time of partition, kashmir was a princely state. It was given a choice to be a part of india or pakistan. It chose the former, on the condition that it could make its own rules and only permanent residents could acquire land in the region. All those privileges have been done away with now and some are angry about how it unfolded. But what has left many in the country in disbelief is the manner in which this was done. No elected representative from kashmir was consulted. Here in parliament, mps didnt vote on it. People here are questioning how this was allowed to happen in a democracy. To quell tensions in kashmir, tens of thousands of extra troops have been deployed. Top politicians have been placed under house arrest. From where she was being held, a former kashmir chief minister spoke to the bbc over the phone. Im really shocked because i feel this unilateral decision is going to have, you know, far reaching consequences for the whole subcontinent. Its going to be catastrophic. On the other side of the de facto border, pakistan protested too, saying it would explore all options to counter the move. This himalayan region that is disputed by both neighbours is at a turning point. Yogita limaye, bbc news, delhi. North korea has fired two unidentified projectiles. Its the fourth weapons test in just two weeks. South koreas military puts the site of the latest launch as South Hwanghae province, so the projectiles had to fly across the peninsula before landing in the sea. North korea has expressed anger at the annual military exercises which south korea holds with the United States. They got under way on monday. The leadership in pyongyang says they violate the agreements reached with President Trump and president moon. Laura bicker is in the south korean capital seoulfor us, and joins me now. South Korean Military say that these missiles are about 270 miles across the peninsula. Without a statement from japans foreign minister who says these missiles are of great concern. There is a meeting here. They will also be discussing the latest launch. This is the fourth. It does seem north korea are escalating these tests. Usually i have to sit here and pontificate about what pyongyang might be thinking. In what appears to be a co ordinated move, the north korean Warren Ministry sent out a statement condemning thejoint Warren Ministry sent out a statement condemning the joint us Warren Ministry sent out a statement condemning thejoint us south Korean Military exercises which started yesterday. Its a very detailed, very lengthy statement. There is a warning in there which says north korea will take a new pathif says north korea will take a new path if these kind of obligations continue. Significantly, laura, these missiles seem to be fired from these missiles seem to be fired from the west coast, not the east. They have to go over the whole peninsula before they landed in the sea. Have to go over the whole peninsula before they landed in the seal think thats one of the things being discussed within the National Security council here in seoul and the United States. These kind of missiles are similar to the short range missiles tested a few weeks ago. It means they are designed to fly low and very fast and analysts believe north korea is developing weapons capable of avoiding detection by radar and avoiding detection by radar and avoiding being shot down by the kind of Missile Defence systems that are based here in south korea. Either way, north korea is developing weapons despite being able to talk to south korea and the United States. These kind of tests are a lwa ys states. These kind of tests are always the way of north korea saying, look, were to tell you something here and it might well be that trying to push the United States and prod the Trump Administration into talks. So far, donald trump has brushed these off, the short range missile tests. Other countries do them, he said, but how long does the United States turned its back on how far is north korea prepared to go to kind of prod the United States into action . Police in hong kong have made 82 arrests as tens of thousands of people took to the streets in the first general strike in more than 50 years. Protests spread right across the territory. With major roads blocked, public transport severely delayed and more than 200 flights cancelled, the normally buzzing city was brought to a standstill. This report from the bbcs nick beake. Hong kongs deepening crisis is exposing a dangerous clash of cultures. Pro democracy activists, dressed in black, fought street battles with men loyal to the beijing backed government. Violence rained for a third day running and this, one of more than 1,000 rounds of tear gas at the police say they fired during this explosive summer of discontent. All this is happening outside the main government building, but its a similar picture in other parts of the city today, and thats because these demonstrators say theyll keep on coming out onto the street theyve been doing it for two months and the reason they keep on coming is that they say theyre getting nothing in the way of concessions from the government here. Some police backed down today, but not hong kongs government. Instead, it claimed it was fighting enemies who were using the now suspended extradition bill as a cover to bring down this part of china. Those ulterior motives are going to destroy hong kong. To risk one country, two systems. As another day of chaos was ending, beijing fired a warning at foreign powers to stop interfering in hong kongs affairs. It vowed no one should underestimate chinas resolve to restore stability to the territory. We may soon discover that the level of force it is prepared to use to achieve that. Nick beake, bbc news, hong kong. Stay with us on bbc news still to come virtual veterans why age is no barrier when it comes to exploring a different reality. The question was whether we want to save our people and japanese as well and win the war, or whether we want to take a chance on being able to win the war by killing all our young men. The invasion began at two oclock this morning. Mr bush, like most other people, was clearly caught by surprise. We call for the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of all iraqi forces. 100 years old and still full of vigour, vitality and enjoyment of life. No other king or queen in british history has lived so long, and the queen mother is said to be quietly very pleased indeed that shes achieved this landmark anniversary. This is a Pivotal Moment for the church as an international movement. The question now is whether the american vote will lead to a split in the anglican community. This is bbc news the latest headlines as america mourns all those who died in two Mass Shootings, President Trump condemns extremism but stops short of announcing tighter gun controls. North korea conducts its fourth weapons test in two weeks, more on that story now. Just last month, the head of the fbi noted that the majority of domestic terrorism arrests in the United States in the past 10 months are linked to White Supremacy. With a closer look now at the rise in far right violence, and what might be done to tackle it, heres our security correspondent gordon corera. Even before el paso, the warning signs were there. A shooter targeting a synagogue in california in april still be a member of the coastguard whod stop filed an arsenal of weapons for an attack. 11 killed at a synagogue in pittsburgh. And the statistics back that up. Here you can see the rising number of what are called far right extremist incidents in the us in the last 15 years, especially recently. And according to the fbi director, arrests linked to White Supremacy run at the same level as those linked to jihadist violence. Just in the first three quarters of this year, weve had more domestic terrorism arrests than the prior year. Its about the same number of arrests as we have on the International Terrorism side. The ideology is not new, but it has been resurgent in the last few years. Why . One reason is technology. Most far right attackers have acted alone, but, like the el paso attacker, they inhabit an International Online community where extremists insight and encourage others. Social media plays a crucial role in the spread of white supremacist ideology. It essentially provides safe places where people can learn to hate and share and radicalise one another. This has lowered the barrier to entry to involvement in these groups and movements, and you can essentially get involved white supremacist ideology without leaving your house. And then theres politics. There a fiery debate in the us about whether the rhetoric over race and immigration, with even the president using terms like invasion, encourages those acting violently. The reactions of the us president towards the charlottesville attackers, trying to sympathise, in a sense, with both sides of the issue, have given. And the calls for pushback against immigrants in the United States i think have fanned the flames of White Supremacy. I dont think that the president has caused those, but what we see is the White Supremacist Movement in the United States has been energised. The us has devoted huge resources to countering terrorism since 2001, but not so far to this type of terrorism. And switching focus may not be straightforward. Because most White Supremacists act alone rather than part of a group, it is harder to detect them. Then there are tensions over where constitutionally protected free speech ends and a violent ideology starts. And finally, theres the question as to whether the Trump Administration has the political will to drive real change. Much more on that story on the bbc website, including a chilling assessment that after the sandy hook massacre the sensation that perhaps if the country could live with that many children being killed, they could live with anything. And perhaps nothing would ever change. The us treasury has officially named china a currency manipulator, a statement which will intensify tensions between the worlds two largest economies. This after a sharp fall in the value of the chinese yuan against the dollar which has caught markets around the world off guard. With me is our business reporter, ramzan karmali. This court people on the hop because by and large the Chinese People support the currency. Yes, and us markets didnt like this. The currency is at its weakest level in around a decade, and at wall street it saw its worst day since the gmc, with billions of dollars wiped off stocks. Apple lost over 5 of its value. The oil price fell too, as you can see brent crude is below 60 a barrel. The tensions in the strait of hormuz should make the prices rise, but the tensions between these massive global economies is making it have a far bigger impact on the price of oil. Another thing to note is the us treasury market. As people move out of stocks they go to bonds, and the bond market is doing very well. The yield is at 1. 7 , below 1. 7 , so as prices go up the yields fall, and that is the lowest level it has been since President Trump took office. There has also been an impact on asian markets. Thats right, they dont like the fact that there is this label of currency manipulator, so markets are down. As well as going to the us treasury, they are also going to gold and to they are also going to gold and to the end, which has been performing well. People have also been looking at cryptocurrencies, bitcoin is a 12,000. Yen. This could be quite a long trade war and it could escalate. What is now to be watch out for is what the peoples bank of china will say, whether they will step in and support the yuan again. For some, its become an almost everyday part of modern life. Virtual reality is a way to enjoy different experiences through the use of a special headset. In the state of florida, some people you might not expect are taking up the vr challenge. The bbcs tim allman explains. When you think of Virtual Reality, this might be the sort of thing you have in mind. Hitech, a little bit complicated, and definitely a plaything for the young. But it turns out no barrier when it comes to vr. This is domino park in miamis Little Havana neighbourhood. Some of the citys Senior Citizens are being introduced to a whole new world. We use Virtual Reality to fulfil seniors wishes, so if they wa nt to fulfil seniors wishes, so if they want to go to somewhere in the world that they have never been to, their bucket list destination, we can take them there. Possibilities are endless. With vr you can travel to the other side of globe. There is even a chance thanks to nasa to see what it is like on the surface of the moon. You can visit famous cities or just the moon. You can visit famous cities orjust spend time on the beach practically any destination is within reach. But there is scope for experiences too. One lady wanted to swim with dolphins. Translation it was fantastic, wonderful. You see a world that you dont know, but thatis a world that you dont know, but that is beautiful and it is very important for me to learn about the ocean, see the fish, the animals that you dont know about, the dolphins. The theme behind the project believes they can be medical benefits, with vr being similar to meditation. It will also give some who may no longer be able to travel a chance to explore and enjoy life without leaving home. And before we go, wed like to leave you with these pictures. People in the japanese city of hiroshima are commemorating the 7a years since the first atomic bomb being dropped by a us aircraft. A ceremony, attended by Prime Minister shinzo abe, was held at hiroshimas memorial park. The bombing and a second one on nagasaki three days later is credited with bringing to an end world war ii. But it claimed the lives of at least 140,000 people in the city. A us b29 bomber called the enola gay dropped the uranium bomb, exploding some 600m above the city, at around 08 10 on 6 august 19115. Hello. If youre in search of dry, settled, summer weather, well, im afraid you probably wont find it in this weather forecast. Certainly not while low pressure is in charge, and that is what we have in the heart of this swirl of cloud that you can see on our earlier satellite picture. This area of low pressure is going to drift its way eastwards across the British Isles over the next couple of days. It will provide very heavy, thundery downpours. There will always be some spells of sunshine in between. So, many eastern parts of england and eastern scotland starting the day dry, but the showers already in the west will swing their way eastwards as the day wears on. Some of them will be heavy, some of them will be thundery, there could even be some localised disruption. You can see in between the showers, though, some spells of sunshine. It will be quite breezy in the south, light winds in the north, so across scotland, the showers will be pretty slow moving. Some locations could get a real deluge and temperatures ranging from 17 degrees in stornoway to 23 in london. Now, as we go through tuesday evening, many of the showers will fade but some will continue through the night, particularly across western and Northern Areas and some of those hours could still be heavy and thundery. Temperatures generally between 11 14 degrees, it may getjust a bit cooler than that across some parts of Northern England and scotland, where the skies are clear and the winds are light. So we go into wednesday and really, its a game of spot the difference. Again, there will be some of these heavy downpours, most plentiful and heaviest across scotland where there could be some hail and thunder mixed in. Not as many showers down towards the south and those temperatures again between 17 23 degrees. Now, if you are looking for a drier day, thursday may fit the bill because our area of low pressure is starting to drift away and you can just about this little bump in the isobars here. Thats a ridge of High Pressure trying to take charge of our weather. So on thursday there will be more in the way of dry weather and some spells of sunshine. Still a potential for one or two showers, particularly through scotland and Northern England. Temperatures, well, just a touch higher. The winds light as well, butjust behind me, down to the south west, you can see some wet weather gathering. That is the start of another very unsettled spell to take us into the weekend. Bands of rain driving northwards during friday and this area of low pressure taking up residence by saturday, bringing some showers or even some longer spells of rain. Some unusually brisk winds as well, so if you have plans for the weekend, its with staying tuned to the forecast. This really this is bbc news the headlines after a weekend of Mass Shootings that left 31 dead in ohio and texas, President Trumps announced hell visit el paso on wednesday. That attack is being investigated as domestic terrorism. Mr trump condemned hatred and White Supremacy, and called for reform of Mental Health and gun laws. North korea is reported to have fired two missiles off its east coast, according to the south Korean Military. Pyongyang conducted two separate missile tests last month, calling the first a solemn warning to south korea over its planned military exercises with the United States. Pakistan has condemned as illegal indias decision to abolish the special status for kashmir, insisting it was an internationally recognised disputed territory. It added no unilateral step by india could change this status and pakistan would exercise all options to counter the move

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