Hello, we welcome everyone who is with us now, we say kiev, we mean washington, so if you want to understand what will happen on ukraine tomorrow, look what is happening in the usa today. And the following happens the us house of representatives approved a government funding project for 45 days, which does not include assistance to ukraine. At the same time , speaker Kevin Mccarthy said that americas own interests are more important to him than providing ukraine with additional assistance, including weapons. After which biden said his word and promised us allies and kiev that support would not stop. And so it comes. German spiegel writes ukraine has dropped several positions on the list of priorities washington. It may happen that kiev will soon have to think about a strategy for exiting the conflict. Here is the quote without a clear victory over russia. Andrey evgenievich, what do you think the west is encrypting in such an interesting formation to get out of the conflict without a clear victory over russia . They are trying to carry out another conspiracy in order to once again deceive and cheat the russians. Federation in order to solve their internal political problems. All scandals in the United States of america today, including scandals with the help of ukraine, are tied to Upcoming Elections in the United States, a real battle unfolded, this unfortunate speaker was removed from office for the first time in us history for allegedly secret agreements with biden and precisely for the alleged secret agreement regarding. Ukraine, bypassing the american budget, that is, bypassing control and the house of representatives of taxpayers. Therefore, any current events, no matter where we are in the world, even the polish elections, are still an echo of the american elections, i mean the collective west. Russia, on the other hand , has a window of opportunity when it can resolve this painful ukrainian issue on a short or medium track before the american elections, because i do not believe in the statements of the United States of america that they will now take half a step back in supporting ukraine, in financing their militaristic campaign in europe, or in asia and will shift the entire burden of financing onto the European Union, firstly, the European Union is not ready for this, it has its own problems, it has become such a cash cow for the United States and china, and secondly, well, if washington reduces or stops funding for ukraine, this immediately demoralizes all those soros or European Union members who rely specifically on washington, viktor aleksandrovich, from a Military Point of view, this is a form of exit from the conflict of an implicit victory over russia, this is what can happen, well, at the present moment, this may be a freezing of this conflict along the line from military contact now, but i also agree with my colleague, that is, in no case should we delude ourselves that this is the beginning of the end, in no case is americas policy will change in relation to this military conflict, while there are still a lot of sources of funding in america, besides the budget , well, for example, there is the military budget of the pentagon, that is, it amounts to more than billions of dollars, respectively, during this period there is a fortyfive day period until they resolve their political. Then at this moment, that is, they can directly finance this conflict because of this source, well , naturally, in order to move on to peace negotiations. Negotiation, that is, we must to see dominance, that is, at the front or such results that would lead one of the parties to directly request peace negotiations, but now, unfortunately, the prerequisites are not visible, let the military experts correct me, but what the American Military says experts, the problem with this fortyfiveday deferred funding is that it financed the production of longcycle weapons, you need to understand that abrams are not made in 45 days, all militaryindustrial corporations are sitting on american budget and any cessation, even for a few weeks, breaks the chain of production of new weapons, and first of all, that is, they cut off funding for themselves, not for ukraine, that is, they finance their industry so that it supplies weapons and military equipment directly to this conflict , that is, they will not cut off their own money, alexander, they agree that this is nothing more than flirting with their voters before the elections in the United States. Yes, i agree with my colleagues that there is a big role here the Upcoming Elections of the year 24 in the United States are playing, preparations for them have already begun. But i would probably like to highlight a few more points. The first is that i am sure that military analysts brought information to the table of the us senior Political Leadership that the situation is not developing as planned. What does this mean . This means that your reputation is at risk. After all, everyone understands perfectly well that there is a war with nato, the reputation of the entire weapons system is at risk, produced by nato, in particular american weapons manufacturers, and this jeopardizes future orders, future windfall profits from this industry, in short, a zukswang situation arises, like in chess, yes, that is, any move is bad, continuing is bad, not continuing, this means recognizing russia as the winner. I think a pause has been taken to rethink. And the americans, in general the anglosaxons in general, are masters of asymmetrical responses. I am sure that they understand that there will be no victory on the battlefield. It seems to me that they will now look for other ways. One of them this is armenia, and the blow is from the southern underbelly. The second is an attempt to shake up the political elite as a whole, the situation in russia, understanding that it cannot be taken from the outside, which means it must be destroyed. From the inside, we dont have much time, but we could also remember the chinese factor, because it is also always present in these scenarios, now to throw all our strength here to exhaust ourselves, resources in the russian direction, thereby allowing china to strengthen, finally strengthen, america too cant, that means we need to work in that direction, this whole complex facts, it needs to be brought together, i think this is exactly what is being worked on now. Yeah, pyotr sergeevich, what do you think . Here i would look at one important factor, one track of relations between kiev and washington in the last 2 months. This is the first requirement from washington to start reforms, starting with reforms, anticorruption matters, and all further assistance. The second track, even the Us Democratic party, which proposed a corresponding budget for assistance to ukraine, compared to 2023, for 2024 , reduced its proposals by half, as at least, that is, a, the United States of america is not even planning any offensive actions next year, they benefit from a freeze, at least temporarily, so that this is not heard in the election campaign, b, they are bargaining with kiev and want to bend kiev in order to in order to carry out certain reforms, to take control strategically. Levers, strategic sectors of property, as for technology, well, lets be blunt, the kiev regime was not given the latest technology, there are many facts that it is simply they sent junk, which is then now being repaired in poland, they are trying to get something done, and they dont accept it, that is, and the rearmament is taking place in nato countries, and not in the kiev regime, so here, the entire western , entire western militaryindustrial complex has been uncovered, at least, as samnato admits, the pace of its uncovering lags much further behind russia , here is pyotr sergeevich, look, one more thing, well, i probably wanted to say, first the process, and then, probably, the right word is to choose the presentation, and you will now understand why, in kiev a meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the eu countries took place, for the first time like this they are meeting outside the eu, here are a few quotes, the head of diplomacy barel calls this meeting from the head of ukraine kuleba the meaning of this message is that ukraine is becoming a member of the eu. Berbo head of midgermania the European Union will soon extend from lisbon. To lugansk, this is throwing dust in the eyes of no one, first of all, their voters, why, because they used so much effort, information resources in promoting ukraine, as such, political technologies, to mobilize their own voters around them, and now it turns out that there is no ukraine in nato, ukraines assistance is decreasing and even more. Even 12 billion in European Union aid has been frozen due to hungarys position, forces are gradually coming in that perceive the ukrainian case critically or pragmatically, and what remains to be done, all that remains to be done is to take such political technological steps, there is a lot of information stuffing, but there is little sense, i understand correctly, that the main idea behind this veil is to hide. That now the European Union looks back at the goahead from the ocean and says that we wont give money yet, but you are sitting there in kiev, visualize yourself as europeans, it could happen there in 20, 30, 100 years, this is generally the task, in fact, so that this track of public opinion, which now, after the failure of the counteroffensive in ukraine, exists, in the west in including in ukraine, and this is a drop in support that the country is moving in the right direction to 60 , i remind you that a year ago there was more than 80 of such propaganda at all, these are official sociological data, we do not touch unofficial sociology, then we need somehow in a way without real results at the front, keep around the support of kiev, mobilization within the ukrainian society, and around the support of the elites of the west, such propaganda, that is, it turns out with coffins, but in the European Union, does it work for the ukrainians . Unfortunately, this works for the public consciousness and it is impossible to downplay the factor of such an ideological shakeup, the creation of such permanent information bubbles, it works, otherwise it would not be done, it works for the inflamed ukrainian society, it works for the image and the reputation of those very European Union politicians who. Without these soap bubbles are nothing of themselves, they are ruining the economy of the European Union, and the locomotives of the European Union, there italy, france, germany, the netherlands, those countries that have invested in the European Union and date this project, and not showing it to your voters , will mean that the precedent, i absolutely agree with peter, in slovakia with the arrival of fitz and the eurosceptic, it will just be like dominoes will fall down those regimes, who have pledged and repledged for the war in ukraine, they cannot say this, aleksandrovich, thats really why im talking about whether this really works, well , its clear that when you work in the media field, you understand that you cant underestimate those means that are used today to lead the masses in the right direction and now it is much easier to do this than it was to do about 100 years ago, and then we remember what. Reznikova, who was wise to buy a fork on the canals of his daughter , gave a wedding there for 7 million euros, and journalists considered that it was necessary to save 300 years from his salary for this, thats when , and this is an important factor, this is an important factor, internal understanding, ordinary ukrainians will understand that at the moment they are being destroyed not by strangers, but by their own. Is this how you look at it . Well, i would like to slightly develop the idea that my colleagues expressed a few minutes ago, that propaganda really works, taking into account the fact that it was built at all age levels, worked from kindergarten to elderly people, then its effectiveness turned out to be, well, colossal, for me in particular , for example, the mystery is the phenomenon of meat assaults, when. In completely unprepared military conditions , units are sent to certain death, there through minefields, well, without proper support, Armored Vehicles and so on, this is certain death, and well, once, well, another, but this has already been going on for months, and those units of ukrainian soldiers who are sent there, well, they may be talking internally there, but at least not riots, there are no such refusals, or or if they exist, at a minimum , this is really very interesting, well, here the word interest is of course not entirely applicable, its a terrible and such a sociopsychological phenomenon, as for the political elite of ukraine, for me its just clear as day, that these are people absolutely alien to everything that is deeply significant for ukraine, its future, its real culture, history and so on, they are not even just puppets, they are external managers, so i dont know how it is in the colonial empires, were. well, if you remember the fascist fascists, some kind of gouleiters in the localities, this seems to me earlier than the raping of satraps, look, when we talk about who our neighbors are dying for, this is a very significant moment in the opinion of american senator linzi graham , this is not a freak, we often hear his crazy statements, but very serious elites are compressed around him today, so we have to listen to him, and so he says that not a single american soldier has died in ukraine yet, a that means. These are the best dollars america has spent since world war ii. Lets listen. This is what we got for our investment. We did not lose a single american soldier. We have reduced the combat power of the russian army by 50 . And not one of us died in the process. This is the best america could do. You said before that this was the best money weve ever spent. Is this still true . Since we helped churchill fight the nazis. What you said, it seems to me, but Pay Attention attention, cynicism, standing on the streets of kiev, they talk about this, absolutely right, they dont even hesitate to do it while in kiev, but returning to the former minister of defense of ukraine, well, i will once again express my idea that this is another goulater, who fulfilled his function and was allowed to leave the colony, everyone else is waiting for their time, and how do you look like a military man at how neighbors are really being destroyed, well, there is no smell of military science at all in what they are doing, well, yes, by essentially, you are right, but if you look, that is, there are fundamental principles, yes, that in order to unite society, it is necessary to find an external enemy, but here it is clear, that is, it is clear to every ukrainian, ukraine, very smart, educated people live in ukraine people, that is, this is a very highly educated nation, it clearly understands, yes, that they are going to destroy themselves, well, such contradictions, that is, occur, and we are now naturally, that is, thinking that there should be a new maidan in order demolish, that is this government, which is fighting russia, is directly destroying ukrainians, but we must remember that the political strategists who are involved in color revolutions are in the west, well, the west, naturally, is in no way beneficial for this maidan to happen, that is at the moment, because zelsky. And his government, it is controlled in the present , well, today, today it is controlled, thats why we dont see these storms, we dont see these protests, because in order for these protests to happen , that is, it should there should be a certain control influence, only the average person thinks that hundreds of thousands of people, that is, can have one thought at the same time in order to go to the square at one specific time, no, it works completely, completely wrong. Well, regarding the conduct of hostilities, yes, of course, this is, in general, a disaster, and at the same time i would like to say that here is the senator who expressed, that is, he said both one lie and another lie, that he caused losses 50 , that is, the army of the Russian Federation lost its its combat power, but this is completely untrue, why, because the army of the Russian Federation, it is a million or a little more, and there are about 300200,000 people fighting there, that is, as they officially say. Faces of the Russian Federation, but in the meantime, look, and secondly, yes, that is, that the american soldier did not die, that is, again , if we remember, yes, when these mines, that is, why were they not bombed there like bombs, they did not use such weapons in order to smoke them out directly from there, because there were american soldiers, if they were there, it means they definitely died, regarding. Maidan , it is politically impossible to hold a maidan under the conditions of the terrorist nazi regime, it is simply impossible. And Pay Attention to all the coups detat that happened in our postsoviet space, the new power that came with the bayonets of the maidan, seized this power, it immediately produced such a terrorist despotic regime in their country, that is, they walked like liberals in the wake of the maidan or on. In the wave of the coup detat, but immediately became worse dictators than any previous government. Maidan is possible with a weak, dependent and corrupt system, which is dependent. First of all from the west, the only exception, let my colleagues correct me, but this is kyrgyzstan, where at least three such waves of not entirely constitutional seizure of power took place, and each subsequent one turned out to be weaker than the previous one, meanwhile, not everything works out for them , they understand that they are stalling this ukrainian trend, ukraine is being drained on all fronts when duda calls the country an ally drowned, this is not an accident, the true relationship is the mood in the west. Attached to the most influential French Building lemt. Ukraine is very dependent on the west, they write, and this reduces trust in it among the countries of the global south, so thats what theyre thinking about. All zelenskys leaders have not convinced them to take the side of kiev, instead of his victory, growing markets demand an end to the costly conflict provoked by the west, that is, they understand in the west that they will no longer leave like this, that is, the cancel culture has worked out, that is, this technology has been postponed , you need to think about what will happen. Next, and britain, heres another interesting thing, we see that this is a very interesting step, forward, and two back, first the guardian declares that the British Military will go to ukraine, the new British Defense minister grant schabs said, that he held negotiations with army leaders, the deployment of british troops on the territory of ukraine, the british should take part in Training Programs at the ssu, and then british Prime Minister sunok suddenly declares that british soldiers will not be sent to participate in the conflict in ukraine. Thats what could this be . All this is a test of public opinion, in my opinion, because in western structures political strategists are always very strong and they just dont make any statements, they look at how society influences all this, moreover, the british are preparing for elections, where the conservative party, if honestly, the ratings are not that good anymore, moreover, if we look at the results. Their economy is the largest in 50 years, in my opinion, even after the second world war, the largest inflation, yes, the devaluation of the pound sterling occurred, then there is an economic volatility for britain unprecedented in the postwar period, the soldiers will not go, but we understood that the british are present there, they are present, but the main bargaining here is where they will instruct, why instruct on the territory. Where your instructors can be at risk, you can do this in poland, you can do this in romania, which is what they are doing now, in principle, so all these stuffing is just a test of how much the ukrainian case can mobilize British Society today, how shows that it cant do much anymore, well , look at the statements, heres alexander, another one from britain, former defense minister wallis, who believes that ukraine. Here i invite our viewers who have not yet heard this to evaluate the level of cynicism, i will quote the average age of ukrainian soldiers at the front says wallis, over 40 years old, i understand zelskys desire to preserve youth for the future, but the fact is that any pause will allow russia to build a new army, because if translated into human terms, wallis is essentially saying, vladimir, the agreement was until the last ukrainian, what are you doing, well, i fully support you, this is exactly what he meant , as for these disagreements among the british elite, i would express the following thesis, it seems to me that we are somewhat overestimating their unity , assuming that they work as a single whole and if there are any contradictions, then this is so, only for the external consumer, voter, for example, just as the Business Elite within itself is heterogeneous with severe contradictions, ideological, clan, economic and so on, i think that you can see one of the fault lines, this is according to the criterion of hawks and more moderate ones, and i probably dont see at all that there is some part of the elite that would like a really largescale conflict. Between nato and russia in the future, maybe even with the use of nuclear weapons. And they will tell me, well, this is stupid, there are no winners in a nuclear war, but the level of the elite of the west, including the british elite, is such that there are those who are ready for the total destruction of humanity, well, the positions of such people are strong deeply destructive ideologies. Well, besides, there are some calculations that all the same , some regions of the world will remain unaffected, where they, the remaining ones, these chosen ones, will be able to continue their comfortable, environmentally friendly life. How many times after chernobyl the cloud passed over the entire planet, its interesting how they are now alexandrovich is absolutely right when he analyzes the internal conflict of the elites, they are also divided into conservatives, liberals, libertarians, neoliberals, liberal fascists, these statements are mine look, one of the reasons for the appearance of such statements, the former. Minister of defense, is an attempt to put pressure on rich sunok , the Prime Minister, who, who you appointed, who was chosen as an intermediate figure, and he is trying to cling to this chair and carry out at least, at least minimal social transformation, because this same statement by rishi sunok , the Prime Minister, was that 300 schools in britain did not open for the school year because they were simply falling apart, or his statement was about, in my opinion, his or. His office, about that the number of free food parcels issued has tripled, because the british do not have enough money for food, so yes, this military lobby, which directly ties its financial, corrupt wellbeing to the war, is now drowning the young man who is trying to cling to his position as Prime Minister a minister who is very difficult with a lot of financial support, i would like to say that i would like to say that i would take this position from this side, well, from this side, that is, well, this is just a lab, that is, just a lab of the minister of defense, even if you look at his biography, that is he has nothing to do with the military, that is, he is a professional politician, before that he was the minister of transport, well, he did the wrong thing, that is, for him there is no difference, that is, the troops are there, the instructors are there or whatever is there in ukraine, well that there are american, excuse me, British Military, that is, in ukraine there is no doubt why, because they do not use hightech weapons, they need to be controlled, that is, this requires highly qualified specialists, and the operations that they carried out, that is in crimean bridge, for example, that is, well, with the help of underwater drones and strikes, that is, well, naturally, a trace is visible here, that is, great britain, well, i just wanted to score political points, that is , the minister of defense directly, and the Prime Minister corrected him a little, i corrected why, because there is a clear message in the Information Campaign that we are not. Fighting with russia , that is, nato is not fighting, no matter what happens, it is already clear that it is, they are, as it were, fighting, they are already saying , no, they clearly refuse this and they say, we are in confrontation, that is, we are not entering into, well, lets go to one more of our neighbors, poland, the closer the elections are on october 15, the higher the degree of provocation, warsaw again violates the airspace of belarus, again helicopters were sent to the Foreign Ministry ; martinov and tsekhovsky, last time they somehow referred to the pilots inexperience, but this time. We have an expert on polish issues and affairs, but its very difficult to call this anything other than such an outright provocation, or Something Else one the mediocrity at the helm flew into our territory, this is not mediocrity, this is a targeted informational and psychological provocation, the purpose of this provocation is to form a reminder to the citizens of poland who the enemy is and that they need to unite around the ruling party, ill just show you the end of may, the beginning of june, rating equity rights about 30 . It is clear that with such a rating, it is impossible to maintain a oneparty government and even enter into a coalition with someone; with someone who might want to do what they do, we we remember, they are starting to pump up the image of the enemy, that belarus will capture the suwalki corridor there, they are starting to move a huge number of troops there, up to 10, to our borders, then the wagner pmc track, that they are supposedly planning some kind of special operation in the warsaw area, they pumped everyone up with this, i i want to say that peaces political strategists are very, very subtle, the result is that 40 were pumped up by the end of august, fear sells, fear sells better because there is nothing to sell, minus 2. 5 of gdp last year, this year zero, 18. 6 inflation last year 13. 4 this year, that is only a negative track, but at the same time, look, helicopters are flying over them, and the local military, which means their reaction is impressive, they say they are calling for caution and prudence regarding minsks statements, since they are provocative absolutely right, they are selling their own population what it is informational and psychological provocation from the belarusian side, that is, you are on helicopters on our territory, and we are saying that now such provocations will intensify, their number will increase, why, because after visa scandal 40 rating peace again fell to 32 , until we see. That in these remaining one and a half weeks, in fact, there may be some kind of change in this trend, that is, pumping it up to 40, especially since they still cant get it to 45 , there is a problem here on the polish side, i agree in many respects with peter, that chauvinistic, aggressive propaganda that we talked about, it cannot go downwards, it always goes up. These fears, horrors, secret skeletons, operations, but it is impossible, to lead to lower degrees, hence, of course, such provocations, take, by the way, covid, first tens of thousands of people who got sick, died, then hundreds of thousands, then millions, this is creating hysteria that everyone will die, everyone will die, but sooner or later the polish elections will probably end it is in the interests of belarus that they end in a serious confrontation and repeated elections, because neither one, nor the second party, nor peace, nor the philistine platform, they are not our friends, not allies, and come out with belarusianphobic events, therefore, unfortunately, the belarusian, im here simply appealing to the Belarusian Military, so that, of course, they can withstand their nerves, look at all these provocations, track them and react so calmly and seriously that , in my opinion, according to the logic of pumping up information, provocation, there must be a climax, that is, the Belarusian Military lost their nerve, landed this helicopter, shot it down, jammed it, or did Something Else, that s the point, it could practically be an incident, but absolutely, how our wars look at it, of course, that is, to poland now unprecedented militarization and the ruling party, which is now in power, could solve a huge number of social programs for this money, and now during the election period, naturally, opponents will use this for this, they commit these provocations in order to justify their expenses, now huge expenses directly on the armed forces, thats what i wanted to say, to say that we didnt miss a single case, that is , the present moment, if we saw, that is, we could influence, but we dont push, as my colleague says, we clearly understand the situation that is happening, uh, we are working through diplomatic channels, well, from the Military Point of view, that is, we constantly see reconnaissance, unmanned aerial vehicles, Reconnaissance Aircraft that fly along the borders , that is, about six, naturally, this is not only a political action, but it is also a military action from the point of view of verification, that is, our readiness to open, that is, our counteraction system, that is. This is an act, that is why they take off, they set up reconnaissance planes, they watch how we act directly, we are ready, yes, we are ready, well , when you look like an ordinary person at what is happening, you ask a question, thats why in warsaw they dont learn what is happening on ukraine, we remember how kiev, step by step, tried to step in, touch, went further beyond every red line, why in warsaw alexander think that it will be somehow different with them when they cross that very last line. Well, i would like a few words here is the development of viktor aleksandrovichs thought, he drew attention to the militarization of the polish economy , so to speak, we were taught from school days that the militarization of the economy gives an increase in Economic Development only in the short, well, maybe in the medium term, then the economy overheats to do something about it when it is put on a war footing without a war there can be no further development, for this, by the way, is a very dangerous trend, which is ours. Took a course towards the militarization of its economy and for pumping a huge amount of money into the militaryindustrial sector. And as for your question, why, why is this so . Well, its hard to say, i think a lot of things here can be attributed to this sociopsychological state of the polish political, firstly, they believed in the support of the United States, they see themselves as an outpost of the United States on the european continent, just like afghanistan they are not embarrassed, that chassis racks are essentially a trusted person, that is , the future kes, somehow you know, are being pushed to the periphery, chauvinism, they probably think, that they are higher than the elites of afghanistan, so i will be with him, a member of nato, this means a lot , in this way, they believed in the support of the United States, secondly, the polish political culture, with its chauvinism, great power, it is reproduced through a generation, and we cannot underestimate these, as they say, patterns, well, that is, to put it simply, these attitudes that the polish political elite has , thirdly, well, we must. Be objective, the power is great, if we say about military power, therefore they assume that even if things go to the extreme, to the point of crossing these red lines, they have good chances, and this also encourages them, in their political movement, we will continue in a couple of minutes, stay with us, we continue, from ukraine to slovakia , where in the last elections the party of death, the former, came to power. Known for his firm and independent position and promises to stop aid to the kiev regime. His first statement after the victory said that now slovakia has more important problems than ukraine. And heres how they say, Pay Attention to the screen, the west is wasting its own values. So, the publication of a politician, which he calls the mouthpiece of an american politician, that is, what is on the mind of the white house is on the politicians front page. So, based on the results of the victory, the fitz party writes that they believe in the usa. Brussels will find a way to twist the arms of the daring authorities of bratislava like this , even if it resists the combined pressure of europe and the United States and ends up helping zelsky, there will be no loss, because all the worthwhile weapons from the arsenal in bratislava have already been sent to the Eastern Front by the current government of slovakia, end. Such a patronizing, such a hypocritical, lying attitude towards the sovereign politics of the European Union from the United States and by the way the same brussels, very democratic and such a serious title as politics is written, to twist the arms of the bratislava authorities, well, look, now they are not twisting the arms of hungary and orban when they freeze. That money, a significant part of which was earned by hungary itself, was transferred to the European Union budget, they are simply waiting for it back under these programs, they are frozen their money is in brussels on farfetched pretexts, but there is bad news here both for the americans and for brussels, for this European Union nomenklatura, the elite, there will be more precedents such as slovakia and hungary, i just looked at the regional local results. Germany is gaining 1517 in those regions where they had zero, that is, they were not there at all and there was no political culture, to perceive the voice of the third german force means that the positions of the socalled eurosceptics are actually simple people who are pragmatic, new Political Forces will grow throughout europe, take france, marine lepine, take the strengthening of leftist sentiment. Europe, so this is a bad call, fitz is just the first bad call, ill just illustrate your words, indeed, while some are worried about our unity regarding the ukrainian issue within the European Union, there are other forces that you said, for example, ill add , the leader of the french Patriot Party florian philippa commented on fitzs victory we need as many governments as possible that speak out against military support for kiev , they are critical of the European Union and nato. And of course orban on his page in x, a former twitter wrote guess whos back, its always nice to Work Together with patriots, im looking forward to it, that is , its really the time of charismatics, the time of charismatics, the time of nationally oriented sovereign politicians, the European Union is coming yet will be able to hold out for some time on intimidation with bayonets, on its funds, but if we press this issue, very many nations in the European Union, like the british or. The greeks may think why do we need to transfer part of our National Wealth to this brussels nomenklatura, which no one has ever elected, why do we need it at all . Yeah, but i would disagree a little here, why, because we see that the democrats themselves in the United States, in order to overcome the shutdown, are ready to freeze aid to ukraine, but why dont they just give the benefit now to their trend, really financial. There are fiscal, bureaucratic instruments, there is pressure on it, this is the European Union, we see it, yes, but the European Union itself, hungary , froze 12 billion in aid to ukraine, yes, that is, what is the trend . For a temporary, at least freezing of the conflict for regrouping, because the counteroffensive failed, it is necessary to hold beautiful elections in the United States of america, and under this trend, forget about the ukrainian case under the guise of pragmatic politicians, the same barebox can even repaint itself, if it is smart enough, yes, that is, at this moment, but the trend itself that ukraine is moving to the status of no longer a priority line of news, second, third, and somewhere further away, so that in the end it will be merged like afghanistan, after a certain number of years, which no one even in the usa remembers anymore, yes, although so much money has been spent, it is possible, flirting is quite possible, im here too ill argue with peter, hell argue with me, and flirting is possible, but this flirting could end with Donald Trumps victory in the elections, and if a nationally oriented charismatic man comes to the states, focused on the new american empire, america first, yes, maga will come, then thats it European Union, european leaders who advocate the sovereignization of politics will suddenly find themselves in a trend, that is, they will not turn out to be temporary figures who are beneficial to the party, they will turn out to be a new. Global trend, but he has already come to power, we must not forget, i will support andrei evgenievich, it seems to me that he very clearly distinguished two things on the one hand, a trend that is gaining strength, strength, namely the trend of euroscepticism and the arrival of nationally oriented politicians, but so far these are only its first swallows, the first timid steps, it is absolutely possible that both fitz and orban will actually twist their arms, as said , because there are resources for this, but it is important that it begins to break through and break through with a noticeable imperiousness, here we are not yet we remembered Aleksandar Vucic from serbia, who, by the way, also , although cautiously and aware that any wrong step could end badly for him and for the country, nevertheless declares the same position on the sovereign interests of serbia. Erdogans victory as a bright bell, this is a euroasian state, it also influences politics within the European Union. I wanted to say that this is probably a separate topic here, to develop it, but as i see, one of the reasons for this process is the fallacy of building the European Union, where there is an old europe, a new europe, where there are leaders and there are those who should obey more or less unquestioningly, and when the time has come for difficulties, and difficulties must always be overcome together, it turns out that they dont want to do it together, well, thats why i think that these processes will gain momentum, and in a few years they may become irreversible. Even then no one, neither the usa nor brussels, will be able to stop them, well, look, next year we have a special year, elections in a number of states, very large important usa, russia, ukraine, unless, of course, they cancel it in their own country, by the way, here many people have an additional reason to root for trump; judging by these shots, they would find a common language with lukashenko. Here you go. Trump in the field, trump and the combine, trying to imitate, follow in the footsteps belarusian president , such comments are already appearing, but now, seriously, we of course understand that these significant landmark elections next year will definitely create such colossal turbulence, in which the whole world, including us , will be involved in one way or another. How can we prepare, how can we best get through this period . Viktor alexandrovich, what do you think . You need to get information from the right sources, analyze it, not give in to provocations, that is, well, cut it off correctly, here, well, the only thing that is culture, the culture of working with information, that is, it must be pursued, well , naturally, clearly understood, still understood for yourself. That the future of the entire country depends on each of us, that is, on each person, on each citizen, on his position, on his statement, that is, we understand that a transformation is taking place, last week, when the president held the Award Ceremony credentials, by the way, this also says a lot about what it looks like today isolation in the world, in this case we put the word isolation in quotation marks quite consciously and rightly so, he gave such parting words. And conveying the message , including through these diplomatic channels, who is the republic of belarus today, lets listen to this fragment, and then continue to think about what the time requires of us today. You are embarking on your mission in a very difficult period; today the whole world is on the difficult path of forming a new structure of international relations, which is steadily moving towards multipolarity, a process irreversible, no matter how much someone would like it otherwise. Now a new world is being built, in my opinion a fairer and more reasonable order of interaction for everyone. And not elected states on the principles of respect and partnership. Belarus, which has experienced many upheavals and has repeatedly become a theater of military operations, has learned the lessons of history well. Our main task is to prevent a new world war. Minsk has constantly pursued a very responsible foreign policy. Never in history have we extended our jurisdiction beyond. Here such a message, this is a logical message, because we are in that extremely geopolitical situation, and in the zone of contact, the conditionally collective west and the collective east, it is fundamentally important for us that this real geopolitical confrontation in our zone on our territory does not turn into hot military confrontation, the second point, we discussed the question here, what should we do with the president ial elections in the United States, their turbulence, it seems to me that the turbulence of the United States, this window, is expanding the window opportunities for us, our task is precisely to work for the consolidation of this collective east for the formation of institutions of the international multipolar world, brix, sco, the eurasian economic union, strengthening these institutions, here we have submitted an application to the sho. Already here now we will be accepted into brix, into others , some african structures there, we need to strengthen our presence there as quickly as possible, diversify our economy and no overturbulence in the United States of america, and we must understand that when we arrive trumps policy will not change much, we should not delude ourselves here, we must be prepared for this, the world will not. Will never be unipolar again, this is our main slogan, multipolarity is the key to peace, yeah, well, i would still appeal here to our internal policy, it seems to me that it will now be no less important than the external contour of our environment, despite the fact that there is a war on our borders, here, if we take school terminology, homework, if we take university terminology, then we will do selfstudy lessons. Look what has already been done, constitutional reform, we have a new basic law of the country, which is designed to move forward, for at least 1520 years, a party structure, probably for the first time in the history of sovereign belarus, we have all these paper and cardboard tigers gone from the political board, all these soap bubbles , which were inflated by western grants before the elections, there were four Political Party structures left , which for the most part reflect. The entire spectrum of political opinions from left to right with a powerful center in the form of white russia, public associations, colossal work was carried out precisely in the sector of patriotic civil society, which, again, is not tied to grants, handouts from outside, but acts on the basis of internal national interests, and here, probably, the most striking acquisition is the colossal explosive growth of the belarusian womens union, because this is another a pillar that was really lacking in our country, therefore, when the president discussed the upcoming Political Campaign with Natalya Ivanovna kachanova, he said that all the institutions of belarusian statehood, and these parties, civil society, and the current acting parliamentary and senatorial corps, and society itself, and its political culture, must invest in calm, fair, Transparent Elections that will provide us with just. That very necessary internal stability, thanks to which we will be able to withstand this global unfriendly environment , and despite the fact that tremendous work has been done and is being carried out, i think you will agree that this high level of vigilance and proactivity will help us is necessary in order to understand our same rivals and enemies, even those who are located there at the same addresses in washington, london and so on, that is, they are the custodians of that very different vision of the world, which is different from ours. They will continue to take steps to shake up the internal situation , aleksandrovich said this in relation to russia, we also need to remember, next year in a year, and we understand that this tension with ukraine and poland can now also follow the line split within, our viewers also need to be vigilant, any citizen. Belarusianpole, because when a belarusian with polish roots can carry out a split along this line and will do so for sure, he is an orthodox catholic, and we know how everything is with us. There is also a catholicorthodox in the same family, so we cannot allow this split to take place in our families, in this regard, what are the challenges before us, how to overcome aleksanchikh in the best way, summing up our conclusion by talking, i will support antrei evgenievich that the republic belarus has reached high level of sovereignization and it is very important that in recent years, decades , we have done this systematically, now, well, in popular parlance, this cannot be done, it would be a high level of Economic Development, a high degree of selfsufficiency, economy, provision of technologies, our own technologies, the right geopolitical choice, namely the union of russia and a single. Economic space, military support, full understanding of political issues that we have achieved recently, and i think that now here we must already increase, well, in philosophical terms, quantity, quality is ready, institutions exist, processes have been launched, we need to strengthen them, which from my point of view is important, ideological unity is important, now we must be frank, despite the fact that everyone swears to loyalty to the belarusian people, the state and the president , in fact there are disagreements that are not always constructive in the medium and long term, so we need to discard all those flirtations that we had before with ideas litvinism, with the ideas of some kind of european identity, weak states, is absolutely correct. These ideas of human rights, theres even something to be said here, because it is necessary to place emphasis very clearly, human rights are the most important dimension of any generally legal civilized state of the law, a civilized society, but when these human rights become an obstacle to the implementation by the state their functions, fulfilling their responsibilities to protect national interests, here we need to look for balances, in short, here you can do a lot about what can i say, but it is important that there is. This ideological unity and a clear understanding by the country, society, of the Development Goals of the tasks that we must solve together, yes, this is development from my colleague, i want to say that under the leadership of the council the National Security of the republic of belarus has carried out, work has been carried out directly to rework the concept of National Security, and now the doctrine is being reworked at the general staff. Military security of the republic of belarus, a number of laws on the armed forces, on defense, and this is all aimed at preserving direct unity in society , in order to take into account those moments that occurred in 2020, that is, those that were negatively manifested directly against our society, against our state, including precisely patriotic education. Society, this is the basis of the foundations, that is, it comes from the constitution, from the fact that the constitution encourages us to the fact that we must preserve our traditional values, while we must directly protect them traditional values, thats why a whole system is working, a whole system to ensure National Security, now all this is practically work, its completed, that is , we are now waiting for a National Peoples assembly in order to consolidate the set of these. To legalize, not naturally, that is, we are generally ready for any development of events, and it is clear, we also clearly understand that a wedge will be driven not only between a pole and a belarusian, a wedge will be driven there between us, between professions, then there are professionals and so on, that is, they will attack us en masse, that is, it will not be a simple attack, which will be chosen for some specific, but key, key moments, not obvious. Thank you very much for participating in this conversation. Thats all for today. Everything you wanted to know about the greatness of belarusian churches. We planned it in such a way that, after all, if this is the vladyka, you think that this is the future cathedral, it should be really significant, it should be. Eternal, he created man and said that that it is not good for a person to be alone, let us create an assistant for him, corresponding to him, and men and women are different, but at the same time they complement each other. The truth of love, my jumping, strength, and my edges are the foundation. Ill tell you in spiritual and educational projects on the tv channel belarus 24. They are devoted to their own. I feel like im at some level, navat inakkam, so. Watch on the tv channel belarus 24, in each program there are new heroes, we are all united by the fact that we study at the belarusian state medical university, so we all dream of becoming doctors, vkmo is the Belarusian Committee of youth organizations , we unite 35 youth public associations of our country, unpredictable questions, where Andrei Makayonok recommends putting the pill in his comedy, sublingual, sublingual, its as simple as that. Yes, and unexpected answers to them, build a tower, already three elements, three elements, unfortunately, for each wrong answer one element, you can throw something at him again, in general, let it be lore, and this is the wrong answer, let it be lor, thats absolutely wrong answer, watch the intellectual show tower on the belarus 24 tv channel

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