In the opening game of the Rugby Union World cup. A capacity crowd of 50,000 at tokyo stadium watched the home team crush the outsiders. I day of worldwide protests are reaching its climax in new york where people are gathering to be addressed by Greta Thunberg. She hopes that this will mark a social Tipping Point. Millions commit many of School Children ranging throughout the day ranging from small disc demonstrations on the of allens two big marches in cities like melbourne and berlin. Earlier. Earlier, iasked robjackson, chair of the Global Carbon project, what he thought of the protests. God love them for making themselves heard. 0ur youth, our god love them for making themselves heard. 0uryouth, our kids god love them for making themselves heard. 0ur youth, our kids may accomplish what my generation of scientists and advocates have not. Hats off to them. And what impact do you think they will have if any . think they are having an impact and we are having an impact. People see and feel the changes around them already. Youre as heat wave this summer, the spring floods we had in the us. Dorian this month. Sustained winds of 300 kph. We are killing the Great Barrier reef, melting the north pole and one human lifetime. This is real. People talk a lot about the temperature rises about how long we have left to do things. What in simple terms are the numbers that you think are important here . Well, we are hurtling towards 1. 5 degrees heat threshold and probably have about a decade of emissions at current rates of about a0 billion tonnes a year and may be a few decades to slash emissions to keep us decades to slash emissions to keep us below the important to degree threshold. We are running out of time. I do want to emphasise many of the good things that are happening. There is cause for hope and i am still an optimist about it. What are those things you are optimistic about and what kind of measures to people and governments need to take . We have seen lots of good things. We have seen 20 or so countries over the last decade have their economy grow while they cut fossil fuel emissions. We have seen renewable skyrocket based as much on price and low prices as on climate concerns. I think it is also important to keep in mind the Green Economy is doing more than help the climate. Every barrel of oil we dont use and dont import from 0pec makes our countries safer, stronger and wealthier bulls coal plant we close in every tailpipe we shutter saves lives. There are five main people around the earth he still die from air pollution every year. We need a couple of Climate Change and concerns about the environment with the benefits for human health and National Security and well. That is really interesting. Your whole zone has been really quite positive. Focusing on the things that can be done. Is this a deliberate change in strategy. Has the idea that scaring people has not work so lets try and shift the conversation . Scaring people has not work. If always talk about is doom and gloom then people lose hope and they lose sight of the fa ct lose hope and they lose sight of the fact that they can change things. I dont want to mince words here. We are ina dont want to mince words here. We are in a dire position climate wise and earth why i would never have said Something Like that ten or 20 yea rs said Something Like that ten or 20 years ago but we have not acted. At the same time from hooper to see a pathway to accept an excess success pathway to accept an excess success and those pathways exist. Those exist in it for how quickly we get there. Rob jackson there from the Global Carbon project. Us President Donald Trump has described a whistleblowers accusations that he made a promise to a foreign leader as a political hackjob. Some reports allege that mr trump asked ukraines new president , volodymyr zelensky, to investigate the son of president ial rivaljoe biden, who previously served on the board of a ukrainian gas company. In return, ukraine would continue to receive us military support. Speaking earlier today, President Trump said hed done nothing wrong. I have had conversations with many leaders that are always appropriate. I think scott can tell you that. Always appropriate at the highest level always appropriate anything i do, ifight level always appropriate anything i do, i fight for this country. Level always appropriate anything i do, ifight forthis country. I fight so strongly for this country and it is just another political hackjob. Somebody ought to look intojoe biden vase makes them because it was disgraceful where he talked about billions of dollars that he is not giving to a certain country unless a certain prosecutor is taken off the case. So somebody ought to look into that and you would not because he is a democrat. I dont know the identity of the whistle blower, i just hear i dont know the identity of the whistle blower, ijust hear it is a partisan person, meaning it comes out from another party. But i dont have any idea but i can say that it was a totally appropriate conversation. Aleem maqbool has more on the story from washington. Nothing is even being given of details including this foreign leader who complained when the appropriate conversation took place. Official had said in its formal complaint that he had listened to a call donald trump had with a foreign leader injuly call donald trump had with a foreign leader in july and was call donald trump had with a foreign leader injuly and was so call donald trump had with a foreign leader in july and was so troubled by what he heard that was part of a larger complaint actually. What soufces larger complaint actually. What sources familiar to this complaint have told journalists here is that it was an introduction and conversation between donald trump and the ukrainian president. Where he was suggesting that this investigation notjust intojoe bidens son but intojoe biden himself and the demands that joe biden made of ukraine should be investigated. As you heard they are, he said ifjoe biden was not a democrat, then the media he would make a cry about that being investigated. Now it does appear that there is some truth in the fact that there is some truth in the fact that he did bring upjoe biden with ukraine in the past. There were already suspicious that he had been doing that but it is essentially admitted by rudy giuliani, who is an attorney for the president , that he had mentioned an investigation into joe biden to ukraine but donald trump is saying there was nothing inappropriate even in that. And just briefly then, this is obviously a complicated story with different twists and turns and elements and as you said rather the beginning, we dont actually know efficiently but just briefly how much cut through is this having an america . Its a good question. Of course it is the lead story across this country. But already, people have made their minds up about donald trump across america, those who support donald trump say this is another case of the media running away with a fake news story and those who are critics of donald trump have got now more ammunition to say that he does not deal appropriately with four leaders and there are lots of conflicts of interest and he is potentially asking a foreign country to intervene in something that could affect domestic politics here. So it is something that the media here is talking about a great deal. Is it a game changer in terms of Popular Support back here . Not really. One of the consequences of Donald Trumps hardline policy on migrants has been to leave thousands of people stranded on the mexican side of the us border. Thats raised concerns about their safety, but american Officials Say the wellbeing of migrants is mexicos responsibility. The bbcs Stephanie Hegarty reports from the town of matamoros. They came here to find the American Dream but they have been caught up ina dream but they have been caught up in a nightmare. Forthe dream but they have been caught up in a nightmare. For the past few months, the us has been forcing Asylum Seekers to return to mexico to await their day in court. Now it says they have to claim asylum first and one of the countries that they travel through. But these policies could be putting people in its serious danger. She was heavily pregnant when she presented at the border to claim asylu m presented at the border to claim asylum with her daughter. They were detained for seven days. Here on the mexican side, hundreds of people are camping out. There is nothing here, no showers or facilities or toilets. The reason why people we have spoken to say they are staying here is because they are staying here is because they are staying here is because they are afraid to go further into mexico. This is one of the most dangerous states in the country. Gangs rule the towns along the border. Fuelled by a roaring drug trade with the us. All of these shootings happened in the state within a week of our visit to the border. And the gangs treat migrants asa border. And the gangs treat migrants as a cash cow. This woman came from honduras with her husband and three year old son. They were kidnapped as soon as they arrived at the border. She was released with her son but a month later, she still has not seen her husband. The Trump Administration says it will do anything in its power to reduce the number of people trying to claim asylu m number of people trying to claim asylum on the southern border. People that. People that come from its benefiting country are all returned. Men, women, children, sick people, pregnant women, children with severe disabilities are all being pushed back. We met her, she was heading over the border to help this woman into the us. But she was sent straight back to mexico. A few days later, she had her baby and she is still waiting on the border for her court date in november. Lets take a look at some of the other stories making the news. A bomb attack near the iraqi city of karbala has left at least 12 people dead. Reports say a roadside device hit a passenger bus near a security checkpoint. Many shia muslims have been visiting karbala this month to mark the festival of ashura. Brazilian police say they have enough evidence to charge 13 employees of the Mining Company vale and the german consultancy tuv sud over the collapse of a dam injanuary. Officers said the two firms had worked with falsified documents that said the dam in minas gerais state was stable. Almost 300 people were killed when it collapsed unleashing a torrent of mining waste onto a nearby town. Colombias navy in the pacific has seized a semi submersible vessel that was transporting eight tonnes of cocaine. The craft, which was over 18 metres long, was intercepted near the southern coast. Officials say it was heading for somewhere in central america, from where the drugs would then be taken to the us. The United States and the European Union are putting pressure on kosovo and serbia to reopen peace talks, after negotiations broke down last year. The war in kosovo ended 20 years ago, but as both countries appear to be moving further from a resolution, tensions on the ground are once again rising. The bbcsjean mackenzie has travelled to northern kosovo to meet young people on both sides of the conflict to see if this could be the generation to finally put its differences to rest. In this town, kosovs conflict lives on with serbs living on one side of the river, albanians on the other. Armed police in between. We are trying to find the queen. This man is from the albanian side. After the war, we had nothing because they burnt our house. All we had were these bees. His family were chased from their home by serbian soldiers during the war. This honey business allowed them to start again, but the memories of war still linger. How do you feel towards the serbian people in kosovo . We have a distance between us. Before the war, kosovo belonged to serbia. When albanian rebels began to fight for freedom, the serbian army responded brutally, massacring civilians. It wasnt until nato intervened that serbia withdrew. Kosovo went on to declare independence, but to this day, serbia does not recognise its existence and nor does the serbian minority who live here. This woman has grown up on the serbian side of the river. Its difficult. We think that albanians are not us and they think too that we arent. Do you recognise kosovo as a country . That is a very hard question. Pa rt of part of serbia. Thousands of nato troops are still needed here. Peace talks between kosovo and serbia broke down last year, and the tensions are once again simmering. Serbia is demanding certain conditions for talks to continue. With politicians deadlocked, hopes rest with the young that they may one day find a way to live together. After some hesitation, these two agreed to meet on the bridge that stands between them. This will be the first time arian has ever spoken to a serb. Hello. Lam selena. We should move on. Leave the war behind. Why would we forget it . Salena is struggling to understand why he cannot forget the war. You have to try. The way you say it, like just forgetting it and everything will be ok, you have not been damaged. That is why you will never know what is the feeling. Its not about you. Even with the generation that wants peace the most, Common Ground is hard to find. But a breakthrough is desperately needed if europes youngest country is ever to grow up. With the climate strike bringing hundreds of thousands of students around the world out onto the streets over Climate Change, many have been especially concerned in recent weeks with the wildfires taking place in the amazon. The brazilian president , jair bolsonaro, is expected to address the issue in a speech to the Un General Assembly next week. Despite claims that the worst was over by the bolsonaro government, the problem of wildfires continues to plague the Amazon Region of brazil as will grant reports from the state of para people turning out across the world in cities for the climate strikes, this is a good visual representation of what has motivated them to take to the streets. This area is one pa rt to the streets. This area is one part of around 1600 football fields of amazon forest now just chard part of around 1600 football fields of amazon forest nowjust chard and blackened by the wildfires. And of course after the fire rages through this area, the trees simply cannot do their basic functions any more. They cannot convert the Carbon Dioxide to oxygen and cannot recycle the water into the atmosphere and the water into the atmosphere and the result as you can see around me is essentially environmental destruction on a massive scale. For those who suggest that the crisis in the amazon is over, that this is just one area of more than 1a,000 areas of fire currently thought to be raging according to brazils Space Research institute, and naturally there is very little to be done when this is the result of the flames. Because we are 6000 football fields. Such a vast space. What is that in hectares . We are blind about the amazon. We are blind. We need to understand what it is. It is 61 of the brazilian territory. The territory is bigger than europe and we have the biggest source of war in the world. We have a big responsibility. Water in the world. We need to look at the forest and look at the amazon as not only the future but the present. And look at the amazon as not only the future but the presentm and look at the amazon as not only the future but the present. It is the future but the present. It is the past. This marks the fire line between an area that was absolutely destroyed and escorts for the wildfires and the part of the forest that was not yet reached, that remains green. In the volunteer firefighters have come out to this point using gps equipment because they are was still smoldering route beneath the trees that they wanted to put out to ensure that the fire did not go any further. He has already consumed a vast swathe of this part of the amazon and that particular group of people are doing this in their spare time. They are doing it with very few resources and they say that really in a dry season like this, it is incredibly hot and it is very, very dry, even the smallest bar could set this off again. Lets get more on the climate protests. As protestors take to the streets, in germany the government has announced action to stop Climate Change. Its agreed sweeping measures to reduce co2 emissions after talks that lasted through the night. Trains and electric vehicles are to be made cheaper, while fuel and flights will become more expensive. The chancellor, angela merkel, says more needs to be done to ensure germany meets its targets. Translation we had our plans to reduce c02 translation we had our plans to reduce co2 emissions by a0 by 2020 but we must say with great probability this target which we planned in 2007 will not be achieved u nfortu nately. Damian mcguinness is following events in berlin. These are expensive measures and envelope merkel announced them as tens of thousands were demonstrating outside her office calling for change. The m of these measures really is to change consumer behaviour. That would be done on the one hand with some pretty good and hefty hits on the process of things in germany. Namely petrol, diesel, certain types of heating fuel will go certain types of heating fuel will 9 up certain types of heating fuel will go up because of tax and Carbon Trading measures that have now been introduced. Also flights within germany will become more expensive with new taxes being raised on flights. But on the other hand, there are also going to be financial incentives for consumers to change behaviours to some of them it will behaviours to some of them it will be making train tickets cheaper so vat taxes are reduced on train tickets and the ideas they are to really persuade people to travel by train between german cities as opposed to flying. Also more subsidies on its solar and wind power and there are going to be Cash Incentives for people who want to change their heating and home into something more efficient. So on the one hand, carrot, on the other hand it stick. The problem is people including the protesters outside of her office say that this is too little, too late. And the measures are too timid. They wanted more action and they feel that this is actually not going to achieve the targets it has set out to achieve but also really do enough to tackle the problems of the world is potentially seeing. Were still waiting for Greta Thunberg to address the Climate Change rally in new york, where people are gathering outside the un. The swedish teenager who inspired the protests has said she hopes todays demonstrations will mark a social Tipping Point in persuading World Leaders to take action on Climate Change. She was asked if she ever thought she would be able to galvanise so many people. This is not only my voice, this is the voice of millions of people around the world. I think it is because we are young and we are the ones who are going to have to live with this in the future and we are not the ones who have caused this crisis. And just that we speak truth to power, we are not worried about how it will affect our reputation or oui how it will affect our reputation or our income or things like that but we tell and say what we want to say and we say how it is. We are not afraid to be. To become unpopular. Bird populations in asia and the us are in crisis, according to two major studies. The first says there are 3 billion fewer birds in the us and canada today compared to 1970. The second claims that on the island of java in indonesia more birds now live in cages than in the wild. 0ur science correspondent victoria gill has been to java find out more. Sold in their thousands every day injava, indonesia, the songbird trade is thriving. Its fuelled by a National Passion for birdsong. Singing competitions like this take place all over the country every weekend. But its also driving an extinction crisis. Dozens of species caught from the forests to supply the trade are disappearing from the wild, and scientists studying this say its now reached a Tipping Point. Javas an island about the size of england, and we estimate that theres around 75 million birds in captivity. Thats probably more than there may be in the wild, which is a very serious issue for the island and its wider environment. This is one of two major studies published today that point to a global crash in bird populations. The other, a project carried out by scientists in the us and canada, examined 50 years of bird surveys in north america. It revealed that there are 3 billion fewer birds in the continent today than there were in 1970. Habitat loss driven by human activity has been blamed, but the researchers are actually optimistic that their conclusions could be a wake up call, triggering action to protect vital habitats and migration routes. And in indonesia, the widespread love of the birds could provide a catalyst for them to be protected in the wild. Do you stay with us. We will keep you right up to date with all the events you right up to date with all the eve nts o n you right up to date with all the events on the climate protests taking place around the world. The focus of attention now is a new york. Students given permission to not go to school, to attend the protests ahead of the un Climate Change summit in new york next week. And get in touch with me anytime. I am on twitter. This is bbc news. Hello there. One thing is for sure, the weather next week will look very different from the weather of the weekjust gone. So make the most of the sunshine while youve got it this weekend. High pressure thats brought the sunshine is drifting further east across europe. Weve got a weather front waiting to change the weather in from the atlantic, but for the time being, we are drawing and a lot more warmth on a fairly brisk south to southeasterly wind, but that heat is pushing its way northward. And there is a lot of sunshine on the way on saturday. First signs of change in the Far Southwest of england and wales and later on into Northern Ireland as the cloud builds a little bit and we get one or two showers. Elsewhere, its dry and lots of sunshine around and certainly a noticeable south to southeasterly breeze, quite gusty across western parts of the uk, but a warmer day for the bulk of england and wales, temperatures 2a or 25 degrees. Thats the peak of the heat because that weather front that has been lurking out there in the west and the atlantic is going to start to make inroads overnight and into sunday. It could start by some showers, which could be heavy and thundery, and then weve got the main belt of rain here, which is going to push its way away from wales and the south west of england and it will turn cooler and fresher here. But that rain pushes its way northwards into northern and Eastern England and across Northern Ireland. Northeastern scotland still dry and even ahead of the rain, we could get temperatures of 22 or 23 degrees just briefly. That rain could be heavy and it could be thundery as well. The weather system bringing that is going to ease its way up towards the northeast of scotland actually overnight. And then we are waiting for the next weather system to come in from the atlantic, so everything is coming in from the atlantic as we head into the beginning of next week. A window of opportunity, some dry weather and a bit of sunshine in between those two bands of rain, but wetter conditions and windier conditions returning into Northern Ireland, wales and the south west. These are the temperatures, a little bit warmer ahead of that but back down to nearer normal really for this time of year. 20 degrees at best through the east midlands and Eastern England. Another set of weather systems on the scene and that area of low pressure is going to be sitting very close by on tuesday. So, some more wet and potentially windy weather as well. The wettest of the weather just slowly pushing through Northern Ireland further into england and wales, perhaps into southern scotland. Again, driest of all across the far north of scotland. But this rain could be quite heavy at times, and those departures are going to be around 17 19 degrees, so no great shakes, a bit of a poor day on tuesday. Unless of course you want the rain. And some eastern parts of the uk, the midlands have been very dry throughout september, so you could argue this is welcome rain. But weve still got areas of low pressure bringing this for unsettled weather going around the middle part of the week through tuesday, wednesday into thursday. The rain is going to be quite widespread and well see heavy bursts of rain around as well together with some quite strong winds just dropping back those temperatures a little bit. So, very changeable weather, and if we look further ahead, this is the position of the jet stream. So, its a little far south really. Were in the cooler air to the north of thatjet stream. And because this position of the jet is not really changing very much, the weather pattern in terms of highs and lows wont change much. So, big area of low pressure rotating around close to the uk feeding in the wet conditions right away into the end of next week, into the following weekend as well, so temperatures are back down to around 15 18 degrees by the weekend. Showers or larger spells of rain and quite windy, too. So, certainly some big changes on the way. Goodbye. The manning and ainge to fossil fuels. Many led by schoolchildren voicing their concerns about the planet. In new york, where the un will meet next week to discuss the climate crisis, hundreds of thousands of young people say World Leaders are failing them. We are young, and we are the ones who are going to have to live with this in the future, and we are not the ones who caused this crisis. So what should governments and business be doing to tackle Climate Change . Well analyse the options. Also tonight thomas cook asks the government for a multimillion pound bailout,

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