With iocei new housing. We have been working with Local Government, business, and the third with Local Government, business, and the third sector to publish an action the third sector to publish an action plan for housing in rural and island action plan for housing in rural and island areas action plan for housing in rural and island areas later this year. We have island areas later this year. We have established £25 million of funding have established £25 million of funding to provide homes for key workers funding to provide homes for key workers in funding to provide homes for key workers in rural areas will stop across workers in rural areas will stop across scotland we will invest £160 million across scotland we will invest £160 million this year to acquire empty properties million this year to acquire empty properties for use as affordable Ironies Properties for use as affordable homes. Following consultation i can confirm homes. Following consultation i can confirm that we will enable councils to apply confirm that we will enable councils to apply a confirm that we will enable councils to apply a premium on Council Tax Rate tax to apply a premium on Council Tax Rate tax rates for second homes. Demonstration of our to empower Local Governments to challenge the tax tackles they face. This parliament has been given the powers to introduce a levy in scotland mirroring to introduce a levy in scotland mirroring the uk governments safety fund. Mirroring the uk governments safety fund the mirroring the uk governments safety fund. The presiding officer, the protection of and where possible the advancements meant of rights for each And Advancements meant of rights for each and every single one of us. I have each and every single one of us. I have spoken about the racism and isiemic have spoken about the racism and islamic phobia that i continue to face, islamic phobia that i continue to face, many others in this parliament have spoken face, many others in this parliament have spoken about the bigotry and homophobia and misogyny that they have been homophobia and misogyny that they have been on the Receiving End of. As part have been on the Receiving End of. As part of have been on the Receiving End of. As part of our mission to promote the equality and eradicate hatred we will improve human rights. There are those will improve human rights. There are those in will improve human rights. There are those in this will improve human rights. There are those in this parliament that or site we those in this parliament that or site we concentrate too much on societ site we concentrate too much on social policy but it is ourjob, every mspsjob to social policy but it is ourjob, every msps job to my help protect marginalised communities. A population that has its rights protected is one that can thrive. It is not protected is one that can thrive. It is notjust protected is one that can thrive. It is notjust good for protected is one that can thrive. It is not just good for society, protected is one that can thrive. It is notjust good for society, it is also is notjust good for society, it is also good is notjust good for society, it is also good for our economy too. On the theme also good for our economy too. On the theme of equality, we recognise that helping people into good, fairly that helping people into good, fairly paid work is also a key part of tackling fairly paid work is also a key part of tackling poverty. We will work with local of tackling poverty. We will work with local authorities and employers to help with local authorities and employers to help people who face barriers to starting to help people who face barriers to starting or to help people who face barriers to starting or restarting work. We will support starting or restarting work. We will support care leavers into employment. This isjust one of the ways employment. This isjust one of the ways we employment. This isjust one of the ways we will help to keep our promise ways we will help to keep our promise to those with experience of care promise to those with experience of care i promise to those with experience of care iwill promise to those with experience of care. I will also convene a bit tea for the care. I will also convene a bit tea for the promise. We will not let those for the promise. We will not let those with for the promise. We will not let those with care experience. This government those with care experience. This government also recognises the crucial government also recognises the crucial role of childcare. In helping crucial role of childcare. In helping parents to return to work. Benefiting helping parents to return to work. Benefiting them in the wider economy. The Scottish Government has expanded economy. The Scottish Government has expanded its. Around a quarter of all two year olds. I am expanded its. Around a quarter of all two year olds. Iam pleased expanded its. Around a quarter of all two year olds. I am pleased to announce all two year olds. I am pleased to announce that we will go further. We will provide announce that we will go further. We will provide funding in six Council Areas will provide funding in six Council Areas to will provide funding in six Council Areas to increase access to childcare areas to increase access to childcare from nine months to the end of childcare from nine months to the end of primary school. We will accelerate the next phase on our expansion accelerate the next phase on our expansion of childcare for families of two year olds reaching thousands more of two year olds reaching thousands more families. Thirdly we will give parents more families. Thirdly we will give parents and carers more scope to manage parents and carers more scope to manage their childcare so that it meets manage their childcare so that it meets their specific needs. Some parents meets their specific needs. Some parents might want to use a mix of provision parents might want to use a mix of provision and may find it stressful so we provision and may find it stressful so we will provision and may find it stressful so we will simplify that process enabling so we will simplify that process enabling parents through digital means enabling parents through digital means to have more control over their means to have more control over their childcare. Forth we will support their childcare. Forth we will support efforts to recruit and retain support efforts to recruit and retain more childminders with a aim to reap~~~ retain more childminders with a aim to reap~~~ we retain more childminders with a aim to reap. We know one of the biggest to reap. We know one of the Biggest Challenges is recruitment. I can confirm today that we will provide can confirm today that we will provide funding. Who are paid a minimum provide funding. Who are paid a minimum of provide funding. Who are paid a minimum of £12 an hour from april of next year minimum of £12 an hour from april of next year. High quality Early Education and childcare is a perfect example education and childcare is a perfect example of a policy that is both anti poverty and progrowth. I am proud anti poverty and progrowth. I am proud that anti poverty and progrowth. I am proud that scotland has the most generous proud that scotland has the most generous childcare offer in the uk i am committed to ensuring that we stay ahead am committed to ensuring that we stay ahead and provide families with the crucial stay ahead and provide families with the crucial support that they need. One the crucial support that they need. 0ne of the crucial support that they need. One of my the crucial support that they need. One of my earliest actions as first 0ne of my earliest actions as First Minister one of my earliest actions as First Minister was to develop a new and Stronger Minister was to develop a new and stronger relationship with business. We can stronger relationship with business. We can Work Together to create jobs and opportunities. In the year ahead we will and opportunities. In the year ahead we will implement the recommendations made by the new deal for business recommendations made by the new deal for business owners. Where we can we will also for business owners. Where we can we will also work for business owners. Where we can we will also work with the uk government to support growth. I woke to the government to support growth. I woke to the uk government to support growth. I woke to the uk government to request discussions on this very issue. When idm discussions on this very issue. When idm keen discussions on this very issue. When idm keen to discussions on this very issue. When idm keen to explore with them is the recommendation in a recent report from recommendation in a recent report from the recommendation in a recent report from the Hunter Foundation about using from the Hunter Foundation about using tax from the Hunter Foundation about using Tax Incentives in wider economic using Tax Incentives in wider Economic Policy to support investment in key sectors such as renewables. Scotland has long been a nation renewables. Scotland has long been a nation of renewables. Scotland has long been a nation of innovation but for all the Excellent Nation of innovation but for all the excellent success that we have had we also excellent success that we have had we also have to be honest. We have not always we also have to be honest. We have not always manage to retain that entrepreneurial talent and the jobs that they entrepreneurial talent and the jobs that they create here in scotland. This programme sets out a 15 year plan to this programme sets out a 15 year plan to support innovation. It includes plan to support innovation. It includes Increase Support for the scottish includes Increase Support for the scottish ecosystem fund. A blueprint to make scottish ecosystem fund. A blueprint to make our colleges and universities stronger bases for entrepreneurs. A programme to deliver entrepreneurs. A programme to deliver recommendations on supporting women into. We will also work supporting women into. We will also work to continue to attract international investment. We will support international investment. We will support Small Businesses, we will work support Small Businesses, we will work with support Small Businesses, we will work with Local Government to transform the support we provide them transform the support we provide them we transform the support we provide them. We will work with Business Organisations to help Small Businesses improve their productivity. We will build on the work productivity. We will build on the work of productivity. We will build on the work of the new deal for Business Group work of the new deal for Business Group for work of the new deal for Business Group for example for considering improvements to the nondomestic rates improvements to the nondomestic rates system. These early actions demonstrate our determination to listen demonstrate our determination to listen and demonstrate our determination to listen and to act. As we build a new Relationship Listen and to act. As we build a new relationship with Business To Support relationship with Business To Support economic growth. In the year ahead support economic growth. In the year ahead we support economic growth. In the year ahead we will continue to invest in infrastructure including in the construction of six new berries by 2026 construction of six new berries by 2026. Alongside Record Investment we will open 2026. Alongside Record Investment we will open a 2026. Alongside Record Investment we will open a rail wine, electrify the glasgow will open a rail wine, electrify the glasgow line. We are of course committed glasgow line. We are of course committed to improving the a 96, let me be committed to improving the a 96, let me be crystal clear, my government will dom me be crystal clear, my government will dom i me be crystal clear, my government will do. I can confirm today that we have will do. I can confirm today that we have launched the next section. We are we have launched the next section. We are also we have launched the next section. We are also helping the rural economv~ we are also helping the rural economy. In the coming year we will help to economy. In the coming year we will help to create a new framework for Rural Support through the agricultural bill. We will press the uk government to honour its obligations to our fishing sector. When obligations to our fishing sector. When It Obligations to our fishing sector. When it comes to scotlands land, it is clear when it comes to scotlands land, it is clear that when it comes to scotlands land, it is clear that too much of our land is clear that too much of our land is in is clear that too much of our land is in the is clear that too much of our land is in the hands of too few. 0ur Land Reform is in the hands of too few. 0ur Land Reform Bill is in the hands of too few. 0ur Land Reform Bill will make Land Ownership more reform bill will make Land Ownership more transparent and will also give communities more opportunities to own their communities more opportunities to own their land. We will step up to the challenge. We will be bold and radical the challenge. We will be bold and radical. We will continue to develop. We will continue to support develop. We will continue to support scotlands thriving Tourism Sector support scotlands thriving Tourism Sector and support scotlands thriving Tourism Sector and promote major events. We will publish sector and promote major events. We will publish further details of our future will publish further details of our future support for culture in our forthcoming budget. This sector should forthcoming budget. This sector should be assured that this government values the role of Culture Government values the role of Culture Notjust for the Economic Impact Culture Notjust for the Economic Impact it Culture Notjust for the Economic Impact it has but also for the incredible joy it brings people in scotland incredible joy it brings people in scotland. The final part of our economic scotland. The final part of our economic plans i want to talk about is also economic plans i want to talk about is also one economic plans i want to talk about is also one of the most important. We only is also one of the most important. We only need to look at the United States we only need to look at the United States and we only need to look at the United States and the European Union to see the way states and the European Union to see the way ambitious government and state the way ambitious government and state support for Green Industries is helping state support for Green Industries is helping to create newjobs. The inactivitv is helping to create newjobs. The inactivity of the uk government risks inactivity of the uk government risks falling behind an incredible gratingly competitive rates. The scottish gratingly competitive rates. The Scottish Government is taking action to boost Scottish Government is taking action to boost Green Industries with the limited to boost Green Industries with the limited powers that we do have. 0ne limited powers that we do have. One area that limited powers that we do have. One area that i limited powers that we do have. One area that i can announce change is through area that i can announce change is through the area that i can announce change is through the Consenting Processes for renewable through the Consenting Processes for renewable technologies. We will agree renewable technologies. We will agree a renewable technologies. We will agree a sector deal with the Onshore Wind Industry to half the consenting time for Wind Industry to half the consenting time for a Wind Industry to half the consenting time for a new section 36 wind farms time for a new section 36 wind farms as time for a new section 36 wind farms. As part of this deal be well maxim farms. As part of this deal be well maxim mostly benefits onshore wind farm can maxim mostly benefits onshore wind farm can create four local communities and scotlands economy. We also communities and scotlands economy. We also streamline Offshore Processes and continue to implement our Hydrogen Action plan. I continue to appeal our Hydrogen Action plan. I continue to appeal to our Hydrogen Action plan. I continue to appeal to the government went who hold~~~ to appeal to the government went who hold~~~ to to appeal to the government went who hold. To use these powers to unleash hold. To use these powers to unleash renewable potential of our countrv unleash renewable potential of our country. Our planet and our economy country. 0ur planet and our economy deserves country. Our planet and our economy deserves better than westminster. We will deserves better than westminster. We will also deserves better than westminster. We will also take forward our work on green we will also take forward our work on green industrial strategy. We will consult on heat and building bill. Will consult on heat and building bill~ We Will Consult On Heat and building bill. We will continue to promote a circular bill. We will continue to promote a circular economy. We will publish our final circular economy. We will publish our final energy strategy. We will continue our final energy strategy. We will continue to protect and enhance our natural continue to protect and enhance our natural environment. Crucially we will continue to show Global Leadership and International Climate discussions. As well as the opportunities created by Climate Action opportunities created by Climate Action there is an overwhelming and moral action there is an overwhelming and moral imperative. The terrifying impact moral imperative. The terrifying impact of moral imperative. The terrifying impact of its are not something to worry impact of its are not something to worry about in the distant future they are worry about in the distant future they are here today. In that context some they are here today. In that context some of they are here today. In that context some of the they are here today. In that context some of the action of the westminster parties such as the uk governments reluctance to support onshore governments reluctance to support onshore wind, its commitments to gas and oil onshore wind, its commitments to gas and oil licences, they are baffling as they and oil licences, they are baffling as they are dangerous. The Scottish Government will take a responsible approach government will take a responsible approach and ensure climate leadership. Tackling the Climate Crisis leadership. Tackling the Climate Crisis will leadership. Tackling the Climate Crisis will be hard. But in the long run doing crisis will be hard. But in the long run Doing Nothing or even worse acting run Doing Nothing or even worse acting far run Doing Nothing or even worse acting far too slowly is the more expensive acting far too slowly is the more expensive choice. It is the choice that will expensive choice. It is the choice that will see far more lives lost and our that will see far more lives lost and our product planet. It is a choice and our product planet. It is a choice we and our product planet. It is a choice we will not be forgiven by our children or grandchildren. This programme our children or grandchildren. This programme also sets out how we will support programme also sets out how we will support strong and high quality public support strong and high quality public services. The National Health Service Public services. The National Health service is public services. The National Health service is already making progress in recovering from the pandemic. We have the in recovering from the pandemic. We have the best Performing A E Departments in the uk and in the last Year Departments in the uk and in the last year the number of people waiting last year the number of people waiting more than 18 months has almost waiting more than 18 months has almost half. We will work with health almost half. We will work with Health Boards to reduce Waiting Lists in Health Boards to reduce Waiting Lists in the year ahead. A fourth Natural Lists in the year ahead. A fourth Natural National Treatment Centre will increase capacity. Well continue will increase capacity. Well continue to work with local authorities on the introduction of the National Care service. During the National Care service. During the summer i spent a considerable amount the summer i spent a considerable amount of the summer i spent a considerable amount of time hearing directly from people amount of time hearing directly from people of amount of time hearing directly from people of all walks of life across the country about the challenges they are the country about the challenges they are struggling with. One group who are they are struggling with. One group who are inspirational is the Purple Poncho who are inspirational is the Purple Poncho players, a Theatrical Group made poncho players, a Theatrical Group made up poncho players, a Theatrical Group made up of disabled people who put on gripping performances which challenge governments and All Of Us In Society challenge governments and All Of Us In Society to confront the uncomfortable truth of life as a disabled uncomfortable truth of life as a disabled person in scotland. I had a very moving disabled person in scotland. I had a very moving testimony from the glasgow very moving testimony from the Glasgow Disability Alliance who have been affected by the closure of the Independent Living fund which assists Independent Living fund which assists disabled people with complex needs assists disabled people with complex needs to assists disabled people with complex needs to get the support they need in order needs to get the support they need in order to needs to get the support they need in order to live independent lives. Therefore in order to live independent lives. Therefore i in order to live independent lives. Therefore i am pleased to announce today therefore i am pleased to announce today that therefore i am pleased to announce today that i therefore i am pleased to announce today that i will reopen the Independent Living fund in the next Financial Independent living fund in the next Financial Year with an initial investment of up to £9 million. In the ahead investment of up to £9 million. In the ahead we will also improve access the ahead we will also improve access to the ahead we will also improve access to gp services and we will launch access to gp services and we will launch the access to gp services and we will launch the National Centre for remote launch the National Centre for remote and rural health care. We will also remote and rural health care. We will also publish a new plan for mental will also publish a new plan for Mental Health and well being. We will continue with our mission to reduce will continue with our mission to reduce drug intake. Recent drug death reduce drug intake. Recent Drug Death Figures ensure we are heading in the Death Figures ensure we are heading in the right Death Figures ensure we are heading in the right direction. The scale of the challenge in front of us reguires the challenge in front of us requires us to take a radical approach~ requires us to take a radical approach. These approaches must be grounded approach. These approaches must be grounded in approach. These approaches must be grounded in the evidence of what works grounded in the evidence of what works. That is why we will support a proposal works. That is why we will support a proposal to works. That is why we will support a proposal to establish a safer drug consumption facility. We will argue for drug consumption facility. We will argue for drug law reform. In light of the latest for drug law reform. In light of the latest home or office select Committee Report i will urge the uk, and to Committee Report i will urge the uk, and to the Committee Report i will urge the uk, and to the evidence and support a new facility or at least devolve the power new facility or at least devolve the power to new facility or at least devolve the power to us so that we can take that action power to us so that we can take that action that power to us so that we can take that action that is required. We were also action that is required. We were also reviewing the responses to the mark also reviewing the responses to the mark of also reviewing the responses to the mark of whole marketing consultation. We will always support obs, consultation. We will always support jobs. Be consultation. We will always support jobs. Be in consultation. We will always support jobs, be in no doubt that we will take jobs, be in no doubt that we will take further action to reduce alcohol take further action to reduce alcohol arm. Particularly to protect children alcohol arm. Particularly to protect children from its effects. Talking of children i hear too often how common of children i hear too often how Common Vaping is among young people. In Common Vaping is among young people. In the Common Vaping is among young people. In the next Common Vaping is among young people. In the next day we will take action to reduce in the next day we will take action to reduce vaping and particularly amongst to reduce vaping and particularly amongst children. Im pleased to announce amongst children. Im pleased to announce this government will also work on announce this government will also work on curbing the use of single use fetes work on curbing the use of single use fetes including consulting on an outright use fetes including consulting on an outright ban. This government also recognises outright ban. This government also recognises the vital importance of supporting our health and care. Scotland supporting our health and care. Scotland is the only part of the uk where scotland is the only part of the uk where there has been no industrial

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