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Level, deceitful rhetoric. Warsaw and its military ambitions. The polish regime will deploy 10,000 soldiers on our borders, which means, why run after migrants and the first. As a result , where is the introductory campaign in belarus . What are the passing scores of what competitions . What specialties are the most popular lets talk about enrolling universities, see. Also in our release. And what are we ready to do in order to bring relations between countries to a new level. Emphasis for diplomats. And we will not only talk about the economy and the outlook on the world in the region and overseas. We continue to enjoy the atmosphere of the second games of the cis countries today, we rejoice for our golden masha the lamb about this and not only in the diary of the old games of the cis countries, fans of the second games of the cis countries are active not only in the stands, there are many guests in Belarusian Stores that are looking for Branded Products and here it is a lot of what is most popular we will tell. Today is the first in the region. The first in the country 3,000 tons of grain was transported by a young driver and the same amount was boring for threshing. The Belarusian Military is pursuing effective forms of warfare, introducing the best models into the training system, the process involves a quick and radical change. What do we learn in the project disposition of early varieties of apples, domestic watermelons and a record blueberry harvest at the shchuchin institute of plant growing adapt to our terms of heatloving varieties of berries and fruits, and the results of experiments in the plot of the panorama. Wasps attack from the invasion of stinging insects , the townspeople, summer residents and beekeepers suffer, how not to meet with winged ones. And what to do if you couldnt avoid the bite, well tell you in the panorama of physiotherapy , hobby classes and an individual nutrition program. Belarus is interested in developing relations with brazil both in politics and in the economy, this was stated by our president at meeting with the ambassador of a latin American Country , it is worth noting that such a format of communication with foreign diplomats in the practice of Alexander Lukashenko is an opportunity to identify the main accents in bilateral cooperation in the case of minsk and brazil, a decent distance between states. Really not a hindrance. We have been connected for 30 years by diplomatic relations and throughout this time. We maintained contacts and developed trade. Just have to with you, if you evaluate the belarusian brazilian relations should say they could be much better. And politically, but above all, trade in economic terms, because trade economic relations are the basis of any relationship, if we have a strong interest in material terms and a certain bond , then political diplomatic relations are built. How i went into it no worse, understands me. As a result of todays meeting, we simply have to agree on specific areas of our cooperation, which will be brought out by our relationships to a higher level. I will have a number of proposals in connection with this , and i think that you will bring my proposals to the attention of the government of your parliament and, above all, the president of brazil. And i ask you very much, as one of the main proposals today, to send a signal to our president that we are waiting for him in belarus at any convenient time. Its better for him in winter. In order for him to see our winter nature, and during his visit we could finally determine that road map or plan for our relationship. Again i emphasize that the belarusian leadership is extremely interested in this. In brazil, we really appreciate the relations with your country, as well as the work that you are doing today, we understand the importance of the region and the delicate situation that has developed in your region. We also see the confrontation that is taking place today between russia and the western states brazil is ready to take part in the dialogue and we also see you as a person who is not only very well versed in the current situation, but also a person who can take part in this dialogue and contribute to the resolution of the situation. From across the ocean, they are closely monitoring the situation in the region. And judging by the rhetoric, to pin great hopes on dialogue and a peaceful settlement, the ambassador expressed confidence that the president of brazil would accept with great gratitude the invitation of the belarusian leader to come and get acquainted with politicians. Trade turnover last year exceeded 350 million we already have the same amount and even more for half of 2023, but this is far from a record for countries. Brazil is traditionally included in the top ten of our trading partners, mainly due to the supply of brazilian aircraft and our potash, which went to latin america today, just discussed issues resuming the supply of fertilizers, as well as the possibility of cooperation in agriculture and the supply of tractors. Unfair and discriminatory restrictions are seen by experts as a way to eliminate brazils competitors in the food market, as a major player of belarus in the fertilizer market , important aspects of our bilateral cooperation were discussed during the meeting. Of course. Today. We live in a rather difficult time, when heavy sanctions have been imposed, nevertheless, much has been done and said in order to overcome them and to deepen cooperation between our countries , and considers humanitarian aspect of cooperation between the delegation with brazil, led by scientists , plans to visit belarus to sign documents on cooperation with our three universities. Well, now to the main sporting event, the second games of the cis countries. Every day of the multisport forum becomes truly bright and unforgettable. What will you remember this thursday . Lets ask our sports columnist stanislav lisky. Today he is preparing to broadcast a diary of the second games of the cis countries. Stas i welcome you. Well, i dont know you touched directly on the golden success. Athletes today. Im waiting for details. Good evening sergey without exaggeration. Today i plunged into the ocean of emotions and passions. It was unforgettable for our little flame is the champion of the second games of the cis countries in modern pentathlon done. Its just in a brilliant style after the poison, but the most interesting thing we know for a long time from the projects of the president ial sports club. What she herself will now tell us all in an exclusive interview, we are watching the holiday. Its very cool. Everything that happens here is great. Thanks to every fan. Thanks to each person thanks to all reporters, spectators, trainers, massage therapists, parents. Its very cool. Its comparable to the world cup cooler than the world cup is such a holding. I have been to international countries. I did not see each other, so i did not see that all the volunteers were so reverent towards the participants. Its very cool. I did not believe that i would win to the last. Tell me how the dispute has affected your life from the first moment of my life. My parents change my mother is a master of sports in light i did not have childhood choices. I was born and i was already jumping. I swam, i did biathlon, i participated in the snow sniper project, its cool. There would be no sports. I dont i see my life without sports without modern digestion in the country. In my opinion , for an athlete created good conditions. Not just, in short, the best conditions i. With girls from Different Countries of different continents , there are a lot of sports, but such as we probably have a few units of the country. This is completely some kind of Financial Service competition fees form everything, absolutely everything support. Thank you very much to every spectator to every fan. Thanks to my team. Thanks to my parents. Thank god that this happened today. Oh thanks volunteer. Thanks to my rivals for this excitement. Thanks a lot. Thank you all, belarus well, of course, congratulations to masha and we in brest, on the eve of victories , handball competitions ended. The swimmers tournament started today, and how representative the start turned out in this sport. Uh, representatives of 11 countries claim to win in this tournament on the first day of competition. We have cutlets solid ulov three silver and six bronze awards the palace of water sports in brest in my memory for the first time hosts such a largescale tournament. About what, by the way , fourtime olympic champion Vladimir Salnikov will tell a little later. And now the word athlete tried very hard to achieve this goal. Uh, trained in training. Well, i tried, probably, to show such a good result in competitions. Just crazy. I didnt even shoot, after all, people, in fact , there is a pool, a very cool organization. Simply top notch. I really liked our happy. Today, our shooters of the shooting range named after Marshal Timoshenko padril belarus seven awards shooting from caliber pistol. These are silver and bronze. Alina nesterovich. Zoe of space is responsible. Here is the team tournament. We have silver and bronze and in the discipline milkcaliber rifle from three positions at a distance of 50 m. Arseniy levantsov team round. Again, we have such a scattering of silver and bronze medals, our country has medals every day. Well, just a great result. Good luck to our guys. Keep it up. Well, heres what im personally interested in. Heres how you manage to make it to all these competitions. Yeah, plus getting it all on air first. Eh, its difficult. Agree, i agree, but still, the experience of the olympiad is behind me. And secondly , uh, we have a large Main Press Center for the second games of the cis countries here in minsk, absolutely all operational information flocks here, from the results to the download of all even auxiliary services serving sports competitions. Also, this center will help absolutely any foreign journalist to get to another city for a tournament, for example, wrestling in seligorsk. And thats it. The same brest early in the morning at almost six. Buses leave until 9 00 am from here hmm from the press center, you can say from the letters k uh, we are collecting applications from all points and cities. And now the media, respectively, goes to the competition sites every day and from there they also conduct their reports, but even more exclusives in our diary, which we are preparing for the broadcast with our colleagues right now sergey will be interesting, wait let the viewers wait. We will try to surprise and be sure to please. Well, thank you stas. So im sending you to prepare a diary for the broadcast. Well, we continue. In belarus managed to perfectly cope with the organization of the games and in the future this multisport forum has great prospects , it was that fourtime olympic champion in swimming, now the head of the allrussian federation, who shared this opinion. Vladimir salnikov highly appreciated the work of the organization and the vicepresident of our National Olympic committee Dmitry Dovgalyonok , a sports functionary of the two countries, managed to talk in brest, where, let me remind you , the swimming tournament started and here is their impression. A really big event attracts the attention of the media and i am sure that fans are going to be here to see how our athletes twitched. Thats why the impression is cumulative as long as they are bright enough not great pool great atmosphere so i think everything will contribute to the results. Well, and positive emotions, which are probably experienced here. In soligorsk, i was at the minsk facilities, it is clear that they hosted the european games and are constantly hosting Better International level competitions and there is more experience. That was the most it is interesting to drive around the cities in the regional ones, as they nevertheless prepared the team worked at a very high level. In general, both the city and the regions. Everyone prepared just fine, because when you drive up to any city and you already see, uh, the mascots of the games, uh, a smiling lynx that is smearing, well, figuratively speaking, waving its paw. There is branding, a very good approach and there is no accumulation of correctness. Here are the parking spaces. Well, all these nuances that concern both the fan and the teams and athletes themselves and everyone else. I think even the correspondents who came here to work too. I think, for sure, there are none, the food is delicious, there is an athlete everywhere. Very satisfied accommodations are also at a high level. I think that the perspective for the future, it exists, is growing , probably, the number of sports that want to take part in these games, since there will be some Competition Among countries that will probably be interested in being the hosts, but thats all will lead to the improvement of the infrastructure for providing and accordingly, showing these games, because now, uh, here i can say again many oppress the current situation. Uh, in connection with the suspension. And it seems to me that we need to draw a good conclusion from this, once again improve what we have, what we can do ourselves , without waiting for any prompting to make you tell yourself what kind of fathers we are. Here i believe that in this case the game. The cis also corresponds to this view. Strong character bright game the slogan of the games of the cis countries is found throughout the country the demand for souvenirs is also confidently holding on. The most popular among buyers are knitwear, tshirts and towels and, of course, the main talisman. Rysik to retail chains, you have to keep your finger on the pulse and add to the goods on the shelves in the capitals stores in time. Yulia alferova walked and found out how trade is going during a big sports festival. A dozen belarusian manufacturers joined the production of products dedicated to the second games of the cis countries. Of course, knitwear was produced most of all. Only smetanok produced more than 7,000 tshirts for adults and children in the Company Store with bright rays and an inspiring slogan strong character. A bright game, the most attractive place at the shop window in the sale of previous days showed that these products do not need a special time for sale, as is customary in trade. Just billing every day womens tshirts, mens tshirts, children s tshirts, socks, mugs, plates, that is, it is all very popular shooter, cap, childrens tshirt, probably, after all. Priority. This is a shopping mall. Capital recognizable Promotional Products of the second games are strange. Cis can be found on every floor. Here , next to the lighthouse, is a dishware store, and here, too, the recognizable sports symbols are a plate of mugs with a lynx dobrovsky factory. I launched several thousand copies , and right in front of the famous merch of the first island, which i collected on my shelves from key chains to shoppers and towels for souvenirs , take somewhere, and what did you take and say, well, what do i see tshirts . Yes tshirt magnets badges, thats just not. Bad and this is already the palace of sports , one of the venues for the second games of the countries in the cis, trade in entrance to gyms is no worse than in Large Centers here, and there are enough badges and bracelets. And most importantly it is convenient for sports lovers. Thats how when you come to cheer on your favorite team, you can grab something symbolic with you, sales are going very well, very actively, in comparison. Even with an earlier period. We ordered this product back in april. You still have, except for caps. Here are the bottles yes, the handles of the tshirts, but all the many are interested in what it is . This is a raincoat in a ball to be more visible on the podium. Yes, and whether you like it or not , the element common to games unites even those who. Hatch from sports, but still more often among the size ranges, you can see fans who really live the game these days, in general , go to eat, you already have tshirts of fans. No. Yes, we were at athletics the day before yesterday. Eh, you need to, however, finally we got the finals, we watched the shanggu fast food, we look, damn it, i like grodno more. Well, in the same place , our weightlifters perform at the level of world records, so its interesting to watch now we skip the most, probably interested, yes, the live broadcast goes to heavy weights. It is important for every belarusian to leave some symbol. Still, such significant events for us are now taking place there, a towel was bought at dynamo for the first games. Now we want too, i want a towel for a child. I am not sure, let see what will happen. Have you bought, besides jerseys of fans, maybe a dewdrop . Well, today i have discounts , therefore, because i even came here on purpose, yes, we want to put them in memory of the child, but the feeling of some kind of joy of some kind of fullness of some kind of this such a special energy, a different feeling of unity, a feeling of strength, marketers tried to ensure that the promotional goods of the games were in sight in the Central Department store of similar sites with a dozen on each floor and practically. At each entrance to the hall, stocks are replenished in a timely manner, analyzing what is still more to your taste, children, they fell in love very much. Here is such a one, yes, such a lynx, but here you see, a very beautiful inscription is strong and character, a bright game. Well, kids love it. Here is this product, it is in demand among men, the most popular. Here is the print. It is very bright and beautiful, despite the high demand, goods do not disappear from the shelves. If you need a size or a print, it will be available to the buyer, at least on all days of the second games of the cis countries, so that everyone, even the most demanding guest the capital could take with him, recognizable and memorable, we made sure that there was a huge assortment, so the implementation is in progress, one of the regions decided to everyone, and to the participants of the games, to the athletes who are settled in the hotel. Give a good present of ours so that they leave, and they brought him home with them and always remembered with love from e, good impressions, and the time spent during the games. Cis souvenirs are the smallest thing for the participants of the multisport forum, medals are places of honor, but such a memorable symbolic one that will definitely remind you of the days in belarus and the emotions that overwhelm the teams at sports starts yulia grigory krishtafovich tv news agency. And summing up todays competitive day in the medal standings, our Team Continues to confidently occupy the second line. Tomorrow the games will continue in five cities in the program of eight sports, so in minsk , a 3x3 basketball tournament starts at the floor arena near the sports palace. In brest, swimmers will compete for several more sets of awards at the sports palace, uruchcha at 19 30. Belarus minifootball team. The fight against the team of uzbekistan will start, these sports will be broadcast live on belarus 5. In addition , the final fights in boxing are scheduled for the girls, the boys will play a set of medals in the modern pentathlon. In thai boxing semifinals will be held, tournaments will be continued by volleyball players, and field hockey will start in grodno. Well, let me remind you once again that the results of each sports day are exclusive details and interviews with champions and prizewinners. Look in the diary of the second games of the cis countries in the final panorama. Well, now about the main records of our ograrians, they also have a strong character and intensity of emotions, decent competition. Forward breaks out, who threshed more transported determines and congratulates the winners of the thousanders so today in the mogilev region the day before in minsk in the same nesvizh district threshed over 100,000 tons of grain for the first time in the region. Such sporting interest is associated, among other things, with the timing of harvesting. And now the prefix three is already being added, and this is just in a month, the minsk region never ceases to amaze. How much per day do you usually carry the weather depends . 150 200 more than 200 even there is more to load and transport faster, it is important not only speed, but also quality on the account of the driver aleksey kozak, he has already transported 3,000 tons of grain in the first in the country among youth crews in 10 years. So many in the ranks repeatedly became record holder. It was difficult to break out in the front line in the district, but you still need to keep the brand , there is always competition, healthy competition. Working conditions are good overalls, provided with two meals a day. When the weather still puts spokes in the wheels , a minute, without exaggeration, is worth its weight in gold in the morning and in the evening on the farm, the merchants harvest these wheat from the wheat. Spring barley, during the day the schedule is not reinforced sergey yanuchok and Viktor Zhukovsky a couple of days ago ended their shift and at half past midnight in partners years connects not only work in the field, but also strong friendship helps to thresh at least 3,000 tons every year. Also record holders. It can be very good. So yes, back, if the weather is good, the equipment does not break down the woman of the days, we plan to complete the harvesting campaign, through we have already stepped through the winter rapeseed has already been sown to date 120 hectares will be planted. E, plowing is underway for winter and slavery is also underway, which is to be done throughout the alfalfa in the minsk region, the bread loaf amounted to 36 centners. The best result per hectare is harvesting winter wheat. The granary of the minority, nesvizh district. Today we were the first to cross the mark of over 100,000 tons of grain in the kolos region, we had within the limits of two grams there, then this year in some places more than three grams, therefore, express 106. 7 from here. This is generally, mainly in the wheat district, an agricultural enterprise and operates more than 112 units of grain harvesting equipment, uh, 36 grain drying complexes. Now all the forces of the heads of farms, agronomists and machine operators, are on the fact that this years loaf is weighty, but whether it will be so forecasts are in no hurry to do the work and achieve results in the mogilev region. Today identified another threethousander sergey may and the agricultural enterprise servolux agrotool kit. Thank you for your work for the result stirs ripe we harvest took almost 8 of the fields average yield centers 55 guitar, of course, we try to choose without loss in time and start the network. Right now. This is understood in 10 days, they plan to complete the harvesting of grain and grain beans, the struggle for the harvest continues darierochka and andrei ivanenko tv news agency. And it is thanks to such heroes that the belarusian karavay adds hourly the figures were shared by the ministry of agriculture and industry as of this morning, the weight, hiding, was 4. 525. 000 tons of grain with rapeseed grain reserve legumes without corn. Buckwheat. Just harvested more than half of the hammer 3 million 617. 000 tons. The harvesting of winter rapeseed is being completed ; more than 320. 000 hectares have been processed for more than 98. 000 milk. As for flax, almost 77 of the area has already been harvested and it covers 33,000 hectares. In the current difficult weather conditions , it is necessary to mobilize all forces for harvesting, this opinion was expressed by the secretary of state of the Security Council taking part in meeting of the grodno region. Executive committee alexander valfovich noted that the staff of the secretariat should not lose time. The Security Council got acquainted with the course of the harvesting in all districts of the grodno region no serious violations were revealed the main efforts of the department of the power block are aimed at helping the fence, first of all, at prevention, fire offenses, preventing injuries, compliance with the requirements of dieters number one, alexander also noted a lot while belarus is fighting for the harvest of our western. Neighbors tend to other battles. Some foreign politicians still think in terms of the cold war with their provocative statements and rash actions. They try every way naked. We can see the situation today, how the implementation of ee solutions is in full swing, which were recently developed at the nato summit in vilnius and some, lets say, politicians and leaders of our neighboring countries are trying to implement these measures ahead of schedule in order to please overseas e to their curators. Poland headed for militarization is in full swing construction, e and the formation of the first Mechanized Division of the polish army , which is armed with the most modern models and money has become spent. It is known that warsaw to deploy 10,000 of its military on the belarusian border, such a statement was made by the minister of defense of the polish regime, while the alleged migration crisis is called the main reason, but such a false rhetoric of warsaw with its military ambitions raises great doubts at the moment the number of howls. Polish 170. 000 people, warsaw has now become the main instrument the antirussian policy of the states stated this in the Russian Ministry of defense announced its intention to build, as the poles claim, the most powerful army on the continent. In this regard, largescale purchases of weapons have begun from the United States of america, great britain, the republic of korea, including tanks, artillery systems, air defense and combat aircraft. In addition, there are plans to create on a regular basis the socalled polish ukrainian formation, allegedly to ensure security for the subsequent occupation of this territory. Taking into account the armed forces of the Eastern European countries have about 30060,000 military personnel, 8,000 armored vehicles, 6,000 artillery systems, mortars, 650 aircraft and helicopters in close proximity to the borders of the union state, the militant nato has stepped up its activities in the eastern direction to the belarusian and russian borders of the troops. Now also whether yours are being transferred to latvia, official riga introduces an enhanced border regime until february next year, and in vilnius it was reported that the baltic republics and poland even developed a plan for a onetime blockade of their lines. Well, in such conditions, belarus is forced to respond adequately. We are progressively introducing the most effective countermeasure algorithms into the practice of our troops. Our military today are learning what can be useful in the event of an aggravation of the situation in the project disposition detailed analysis. On the air, the disposition is gagarin went to the armed forces of germany in the twentysecond year, compared with 21 , the number of reports on dismissal from military service increased by almost five times. Reason for rejection participation in possible hostilities. Ukraine , of course, i mean, not fools, after all, the germans. Well, we are not fools, we dont want to fight, thats why we train the army so that everyone has no desire to come to us with weapons literally over the past year and a half, the troops have radically changed approaches to preparing for the reboot is based not just on the abstract experience of armed conflicts, but taking into account the specific circumstances that, in the worst case scenario, the trainings will have to face. By Development New models of combat are continuously one of the extreme exercises with the commanders of units took place at the gods training ground. Eyes wide open here. Even she is the most subtle nuances. At this meeting we tried and the main motive was to give everything new that we now see from the analysis of the conduct of a special military operation. Today we understand that the world has become digital, the world has become informational, who owns this information, who is faster capable of it, and to process and make decisions on it will always be the winner in military confrontation. More the military focuses on the interaction of various branches of the armed forces, the lack of Mutual Understanding among the commanders multiplies by zero all efforts on the battlefield, coordinated actions, on the contrary, are a lever that allows you to solve a seemingly impossible task. In modern conditions, a tank battalion, as such, does not necessarily fight with subdivisions from mandatory rifle artillery. I have to understand how motobilks howl, how they will storm various fortified areas, how artillery performs its rotten tasks in practice for us today have shown something new for themselves, and in the future, when conducting Company Tactical exercises of various other exercises, they will all apply the reality of modern combat show that they are obliged to command any rank of any category tasks. Another feature of the preparation is the desire to train personnel competently and with minimal losses to act even when the enemy has superior forces to level they are allowed by an engineering barrier, a clearly built system. Fire high mobility worked in small groups, where the platoon. E, as part of the squad, it was able to repel the attack for a long time, with the fact that the military personnel in their groups of up to three people changed positions. You are specially equipped with engineering attitude. Turtle copy. The socalled performed the task of reflection. The attack of the enemy plays an Important Role in the connection of the support unit, unmanned aerial vehicles. Uh, artillery air support, what all this leads to big success. Today, the west is very proud of how it buys military equipment for billions of dollars, and politicians do nothing but repel the threat from the east in their speeches, but there is also a curious trend of recent days, more provocation with supposedly our helicopters on the border had to be from above, to silence warsaw itself, the accusation of allegedly launching missiles from the territory of belarus was quickly refuted, and kiev itself, to which i suppose it already reaches some heads, that it is better to play with fire only verbally and that does not go too far. Fbi agents eliminated criticism of the us president s policy a resident of utah, on the eve of bidens arrival, risked leaving the following entry on social networks. I take out my old camouflage and blow the dust off my sniper rifle. Welcome the chief jester, in response to a remark in the spirit of american westerns , the Police Rushed to the resident with a search and arrest, but they did not figure it out, but simply shot him on the spot. The fbi did not even consider it necessary to reveal the circumstances of the massacre of a us citizen. Beware the wasps are attacking this season their population has greatly increased due to the dry hot weather that was until midsummer. These are ideal conditions for the reproduction of these dangerous insects. Now wasps are causing problems for beekeepers, stealing healing for nectar from hives. And even destroying entire bee families, specialists fight against attacks with the help of special traps to avoid encounters with wasps, and a person should. I tsvetkov understood this acute topic open the headlight to change the light bulb. Wasp nest encounters with dangerous insects in the most unexpected places in the social media trends of this summer invasion of lakes in the top viewed videos the number of winged this season causes serious concern among belarusians. What is it . At all . Where are they from . And what do they do there, interfere with normal life and literally seize the territory of the personal plot, wasps set their own rules on summer cottages or on pita bread , they cannot work quietly in the garden. The hostess tells at first several nests appeared. There are a lot of wasps under the roof of the house. And like never before in 30 years. This is the first time i see such a number of os on the plots, either because that there were a lot of cherries, or for some other reason, then a woman discovered a huge settlement in the ground in the beds, and after the wasps they chose fruit trees and began to create colonies. Right in the fruit. The husband decided to rent this apple to the children. This is herself, when he took it off he was, but generally good. Eh, everything, the apple was brought out from the inside and there was, but a strong nest. They have become more aggressive. The granddaughter was walking right along, they bit her, and they had to use, uh, antiallergic drugs. When bitten, the wasp uses its powerful jaws and a sting, unlike the bee sting of a sting, it is smooth and even, it is intended not only for defense, but also for attack, therefore, when it injects its rather toxic poison into the blood, the consequences of this bite can be completely different doctors prevent bites. Wasps can cause an allergic reaction and lead to Serious Health complications, so there are a number of rules. How to act after an unpleasant meeting with a dangerous insect should be looked at instead of a bite. If its eyelids or sauces will be stronger. Swelling redness, maybe itching. If there is a bite, suddenly a sting remains, although this usually does not happen. We must try to extract it. After it has been removed, it is necessary to treat the wound of the antiseptic to the victim himself. Uh, advice to drink more in the face climb. They crawl on their hands. Look, theyre climbing into the house. Look how many people climb into the house from attacks sharply gives not only the townspeople and residents of private farmsteads, insects cause problems and beekeepers steal honey from hives. And one more. A swarm of wasps can easily destroy a whole bee, and not just on the frame of things, yes going to the frames, and at that time the wasps fly into the hive unhindered and climb into the extreme frames, uh, steal nectar. That is, if the a family is weak, then the wasp family , roughly speaking, can simply cut down e completely destroy the weak families, destroy and pull these bees. Uh, its just that in the larvae , scientists claim that the reason for such a revelry of the population was hot, arid. The first half of summer, lack of precipitation and high temperatures, ideal conditions for the reproduction of these insects, if during the summer, especially during july. And especially august has a large number of sunny days, warm weather. They are expanding their families. E is several times the typical level of e in terms of numbers and therefore there are more of them to fight the beekeepers wasps, they use special traps that are attractive to wasps. Food is mixed with senseptics in household plots to eliminate wasp colonies. You can do it yourself the ministry of emergency situations advises to do this after sunset, when the activity of insects is the weakest Chemical Treatment with special means, perform a protective clothes nest, it is necessary to destroy the wasps then the wasps will not return back, the annoying and dangerous neighbors of a person will disappear only when the average daily air temperature drops below 10 , ahead, according to weather forecasts , its hot, so you shouldnt lose vigilance, especially during trips to nature, or im tsvetkov and grigory khristafovich news agency. But the current weather conditions also affect the successful adaptation of heatloving plants in belarus. For us , belarusian watermelons and highyielding blueberries and super early varieties are already normal apples, a successful experiment is also being carried out by scientists from the Zonal Institute of plant growing. In shchuchin , exotic fruits and berries are grown here on an industrial scale. Yuri kornilovich saw all this and, of course, tried it. The characteristic pattern of the fruit is glossy paint e, also the tendrils of the shoulder blade have already dried ripe belarusian watermelon already in early august. Let them be grown in greenhouse conditions, and a few years ago it was hard to believe, says a researcher at the institute of plant growing. Marina rulinskaya, but this year scientists from shchuchino conducted experiments in april in closed ground planted five varieties of sweet berries, after adapting the plants to our climatic conditions. 80 of our plants are plants grafted onto a french pumpkin. Why is this being done so that our watermelon is a striped berry that is resistant to temperature changes, has been successfully growing on the fields of the institute for the third year already. The experiment with the greenhouse allowed to reduce the ripening time by exactly one month. At the same time, the yield has increased significantly from 500 m² , it is planned to take up to 5 tons of watermelons here. At the same time, according to the taste of the belarusian berry is not inferior to the asian one, it is clear that the color is scarlet. Based on the taste qualities, the taste qualities are amazing, sweet, juicy, fragrant, everything that, in principle, is what we need. But shchuchin scientists harvest blueberries throughout the summer, Soil Preparation , processing strictly according to the Technology Developed at the institute. As a result, during the season , more than 2. T, blueberries are harvested from plots of three hectares, because it contains oxidants. It contains a lot of vitamins and is consumed. I already desired of course, fresh. Thats because at the moment the most soughtafter berries. And also our own cherry plum. And strawberries. And, of course, i apples are one of the areas of gardening. Super early variety. The first harvest was received here at the end of july. This is a good example of import substitution, we feed, we start caring for the garden somewhere in december. We start pruning the garden goes all winter and until spring there is a lot of work, night time, because when its hot who fungicidal treatment of top dressing ineffective apples are immediately sent to the Distribution Network and here it is important to preserve the marketable appearance of the fruit sophia lipskaya has already been harvested, season 5, she says that all varieties of fruit per day can be harvested by one person up to 600 kg. First we take gently turn up. We press it to snap off and then we carefully put it in a bucket, we dont leave the cart, and were a bucket and neatly, then we pour the traditionally low yield into boxes near early apples, but in shchuchin more than 20 tons are harvested per hectare, early varieties of apples ripen gradually for harvesting is a big plus. For example with one tree. You can harvest the fruits daily for three weeks. The harvest season at the institute of plant growing will last several months. At the approach of the stone fruit crop, watermelons will ripen by the end of august. In the open field, late apples will be harvested in october yuriy kornilovich viktor tanka dash news agency. Today in belarus , the preliminary results of the entrance campaign were summed up , passing scores in Higher Education institutions increased by about 1520. 10 people enrolled in specialties of International Law at bsu, the passing score was 398 in second place. Specialty dentistry vitebsk honey. University on the third Software Engineering in bntu more

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