Is at its highest level for five years. The vast majority were women. Desperate housewives star Felicity Huffman is sentenced to m days in prison for her involvement in a College Admissions scandal. And at 11 30 well be taking an in depth look at the papers, with our reviewers dawn foster and john stapleton. Stay with us for that. The former Prime Minister, David Cameron, says a second referendum on brexit cannot be ruled out. In an interview with the times, mr cameron breaks his silence about his controversial decision to call the Eu Referendum three years ago. He says 0n the possibility of a second referendum, he says in his book David Cameron says Boris Johnson and michael gove behaved appallingly and on his relationship with them now he says earlier, i spoke to a political correspondent, helen cut, who has been looking at that interview with David Cameron, and the fact he now realises that some will never forgive him for calling the referendum. Here you get an interview that is quite sort of introspective. He says he thinks about the referendum every single day. The fact that we lost, the consequences, the things that could have been done differently, and that he worries desperately about what is going to happen next. Despite that, it is also interesting he says he recognises that some people will never forgive recognises that some people will neverforgive him for recognises that some people will never forgive him for calling recognises that some people will neverforgive him for calling it, others for him losing it. But he doesnt necessarily seem to accept any sort of personal responsibility for it, if you like. He argues strongly the vote was not a political choice, but calling the referendum was, in his words, inevitable. It is quite an interesting kind of introspective look. But there is a definite defiance that this was something that had to be done, despite the consequences. Quite harsh words for his tory Party Colleagues who came out in favour of leave, Boris Johnson in particular, and his old friend michael gove . Yes, and it is terrible timing, really, for him to break his silence, for borisjohnson at the moment. He talks about how during the leave campaign, he says in the book they behaved appallingly, that they had left the truth at home during the leave campaign. Interestingly, in the interview, mr cameron seems to be slightly more generous to Boris Johnson as the new Prime Minister initially, but after that decision to Prorogue Parliament and take the whip from 21 conservative mps, it seems as if mr cameron has hardened his view. He describes the proroguing of parliament has a Sharp Practice which has rebounded, and the strategy of trying to get a deal, which he says he would have been elated by, has morphed into something different. Not ideal timing for borisjohnson, but suddenly he is likely to see David Cameron everywhere over the next few days or so, and it seems his opinion may well have shifted. Well, the journalist who carried out that interview with David Cameron, the first for several years, was Andrew Balint of the times newspaper. Earlier i asked him what it seems the former Prime Ministers decision to hold the referendum troubled him. He says he was very depressed about it. I asked he says he was very depressed about it. Iasked him if he he says he was very depressed about it. I asked him if he was medically depressed, and he said no, he is not taking any medication. But that moment when he walked back into downing street, do you remember, when he was humming, i think he had Just Announced his actual resignation date. That was taken by many people to show a sort of flippancy and complacency in the mount. He said no, he was trying to calm himself down, because he thought the door might not open, which happened once when he made an important announcement to the press in downing street. He said he walked back and he was miserable, miserable, because he was leaving thejob he miserable, because he was leaving the job he loved to do. So, you read the job he loved to do. So, you read the book and talked to him. How did you find him . Well, i met him at his house in london, and if i had thought that i was going to meet a broken man i would have been disappointed. But there is a great self assurance in David Cameron, and he greeted me warmly, spoke as a politician still does, a former politician, thankfully, he mainly talked about his family. But a kind of melancholy there as well. There isa of melancholy there as well. There is a really touching paragraph in the memoir when he talks about the election success he enjoyed in 2015, and he talks about the plans for the second term, you know, when he was the master of all he surveyed, he finally had his majority without liberal democrat support. He said it made him start thinking about that period now. And there is a sadness there. This is a man who had been lucky in politics and things went spectacularly well for him, and as he says, he thinks about it every single day. Meanwhile, the Prime Minister says hes cautiously optimistic of getting a brexit deal. Boris johnson will travel to luxembourg on monday, for his first meeting since taking office, with the European Commission president , jean claude juncker, and the eus chief brexit negotiator, michel barnier. At an event in rotherham today, he told an audience there is the rough shape of an agreement beginning to form. Heres our deputy political editor, john pienaar. The names boris, borisjohnson. Trust me. Nice to see you. It looks like campaigning, and it is, for future votes and for trust that hes the one deliver brexit no more delays. An exciting time, he told one supporter. Not exciting, worrying, she said. Maybe worrying for him too, wanting a brexit deal, attacked by critics for closing the commons. Im all in favour of our mps. Heckler why are you not with them in parliament sorting out the mess that you created . Get back to parliament and sort it out hes being heckled by the Commons Speaker too, whos warned of more laws to ban a no deal brexit, maybe force another extension. Whatever the shenanigans that may be going on at westminster, we will get on with delivering our agenda and preparing to take this country out of the eu on october the 31st. What chance of a deal . He is hoping for a last minute breakthrough. I am cautiously optimistic. Is that a good enough characterisation . I am cautiously optimistic. He will meet the eu Commission President in luxembourg on monday, still a long way from agreement. His Democratic Unionist Party allies want to be convinced by a brexit deal that they see as no threat to the union, and they havent been. We are not going to vote for any arrangement which makes us different than the rest of the United Kingdom and as a result forms the border between Northern Ireland and the rest of the United Kingdom. As far as the Irish Government is concerned, our position hasnt changed. I would have to say that what has been put forward so far falls far short of what we need. So the chances of a deal still seem remote, but that doesnt mean it cant happen. It would certainly help borisjohnson out of a tight political corner. If he is forced to extend brexit he could expose the tories to a potentially serious threat from the brexit party. And now there is a law that could virtually out laura no deal brexit. Wanting a deal, even needing one, wont necessarily make it happen. Good luck with brexit. Thank you very much. Where theres a political will, theres often a political way. But no one has found it yet. John pienaar, bbc news, westminster. And well find out how this story and many others are covered in tomorrows front pages at 10 40 and 11 30 this evening in the papers. Particularly, the whole David Cameron interview and the serialisation of his memoirs in the times newspaper. But is being picked up times newspaper. But is being picked up in times newspaper. But is being picked upina times newspaper. But is being picked up in a lot of the other papers. Our guests joining me tonight are the guardians dawn foster and broadcasterjohn stapleton. The family of a teenager who suffered a fatal allergic reaction after eating a chicken burger in a restaurant, is demanding a change to the laws governing food allergy labelling. 0wen carey, who was celebrating his 18th birthday, had told staff at a byron restaurant in london, that he was allergic to dairy. But he wasnt told that his food had been marinated in buttermilk. The family wants clearer information on the ingredients of all dishes on menus. Heres angus crawford. Right, this. 0wen carey. Let me start again. Living life to the full, his family say. Acutely aware of them, but never letting his allergies hold him back. But a meal out an 18th birthday treat killed him. Fried chicken from byron burger, cooked in buttermilk. Ingredients not listed on the menu at the time. Triggering a severe allergic reaction. The only warning was in small print on the back. The coroner said the lack of information had been falsely reassuring. 0wen, she said, made the serving staff aware of his allergies, but then the system broke down. And 0wen was not informed there were allergens in the order. His family are now demanding change. 0wen was the shining light in our family and his death should not have happened. We hope now that something good can come out of it and we are calling on the government to change the law on allergen labelling in restaurants. Later, i spoke to 0wens mother and father. We need to know that the Restaurant Industry as a whole will adopt what we hope will become owens law. That they will voluntarily, and before it becomes law, they can take action. Owen had a load of energy and was always smiling and wanted to get the most out of life possible. Byron burger says it has now made changes to its menus and training. And it is clear that the current rules and requirements are not enough and the Industry Needs to do more. More to help support customers with allergies and more to raise awareness of the risk of allergies. So how does the law stand at the moment . Well, restaurants must provide information about the 1a most commonly occurring allergens. They can do this in writing, on the menu, a chalkboard or information pack, or they can do it verbally, and this is where problems can arise. Young staff in busy restaurants with a high Workforce Turnover can make mistakes. As the number of people like 0wen, with life threatening allergies grows, calls for reform grow, too. For 0wens family, hope that the lessons from his death can prevent others in the future. Angus crawford, bbc news. The desperate housewives star Felicity Huffman has been sentenced to 1a days in prison, for fraudulently securing a University Place for her daughter. The actress whos been nominated for both an Academy Award and a bafta, is the first parent to be sentenced for the cheating scandal in the us college system. Lets speak now to our correspondent in washington. David willis has been following the case. David, just remind us of the background to this . The background to this is that Felicity Huffman admitted paying 15,000 to a College Admissions consultant who would arrange to have somebody help her daughter cheat and mark up her results in order to get her into an elite college here in the us. Now, the daughter apparently knew nothing of it. But the fbi, they threw this dragnet a round 50 or so people, and Felicity Huffman is the first to have her day in court, pleading guilty, 1a days injail starting on the 25th of october. The irony being that of course she has got a bit of a break now, she could actually be at the emmy awards on sunday night, because she is in an Netflix Series called when they see us, which is up for a slew of enemies. This is a scandal slew of emmies. This is a scandal slew of emmies. This is a scandal which caused a media sensation around the world, because of course she was the star of the hit tv show desperate housewives . Thats right. It is very expensive to get into one of these elite Ivy League Colleges here in the us. And very often those places go to people whose parents can afford them. Now, this was seen as an additional seeking of advantage, if you like, on top of all the other advantages that her daughters hard, as far as their academic careers are concerned. Daughters had. The defence argued for a more lenient sentence. Probation, some community service. But the prosecutors made mincemeat of that. They said it is hardly a punishment to be holed up in your own hollywood mansion with an infinity pool. This requires a prison sentence. They had argued for a month in prison for Felicity Huffman, thejudge a month in prison for Felicity Huffman, the judge halved a month in prison for Felicity Huffman, thejudge halved that request. And what has she said by way of explanation, Felicity Huffman, for why she did this . Why she felt compelled to help her daughter in this way . Well, you know what . It seems that she is basically saying to herself, i cant believe i did this. She issued a statement after the hearing saying that she would accept the courts decision without reservation. She said, i have learnt a lot over the last six months about my flaws as a person. There are no excuses or justifications for my actions, period. It has also emerged that this whole thing caused a considerable rift between her and her daughter, who said to her, why didnt you just believe in me . David, thank you very much indeed for bringing us up to date on that one. David willis, our correspondent in washington, and Felicity Huffman there sentenced to 1a days in prison. The headlines on bbc news David Cameron breaks his silence on brexit in an interview with the times the former Prime Minister says a second referendum cannot be ruled out. Meanwhile Boris Johnson says he is cautiously optimistic about getting a deal on brexit but a heckler in yorkshire tells him to get back to parliament. The family of a teenager who died from an allergic reaction after eating out want the law changed to improve food labelling in restaurants. The number of People Killed as a result of Domestic Violence in the uk is at its highest level for five years, and almost all the victims are women. Figures obtained by the bbc show that last year, 173 people died in Domestic Violence related homicides. The government says its fully committed to tackling the issue, and ministers have promised legislation when parliament returns next month. Heres tom symonds. Three men with something in common theyve alljust killed their partners. Jalal uddin stabbed his 50 times when she wouldnt let him gamble with the family budget. Michael rolle escaped on a bike after murdering his girlfriend, charlotte huggins, in a jealous rage. Roderigo giraldo killed his wife, then put her body in the boot of this car. He then buried her in a shallow grave. What time did you go out looking for her . It was around. Giraldo claimed she was missing, that he tried to find her. He was lying not just to the police. 2 30. But also to his desperate family. My mum, margory isaza villegas, was taken from us on 13th january 2019. She will be forever with us, weaved into our thoughts, memories and hurts. Thats a statement you made to the court. It was a statement i made to the court. To be honest, it was all about her. Its all about the person that she was and the positivity that she instilled in us. Julian giraldo is steadfastly trying to find something positive from his mothers murder and his fathers life sentence. You dont know when you can end up in a situation where you end up basically by yourself, because youve lost your mum and your dad. Her body was found in this woodland. It was one of the first 100 killings of 2019. Weve been examining those cases to try to understand why the murder rate has been rising. We found around a fifth were cases of Domestic Violence, and seven were murdered with a knife notjust the weapon of the streets, but the home too. Invisible in knife crime is the number of women who are killed by the use of a knife, in the kitchen or in the bedroom. And thats part of the issue about violence against women. It mostly remains invisible. There are awareness campaigns. Police can issue new non molestation and Domestic Violence orders against abusive partners. But critics say theyre just not being used enough. In february, Aliny Godinho gets on a bus to pick up her children from school. Her estranged husband ricardo is following in this black pick up truck. She gets off the bus. Shortly after this video, he stabbed her to death. She told the police that he was controlling her mentally. The Police Watchdog is investigating their response. But some lawyers and campaigners believe a lack of resources is preventing forces from acting. Women have to go off and get orders on their own in the civil courts, and then the orders are breached and the police dont do anything to arrest the suspects, the perpetrators. We hear this all the time. This is clare wood. She was murdered in 2009. The killer, her boyfriend, had an appalling history of violence against women. Clares law, as it became known, allows anyone to request information about their partners past. But its still not been made an actual law. That was due to happen this year, and then brexit chaos intervened. This week, borisjohnson tweeted his commitment to a new bill to tackle an horrific crime which tears families apart. The families of victims of the Manchester Arena attack will be barred from hearing some of the inquest evidence, on National Security grounds. The coroner has ruled that parts of evidence from m15 and the police must be kept secret. 22 people were killed and hundreds were injured in the bombing, in may 2017. 0ur north of england correspondent Judith Moritz explained the details given by the coroner behind the decision. Quite full some detail, because now it is still the case that inquests into how 22 people were killed here at the arena are yet to be held, we have had pre inquest argument, and the coroner has been looking at arguments about whether some evidence should be heard in private. The inquests are due to start in april next year, that will be nearly three years since the attack, and the families of those who died have lots of questions, including whether the attack could have been prevented, and whether the Security Services knew about the movements of the bombers family beforehand. Today they found that they wont hear all the relevant evidence. Lawyers for the Security Services and the police have argued that to make some of it public could pose a risk to National Security. Lawyers for the families demanded full transparency, and they say the authorities are seeking to withhold the information are the same authorities that stand to be criticised. The coroner, sirjohn saunders, has agreed that there is a risk to National Security, in fact he said that to make the information public could help terrorists carry out similar atrocities and make them harder to prevent. And so it is now thought that rather than holding inquest, instead a public enquiry will be held. Despite its name, that sort of enquiry means that some evidence can be heard privately. Three teenagers have been arrested after a 17 year old boy had been stabbed to Death Outside a kentucky fried you can shop in central london. Police we re can shop in central london. Police were called to edgware road on tuesday afternoon. The teenage victim, joseph becker, was taken to hospital but later died. Scotland ya rd hospital but later died. Scotland yard said to 16 year old boys and an 18 year old man were arrested on suspicion of murder on friday and remain in police custody. The metropolitan police has ended its criminal investigation into the Campaign Group leave. Eu over its spending during the 2016 brexit referendum. The inquiry began after the Electoral Commission referred the campaign, founded by the businessman aron banks, to the police, and fined it £70,000. But the met now says theres insufficient evidence to justify further action. Mr banks has called for an inquiry into the Electoral Commissions actions, and a separate investigation by the National Crime agency into other allegtions, is ongoing. One of the uks largest pawnbrokers has closed all its stores and left customers in the dark, with a helpline not taking calls. Albemarle bond pawnbrokers and Herbert Brown stores have more than 100 premises around the country, and is searching for a buyer. Its unclear if any shops will reopen and staff have been offered redundancy. The singer lily allen sent her record label has not taken any action after she claimed she was sexually assaulted by somebody other company. She said she spoke to an executive at warner music last year where her alleged attacker is still employed. The record label has called the allegations appalling, and that it takes accusations of Sexual Misconduct seriously and will investigate. With three uk number one singles and two number one albums, lily allen is one of the most successful british female artists in music. Last year, lily published her autobiography and that is also where, for the first time, she talked about being sexually assaulted in 2016 by someone in the Music Industry afterparty. I was drunk, so i cant. All i can tell you is what i do remember which is, you know, waking up in bed with somebody that i trusted in a position that i really did not want to be, or had never given any indication that i did want that. But lily says she didnt leave the matter there and feels it was brushed under the carpet. In a bbc interview with her friend, miquita 0liver, she says she also talked to a boss at her label, warner music. I went out for dinner with one of the label bosses and he said to me that he had no idea about this incident until he read about it in the book. Did he say, now that we know, boy, are we going to do something about it . No. Warner music says these allegations are appalling and adds, we take accusations of Sexual Misconduct extremely seriously and investigate claims that are raised with us. We are very focused on enforcing our code of conduct and providing a safe and professional environment at all times. Lily allen is one of the few british artists to have gone public about Sexual Harassment in the Music Industry. But is there a code of silence . Is there a blanket of fear . Perhaps those are the reasons why the industry has not quite had its public metoo moment, and that fear could be around the destruction of a career. I did not get a particularly good run at festivals this season. I didnt get, you know, particularly big gigs offered to me. I didnt get a Big Marketing push behind my album campaign, even though it was probably one of the best records that i have ever written. And you think it is directly linked . Yeah, i really do. Yeah. I really do. The bbc understands lily allens alleged attacker continues to work with the label. She says she didnt go to the police about the assault and according to those who represent survivors of Sexual Assault in the workplace, that isnt uncommon. I think the difficulties can be because they perceive the perpetrators to be very powerful. I think they think that women who are victims of Sexual Assault and indeed men, will struggle to find people to support them in that industry. Lily is currently working on her new album, but it will be her last with warner. In zimbabwe, thousands of people have been queuing to pay their last respects to the countrys former president Robert Mugabe, whose body is lying in state. Arguments between his family and the government continue over his final resting place. And as our senior africa correspondent anne soy reports, deep divisions remain over the wider legacy of his decades in power. Crying in language. Mourning zimba bwes long serving leader. Thousands brought to the capital, harare, to see him one last time. Even if to catch one final fleeting glimpse of the former president. The mention of Robert Mugabe invoke strong emotions. There are those who loved, even revered him, and thousands are coming here to pay their last respects. Elsewhere in their last respects. Elsewhere in the country his memory elicits strong feelings of pain, bitterness and anger. Charles thomas witnessed horrific scenes at this mine, more than three decades ago. He can still hear the cries, he says, of children tied between their parents and pushed into this shaft hundreds of metres deep. They were stabbed with bayonets, beaten, to run here, if they were refusing they shut dead. Mr mcgarvey has praised the fifth brigade. A paramilitary wing, called the fifth brigade, rounded up men, raped women and killed up to 20,000 zimbabweans. It was dubbed gukurahundi, the rain that washes away the chaff. Controversial land reforms saw white owners forcefully ejected and their farms given to black zimbabweans. Peter is one of the beneficiaries. The former Civil Servant is full of praise for Robert Mugabe. If it wasnt for him, i dont know where we would be. I am just grateful that god gave us that kind ofa grateful that god gave us that kind of a person. The kind of Robert Mugabe. To some, a caring leader, to others, an unrepentant tyrant. Here lies a man of contradictions, who defined zimba bwes history for decades. And well be taking an in depth look at the papers with our reviewers dawn foster from the guardian and the broadcasterjohn stapleton thats coming up after the headlines at 11 30. Now its time for the weather with sarah keith lucas. Hello there, the weather has been pretty dry, particularly in the south over the past few weeks, and there is more dry weather for much of the week ahead. High pressure often in charge, it will feel quite warm by day, particularly later in the week, we will see some chilly nights to come, and a bit of rain in the forecast especially over the next couple of days in the north. That is down to this area of low pressure during saturday, it moves into the north of scotland but it will bring windy conditions across scotla nd will bring windy conditions across scotland with some fairly heavy rainfall to come as well. The rainfall to come as well. The rainfall totals mounting up across highland scotland, the wind is picking up through the day as well. Meanwhile a breeze a breezy picture for Northern Ireland, but the rest sees blue skies and sunshine, a fine

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