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Targets overnight and killed a senior commander. Militants have continued to fire rockets into israel, towards tel aviv and other areas in the south. The World Health Organization has condemned israels Evacuation Order. It says forcing Hospital Patients to relocate would be a death sentence. President biden has spoken with the israeli Prime Minister, benjamin netanyahu, and urged him to provide safety for civilians amid the bombardment. Diplomatic efforts to prevent the violence from spreading have been stepped up, with mr biden� s secretary of state, Antony Blinken, visiting cairo. Hes expected to press egyptian officials to restart talks on getting aid into gaza through the Border Crossing. The us is sending a second Aircraft Carrier to the Eastern Mediterranean near israel. The Uss Eisenhower will lead a group of ships aimed at deterring further attacks against israel, in particularfrom iran or the lebanese militant group, hezbollah. Lets cross now to our middle east correspondent, yolande knell. Talk us through the latest you are hearing. We have heard about the intensified clashes on the israels northern border with lebanon and obviously we are hearing about israel extending at this time period it has given gazans to leave the north of gaza but took as they have coming in the last few hours. Earlier the Israeli Military said there were giving another three hour window for residents of the northern half of the gaza strip to make their way south along a route which it declared to be safe and we have seen in the past couple of days now hundreds of thousands of people making thatjourney. Some on foot with their belongings in carrier bags or rucksacks, some with carts with donkeys, others with cars, using up what little fuel they have left because of course gaza remains under tight siege by israel with no food, water, Electricity Orfuel allowed in. Now there is growing concern about the humanitarian situation, but italy in the south of the strip where you have all of these people really in makeshift shelters, in un schools, places like that. They are extremely crowded and with no aid getting in, there is a limited means for the limited number of Emergency Workers in the gaza strip to be able to help them. Another convocation here is the lack of internet, the lack of people with working phones another complication. Communication becomes more and more difficult. We know the World Health Organization has been raising awareness of these 20 hospitals in the northern half of the gaza strip where it said the Evacuation Order given by israel was tantamount to a death sentence. There are very sick and injured people there and at the moment, there are still babies in integrators, things like that, and that asking how these people are supposed to be moved. This is all company complicating the israeli plans for a Ground Offensive and it wants as many people to leave the north of the gaza strip, particularly gaza city, which we expect to be a real focus, particularly gaza city, which we expect to be a realfocus, it particularly gaza city, which we expect to be a real focus, it wants that area cleared as much as possible before it goes in, saying it will tackle both the hamas military and governing capabilities. What has israel been saying as well . There is clearly mounting pressure on it to provide safe passage for civilians with President Biden talking about an obligation to provide safety for siblings and as you said, the World Health Organization strongly condemning these calls for Hospital Patients to move so what are they saying in their defence . Safety for civilians. Israel is a it is hamas� s responsibly as the government in gaza to help people move. Hamas has told eole gaza to help people move. Hamas has told peeple not gaza to help people move. Hamas has told people not to gaza to help people move. Hamas has told people not to leave gaza to help people move. Hamas has told people not to leave their told people not to leave their homes. When i asked about this, a spokesman said that hamas had cars and vehicles that it could move people and that it should get involved. At the same time of course, there is big pressure on israel from surrounding countries. Jordan has called for humanitarian corridors and there is a lot of aid that has arrived in the sinai in egypt which is aid that could easily be taken into the gaza strip if egypt was to open the Rafah Crossing. Egypt has said it will not do that to allow hundreds of people who have foreign nationalities who are stuck in gaza, it will not allow them out till it gets some guarantees that aid can also safely be taken in to the gaza strip so that if the situation at the moment and we know the us secretary of state, Antony Blinken, on his trip which really defines a shuttle diplomacy, going country to country around the region, that is one of the big effort he is involved in, trying to get the Rafah Crossing open and you also mentioned about hezbollah in the north, there is real concern in the north of israel about what would happen with firing by both sides, and a lot of concern that this conflict could spread more widely in the region that is something Antony Blinken has been talking to different regional actors about, trying to get them to put some pressure on the different players where they have some influence. And in the last few hours, at least one israeli has been killed and a couple of civilians also injured, we understand, by anti tank missiles. At the moment, his brother is not using its longer range missiles but if it gets involved, that will really change it because it is a huge arsenal of weapons hezbollah is not using. Our correspondent nick beake spoke to us from ashkelon, in southern israel. Yes, this is ashkelon, about seven miles from gaza, where this morning we have heard quite a lot of activity in the air, actually. There has been a distinctive buzz of israeli drones but also the Fighter Pilots are going overhead. They have been flying over us and then a few seconds later we hear large booms. Bear in mind we are seven miles away. These have echoed around this part of southern israel. That is the situation on the ground here. Weve just heard from the israeli officials that there will be a window, a three hour window, today in which people in gaza can move from the north to the south along one specific route. Yesterday, there were two routes that were opened up for a bigger window. These timings have very much slipped. That is what the israelis are saying today. All the while, of course, the United Nations saying this is completely unacceptable. The World Health Organization, for example, saying that trying to move people from the north to the south is just not feasible. They say specifically, when you look at 2,000 people who are Intensive Care and in maternity units, them moving from the north to the south, that is tantamount to a death sentence. So extremely Strong Language from them. All the while, israel saying it is carrying out a proportionate response to the attacks by hamas just over a week ago and this is all part of an act of self defence on their part. A missile fired into israel from lebanon has killed at least one person. It hit a settlement near the border between the two countries. The militant group, hezbollah, said it was behind the attack. Our correspondent hugo bachega has this update from tyre, near the border in southern lebanon. The Israeli Emergency Services have confirmed that one person was killed, a man in his 405. And three civilians were injured in this community, the community of shtula in Northern Israel near the lebanese border. And this is the first civilian death on israels northern border since the beginning of this war between israel and hamas. Now, hezbollah has said it targeted this community with guided missiles and they said this was in retaliation after the killings of three civilians here in lebanon. They said these civilians were killed as a result of israeli attacks. The israeli army has not confirmed that they were involved in these attacks and i think this shows how volatile the situation is along the lebanese israeli border, amid fears that lebanon could be dragged into this conflict. Hezbollah is obviously a very powerful group with Tens Of Thousands of rockets and missiles, Tens Of Thousands of fighters as well. And we have seen that in the last few days, hezbollah and israel have exchanged rockets and shelling so tensions are really high here in this region. And i spoke to a source close to hezbollah who said the group is on high alert but that hezbollah� s next steps would be determined by what happens in gaza and if israel goes ahead with this Ground Offensive in gaza against hamas. Again, very tense situation and with a number of incidents happening along this border here, amid fears again that this could become another front in this war. Well, thousands of gazans have been fleeing the north of the territory after israel warned the 1. 1 million inhabitants to leave ahead of an expected Ground Invasion. The World Health Organization has condemned the Evacuation Order, and says forcing Hospital Patients to relocate would be a death sentence. Earlier, the bbc spoke to tarikjasarevic of the World Health Organization. Well, we are really concerned about this order because it would put at risk the lives of more than 2000 patients in gaza who are being treated in two major and many other smaller hospitals. There are a lot of patients on life support, people on ventilators, people needing haemodialysis, newborn in incubators, pregnant women with complications. So all these people Cannot Simplyjust to be moved, that is why we have called on israel to reverse this decision. Because Health Workers in the north of israel right now are still receiving patients in their facilities, lots of patients in corridors, even outside in the street. And these Health Workers are facing very difficult choice, whether to leave and try to look for safety for themselves or their family or to stay and treat the patients but at the same time, risk being bombed. And the third option, trying to evacuate patients knowing very well that it would do harm to those people who are in theircare. Earlier on today, dr Mustafa Barghouti of the Palestinian National initiative held a Press Conference to talk about the situation in palestinian hospitals. Now gaza strip is deprived of water, deprived of electricity, deprived of food, deprived of medications and medicine, and deprived of internet and abilities to communicate. The situation in palestinian hospitals is disastrous. Children are dying around the clock because of lack of electricity. Children who are in incubators will die or have died because there is no electricity. Israel is fighting not hamas, israel is fighting all the palestinian people. Israel is attacking all the civilians in gaza and the vast majority of People Killed there are Palestinian Civilians including children and women. The un, us, egypt, jordan and others in the region are working together to ensure civilians have access to water, food, and medical care in gaza. Rishi sunak will hold talks later with the king ofjordan, who is visiting several European Countries to discuss the situation in gaza. King abdullah has said he is trying to rally International Support to stop what he called the war on gaza. Ive been speaking to the countrys foreign minister, ayman safadi, about the meeting, what can be achieved, and how civilians can be helped. Obviously, arabs, fearing the enormity of the challenge the destruction that will engulf the whole region if we are not able to stop any violence and stop the war and stop the tremendous human toll it is taking. We are working with our friends and allies and particularly here, starting the tour in britain, to try and see how we can stop the escalation, make sure that civilians are protected from both sides, get humanitarian supplies in and also look for the day after. But the immediate goal is to stop the violence, stop the war, protect civilians and get humanitarian supplies in. You may have heard my conversation earlier with our political correspondent, talking about how rishi sunak released this Statement Last night, talking about his unequivocal support for israel, talking about how we stand with Israel Notjust today, not just tomorrow, but always. He has been criticised for not mentioning the civilians caught up in this in gaza. Was that a disappointing statement for you to hear . Oh, i think, when it comes to civilians, we came in very clearly injordan and the rest of the arab world, condemning the killing of civilians from both sides. Palestinian live matter, israeli lives matter. We expect that our shared human values would dictate that we take a firm stand all of us against the killing of civilians, no matter what their nationality, what their identity is. What we all need to do is to support, and all speak against war, against violence as a path to achieving anything because it will not. It willjust push us deeper into the abyss of violence and death and destruction. What we need to do is to support a new path a new path that will get us to a peace that will ensure safety, security, for palestinians, for israelis, and for everybody in the region. We were just hearing in the last few minutes actually about missiles going over into israel from southern lebanon. We have been hearing from hezbollah in recent days, talking about how they are fully ready to get involved when the time comes, they said. Do you get the feeling that the wider region being brought into this is inevitable . The danger is there. We are dealing with a very, very tense and difficult situation. As talk of a Ground Invasion continues, the images coming out of gaza will be provocative to everybody, it will be painful to everybody, as were the images that came at the beginning of that. So the possibilities are there, thats why were urging Self Restraint and thats why were urging this war to stop for civilians to be protected because, if that happens, were looking at the prospects of a regional war and that would just bring more death, more destruction, more suffering, to everybody in the region. And the sad thing is that, for years, we have been warning against this, for years, we have been saying, violence is not the path. The absence of hope is just not going to get us anywhere. For years, weve been working on trying to avoid this moment and to open a path that would restore faith in negotiations as a path to again addressing the legitimate rights of both palestinians and israelis the palestinian right to freedom and statehood and the israeli right to live in security. These two go hand in hand, you cannot have one without the other. That was the jordanian that was thejordanian foreign minister talking to me earlier. Live now to crispin blunt, an mp for the uks conservative party, who suggests the uk could be complicit in war crimes if israel are deemed to have broken International Law. Hello, talk us through what you make of the uk reaction to what has been going on. Of the uk reaction to what has been oiiin on, of the uk reaction to what has been iioin on. ,. , of the uk reaction to what has been ioiin on. ,. , going on. Good morning. The United Kinidom going on. Good morning. The United Kingdom government going on. Good morning. The United Kingdom government has going on. Good morning. The United Kingdom government has given kingdom government has given unequivocal support to the state of israel, a statement repeated by the Prime Minister yesterday. And i am uncertain they fully understand the implications of the development of International Law whereby if you are encouraging a party to undertake a war crime, you become complicit in that crime itself. And it is absolutely clear now that what is happening in gaza does amount to a war crime because it is disproportionate and it does not distinguish the targets it is taking out, hence the terrible number of children that have been killed and what we have just heard from the World Health Organization and the concerns about the effect of the transfer on hospitals. A forced transfer on hospitals. A forced transfer of 1. 2 Million People is an absolute crime under the laws of war, you are simply not allowed to do it. As indeed is the collective punishment of the people of gaza with a seat and imposition of no food and no water and electricity. With a siege. Food and no water and electricity. With a siege food and no water and electricity. With a siege. You will know that israel with a siege. You will know that israel says with a siege. You will know that israel says it with a siege. You will know that israel says it is with a siege. You will know that israel says it is not with a siege. You will know that israel says it is not breaking israel says it is not breaking International Law, said it has given warnings ahead of bombardment, it is not attacking civilians and in fact it is blaming hamas for putting people in harms away and talking about using human shields. You will know that many countries, Notjust The Uk but around the world, they are saying israel has a right to defend itself and thats what its doing. It defend itself and thats what its doini. ,. ,. ,. , doing. It does have a right to defend itself doing. It does have a right to defend itself but doing. It does have a right to defend itself but only doing. It does have a right to defend itself but only within | doing. It does have a right to i defend itself but only within the laws of war. And what distinguishes democracies from terrorists like hamas is that we are restrained by the law. And it is terribly important that israels Partners Press this point upon her because it will not do anybody any good if the next scenes we see are the consequences of no water, no food, forced transfer being played out on our television screens. The forced transfer being played out on our television screens. Our television screens. The israeli ari ument our television screens. The israeli argument is our television screens. The israeli argument is that our television screens. The israeli argument is that it our television screens. The israeli argument is that it is our television screens. The israeli argument is that it is up our television screens. The israeli argument is that it is up to our television screens. The israeli| argument is that it is up to hamas to move people out of the area, they have the vehicles and the fuel and the capability to move people out of the capability to move people out of the area. It the capability to move people out of the area. ,. ,. The area. It is why the forced transfer of the area. It is why the forced transfer of people the area. It is why the forced transfer of people and the area. It is why the forced transfer of people and their. Transfer of people and their displacement is both a war crime and a crime against humanity, it is forbidden in absolute terms under the Geneva Conventions. The Geneva Conventions were written in the wake of the Second World War and they have been developed since through the laws underpinning the International Criminal court and the rome statute and it is article 25 of the rome statute which makes clear that powers and people who aid and encourage the committing of a war crime are then committing an offence themselves. And it is only the law now that is going to protect the people of gaza from an appalling atrocity. And it is absolutely vital that people face up to their legal responsibilities. Let that people face up to their legal responsibilities. That people face up to their legal responsibilities. Let me play you a bit about james responsibilities. Let me play you a bit about James Cleverly, responsibilities. Let me play you a bit about James Cleverly, the responsibilities. Let me play you a bit about James Cleverly, the uk l bit about James Cleverly, the uk Foreign Secretary has said on the bbc today, talking about the situation and saying this does not breach International Law. The uk government is absolutely committed to the adherence of International Human law and when the we see breaches of that, will raise it, including with israel. Are you saying you havent seen breaches thus far . The point is, the clear difference is from statements coming from israel saying that they respect and will abide by International Humanitarian law and hamas, on the other hand, who are specifically targeting civilians, specifically putting Palestinian Civilians in harms way, hiding their Terrorist Infrastructure in amongst civilian infrastructure and the distinction is clear. What do you say to that . Him saying that i must buy as our hiding among the population of gaza hamas fighters. The population of gaza hamas fiihters. ,. ,. ,. Fighters. You cannot compare one and the other. Fighters. You cannot compare one and the other the fighters. You cannot compare one and the other. The state fighters. You cannot compare one and the other. The state of fighters. You cannot compare one and the other. The state of israels the other. The state of israels response has to be a proportionate, distinct, with precaution and humanity at its heart, thats a requirement of International Law. It is Crystal Clear that the siege of gaza, where israel has imposed a total blockade, cutting off electricity, water, Food Supplies and preventing access to humanitarian aid, this is forbidden under International Humanitarian law, it amounts to war crimes and crimes against humanity. You are not allowed to collectively punish a whole population. And i say to my friend james and to the Prime Minister and the Attorney General and to all others in the government, for goodness sake, please, get legal advice on your responsibilities. Because the terms of International Law are very clear. And if we do not avert this catastrophe, we will find ourselves complicit and partly responsible for it. In complicit and partly responsible for it. ,. ,. , g. , , it. In terms of what James Cleverly has been saying it. In terms of what James Cleverly has been saying today, it. In terms of what James Cleverly has been saying today, he it. In terms of what James Cleverly has been saying today, he said it. In terms of what James Cleverly i has been saying today, he said what we just played duke has been saying today, he said what wejust played duke but has been saying today, he said what we just played duke but he has also said that he has been urging israel to minimise civilian casualties and they are urging the straight just played you. It they are urging the straight ust played you. Played you. It is not as though we have not played played you. It is not as though we have not played this played you. It is not as though we have not played this game played you. It is not as though we | have not played this game before, played you. It is not as though we have not played this game before, we have not played this game before, we have been round this, we know what is going to happen. We will have to do a bit more than privately urge israel. It has got to be laid out that you are not allowed to break the law and if you are a democracy, thatis the law and if you are a democracy, that is what distinguishes us from Terrorist Administrations like hamas, who are behind this appalling atrocity a week ago. We are bound by the rules of law and we must, we must abide by them. And right now, there was nothing left for the people of gaza accept the operation of the law and there is a route out of the law and there is a route out of this through a ceasefire, getting aid in and still hamas and its fighters will be held accountable at some point. Fighters will be held accountable at some point fighters will be held accountable at some ioint. ,. , some point. Thank you very much for talkini to some point. Thank you very much for talking to us. Some point. Thank you very much for talking to us, crispin some point. Thank you very much for talking to us, crispin blunt, talking to us, crispin blunt, conservative mp. With me isjustin crump, Military Analyst and ceo, sibylline. Just Military Analyst and ceo, sibylline. To pick up on ti possible just to pick up on the point about a possible ceasefire, we are seeing images all the time about israeli tanks massing on the border, a possible ceasefire feels a long way off . I possible ceasefire feels a long way off . , possible ceasefire feels a long way off . ~ ,. ,. , possible ceasefire feels a long way off . ~ ,. ,. , off . I think very far off for israel. This off . I think very far off for israel. This could off . I think very far off for israel. This could all off . I think very far off for israel. This could all stop | off . I think very far off for israel. This could all stop very quickly because if the population of gaza or hamas itself decides to surrender, and back hospice and sees its operations but i think we all know that is incredibly unlikely to happen hand back hostages. One of the potential motives for the action by the group with the fact they are losing control of gaza so certainly not universally popular and rather cynically and effectively they have mastered the population of gaza as part of the operation in order to achieve their ends. This is what they hoped to happen, they want to exploit the situation and that is certainly one of the things that puts israel in a very difficult position, they cannot ignore what happened, they have to go in on the Ground Operation if they are going to clear out what weve come with slight black humour in the security field, are the guys at metro, the hundreds of kilometres of tunnels and infrastructure built in and amongst the city. And infrastructure built in and amongst the city. And infrastructure built in and amongst the city. Which israel has trained specifically amongst the city. Which israel has trained specifically for. Amongst the city. Which israel has trained specifically for. Very amongst the city. Which israel has trained specifically for. Very hard i trained specifically for. Very hard but of course trained specifically for. Very hard but of course you trained specifically for. Very hard but of course you have trained specifically for. Very hard but of course you have called trained specifically for. Very hard but of course you have called up| but of course you have called up reservists, the Israeli Forces have gone from around 160,000 up to around 400,000 in the space of a week. Those people have still got to prepare themselves, you cantjust come off the street, pick up a rifle and start claiming this sort of desperately difficult tonal infrastructure. Its a huge and complex operation requiring substantial preparation and of course a huge amount of firepower, as we seen so far. I think the fact that israel has cleared an Operations Box is in itself very important. I know it is. We Operations Box is in itself very important. I know it is. We got to leave it there important. I know it is. We got to leave it there because important. I know it is. We got to leave it there because were important. I know it is. We got to l leave it there because were running out of time but i think we will talk to you later on so thank you very much for now, justin crump. You are watching bbc news, with us. Stay with us. Hello. It has been a pretty cold start of the day and for some of us at the first frost of the autumn, temperatures below freezing across many northern areas, down to 4 in cumbria but even further south in oxfordshire and south wales, temperatures getting down just below freezing. But a lot of sunshine this morning which will continue this afternoon, staying dry for most. One or two showers around the coast of norfolk, clipping the coast and showers coming into northern and Western Scotland but generally, fewer showers compared to yesterday. Still a bit breezy across scotland but the winds are not as strong as yesterday and lighter winds as well for england and wales and temperatures this afternoon reaching 912. If temperatures this afternoon reaching 9 12. If anything, It Temperatures this afternoon reaching 9 12. If anything, it could be temperatures this afternoon reaching 9 12. If anything, it could be a bit colder than yesterday. This evening and tonight, a few showers still in northern scotland, down the north sea coast. Some fog developing in Northern England and parts of wales and South West England and that can be quite dense tomorrow morning and again, it will turn quite chilly point of these are temperatures in towns and cities, 24 but temperatures in towns and cities, 2 4 but in the countryside, they are once again close to if notjust below freezing. Monday morning starts with this High Pressure situated across the uk, a Weather Front bringing some showers to the far north of scotland through monday. A few showers coming into kent, perhaps South West Scotland as well, but for most it will be dry patchy mist and fog clearing away. Variable amounts of cloud, some bright and sunny spells but perhaps more cloud compared to today and temperatures again about 11 13. Going through the rest of the week, the High Pressure gradually moves to the High Pressure gradually moves to the east and we will see low pressure moving in from the south which will bring some spells of rain, strengthening winds as well across many parts of the uk. And with that southerly flow, we will see a milder air moving in as well, so not quite as cold as we go through the latter stages of next week so just a monday and tuesday looking dry with sunny spells, wednesday onwards, that is when it is more unsettled with temperatures rising to about 30 70 or even 18,. 1317. This is bbc news. The headlines. Israel is massing troops near gaza, as it prepares for the next phase of its military operation, to quote, wipe out hamas. The operation is in retaliation for hamas attacks on israeli communities last week. Thousands of people continue to flee north gaza, following israeli Evacuation Orders. The un estimates nearly a million palestinians there have now been displaced. And the Palestinian Health authority says more than 2000 people have been killed in israeli air strikes. The World Health Organization has condemned israels order for the evacuation of 22 hospitals in northern gaza, ahead of an expected Ground Offensive against hamas. They said forcing more than 2,000 patients, including those in Intensive Care and new borns in incubators to relocate to Southern Gaza is like a death sentence. The Foreign Office is telling british nationals in gaza to prepare in case the rafah Border Crossing into egypt is opened. The crossing, in the south of gaza, is currently the only route out of the territory, with hamas controlling who can pass through

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