Belarus 24. Zoya kosmedemyanskaya, participant in the great patriotic war in october 1941, as a tenth Grade Student , she voluntarily went to the front as part of reconnaissance sabotage groups. She carried out missions behind enemy lines, participated in mining roads, blowing up bridges and crossings, destroying lines and wire communications. On november 29, while carrying out a combat mission, zoya was captured by the nazis. The girl was subjected to severe torture and bullying, but in spite of everything, she did not betray either her Mission Goals or her comrades to the enemy. The girl was silent and only. Said that her name was tanya. After prolonged torture, zoya kosmedemyanskaya was hanged on petrishchevskaya square. Zoya kosmedemyanskaya, the first woman during the war, was awarded the title of hero of the soviet union. Posthumously. Hello, lets start with a real bomb, polish judge Thomas Schmidt asked for protection in belarus, on monday he himself told everything at a meeting with journalists, he is ready for the polish authorities to take harsh revenge on him for his frankness, but he will not turn away from his chosen path. At first they tried to organize maidan here, but it didnt work out. Tried to destroy belarus from the economic side through various kinds of sanctions, this also failed. Belarus has an ingenious combination of modern traditions and enormous potential for the future. This is what can be called a kind of psychological type of people. I looked a little closer at you belarusian. Im not telling you this to make you feel good, only so that you know how it really is. You are a very hardworking people, you are very well organized, you have very great potential, and above all, you are very good. It seems to me that this is just a symptom, because that over the past 10 years, the judicial system of poland, first the regime of kochinsky, duda morovetsky, now the regime of the civil platform is being broken, as we say, over the knee, some built it for themselves against the brussels vertical, others have now arrived, are building it under the brussels vertical, with heads roll, spy scandals, surveillance of judges, surveillance of journalists, arrests. Incomprehensible itself or the murder of politicians, let us remember the case of mateusz peskorski, when just a man, in fact, became a leader parties are thrown behind bars, accused of a spy scandal, they do not prove anything, a person is in prison, forced to flee from his homeland, let us remember the situation of polish journalists, by the way, including judges, civil activists, who are not allowed to the border with belarus so that they god forbid they didnt see a crime against humanity. By the way, the president of belarus spoke about this, addressing over the heads of politicians directly to the polish people look where your power, your caricature, is leading you, just look, but stop the crazed politicians, dont give them a chance to turn all life on the planet into ashes, all this immediately comes out, you see, because the president of belarus does not speak simply because he wants to annoy his polish counterpart. I dont even know what to compare it with, he is already a spy for them, and a personnel agent of the kremlin, what does the kremlin have to do with it, its not clear at all, he went to belarus, and not to the kremlin in moscow, he means an unfaithful husband, he maniac, well, thats all that is possible, all the dirt that can be said about a person, now the polish media they make a serious face, but i liked, besides this serious face, the confused face of the Prime Minister of poland, who said. Im shocked, did someone compare him to snowden . No, it seems to me that snowden is still a larger figure, because i dont know what kind of state secrets of poland comrade schmidt, judge warsawsky brought to us, but snowden was a systemic phenomenon, it was the last attempt of information partisans to resist this the dominance of large digital corporations, understandably american. Spy system that invaded social networks and made them its tool. Nikolai evgenevich, what do you think of this . You know, for me this was, in general, an expected moment, and i had already been waiting for a certain time for something to happen, why . Because the situation is escalating in our neighbors country, constant attacks on our state, our own citizens, destruction. Political principles on which poland, our neighbor, generally functioned, this is exactly what is happening today, it was about to something will happen, we remember an incident involving military personnel, chechko, it was not so long ago, in general, it was the first, so to speak, bell in this direction, because he saw what was happening on our border, how they destroy, kill, in russian speaking, kill, do not destroy, people who try. Go to europe in the free world, thats what i call it, but you correctly emphasized where they were invited today, all this. United and, so to speak, realized together in the action of this judge, why . Apparently a person who has quite a lot of normal information, well, in his own country, having access to a certain information base, his idea of ​​​​what is happening in his own country has simply gone off scale, and this spilled out into this protest, i would call it a civil protest, in it cannot be called anything else, because the person is. Adequate, a wellmannered person, a person, so to speak, with a high level of intelligence, we see this from his communication with journalists, he is trying to defend his position, having exhausted all possible worlds in his own country, in his own state, realizing that they didnt want to listen to him, he chose for himself, made this decision, to show what was happening in. In poland, but do you think there are many such shmitas in polish society . In my opinion, there are not so many of those who are ready to go to the end, but there are sensible people there, people capable of, so to speak, analyzing, capable of adequately assessing the processes taking place in the state, over the last 10 years it has been quite, so to speak, friendly for us country for many years, our the neighbor we always talked about has become a country that spends a. When you listen to schmidt, especially in that part, he touched on this topic about the fact that when he says that ordinary poles want good neighborly relations with belarusians, with russians , that they see how poland, america and Great Britain are being pushed towards war, you immediately understand who exactly you were addressing. Alexander lukashenko, when he congratulated poland and the baltic countries on their independence days again and again, that is, it turns out that there is a return signal, there is a message to hear, it is obvious that in poland there are many sensible people who understand that dragging the country directly into a war, a military conflict, is absolutely unprofitable for the people and the country itself, it will be used, as for the actions of the authorities, it is obvious that during the period of information war and tough confrontation, each side will. Then we say, he is telling the truth, that poland is unprofitable, you know, dragging poland into the war will lead to a disaster on the european plain, first of all this there will be a great tragedy for the polish people, this is the president s message, not only the last one during the message at the Supreme Council and by may 9 at the solemn ceremony and so on, which he always talks about, that it is necessary in europe to begin a dialogue with. Sophisticated , and we want to find technology, i listened to my colleagues, we, of course, people have some secret reasons why he got here, but indeed, yesterday the president said that the world has never come so close to nuclear weapons, to the prospect of nuclear war, and maybe be that in itself the main thing the trigger is when a person understands where his country is being pushed, it is quite possible. He is also a patriot, he wants to save his population, he wants to become the symbol that will draw the attention of the World Community to this problem, how do you look at this . Colleagues are right here in that, of course, this is a consequence of internal political problems in poland, of course, and this is the action of a person who thus expresses his attitude towards the policy that the polish establishment is currently pursuing , but i would like to draw attention a little bit. Im not mistaken, 28 or 30 km of just the funds that were allocated was enough for them, but nevertheless they managed to get into trouble, i wont say another word, that there are criminal charges against the officials who conducted the tender cases were initiated and checks were carried out, now they are under the brand of a threat from the east they are building these fortifications, the amount is already much larger, more than 300 Million Dollars for 5 years already. In the burachkov area they are building tank ditches there, what other ammunition depots are they going to place there, a little whether to mine the territory, we see how in ukraine this is all done, all the roads are dug up, the policy that latvia as a whole, a neighboring state of the European Union with us, is now pursuing, closing checkpoints, that is, they are doing the minimum, although quite recently we. We started a Small Border Movement with latvia and there were such serious prospects, what can we talk about, it suggests that the image of the enemy is needed in order to distract, distract from internal political problems, if we take population, i would even like to continue your thought, why please note that this is not a sevenminute question, it didnt start quite a long time ago, somewhere in 2019 there was already talk that exercises were being held in this area, all the scenarios that were going on nato, the seizure of the Baltic States by russia, the exchange of these territories, all this was prepared in advance, this is a consequence of this preparatory stage, and most importantly, in addition to creating the image of the enemy, there is a constant escalation, look, after all, the baltic countries are lithuania, latvia and estonia, they already acted at the level of their Prime Ministers, at the level of their. Need, to allocate additional funds, to forgive their government those mistakes, those, so to speak, failures, thats the correct phrase, failures that. During this time and the fact that today these countries are losing people, potential, everything, and according to estimates in 2015 they may cease to exist, the only thing i would not use is these narratives of the polish baltic elite that supposedly this whole infrastructure is being created against migrants, its all nonsense, its it is created primarily against its citizens, who simply do not want to be allowed in, including to belarus, to russia, to belarus on a visafree basis, to russia, to see how real it is. And are used by foreign Intelligence Services, all these great philosophers who are for mother russia, for great europe or for the independence of ukraine, they are all used by western Intelligence Services to escalate the situation, by the anglosaxons and to escalate the conflict, that is, i will finish again his thought, his daughter was killed, okay, which intelligence agencies can be used, he is a rightwing philosopher, can be used, intelligence agencies are used in different ways blindly. And bribery, and even playing on the patriotic and communication of everyone, so if i once again th any radicals are used by the Intelligence Services either directly and any radicals, without even knowing about it, even using the best intentions, that is, you understand, the Intelligence Services do not work like that, this we are recruiting, we will buy this one, we have incriminating evidence for this one, and we will play on his very selfesteem, conceit, dugin is a wonderful philosopher, he is a fan of his ideas, but he is practically a religious fanatic, i respect him, but such people are also used, i dont let them be offended by me, russian, this is my opinion, but i say again, all people who hold extreme rightwing views are used today by foreign Intelligence Services to escalate the conflict, what is the main problem and you should talk about it on your broadcasts, the fact that today we have already 90,000 armed forces amassing weapons on the border will be amassing the armed forces, they have achieved the most most importantly, the parties became unable to negotiate. They dont see, the west doesnt see, especially europe in the person of russia, a party able to negotiate, and russia today is not ready to make any compromises or concessions, this escalation is used with the aim of first drawing together the armed forces, in order for a military conflict to begin in europe, weapons must first be deployed and deploy the appropriate contingent, then they will sort it out with the politicians, the peoples have never made a decision to start a military conflict, the people will always be prepared, they will be given in your ears, anything, there will be provocations, there will be a trigger, then politics and events, you should see trends, there is no need to go into specifics, let me remind you that the commanderinchief recently checked the readiness of our air force and air defense, conditional targets were detected by radio engineering troops and then destroyed antiaircraft missile. Aviation coped with the task. Let us emphasize once again that we use military force for purely defensive purposes. This is directly stated in the military doctrine, updated and approved at the recent national assembly. And there is another Important Message the use of military force is considered only after the possibilities of using political, diplomatic, legal, economic, informational, ideological and other measures in the interests of ensuring military security and defense have been exhausted. But, we hold on to gunpowder. Based on the emerging militarypolitical situation, primarily around the republic of belarus, we continue to improve the combat readiness of our armed forces. The most effective way is sudden inspections, which are carried out in conditions as close as possible to real combat environment. In accordance with the instructions of the commanderinchief of the armed forces, other troops and military formations, forces capable of using Tactical Nuclear munitions will be involved in inspections. First of all, these are iskander operationaltactical systems and su25 frontline attack aircraft. To control forces and means, a system has been deployed to transmit signals to. Which have not realized that the very fact of the deployment of Tactical Nuclear weapons on our territory should make them understand, but they did not understand what we were talking about now, the emotional background increases, and people are simply fooled against this background, is that what you think . I will continue what my colleagues said, that the special Services Work when there is a need for them, and we act very purposefully. The federations have now already begun preparatory measures in order to prepare for the use of nuclear weapons, but not in order to use them, but in order to act as an element of deterrence, in order to cool down hotheads, because the words on them do not work, so they are needed actions, and these concrete actions are underway, the president clearly said, a speech during a solemn meeting on the occasion of victory day, if someone uses weapons against us. We will answer, and instantly, we will not draw any lines, we are not russia, thousands of thousands of kilometers away, you can draw lines there and expect something, russia, mother , cannot be captured right away, and belarus, as the last war showed, within for a month it ceased to exist, now it will be even faster, then it wont, so no lines, no, any aggression. Methods of deterrence are actions aimed at deescalation. Our citizens need to understand, the head of state said this very clearly, that belarus is very clear about its place in the world, about its military capabilities. Firstly, we have no territorial claims against anyone. I do not consider belarus a direct participant in the conflict, because we do not derive any benefit for ourselves from this conflict. And territorial goals. Weapons against them if they are continue the escalation in europe, they will play on this, make money, on this intransigence of the parties, that there is such a threat that they will feel, but listen, today we should already russia has started to do this, we are slowly moving towards this, peskov about this said, but we must explain, we are not going to fight the nato bloc with conventional weapons in europe, this is idiocy, listen, well, take. The throwing of the drg, so that at least they cannot throw in these criminals and traitors who, under the guise of local battles here they will come in and begin to arrange what they organized in belgorod in other regions of russia, naturally we must have capable armed forces, internal troops, this is normal, but on a global scale washington, any escalation up to the use of Tactical Nuclear weapons will be acceptable, and today we must indicate that puskov said correctly, a war with nato, not a war with nato with conventional weapons, the population of the nato bloc is several. Only in this case we will be seen as a real player in political arena and please, at such a moment, i also want to draw your attention, because we have a component these are Nuclear Missile weapons and which aircraft carriers can carry, we train both of these components, we do not train them in order to strike at some strike, but it was just said what kind of forces there are in europe, it was just said that training is constantly taking place near our. Borders, these are already thousands of people, these are thousands of weapons, we are not ready for them on our own today resist, but we can inflict unacceptable damage on them, and this is an element of strategic deterrence, this response will be immediate, as was said, and in order for it to be immediate, we need Trained Personnel and an appropriate decision to respond to it. All this information will influence the consciousness of the british and germans. This is an asymmetrical response. I think yes, americans and European Union members reveal their vulnerabilities themselves. Well, lets say, an attempt to ban tiktok in the usa, a raider takeover of tiktok, what is that . This means american power, the current regime biden signed that he cannot control the 17 million. He doesnt know what waves of information are happening there, what thoughts are shared, or telegram in the European Union, already European Union officials, whom no one elected, are saying that we will either block or limit telegram in the European Union. In my opinion, an important policy of the belarusian media in particular should be to build such channels and appeals. Directly to the polish, to the baltic society, societies in the countries of germany, Great Britain, for which, including including the peaceful policy of the president of belarus can be communicated without blocking censorship. We continue, french president macron said that he does not rule out the entry of western troops into ukraine if russia breaks through the front line, if kiev makes a request. The arguments are the same if russia wins, in the next second there will be no security either in romania, or in poland, or in lithuania, not in our country, says macron. The leader of the democrats in the us house of representatives, hakim jeffries, continues the idea. On cbs, he said that we dont we can let ukraine fall, because if that happens, there is a significant likelihood that america will have to intervene in the conflict not just with our money, but with our military. Has already noted with regret that there is a growing quote in the Republican Party the proputin faction, which does not want to support ukraine for some reason , refuses to consider russia an enemy of the United States, you know, lets probably start this topic, please, ill start it completely with on the other hand, maybe even a few unexpected, yeah, all these statements, these are their statements, this is, in general, a broadcast to the world of those thoughts that. Are among representatives of countries who, for decades, centuries, have been imposing their point of view on the whole world. But one of these same representatives, joseph barel, who literally a week ago finally revealed the sacramental secret of the whole of europe and the world. The us has ceased to be a hegemon. These are his words that he expressed to Great Britain. The international, so to speak, geopolitical game presupposes pressure or struggle in political sphere, economic, social, information. Troops realizing that today in ukraine the future of the entire western world is being decided, they are coming to the last line, we will send troops there, we will use all available weapons, which is what is being done today, we talked about this a year ago, a year and a half ago, that is, we have reached the border that requires taking radical measures, and most importantly, a radical measure, not war, but peace, look, what do you think about these statements . Well, you can be paralyzed here, but its clear that in any joke there is only a grain of joke, therefore, both the attempts of Great Britain and the attempts of france, combining with the previous topic, are attempts to redivide europe as well, well, it is obvious that germany is weak, this is the fruit of the European Union, as a new Integration Project under the auspices of german business , the german economy, which by the way lived on the russian one. Macron, macron is just such a mapet, who was installed so that he could voice certain things, take no, the french, i dont even think that this is journalism, they collected the last seven macrons statements regarding the deployment of troops, which directly contradict each other, then we introduce, then we dont introduce, then we will interfere, then we will categorically not interfere. But macron is broadcasting to europe, and to the United States of america, which will now have its own yearandahalf, at least probably 4 years, severe internal political crisis, that i, france, i, france, yes, am ready to take responsibility not only for the whole the European Union, because france on the continent is a country with real sovereignty, really possessing its own nuclear weapons. With its own troops, including outside the borders of france, the same foreign legion, yes, interests in africa suffered, but nevertheless france remains in africa, and french culture and language remains in africa, Great Britain is doing the same thing, by the way, for you i dont think, in this statement about a hundred years of friendship, there is something, you know, ritual, we will love each other forever, only death will separate us, thats what, they just dont do anything, it seems to me, particularly cameron , he is not thinks in categories. China, brazil, india, the Russian Federation and so on, then naturally the balance of power in the world, and the balance of power is, first of all, the economy, Economic Opportunities and access to resources, access to human resources, access to Natural Resources and economies, plus control of International Trade and the financial system, this is what the fight is going on now, why the war, so that they simply understand, they dont just want to fight, today they clearly understand that the only competitor, i said in your last program for washington for the coming decades. We will soon remember about central asia and so on and the southnorth caucasus, all this will work for us in the coming years, we need to inspire local and regional conflicts in order to weaken them, and unfortunately, today there are ukraine, germany, and a number of other countries European Union, in principle , everyone is hostage to the situation, and i say again, we need to bring about a situation where. The parties can start talking, lukashenko says correctly, without prefacing preconditions, what is zelenskys plan, you look, its an ultimatum, an ultimatum, that is, zelensky issued a decree prohibiting himself from negotiating, but if you look at his plan for peace negotiations, this is an ultimatum, that is , to return, even to return to crimea, you noticed how they even tried to surround sidenpin now, macron and urslav fonderjili, but he made it clear, unfortunately, today lets just take their side. We must take the side of the enemy, understand the situation, we have not seen such a plan from russia that would imply compromises, because well , yes, we changed the constitution, a little time, the main conclusion, and the main conclusion, and so on in this topic, you need to understand that the statement of both cameron and macron, firstly, is part of domestic politics, torture, an attempt to pull the blanket over oneself and somewhere to show its role in the world, second, washingtons big role here, influence on the intraeuropean agenda, and i will do it again. To emphasize with a red thread, our task is to introduce the parties so that they see each other as a party capable of agreement, we must all using methods that are possible and demonstrating strategic and tactical deterrence, and the information field to introduce the parties so that they begin to see each other as negotiable parties, we must move the parties away from the conflict, and not lead the parties to escalation, thank you, aleksandrovich, vadim just pushed me to this idea that we started with a pole, who ran over , in general, every next question we asked, your answer was close to the fact that behind the poles there will be lithuanians, behind the lithuanians there will be a latvian, then europeans, why . Because except prospects for a nuclear catastrophe, there are other stories, we really touched on idinbin, he came to the frenchman, he came to the fonderin course, how she ended up with the man who is at the helm of the European Union, well, with a formal ultimatum that if you dont reduce exports to our countries, then we. All these actions speak about one very important thing, in my opinion, that unfortunately the west has not learned to lose, but it will have to lose, and it does not have the economic prerequisites for maintain its hegemony, this is obvious to everyone. Its clear, therefore, his main strategic line is that in order to prevent eurasia from lisbon to vladivostok from taking place, because it will not only be a counterweight to america, it will drown america, this is strategic, as for statements about a hundred years of friendship, well, we know, that there was a hundred years war in europe, and real actions, speaking about peace and friendship, they project a hundred years war into. But they cannot play for a long time, we have one Strategic Partner of the state, which showed to all three named players, Great Britain, france and the usa, that there is nothing centuryold in the world, i mean vietnam, the occupation by the british, they said that we came there for a century, flew out like a traffic jam, the occupation of france, flew out like a traffic jam, and the entire United States of america, could not do anything with the people of vietnam and their struggle for independence and freedom, could not tolerate it. Forced, you know, to shake up not the victory day itself, but our performance, the decorations, even perhaps of this holiday, because what further, the fewer witnesses to this victory it is difficult to preserve a. Now, in what we are going through, we have seen the true cost. So for you, today, for us, what is victory day, andrei evgenevich . Victory day is the sacred meaning of the belarusian nation, it is a holiday that, well, if you like, is nationforming, because in belarus it is impossible to find people other than outright freaks and crazy people who would not relate to this victory. As the greatest event in our history, which allowed us not only to preserve the belarusian people in history in general as a subject of history, but allowed us to speak on behalf of the truth of justice throughout the world, because we liberated it from nazism, we have the moral right to speak to the same germans, the same united. Subnazi banners europe, that we stood on the right side of history, and you, besides two nations, serbs and greeks, came to our land with weapons in your hands, destroyed 27 million soviet citizens, destroyed every third belarusian, now through ideology, through arms supplies, through money, you are trying to take revenge, there will be no revenge, lets listen to the president , now a fragment of a speech at a ceremonial meeting. Unprecedented information attacks and all kinds of falsifications on the part of the collective west justify the atrocities committed by the nazis and their henchmen. We see how revanchists are trying to pull the bankrupt nazi ideology out of the underworld. Everything is presented as if the nuremberg tribunal never happened. Forget, this is a historical parallel that i would say this, this is a lesson that cannot give us the opportunity to develop and look into the future with confidence, all this is our victory, we are a victorious people, we are the people. Who bore on his shoulders all the horrors of war and who clearly understands that the most important thing in the world is peace, peace and once again peace, and for the sake of this word we must work and lead all our political components, develop, take care of our homeland, and the fact that belarus treats victory day with such respect suggests that we are a nation with conscience, and we honor the memory of the great victory, we realize that the blood of victors and liberators flows in our veins, today we unanimously stand up when we hear great songs about the great victory, a tear breaks through us, we are proud of the place belarus is in. To the world on our entire planet. I thank you for participating in this program. And finally, why this war is relevant even after 80 years. Because the idea underlying it has not changed. Our grandfathers pulled out the weed, but somewhere deep the root remained, it again sprouts. I would like to be wrong, but in the speech of the ceo of the powerful black Rock Foundation and larry fink, are the shoots of the same evil unknown to us . Listen. I can say that in developed countries the winners will be those in which the population is declining. In my conversations with the management of these large developed. The slavs must work for us, but if we no longer need them, let them die, it turns out that times and generations change, but the goal of global evil is still the same, there are fewer people, and specific people from specific ones. Countries, they have a big historical problem with the slavs. Therefore, memory is not just a beautiful may day, it is a shield and sword in our hands. You can do it in 24 hours. A lot, in 7 days and even more. In our project you will learn about key dates and events in the country and the world that happened during the week in just 20 minutes. There will be time for entertainment, exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits. A series of films pearls of belarusian cinema. And, of course, Online Travel around our amazing country in search of a new place on the map. All this and more. And covering your skin is something new for yourself, its so good for us, because we work for it with anyone, with anyone and belarus

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