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Top grades have nudged up slightly despite concerns opening day of the third test but about the difficulty of exams. The rain is playing havoc at ryanairs uk pilots have walked out in a 48 hour strike, headingley. Thanks. But so far theres been little disruption for passengers. Record numbers of fires also coming up are burning in the amazon, the microscope thats sparking brazils president claims opponents a biology revolution as it captures images at previously of his government are unseen levels of detail. Lighting them deliberately. Coming up on afternoon live all the sport. Hello. An early wicket for england and after rain delays, the third hello everyone test at headingley has just got back this is afternoon live. Borisjohnson is in paris under way. Thanks. Where his efforts to try and break the brexit impasse have met plus all the weather. Opposition from the french president , Emmanuel Macron. Mr macron has insisted and it is warming up. Good news for that the controversial irish backstop is indispensable to the integrity of the bank holiday weekend. The eu Single Market. Temperatures could hit 30 celsius. The measure aims to prevent physical border checks if there is no thanks. Post brexit trade agreement. Also coming up the microscope thats sparking a biology revolution as it captures images at previously unseen levels of detail. Arriving at the elysee palace, mrjohnson said the government would not introduce checks, regardless of whether britain left with or without a deal at the end of october. Mr macron said discussions between officials would go on , but he agreed with the german chancellor, Angela Merkel, who yesterday challenged the uk hello, everyone, this to come up with solutions is afternoon live. Within 30 days. Our europe correspondent Boris Johnson is holding brexit talks in paris with the french president , Damian Grammaticas sent this report. Emmanuel macron, who has insisted frances president has called those that the controversial irish who promoted brexit liars backstop is indispensable selling false promises. To the integrity of so, this first meeting the eu Single Market. With Prime Minister borisjohnson, the measure aims to prevent physical one of the leaders of the pro Brexit Border checks if there was no post brexit trade agreement. Campaign, will be a blunt affair. Cordial on the surface, but not arriving at the elysee palace, mrjohnson said the government the stage for any compromises. Would not introduce checks, regardless of whether britain left the french president with or without a deal is the sort of leader who, at the end of october. When confronted with a problem, mr macron said discussions is not afraid to be direct between officials would go on , and ruffle feathers. But he agreed with the german so, this could be a tricky meeting chancellor, Angela Merkel , and mr macron has said a no deal exit would be the uks doing. Who yesterday challenged the uk to come up with solutions within 30 days. Mr macron has already made clear 0ur europe correspondent the changes borisjohnson wants Damian Grammaticas sent this report. Frances president has called those for uks exit deal with the eu who promoted brexit liars are not on offer. Selling false promises. He described mrjohnsons so, this first meeting demands as unrealistic. With Prime Minister borisjohnson, one of the leaders of the pro brexit translation i would like to say campaign, will be a blunt affair. That the key elements of this cordial on the surface, but not agreement including the irish the stage for any compromises. The french president backstop are notjust technical constraints or legal quibbling, but indeed some genuine indispensable guarantees to preserve is the sort of leader who, the stability in ireland, when confronted with a problem, to preserve the integrity is not afraid to be direct of the Single Market and ruffle feathers. Which is the foundation of the european project. So, this could be a tricky meeting i want to make it absolutely and mr macron has said and no deal clear to you, emmanuel, and to the french people, exit would be the uks doing. That of course i want to deal mr macron has already made clear and i think we can get the changes borisjohnson once to do a deal and a good deal. Uks exit deal with the eu i was powerfully encouraged by our conversations last night in berlin with mutual friends. Are not on offer. He described mrjohnsons demands as unrealistic. Translation i would like to say i know that energy and with that the key elements of this creativity and application agreement including the irish we can find a way forward. Backstop are notjust technical mr macron says peace in ireland constraints or legal quibbling, depends on keeping the border open, but indeed some genuine so the eu insists that it will not ditch the backstop just indispensable guarantees to preserve the stability in ireland, because borisjohnson dislikes it. To preserve the integrity of the Single Market the french president has always which is the foundation of the european project. Insisted that brexit brings i want to make it absolutely problems the uk must face. Clear to you, emmanuel, and to the french people, this was salzburg last year. That of course i want to deal translation brexit has and i think we can get shown us one thing. A deal and a good deal. I respect british sovereignty, i was powerfully encouraged but it has showed us that those who say it is easy to quit europe, that everything is going to be fine, by our conversations last night it is simple, though it will be better off, are liars. Yesterday in berlin, in berlin with mutual friends. Angela merkel didnt offer i know that energy and with any concessions either, creativity and application even though she hopes we can find a way forward. Mr macron says peace in ireland solutions to the border issue could still be found. Depends on keeping the border open, so the eu insists that it will not if one finds the solution, ditch the backstop just we said we will probably find it because borisjohnson dislikes it. In the next two years to come, the french president has always but we can maybe also find it insisted that brexit brings problems the uk must face. In the next 30 days to come. This was salzburg last year. You rightly say that the onus is on us to produce those solutions translation brexit has shown us one thing. And those ideas, to show how i respect british sovereignty, we can address the issue of the Northern Irish border, but it has showed us that those who say it is easy to quit europe, and that is what we want to do. That everything is going to be fine, but i may say that im very glad it is simple, though it will be listening to you tonight, angela, better off, are liars. Yesterday in berlin, Angela Merkel didnt offer to hear that at least any concessions either, the conversations on that matter even though she hopes solutions to the border issue can now properly begin. So it was mrjohnson could still be found. Who appeared to accept the need to come up with new ideas. If one finds the solution, the eu says it is we said we will probably find it waiting to hear them. In the next two years to come that we can maybe also find it lets go to our chief political in the next 30 days to come. Correspondent at westminster, vicki. You rightly say that the onus is on us to produce those Solutions Good afternoon. But did you make of and those ideas, to show how the meeting . We can address the issue of the Northern Irish border, and that is what we want to do. But i may say that im very glad i think the interesting thing is that the clear message from the eu listening to you tonight, angela, for months has been that the to hear that at least the conversations on that matter Withdrawal Agreement negotiated by can now properly begin. Theresa may is not going to be so it was mrjohnson reopened or renegotiated. Macron has who appeared to accept the need to come up with new ideas. Said that and said it to journalists the eu says it is yesterday. What is interesting is that he did not repeat it in those waiting to hear them. Terms today standing next to baronessjohnson. A joining us now to is Bruno Bonnell a french mp from president macrons party, en marche. Terms today standing next to baroness johnson. A he terms today standing next to baronessjohnson. A he did not say if he thought whether it could be renegotiated and i wonder whether we thank you very much for being with are at the stage that both sides are us thank you very much for being with us this afternoon. And spending time preparing for no dale no deal but to talk to us about the Prime Ministers visit. What did you make trying to avoid the blame for no of the exchanges between your deal. So matt candice did not want president and our Prime Minister . To say no to borisjohnson about that was a really interesting moment renegotiation but did not offer any concessions either. On the other because i do respect mrjohnson but side, borisjohnson he must be embarrassed because he concessions either. On the other side, Boris Johnson and concessions either. On the other side, borisjohnson and his government talking about the eu probably spent one minute im brexit being intransigent and the fact that and redirected the idea that we are they wont make any concessions and friends and we have to get a good thatis they wont make any concessions and that is what could legal to have no deal together, which is not on the deal scenario. Boris table yet. I think i would like to that is what could legal to have no dealscenario. Borisjohnson that is what could legal to have no deal scenario. Borisjohnson said twice that he wanted to repeat that tell mrjohnson that i wanted deal, the British Government in an ideal situation would not bring in checks there is a deal so sign this deal. I between Northern Ireland and ireland on the border. He challenged macron dont think people are willing to and the eu saying that he did not negotiate anything, especially not think the eu needed to do that to the backstop. You have a protect the integrity of the single president ial system and if macron market. It does feel that although decide something he can do what he they are not ruling out further decides. The Prime Minister has to negotiations, it feels as though get his is through the house of there is something to talk about but commons. Does that not mean that a very unclear where this goes. Boris johnson has accepted that the onus deal has to be renegotiated . is on the British Government to come commons. Does that not mean that a deal has to be renegotiated . I agree that our systems are different but up is on the British Government to come up with an alternative. It could be that they are just trying to this negotiation has lasted two or tactically look like they are not three years now. Weve had endless blocking the negotiation or an discussions about what would be alternative solution. But there is a right and wrong. At the end of the weird paradox because there is day, somebody would stick in the no deal brexit which will lead to ground and say that is the deal. Mr checks on the european side at johnson said i dont want this deal, least. You can see the argument from but i wanted deal. Precisely the the brexit is that if that is going to be the outcome, why are you question for your own journalists in sticking with the backstop and being paris he didnt answer. I recommend so intransigent about it . The you read this book about what we counterargument to that is that you could do to save. That is not the have these arrangements of the idea point. At this very point there is ofa have these arrangements of the idea of a trusted trader, they insisted that those are there and ready to no proposal except the one that is on the table which is currently go. If they are confident about that upheld by the eu. Has there been they worried about the backstop ever happening because it isjust a some opening in the last 2a hours fallback position. Both sides still when Angela Merkel said that it in this deadlock to some extent but might be possible to come up with something in the next 30 days that i think the welcome to borisjohnson was worn from both of these leaders. We will accept. Your president said today that subject being it nobody wants no deal scenario. The compatible with their Single Market question is how do they get to the rules perhaps it can be amended. That suggests that perhaps maybe deal. Borisjohnson question is how do they get to the deal. Boris johnson is question is how do they get to the deal. Borisjohnson is optimistic that he thinks something will give there is potential. The eu is not but it is not entirely clear what it close to the possibility of making will be. He has to show that changes. Not on all of the agreement alternative arrangements are there but just this one and ready to go in the next 30 days. Changes. Not on all of the agreement butjust this one specific changes. Not on all of the agreement but just this one specific thing. |j that is the challenge and he keeps think everybody is still trying to talking about a report that has been be reasonable and nobody wants to done by experts on conservative mps know deal brexit. It is not in the and the idea and suggestion from interests of the uk and definitely downing street is that in theresa not in the eu interests. But we have mays government that was never put forward as i can sit oration a to respect the decision of the uk people and that is what macron said many times in his speech. What he is serious consideration. And now it will be. I do have a challenge for saying is that if there is a you because we have been given a possibility to find the solution menu of what the two men had for within the next 30 days, yes, sure lunch and we have been trying to lets do it. Merkel never said she translate it. I have less than was opening the door to change the schoolboy french. One of the deal. Shejust said was opening the door to change the deal. She just said that we have 30 translator websites came up with days and it would be foolish not to fluffy la m b. Look at it. Thank you very much for translator websites came up with fluffy lamb. And ground apples. We being with a an afternoon lie. Think it might be lamb and mash actually. We want to know more about damien you will by watching the body language between the president and that vicky, thats fantastic. Thank the Prime Minister and you have been waiting for them. We did not get any words as he was leaving. What was your impression of what we did here . You very much. You are right that there were no the number of eu citizens coming words on the way out. There was to the uk is at its lowest level for six years, according to official chitchat between the two men on the figures. The office for National Steps just a chitchat between the two men on the statistics said the number of eu citizens moving stepsjust a short chitchat between the two men on the steps just a short time ago and a long handshake between them. I think to the uk for work has halved a bit of that was playing up for the cameras but what was interesting was that on the way in, macron looked 226,000 in the year to march. Yesterday, the ons said very relaxed and comfortable and the new figures should be treated as experimental after finding problems in its data gathering. Co mforta ble very relaxed and comfortable and its gcse results day and theres comfortable putting that eu position which was essentially to say to the been a slight increase in the pass rate and the percentage of top grades this year, despite concerns uk that if the uk and borisjohnson about the difficulty of the exams. Believe that a deal can be done that is different, then he needs to come more than 700,000 up is different, then he needs to come up with the idea. He had space of teenagers in england, about 30 days to do that. The eu wales and Northern Ireland, will be prepared to look at those have been opening their envelopes. Students in england are now but fundamentally what he says is on the new Number System that the point is not whether the eu with a to g grades replaced by one to nine where nine is the equivalent of is suddenly offering flexibility. It an a star or higher. Only 837 students across england got has always been open to solutions. 9s compared with thousands who used to get a s. The important thing is that whatever heres our education is offered it has to deal with the correspondent frankie mccamley. Fundamental fundamental issues of i personallyjust want to do really well in my history gcse. The eu. Preserving the integrity of the eu. Preserving the integrity of that is what i want to do the Single Market and the security Going Forward into the future. I think i will definitely of the irish border. Those two had be very nervous. I am ok at the moment, to be addressed. There are but when i have got them in my hand fundamental to the eu for any deal im going to be so scared of seeing them. That must be agreed and they cannot ijust think ive realised that there is nothing i can be put aside. That is mr macrons do about it any more. You sit in the exam hall, bottom line. When you compare what you do what you do, pen down, thats it, that or you could have done. Was said yesterday in berlin in what these feelings will resonate has been said today, do you think with thousands of teenagers across the country who are heading that Angela Merkel misspoke . 0r back to school to get their results. Has been said today, do you think that Angela Merkel misspoke . Or do you think she knew what she was it is the most nerve racking day saying . I dont think she misspoke of their academic lives. This is the school hall in shropshire where pupils at all. I think she is an incredibly did their exams just a couple of months ago. They were sat in rows, heads down, concentrating. Experienced and astute negotiator there was a lot at stake. Who has sat in many different but today, the same hall, negotiations on all sorts of things same teenagers, a very different atmosphere. From the greek crisis to brexit. She knows what doing. What is clear is tears ofjoy, shock, what the germans and the french have and some very proud parents. Done is to say they are open to ideas. They do not want to be painted as the intransigent side in im so happy, i thought i was going to fail. This negotiation he will not listen im so relieved. To something. They have put the ball i am so happy. Very happy. Backin surprised at all . To something. They have put the ball back in Boris Johnsons to something. They have put the ball back in borisjohnsons court and english. Said they will listen to i didnt expect to do. Suggestions. These are all old ideas i wasnt expecting to pass english. Students here in england sat at the reformed gcses, that even businesses in northern graded numerically from 1 ireland think they wont work. That being the lowest, to 9 being the highest. Will not be enough to satisfy the eu isa at this school in wales students will not be enough to satisfy the eu is a workable deal. I think mrs are still graded a to g. And here in Northern Ireland there is a mixture of grades. Across england, wales merkels was astute positioning and and Northern Ireland, there has been a slight increase in the percentage of papers mr macron also. It seems a warm and given the top marks. At least a 7 or a grade a, up cordial welcome, but also a very firm bottom line that the eu has so by 0. 3 and the highest since 2015. Overall, the gcse no no pass rates of 4s or c and above edged up to 67. 3 . Firm bottom line that the eu has so no no shown no signs of deviating a higher number of girls from. Are passing their exams than boys, but the gap has narrowed the number of eu citizens coming to the uk is at its lowest for the second year to 8. 8 . Level for six years, according to official figures. The slight increase in grades the office for National Statistics said the number of eu citizens moving is despite concerns the exams to the uk for work has halved are getting tougher, since the brexit referendum in 2016 which the head teacher here agrees with. With overall net migration at 226 thousand in the year to march. Yesterday, the 0ns said the new figures should be treated as experimental after finding i think they are a real challenge. Problems in its data gathering. I think a number of colleagues would say they have seen its gcse results day and theres a level content coming down been a slight increase into the new gcse spec, and indeed they are hugely challenging. In the pass rate and the percentage of top grades this year, the government says it is trying to raise standards. Despite concerns about they are better preparation the difficulty of the exams. More than 700 thousand for next stage of education teenagers in england, wales and Northern Ireland, have been opening their envelopes. And indeed work and training. Students in england are now and if we remember, back in 2010 we were facing concerns on the new Number System from employers about whether School Leavers were prepared with a to g grades replaced by one for the world of work. To nine where nine is the equivalent of an a star or higher. And for some teenagers they will be only 837 students across england got 9s compared with thousands heading into the world of work, who used to get a stars. For others it is a levels heres our education and apprenticeships are also on the cards. Correspondent frankie mccamley. Frankie mccamley, i personallyjust want to do really bbc news, shropshire. Well in my history gcse. If you need advice on gcse grades that is what i want to do visit our website bb. Co. Uk Going Forward into the future. And go to the family and education i think i will definitely be very nervous. Page and try our chatbot. I am 0k at the moment, but when i have got them in my hand ryanair pilots have walked out in a 48 hour strike, im going to be so scared of seeing them. But so far the Airlines Flights have been running ijust think ive realised with little disruption. That there is nothing i can do about it any more. After losing a legal challenge you sit in the exam hall, in the high court to block you do what you do, the action in the uk, pen down, thats it, that or you could have done. Ryanair said it would bring these feelings will resonate in contingency plans with thousands of teenagers to run its full schedule. So far, it seems to be working. Across the country who are heading back to school to get their results. It is the most nerve racking day just a warning, coletta smiths report contains some of their academic lives. Flash photography. This is the school hall after a worrying few weeks, in shropshire where pupils it is time to check in and take off. Did their exams just a couple of months ago. Right across the uk ryanair flights they were sat in rows, heads down, concentrating. There was a lot at stake. Are running smoothly. But today, the same hall, same teenagers, a very despite ryanairs pilots Union Different atmosphere. Being on strike for 48 hours, the company say this morning 97 of flights were running on time. Tears ofjoy, shock, and they are delighted by that. Passengers in portugal, and some very proud parents. Where crew and pilots are on strike, im so happy, i thought have been told flights have been put i was going to fail. Back by seven hours. All ive had is the initial e mail im so relieved. Saying the flights have been changed to seven hours later. I am so happy. But they havent kept us very happy. Informed of anything else. They have just. Surprised at all . If youre on the website itjust english. Says flights are running as normal. I didnt expect to do. I wasnt expecting to pass english. We have to trust them on that at the moment. Students here in england sat ryanair have more than 1000 pilots based here in the uk, at the reformed gcses, and they have told me today graded numerically from i being the lowest, to that the vast majority of their pilots turned up for work 9 being the highest. As normal this morning. At this school in wales students they say they havent had are still graded a to g. To bring in extra pilots and here in Northern Ireland from elsewhere in europe, there is a mixture of grades. But they have brought in some extra across england, wales staff that others based and Northern Ireland, here in the uk volunteered for extra there has been a slight increase in the percentage of papers shifts, and they claim that plenty given the top marks. Of Union Members turned up for work as usual today as well. The union say pilots in ryanair at least a 7 or a grade a, up are seeking the same kind of work policies and agreements that exist by 0. 3 and the highest since 2015. Overall, the gcse pass rates of a great 4 a c in other airlines. And above edged up to 67. 3 . Just three weeks ago, the ryanair a higher number of girls boss Michael Oleary warned as many are passing their exams than boys, as 900 pilots and crew could go but the gap has narrowed on strike in the coming months, for the second year to 8. 8 . As the company faced brexit, the slight increase in grades rising fuel costs and the problems with their planes. Is despite concerns the exams are getting tougher, but it is relief for travellers this which the head teacher bank holiday weekend. Here agrees with. Coletta smith, bbc news, i think they are arterial challenge. I think a number of colleagues at manchester airport. Youre watching afternoon live, would say they have seen these are our headlines. The Prime Minister is in paris to tell french president , a level content coming down Emmanuel Macron, that the irish into the new gcse spec, and indeed backstop must go. They are hugely challenging. Thats despite macron saying the government says it is trying to raise standards. The backstop is indispensible. They are better preparation the wait is over for next stage of education and indeed work and training. For 700,000 students as they get their gcse results. And if we remember, back in 2010 we were facing concerns from employers about whether school top grades have nudged up leavers were prepared slightly despite concerns for the world of work. About the difficulty of exams. And for some teenagers they will be warnings that our rivers are filthy heading into the world of work, for others it is a levels and being used like open sewers. And coming up well and apprenticeships continue our focus on farming series, with a look the mental are also on the cards. Health challenges the frankie mccamley, profession can bring. Bbc news, shropshire. If you need advice on gcse grades visit our website bbc. Co. Uk and go to the family and education and in sport. England strike against australia in the third ashes test page and try our chatbot. Joffra archer and stuart broad with the wickets but the weather has delayed play again. Youre watching afternoon live, george ford and owen farrell these are our headlines are in englands team to play the Prime Minister is in paris ireland at twickenham on saturday. To tell french president , itll be the first time Emmanuel Macron, that the irish in over a year that they backstop must go. Have started together. Thats despite macron saying the backstop is indispensible. And a familiar looking irish side the wait is over joe schmidt has brought back cian healy, captain rory best for 700,000 students and tadhg furlong. As they get their gcse results. Ill be back with more top grades have nudged up slightly despite concerns about the difficulty of exams. On those stories later. Ryanairs uk pilots have walked out ina a8 hourstrike, back to brexit and those talks between Boris Johnson but so far theres been little and Emmanuel Macron. The french president has said disruption for passengers. The Northern Ireland backstop which would mean the uk remaining in a Customs Union in the event a slow start of no deal is indispensable. Because of the rain but a fast one from englands archer, as he gets the australians one person who would agree with him is Stephen Farry new opener in just the fourth over of the day in the third deputy leader of the Alliance Party of Northern Ireland and a member test at headingley. George ford and owen of the Northern Ireland assembly. Farrell are in englands team to play ireland at twickenham on saturday. Itll be the first time in over a year that they have started together. Captain farrell partners manu tuilagi in the midfield for the first time in a test match. And a more familiar looking irish side im pleased that borisjohnson has joe schmidt has brought back several frontline players. Been carrying out these trips . They cian healy, captain rory best and tadhg furlong get theirfirst run out of the season, while ross byrne will get his seem been carrying out these trips . They seem pointless. We have recognised opportunity to impress at out half. The importance of the backstop and getting a deal done but overall will ill be back with more on those stories after half past. We see a good and substantial brexit, particularly when it comes to Northern Ireland. If a deal has to Northern Ireland. If a deal has to be done we would rather it would brazils president , Jair Bolsonaro, be done on their withdrawal has claimed non Governmental Organisations may be setting fires agreement. We see this back backstop deliberately in the amazon to embarrass his government, though he offered no evidence as being indispensable. This is not to support the claim. A Record Number of fires are burning imposed on us from the outside. This in the Worlds Largest rainforest, isa imposed on us from the outside. This is a response to the very particular which is home to about three million situation here in Northern Ireland. Species of plants and animals and a million indigenous people. Many members of the assembly signing there have been 72 thousand fires so far this year. A letter to donald tusk to stress Richard Lister reports. The importance of the backstop and the amazon rainforest has been the importance of the backstop and called the lungs of the world, the importance of staying firm on that particular regard. It is not generating an estimated 20 of all the oxygen in the atmosphere. Signed by the du p. That is the but look at the smoke in these lungs today. Brazil has had 73,000 problem for the Prime Minister. Not fire outbreaks, just for the du p but plenty of mps more than half in the amazon. That is up 84 on last year. In westminster. The reality is that so who does brazils president blame . There has to be an alternative. Translation regarding the amazon fires, i am under the impression they could have been started there really isnt an alternative. By the ngos because they had asked forfunding, we see the alternative Arrangement Commission doing its work but one what was their intention . To bring about problems for brazil. Has to be an official customs but these protesters in the city alignment on the border of northern of salvador blame the president ireland. There is no way of getting for four encouraging greater around this particular problem. The exploitation of the Amazon Technology is not there and if it and weakening its was it would be used in other situations elsewhere around the environmental protections. World. People are chasing delusions rather than coming to terms with the backstop. What are the delusions . Is this was how they greeted brazils environment minister in a Climate Change conference. This really about customs checks and Jair Bolsonaro is trying to distract from his own policies. Since he came into power he has been stripping protections paperwork or attacks or smuggling. From the amazon and other forest in brazil, and encouraging farmers to set fire to land and cleared. These fires are a not a natural thing, the result of the farmers it is about identity. The trying to send a message to both achievement of the good friday scenario that they agreement was about allowing people support the regime. It is an outrage. To and regard themselves how they wished. It didnt matter how they the president admitted he had no evidence these fires were set identified and there is that by environmental groups. It was, he said, just a feeling. Question of identity now that causes the dry season continues until november and so will the fires. This. For many unionists there is an Richard Lister, bbc news. Idea that if you had a customs Nathalia Passarinho arrangement that cats northern is from the bbcs brazilian service. Ireland with the republic of but thank you for to talk to us about separate from the United Kingdom and this. Ireland that that erodes that sense of identity and makes them far less secure. Can you understand that how casual this years told fires . L sense . I think youre touching on something fundamental. Brexit does not make sense in the sense of rise of 80 cannot be entirely blamed on the weather as the Northern Ireland. We are a contested space and we only work through the government has tried to do so. What context of both the uk and ireland researchers say is that we did not being part of the European Union. Have Severe Weather event or trout that good friday agreement is much that could justify such an increase, more than the constitutional question. It is a whole balance of over 70,000 fires in brazil. We have relationships including internal. Seen over 70,000 fires in brazil. We have seenin over 70,000 fires in brazil. We have seen in portugal that weather has been partly to blame. It is a dry whatever way brexit goes there will be some boundary in place. That is season in brazil but it cannot be why brexit is so destructive to blamed entirely for the fires. These Northern Ireland. If there is a numbers are shown at a time when no deal brexit. If that is what we brazil is also seeing a huge have in the uk leaves on the 31st of increase in deforestation. So only a october without passing their few weeks ago it was shown that Withdrawal Agreement and anything in its place, the uk government has there was an increase of 66 of said it will not impose checks. In deforestation in the amazon region. Other words, it will effectively the logical explanation for these ignore their being a border between fires is that illegal loggers and the uk and the European Union, which farmers are cleaning the lands in is effectively what that would order to perform their illegal become. Would you like a similar activities. Legal activities such assurance from brussels . We dont as cat arranging. In the last 24 wa nt assurance from brussels . We dont want it in place at all and we work on the basis that if there is no hours he said that it could be some deal there uk will have to talk to the eu. These issues arent going of the charities and non government organisations that i cut funding to away. The original intent of a to try and embarrass my government Northern Ireland only approach. And get revenge. Why does he take the degree of friction down the this approach . Why is he hostile to accepting what appears to be the irish the poses more risk than a scientific argument that there are land border. The uk cannot escape these fires which are not explicable its obligations under international law. They may well not want to put a by that . There is a certain level of border in place initially but it is ambiguity in the government on that score. 0n the one hand he has been clear in saying that the amazon is not sustainable and under law police open for business and wants to are required on borders. That brings attract Foreign Companies and business for activities in the massive consequences to us. Amazon including mining on are required on borders. That brings massive consequences to us. The indigenous lands. 0n the other hand, issueis massive consequences to us. The issue is not simply one of a physical border, important as that he has been very nationalistic about the amazon with regards to is. It is also about the disruption to peoples lives. If we have a protection. He has been saying that rich countries should have no say in border it has an effect on health how brazil should protect its forests. So between south american and education and the sharing of data. All of that is disrupted. The countries and the European Union states that in order for this bordeaux the freedom to collaborate north and silent north and south agreement to be pushed forward the countries should adopt concrete will be seen as an infringement on measures in order to accomplish the their freedom of northern will be seen as an infringement on paris agreement. So this trade theirfreedom of Northern Ireland. Agreement signed with the european some breaking news now. Royal mail union might become an instrument for the eu to put pressure on the workers are planning to strike brazilian government to change its action forjob security workers are planning to strike action for job security and workers are planning to strike action forjob security and terms environmental policy. Just today it and conditions of employment. That was reported that he says brazil is from a union that represents many does not have the capacity to Cope Post Office workers and staff. More with the fires in the amazon. Is he than 100,000 of its members will be looking for outside help . That is balloted on strike action over terms interesting as well because recently and conditions and job security. Germany and norway took millions in investments from the amazon fund and brazils president , Jair Bolsonaro, has claimed non Governmental Organisations may be setting fires the president s response to that was deliberately in the amazon to embarrass his government, that he does not need money coming though he offered no evidence to support the claim. From norway or germany, but now he a Record Number of fires are burning in the Worlds Largest rainforest, is also saying that brazil needs which is home to about three million species of plants and animals more money to combat the fires. 0ne and a million indigenous people. There have been 72,000 fires so far this year. Firefighter who is leading the Richard Lister reports. Operations in the north of brazil said that they the firefighters do the amazon rainforest has been called the lungs of the world, not have the equipment to deal with generating an estimated 20 of all the oxygen in the atmosphere. The fire there. They are having to but look at the smoke in these lungs today. Prioritise which fires to battle and brazil has had 73,000 then they choose which ones are more fire outbreaks, more than half in the amazon. Intense and which are at risk of that is up 84 on last year. Reaching conservation areas. So who does brazils president blame . Translation regarding the amazon fires, i am under the impression natalia, thank you very much. They could have been started by the ngos because they had asked forfunding, ryanair pilots have walked out what was their intention . In a 48 hour strike, but so far the Airlines Flights to bring about problems for brazil. Have been running after losing a legal challenge in the high court to block but these protesters in the city the action in the uk, of salvador blame the president ryanair said it would bring in contingency plans for four encouraging greater to run its full schedule. Exploitation of the amazon so far, it seems to be working. And weakening its just a warning, coletta smiths report contains some environmental protections. Flash photography. After a worrying few weeks, this was how they greeted brazils it is time to check in and take off. Environment minister right across the uk ryanair flights in a Climate Change conference. Are running smoothly. Jair bolsonaro is trying to distract despite ryanairs pilots union from his own policies. Being on strike for 48 hour, since he came into power he has been stripping protections the company say this morning 97 from the amazon and other forest in brazil, and encouraging farmers of flights were running on time. To set fire to land and cleared. And they are delighted by that. These fires are a not a natural passengers in portugal, thing, the result of the farmers where crew and pilots are on strike, trying to send a message to both scenario that they have been told flights have been put support the regime. Back by seven hours. It is an outrage. All ive had is the initial e mail the president admitted he had no saying the flights have been changed evidence these fires were set to seven hours later. By environmental groups. But they havent kept us informed of anything else. It was, he said, just a feeling. They have just. The dry season continues until if youre on the website itjust november and so will the fires. Says flights are running as normal. Richard lister, bbc news. We have to trust them on that at the moment. Ryanair have more than 1000 pilots time for a look at the weather. Based here in the uk, and they have told me today that the vast majority of their pilots turned up for work as normal this morning. Prepares for those who like heat. They say they havent had to bring in extra pilots and for those that dont like heat from elsewhere in europe, not so good news. I want to show a but they have brought in some extra staff that others based pattern that we have observed so far here in the uk volunteered for extra this summer. So, ourfirst really shifts, and they claim that plenty of Union Members turned up for work as usual today as well. Hot spell was that the 20 9th of the union say pilots in ryanair are seeking the same kind of work june. An important date which will policies and agreements that exist in other airlines. Come become clear. Skip a month and just three weeks ago the ryanair on the 25th ofjuly we beat the boss michael 0leary warned as many all time record. As 900 pilots and crew could go on the 25th ofjuly we beat the alltime record. I did not realise we had done it on the day. Now we on strike in the coming months, as the company faced brexit, rising fuel costs and the problems area we had done it on the day. Now we with their planes. Are a month later from that. 31 celsius on saturday. On sunday. But it is relief for travellers this bank holiday weekend. Coletta smith, bbc news, it looks as though, as if by magic, at manchester airport. These heatwaves have come along. 0ur reporter mike cowan is at that is my magic wand. They seem to Stansted Airport north of london. Be almost exactly a month apart. We good afternoon, sean. If you were talk about the weather being chaotic expecting picket lines of pilots and but this is far from chaos. Angry passengers you would have been talk about the weather being chaotic but this is farfrom chaos. It bitterly disappointed. So far today, talk about the weather being chaotic but this is far from chaos. It seems to be predictable. Dont say it is ryanair have too predictable. Why is the weather bitterly disappointed. So far today, rya nair have run bitterly disappointed. So far today, ryanair have run their schedule to forecast ever wrong then . Yes. I time which is exactly what michael 0leary missed passengers yesterday after losing that High Court Battle wa nt to forecast ever wrong then . Yes. I want to explain why we think this is happening this summer. You can see to stop this walk out over hundred and 80 pilots. They have managed to get some uk staff who were on days some very happening this summer. You can see some very faint arrows which are winds on the surface of the ground. Off to work. And some stuff from when we go up about 30,000 feet and overseas. They only operate one type ten kilometres we get to white jets of aircraft which means all the of wind, another pattern of wind. Pilots can operate that aircraft. Pilots brought in from european the jet stream is bases have been brought in to fly of wind, another pattern of wind. Thejet stream is responsible of wind, another pattern of wind. The jet stream is responsible for changing our weather. It so happens the uk schedule. They normally have that these ripples in the jet stream can mean whether it is going to be two to three crews on hand for warm or cold in some parts of the world. They can be very extreme and emergency at uk airports, here they have 15 today. So a bitter spat go very far north and very far south. It so happens that this summer that pattern of the jet between the union and ryanair and it strea m summer that pattern of the jet stream is like a tide moving up and is away from michael 0leary to save down. It is almost as though it is face. While. There is still a their belt or string being whipped and you get that little wave. It is walk out tomorrow and in two weeks time there is a three day walk out almost like waves within waves. We planned by pilots. The question is are getting this big bridge building at the moment. White factors that that will the goodwill of those staff brought in today still be there in september and will the warnings of falling profit and contribute to the heat . That allows possible Staff Members facing the heat to come in from the south. It is happening on a monthly basis redundancies and in spain, as well, you have to have in crewe who will going around the planet and has just coincided with the end of the month be striking in september, so all of again for the third time. If we look these things, the pilots walk out, their cabin crew possible walk out at it from a birds eye perspective from spain and the threat in falling this is the arctic here and you can profit all point to a turbulent time see the undulations of cold and warm air circling the planet. At the ahead for ryanair. Moment we are going to see this warm thank you very much looks lovely plume ofaircoming there. Lets look at the weather moment we are going to see this warm plume of air coming from the south. Prospects for the uk. I love their movements and i would like some sound effects. What will it be like this weekend . Tumbleweeds looking at the summer so far we have noticed a pattern in the temperatures. You may or may not remember that back in the end of turn as well dont they . What will june we had a hot spell of the weather be like . For the next temperatures up to 34 degrees, and then this year we made few days it will be warming up. The meteorological history because we beat the all time uk record around temperatures will be up to 30 the 25th ofjuly. We had another hot degrees and more. In the short term we have low pressure and a spell. So, we had 29th there and succession of weather fronts moving across the uk right now. They are 25th and now in the 25th of august, all pushed by the jet stream so it has been pretty drizzly and grey this weekend, we will get here in the North Western parts of temperatures in excess of 30 degrees the uk. The Late Afternoon possibly. Are you seeing a pattern temperatures will be low 20s in the there . South and low 20s in proteins in iam and there . I am and what i am looking at is northern areas. It has been quite seeing Angela Merkels comments on a damp in scotland so far today. The different light. That is the 30 days weather front will pull north so the she is talking about. That is grey skies clear a little bit. Some slightly under unbelievable. Clearer spells across east anglia in the north east. Some warm air coming in from the south with a lot of yes, so every heatwave has been sunshine across the south east and almost a month apart. There is a east anglia. Those temperatures will scientific explanation. This will get a little bit confusing. Here is skyrocket tomorrow, so approaching the planet earth and i have plotted around 20 celsius and 25 easily in the planet earth and i have plotted the wind arrows so the wind close to the wind arrows so the wind close to the ground. That is right at the yorkshire. Surface. Higher up, about 30,000 there is not much of that feet, ten kilometres or so, we have low pressure there is not much of that low pressure on saturday. The High Pressure builds across europe and it a rib ina feet, ten kilometres or so, we have a rib in a fast moving air called is sending that warm air out of the and these arrows, this is the jet the jet stream. That is responsible for sending spells of cooler weather strea m and these arrows, this is the jet stream to the north of us there and cloud and rain. Here is another allowing for that warm air to wafting from the south. Widely pattern that we sometimes observe. Across the uk it is a Beautiful Day on saturday. Remember to put on they are called busby waves. You can sunscreen if you are out for a forget the name but that is what it lengthy time in the park. You can easily burn. 30 degrees in london, is. 25 in hulland easily burn. 30 degrees in london, 25 in hull and for ourfriends in stornoway, around 17 celsius. We are thisjet this jet stream pattern can, as thisjet stream pattern can, as it ripples, were pulled down and up so going to go to monday. Notice this like patterns within patterns. We big low pressure coming in here. That is assigned the weather is changing here. Fresher air is coming need did some movement. I was getting seasick earlier on. So far in behind this weather front. Eventually in the north west on monday we will get some cloud with this summer, there has been a rain dropping temperatures. That pattern where we have seen a wave will push that heat towards the almost like the tide, lasting about south east. I around about tuesday, almost like the tide, lasting about a month. So one peak comes in and almost certainly wednesday, it will then a month later the peak returns have cooled off quite considerably. And then another month later the that is across all parts of england. Peak returns. This peak is responsible for sending the warmth in our direction. What you are not promising as a heat wave every 30 days through to christmas. No. This is the top view of the planet and you can see how this is bbc news complicated the atmosphere is. So our latest headlines. The Prime Minister is in paris to tell french president , looking again where you get bouts of Emmanuel Macron, that the irish backstop must go. Thats despite macron saying warm and cold weather. Suffice to the backstop is indispensible. Say, its very complicated. The wait is over for 700,000 students as they get their gcse results. What was it, busby waves . Top grades have nudged up slightly despite concerns about the difficulty of exams. Warnings that our where is puma recipe waves. I rivers are filthy and being used like open sewers. Have probably last you completely but lets get into the forecast. A lot of cloud moving through pushed by the jet stream as well. The jet strea m by the jet stream as well. The jet stream is rippling across these low pressures and sending bouts of rain what is it about cricket and rain . In our direction pressures and sending bouts of rain in ourdirection and pressures and sending bouts of rain in our direction and it has been last we have the ashes disrupted. Pretty grotty and North Western parts of the uk. It has been cool today at headingley the heavens ive and dumped. This weatherfront parts of the uk. It has been cool and dumped. This weather front will continue to make itsjourney and dumped. This weather front will continue to make its journey into scotla nd continue to make its journey into scotland through the course of opened. I think it is england and tonight. To the south once this front tonight. To the south once this fro nt m oves tonight. To the south once this rain. It isnt cricket and rain. Front moves to the north we will start to see warmer spells yes, the people doing the most running at headingly developing. Perhaps a bit murky with are the groundsmen running on and off with the covers. Only four overs in the morning the south westerly wind. The morning session england won temperatures are pretty high at 15 degrees and through the course of the toss and elected to bowl, so we knew it wouldnt be long the day in the south east the until we saw the rising star jofra archer taking to the field. Temperatures will skyrocket to it wasnt long before he took the wicket of opening around 28 degrees celsius. It is batsman marcus harris, gone forjust eight who had come in to replace cameron bancroft. The rain started soon pretty hot for yorkshire two, 20 5 after and the covers came on again degrees and low mid 20s for they came offjust after two oclock newcastle. 0n degrees and low mid 20s for and the second wicket was taken newcastle. On saturday there is low pressure just to the north of Usman Khawaja off the bowling scotland. It is far enough away of stuart broad. To. Not to spoil the weather. But the rain came on again and the restart is scheduled for 3. 40. These arrows should not be here but australia are 39 for two. Concentrate on the orange ones coming in from the south. That means this is must win for england, otherwise australia will retain the ashes. Warmer weather coming our way. The weather was expected to be saturday is looking gorgeous, i have better this aftenoon. To say there is a weather frontjust to say there is a weather frontjust to the west of us here which might and you can listen to full match commentary with test match special mean the few spots of light rain. On five live sports extra. They are on air right now but on the and there will be in play video highlights alongside the commentary on the bbc sport website. If you like the heat this is great. Lots of tributes on twitter this if you like the heat this is great. If not it is not for you. Monday, afternoon to a footballer who has been taken far too young. Very sad news, the former ghana things started to change was not a and Nottingham Forest striker cool front is sweeping in our junior agogo has died at the age direction so that means later on ofjust 40. He actually played for monday it will start to call of and several clubs in britain we will see some cloud and rain notjust Nottingham Forrest reaching North Western areas. We including, Sheffield Wednesday, bristol rovers, chester, qpr and he finished his playing career at hibs in 2012. Will get a few days of some very warm weather and then eventually, such a young age biron tuesday or wednesday, it will he suffered a stroke in 2015 call off right across the country. And struggled with his speech afterwards, he took part in a bbc documentary, saying that he felt anxious about his language. He was loved in his home country of ghana, played 27 times for his country, scoring 12 goals. He was the poster boy of the 2008 africa cup of nations, held in his home country of ghana. This is bbc news our latest headlines. His former clubs have been the Prime Minister is in paris to tell french president , paying tribute on social media. Emmanuel macron, that the irish backstop must go. Thats despite macron saying Nottingham Forrest tweeted this rest in peace, junior. The backstop is indispensible. Thoughts of everyone ive been absolutely clear to you, emanuel, to the french people, at the club are with his family but of course i want a deal. And i think we can get a deal. And friends. A similar sentiment from Sheffield Wednesday saddened to learn of the passing the wait is over for 700,000 students of our former playerjunior agogo. As they get their gcse results. Our thoughts are with juniors family and friends at this top grades have nudged up very difficult time. Slightly despite concerns about the difficulty of exams. £12 million for four days work. Ryanairs uk pilots have walked thats what the winner of golfs out in a 48 hour strike, tour championship will pocket this but so far theres been little week in the final event of the pga tour. Disruption for passengers. Rory mcilroy is in contention for it too. Thursdays thought for the day and coming up well continue our focus on farming series, from rory mciiroy coming up with a look the Mental Health saying money cant challenges the profession can bring. Buy you happiness. I was listening to aj cole song on the way here called sport now. Good afternoon, jane. Middle child and it talked about him, it talks in the lyrics about him having money, the third ashes test is underway but what does it mean if you cant, at headingley but the weather in leeds has put a bit you know, you can fky first class but what does it mean if you cant of a dampener on things . Have people to share it with . Yes, why are we shocked . 0nly one of the luxuries of having money yes, why are we shocked . Only four overs in the morning session and it as you can help others that you love was stop and start with the covers and you can share it around and it coming on and off. England won the doesnt all have to be about you. Toss and elected to bat. We knew it you know . Thats the good thing. Wouldnt be long before we saw toss and elected to bat. We knew it wouldnt be long before we sanofra archer take to the field. He then took the wickets of the australian well, Justin Thomas leads the standings after his victory at medinah last week. That win means thomas will start the championship with a score of 10 under par, ba ncrofts took the wickets of the australian two shots ahead of Patrick Cantlay bancrofts replacement. Then after whos 2nd in the standings and three ahead of world number one brooks keopka. Lunch the game restarted and they rory mcilroy, whos fifth, have taken a second wicket. A second will start five shots behind thomas before a ball is even hit, and hes not sure if the new format is as good as the previous wicket was caught by burstow after points based system. The bowling of stuart broad. At the end of the day, Everybody Knows what they have to do to get australia are 32 2. This is a must here. It is not like it is hidden. Win for england or australia will retain the ashes. You can listen to in 2017 i won five times, one of which being a major, one of which full commentary on five live sports being a play off event and i still almost didnt win the fedex cup. It extra. You can then turn it up when is not like it is handed to you. You have to go earn it. You have to play well and the time is right. It is there is actually cricket instead of just rain and filling time. Just like the majors. At the start of the season you have to play well in the play offs and you know, it is not. I think the fact that that is and jane, some sad news from the world of football . Known then nobody should really feel the former ghana and nottingham sorry for anybody. Forest strikerjunior gogo has died. George ford and owen farrell are in englands team to play ireland at twickenham on saturday. Itll be the first time in over a year they have started together. He played for bristol rovers, captain farrell partners manu tuilagi in the midfield for the first time in a test match. Chester and Queens Park Rangers and meanwhile flankers Sam Underhill finished his career at hibernian in and tom curry are named in the same back row. And a more familiar 2012. He suffered a stroke in 2015 looking irish side joe schmidts brought back several frontline players. And struggled with his speech cian healy, captain rory best and tadhg furlong get theirfirst afterwards. He actually took part in run out of the season afterwards. He actually took part in a bbc documentary saying that he while ross byrne will get his opportunity to impress at out half. Felt very anxious about his language, talking about his recovery. He was very much loved in thats all the sport for now. His home country of ghana and played ill have more for 27 times, scoring 12 goals. He was the poster boy of the 2008 africa you in the next hour. Cup of nations held in his home country of ghana. It is the very sad news he has passed away at the age targets for three quarters of rivers of just news he has passed away at the age to be healthy by 2027 ofjust 40. Former are very unlikely to be met news he has passed away at the age of just 40. Former clubs news he has passed away at the age in england, a charity has warned. Ofjust 40. Former clubs have been the Worldwide Fund for nature also claims rivers are being used as o paying tribute to him online. And simon dedman reports. Sewage released into rivers and pollution from farms are the main causes of rivers there was a similar sentiment from failing environmental tests. Sheffield wednesday. Here in cambridge, environmentalists say droughts and water flow have seen some river levels drop to 12 of their average, meaning £12 million for four days work. Higher concentrations thats what the winner of golfs tour championship will pocket this of nitrates and pollutants. Week the final event of the pga tour. Rory mcilroy is in what we need to have is good water contention for it too. Thursdays thought of the day flows so our rivers are more resilient to the drought problems from rory mcilroy coming up saying were facing to effluents coming money cant buy you happiness. Into our water sources. When will it be known that we are on a Tipping Point . I was listening to music on the way our chalk streams are in crisis. Here and it was aj cole song. We are getting a situation where many of our waters are having it was called middle child. it talked about him, to be supported by artificially it talks in the lyrics about him pumped in water. Many of our rivers do look lovely having money but what does it mean but on closer inspection if you cant, you know. They are not quite as good it talks about flying as they look. First class, but whats only 14 of englands rivers have it mean if you cant have ecological levels that are rated the people you want with you flying the same way . Good for wildlife to flourish. Whatever it is. So i think that is one of the luxuries of having money, their worst levels are in it is that you can help others that the south east with just 3 you love and you can of rivers in the thames basin area share it around. Being classed as good. It doesnt all just the goal is for 75 have to be about you. To be good by 2027. That is the cool thing. There are doubts this target can be met. Well, Justin Thomas leads the Environment Agency says water the standings after his victory at medinah last week. Quality is now better than at any time since the industrial that win means thomas will start the championship revolution. With a score of 10 under par, and they are taking robust two shots ahead of Patrick Cantlay enforcement action against those whos 2nd in the standings who pollute our waters. And three ahead of world number one brooks keopka. River water needs to be relatively rory mcilroy, whos fifth, unaffected by human activity to be will start five shots behind thomas given a good ecological rating. Before a ball is even hit, and hes not sure if the new format a challenge in places that is as good as the previous are densely populated and growing. Simon dedman, bbc points based system. News, cambridgeshire. At the end of the day every ecologist andrew singer told the bbc people should be wary pre knows what they have to do to about swimming in the uks rivers, get here. It isnt like it is as currently, only 14 of rivers hidden. At 17 i won five times, one in england and along the scottish and welsh borders comply with eu of which was a major. 0ne expectations. Hidden. At 17 i won five times, one of which was a major. One of which was a play off event and i still no river in the uk, almost didnt win the fedex cup. It because of the sewage, isnt like it is handed to you. You is a river that is safe have to earn it and you have to play to be swimming in. Well and the time is right. It is it doesnt mean that every time you go swimming there will be something that happens to you. Just like the majors. At the start of the season you have to play well that is the risk that People Choose to take. In the play offs and you know, it isnt just. So there are loads of free swimmers, in the play offs and you know, it isntjust. I think the fact and they all, you know, in the play offs and you know, it isnt just. I think the fact that thatis isnt just. I think the fact that that is known, nobody should feel the really hardcore ones will say, oh, i never get sick. Sorry for anybody. Thing is a lot of them didnt know george ford and owen farrell that maybe when they first started are in englands team to play ireland at twickenham on saturday. Going swimming they were sick, itll be but they wouldnt have attributed it the first time in over a year to having gone swimming in a river they have started together. Captain farrell partners that they didnt realise manu tuilagi in the midfield was receiving raw sewage, for the first time in a test match. Or even treated sewage. Meanwhile flankers Sam Underhill you dont. And tom curry are named in the same back row. We have so many sewage works. We are on a river that, and a more familiar looking irish side even if you treated it perfectly, joe schmidts brought back several frontline players. In the sense of to the current cian healy, captain rory best standards of water treatment, and tadhg furlong get theirfirst run out of the season you would still have enough while ross byrne will get his pathogens coming out opportunity to impress at out half. Of well operated sewage works at you wouldnt want to swim in the river. Thats all the sport for now. Melissa compton was taken to hospital after swallowing sewage during a 220 mile swimming challenge in the river severn. Shejoins me now. A global Study Suggests microplastics in Drinking Water pose a low risk to our health but warns more research is still needed. Iam i am pleased to say, fully the tiny plastic particles have been detected in oceans and arctic snow as well as in both tap and bottled water. Recovered. Fully recovered now. We according to who scientists, the limitations of current data mean its difficult to gauge what the impact on human health will be if concentrations think of that river is very of microplastic in Drinking Water picturesque, what was it about it. Continue to rise. That you have any clue that that but campaigners from greenpeace uk stretch of river was a risk to your are arguing that the major gaps health . Previous swimmers who had in this Research Means that we cannot assume the risks a re low done the length had mentioned it is well, lets discuss this with jennifer de france, quite a an expert in water, sanitation done the length had mentioned it is quitea dirty done the length had mentioned it is quite a dirty down that area. I could also taste that day. The river and hygiene at the World Health Organization in geneva. Tasted horrible for about an hour. It really wasnt very nice. It is thank you very much. You are the quite a grey colour. There are some co author of this report. Thank you very much. You are the coauthor of this report. Put it in signs. It is unavoidable, isnt it . Your own words. What you telling is about micro plastics . Especially if you are doing that intense swimming, you are going to your own words. What you telling is get water in your mouth whether you about microplastics . Sorry, it is cutting out. Can you repeat your wa nt to get water in your mouth whether you want to not. When you surprised when question please . In your own words, he became so ill . Notebook, because what is the level of concern about micro plastics . Can we relax . I know from experience from appear what is the level of concern about microplastics . Can we relax . They have found the. 0ur report finds in the river dee that people have that we think concerns in drinking got very poorly in the past. There are quite nasty bugs in the river. Water are low. In terms of if there we re water are low. In terms of if there it isa are quite nasty bugs in the river. It is a risk we shouldnt have to were questions from the consumers about whether or not they should be ta ke to it is a risk we shouldnt have to take to swim. We should be able to drinking their water, when they are enjoy the waterways safely. Getting water from a well managed particularly at this time of year. A system they shouldnt be a concern about that. In terms of the public lot of people wont think twice about their kids splashing in the to address plastic pollution, we are river. The shallow bits can almost not advocating relaxing on that, we be worse because there is less still need to take actions to movement of water. What advice would minimise plastic pollution. We talk you give . Just be careful. Some a lot about the impact on marine life of plastic pollution, and there was a big debate about micro plastics. I suppose there is a Water Companies have data when they logic in people thinking that if it is bad random, surely it will be bad release their sewage. Some dont. For us. Why is it you make this just have a look at the water, and also you can tasted, and just be point about a well managed water supply . What is the difference safe, be careful and be very aware between what fish may be ingesting when you get around Industrial Areas in open water and what we are that the rivers are quite dirty. Ingesting when we drink water from just have to think aboutjust the tap . In terms of a wellmanaged ingesting, it is your eyes, any open system, there is i would just like to point out that much of the world sores you might have on your body and things like that. Yes, dont did not have access to safe drinking swim with. Make sure you have water. We know that to billion people are Drinking Water that is not safe. In those situations we goggles on, and just be very wary. I need to be more careful about the was speaking to a doctor and her dog had got the same bug i had. She swam water they are getting from the supply and where it is contaminated. In the same river a few weeks we may need to look for alternative earlier. You just have to be sources. In terms of with animals, careful. It was a striking Human Health Risks are going to be experience looking at these figures. It is productive that by 2027, eight different. The considerations are yea rs it is productive that by 2027, eight going to be different compared years away, 75 of rivers in england will actually meet the eu animals. With animals we are very concerned about the large expectation, the standard that has micro plastics that they are ingesting. We are looking. For been set up for safe rivers. This humans we are really looking at the figure at the moment is only 14 . Risks of micro plastics. Humans we are really looking at the risks of microplastics. The micro plastics, the point at you does that surprise you . It does. We making the report is that most of that will be eliminated in treated can does that surprise you . It does. We ca n clea n does that surprise you . It does. We can clean up our beaches, why cant water by the process of treatment. We clean up our waterways . They but you made a very important point should be more investment into there about the number of people on cleaning the waterways. A lot of this planet who are still drinking people use them. More and more people use them. More and more people use them. I think it is a what cannot only be described as neglected area. It is something we neglected area. It is something we dirty water but filthy, contaminated neglect in the uk. You notice are water and a lot of it contaminate by human and animal faeces. Trying. You know the wildlife as water and a lot of it contaminate by human and animalfaeces. It is terrible risk just human and animalfaeces. It is terrible riskjust drinking the well. Thank you for talking to is water they need to survive. They are about your experience with us. Playing russian roulette. Absolutely and we know that about 1 playing russian roulette. Absolutely and we know that about1 Million People are dying as a result of all this week on bbc news, were looking at the issues facing dirty water. It is a real concern. Farmers in our focus on farming series. This afternoon, were looking at the Mental Health challenges are micro plastics frankly a bit of that farming can bring. Our reporter phil mackie a first world problem . Is a bit more is on a farm in ightfield ofa a first world problem . Is a bit more of a problem getting clean Drinking Water in the first base, let alone you would get some strong aromas worrying about plastic. You might right now. We are at a dairy farm of more research is needed and we recognise that in the report and we course. If you look through their highlighted a number of Research Gaps in this. We need to put in a can see the cattle who are coming in here to be milked in a moment they should come out. They will get them perspective the risks. Thank you for evening feel. It is getting very ripe out here at the moment. Were joining us from geneva this talking about Mental Health in the Farming Community today because afternoon. All this week on bbc news, despite a lot of people aspiring to this life of living out the were looking at the issues facing farmers in our focus on farming series. Countryside, it is a very perilous this afternoon, were looking at the Mental Health challenges business to be in. It depends on the that farming can bring. Weather, brexit, all kinds of things the often solitary nature of the profession means its not can makea weather, brexit, all kinds of things can make a big difference and it can the easiest lifestyle for people experiencing Mental Health issues. Get quite lonely too. Notjust for in the past five years, the farmers, but for their partners a charity for farmers says nearly as well. There is a support group a third of its cases now involve poor mental wellbeing. Called the crazy life for a farmers 0ur reporter phil mackie is on a farm in ightfield wife. I have two members here with with clifford evans, me. Natalie, explain what it is all who set up shropshire Rural Support back in 1990 its a Charity Supporting about. The crazy life of a farmers farmers Mental Health. Wife Facebook Group was set up by good afternoon, phil. We had those williams several years ago. Hair intention was to have 50 members, she was literally a lonely farmers cows posed at the window for you. Wife, she had just had herfirst this is a dairy farm, a mixed dairy born child. She found herself very farm in shropshire. There are a lot lonely and isolated. She literally of them around here. What a beautiful part of the world and what a great place to come on a summers just wanted to find somebody local, any other formers wife, girlfriend, afternoon. Of course, it is a busy life for a farmer, it is long hours and it can be very lonely as well. Whoever, in the same boat, anyone this is clifford who have just she could socialise with. She created the Facebook Group to mentioned. He founded the support initially instigate that to then be network back 1990. You saw people able to go and meet with these taking their own lives because they we re taking their own lives because they were depressed, they will only and there was no one there to help. That people, have coffee, orsuch is true. It highlighted my attention able to go and meet with these people, have coffee, or such like. Is become a big network. Is become massive. Has created a facebook byjohn quayles group with over 6000 members now, is true. It highlighted my attention by john quayles programme, countryfile. They were concerned about the death of farmers all over the country. When i looked into the and it really has brought thousands of lonely, isolated farm ats wives, figures for shropshire given out by girlfriends, fiancees, together and the chief medical officer, i discovered that shropshire was one of the worst three counties in the it is just girlfriends, fiancees, together and it isjust a girlfriends, fiancees, together and it is just a fantastic social country. Why shropshire do think . I network group. Lucy, youre not married yet, but you have a child, dont know. It is a lot of mixed and you were saying that your farming. There are also marginal husband who is a farmer was there for the delivery, but not very long farms. But it isntjust a matter of after. Yes, he left to fend for the income, there are a lot of other sheep. About half an hour he was things, likes problems and stresses and anxieties. We all have those, why do you think. We tend to think therefore. We wan your own . No, my of farmers as resilient and robust, mum joined me afterwards. Why do they become so depressed . Therefore. We wan your own . No, my mumjoined me afterwards. Is a therefore. We wan your own . No, my they are very independent people. Mum joined me afterwards. Is a tough they are very independent people. They work in a very isolated life being of the other half of a profession. They are not people that farmers. It is very long hours. Very easily show their feelings, they are people that except responsibility tired, moody farmers. You would feel for more or less everything that the same sort of pressures as your happens and buck stops with them. Now, when i got to enquire about why husband. You won a business whereby you travel around the country providing holiday cover for other there are so many in shropshire and farmers but you must see the what was happening, i went to a stresses that everybody is under. Couple of families who had had yes, and to be fair, our business on suicide in their families just to a side note, goes into a help those try and find out a bit of inside information. The they absolutely isolated farmers. It is amazing, we wouldnt talk about it. Were have had clients who havent had a ashamed. They wouldnt talk about holiday for eight years. And to see it. It was in the dark ages, things the difference that it makes to that farmers wife to know that her have changed. I think you had quite husband has ta ken a quick impact, didnt you . You said farmers wife to know that her husband has taken the time out to say, right, we are going on holiday there were eight deaths in asa say, right, we are going on holiday shropshire before you started the as a family. It is incredible. And those formers wives actually need network, but that number came down quickly. Not quickly enough. But somebody who knows how they feel. After five years, an independent that is what the Facebook Group is body did a survey and they said to created. That is what chloe has me that one farmer had taken his own created. That is what chloe has created. To be able to have a sound board, to be able to just go on life over 18 months, only one. There, go and people understand where you are coming from, it is a apparently he was mentally unwell. Talking about 20 or 30 years ago fantastic thing that people can have when you started this. That was the dark ages. Have we moved into the mentors. You can have all the member bright sunny uplands . Yes, who is mentoring somebody was going through a struggle that they have been through. You can have agricultural people and farmers certainly have. But a lot of people one to one mental ship through a in the urban areas, they havent Facebook Group. And neither of you come from farming families. Thank followed our example. And im very you very much. You can see the concerned about the young people in the villages who are taking their cattle have now gone to be milked. Lives. Activities and just people in the smells are getting a lot ripe, the farms, but in other communities . Sean. We will be back in an hours asa time to talk to more people about the farms, but in other communities . As a matter of putting out the this difficult issue for people who live in beautiful shropshire but it message and understanding to people of what was happening, these people isa live in beautiful shropshire but it is a lonely life. Especially in the we re of what was happening, these people were killing themselves. We are not dairy industry which has been tough in past couple of decades, cowards, they were sensitive people. Especially in this part of the world they are caring people. They were where profits arent going to probably the most sensitive people. Necessarily make you a very wealthy they were getting overwhelmed with what is the anxieties stop in those person. It can be a difficult life and those pressures exist every day. Days it wasnt talked about, what they say . They had nobody to talk to. It is the very worst thing they could have done. If you had a regular, you would get it repaired. In a moment the latest with a depression or anxiety, they business news. First a look at the headlines on afternoon live. The Prime Minister is in paris to tell french president , needed to speak to people more than Emmanuel Macron, that the irish backstop must go. Thats despite macron saying anybody. But they didnt. It was the backstop is indispensible. The wait is over taboo. But you have coming and there for 700,000 students is now a network, it isntjust you as they get their gcse results. But there is ruth who also runs this top grades have nudged up slightly despite concerns farm where we are today. Thank you about the difficulty of exams. Warnings that our very much, clifford. She is manning the helpline until seven. People rivers are filthy often fantasise the helpline until seven. People often fa ntasise about the helpline until seven. People often fantasise about the rural life, escaping from the city and heres your business headlines on afternoon live. Perhaps manning the land. Long ryanairflights in and out of uk airports have been taking off as normal despite strikes by pilots. Hours, unreliable income, the weather, disease and brexit, all of thousands of passengers were braced these things can be a worry and for disruption during a 48 hour u nless these things can be a worry and unless there is a support network walkout that will continue tomorrow. Like that provided in shropshire it can be really, really difficult for pilots from other bases in europe have been drafted people who have that sense of in to minimise disruption. Isolation to survive and come retail sales in august fell through. Indeed. One of the at their fastest pace since december 2008 the time just after disadvantages of mechanisation is the financial crisis began the number of people working on according to the latest data from the Business Group the cbi. Farms decreasing. A lot ofjobs know it said that sentiment is crumbling youre doing on your own that you among retailers and unexpectedly would have done previously with a family orfriend. Weak sales have led to a large backlog of stock. Would have done previously with a family or friend. In a moment will have the latest business fracking at the uks only active site has been halted after the largest news. Tremor ever recorded. The energy Firm Cuadrilla detected the Prime Minister is in paris seismic activity with a magnitude to tell french president , of 1. 55 at the preston new road site Emmanuel Macron, that the irish backstop must go. Thats despite macron saying the backstop is indispensible. The wait is over for seven near blackpool last night. Hundred thousand students as they get their gcse results. Top grades have nudged up slightly despite concerns about the difficulty of exams. Weve had a very profound statement from one of the bosses of hoseasons holiday chain. Record numbers of fires are burning in the amazon, brazils president claims opponents hoseasons is a very of his government are big holiday provider, lighting them deliberately. Cottages and camps across uk and europe. One of its exec team if you are homophobic or racist, heres your business headlines on afternoon live. Take your custom elsewhere. The ryanairflights in and out of uk context of this is important. This airports have been taking off as normal despite strikes by pilots. Is an interview in a local paper thousands of passengers were braced for disruption during a 48 hour walkout that will continue tomorrow. Talking about his past. He was pilots from other bases in europe have been drafted bullied as a child, and it also the in to minimise disruption. Difficult he had coming out as gay. Retail sales in august fell at their fastest pace since december 2008, he said you have to be bold enough. According to the latest data why would you want racist or from the Business Group the cbi. Homophobic people buying your products. They are not nice people it said that sentiment is crumbling among retailers and unexpectedly you have to ask if you are in the weak sales have led to a large backlog of stock. Right market. It is a brave fracking at the uks only statement for any company to say in active site has been halted after the largest tremor ever recorded. Public. But brands use the rainbow the energy Firm Cuadrilla detected seismic activity with a magnitude of 1. 55 at the preston new road site image. It isnt the same as near blackpool last night. Targeting those people who may not like them. It risks alienating some just how keen you to get away . Im of their customs. That dot not very keen. It depends on whether customers. You could stomach a 20 hour flight. Eddie hammerman is a Brand Consultant and managing director to get from sydney to either new york or london. That is the question of the ten group. That the Australian Airline qantas is asking of itself. Obviously when we go to these places you cant you wouldnt usually try to alienate generally go direct, you have to any customer. It is a bold move. I stop off somewhere, but now the think it is a calculated move long range aircraft are available. Actually. It is bold. They could be to target a millennial audience. Increasingly we are looking at they are considering running 20 hour businesses not just for the increasingly we are looking at businesses notjust for the products we can get, but for the purpose of flight they are considering running 20 hour flight from sydney to london and to that business also generates. What new york. They would be the worlds are they given to the world when we hand over our money . Whether it is longest flights. Currently the longest flights. Currently the longest is from singapore to new toa hand over our money . Whether it is to a Holiday Company over chocolate york at 19 hours. A mere 19 hours baroran to a Holiday Company over chocolate bar or an energy company. What is a business and for . And what is a business and for . And what is a business doing the good of the quantums remark. They want to world . Business doing the good of the world . And i think for a millennial audience that is very important. Whilst they may be alienating one figure out if their crew can stand audience, it could pay off and it it, or if their customers actually could be gaining another one. We are wanted. Do you think you could seeing plenty of brands in this standard . My biggest concern and. Increasingly divided era, society, actually taking a stand on social issues which perhaps they mightnt ican standard . My biggest concern and. I can remember the miserable have done in the past. That is experience of getting out of los right. You look at nike using colin angeles airport, getting the luggage, going through security and copernicus for a campaign. It became then getting on the same plane in our later. I did the other way. I a big political issue. Eventually people went on social media and fed flew from singapore. Before i the their trainers. Burnt their secret, my coping mechanism, that medicine you might take a night when you have a cold, that will knock you out. I was thinking the kit thing trainers. Nike lost one audience gained another. On another note, i that concerns me more isnt the crew dont think brands have a choice or me, but will the toilets last 20 anymore. Brands that do make a stand and have a social conscience do hours . Those trial flights are going better than those that dont. Those to ta ke hours . Those trial flights are going to take place later this year. That have purpose, potentially qantas are proven employees will be putting papers over profit, could there. The decision will be taken by really gain. What is this a delicate line to tread and perhaps has there. The decision will be taken by the end of this year, and if approved those services could be running by 2022. I want to get perspective from the other side of the atlantic because our business correspondencejoins us the atlantic because our business hoseasons overstated or gone far of correspondence joins us now. Michelle, 20 hour flight correspondence joins us now. Michelle, 20 hourflight from new the mark . Element in terms of the york to sydney does that sound like statement that the ceo read out, he heaven or hell . If at the end of it sounds he really believes in this issue. I think authenticity is you are at the beach in sydney. I wouldnt have too many complaints. I rememberasa kid, wouldnt have too many complaints. I remember as a kid, the days when really important. It is brilliant just london to hong kong, for that lots of brands were getting example when i was trapped involved in pride. Lots of people travelling to visit family, 16 hours. You didnt get the kind of getting involved with lots of brand logos. Unless they are following that up within their businesses, in entertainment you do now. You had a a years time people will be asking bit more legroom back then though. Questions. We live in an age of lets focus on some markets. The last transparency where people will be asking that if you run a pride campaign, what have you done within your business . Unless a business has really embraced that purpose, they could have a problem. Bank you for meeting of the Federal Reserve policymakers, what have we learned . Joining us with your thoughts today. Well, a couple of things. That meeting injuly where the federal the ftse has been retreating the gains reserve , meeting injuly where the Federal Reserve, americas central bank, cut it made yesterday. The latest minutes from rate since the First Time Since the the Us Central Bank the Federal Reserve financial crisis. The reasoning have dampened speculation behind it, the doesnt seem to be that the cost of borrowing in the us much consensus. As behind it, the doesnt seem to be much consensus. As people look ahead, and we have had all of this will be cut again next month. Talk about br word, is a recession looming both here in the united a fire states or more broadly, what global at an ocado warehouse has been troubles lie ahead . What people want weighing on its shares today. To know is what ammunition do its the second time Central Banks have when interest its happened this year. Rates remain very low from the last crisis . That is what your going to the pound is on the up against usd. Hear more about. That is at least what people are going to be looking for when we hearjerome powell, the investors somewhat more optimistic about brexit deal chair of the Federal Reserve, following pms meeting with merkel. Talking at 10am eastern time. Thank you very much. I wonder what they will make of Emmanuel Macrons comments. Researchers have developed a new microscope that can take pictures of living organisms in unprecedented detail. They can now see processes researchers have developed inside the body that were previously a new microscope that can take invisible including how the flu pictures of living organisms in unprecedented detail. Virus infects us and how blood cells they can now see processes detect cuts and begin inside the body that were previously the clotting process. Invisible including how the flu our science correspondent, pallab ghosh, reports. Virus infects us and how blood cells these cells are the building detect cuts and begin blocks of human life. The clotting process. Our science correspondent, it is where all of our bodys basic processes are happening, pallab ghosh, reports. And it is here that raging wars against disease is fought. Researchers have developed ways of taking pictures of these processes. This gigantic two tonne microscope these cells are the building is transforming our understanding blocks of human life. Of living processes. It is where all of our bodys basic it takes something so big processes are happening, and it is here that raging wars to see the tiny atom sized against disease is fought. Cogs and wheels inside us, in action. Researchers have developed ways of taking pictures of these processes. Here they are, freezing a flu virus this gigantic two tonne microscope is transforming our understanding and putting it into the microscope. Of living processes. It takes something so big thousands of images are taken to see the tiny atom sized from different angles, cogs and wheels to build up this picture. Inside us, in action. Here they are freezing a flu virus and putting it into the microscope. It is the spikes around the viruses that have not been seen before. Thousands of images are taken from different angles to build up this picture. These are the bits that puncture the bodys cells in order to infect them with blue. It is the spikes around the viruses that have not been seen before. These are the bits that puncture the bodys cells flu. In order to infect them with flu. A close up helps researchers target a close up helps researchers target the vulnerable parts of the virus. The vulnerable parts of the virus. It is a huge step forward it is a huge step forward in being able to really see in being able to really see what is going on within structures, what is going on within structures, therefore you have to either cut them into slices, therefore you have to orjust see the outside. Now we can see the whole object. Either cut them into slices, we use x rays to study orjust see the outside. Now we can see the whole object. The structure of a molecule. We use x rays to study until recently we relied on a the structure of a molecule. Technique developed 100 years ago, until recently we relied on a technique developed 100 years ago, and used throughout the 20th century to get pictures of biological molecules. And used throughout the 20th it involved blasting century to get pictures them with x rays. Of biological molecules. The new method enables researchers to see what these important it involved blasting molecules actually do in the body. Them with x rays. This is the inside the new method enables researchers of a blood vessel. To see what these important molecules actually do in the body. The long, wormlike structures burst this is the inside open when you bleed. Of a blood vessel. The long, wormlike structures burst it has been described open when you bleed. It has been described as a resolution revolution. It is clear now that turning this technique on almost as a resolution revolution. Any biological problem is providing new information. It is clear now that turning researchers have now got a view this technique on almost of biology and action any biological problem that they have never had before. Is providing new information. Researchers have now got a view of biology and action that they have never had before. From the minuscule to absolutely now its time for a look mega huge. Weather patterns. The at the weather with chris fawkes. Weather pattern is going to be such a spell of much warmer weather that things will be warming up over on the way across many parts the coming days. Much warmer in of the country. Fa ct, the coming days. Much warmer in fact, turning hot across the temperatures could hit 30 degrees or more over the course of the weekend. South east as temperatures are excited to reach or even exceed 30 celsius. These are the temperatures the warmth will be felt further north as well in the here and now. We have some in scotland and Northern Ireland. Cloud and rain in the north west and is going to be drizzly today. That is going to be drizzly today. That is going to continue this evening and overnight, you can see the in the short term, these are temperatures Late Afternoon today. Reigning western scotland. In low 20s across south east Northern Ireland will dry out and extend but i think some of these and east anglia, high teens across the north, and our weather, you can see that western coasts stay quite murky and damp weather moving northwards from Northern Ireland into western maybe some see you. Tomorrow we scotland. So, the weather is actually going to put improve this evening across some parts of the uk. Early morning temperatures, very mild indeed. Start on a beautiful note. Eastern 14 degrees pretty much across the board. Areas always a bit more cloudy than tomorrow, some of these the north west. Ten pitches will Western Areas of the uk, at peak at a 28 degrees. That is it, 00 59 40,743 4294966103 13 29,430 you up to date. Times cloudy and murky, maybe even a little bit of coastal mist. So generally speaking, it looks as though it will be a very settled and warm if not hot day. Those temperatures in london will get up to about 28 degrees. Hello, youre watching afternoon live. Today at 4pm. The Prime Minister is in paris to tell french president , Emmanuel Macron, that the irish backstop must go. Thats despite macron saying the backstop is indispensible. I want to make absolutely clear to you, emmanuel, and to the french people, that of course i want a deal and i think we can get a deal. The wait is over for seven hundred thousand students as they get their gcse results. Top grades have nudged up slightly despite concerns about the difficulty of exams. Warnings that our rivers are filthy and being used like open sewers. Record numbers of fires are burning in the amazon brazils president claims opponents of his government are lighting them deliberately. Coming up on afternoon live all the sport. Hello, live all the sport. Another delay at headingley. The hello, another delay at headingley. The weather has been shocking. However two wickets for england in the first day of the third test. However two wickets for england in the first day of the third test. Thanks. And well bejoining you for a full update just after 4. 30pm. And the weather. It is running up the price for the bank holiday weekend. Temperatures will hit up to 30 celsius. Thanks. Also coming up well be live from the gateshead stadium for the latest news from the world transplant games. More after 4. 30, on news nationwide. Hello everyone this is afternoon live. Borisjohnson is in paris where his efforts to try and break the brexit impasse have met opposition from the french president , Emmanuel Macron. The french president has said the terms of britains withdrawal from the European Union can be tweaked, but not rewritten , and hes insisted that the controversial irish backstop is indispensable to the integrity of the eu Single Market. The measure aims to prevent physical border checks if there is no post brexit trade agreement. Both the Prime Minister and the french president have said discussions between officials would go on until the end of september. Lets go straight over to paris and speak to our europe correspondent damian in step good afternoon. What is your impression that has been left by this visit and how french officials regard the fact that Boris Johnson came to paris . They will have been very glad to have finally engaged and have the two leaders sit down together to bridge their differences in the brexit process. What was interesting, as you were saying, is this idea that the eu side as Angela Merkel said yesterday and macron said today, are hoping to hearing any suggestions from mrjohnson. Mr macron said that he understood johnson was representing the wishes of the people but he had clearly positions on fundamental things that need to be addressed and any agreement, preserving peace in Northern Ireland and protecting the integrity of the internal market. That is what the backstabbers dared to do. The uk is open to come up to any ideas that might achieve that that might propose Something Different but they have to achieve those two objectives. They have days and weeks to do it. That was similar to what Angela Merkel said when she said they had 30 days to come up with some ideas. Today she said that she did not mean that as a specific timetable but time is short and the eu is opening to what the uk propose. Translation the 30 days i mentioned are a figure of speech to indicate that it can be done in a short period of time. Great britain has said that it wants to leave the eu on the 31st of october. Until then, if both sides are willing to do so, we can work on finding a regime in which, on one hand we can maintain the good friday agreement, which is the wish of both the republic of ireland and great britain, and at the same time guarantee the integrity of the internal market. Some will view this as a softening of the eus position where the eu is saying that there are no changes to their Withdrawal Agreement possible but now maybe something is possible. I would not read it in that way. I think it highlights that the eu have all along said that the fundamental issue for the eu is this irish backstop, the safety net provision is there to avoid those problems arising in the future. Those are the key thing is that the uk has to address. So they are saying that if mrjohnson is genuine about his desire to achieve a deal and genuinely believes there is a way to do it then it is up to him to put on the table those ideas. They are, in effect, calling his bluff. Here is an opportunity to show if he had some new ideas. There werent any forthcoming from what he said to macron today. But mr macron and mrs merkel are saying they are open to hearing anything he might have to say. Thank you very much. Lets go to our chief Political Correspondent at westminster, vicki. Angela merkel says it was only a figure of speech suddenly they dont sound that far apart. I did feel as though she were saying that. It did not seem to me as though it was a sta rc not seem to me as though it was a starc deadline but as damien says this is about the owners being on the British Government to come up with something that is workable and workable before we leave. That is the whole point. If it is to replace the whole point. If it is to replace the backstop it has to be ready to go. Macron and Angela Merkel are not going as far as the eu has done for months where it has said that it is not reopening the Withdrawal Agreement or up for negotiation, neither have said it in no starc terms. Some may think optimistically that that is a softening of the eu position. I think it is more likely that france and germany do not want to walk into a trap where downing street can say look at the eu who we re street can say look at the eu who were not taking this seriously and they are being buried intransigent. This will lead for a no deal. I think it is about who is going to be blamed for a no deal. Borisjohnson has made it very clear that it will not be the uk government putting up any physical border checks on that border. He made that case twice very deliberately, because again i think this is about making sure they are not to blame for a no deal if it happens. Meanwhile Boris Johnson has beenin happens. Meanwhile Boris Johnson has been in paris. The lady like the labour leader has very different concerns about how to block the event of a no deal brexit. Concerns about how to block the event of a no deal brexitlj concerns about how to block the event of a nodeal brexit. I think some people are concerned, those on the remain side, that they have missed their chance to block a no deal brexit now thatjohnson has come in and seems determined to go down that route if he has to. That is not stopping opposition parties and some tory mps trying to come up with a plan. The question is what will that be. That labour says they will that be. That labour says they will try and move no confidence vote if they can win it. That would mean borisjohnson would lose that. The other option is to try and reopen legislation. We saw this happen under theresa may. They took control of the parliamentary order paper. They managed to change the law to force theresa may to go to the eu to ask for the extension for article 50 delaying brexit. Jeremy corbyn explained that he has called a meeting of opposition parties for next week. All of the opposition parties will be there and we will discuss the process by which we will put forward a motion of no confidence and others will bring out other suggestions including the legislative proposal, but we will be having a serious discussion next week in order to prevent this country crashing out on the 31st of october with all the damage that that will do to farming communities, to industry, tojobs and the there medicine supplies and the Food Processing industry. Blocking the deal is not going to be easy and is the default position in law. Those in the past have been unable to Work Together on all of this. Jo swinson said that she would not be able to backJeremy Corbyn as a caretaker Prime Minister but will go to the meeting. We will see what happens next week. Good to see Jeremy Corbyn doing his bit for our focus on farming. As weve heard, the french president Emmanuel Macron has said the Northern Ireland backstop is indispensible. The backstop would come in to force at the end of next year, if the uk and the eu fail to agree terms of a deep and comprehensive trade deal to ensure the smooth passage of goods across the border on the island of ireland. But mrjohnson has insisted that alternatives to the backstop can be found. Joining us from belfast to discuss this further is ben lowry Deputy Editor of one of Northern Irelands main daily papers, the news letter. Thank you for coming. Can you explain as the newsletter has numerous reason explain as the newsletter has numerous reason like readers, can use explain for us in other parts of the uk why it is important to many unionists that they should not be a backstop. This backstop is a fallback position if we are there is no possibility of a deal being reached that why the idea of it is so reached that why the idea of it is so apparent to some. One of the things about living in Northern Ireland is that you can travel to london in the same way you could travel to cornwall. But you wont have to show a passport. What has happened with the backstop is that it has taken a long time for people to understand it. One thing is that while there has always been an understanding of the fact that a new border run in Northern Ireland would be problematic, there has been a time over than number of years to think about the possibility of barriers between Northern Ireland and great britain. I do not think anybody is talking about passports but more about trade. The implications of that other that a fundamental part of being the United Kingdom is that there are nuts checks and that there is unfettered internal trade. The more that people think about the fact that that might change is the greater the concern. The theory is that whether it is su btly the theory is that whether it is subtly they will be treated over a period of time is different to other parts of the uk. Yes there are many unionists who think about the backstop maybe we can have the best of both worlds. In other words, there wasnt huge initial opposition to the backstop but the more you look into the detail and the possibility that we will be slowly edged away from the United Kingdom and edits placed apart, and so one, that is where the concern for this has grown. And then in the middle of that, remember there is a whole bunch of people in the middle of Northern Ireland who might say if we are pushed apart from the United Kingdom and we stay in the European Union, we are happy with that. It would be seamless checks that you would be seamless checks that you would not say. So it is a very confusing picture because even experts dont agree on what the implications of the backstop are. In this very instant some people are furious at the thought of any change and there are a growing number of people concerned that the British Government will agree to major changes in the irish sea. Just in terms of how unionist politicians may respond to some of the criticisms. One of the criticisms is that over the last few years there has been a significant increase in cross border and cross island arrangements. One is on the Electricity Supply for example. One where there is no difference between Northern Ireland and the republic of ireland. How can they square accepting things like that with being so opposed to the other . M has changed. You talk about electricity. One of the most striking thing is for People Living in Northern Ireland is that you have a huge airport in dublin. Nowadays you can just go down the road to dublin airport. There arent very many people who want to see that change. But when it comes to the emotional things and thinking of things ina emotional things and thinking of things in a Northern Ireland basis and thinking we are much as part of the United Kingdom as newcastle or kent, that is when you get into the emotional responses on this. But in hindsight, almost everybody has looked back in affection at a time when you could travel in an u nfettered when you could travel in an unfettered way in the United Kingdom and across the land border and do trade in both directions. That is the difficulty about this as we get into the detail. Where is it going to end up on what aspects of that are going to change . Do you detect any possibility of a kind of compromise on this issue which might be acceptable, not ideal but a cce pta ble be acceptable, not ideal but acceptable to the d p and acceptable to the Irish Government . There is a paradox which is that the dp has not had a hard line position. They have talked about. There was a very interesting thing earlier in the year whenjacob rhys interesting thing earlier in the year when Jacob Rhys Mogg interesting thing earlier in the year whenJacob Rhys Mogg supporting the agreement said he cannot be more unionist than the d u p. You could see some sort of compromise coming through people not wanting to be blamed for no deal. Unionists that i have been talking to this morning in westminster think that germany is concerned about tipping into a recession and is less hardline than france and there might be a route there if they can get experts before there if they can get experts before the German Government to talk about these alternative arrangements for sorting out the irish land border. Soi sorting out the irish land border. So i can see some potential but Everybody Knows the clock is ticking fast and hard. Thank you. Fascinating to talk to you and thank you for helping us to get a better understanding and by this issue provokes such passions in Northern Ireland. The number of eu citizens coming to the uk is at its lowest level for six years, according to official figures. The office for National Statistics said the number of eu citizens moving to the uk for work has halved since the brexit referendum in 2016 with overall net migration at 226,000 in the year to march. Yesterday, the ons said the new figures should be treated as experimental after finding problems in its data gathering. Youre watching afternoon live, these are our headlines the Prime Minister is in paris to tell french president , Emmanuel Macron, that the irish backstop must go. Thats despite macron saying the backstop is indispensible. The wait is over for 700,000 students as they get their gcse results. Top grades have nudged up slightly despite concerns about the difficulty of exams. Warnings that our rivers are filthy and being used like open sewers. And coming up well continue our focus on farming series, with a look the Mental Health challenges the profession can bring. And in sport. Its been a frustrating day at headingley play is delayed because of bad light and there have been several rain delays. Despite that, england have managed to take two wickets in the first day of the third test. George ford and owen farrell are in englands team to play ireland at twickenham on saturday. Itll be the first time in over a year that they have started together. And a familiar looking irish side joe schmidt has brought back cian healy, captain rory best and tadhg furlong. Ill be back with more on those stories later. Its gcse results day and theres been a slight increase in the pass rate and the percentage of top grades this year, despite concerns about the difficulty of the exams. More than 700,000 teenagers in england, wales and Northern Ireland, have been opening their envelopes. Students in england are now on the new Number System with a to g grades replaced by one to nine where nine is the equivalent of an a star or higher. Only 837 students across england got 9s compared with thousands who used to get a s. Heres our education correspondent frankie mccamley. I personallyjust want to do really well in my history gcse. That is what i want to do Going Forward into the future. I think i will definitely be very nervous. I am ok at the moment, but when i have got them in my hand im going to be so scared of seeing them. Ijust think ive realised that there is nothing i can do about it any more. You sit in the exam hall, you do what you do, pen down, thats it, that or you could have done. These feelings will resonate with thousands of teenagers across the country who are heading back to school to get their results. It is the most nerve racking day of their academic lives. This is the school hall in shropshire where pupils did their exams just a couple of months ago. They were sat in rows, heads down, concentrating. There was a lot at stake. But today, the same hall, same teenagers, a very different atmosphere. Tears ofjoy, shock, and some very proud parents. Im so happy, i thought i was going to fail. Im so relieved. I am so happy. Very happy. Surprised at all . English. I didnt expect to do. I wasnt expecting to pass english. Students here in england sat at the reformed gcses, graded numerically from 1 being the lowest, to 9 being the highest. At this school in wales students are still graded a to g. And here in Northern Ireland there is a mixture of grades. Across england, wales and Northern Ireland, there has been a slight increase in the percentage of papers given the top marks. At least a 7 or a grade a, up by 0. 3 and the highest since 2015. Overall, the gcse pass rates of 4s or c and above edged up to 67. 3 . A higher number of girls are passing their exams than boys, but the gap has narrowed for the second year to 8. 8 . The slight increase in grades is despite concerns the exams are getting tougher, which the head teacher here agrees with. I think they are a real challenge. I think a number of colleagues would say they have seen a level content coming down into the new gcse spec, and indeed they are hugely challenging. The government says it is trying to raise standards. They are better preparation for next stage of education and indeed work and training. And if we remember, back in 2010 we were facing concerns from employers about whether School Leavers were prepared for the world of work. And for some teenagers they will be heading into the world of work, for others it is a levels and apprenticeships are also on the cards. Frankie mccamley, bbc news, shropshire. If you need advice on gcse grades visit our website bbc. Co. Uk and go the family and education page and try our chatbot. Brazils president , Jair Bolsonaro, has claimed non Governmental Organisations may be setting fires deliberately in the amazon to embarrass his government, though he offered no evidence to support the claim. A Record Number of fires are burning in the Worlds Largest rainforest, which is home to about three million species of plants and animals and a million indigenous people. There have been 72 thousand fires so far this year. Richard lister reports. The amazon rainforest has been called the lungs of the world, generating an estimated 20 of all the oxygen in the atmosphere. But look at the smoke in these lungs today. Brazil has had 73,000 fire outbreaks, more than half in the amazon. That is up 84 on last year. So who does brazils president blame . Translation regarding the amazon fires, i am under the impression they could have been started by the ngos because they had asked forfunding, what was their intention . To bring about problems for brazil. But these protesters in the city of salvador blame the president for encouraging greater exploitation of the amazon and weakening its environmental protections. This was how they greeted brazils environment minister in a Climate Change conference. Jair bolsonaro is trying to distract from his own policies. Since he came into power he has been stripping protections from the amazon and other forest in brazil, and encouraging farmers to set fire to land and clear it. These fires are a not a natural thing, the result of the farmers trying to send a message to both scenario that they support the regime. It is an outrage. The president admitted he had no evidence these fires were set by environmental groups. It was, he said, just a feeling. The dry season continues until november and so will the fires. Richard lister, bbc news. Well, Daniela Montalto is a forests campaigner for greenpeace. Shes with me now. Thank you for coming in. You must look at these figures, the worst they have been. An 82 increase this year compared to last year. You must look at this as an extreme worry. This is extremely worrying, what we are seeing now. Especially since Jair Bolsonaro took power in early january this year. Deforestation is showing an upward trend which is worrying. In fact, the fires which are burning across the amazon has increased since Jair Bolsonaro came into power injanuary until a couple of days ago 144 . ViralJair Bolsonaro may try to blame ngos about the fires. , just days ago cattle ranchers in some parts of the amazon organise and coordinate related fires to show him that they are at work on the fire frontier. This is a technique to clear land and we can see the increase of deforestation and forest fires go together. So the change of government in brazil, federal government, has created a permissive environment in which this activity is being allowed to increase. Is that what youre saying . Indeed and it is trying to distract from the consequences of his own anti environmental policy. Since he came in to power injanuary. Anti environmental policy. Since he came in to power in january. He ta kes a came in to power in january. He takes a very straightforward approach, whether you agree or not, that this part of the amazon is in brazils territory. We will exploit it as we see fit for our own benefit. Economic benefit. What do you think what responsibility rests on countries outside. I am thinking of the eu which has signed quite a big trade deal with brazil which has implications and are Environmental Standards particularly for the amazon. Yellow mac increasing the imports of soya and cattle, crops and farming that is behind the deforestation of the amazon summer, basically, the forest ecosystems a re amazon summer, basically, the forest ecosystems are of great importance for the local communities and for wildlife as well as for Climate Change and preventing a climate breakdown. They are being destroyed and being can hurt it into further soya agricultures which are then in fa ct soya agricultures which are then in fact used to feed pigs and chickens and cattle in factory farms in europe. So the signals being given to those who are destroying ra i nfo rests to those who are destroying rainforests are, to those who are destroying ra i nforests a re, yes, to those who are destroying rainforests are, yes, go ahead. We will continue to buy your products. This cannot happen and governments and companies behind the demand need to ta ke and companies behind the demand need to take action. Thank you very much. All this week on bbc news, were looking at the issues facing farmers in our focus on farming series. This afternoon, were looking at the Mental Health challenges that farming can bring. The often solitary nature of the profession means its not the easiest lifestyle for people experiencing Mental Health issues. In the past five years, a charity for farmers says nearly a third of its cases now involve poor mental wellbeing. Our reporter phil mackie is on a farm in ightfield. Hello again. Hello it is milking time. They are waiting to go through to be milked. The water spray helps relieve them from flies which is a particular problem at this time of year. These ones have come out for some food. Obviously, this week we are talking about farming and the stresses under which farmers live. You man the phones 24 slice seven and man the phones for the rural shropshire support network for those in crisis. Thats correct. We are a support network of eight volunteers spread over the county to provide confidential support for people going through anxiety and stress is in times of trouble when farming, Family Businesses and living in the countryside where there is isolation and loneliness are a problem. It is to do with business. Business pressures create anxiety and depression. We do help them to solve their problems. We advise and suggest what we can do and point them in the right i spoke to clifford who founded the network nearly 30 years ago. Before it was in existence there was a high suicide rate particularly in shropshire where farmers are more marginaland shropshire where farmers are more marginal and businesses tougher, but since the network came into place, tha nkfully since the network came into place, thankfully that has dropped quite considerably. Is that something you would agree with in terms of what you have seen and been able to do in terms of help . Yes, i think people are becoming more aware of the support that is out there and it is just getting them to start a conversation really and just to tell them. Tell us about their feelings. Clifford said they dont tells about their feelings, but they are becoming more aware and ringing that to the table now. There is help out there, and if they talk about their problems we can perhaps ease their problems we can perhaps ease the situation is for them. Thank you for making us so welcome here on your farm today. Another thing clifford said that was quite interesting was that while farmers have these support networks, and are more willing to talk about these problems than ten years ago, there are still problems in Rural Communities. It is a delicate. If you live here, there are stresses that we dont see. Theres the sort of problems that Rural Communities are facing across the country. We will be talking about dating prospects for farmers for those living in rolling and later in this hour. Now its time for a look at the weather with tomasz shaffernacker. A spell of much warmer weather on the way across many parts of the country. Temperatures could hit 30 degrees or more over the course of the weekend. The warmth will be felt further north as well in scotland and Northern Ireland. In the short term, these are temperatures Late Afternoon today. Low 20s across south east and east anglia, high teens across the north, and our weather, you can see that damp weather moving northwards from Northern Ireland into western scotland. So, the weather is actually going to improve this evening across northern parts of the uk. Early morning temperatures, very mild indeed. 14 degrees pretty much across the board. Tomorrow, some of these Western Areas of the uk, at times cloudy and murky, maybe even a little bit of coastal mist. So generally speaking, it looks as though it will be a very settled and warm if not hot day. Those temperatures in london will get up to about 28 degrees. This is bbc news our latest headlines. The Prime Minister is in paris to tell french president , Emmanuel Macron, that the irish backstop must go. Thats despite macron saying the backstop is indispensible. The wait is over for 700,000 students as they get their gcse results. Top grades have nudged up slightly despite concerns about the difficulty of exams. Warnings that our rivers are filthy and being used like open sewers. Record numbers of fires are burning in the amazon brazils president claims opponents of his government are lighting them deliberately. Jane, just tell me how much cricket has been played at headingley today. It would be easier to tell you how much is being played rather than how much is being played rather than how much hasnt been played. So frustrating, play has stopped and started several times today. Currently theyve just come back on the field after a delay for bad light, but the rain has been causing havoc at headingley. Only four overs played in the morning session england won the toss and elected to bowl. Jofra archer took the first wicket, it was that of opening batsman marcus harris, gone for just eight, who had come in to replace cameron bancroft. The rain started soon after and the covers came back on. They came offjust after two oclock and the second wicket was taken Usman Khawaja off the bowling of stuart broad. But the rain came back another delay and then the umpires got their light metres out and stopped play because of bad light. This is a must win test for england, otherwise australia will retain the ashes. Australia are 66 2. And you can listen to full match commentary with test match special on five live sports extra. They are on air right now and there will be in play video highlights alongside the commentary on the bbc sport website. Full match commentary is quite optimistic today. Jane, some rather less cheerful news about a footballer who will remember making a splash internationally and for his home nation of ghana. Very sad news, the former ghana and Nottingham Forest striker junior agogo has died at the age ofjust 40. He actually played for several clubs in britain notjust Nottingham Forrest including, Sheffield Wednesday, bristol rovers, chester, qpr and he finished his playing career at hibs in 2012. Such a young age he suffered a stroke in 2015 and struggled with his speech afterwards, he took part in a bbc documentary, saying that he felt anxious about his language. He was loved in his home country of ghana, played 27 times for his country, scoring 12 goals. He was the poster boy of the 2008 africa cup of nations, held in his home country of ghana. His former clubs have been paying tribute on social media. Nottingham forrest tweeted this rest in peace, junior. Thoughts of everyone at the club are with his family and friends. A similar sentiment from Sheffield Wednesday saddened to learn of the passing of our former playerjunior agogo. Our thoughts are with juniors family and friends at this very difficult time. Wayne rooney was shown a straight red card after elbowing the face of an opponant in dc uniteds 2 1 loss to new york red bulls. The referee missed the incident where englands all time top scorer hit red bull defender Christian Casseres with his forearm during a corner. It was reviewed by var and rooney was sent off in the 24th minute. Its the second red card of his mls career. Rooney announced he would leave dc united this year after agreeing to join derby county injanuary. George ford and owen farrell are in englands team to play ireland at twickenham on saturday. Itll be the first time in over a year they have started together. Captain farrell partners manu tuilagi in the midfield for the first time in a test match. Meanwhile flankers Sam Underhill and tom curry are named in the same back row. And a more familiar looking irish side head coachjoe schmidt has brought back several frontline players. Cian healy, captain rory best and tadhg furlong get theirfirst run out of the season while ross byrne will get his opportunity to impress at out half. Thats all the sport for now. Australia are 71 2. Now on afternoon live lets go nationwide and see whats happening around the country in our daily visit to the bbc newsrooms around the uk. They are not inside today. Lets go to spotlights victoria graham who is at roadford reservoir in devon, shes going to be talking to us about the local Water Network and its connection with the farming industry, as part of our focus on farming series. It is north devon. South west waters biggest reservoir. We are focusing tonight on water. This reservoir holds 35 billion litres of water. What you see behind me is wolf valley, which was flooded way way back. This was actually created in 1990 way back. This was actually created in1990 in way back. This was actually created in 1990 in response to the drought that we had in the south west in 1976. This reservoir supplies the whole of north devon with all of their Drinking Water. But what we are focusing on tonight is the fact that can we guarantee that Drinking Water in future . Water companies are facing such a huge challenge given Climate Change and increasing demand for suppliers well. We are focusing that night on spotlights. By the way, where this was flooded underneath all this water is an old Saxon Village which was actually taken down to make way for the reservoir behind me. A dramatic change to the landscape there. Thats where i come from. I was watching you the night before last. What is being done to protect the water from pollutants . Farmers are doing what they can hear to protect the land. Some would say that not enough is being done. One of those voices is coming from a well known musician of the undertones. He is a very avid water campaigner. He has been here recently and said to us that 86 of rivers across the uk do not meet good ecological status. He said that the Environmental Agency has actually failed in its duty and needs to be called out for it. The Environment Agency is between a rock and a hard place because we know about government cuts and the fact that money is not forthcoming, so what they do . They are in charge of policing the waters. But given the lack of funds, they cant believe that as well, farmers are doing what they can, and we have a real problem with himalayan plants down here. It isa with himalayan plants down here. It is a plant that grows by the side of river sides, and is taking overfrom native plants. In winter that himalayan plant dies down, it leaves the riverbeds completely open to exposure, that roads away that erodes away, and with cattle in the side that puts more mud it back into the water. We will be looking at all of the problems tonight. One of the grumbles my parents often complain about is the expense of water bills. Is next manage and for that . We all complain about it. They are very expensive. They are the most expensive. They are the most expensive in the country. We live in the most beautiful part of the country so we really shouldnt complain, a part of that beauty is of course the coastline. We have got thousands of tourist here at the moment from all over the country enjoying the south west has to offer. But coast takes some cleaning up offer. But coast takes some cleaning up and that is all down to south west water. We have the water supply. It is hardly surprising that the waters that bills are so high. Will they come down in future . We have talked end of the about this and maybe we should introduce a tourism tax. How would you feel, enjoying the bootable south west but paying extra to have your water . The debate continues. Any excuse to come back home. It is worth every penny. And looks norths Jonathan Swingler joins us from gateshead stadium where he will bring us up to date on the world transplant games. What is been happening today, jonathan . It is a fantastic atmosphere here. Everybody here is either given or received an organ. You have events happening all week and you have been talking to Catherine Pilkington from the north east, she basically had a kidney transparent when she was a teenager. You can imagine she was poorly some years ago, and her dream is to take part in these games. She has been taking part in the three kilometre walking event she was so happy to receive a bronze in that event. Amazing, the fact that ive got it is just out of this world. Because when i was travelling here i thought, you know, ive done amazingly well to get here, a medal isjust the icing on the cake. That moment when she crossed the line and you know shes got a medal, how did you feel . I cried my eyes out. I could cry now because im just so proud of her. She is just unbelievable. The whole time during her illness she has battled all the way through, she has done everything that she has to do. The main thing for me isjust to keep fit and healthy. That is one of the reasons why i think the games are so important because it celebrates our donors and celebrate open donation as well. It shows people that there is life after transplantation. Because i think people feel that after transplant, that is it really, you are not as fit and healthy, but we are. Jonathan, is at an all ages competition . Yes, people even in their 80s are taking part. We spoke toa their 80s are taking part. We spoke to a competitor called phoebe at the swimming. She was competing with people a lot older than herself. She is nine years old and had a liver transplant. When i spoke to her she didnt think she was going to get any medals. She went on to get a bronze, a silver and gold. My favourite was the breaststroke. It is my favourite. It was 50 metres and my favourite stroke is breaststroke so i really enjoyed it. You had to do all of them in 30 minutes. What was that like . Tiring. Im super proud. She did an amazing job. It was an amazing swim. It was very exciting for us. We did lots of cheering. Yes, i am very proud. Im very proud. This is organ donation. This is what we get. And every reason to be proud. Thank you both. Ryanair pilots have walked out in a 48 hour strike, but so far the Airlines Flights have been running with little disruption. After losing a legal challenge in the high court to block the action in the uk, ryanair said it would bring in contingency plans to run its full schedule. So far, it seems to be working. Just a warning, coletta smiths report contains some flash photography. Ryanair pilots have walked out in a 48 hour strike, but so far the Airlines Flights have been running with little disruption. After losing a legal challenge in the high court to block after a worrying a few weeks, its time to check in and take off. Right across the uk, ryanair flights are running smoothly. Despite ryanairs uk pilots union being on strike for 48 hours, the company say this morning 97 of flights were running on time and theyre delighted by that. Passengers in portugal, where crew and pilots are on strike, have been told of a flights pushed back by seven hours. All ive had is the initial e mail saying that the flight had been changed to seven hours later. But, no, theyve not kept us informed of anything else. If you go on the website, it just says that flights are running as normal, so weve kind of got to trust them on that at the moment. Ryanair have more than 1000 pilots based here in the uk and theyve told me today that the vast majority of their pilots turned up for work as normal this morning. They say they havent had to bring in extra pilots from elsewhere in europe, that they have brought in some extra staff, that others based here in the uk volunteered for extra shifts and they claim that plenty of Union Members turned up for work as normal today as well. The unions say pilots in ryanair are seeking the same kind of work policies and agreements that exist in other airlines. Just three weeks ago, the ryanair boss Michael Oleary warned as many as 900 pilots and crew could be made redundant in the coming months, as the company faced brexit, rising fuel costs and problems with their boeing planes. But its relief for travellers this bank holiday, jetting off the final getaway of the summer. Coletta smith, bbc news, at manchester airport. In a moment well get the latest business news. First a look at the headlines on afternoon live. The Prime Minister is in paris to tell french president , Emmanuel Macron, that the irish backstop must go. Thats despite macron saying the backstop is indispensible. The wait is over for 700,000 students as they get their gcse results. Top grades have nudged up slightly despite concerns about the difficulty of exams. Warnings that our rivers are filthy and being used like open sewers. Heres your business headlines on afternoon live. Royal mail staff are to vote on potential strike action in a row overjob security and terms and conditions of employment. Retail sales in august fell at their fastest pace since december 2008, the time just after the financial crisis began. Economists at the Business Group the cbi said that sentiment is crumbling among retailers. Fracking at the uks only active site has been halted after the largest tremor ever recorded. The energy Firm Cuadrilla detected seismic activity with a magnitude of 1. 55 at the preston new road site near blackpool last night. Tells about the possibility of the industrial action in the post office. Yes, we havejust heard this in the last hour or so that around 100 royal mail staff are going to be voting about strike. This is around about terms and conditions. The vote will happen will begin on september 24, resulting early october and if they vote for a strike that the usual two weeks notice you have to give, it could happen in october. There was a big agreement between management and staff last year about how to reform the postal service, staff seem to be accusing management that they are not sticking to the terms and conditions of in fermenting that agreement. Very germanic language coming out of Communications Workers union telling staff to be ready for the fight of their lives. Whats been happening on the markets they . Not a very good day for the ftse100. It is down one and a quarter percent. That could be down to the rising pound. The dow is pretty flat there. That is the other driver of the day. The us economy might not cut rates again. Lets bring in Richard Marwood a Senior Fund Manager at Royal London Asset management. Richard, those minutes from the Federal Reserve meeting, does it suggest that actually the us economy is in a better state than had previously been feared . economy is in a better state than had previously been feared . I think thatis had previously been feared . I think that is one interpretation. There are certainly some data points out there that would suggest that things are there that would suggest that things a re pretty there that would suggest that things are pretty robust in the us. Unemployment is very low. But at the same time, inflation hasnt been very high. That is one of the reasons why they are looking to cut Interest Rates. I can there is a lot of uncertainty about wanting to happen with trade with everything we have seen with President Trump and the chinese. The backdrop is the uncertainty that might make the economy of its weaker. Uncertainty with the trade war with china. We have also had minutes with the meeting with the European Central bank and they actually say the picture for those with the Euro Currency could be worse than they thought. How bad could it be for the uk if there was a recession in the european area considering the backdrop of brexit . We dont know what kind of trading relationship we are going to have with what is currently our biggest trading partner. Yama we have hit the nail on the head. We dont know what the trading terms are going to be with europe in six or 12 months time. The one thing we do know is that we buy more from europe and they buy from us. That is one thing we have to ta ke from us. That is one thing we have to take into account. One other thing that is worth pointing out. Were talking about Interest Rates in the us, at least there they are at a quite reasonable level at just the us, at least there they are at a quite reasonable level atjust over 296, quite reasonable level atjust over 2 , but in europe they are negative. They are at 40 basis points. That means there is less scope to assimilate the economy through cutting Interest Rates. The other is quantitative easing, printing money and pushing it into the system. Traditionally europe has been hesitant to introduce that monetary stimulus. The traditional view is that, the germans having experienced inflation in the past, they are nervous about printing money. With Interest Rates so low there arent many Interest Rates so low there arent ma ny levers Interest Rates so low there arent many levers you can pull. Thank you very much for that. Researchers have developed a new microscope that can take pictures of living organisms in unprecedented detail. They can now see processes inside the body that were previously invisible including how the flu virus infects us and how blood cells detect cuts and begin the clotting process. Our science correspondent, pallab ghosh, reports. These cells are the Building Blocks of human life. Its where all our bodys basic processes occur and its here that raging war is against diseases are fought. The researchers here have developed a way of taking pictures of these processes. This gigantic two tonne microscope is transforming our understanding of living processes. It takes something so big to see the tiny atom sized cogs and wheels inside us in action. Here they are freezing a flu virus and putting it into the microscope. Thousands of images are taken from different angles to build up this picture. Its the spikes around the viruses that havent been seen before. These are the bits that puncture the bodys cells in order to infect them with flu. A close up helps researchers here target the vulnerable parts of the virus. Its certainly a huge step forward, in being able to really see whats going on within the structures. Before, you had to either cut them into slices, orjust see the outside of. Now, we can see the whole object. We use x rays to study the structure of a molecule. Until recently, we relied on a technique developed 100 years ago and used throughout the 20th century to get pictures of biological molecules. It involved blasting them with x rays. The new method enables researchers to see what these important molecules actually do in the body. This is the inside of a blood vessel and the long worm like structures burst open when we bleed. It has been described as a resolution revolution and i think its clear now that turning this technique on almost any biological problem is providing new information. Researchers have now got a view of biology in action that theyve never had before. Pallab ghosh, bbc news. This week, were looking at the issues facing farmers in our focus on farming series. Today we turn on the hidden Mental Health challenges that come with a life in farming, some of which are due to the isolation some farm workers face. Well, lets discuss this with lucy rand, founder of muddy matches a dating site for the countryside community, which has 200,000 members across the uk. We area we are a dating app aimed at the country community. People who like the countryside and the muddy way of life as we call it. Wright what has been your track record . We are well into the thousands. You have just held me about somebody in the bbc. Its held me about somebody in the bbc. Its fantastic. We have had a lot of weddings, babies and just people moving in together from weddings, babies and just people moving in togetherfrom different parts of the uk or ireland. You are from a part of the Farming Community, how big do think that is . I think it is huge. Farming has become an increasingly lonely profession. It used to be about, on my farm for example, 30 to 40 people, now were down to one two people, now were down to one two people full time. People, now were down to one two people fulltime. A lot of the tasks are now done on your own when you would have had somebody with you in the past. Is a very big time for harvest now. For the majority of the day you are spent in a tractor listening to the radio. Messaging people on muddy matches are something to do i suppose. The good thing it does is it overcomes the shyness problem. A lot of farming amenities where i come from spend very little time communicating with others in the village. Pub socials and down and then other kind of place we go to chat with people so much. Whatever happened Young Farmers . That is still brilliant. But in society we are settling down later, and Young Farmers is for people up to 27. I know amongst my friends hardly anybody was ready to settle down before their late 20s. If you have missed those opportunities, come back, find yourself living in a rural area is very lonely. Going into farming is a very lonely. Going into farming is a very romantic area. What sort of advice would you give to somebody before you get too wrapped up in the farming life . Driver range rover and a black labrador this will be very cosy, but the reality could be very tough. You are marrying a way of life, not just a tough. You are marrying a way of life, notjust a person. You are often marrying the whole farming family. You will have your in laws in the garden and your brother in law in the yard. It is a different way of life if you are not used to it and i think that is why it is important for people to have a way to directly set of people who have that similar background. You do great work. Thank you for talking to us. Great work. Thank you for talking to us. It is a long way from singing about a combine harvester and offering them a key. Now its time for a look at the weather. A spell of warm weather on the way. Much warmer, in fact across most of the country. Temperatures could hit 30 degrees, maybe a little more, over the course of the weekend. And the warmth is going to be felt further north as well in scotland and Northern Ireland. In the short term, these are the temperatures for Late Afternoon today. Low 20s across the south east and east anglia, high teens across the north. And our weather, you can see that damp weather moving northwards from Northern Ireland into western scotland. So, the weather is going to improve this evening across some northern parts of the uk. Early morning, temperatures still very mild indeed, 14 degrees pretty much across the board. And then tomorrow, some of these Western Areas of the uk at times cloudy and murky, maybe even a little bit of coastal mist, but generally speaking it is looking like it is going to be a settled and very warm, if not hot day. Those temperatures in london getting up to around 28 degrees. Today at five Boris Johnson and Emmanuel Macron have what they call constructive talks in paris as part of efforts to break the deadlock over brexit. But the french president tells mrjohnson the irish backstop is indespensible despite the pm wanting to scrap it. We think there are ways of protecting the integrity of the Single Market and allowing the uk to exit from the eu, whole and entire and perfect. Well be hearing more about those alternative arrangements suggested by the pm and asking whether they really could solve the irish border problem. The other main stories on bbc news at 5. Why a no deal brexit could lead to more domestic waste ending up in landfill sites in england especially in the north

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