16. It is not letting up with the cycloned bomb getting ready to hit the east coast with snow and high winds. More than 2000 flights have already been canceled. This is bloomberg. Im Alisa Parenti. Bloomberg technology is next. And thism emily chang, is bloomberg technology. Tesla struggles to manufacture for the masses, pushing back a crucial Production Target. Plus, blackberry Ceo John Chen joins us to talk about the companys partnership with baidu and its push into self driving cars. Hasssaging app used in iran been blocked as a wave of antigovernment protests sweeps through the country. How social media is shaping the sentiment. Tesla has pushed back a Production Target for its allimportant model 3 yet again, after shipping fewer cars than expected last quarter, shedding more light on elon musks production hell. They expect to hit 5000 cars per week to the second quarter, delaying the goal by three months. Tesla trailed analysts estimates of just over 2900 units. Max, why are these numbers so bad . Max they are bad because this is now another delay from elon musk last year said he hoped to have 5000 per week by the end of the year, then it was three months, now it is six months. As bad as these numbers are, tesla has done a pretty good job managing expectations. If you looked at what analysts were saying at the beginning of the week, a lot of people were expecting some sort of disappointment. Basically, musk has conveyed to investors and the public that they want to get this right, that this is taking a long period of time. That said, it gives plenty of ammunition to skeptics who are questioning whether tesla will be able to meet these what really are wildly ambitious production goals, whether they happen in the middle of next year or even later than that. Emily we do have a chart showing production on the bloomberg here. It shows the number of cars produced every quarter. They are holding about steady. What do the numbers overall indicate about just how hellish production is . Below what we way were expecting. I wouldnt read too much into the production numbers of the , which are model x the more expensive luxury cars. A lot of Consumers Want this model 3, the massmarket car. Tesla has already claimed a pretty big chunk of the luxury car market. The real question is, once you get into the massmarket, 35,000, 40,000 car range, whether tesla can do the kinds of things that these big car companies, gm, toyota, have been able to do. Hasright now, elon musk done a fantastic job of sort of getting analysts, getting everybody to see that this is a bet on the future, but the future gets closer and closer each quarter and each quarter that tesla isnt able to get to this massmarket electric car that we have been promised for a decade, the sales pitch is going to get harder, and its going to continue to cause people to ask questions about the companys future. Emily so, why is wall street so focused on this, when the absolute numbers we are talking about here are still so small . Max for tesla to justify this enormous valuation, it needs to be a mainstream car company. To be a mainstream car company, it needs to be able to produce these massmarket numbers, and not just to justify its valuation, but to meet the Ambitious Goals that elon musk has set for himself and for humanity as he probably would put it,. Ff you want to get us off o fossil fuels, you need to get the cost of electric cars down. Its all well and good to sell 100,000, 120,000 luxury suvs, but if you really want to make a dent in the universe, so to speak, then you need to sell these massmarket cars. Emily and still, analysts are saying tesla is way ahead of the competition. Put this in the broader context for us. Max thats the bull case here, which is that any problem in one must are going through at the moment, his competitors are going to have to go through it. What tesla has said is one of the companys big problems is where they are making the battery packs. To other company that wants make a massmarket electric car will also have to deal with battery production issues. The bet would be that, you know, toyota, gm will have to go through this as well. These are companies that are really experienced that dealing with supply chains, dealing with manufacturing, big hulking pieces of machinery. Tesla is less experienced there. Maybe they will be able to deal with it faster. That said, you have to admit that tesla has done pretty well as far as getting people to buy electric cars. The model s has outpaced expectations of where they were a couple years ago. Emily all right, max chaffin of bloomberg. Thank you so much for that update. Barclays analyst mark moscow its a barclays analyst says apples offer to replace batteries cheaply may mean a hit to sales. Analysts expect some customers to take it manage of the discounted batteries and skip potential upgrades to newer models in 2018. Coming up, blackberry takes to the road with chinese internet giant baidu. We will speak with blackberry Ceo John Chen. Bloomberg tech is Live Streaming on twitter. This is bloomberg. Emily intel has confirmed the report, saying that its chips contain a feature that makes them vulnerable to hacking. It said other companies semiconductors are also successful susceptible. Intel is working with chipmakers and operating system makers to develop an industrywide approach to resolving this issue. Microsoft says it has already resolved the issue with a security fix for this chip. News coming out of blackberry, the ontariobased company has signed a deal with chinese internet giant baidu to Work Together on driverless car software. Blackberrys vehicle operating system and in car Entertainment Software will be bundled into baidus self driving car platform. Baidu has been signing up dozens of partners around the world, in a bid to eventually become the driverlessinant software technology. How did this deal, bow deal come about . John how did this deal come about . Emily yes. John we have been working with most everybody in the ecosystem. This is the latest announcement of a number of partners we have signed up. We have qualcomm and others all in the last, id say, fou ror four or five months. This just happened to be the next major partners we signed up. Emily how does this help lack blackberrypushs blackberrys push into the self driving car industry . John we are providing safety and security in the operating system for the Autonomous Vehicle and the platform. Of ourhow one strategies. As you know very well, when we first talked about me picking up this job, it was to create a new category for us to dominate in. I wouldnt use the word dominate, but we certainly are doing extremely well in that category. Emily so, how will blackberry help by do become a dominant player help baidu become a dominant player in the car industry, which is their goal . John baidu is quite ambitious in creating the autonomous platform, the Autonomous Vehicle platform. And so, theyre putting together ase code and they pull us in their operating system platform. I pointed out the fact that they picked us because of the safety and security certification that we have at qnx. With that, they should be rather. He rather complete i assume the Auto Industry will go beyond the auto that you and i know of today. They are going to provide maps and Digital Information also. So, i think this is a pretty good partnership. We are bringing some very good things together. Emily so, talk to us about the impact that you see of this partnership on blackberrys business. Give us any hard numbers, if you can. John i cant give you any hard numbers. You know that. I know you have to ask that. Its going to be our growth platform. Growthknow today, might business my Growth Business is on the Enterprise Software, especially with security and cybersecurity. The next leg of our growth is with auto. This is why this is so important. We will go beyond the auto and go into the eot or iot world. Its a huge market and its growing it is growing. We are fortunate we can play well with it. Emily are there any other partnerships with other automakers in the works, and how do you plan to pursue more partnerships . John oh, yeah. You should expect us to continue to expand our ecosystems. I think our attention the last couple years has been joining up with new partnership, creating new platform, like the one we just announced, humanmachine interface. All really good, new stuff. Some of those are a little scifiish, but its going to happen. You should expect blackberry to continue to grow the partnership and ecosystem, and we are working on that. Emily so, how does all of this fit into the context of blackberrys broader turnaround strategy . Tell us what else is working and whats not working and how this business evolves, as it has evolved considerably since you have taken it over. John thats a great question. I awould not call us in turnaround mode anymore. We make money. We generate growth in the right area. We have a very good footprint in the cybersecurity enterprise for regulated industry in we generate growth in the right area. Particular, like the banks and governments and health care. Those are growing. Last quarter, we announced our billings on the Enterprise Software grew 20 . Qnx organization, focusing on design wins, we are announcing big design wins. Im hoping to see more, and you should expect to see more. When we marry the two together in the future, we are going to have a platform of security for iot management. Said, im very excited about the future of the company. We are executing to it. We are showing the results. So, its not just a strategy on a piece of paper, like the first time you and i spoke. Now we are really delivering. Vein of thee questions i have to ask, john, youve been on the board of disney for more than a decade now. Im curious what you think of the acquisition of the fox asset, a massive acquisition, and how you see that setting disney up for the future. John well, you have to ask that. You know i never answer questions about disney. Any questions about disney, you have to ask the disney management. But thank you for asking the question. Emily all right. John chen, ceo of blackberry. Always great to have you on the show. Thank you so much for stopping by. John thank you. Emily we have some news coming in from intel now. Talking a little bit more about this security flaw in their chi ps, saying the exploit allows access to privileged information. It does not allow malicious code to infiltrate the computer or stop the computer, but they say that fixes to this attack will take some time to deploy and that those fixes are coming over the next two weeks. Coming up, spotify preps for its unconventional public offering. The latest details and what it means for startups looking for an exit, ahead. This is bloomberg. Emily they are buying a brazilian right hailing company ing company, putting themselves in direct competition with uber. Last year, they led a 100 Million Investment in the brazilian company. The terms of the cash deal were not released. The move is a signal that the industry may become dominated by Global Companies instead of local monopolies. Spotify has confidentially filed for its ipo, according to a person familiar with the matter. Spotify will go ahead with the plan to skip a traditional stock sale and list its stock directly. It avoids underwriting fees and restrictions of stock sale by sir current owners. Joining us, alex barinka and lucas shaw. Lucas, i will start with you. What do you make of the timing . Why now . I know we were expecting this, but now we know. Lucas the timing is spotify has planned to go public either late in 2017 or early 2018. It really came down to when they could get their books in order. They felt they could close their books from an accounting perspective in just a couple weeks. Financially, they have really never needed to go public just to raise money, which is why they are taking this unconventional path of a direct listing as opposed to a more traditional ipo. They were under pressure to do so as quick as possible to get out from underneath the terms of this convertible debt that they had raised. So, it was really just a matter of the fastest they could do it that they were comfortable with, they were going to, so now they are clearly comfortable. Emily alex, how is a direct listing different from a typical listing . Alex in a classic ipo, you hire bankers. They help you go out on a roadshow, craft a story, figure out what sort of valuation investors are willing to swallow. Emily that costs money. Alex they pay the underwriters anywhere from 2 to 2. 5 , which is what snap did. With this, its different. They basically come out and say, look, our stock is trading now. We dont know how the mechanics are going to work. In the past listings ive looked at, Small Companies that have listed, they basically just open the shares on day one, like a normal open auction, and that can inject some questions. Is there enough supply and demand . Where does the price stand . These are things they will have to suss through that could inject a lot of volatility to the shares. It seemed like if they are moving ahead with this, they say they dont need to go out and scream their story from the rooftop like a classic ipo and they dont need 14 banks coming in, telling them how to sell their story. Emily lucas, what does this mean for the economics of the early investors . Does this mean more money for everyone in the end, who is already an insider . Lucas those early investors will make a killing, if you are to believe recent reports about what the company is now valued at, which is 15 billion, as much as 20 billion. The last time they raised money in the spring of 2016, they were valued at 8. 5 billion. While im sure there will be some complications as to who gets to pull out money when, most investors, should they choose to sell are in line to make a killing,. While im sure there will be some complications as to who gets to pull out moneyi do thine underwriting fees might be somewhat of a motivation, but i think that the choice to go the direct listing reflects the company led a company led by a guy who really enjoys doing things differently from how the system tells him he needs to do it, and thats a big motivation here. Emily so, the question is, is it the right strategy . Is there any precedent for this . How has that played out . Alex the direct listing precedent isnt there for a big company, but this does make me think of google. Google went out with a dutch auction, a different kind of ipo. Down. Ad to cut the price they had to cut the number of shares down. Then they came out a year later and sold 4 billion worth of stock, and there were some questions about dilution. Down. They had to cut the number of shares down. There is a precedent for doing things differently. This will be the first real test case. When i talked to my sources on the street who are in the ipo world, nobody has really come out and said, hey, i want to do this next, but everyone is going to watch this very carefully, especially the Biggest Companies who dont need the capital that would be raised from an ipo. Right now. If we have to see how this gets executed. Emily we know the valuation is high. What do we know about spotifys financial situation and engagement situation, as compared to, lets say, apple music . Lucas spotifys revenue has been growing rapidly, along with its user base. It made more people aware of the fact that there were these services where you could stream millions of songs ondemand. Spotify now has more than 60 million paying customers, more than 140 million users. Its margins have improved. It negotiated new deals with all of the major rights holders, the record labels and publishers, that gave it slightly better terms. Most of the people who have poured over the different filings they have issued say the picture looks better and better. They have real cash flow, which a lot of startups dont at this point. Emily quickly, lucas, talk to us about the implications of this lawsuit we have just learned about. Lucas there are a lot of songwriters who are upset with spotify because they feel like they never had their work licensed, so they are not getting paid enough. Spotify thought it had settled this case last year, but some other songwriters have filed suit recently, asking for more. They have asked for more than they are likely to get, but this is a headache spotify would like to do a do do away with before it goes public. Emily lucas shaw and alex brink a thank y alex bar inka, thank you. We explore the evolving role of tech for those hitting the streets. Listen on the Bloomberg Radio bloomberg. Com, and in the u. S. On sirius xm. This is bloomberg. Is this a phone . Or a little internet machine . It makes you wonder shouldnt we get our phones and internet from the same company . Thats why Xfinity Mobile comes with your internet. You get up to 5 lines of talk and text at no extra cost. So all you pay for is data. See how much you can save. Choose by the gig or unlimited. Xfinity mobile. A new kind of network designed to save you money. Call, visit, or go to xfinitymobile. Com. Alisa im Alisa Parenti in washington, and you are watching bloomberg technology. There is here is your first word news. Existing sanctions could be used against the u. S. By the u. S. Against human rights violators. 21 people were killed and more than 1000 arrested during protests over the last week. A turkish banker has been convicted in new york of helping eran is made iran evad financial sanctions. He was found guilty of bank fraud and conspiracy. He works for one of the few authorized to hold money for iran. President trump has picked his replacement for u. S. Attorney for the Southern District of new york. He is a law partner to former new york city mayor rudy giuliani. Trump wants him to be confirmed within the next 120 days. Two new u. S. Senators took their oaths of office today. Smith takes al frankens vacated seat. Speciales comes off his election victory over judge roy moore last month. Jones arrival mirrors the gop Senate Majority to 51 49. Global news, 24 hours a day, powered by more than 2700 journalists and analysts in more than 120 countries. Im Alisa Parenti. This is bloomberg. Just after 5 30 p. M. Here in washington, 6 30 in the morning in hong kong. We are joined by bloombergs david ingles with a look at the markets. Across the board records for wall street today. David we are at records already here in the asiapacific. To your point, a very good morning to you from hong kong, it looks like we will be building on gains from where you are. New zealand is open at the moment. Thats an alltime high for the new zealand top 50. The story of course will be the theening over in tokyo, cash market trading for the first time in 2018. We are looking at about a 2 pop at the open. Through,ata to get coming out across the region. India, japan, hong kong, to name a few. The tenure yield in australia is down about three basis points. The dollar rebounding the 10 year yield in australia is down about three basis points. The dollar rebounding. Watching oil prices as we push towards 68 on brent, the highest level in about 24 months. Thats markets early. More from bloomberg technology. Emily welcome back to bloomberg technology. Im emily chang. As we start the new year, washington is preparing for a new set of challenges but according to the m. I. T. President , one major threat is being ignored and that is china. In an exclusive interview, he warns that china is king of the hill and the u. S. Is at risk of losing its edge in technology and innovation. Thingsa has done amazing and will continue to do so. Tonas population is close 1. 5 billion. We are a little over 300 million. Times the american population, so, from that standpoint, the competition is going to be very strong with people who are extremely smart. We know, because we have them here. My concern is, we need to recognize we have a very worthy competitor. Thats the expression ive used before. And you dont think we recognize that. Rafael it doesnt sound to me like we do. Perhaps now people are beginning to Pay Attention to it. I think the corporations, people that are fighting every day for they know that. Its not clear to me that enough people in washington know that or recognize that. That is the issue that i ehe only way you compete for th economy, to maintain the position we have right now, is with talent and with research funding. That is the foundation of our future. The innovation comes from investments. Todays innovation came from investments made 20 years ago. So, if we dont Pay Attention to that i think its also not so much the funding for research in isolation. Its the funding for research vis a vis what china is doing. While the funding for research of science in america is more or less wavering to stable and going down, the funding of research in china is just going up. In a couple of years, they will spend more money than we do as a nation. How close are we to losing our edge, our primacy, if you will, to china . Rafael in some areas, weve lost it. In what areas are we talking about . Rafael china is investing heavily in artificial intelligence, supercomputers, in rapid manufacturing. They are probably the king of the hill. I think in some areas, we already lost it. Emily that was m. I. T. President rough fail reif rafael reif. Antigovernment protests have swept across iran. Once again, technology is playing a crucial role. , used by app telegram roughly half the population of iran, and instagram appear to be blocked in the country. Tara maller is joining us now from washington. Tara, tell us what you know now about what the technology is available to these protesters and how the government has responded. Tara this is not really surprising. Iran has had a number of social media sites and applications blocked prior to this. Facebook and twitter had already been blocked in various forms. They have restricted access in the past. What we are hearing now, in addition to what was previously blocked, there has been an additional block put on the ceo put on. The ceo of telegram said that the app had been blocked. There are potential internet shutdowns in potential in parts of the country as well. The iranian government taking on a higher form of censorship now as they are trying to crush any form of dissent across the country. Emily i am recalling the use of twitter back in the day, years ago, which precipitated the blocking of twitter in iran. Talk to us about how protesters are using technology in iran today and how it has evolved from those years. Tara technology has been critical, obviously now compared to 2009, you have had a rise in not just the number of individuals using iphones and all sorts of mobile devices, but youve also had growth in terms of individuals all over the globe around and including social media and different applications used to communicate. In some cases, encrypted applications. It helps them organize, coordinate times and locations, spread ideas in opposition to the iranian government, which weve seen ideas that have been protesting both the economy there and protesting the ideology, in some cases as well. So, i think you see technology being critical. It is worth noting that, even though the government in iran is taking steps to quell protesters by blocking their access, the iranians have gotten savvy about workarounds in some of these cases. A lot of them have ways to access these social media platforms even though the car government has prohibited them. Emily we should also note that the use of technology also has a dark side, including telegram. Telegram has also been reportedly used by terrorists to communicate. Is that correct still . Tara yes, absolutely. One of the areas the applications have been used for is not for peaceful protest, but also by terrorist organizations. This is Something Technology companies have been grappling with consistently. Isis and other terrorist organizations using telegram both on public channels, but also more private channels to communicate, spread their ideology, spread their propaganda, something that my organization has been pressuring Tech Companies on, in terms of cracking down on content which violates their terms of service in the case of terrorism. Much of theof iran, protests going on there are peaceful protests and demonstrations, things that the United States government is in full support of them being able to do. I believe the state department has also been using these channels to try to communicate with Peaceful Protesters there as well. Emily what has telegram, in particular, done to combat the use of its platform for terrorists . Tara well, i think youre seeing the Tech Companies start to be a bit more responsive. You saw you to, which is part of youtube, which is part of google, take down Anwar Alawlaki vidoes recently videos recently. In some cases, there are encrypted communications. We think that telegram should be enforcing its terms of service. Any violent jihadist content or content that violates the terms of service ought to be taken down, oguht not ought not to be permitted. And users this material should have their accounts suspended. This is something we have seen Tech Companies being a little more responsive on, after coming under increased pressure, not just from the european union, but from capitol hill, democrats and republicans alike, particularly in light of the recent hearings on russia propaganda. There are concerns about an affair he is sectors using these platforms in ways that are in violation about nefarious actors using these platforms in ways that are in violation of their terms of service. What do you expect from Companies Like facebook and twitter when it comes to combating those issues moorehead on more headon . Youe will see a can will see a continued buildup of pressure from capitol hill. I think youre going to see a push for more regulation in this area if you dont see the Tech Companies start to take concrete and specific measures to show demonstrable robbers in terms of getting these actors off their platforms. We have a list of demonstrable progress in terms of getting these actors off their platforms. We have a list of actors who you cant do business with. If you do, you are in violation of policy. They should not have free reign, terrorist organizations or individuals promoting terrorist content, to operate in virtual safe havens. I think you will start seeing more public pressure. Im optimistic you will see Tech Companies being more responsive. I hope it doesnt take a series of more terrorist attacks and more deaths before they do so, because we do see that online radicalization has become problem in most of the homegrown cases and most of the cases in europe that we have seen. Emily i know you will keep us posted, tara maller. Always great to have you here on the show. Coming up, the race among bike sharing giants. We hear from one Chinese Company who looks to hit the pavement in the u. S. , next. This is bloomberg. Emily this day in tech history. It was nine years ago that cryptocurrency took off. On january 3, 2009, the Blockchain Network had its very first block mined. Since then, the Bitcoin Blockchain has mined over well over half a million blocks. The cryptocurrency boasts more than 1000 different currencies. Ofo, the alibababacked, chinese ise sharing company, acrossng to companies north america. It is in 20 cities across the u. S. And operates in 250 cities worldwide. Last year, it completed value funding across north america. It is in 20 cities across the u. S. And operates in 250 cities worldwide. Last year, it completed value funding rounds that showed its value at chris taylor across north america. It is in 20 cities across the is joining us. Talk to us about what you see for ofos expansion in the u. S. This year. What is the road ahead . Chris much larger expansion. It started to speed up in q4. Start of q4, we were in only three or four cities in the u. S. We are now in 20 cities at the end of the year and looking to expand close to 100 cities by the end of 2018, a massive expansion into the u. S. , after a fairly large expansion in china and throughout the rest of the world. Emily how do you manage the supply of bikes . There are images of these bikes lying in piles, a different strategy. Chris from our perspective, its an operational exercise. We are one of the best at that. We have over 10 million bikes globally. We do about 35 million trips per day around the world. We have done 6 billion to date. ,ts an operational exercise making sure we have the right ground. The there are so many positives to bike sharing, cutting down on congestion, cutting down on emissions, giving people a healthier lifestyle. There can be negatives in terms of an eyesore. From an operational perspective, we need to make sure you dont see that as a consumer. People are going to vandalize bikes, knocks them down. Thats a fact of life. We cant take that out of human nature, but we can make sure people dont see that. Our goal from an operational perspective is to make sure society gets all the positives with as few of the negatives as possible. Emily im curious about some of the trends you see in bike sharing and how they compare to trends you saw in early ridesharing. Chris near identical, which is part of the reason i met ofo. How do you get people in the United States to change to riding bikes . I dont think thats the case. I think we are walking on a path that was forged a decade ago by zipcar and then by uber and lyft, where people are more multimodal. Were not telling you to get rid of your car and ride a bike. We are saying you have probably gotten rid of your second car, first car. Work. Ber into you need to get to a meeting a few blocks away, hop on a bike. Its just another form of transportation in the city that is, from an infrastructure perspective, really changing the way the people moved in the last decade. Emily you had just wrapped up a trial in seattle. There are other players in the market. Do we need so many . Obviously, you look at uber and lyft. It is a stiff competition between just the two of them, and some would say only one is winning. Chris its interesting. There were more conversations five years ago with ridesharing, where people said there are only x amount of taxis in new york. Why do we need so many ridesharing cars . The more cars or bikes you have, the pie expands. Users are just starting to use bikes. With more adoptions comes the need for more bikes. We have yet to understand what the true total market size for bike sharing can be, but its going to be a lot larger than where we are right now. We have about 20,000 bikes in the u. S. We think thats going to be a lot larger in 2018 and beyond. Emily i just interviewed kaifu lee, a Chinese Investor who has invested in bike sharing. Take a listen to what he had to say about the future of the market. I think shared bicycle is david definitely a winner take all market. Consolidation has happened. There are two players left. Either one can kill the other or they will merge. Emily he is talking about player that is chinafocused. Do you think this is a winner take all market . Chris i dont think it needs to be. I think it is too early to tell. People have said that about ridesharing, and you are seeing two players in the United States and multiple players around the world. I think its too early to tell if this is a twoplayer or oneplayer market, but time will tell. Emily how big can the market be . Chris i think it can be massive. For perspective, about 16 months ago, we were doing a couple hundred thousand trips per day in china. Now we are doing 35 million. The adoption has been intense in the last 30 months, and the business has grown exponentially. We have seen some or trends in singapore more trends in singapore. We are starting to see those in the United States. I dont think we know the market for uber an dlyft even and lyft even five or seven years later, but we think it will be a very large market, otherwise we wouldnt be here. Emily chris taylor, thank you so much for stopping by. Coming up, alibaba has scrapped plans to buy moneygram. We will take a closer look at jack mas american ambitions Going Forward this is bloomberg. Forward. This is bloomberg. A 1. 2 billion deal that could have reshaped the Global Fintech market, but plans have been scrapped to buy moneygram after failing to win regulators approval. Alibabas next steps in america . Lulu, what are they . Now s of right now, we know ant financial and moneygram saw no way that regulators could approve this deal. To payancial has agreed 30 million to terminate the deal. They said they still want to collaborate together in working on partnerships, and that will take on Something Like what they have already done in southeast asia, where they have invested in thailand, indonesia, and india. Emily a year ago when jack ma met with then president elect trump, he promised more business in america. How does that take shape . Lulu right. Um, so, not having the moneygram deal go through probably because originally they were working towards that deal, it gave them extra initiative to really make those one million jobs happen. But even with this deal falling apart, it doesnt change things, because jack ma has said, until 2025, they hope that more than 50 of their revenue does come from outside china. When we spoke to them last year, they said they were on track with that target, hoping within five years they will still create one million jobs within the u. S. Predominantly, those jobs will be focused on creating a creatingon transactions, crossborder trades where u. S. Sellers will be selling to chinese partner buyers. It is essential for alibaba to keep going on with those initiatives. Emily as you look at the relationship between the Major Chinese tech giants, whether its alibaba or baidu or tencent in 2018, what is the one major theme you think we should be watching . Lulu right. I think for the u. S. , the deal this initiative to acquire and invest more in Silicon Valley and in the u. S. Is a continuing theme. Companies that foreign acquisitions will not be that easy anymore. They have some minority stakes of spotify, tesla. That is probably the approach they will be taking. Emily bloombergs lulu chen, thank you so much for that update. That does it for this edition of bloomberg technology. A reminder, we are livestreaming on twitter. Check us out, technology. Thats all for now. This is bloomberg. Is this a phone . Or a little internet machine . It makes you wonder shouldnt we get our phones and internet from the same company . Thats why Xfinity Mobile comes with your internet. You get up to 5 lines of talk and text at no extra cost. So all you pay for is data. See how much you can save. Choose by the gig or unlimited. Xfinity mobile. A new kind of network designed to save you money. Call, visit, or go to xfinitymobile. Com. 7 00 a. M. Here in hong kong, we are live from bloombergs asian headquarters. Im yvonne man. The bulls still running. Asiapacific markets extending gains on wall street. The snp topped 2700 for the first time. Stocks were lifted by confirmation that the fed was only gradual hikes, optimism that u. S. Manufacturing is speeding up. Betty from global headquarters, im betty liu in new york just after 6 00 p. M. On wednesday

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