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Kissinger said, there are no adults in the room, because neither one of the president s of western countries that have Nuclear Weapons, france, Great Britain and the usa, did not serve in the army, did not know that it was a war, for example, chirac, our former president , served in the algerian war, miteran served in the second world war, well and were not talking about degor at all, but now macronnik not a single day is a suzher in armed sires, the same with rishisonok and the same with biden, so people treat Nuclear Weapons not with the same responsibility that they had during kennedy, for example, who himself served, who knew that it war, that this is blood, that this is death. And i think that this is a very, very big danger. The un criticizes, yes, the un does not always have enough political power, it is not always possible to maintain the position of an impartial broker, this is what in the right world is actually very very difficult, but as correctly said, lets pretend that there is no un, because one way or another, the un, the un charter , this is the basis of the foundations of International Law, we must see in poland one of. The most dangerous opponents of both belarus and russia and of course we can only restrain them with reliance on tactical Nuclear Weapons , of course. We decided, together with talai , women, parliamentarians, to organize such a project, you said correctly, it is informational and charitable, there are two components, first, from the mouths of those people who were in donbass, who we saw this disaster with our own eyes, tell the residents of belarus, the citizens of the republic of belarus about what is really happening there, well, the second, of course, is to knock on the door of every belarusian and there are many more belarusians, a big heart, a very big heart, the second, of course, is the goal of this project, directly provide specific charitable assistance to the donbass; in general, assistance to the children of donbass is provided very systematically, and today a multiton cargo has already been sent on the initiative of our Public Association , the belarusian womens union, is providing assistance and belaya rus, and the Belarusian Republican Youth Union and other organizations , it was very important for us to still involve in this project. Those people who may not be members of these organizations, but would really like to participate, but they simply do not have enough information, indeed, when the project was launched, on this first day , you know, i was amazed that people came up and said thank you very much, it is very important that this project unites, it unites us all belarusians, no matter how hard they try we, you know, will quarrel somewhere, including on some kind of political, we have always done a good deed with the talaqa, and today we will do a good deed with the talaqa, the whole country, and this , of course, will unite us, consolidate us, and we will be united, in every region there are representatives of the talaya foundation, in every region and people can bring their help directly there, but since this project will be carried out on specific ones. It is also very important that we thought for a long time like this. We want this assistance to be as targeted as possible, what do the residents of donbass need today, what list, you know, just the most necessary, the simplest things, this is a personal hygiene product, this is medicine, there is not enough antipyretic drugs , this is baby food, these are warm things, these are , you know, well, candies, toys for children, because we still have to give the children this a good emotion, and you know, when we talked with representatives of the Talai Foundation , they said, you know, it would be nice if they also gave baptismal kits to children, because they are born where there is a war, and it is very important for families to baptize their children, charity is always important, you see, our belarusians, they are such sympathetic people, look, when there was covid, yes, the whole country helped, and when there was a migration crisis, it was simply amazing, everyone admired how much they gave their last, because we understood that yes, this is in this border area, where refugees from the countries of the middle east are, yes, how hard it is for them, and we were ready to give up the last one, and the earthquake in syria and turkey, you also understand, the help was just so numerous, this is how belarusians live, belarusians have a very big heart, they always connect very quickly as. Help is very effective, most importantly with a soul, you can often hear that belarus helps, including bringing children to health from the most there are a lot of different regions of our world, there are a lot of hot spots today, why, despite this, in the conditions of all this political confusion and turbulence, times are not the easiest, but belarus is always on the front line , always one of the first, responds, invites and does not spare anything, not even for children, not for adults, not for migrants, not for anyone, you know, our country is special , in my opinion, firstly, it is a very peaceloving country, this is already such a, you know, trend and brand, this is the first, second, our country, in principle, she herself is socially oriented, she lives according to these laws, the laws of generosity, and i have already said that our country, the citizens of the republics have a limit to generosity. Belarus, there is simply no limit. Hello, on belarus 1, belarus 24, clubeditors, as always on fridays from sunday repeats, in the morning we discuss important topics of the incoming seven days, according to tradition, at the beginning i will introduce the guests who came to our studio today Dmitry Aleksandrovich zhuk, head of the sb belarus holding, today the board of the Second National tv channel, advisor to the envoy of the embassy of the republic of belarus in the Russian Federation, alexey belyaev, dean of the faculty journalism bsu, candidate of historical sciences, pyotr petrovsky, political scientist, already a radio and practically tv presenter, good evening, thank you very much for coming to our studio, it was a very interesting week, there are many of you here of those present became a participant in the conference on eurasian security, which is still taking place at these moments, and i draw your attention to writing down our program at lunchtime, we managed to participate in the first plenary session, a very authoritative team gathered, including from the European Union countries, i have in mind, you know who , petr siyaart, who gave a speech, remembered the idea of ​​​​a single space from vladivostok to lisbon, i kept thinking, god, hear, 5 years ago in the same building, yes, the president said before that, we 5 years back to you. uh, they talked about the fact that such a space is necessary, and what was the name of that conference murat sergeevich, which was in 1919, well, it was just called, take away European Security, take europe away from the abyss, they took it away, yes. The trip was very interesting in the minsk region, he looked at a Lowrise Development of a residential complex, also a good idea so that people could build their own housing, but there was the most interesting thing for us, for our editorial club, editors, part of this was communication with the press on the most acute and topical issues, the head of state replied, well, i suggest you listen, this is what. The president said about the situation in the world. The americans sensed a change in the situation in the world, multipolarity, etc. , they really dont need it. How can you resist . So they are trying, as usual, to incite chaos within countries, thats how they tried to do it here, in the international arena, in these places, to set fire to the war. In troubled waters, thats their policy. Here is ukraine. The whole of europe is swayed by them, not to the middle east and not to other issues, the middle east means the arab world is there and africa is enough and you know, they are there in the east, taiwan and so on, they are also organizing this mess there, so they need the whole world, so that it boils, so that this dregs is everywhere, well, this week information appeared, or rather, appeared, words were made public, you know this one, gerhar schroder, he is the former chancellor of the federal republic of germany, he was a mediator between kiev and moscow in the twentysecond conflict resolution, and schroder could not stand it and told how it all happened , who is to blame for the deaths hundreds of thousands people, and this is still going on. So, according to schroeder, there was a peace plan that ukraine was ready to sign, and naturally, the Russian Federation, well, at first glance. Digestible enough for ukraine. A few points ukraines refusal to join nato, its okay, you can live without nato, they will live without it. Bilingualism of ukraine is also quite a european practice, autonomy of donbass, security guarantees for ukraine and even negotiations on the status of crimea. I dont see any capture here territories, yes, a change of power in ukraine, the overthrow of the existing one. Regime arrest of some criminals and their sending to gaga for judicial sentencing, quite a normal peace treaty. They ripped it off, according to schroeder in washington. The ukrainian authorities, according to schroeder, did not come to an agreement with russia at the negotiations in istanbul in march 22, because they were not allowed, my impression is that nothing could happen, because then everything was decided in washington. Listen, we still have for now ours has been running around and setting ukraine up as an example, remember, tikhonovsky shouted, we want like ukraine, this is an absolute shame, but this is not just a shame, it seems to me that this is on the verge of some kind of crime, now we can understand why so zelsky and his team cling to power, you hear, they killed hundreds of thousands of people, well, the blogger you mentioned , in fact a political extremist, in principle, in his rhetoric, was focused on people with an extremely low intellectual level, so we want these populist statements like in ukraine. Its completely clear that the public that listened to this blogger, they know nothing about the situation in ukraine, naturally, they dont think about the fate and reality of this state, we want it like in ukraine, this meant that we want to deal with our political opponents with impunity, we want to level out the role Law Enforcement agencies, we want to steal, and so we, in general, strive for impunity, thats what they were talking about with regard to schroeders statement, but let me remind you that. The rounds of negotiations took place on belarusian soil, so i can say that the belarusian side also has indisputable evidence, evidence that kiev was ready to sign agreements, these agreements were a compromise for russia and ukraine, in principle, from the point of view of the National Interests of ukraine did not pose any danger, rather, on the contrary, the same the point about bilingualism, it is quite obvious, no matter how the kiev authorities flaunt themselves, there is a deep internal conflict there to this day, its just that they have this conflict, lets say. Tens of thousands of people are in places imprisonment, many were killed, ukraine lost part of its territory precisely because the population of these territories no longer wants to live in a state with this form of internal politics, therefore, in fact , external actors really intervened, diverted ukraine from signing this agreement, moved the negotiations first to istanbul, and then they were completely chatted, apparently the goal was not peace, but war, and thats what we are now seeing in our neighbourhood. Shows that these war makers are ready to support conflicts, hotbeds of conflicts at several points simultaneously globe, in principle they do not hesitate to talk about it, they say that we are ready to support taiwan at the same time. Ukraine, israel, hamas, supported, yes, in quotes, you know, this too, of course, and this is true , who, in fact, you know, who, who established such a world order in which the key provisions enshrined in the United Nations organizations are not implemented, i mean the creation of the state of palestine, we all understand this, we see whose mill the grist is in this case, or rather financial flows, and it is clear that those who govern ukraine, at the moment the real control center is not at all at the bank in kiev, they are today , lets say, interested in continuing the war, well, you hear, this is a disgrace for a sovereign state, thats what to hear from such an authoritative politician who, excuse the jargon, is responsible for his words, well , when we say this, our opponents kick us, why are you slandering when mr. Biden was sitting there on the presidium, and next to him mr. Poroshenko served yes. Then he was not even the president of the United States yet, but was just one of the younger ones. Look, what a catastrophe of ukrainian statehood, this is one of the largest states on the european continent, one of the richest states on the european continent, at the time of the collapse of the soviet union , more than 50 Million People lived there population, today there are 20 million less, schroder. A very experienced man, experienced in politics, they werent allowed to say this phrase, they obeyed, that is the ukrainian authorities do not have any kind of political subjectivity at all, and naturally, today the states are making excellent use of this opportunity, look what is happening, its a brilliant scheme, in fact, in america there is a very reasonable strategy, yes, which is building its own line of behavior. Today they defend american interests with the lives of ukrainians, and ordinary citizens of the European Union pay for it from their wallets. Look how the standard of living and inflation have decreased in many European Countries, which is probably the next step, there will already be economic unrest, economic protests of the population, by the way, not only we are talking about this, sijarta spoke about this during his speech, he says that, relatively speaking, a catastrophe is approaching, judging by his words, but this time x will come there too, so he continues. It cannot be what the president spoke about today, but the states, they are skilled at catching this fish in troubled waters, achieving results, look, throughout their history they have been creating a point of tension throughout the entire globe, why are they doing this, they make in order to weaken the center of development of world civilization, today it was the European Union, a powerful formation had taken shape and an economically very serious opponent was , seemingly an ally, but an economic opponent of the United States, china began to develop, here you go, taiwan, iran began to rise , african countries began to rise and develop, the conflict in the middle east was brewed, definitely brewed, and the rhetoric that is coming today, alexander, was absolutely clearly formulated by the american politicians, she says that they will finance this war from both sides, on the one hand. If we are talking in general about the legal situation in ukraine, we have a ukrainian constitution that is blatantly not being implemented, for example, few people remember in ukraine there was a referendum in 1999 on a new version of the constitution, similar to ours. Changes should have taken place like we had in the nineties, people voted in favor, the results of the referendum were discarded, then bilingual you say, yes, recently sociological studies on the part of the territory of ukraine controlled by the kiev regime took place, about half of the 45 of the population feel. They are being minified on a linguistic basis, so we can conclude that the regime that exists in ukraine in no way comes from the ukrainian people, he uses the ukrainian people for his economic purposes of enrichment, political purposes of domination , the execution of those orders that are available from abroad, an example of this is that such a body as the national is not at all spelled out in the constitution agency. The fight against corruption in ukraine, and the nabu bureau, it carries out personnel policy within ukraine, and it is clear who is pursuing this personnel policy, who determines who is a corrupt official and who is not a corrupt official , the americans determine that is, this is a completely nonsovereign puppet state in an illegal field that is located today well, the dream of ukrainian sovereignty has come true, that is , once again lets look at the origins of the current government. The constitution there is from 1999, firstly, the ukrainian constitution, when it was checked by the venetian commission, they found more than 200 inconsistencies, where there were contradictions within the constitution, that is, the state was initially created as an incompetent state, in their constitution they could not even agree on the interaction between the authorities, public administration, but these would have been little things. If we look at everything that happens after the coup detat of 2014, which they call the revolution of dignity, in fact it is a real coup detat, then what is it has already been said many times, the sovereignty of ukraine was immediately called into question by the fact that a whole galaxy of foreign citizens, us citizens, citizens were in the initial government. You are citizens of georgia, who were appointed to all the most important government posts, as ministers, these newcomer varangians, who were tasked with the famous minister of health, minister of health, doctor death, this is madam, yes, but the head of the ukrainian railways , polish rocker, who is now successfully finished it all off, and numerous other comrades, there is a lithuanian minister at the post, a lithuanian citizen at the post of minister of ministers, a georgian. Citizens at the post of ministers of education, the entire police were actually proteges of saakashvili for yes, but this is like one of the simplest, lying on the surface things that speak of that ukraine was not sovereign then, it is not sovereign now, because we see that decisions are being made for ukraine, the only function of the zelsky government now is to support. The conflict, he travels, he is given a task, he does it is feverishly carrying out, looking all over the world for resources to support their pants, as they say, ukrainian ministers now openly admit that without foreign Financial Assistance, ukraine will not be able to finance its internal expenses, a huge public debt, that is, ukraine today is completely dependent on these injections, and at the same time, the injections today are narrowing, that is, ukraine is leading to a situation of a frozen conflict, when it will go neither shaky nor shaky, but no one will give you this conflict under the current government to finish, why did i ask about legal responsibility, i wasnt really asking about the constitution, i was asking about whether the people of zelsky would be held accountable for the fact that no one took their territory and wars could not be done by bylensky, you can ask, because he came to power under the election slogan that i would stop all these conflicts. The kings thought, but not the people will bring zelsky to justice, and i will remind, just in case, what happened in 4445, when even then under liberation of the territories of the soviet union, and then european territories, all the atrocities of the fascist regime, they began to record, they began to carry out very specific judicial actions. Pretrial actions , all this was recorded, this was specifically done so that later accomplices of the fascist regime, yes, that is, the leader of the fascist state and their accomplices should be brought specifically to criminal responsibility, for this purpose data was collected in order to then conduct the nyberg trial, and i m sure that nyberg2, conditional, yes, i dont know, what kind of european it will be in what country will it take place. But it can take place and even must take place, so that those who organized fascism and bandera, in relation to their own people and not only other nationalities, including, so that these people suffer a very specific punishment, for this we must now think and work for the future, returning to the main events of these days, and the conference yesterday, today and, naturally, the speech of the president , who. Questions answered today journalists, they can be linked very closely and should be linked, because you remembered this conference four years ago on European Security to move away from the brink of the abyss, right . After all, in fact, then the president spoke in the same hall and he very specifically indicated that the world is on the edge of an abyss, he outlined an extremely important thing , which today only the lazy do not remember, that it is necessary to comply with the norms of International Law in order to steer the world away from this global catastrophe, unfortunately, was not heard even in the nineteenth year, not in the twentieth, when putin said the day before, literally a couple of months before the military operation, that there was still an opportunity to stop, in fact, he presented an ultimatum of the need for International Law to come into its own again, to resolve the issue exclusively in this way, based on norms , and one more thing, as for todays answers to questions, well, remember , again about International Law, yes, if it had been observed since fortyseven fortyeight, well, 75 years ago it was a decision was made to create a palestinian state, thats because it was not implemented, thats why we have an extremely negative event in the middle east today, and its unclear how this will develop further, because the more iran, syria, iraq gets involved in this, qatar, all the other countries that are in one way or another located on the perimeter of this new bag of fire, its unclear, and guteres statement, in fact , is also quite significant, this is the first time i ve been with the secretary of state and the un secretary general, so that he expressed himself in a similar way, he basically said things that were obvious to us, of course, he said that a palestinian state needs to be created, we just need to implement the un decision that was made 75 years ago, the un decision needs to be implemented only when belarus is concerned, all of a sudden are starting to get excited, several points that, if he had not made this statement, he is not a belarusian propagandist, but in the end, about three dozen of his employees have already died there, for a second, and un employees, directly in this, plus, of course, what is happening is already chaos, we are all absolutely adequate , i am sure that everyone sitting here condemns what happened on october 7, terrorism cannot be justified in any way, but what happened then, and when officials. Of entire states, officials begin to stoop to the level of terrorists , justify the murder of thousands of people, consider children, women, old people, consider this the norm, when the permanent representative of israel, directly, in the un council, begins to rub bricks and says, they are us they throw stones at us, thats why we kill children and women, well guys, what is this and how to evaluate it in principle . This chaos needs to end, the president speaks correctly, and he has been saying the main idea for many years, for some reason they dont hear that without a peaceful settlement, without the opportunity to sit down at the negotiating table to start resolving issues through agreements, without this there will be no point, and from the edge of the abyss we are definitely not otgeevich, you are a military man, do you think the World Community has seen, what is the difference between a special military operation and a war, the fact is that now even the western. You cant blame them for adequacy, yes, but even the western media have finally seen the difference between russias approaches towards ukraine and how not only the israeli army, and the us army, lets talk, they directly say that if the us acted against ukraine, when in the same situation, if mexico, to put it mildly, began to kill the americans, then the next day no city in mexico would remained intact, they talk about it directly, and this must be understood quite clearly, as the fact that if they have already promised to destroy you, yes, in any case, you should understand that they will destroy you, lets remember the words of the president , he is, in my opinion, in an interview he said, when he, in my opinion, asked putin, and kiev, what is he saying, but how can i, they hide their weapons in kindergartens, in schools, how can we send them there, well , look how simple these are they exposed conflicts and, lets say , showed that the system of International Law, freedom of speech, democratic values, they exist as a restraining mechanism for the countries of the world, with the exception of the powerful of the whole world, the states, the british, some european players, that is, they use these tools to. Restrain their competitors and opponents, thats what what is happening, in fact, is what we see today in israel, yes, this conflict and gas bombings are nothing more than a demonstration of what you guys, lets follow the rules, and we will establish for ourselves other rules, those that are beneficial to us, thats the whole story, so yes, the system should essentially be recreated, because the system that exists today, it doesnt work, its collapsed, so, by the way, belarus, if we remember the fouryear conference, we proposed specific actions, helsinki. Daderation 2, that is, lets, if the Current System of International Relations does not work , lets look at it, we are already convinced of this, war is needed, not a conference, what are the views of ministerial affairs, lets say, the sandpiper who does not praise his swamp is bad, yes, we really we can now say with satisfaction that we predicted this situation, yes, that is, it is true, our level is quite high. Analytical units in the president ial administration, the ministry of foreign affairs, and other structures, therefore belarus, from its position, as a country that does not have geopolitical ambitions, but has geopolitical interests, tried to prevent the destruction of the International Security architecture, it was for this purpose that we held these conferences, highranking officials came here status guests, they tried to something is said, but they tried to use the key word, and many of them, unfortunately, as practice now shows, pretended, uhhuh, but in fact they occupied. With something else, completely far from the peacekeeping process and as for the war, yes, the war is going on in the middle east, but if we turn to International Law, that is, the rules and customs of warfare, they are grossly violated, attacks are being made on the civilian population, against civilian targets, deliberate, targeted strikes, whats especially unpleasant is that this is all comes from the jewish people, who themselves were the object of war crimes by nazi germany, alexander palovich. Object of genocide, lets call it, now they are committing genocide against the palestinian population in the gaza strip, in fact, so, therefore, of course , in this situation, we certainly condemn terrorist methods, on the one hand, on the other hand, we demand an immediate stop these barbaric bombings do not seem proportional, including based on the fact that in israel in citizens of the republic of belarus live in gas, and i can say that we are faced with very serious, this is another important issue with very Serious Problems regarding the evacuation of these people, if we agreed with the Israeli Government on the possibility of a humanitarian flight of the belio company, then american sanctions remain, you understand , even in this situation they behave completely indecently, cruelly towards innocent people, our zmagars keep asking us the question that we do not take people out of israel, ask your the owners, that we do not export , of course, in this situation only the owners, they can ask what concerns these people whom you just went to. European, gardener, barel, you know, you are like this, alexander, often uses infantile, here is infantile, well, mostly young belarusians, they think that. Ukraine should just take its european family, make their life better, richer, barel told why all this is happening, he said that we cannot allow putin create a puppet government in kiev have a russian army on the polish border, remember, the president spoke about a buffer, about a gray zone, they need a buffer between the European Union and the Russian Federation, we are not people, they dont care about democracy, they dont care about everything, if they opposed russia, we were would be the first democracy in eastern europe, they need a buffer, and we are meat, you know, well, im already silent about the fact that barel is ignorant and doesnt know that poland borders the Russian Federation in the kaliningrad region, by the way, he was reminded about this on the internet, well thats okay, hes there i dont know how i went to a Spanish School there, hes spanish, but in my opinion, i dont know how they teach them there, but i went to franks time, the garden of eden is just dense, you cant see the border from there, you understand the goal in general in this case behaves not as a representative of the European Union, but he actually here fulfills and realizes the interests of nato, that is, all this current european elite, all this brussels bureaucracy is very closely tied precisely within the framework of the military alliance of the North Atlantic Alliance, which, as we know, carries out the will of first of all of the United States, that is, nato is how the United States binds the europeans to itself, does not allow them to escape completely from under its control, because nato bases, weapons and leadership are all actually confined within the framework of washington, in the hands of washington, under in this case, as colleagues have already said here, the americans do not need the economic European Union as a competitor , which is why they are creating numerous problems for it, including they created this ukrainian crisis, which is drawing resources from the European Union today, we see how hard they are trying now states to shift the financing of ukraine to the European Union. Like the same barel, whose idea is it to gather the Foreign Ministers of the European Union and tell them that we must take on increased obligations for additional financing of ukraine and at the same time the European Union ministers refuse, and barel persistently pursues his line, already in kiev they collected , i ask myself the question, who is barsa in general, what is his status in International Politics in general, does he have some kind of real power, listen to what barel, he says in relation to orban, of course, things that orban says in relation to barel, i would like to hear, you know, for some reason, even when i was preparing for this program, i looked, i remembered churchills statement, yes , what is the difference between a politician and a statesman, so a politician thinks about the next elections, and a statesman, about the next generations, this is what has been happening in europe over. The last couple of decades, this is a certain galaxy that has really grown, or rather, it grown earlier, but she was put in power, a galaxy that clearly corresponds to this philosophy of Alexander Aleksandrovich zenovyev, which was 50 years ago, prescribed, yes, that the americanization of europe is an inevitable process, within the framework of this americanization , political pygmies will come to power , politicians in the worst sense of the word , who will think exclusively about how to consolidate. Here you can give examples of the same thing, but the most interesting thing, after all, the numbers must be given, but europe today buys gas in four times more expensive than in the usa, yes, Energy Resources are three times more expensive than in china, and what kind of competition can we talk about in this situation, the americanization of europe has arrived, this is data. These new sprouts in the form of orban and there fitz and so on, thats what now has begun to appear , thanks to this its possible there is a small one, lets listen, he talks about it, he wanted to add according to barel, you know, there was some that time ago, about 10 years ago, such an outstanding political figure of our time , baroso, so i recommend, i myself will not, i myself will not i will not repeat for you either. Head of state, but i recommend to everyone to see how our baroza presided, after a decade it is clear that he is absolutely right, here the barrel is from the same galaxy of european officials, there will be a barrel, and then maybe there will be some trout, then there is absolutely no answer to anyone, no representation of anyone, its completely unimportant, just one look, but let s listen to siart, he suggested, well, he said, in principle , banal things, its important that its from the europeans, from the west, although it is central. At least someone there will hear it, this is a good opportunity, when politicians from there say it, they cant help but notice it, they cant help but quote it, people cant help but see it, hence, by the way, such sentiments during the elections that are taking place , we will also discuss this, well, lets listen to the european continent, the European Union, which itself has faced Serious Problems. And this has confronted us with a difficult choice europe. We, hungarians, members of the European Union and members of nato, are also interested in europe being strong and safe for her to be strong and safe. However, the question is what do we need to make europe strong and secure again. And we are convinced. That there are two things that are necessary for this, the first is peace, the second is connection, peace connectedness, this is what will allow europe to be strong and safe again, the european peoples, including the hungarians, have already paid a heavy price for the war in ukraine, despite that we do not bear any responsibility for it, but until washington gives the goahead, what there may be a connection, someone to connect with someone, you can look here. Please note, europeans understand everything perfectly well, you mean who, people, i mean not only people, the same people who are now, despite all the active propaganda. Take to the streets of european cities with palestinian flags, and not with israeli ones, the same people in many european governments that have still retained at least elements of some kind of sovereignty, like the hungarian government or the slovak government, they all understand perfectly well who really why are they creating these difficulties . I remember this conference, yesterday at a Panel Discussion for one of the european ones. Several years ago in europe, even under the passing of jeanclaude juncker, and this famous testament of juncker, there was a debate about the need for europe to create its own army, that is, to actually separate from nato, to create its own army to protect its security , to create oneself as independent, from nato and from the United States, the forces and a number of european politicians see this all perfectly well, what was voiced by peter szjarta, for example, he is said, as marad sergeevich has already mentioned here, that europeans are now paying multiple prices for gas, for oil, that the United States, which in the first place, this was also voiced by sijart, that it was the United States that cut off europe from cheap Energy Resources from russia and persistently. Promote and offer their expensive Energy Resources and at the same time make the flagships of the european economy, manufacturers primarily of cars, uncompetitive, but these cars , Construction Enterprises are being withdrawn from europe , taking with them both capital and labor scientific and technical scientific and technical support, that is, inside europe there are those who see this and who understand it, but today the configuration of such. It has turned out that they themselves cannot put things in order in their own house, what was said here at the minsk dialogue conference in 2019, and before that there was even before this minsk dialogue conference, so Alexander Pavlovich was there, and peter was there, and i was there, and we saw a lot of these western people who came to these conferences who seem to understand everything, understands everything, but like the same, for example, retired American General ben hodges, who also came to us, in the end they all agreed that russia is to blame for everything, that it is bad, that it is muddying everything, we here, you see, we are fighting for the expansion of nato to ensure our security, bad russia puts obstacles in our way, does not allow us to expand nato, you said, we dont want to see russian bases, russian missiles on the border with poland, poland itself was once polish peoples republic in the socialist camp in the warsaw pact and she acted on the side of, say, the soviet union rather than presentday russia, that is, when they promote their interests, promote their military machine, they considered this normal and they did not refer to any red lines here, they believed that we were not red in any way we dont break the lines, neither the ussr, nor russia, nor belarus, as soon as. It comes to the fact that these countries, we, belarus, russia, are defending our interests, they immediately draw red lines for us, we cant cross here, theyre like this stupor, that is, my idea is not are promoting, they dont hear us, this is the dialogue that sijarta spoke about, why am i bringing it now, because indeed, this is the most striking example, today here is a european to the core, recognizing that we are in the eu, we are in nato, we have our own interests, but this european. Says that we lack communication, we lack dialogue and we need to do it, unfortunately, there are not many such people yet, this is the main problem, on the other hand on the other hand, i would like to point out that belarus held this conference, no matter what, we lacked such platforms, they havent existed for a long time, since the twentieth year all such cooperation has ceased, yes, but belarus found the strength, the opportunity to offer this dialogue and. A lot of people responded, came, this is what brings optimism today, but the position of the west, unfortunately, voiced yesterday , for example, at a number of plenary meetings, it still shows that they are not ready for this dialogue, not all, not all are not ready, the president outlined a very important idea , we need, we need a strong European Union, but this in reality, we need it, too, try to hear from any european politician. Finally elected Prime Minister of slovakia. Because they understand perfectly well that now america is choosing between what and it is necessary to support israel, definitely, well, lets say it straight , they will not abandon the israelis, they will provide them with maximum military, Financial Assistance and so on, but also drag ukraine on themselves despite what biden is bragging about is that we can handle two, three, four, and five conflicts at the same time, theyre nothing they will survive, because roughly speaking, the production of ammunition in the world is a finite figure today, right . And when in one place millions are needed, then in another place it will suffer greatly, the americans clearly want to dump it all on europe, and in order to survive next year, ukraine needs at least only for salaries, for the maintenance of civil servants, pensions, military and so on, at least 40 billion dollars, the figure is called 42 billion, yes, they are promised, well, that today it is more or less settled about 18, ukraine is bankrupt according to determination today, if these. The resolution of this issue will most likely be so, and do not forget about the very important question of who is elected speaker of this us congress on the fourth attempt, i just wanted to say, yes mike johnson, yes, think about it , his first speech, i wouldnt call him a big fan of russia and belarus either, but there will be problems for ukraine. For example, the new head of midslovakia, so i prepared, yes, became blanaro, who previously stated the need to turn to russia with a request to restore relations with the return of deportees diplomats. Blanar criticized the agreement on military cooperation with the United States, concluded by the previous government, according to him, slovakia is assigned the role of space for the transfer of American Air Forces to the russian border, but what did you think . Blanar called the fighting in ukraine a purely russianamerican affair, which is absolutely true. Battlefield, territory of ukraine, listen to the president of belarus, i say again, slovakia, fitz, yes, lets listen. The ukrainian war is not our war, i can tell you absolutely straight, i wont say it to you to repeat a hundred times more, this is the same for russia as an attack by the armed forces of ukraine on donbass, as for nato, an attack by hamas on israel, while in 2014 nato reacted absolutely to a similar attack. Calm down, because you can bring various terrible photos of murdered children, old people, women, exactly proving that the ukrainian fascists tried to destroy the russians, look at what is happening not with a black and white look, not with an american look, but with a slovak look, we are slovaks, this conflict, it next to us, it embraces our people, our state, well the peacekeepers will be harshly punished, at a minimum, and he said, its better that they negotiate for 10 years than 10 years for ending hostilities, i dont care what the plan is, what they agree on, this is the business of the russian americans, another politician says, that this is the business of russian americans, he further adds, you know that ukrainians do not play any role here, congratulations to the ukrainian state and so we are faced with the question of what are european, reality, in reality european elites orban, fica, and. Noneuropean elites, euroatlantic, where from europe there is only the prefix euro, but they actually play the role of this atlantic link , where europe plays the role of such a bedside table for the United States of america, and here we get the following, or, or, or a strong European Union, or strong nato, the horror of the hedgehog, it turns out, cannot be united, because nato, the North Atlantic Alliance , by and large will simply desovereign the European Union, and the way out of the situation may be the creation of a parallel European Defense system, and the withdrawal of all countries the European Union and the North Atlantic Alliance, this is the only opportunity to sovereignize the European Union, are countries ready for this, and at the same time its a cold shower for them, these are the consequences of sanctions, yesterday siyarta complained about how hard it is, at the same time the president met with the leader alone from the russian regions, yesterday, in my opinion, information was announced, yes, if alexander, correct me, if not, trade turnover is 140 , exports, in my opinion, doubled to the Russian Federation, this is just the start of all this, we are planning for 10 this year billions to exceed last years level, from 45 to 55, we still need to wait until the end of the year, because there are different processes there, we are really very serious. Grew in terms of foreign currency earnings and dollar earnings , but due to the devaluation of the russian ruble, these figures decreased slightly, while in absolute terms we continue to grow in principle. The governments export target is being met to russia. What would i Pay Attention to . Of course, by initiating these sanctions that the collective west imposed against russia and belarus, the United States of america wanted to kill two birds with one stone, on the one hand, to bring the russian economy to its knees, on the other hand, of course, to destroy the German Economy, because it is no secret to anyone that the German Economy is the locomotive of the European Union, and this locomotive, roughly speaking, was running at the expense of the russiangerman energy consortium, at the expense of receipts. Large volumes of Energy Resources at relatively reasonable prices, so if you analyze the goals achieved, then the russian economy and accordingly, belarus, since russia was not able to bring the main market for our goods to its knees, we are demonstrating growth , even the world bank and the International Monetary fund admit this , they destroyed the German Economy, swamp the one nearby so that it looks stronger against its background, yeah, thats it look, what the European Union is doing today, the goal of the authorities of many European Countries, i would call it a policy of violating common sense, well, a few examples, yes, the promotion of samesex marriage , the expectation of an increase in the birth rate, does not happen, well also, further, we understand that they were always afraid of refugees, at this time they started a fire, at the beginning of the tenth century in northern africa. Received an answer, now, purely economically, a rejection of cheap , what alexander spoke about, russian Energy Resources, the expectation of their own prosperity, again, there is absolutely no common sense, the third option, they want to live in peace and at the same time finance a military conflict at home on the threshold, well, these are idiots, i dont think that they are idiots, it rather reminds me. You know, thats how it is there are such models, yes, which are programmed for selfdestruction, it seems to me that what is happening today is the programming of ones own death, im talking about the European Union and these relations in general, but for us its really important to have a calm, strong kind of. That formation, yes, let it be called differently, from the east we have a union, huge russia, yes, we would like to have an adequate neighbor from the west, but the actions that they carry out today pose a huge threat, including to us, alexandrovich, you know this, that some were simply mistakenly perceived by those who do not follow the speeches of the head of state or live in this kind of clip information thinking, mistakenly perceived his statements as some kind of nod towards the western European Union, he talks about this all the time, and moreover, when was created. Eurasian Economic Union , on the eve of the creation of the eurasian Economic Union there were publications by lukashenko, putin, nazarbayev in the izvestia newspaper, policy articles and we spoke there, as our colleagues, with the idea of ​​a single, a single space from lisbon to vladivostok, integration, integration, connecting the European Union, the eurasian Economic Union, then the americans, hillary clinton, 2012, said, we should not allow russia to recreate the ussr, we should torpedo this project in every possible way, you know, they are. Perceived as the creation of the ussr, although this was not what we were talking about at all, i have nothing against the recreation of the soviet union in one form or another, but this was not what we were talking about, we really need such a partner, but of course adequate, the president many years ago and more than once said that we are interested in the European Union being strong, its just that those analysts who now say that this is a reference in the direction of the west are somehow drawing information from tiktok, then there was no tiktok, so i can only explain this, here is one, it is very important to remind, just in case, for those who said that sanctions played a role in relation to russia and belarus, or will play another role, there are those, who hope one way or another, you know, there is such a concept, a militarized economy, or the economy of militarism, whatever you like, you can say this and that, but the fact is that the west really counted on russia not only falling down as a result of these sanctions, but when war breaks out since when the war with ukraine began, they were absolutely sure that ukraine would act like a fist, and this fist would be controlled by europe and the usa, and naturally it would knock out russias teeth, both military and economic teeth, yes, they just didnt understand a little that contacted the sharks, which has such a concept as the constant reintegration of teeth throughout life, yes, that is, when a tooth falls out or is knocked out, a new one appears, well, its just such a system, but the shark, it is absolutely useless to cope with it in this regard, so russia is on today, these are really tough warriors both from the point of view of the economy and from the point of view of military production, because look at the figures of the militaryindustrial complex. Russian, which over the past year and a half has not only increased its capacity for conventional ammunition, for special ammunition and so on, the growth is tens of times, tens of times , i emphasize, not to mention the fact that completely new types of weapons are appearing there, which are being tested well in the theater of operations, now we are receiving information that in 5 days it goes astray 24 ukrainian aircraft, there was no such performance at all, because some new antiaircraft Missile System appeared, which no one had ever heard of. Second point, a little passed between, but the tos2 systems appeared, yes, the socalled sun, only the second modification, which has a range from 6 to 20 km, on the battlefield, it really brings horror to the ukrainians, these are not all the preparations, because lets say, without ratifying, refusing to ratify Nuclear Weapons, yes, russia continues and will increase its capabilities , including in special, yes carrier, so that s why we are talking about the militarization of the economy, this is a certain engine, that is, war, among other things, is a certain engine for development economy, because one way or another, colossal, various accompanying production and military science, and in general science itself as such, are connected with military production, the americans figured out this trick a long time ago, so every war brings them colossal income and for them any war is an opportunity, they tried in every possible way to teach us that this is not at all the case, therefore, lets be blunt, russia will find somewhere to sell its excess weapons produced, and after the end of the conflict, there are enough hot spots in the world, but the fact that thanks to this , it will also develop its own economy, and lets put it bluntly , the economy of belarus will develop like a locomotive, is obviously suggested by gdp, minus figures, but in reality we have reached a plus, we will reach a plus this year , and the forecasts for the next one are also quite, well, i wont say rosy, but encouraging, it suggests that they are a little, that s a bad word, screwed up, but lets be honest, its true, they have insidious plans to finish us off, they are preparing weapons and fertilizing the united the states, yeah, thanks to their efforts, this product, lets just call it the west, is in great demand, colleagues, the feed is being replenished with fragments of the speech of the president of belarus, let me, ill read it out there and we ll discuss it, the president said that it could start from the middle east the third world war, how, if they, israel, the United States, start fucking fighting, it is no longer iran that is pulling them, but they are starting to pull the iranians, why are you, do you have facts that iran is involved in this attack by hamas fighters . I mean there is facts, put them on the table, well look, but no one has made a claim to iran based on any facts, well, moreover, we know the latest statement by turkey, somehow points to something completely different, very similar to history, that this is turkey, maybe qatar, but they are involved in this, although its not a fact , i wouldnt want to blame anyone, if the americans bring these strike air groups, Aircraft Carriers there, and start bombing from the Mediterranean Sea, i dont think theyre crazy, some kind of. Then countries and especially iran, then iran will respond, and it is not a fact that the Aircraft Carrier will survive in the Mediterranean Sea, they will drown, this is a disaster, therefore there are a lot of things that indicate that a serious conflict may break out, or maybe a war using the most serious weapons, and here it is important to understand that if a war breaks out with iran, then iran will include those states, those states that existed. The enormous wisdom of iran, it does not attack anyone, yes, it has its own geopolitical interests, there was even a 3 3 conference in tehran on the resolution of the azerbaijaniarmenian conflict, iran went over himself and said that he is ready to organize a corridor. Between azerbaijan and nakhichevan autonomy and turkey, if armenia cannot agree to this, and to ensure it, despite the fact that turkey. And iran are traditional competitors in the region, that is, this is a very subtle diplomacy of iran, including in the relations of belarus in relation to russia and the northsouth corridor, we must appreciate it and understand that a state of 86 million is under sanctions in 1979, which provides for itself and which last year i let me remind you, they tried with hybrid methods, and against hijabs , with some kind of. Drone strikes, explosions, an attempt to stir up ethnic issues between azerbaijanis and persians, attempts to mass poisoning of children in kindergartens and schools, they tried to rock him all the time, now they want him including involving in this unnecessary conflict , yeah, there was a question, apparently, is the israelipolitical conflict beneficial for russia and belarus, the president answered who benefits, so he asks us russians the question who benefits, so they reproach us with the russians, its profitable for ukraine to fade into the background, listen, lets be honest, the fact that they started talking less about us is probably not bad, but not at the same cost, people are dying, which we will be happy about, the president drew attention , that according to this logic, you can find others benefiting or the situation in the middle east, and that the americans are not benefiting, they have elections, in ukraine they crap themselves very decently, and elections and ukraine are not working out, a very apt word, by the way, we need to somehow then , people have to move to another field somehow, here it is, lets quietly move there, its easier there, there, its not a Nuclear Power to fight against russia, well, the logic of the United States, thats why its beneficial for them, or israel, look whats happening there, theres actually a massacre going on inside, this poor netanyahu, its already wet, how many months in a row, and years, criminal cases have been opened, the mess is profitable, based on the logic that they reproach us , probably its profitable, we can, we can reason like that , we can, but the situation is very dangerous, israel is a nuclear country, Nuclear Weapons, which can its not a gift to use iran, if it flares up, it wont seem enough, you know, thats who benefits , after all, it wasnt russia or belarus that sent their Aircraft Carrier group to the Mediterranean Sea, to the shores of this conflict, but it was the United States of america that did it first, and they sent it, they sent their Aircraft Carrier there, obviously with the aim of supporting one of the parties to this conflict, thank god. Here we must say that after all, what we are talking about is just returning to the conference that took place yesterday and today, yes, that there is today we understand that the world is multipolar, no matter how hard they try, today the americans say that we defend the model of a unipolar world, the world is already multipolar, and the fact that, for example, china also sent its Aircraft Carriers to the Mediterranean Sea is an indicator of precisely the new reality and the new multipolarity. At the same time, the same east, yes, which cannot be discounted, it is clear that here the middle east is already the direction of china, this is precisely fueling the fire, directly why ukraine actually closed the Northern Branch the chinese project one train one track, incitement in the middle east is the blocking of additional routes, this is. A transition to the vanity channel, this is precisely an attempt to block here, namely china in the first place, its building of new logistics routes, all this should be fine understand, that is, here we see the involvement of another big force, which is not very much talked about yet, but of course, the danger and tragedy of the situation in the middle east, the middle east has always been called a powder keg, because it is so close the interweaving of national, religious, ethnic groups, which over the course of centuries, millennia have accumulated mutual conflict potential, any match is thrown there, yes, it can really lead to this explosion, how beneficial is this for belarus and russia, well, what profit will we have from this , absolutely, especially, as alexander already said, that. There are no geopolitical ambitions, yes, but there are only geopolitical interests, one of our main interests is precisely that we maintain friendly relations, we tried our best and were involved in goodneighborly and friendly relations with the countries of the middle east, with saudi arabia, with israel, without visas, yes, we had fairly well established friendly relations. Belarus is one of the participants in the countries of the islamic conference, that is, we are invited there as friends, because in relations with the muslim world, belarus has always demonstrated respect, has always demonstrated that we do not act from any enemy positions, even religious ones, historical moments, we are the opposite, we have always strived to respect the interests of these countries, they responded to us with the same courtesy, our recent president ial visit to tehran, yes, interaction with iran, building again new ones. Logistics opportunities through iran, access there to possibly the persian gulf for us, of course, inciting conflict in this region is not something that is not our benefit, it is contrary to our benefit, in this situation everything is completely mixed up, it is especially interesting to observe, and for the fugitives, whom the russian and belarusian fled from the war to israel, they shouted, i am going to let them live in a country that is fighting with their neighbors and are now silent, the second is for modern neonazis, watch, for example, there for the baltic ones, in particular, here they are in lithuania with candles , how many there are, i dont know, there are 10,000 or how many, more than a thousand candles came and were lit in the square in the center of vilnius, well, in memory of the dead residents of israel, we will also insult, but the fact is that the leadership of this country is laying flowers to monuments to people who killed jews, yes you know that, in my opinion, 2000 jews were killed in vilnius, almost all of them. To whom the current lithuanian regime lays flowers and heroizes, you know, well, the kind of splits you can sit on, firstly, lets start with the fact that a number of people , who in lithuania are canonized as National Heroes in essence, or rather not in essence , but according to a court verdict, are war criminals, the direct organizers, perpetrators of the holocaust, that is, the program of genocide of the jewish people, well, now it means something. Another pharisaic line in lithuania, but i would draw attention to one more thing, as for the fugitives and their socalled opinion leaders, those people who said that in no case should police force be used against demonstrators who break the law, then there are those who took to the streets without the appropriate sanction and violated law and order, and today they are foaming at the mouth to justify striking civilian infrastructure, residential buildings, churches, hospitals, crowds of civilians, you understand how this all fits within the framework relatively speaking, one consciousness and one information project cannot be explained from the point of view of logic and common sense, but it can be explained that this suggests that there is no consciousness there, well, this suggests the idea that you know, as people say , spit in your eyes, gods race will say, that is, when it is beneficial for them, they will justify, there is no crime that they would not justify, and at the same time, when it is not beneficial for them, no matter what you do, in particular. Belarusian government these independent and nongovernmental ones will criticize, denounce, blame and slander, but once somewhere they found, published a manual hanging in the charter there, and in my opinion, in the apartment of some activist, like a journalist, how to work with information, you can take it there normal information, you turn it around in such a way that it would be ashamed of belarus, it seems to me that its not even that they have no brains, but it seems to me that this is a conscious action, they dont have, they didnt light candles about all the victims in israel in gaza, namely only about the victims, and those who in their opinion, they are only victims, then the same thing in belarus, look why in relation to our state, in relation to our government, they say that what it is doing is wrong, but what others are doing is right, because. They also apply to us, to belarus, to the belarusian people, the belarusian people. Representatives of the lithuanian state kill people of a different race almost every week, i just wanted to say, okay, im talking about a refugee, yes, the president said our position is clear, we are not a septic tank. its about a refugee. Who pass through our territory, not only every day, several times a day they throw up corpses and corpses of broken and broken ones, i asked the press secretary, there is no need to hide anything, show what they are doing, we have this footage, well, here they are on our screens, well, it will be terribly simple, we need to show this civilized, quoteunquote world what a garden of eden there is, heres a barel, the president recalled that the situation with refugees at the border was developing, how the situation was developing, at first belarus helped defend the European Union. But when the European Union imposed sanctions began an economic war against belarus the head of state immediately warned belarus will no longer help the eu in the fight against illegal migration, our position is clear and clear, we are not a septic tank, we will not catch anyone here, especially since you called them, let them go, well, they go with their visas, in fact, which they issue in the hundreds of thousands, they go where they were called to escape the horror unleashed by the usa and europe in the middle east, well, it is clear that belarus in this case is a transit country territory, but these are some really nazi methods of action from the outside. When i look at these footage and we all showed reports and special projects and they stopped painting over one small remark regarding this, i would probably recommend with pleasure, if i can say so for the Border Committee , including the investigative bodies that are involved. In finding out these people number, and where did they get to the territory of poland, given that poland, lithuania, latvia, especially poland, yes, it is now setting intraeuropean borders from refugees, internally european , and how can we exclude a situation where these same migrants come from ukraine or somewhere else into the territory of poland, they then throw them back at us. Throw them in, that you can guarantee that this is not the case . I cant, and i believe that these things need to be specifically checked in each case , where did you come from on the territory of poland, poor refugee, why then suddenly the polish side decided in this way, to put it mildly, to speak out regarding belarus, or to show, how bad we are, come on to check these things, maratevich said the right thing, because the poles traded visas, and maybe those who bought visas. At these polish consulates they came to poland, they were beaten there or even killed, and this, by the way, also needs to open criminal cases, check, because only 25 corpses were identified in 9 months, while in the latvian direction, there are probably descendants of these there are probably 12 corpses of ss men, latvians still living and working in this institution this is on the belarusianlatvian border, this is what it has been revealed, on our part, they are transferring them here, they are probably killing them there, without trial, without investigation, citizens of other states are being killed in this territory, and no one bears any responsibility for this, the second article of the lisbon agreement on human rights, minority rights, how and. Those who died on the border of belarus with the states of the European Union, most often the scheme , just after chichkos exposure, looks like this they muzzle these people, beat them to death, transfer them to our territory, either already killed or subsequently, until the moment they are discovered by belarusian border guards, they simply die from beatings and from cold, many people are mutilated, they are provided with assistance by the belarusian states, we spend considerable resources on this, but simply based on our universal humane approach, we do not we may not provide assistance to a person who needs it, at the same time, i would like to emphasize that, in my opinion, our state is acting absolutely morally, in a situation where draconian sanctions, sectoral ones, have been introduced against belarus analyzed our economy, that is, those areas that bring the greatest profit were under sanctions, we are prohibited from transit, they do not hide, they declared economic war on us in this situation. To restrain migration flows to the European Union, absorb these people in some temporary Accommodation Centers and later send them to their historical homeland at our own expense , we will not do this, we do not have the right today to take them away from our elderly, from our pensioners, from state employees spend this money on provision Border Security of the European Union, as far as ukraine is concerned, dozens of ukrainian citizens have recently, in recent years, been detained by Law Enforcement agencies in germany, poland, and others. States for organizing channels for illegal migration, we all know very well that the Ukrainian Border is fixed, otherwise millions of men of military age simply could not leave there, the prices are well known, even. Weapons are taken out from there, which the israeli army is now seizing from hamas, everyone is asking the question is, how did these weapons come from ukraine, these famous javilin and enlau ended up in the american middle east, all this is clear, that is, well, heres the video, yes, we see how he kicks out, he s explaining something here, but you just understand, the socalled, that is, skeptics and experts, could you can twist your finger to your temple as much as you like, but the generally accepted practice in criminal cases shows that if there is a statement, there must be. An inspection is scheduled, prove that he is lying, yeah, but they still dont allow anyone into the border zone, not even own parliamentarians, yes, well, we are almost finishing our program, even so, in the form of a digest, Alexander Pavlovich, you like to watch the degradation of moldova as it falls to the bottom, 22 internet resources of the Russian Media were blocked, our colleagues from this representative representative of the movement. Named after soros, yes, shes his, in my opinion, and i can tell you the upbringing, they have entered, you hear, they have entered the same path, they dont teach anything, but they dont know that they stepped into fat with their feet, because for a long time, of course, they avoided contact with this lady from here vilnius, which is imported to european capitals, is shown there, it means some kind of chapeto, they once took a bearded woman, remember, yes, that is, it was such a curiosity, now they are taking this one of our citizens, well, they brought it to they avoided moldova, i know that. Absolutely sure, these visits took place a long time ago, that is, the context is that the two female leaders, as they say, had to meet, i myself would not have wanted this contact, but after the start of the special military operation, it is quite obvious that instructions were received from moldova to say goodbye to even the remnants of some imaginary neutrality, that is, to sever ties within the community of independent states with russia, with belarus, so they are also building it into such an antibelarus front, as for soros, well, i can tell you that almost. All the owners ministerial portfolios in the republic of moldova are in one way or another connected with this organization, or worked there or received grants, and the head of the special services musyata, yes, who has now decided to ban twenty internet resources, he simply headed the foundation soros in moldova before his appointment , handsome, but dont be afraid to accuse him of propaganda of spreading lies, i prepared it here, but lets see now, we saw a romanian journalist who was reporting under fire. This is called our section on how the european media work and we are working with another european media with the next one next week , we will definitely tell you about the program if they want to come out with us, lets see, we have a video, and how she is there she tells how hard it is for her, in the background people are walking, lets see, the explosions sound quite close to us, now they seem to have stopped, all these bombs are intercepted by the israeli antiaircraft forces. They dont allow themselves to do this, she saw enough of it on the scholz, i remembered this, yes, this is what i remembered, i immediately remembered the case of how they all work so much that they excluded us, and remember, the Norwegian Television company, or nork, is the public broadcaster of norway, i once did a report on protests in minsk, it turned out that, uh, the reporter was filming her mother, and the cameraman was filming poured into the ears of the employer that its like working here in a war zone , lets, lets see, lets see, discuss, while i dont see information about the march on monday, i have a feeling that everything will be clear based on the results of tomorrows march, which will go towards the stream where the omonovs live. Womens march, because here they say to us that these anarchists are radicalizing, now the main thing is that we have this march, so yes, i will do everything, and then you will transfer it further as usual, if it doesnt happen, if it doesnt happen, organize it for the hell of it, thats how its always done, yes, yes, yes, good, anarchists are really radicalizing, tatyana is right here, it would be nice to save pensioners, but the norwegians ask for reporting, they pay for it quite. Passable money for one and a half 2 hours of work, there is 200 euros your payment in moscow, we are ready to work, well, for as much as you can, if you can pay more, we will always be happy, no, that means 200 euros is the operator, and that means you, how much you i paid there as much as we talked about, we then worked for 80 euros a day, so come on, well lets say 150 and thats it, ill explain to him that youre just sitting there under bullets, Something Like this. They said on their broadcast, you know, we have the facts, in general it is known that some analytical materials and articles are straight from the combat zone, the most interesting thing is that many european diplomats who worked when then to the zoom conference, this is your material, i had a conference before leaving, before the resuspension of the membership union, this same executive committee listened to me and the swede says but still, the way you work does not meet the standards of the european press, i say, i will now send you one report, you will definitely look at it, and then say your opinion, it was translated into english, you see, and sent there, with since then the connection has not been made, they look, comprehend, look, well, well say goodbye at the end, heres one more thing, you know, literally, to tie up loose ends, who was at our conference, cut the truth here, and what he then said , im afraid that my words will cause a storm of criticism in some European Countries and political, that is, im telling the truth here, but im for this truth, i wont be given any freedom of speech there, yes, that is, this is the logic of double standards, even about double standards in the end, putin said a ban , that the ban on the participation of russian athletes in international. Competitions is russian ethnic discrimination, the International Olympic committee commented on these words, well, in principle , they only confirmed, they said that in no case will they participate in the Olympic Games is a human right, the recent amendment to the olympic charter is not connected with this, the strict conditions that could be defined in its recommendations to International Federations for the participation of individual neutral athletes with russian and belarusian passports in International Competitions correspond to the olympic charter, they are a reaction to the violation of the olympic rules in that these measures constitute ethnic discrimination, i couldnt understand why our government, so to speak, violated the charter, i just dont know, maybe there is pressure from the athletes, they mean some kind of political pressure, but there is something that does not allow, i mean our fugitive athletes who are now playing in the national teams, so they dont participate in International Competitions for the national teams, im immediately for. In google just the simplest way, i typed the athlete was suspended, and the latest news comes out to me, the german club minds suspended the Football Player Anwar Elghazi for supporting palestine, the dutch midfielder was suspended from training because of a post on social networks, he wrote from the river to sea, palestine will be free, in manta they said that this post does not reflect the values ​​of the club, and the Football Player is suspended , what does the olympic charter say about this , what do you think, well, its clear, yes, that it is generally known that sport is not political, but to unfortunately, this principle is trampled upon and is in no way respected, but politics in sports, yes, politics in sports, is the pressure of an athlete for his point of view, well, this is not the first time ivan mikhailovich, even if cats are from russia and belarus not allowed to participate in international exhibitions, here we are talking about athletes, they have already introduced so many restrictions, i didnt know, i can forgive them anything, but i wont forgive cats, i will say that the female part of our audience will never forget this, thank you great, it was the editors club, see you in a week, goodbye. They live abroad, but remember and love their homeland. I left belarus a long time ago, back in 2001, but i visit constantly. In the Belarusian Community in armenia for 25 years. We participate in all events which take place in armenia, dedicated specifically to the cultures of other peoples. People who contribute to the development of belarusian culture outside the state. Our organization is called. Yereman Belarusian Community of armenia belarus. We have a childrens puppet theater lyalka, which is why we organized it, so that children could learn the belarusian language in an easier form. We have two teams, today our belarusian botleyka is eating up the descendant land. Today our songs are sung. Watch the project look at belarus on the tv channel belarus 24. A witness of spectacular battles and unbending fortitude, because this is a chance to express themselves and prove that they are Even Stronger than they were before, i love extreme sports, i really like it. I like it, i dont have any fears, they got into a computer game, where everything is real , who will win the main crystal and the title of heroes, the game will show, well, the game has started, one minute, real emotions and serious tests, a race for survival, no childs game, aras, be careful, come on, come on, come on wow, wow, its catching up, hold on, im here, i almost cried at the end thats it, look, sports and entertainment show, heroes on our tv channel, this is a panorama of a live broadcast about the main events of saturday, october 28, i will tell you, sergei lugovsky, hello, our policy, faith in diplomacy and a bad peace, definitely better than a good war, the president gave his

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