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Which make the descent vehicles, these are npo benches for the Russian Space agency and rsc energia, in order to conduct such tests. In belarus we created an entire industry, today about 30 different organizations are involved in production, processing, and space research. Today we can say with confidence that thanks to both the Union Programs and the launch of our satellite, a solution has been achieved. During the space era , every soviet citizen fell ill with space in a good way; a series of stamps dedicated to gagarin, terezhkov and lionov were printed in millions of copies in the soviet union. Today it is no longer such a mass product, however, there are collectors who are in love with space. Our the film crew was lucky to see a unique exhibition, which, by the way, is not shown to everyone. What camera did lionov go into outer space with and what letters did the legendary ones write . Daria belousovapetrovskaya will tell you. Entrepreneur sergei borbulev, an avid collector, like all boys who grew up in the ussr, dreamed of flying to the stars. Yuri gagarin, his idol, even in adulthood never ceases to admire the courage and bravery of the man who discovered space to the world. A year after gagarins flight into space, a space exhibition was opened philately, when he arrived there, he was asked to leave autographs. He has permission from the kgb to have a camera, even look, its numbered, so that he would be allowed to take photographs in space with this camera, after Yuri Gagarins flight into space , all the boys dreamed of the stars. And after the launch of the worlds first female cosmonaut valentina terezhkova, girls also began to dream, before cosmonautics was a favorite among us and many wrote letters to cosmonauts , so one of the women writes that how can i become an astronaut, writes to Valentina Tereshkova a letter, you understand, here she writes, and there is an answer that you need to become a candidate, go through very long, that is, she received the answer, yes, we just cant, the candidate must have a higher education, although tereshkova did not have one. Not everyone can become an astronaut, now belarus will also have its first female cosmonaut, so when it comes, we will dedicate a corner of belarus. By the way, for the flight, the first women of sovereign belarus on the iss also made a separate exhibition, it is dedicated to all natives of our country, who were in space. Stamps and envelopes with personal autographs of klemuk, kovalyonok and navitssky are collected here; perhaps space philately with the image of Marina Vasilevskaya will appear soon. Daria, alexander lyubitelev, telenews agency, moscow. Absolutely exclusive, watch our new section first time tomorrow on the main broadcast. Another look at the working week of the head of state, interviews, guests of the palace of independence, sidelines, meetings and the team that works next to the president , no staged shots, we will show everything how there is. So the president , we have not yet shown what time the first working day begins , we did not have any difficulties in getting an audience, we looked at the Upcoming Schedule of alexander lukashenko, the concept of a day off in the president s schedule does not exist at all, the female president and his support, my excessive respect, respect and trust in you women, when the first. I was the first to congratulate you on march 8th. Lets talk about the circulation of the countrys most famous postcard. Which president ial events have a rehearsal . We also learned the secret recipe daddys bun. Its time for the first time. Future membership of our country. Projects are already in the works, including, we are actively interested in ensuring that political processes in belarus develop in the right direction, stability is maintained, and this will be the basis for strengthening all other areas of cooperation, there are many issues in the economic sphere, and i can say that is, mutual trade fell slightly in the twentythird year by 16 . And this is not the trend that we need, we need to increase mutual trade, therefore this issue is quite serious, and the governments of our states should attach great importance to this, it is necessary to increase both trade, it is necessary to increase industrial cooperation, it is necessary to give space to investments in our country, i am now quite actively traveling around. The regions of belarus, visiting large enterprises, i personally i am convinced that Belarusian Enterprises have high technologies, they demonstrate great industrial potential, which can be useful in our country, for kazakhstan it is now extremely diversification of production is important , the increasing emergence of new industrial enterprises, and here the belarusian experience, of course , can be very much in demand, if we talk about boxes for the products of other agricultural crops, and meat products, all this goes to kazakhstan, and being of high quality, it has already received recognition among our consumers, these things can be further increased, and accordingly, kazakhstan is ready to increase the supply of its products to belarus ; an intergovernmental meeting is due to take place in april the commission, i think all these issues will. Be discussed in detail, mr. Ambassador, well, there is really such serious activity on the bilateral track, and the economy, i mean trade, and investment, joint projects in terms of industrial cooperation, well, does that mean is this what we are expecting soon with a visit to the head of kazakhstan in belarus . In fact , such a visit was prepared last year, due to the schedules there was a slight discrepancy, but it remains on the agenda, i think that within six months we will be able to carry out this the project is important. This year, kazakhstan chairs the sco; belarus plans to become a full member of the organization by summer. What role do you see in belarus participation . The fact that belarus has expressed a desire to work in this organization is, of course , a direct reflection of, so to speak, the turn to the east that has been announced. Well, indeed , the sco unites the most populous countries of our continent and, of course, has enormous prospects for development. Kazakhstan welcomes. International organizations, this is a rather important aspect today, in General International agenda, the csto, of course, is experiencing certain difficulties in this situation, for example , at the moment, armenia is at least declaring its new vision regarding this organization, i not only listened to pashinyans statement. I listened to lukashenkos statement on this issue, i want to say that Alexander Grigorievich gave a fairly accurate analysis of the situation of what has been happening for decades in this region, and i agree, of course, that armenia can use the advice and recommendations that the belarusian gave the president. The main idea of ​​any integration. States do everything for the people, especially when the west is trying to create discord. Now for the active development of a single eurasian economy, it is important to remove the barriers of restriction. What should we borrow from the union state, why is it so important to strengthen integration in the postsoviet space . Alexey avdonin will explain the hidden relationships between politics and economics, authors column simple economics right now. Hello, this is simple economics from alexey mavdon. In the context of the destruction of the old unipolar world, we, the countries of the eurasian space, need to stick together and strengthen our mutual economy. Our president at a meeting with the chairman of the eurasian collegium. The union state of belarus russia has the main idea of ​​doing everything for the people, opening borders, ensuring complete freedom for the movement of labor and mutual travel of residents of the union countries. External circumstances and the tense situation are now determining. To intensively develop precisely the economic direction of the eurasian economic union. At the same time, lukashenko emphasized in our union state we have a political one. A diplomatic component and a military one, which is not the case in the eu. Now it is important to adopt the best from the union state, and the cis, in turn, from the eac. Our president clearly summarized in the postsoviet space, different forms of associations have emerged, the eu, the cis and the union state. In terms of depth of integration , the cis is at the lowest level. Now it is important to strengthen the commonwealth of independent states. Focus further recovery on the level of development eurasian economic union. Why is it so important to deepen integration in the postsoviet space . For centuries, the anglosaxon world built its Global Policy on replicating discord between brothers, allies and partners. It is always easier to defeat the enemy alone when he is left alone with the greedy political, economic and military machine of the west. When there is. Strong alliances of states, strong mutual economies, finances, the availability of forces and means for selfdefense, then neither nato nor other pseudopeacekeeping structures will be able to capture and ruin sovereign countries, which is why our president calls for strengthening cooperation, increasing the level of integration of the eu and the cis, there is further confrontation with the west ahead, it will not easily give up its position as a dominant force in the global world, but the course of history. Cannot be stopped, the United States is losing former greatness, we, meanwhile, need to go our own way and develop our own unions, step by step, as part of the implementation of the unified industrial policy of the union state in february of the twenty fourth year of the ministry of industry and belarus and russia signed an action plan for the next 2 years, within the framework of the union we are developing our microelectronics, tank building, elevator building, Mechanical Engineering and aviation, this. Allows us to create new jobs and improve welfare, as we see, the key trend of the twentyfourth year is the strengthening of the integration of states in the name of of people. It was simple economics with alexey avdonin. The west continues to deliberately and purposefully throw into the information field the idea of ​​the inevitability of war. So. Politics reports paris is preparing for highintensity military conflict in europe, against an enemy comparable in wrathful power to the french army. Potential enemies are not named, but the training is aimed at preparing troops to fight an adversary such as russia. Without hiding their destructive plans regarding moscow and germany, the serbian political publication previously reported that the germans are preparing for a supposedly defensive war. And must invest in everything, starting with ammunition. Journalists emphasized that the germans will most likely escalate the conflict in order to save the kiev government from collapse. With the fall of the berlin wall, germany had the opportunity to shake off the burden of condemnation for the horrors of world war ii. There was a time when reminding the germans meant offending them. And now the germans want to start a military race as soon as possible. Boot berlin seemed to have forgotten about its catastrophic mistakes, which cost the world dearly. Today marks the 80th anniversary of the tragedy in the village of cherry, chashniksky district. On march 9, 1944, the nazis dealt with civilians in cold blood residents. People were herded into two village houses and set on fire. This is one of the facts of numerous nazi crimes of genocide of the belarusian people. Memory 114. The inhabitants of the cherries observed a minute of silence and promised that we would not forget. Report by marina romanovskaya. Closer to lunch , a punitive detachment arrived here, collecting residents from each house and bringing them to the beginning of the village. And then the civilians were burned alive. The day before the tragedy, the 839th Security Battalion arrived in this district. The karateri were preparing to strike at the partisans of the lepelushachi zone. Having learned about this is the fourth one. A detachment from dubovs brigade attacked a german column, so the plans of the invaders were destroyed, after which the nazis rushed to the nearest village to take revenge on unarmed people. From all the gathered residents , eight of the strongest men were chosen, who were sent to a neighboring village, where they were tortured, and then thrown from a high cliff into the ulu river. Today, exactly 80 years since the cherries disappeared, a memorial was created on the site of the village. The ringing silence of which gives you goosebumps, this will be confirmed by everyone who has been here at least once. In an instant the life of the village was destroyed, then 104 were burned alive in the fire. Remembering, remembering the war is our duty to those who could not return home. We must not forget history so as not to make the mistakes of the past. Peace is something that can bring us happiness and goodness. The tragedy of the cherries is a terrible reminder of the events and horrors that befell civilians and which we should never forget. The general Prosecutors Office of the republic of belarus is actively investigating a criminal case of genocide of the belarusian people, during in which more and more new facts are being established, the atrocities of fascism. The sky overhead, the nazis destroyed the village, but could not kill the memory, pain in the eyes of an elderly man, woman and child, a silent reminder of the horrors of war, and also a call to take care of peace. Marina romanovskaya, mikhail khristoforov, telenews agency. Turkey made a new attempt to establish calm on the continent, but as expected, zelensky refused peace. The grain deal, security in the black sea and the organization of the ukrainerussia peace summit, topics that erdogan raised at the meeting with zelensky. The leader did not like the expected idea. Let me remind you that zelensky abandoned the previous istanbul plan, lets just fight, the anglosaxons, more specifically johnson, ordered, and zelensky sent the ukrainian boys to slaughter, at the same time ensuring profit for the american gunsmiths. A goldmine for the white house, the pentagon is forcing the European Union to buy billions of american weapons. How to. Buried alternative us projects, a noose around the neck of the european militaryindustrial complex, who and why the ruin of european vassals under the cover of ukraine, clear policy in numbers about the beneficiaries of the war, watch on monday after the panorama. And here is an example of help from the west after a humanitarian air strike in gas , the number of victims is counted, we are not talking about the next bombing of civilians, thus in the region of the plane. Aid rates were criticized by Many International organizations, the gaza authorities warned about the possible danger of such operations, because the enclave is densely populated and there are no large territories there to receive cargo by air, but the west ignored the warning, now the pentagon is denying, the us air force says, they are not responsible for the death of these people, when the world around is plunging into military agony, here it is our soft one. Responsibility for lives is literally on fragile shoulders. Today , more than 4,000 representatives of the fair sex serve under contract in the armed forces of belarus, and of these, more than 900 are officers, 3,00 are soldiers, sergeants and warrant officers. They perform hundreds of different tasks, signalmen, snipers, medics, who wish getting officers shoulder straps is becoming more and more common every year. The military academy has a line of girls. Today , 142 combat friends are studying within the walls of the military university; a year ago , for the first time, pigtails flashed at the faculty of air defense; a Record Number of 35 cadets are studying to be defenders of the sky, fragile and brave, in a new issue in uniform with anna chishlish. Lyudmila pavlichen. Sniper killed 309 german soldiers and officers. Marina roskova, a pilot, created the worlds first womens aviation regiment. Maria oktyabrskaya, drivermechanic of the t34 tank, ekaterina zelenko, the only woman in the world to perform a ramming attack. They went through the great patriotic war, most gave their lives for their homeland. Beautiful, fragile, fearless, desperate. And courageous, only half a million representatives of the fair sex fought in the forties, each of them brought victory closer. Nowadays, women perform tasks on an equal basis with men; they not only serve in personnel and financial departments, they are intelligence officers, snipers, doctors, and signalmen. The modern female face of the belarusian army. What is it like . Lets see. Senior. She began her military service in 1986 in the fifth special forces brigade. At first there was a position as a manufacturer, then as a repairman for airborne equipment. She has about 4,000 parachute jumps under her belt. Honored master of sports of the ussr, multiple champion of the union and belarus parachute allaround championships. Natalya nikolaevna recently left the service, but. She did not leave her native unit. Today she continues to work in the brigade, but only in civilian uniform. Ensign ekaterina latyshevich, head nurse of the Emergency Department of the specialpurpose medical detachment. Last year, she and her colleagues spent a month providing assistance to the population of syria, which was affected by the earthquake. Hopeless and relaxing. Receiving thousands of patients, she fulfilled her duty. The eldest. Won a resounding victory at the International Army games. Olga serves at the Central Communications center as a warning technician. Ensign irina avdzevich is serving in the Immediate Reaction force unit 120 mechanized brigade as a psychological officer. Before that i served for 8 years. In the same unit, inextricably with the personnel, International Business trips, exercises, field trips for a month, 24x7 next to the soldiers, her word is sometimes the best support for them. Junior sergeant natalya onishchuk became the first girl to receive the badge of valor and skill. Senior mechanic telegraph operator, Communications Battalion 38 air assault brigade u. Successfully completed all stages forced march of 30 km, landing, topography, swimming across the river, fire training, sparring with three partners. By the way, five days. The test of strength and endurance cannot be passed by most of the male participants, she did it, and now from those who are soon planning to put on officer shoulder straps, cadets of the military academy, for example, diana kurylenko, in addition to excellent studies, manages to play sports, she chose the not entirely female version of arm wrestling. I lost the first competition, i didnt give up and started practicing even more actively. The collection of awards includes only victories and the category of candidate master of sports. Another example of sgt. Alexandra myshkovets. The only girl with this rank at the military academy. She is not just an excellent student, she is a senior female leader. It would seem so fragile, but in fact brave and strong. Sometimes they perform tasks on an equal basis with men. Many work in rear positions, but. Their tasks are no less important for the army, they come to work in dresses with heels, their hair is styled in playful curls, lipstick glistens on their lips. Having crossed the threshold of the office, the outfits change to a combat uniform or ketel, instead of heels ankle boots. Their laughter smiles brighten even the most difficult military days. They are the decoration of the armed forces, they are the pride of the army. The harsh dispersal of student demonstrations in greece, young people came out to protest against the unconstitutional actions of the government. More than 12 thousand students held a mass rally in front of parliament in central athens against a bill that would allow the country to create private universities and branches of foreign universities. Police clashed between the protesters and police used rubber batons to subdue the youth. Tear gas, despite the massive dissatisfaction of students with university staff, the scandalous bill was nevertheless adopted, opponents of private universities are confident that the innovation will devalue diplomas from state universities, worsen their financing, and ultimately. Will be forced out of the market altogether, paid education will completely eradicate free education. Once she was a student, she definitely made a revolution of sorts. 65 years ago , a doll began its victorious tour of the planet, without which not a single girl can imagine her life to this day. On the american the first barbie was presented at the International Toy fair more than half a century ago. Over time, the standards of human beauty have also changed because of it. For the sake of an unattainable ideal, people deliberately spoil their health and decide to go under the knife; the doll itself changes to suit the gender agenda. Evgeniy belousov found out how barbie became an idol for millions and a real hypnotist of childrens consciousness. Hello barbie, hello barbie, hello barbie, hello barbie, hello barbie, hello barbie, what girl hasnt dreamed of a barbie doll, her slender figure. They happily went to movie shows to see an animated idol, reminisce and admit that dreams of living like barbie turned out to be imaginary for them, and for many simply unattainable, because behind the pink dress and snowwhite smile there was a dark side. The lily doll, which received its ceramic incarnation from the comics of a german newspaper, was known for its wit and sexual looseness, thanks to its frivolous. Ture, she quickly fell in love with readers of all genders. Her character easily scammed men into buying expensive gifts, promising answer unknown. Lily dolls were sold in adult toy stores, bars and even tobacconists throughout europe. Men gave them to their girlfriends as souvenirs that suggested certain thoughts. And the path of this doll to america was made possible thanks to ruth handler. It was she who, while in europe, bought it with her. Several copies, the woman really liked the idea of ​​​​creating a toy in the form of an adult, because children of that time mostly played with sexless baby dolls, which they were pretty tired of, then ruth. Together with her husband founded a small company, motel, and a little later bought the rights to create lilly. Thats how, with a slight stretch, the courtesan doll became barbies mother. Unlike her ancestor, barbie was aimed at a target audience of little girls. For them, at first it was just a toy, but as they grew older, they increasingly tried to meet its standard of beauty. Thousands and thousands of girls began to starve themselves, which. To get closer to the doll figure, as a joke or not, but one of the versions of the toy came out with a book in its hands, on which there was an inscription on how to lose weight, but the answer was simple, dont eat. When i was little, i was given barbie, whose legs were as thin as her arms, when my brother was a baby, he was given figurines in which he could see every muscle. From childhood we are bombarded with these ideas, but this way of thinking is extremely dangerous. Standards are unattainable ideals, yet society tells us that this is how we should all be. The lgbt agenda has reached the doll world, transgender barbies and even figures that can be shaved, but ken , on the contrary, has acquired feminine features. Before the eighties, barbie had long hair, big breasts, a short skirt and heels. Like a courtesan, now its all kens, his dream house has a back entrance and glory hall, i dont know what that means, honestly, however, its not only barbie who is sinning on the topic of minorities, modern cinema and multiindustry are also promoting an unconventional agenda, some do it carefully, some do it for show, harry potter fans received a real blow below the belt when in the new parts of the movie it turned out to the universe that the good professor dumbledore was a game. Even spongebob was dragged into the lgbt showdown, however, he was not the only one. The cartoons zootopia, cold heart forward and at least a dozen more also unobtrusively feature similar characters. Of course, many defenders of western values ​​argue that motel does not create the entire entertainment industry, much less promote an agenda that is alien to us. They say they only keep their finger on the pulse and reflect modern society and its needs. And its very difficult to refuse this society, no one wants to lose millions in profit just because someone considers your activities to be oppression of the rights of minorities; claims in such disputes in the modern west are usually satisfied. Evgeny pelousov, Television News agency. World cup. With a full house in the stands at the Olympic Arena this saturday it was noisy and fun, in the republican Competition Among hockey fans for the prizes of the president ial sports club, the team of the head of state examined the team of the vitebsk region. This fight was especially important for both squads, since the meeting summed up the regular season. So for the home team it was a rehearsal, preparation for the playoffs, and for. The guests it was the final battle in the current competitive season. Let us remind you that the team from the vitebsk region is one of the outsiders of the championship. The president s leading team rushed to attack immediately after the opening throwin. Much to the delight of the spectators, in the first period alone the fans could see four goals scored. President s team 13 30 nikolai was named the best player in the opposition against the hosts lukashenko, the striker scored a hattrick and gave one assist. Also, oleg khantonenko and artyom korkotsky scored three goals as part of the head of states squad. Assisting double for alexander lukashenko. The vitebsk region team named ruslan solodkin as the best. We always prepare with full responsibility for the regular season, yes, i think we passed it quite confidently, took first place, we are preparing for the playoffs, so this is a rehearsal before the start of the playoffs, important matches await us there, so despite to. The status of an opponent, we always prepare to play at 100 . There are a lot of fans, its nice to see, yes, its always nice to play in such an atmosphere, of course, every year the league gets younger, so its harder and harder to play, but the topic is becoming more interesting and closer to the professional level, the penultimate place did not perform very well, again let us down due to illness, injuries, well, nothing, we dont give up, theres a next season, lets hope well make it into the top four, two programs, the winners traditionally thanked their fans, who not for a minute. The president s team will have to play with players from the grodno region, the second pair of semifinalists were teams from the brez and minsk regions, the knockout round will start on march 23. The hypocrisy of International Sports structures reached a new level when the Belarusian Tennis Federation made them significantly nervous. Suspension of the Belarusian National teams from the davis cup of the Billie Jean King cup. The head of our federation, sergei rutenko, held a press conference this week, at which, from a legal point of view, he indicated to all the positions in which our country was lost by the officials of the world tennis elite. I cant be silent, thats it. Watch athletes using tennis as an example on sunday on the main broadcast. The heroine of the following story she has been heading an agricultural enterprise in the grodno region for 20 years. During this time, the farm has become the largest milk producer in the region. 90 tons of white gold are processed here per day. Recipe for success. Online production, closeknit team. It was the woman leader who was able to find an approach to each employee to set him up for a common cause. About the masculine qualities of a real woman, report by yuri kornilovich. In the morning there is a working meeting in the accounting department, and by lunchtime the issues at the dairy complex are resolved. The director of the agricultural enterprise, olga lukyanenka, always keeps her finger on the pulse and personally controls all processes on the farm. Our pride. Cows that produce 60 liters of milk, when Olga Ivanovna headed the farm 20 years ago, she focused on milk production, during which time new dairy complexes were built, the most modern agricultural technologies were introduced, the result was not long in coming, production volumes increased from a ton of milk per day at the beginning of my career to 90 tons today, we milked 5 kg per cow, 5 kg, currently we milk almost 30, this is. 29. 8 this is about the housework, how it happened, ill tell you, this is the great diligence of our Olga Ivanovna, we, of course, are all with her, because we know how she leads, so we go, naturally, technology, to achieve success alone, olga lukyanenko admits, is impossible, a closeknit team, everyone whose employee clearly fulfills his duties is the main achievement of the farm. People work with pleasure, because we treat all teams, people as our family, here we decide together how to develop the farm, how to increase productivity, for example, to get highquality milk, you need a balanced diet, the diet of cows is prepared in our own feed mill , which was recently put into operation. We have nine types of feed, which the chief livestock specialist prepares and brings to us. And. We enter into our program, almost everything is dosed down to the gram, and we also built a rapeseed processing workshop next door, now we are fully provided with highprotein cake, and we get. After pressing the oil , it is sold throughout the country, this is another source of income for the household. Under full control on the farm, the Agronomic Service is now preparing the soil for sowing, how many hectares have been cultivated, what fertilizers have been applied, the director receives the report directly in the field. Volodya, today is your first day of cultivation, how is it coming . Yes, but how much have you done already this morning . I made 10 hectares, but there are still 20 hectares here. Sowing is a crucial period for the director, the readiness of each field must be checked personally in order to get a high harvest, the farm pays 60 centners per hectare, you need to strictly follow all technologies, olga lukyanenko reels in 200 per day km, and work starts at 6 00 in the morning and lasts until late in the evening, you cant do without family support, you need your family to understand you, respect you and provide assistance, in this regard im completely order. So i have a wonderful family , my children understood me when they were still finishing school, and the bulk of the housework fell on my children, my husband understands and always supports me, such a comfortable environment, says olga lukyanenko, inspires further development, there are grandiose plans ahead to complete construction of another dairy complex, the company is confident that everything will work out, because there is a real woman at the helm. Victor baka, agency. They successfully combine motherhood with advocacy of our country, occupy positions of leadership in parliament, at Strategic Enterprises in higher educational institutions. Natalia korchevskaya, rector of the university of culture for 3 years, daily charm and steely decisions, as an example to others, one of the faces of our culture shared in an exclusive interview about her weaknesses, as well as the aftertaste and conversation with. Men, fortunately, take care of us, and this can be seen even from the meeting with the president , because we still have

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