Europe and other parts of the world that are not encouraging. Clusters in new york. As folks worry about the possibility of a second wave, or even a second wave that is seeming to be starting, you see those parts of the market hanging back. That is exactly what happened in january. In addition, the bond market in the u. S. Is closed for the holiday. Japanese yen, the up a second day in a row. Over the last two sessions, the dollar against the yen down the most since the middle of september. On the surface it is risk on, but below the surface there are nuances to keep in mind. Taylor thank do bloombergs abigail doolittle. Investors have been watching for ,ny signs of fiscal stimulus but any chance for a deal looking less likely. President trumps time to spark negotiations on of the round of virus relief falling flat with House Democrats and republicans on capitol hill. For more perspective, i want to bring in ed mills, washington policy analyst at raymond james. I am curious. It seems like the gains within the last few days in the markets seems like we are pricing in some short some sort of additional stimulus. What do you see . Ed i think that is correct. One thing investors are focused on is not necessarily the sex timing, but they say the not necessarily the exact timing, but they see the floor moving up. It was not an offer from the white house and republicans, last week it was 1. 6 trillion, friday it went to 1. 8 trillion, and over the weekend you had a view from the white house it could go higher. Ist the market is focused on ultimately there will be a package that gets struck and implemented, and hopefully that will be done to Key Industries we were just talking about. Kevin coming up we will talk about the political ramifications of President Trumps tip in the polls. How have the markets been reacting to present data to democratic president ial nominee joe biden widening his lead in the polls ahead of november 3 . Ed we host a call every monday and poll our clients as it relates to the political impact of this. What we see in that is as the chance of a democratic sweep the up, that is also a view total dollar amount of stimulus goes up. From a market perspective, it is not the normal we are concerned about regulation. It is more hope and anticipation for good support from the fiscal side of the house being there for the economy. Taylor it seems like there has also been in a shift in the market between a blue wave seeming bad for equity prices because it meant higher regulation, and yet that narrative has shifted to a blue wave meeting more fiscal stimulus and a classic reflation trade. Is that something you were looking at . Ed absolutely. A subset to that is more conversation about if there is a blue wave, if there is a 3 trillion plus package, how should we look at the bond market . Is that going to cause the long end of the curve to increase because there could be inflation concerns . Those stocks such as financial getting a bid tied to that. Is that also looking you could see a recovery because there is getting closer to a vaccine, getting progress on therapeutic spirit a reflation, reopening trade getting more steam as a confluence of events are coming together. That could be beneficial to those stocks. Kevin meanwhile as a relates to a blue wave, what would that mean for the Energy Sector in particular . Ed one thing people have looked at the Energy Sector in a blue wave is thinking a recovery package which would probably have more carrots and sticks to the Energy Sector that the economy is more important than politics. We have gone through four years of a champion for the Energy Sector with deregulation in donald trump, but energy has been the worst performer of the s p. It is a reminder that it does not matter who is in the white house. Supply and demand outside of politics is far more important than individual regulation. I do not think there is the same concerned with the democratic sweep then there would have been a couple of years ago. Taylor what does your analysis tell you about the passthrough rates and the money supply through private versus public . If you raise taxes but you add stimulus, is it 11 and nets out to zero or is it different because one is through public and one is through private . Ed what the investors i am speaking with our thinking about it is before the analysis they are thinking about it from a timing perspective. The fiscal support is likely to come first. Any change in the tax policy will probably take longer. When ive talked to individuals in d. C. They tell me to think about in a shortterm versus longterm. In the shortterm if there were to be a recovery package if joe there might be a pay for it but it will be relatively limited. That gives the economy time to recover as it is getting a super boost of policy. We have robust and aggressive Monetary Policy and then we get to the end of 2021 into 2022 and there is a phase in in targeted tax policy, that would be a potentially headwind to the market, but people are thinking about their portfolio over the next 12 months, not necessarily what happens in 2022 and beyond. Kevin so smart. Here in washington they are saying it is a question of how much stimulus as opposed to whether or not that happens before november 3. Before i let you go, in terms of the dynamic of the volatility surrounding mailin voting, has that risk diminished . Ed it has not diminished, but probablyave changed is the biggest question we have gotten is not who wins, but will we know a winner election night. Investors are focused more on the fact that mailin ballots are actually counted in advance of election day in most states, and that will give us potentially more information on election night. Kevin and Governor Gretchen Whitmer of michigan saying she is not holding herself to what she described as an artificial deadline of election night. Thanks to ed mills, washington policy analyst at raymond james. As Amy Coney Barrett faces senate lawmakers, we will discuss the implications. That is next. This is bloomberg. Kevin this is balance of power on Bloomberg Television and radio. I am Kevin Cirilli with taylor riggs in new york. Voters are getting their first look at judge Amy Coney Barrett as the Senate Judiciary committee holds their first day of confirmation hearings theyre all but certain to lead to President Trumps picked being placed on the High Court Just days before the confirmation. ,e are joined by mary ziegler professor at Florida State University College of law. She is also the author of the new book, abortion and law in america, roe v. Wade to the present. We are thrilled to have you with us on this topic and specifically on this day. What are you going to be looking for as the Opening Statement today. Tomorrow we get to the q a portion. What are you going to be looking for for the q a portion of judge Amy Coney Barrett . Ry we will not expect judge barrett to answer questions directly. Ever since robert borks failed confirmation to the support to the Court Nominees have avoided saying anything. I am curious if judge barrett will call roe v. Wade settled law. Settled law has come to have a meaning in the antiabortion community, the argument being roe v. Wade has failed to settle abortion, if she calls it president but not settled law, that may tip her hand. I am curious how she plays a lot of questions about her views on everything from the Affordable Care act to abortion because she has a paper trail than some of the nominees we have seen in recent years. Kailey talk to me more about that. The way weve intertwined professional views and the way we can hear cases on a legal basis and make opinions on that. Have we focused on her personal views or are we rightfully looking for her personal views and facing the way we can she can look at a case in front of her based on that. Her personalpinion views have become too much of a focal point because we have a long and open tradition of president s picking justices with an eye to the results those justices will deliver. We know this, President Trump has said this on multiple occasions about specific rulings included but not limited to roe v. Wade. The fact that she was chosen is an open secret it is to engineer certain result. I do not see what the point of focusing on her religious beliefs or her prior prolife does given we know that is the trajectory of Many Supreme Court nominations. Kevin it is fascinating so close to an election, the themes of Womens Health issues, catholicism, so many of these issues on the campaign trail where there being talked about, including whether or not joe biden would add to the number of justices on the bench. Specifically, about what we know about how judge Amy Coney Barretts record is on financial regulatory matters. Do we know anything about her previous record . Mary she does not have much of a record. She has only been a judge on the federal bench since 2017. We know she has some concerns about the kind of federal Administrative State as a whole, and that would include financial regulatory matters. I think one of the brilliant strokes of choosing her is while she has a paper trail, her record as a judge is limited so we are only making educated guesses. Kailey i want to talk taylor i want to talk about other educated guesses, particularly around the aca. What we know and what can we glean about not only her views but the composition of the court and how they view the individual mandate and whether that is the key issue in the hearing a week after the election . Mary we know Amy Coney Barrett was skeptical of chief Justice John Roberts opinion that was the key deciding vote to save the Affordable Care act the last time around. Support people who barretts nomination will stress the current aca case is different from that one and barretts criticisms do not apply to the case that is currently before the cato institute. I think her presence on the court in general creates an insurance policy for conservatives because we sought this summer chief Justice Roberts and neil gorsuch appealing away from other conservatives, to deliver votes that meant at least dhaka at reprieve oras had a title vii prevents lgbt protects lgbt. With a conservative on the Supreme Court that breakaway does not matter as much and creates a possibility for a more conservative coalition that can push for more dramatic changes more quickly. Kevin on that point, i want to follow up. Ifecially at especially she is confirmed and on the Supreme Court and it is a 63 dynamic. Who with the middle justices be for lack of a better term . Obviously it would have a conservative tilt, but we have seen these breakaways in the past. Would there be a middle faction and then a left and a right, or no . Mary it is too early to say where Amy Coney Barrett would fit on that spectrum. We have already seen factions begin to emerge. Alito haveomas and tended to vote together. They are the further right wing of the court on a variety of issues, whether that is President Trumps tax records or abortion or anything in between. Neil gorsuch has emerged as a maverick figure who will demonstrate conservative rulings and right not very conservative rulers rulings depending on the topic. Then you have justices roberts and Brett Kavanaugh who are not particularly likely to be won over by arguments about some stands of law but are concerned about the courts institutional legitimacy or reputation. On some topics that would make kavanaugh the middle vote because he does seem to share some of roberts concerns about the courts reputation and image. Aboutight give him pause striking down the aca or overturning roe v. Wade. Then you have someone like neil gorsuch who might be open to a wider range of arguments, but not necessarily as concerned about optics or reputation. We simply do not know where Amy Coney Barrett will sit in the equation. I think the expectation given some of her writings has been she may be more ideologically aligned with thomas and alito, but only time will tell if that turns out to be true. Taylor final question. What is the risk in the next four days something goes wrong. What with the risk to be this does not turn out the way we expected to go . Mary in terms of her not getting confirmed . Taylor correct. , amy it is very unlikely Coney Barrett is a student of history and has seen when judicial nominations can go south. I do not think she would disclose anything that would doom the nomination. The unfortunate side effect of that is the Supreme Court nomination hearings are almost content free. The best we can do is find a read between the lines and look at the secret code nominees are using to signal what they might be doing. I would be extremely surprised if Amy Coney Barrett did anything to damage her chances because she understands how the game is played. Taylor mary zigler, Florida State University Professor of law. Thank you as always for your time. We will turn over the first word news. To thent trump returns campaign trail after declaring himself in great shape following his bout with coronavirus. He will hold a rally in orlando, florida. In addition to florida, trump is expected to travel to pennsylvania, iowa, and North Carolina. He is hoping resuming his signature rallies can reverse his poll numbers. Boris johnson is imposing new restrictions on the u. K. To control the surge of covid19. His plan includes closing bars and pubs in parts of the country where the outbreak is spent is spreading. Boris johnson told parliament the toughest measures will go into effect wednesday. I take no pleasure in imposing restrictions on businesses, many of which have gone to Great Lengths to reopen as safely as possible. Nor do i want to stop people enjoying themselves. We must act to save lives. Taylor johnson has unveiled a three tier system based on the risk level. He says he is determined to avoid a Second National lockdown. A coalition of Technology Companies is stepping up its effort to fight cyberattacks. The coordinated takedown being spearheaded by microsoft using a federal court order unsealed today to begin dismantling one of the worlds most dangerous networks. The goal is to disable a Global Network created by malware. Global news 24 hours a day, on air and on quicktake by bloomberg, powered by more than 2700 journalists and analysts in over 120 countries. Stay with us. Still ahead, part of our interview with sheila bair, center for Financial Stability senior fellow and former fdic chair. Her take on who is responsible for getting the economy back to precovid conditions, next. Power onalance of bloomberg tv and radio. Taylor we have been speaking with sheila bair. We discuss who is responsible for getting the economy out of current conditions. Sheila there are things the fed could have done. We could talk about those. To the extent households and Small Businesses have to rely on banks as credit, that is primarily your transmission mechanism. You cannot force them to land, especially when big banks to make a lot more money without credit risk by doing underwriting and trading. Their incentives to do Small Business loans are reduced. They have shown very little interest in the main Street Lending program, and they have to rely on small banks and they have been stressed. The tools are not elegant. The traditional tools are not wellequipped to help. I think there is almost a moral imperative. No he has been criticized for getting political and urging fiscal relief. I also think theres a moral imperative for the fed because the income and wealth inequality impact of the current intervention that has propped up the corporate sector and equity markets, which overwhelmingly benefit the wealthiest in this country, it is almost a moral imperative for the fed to press for Fiscal Health for main street. More . how did the fed do in your opinion . What else should they be doing . Sheila their corporate debt interventions, they could have focused on primary debt issuance , more surgically focused on primary debt issuance. They would never intervene in corporate debt markets before. This is huge. When they did it, they probably intervened in the secondary market, which helped investors. The point was they felt corporations and employers who needed access to the public debt market continue to fund themselves. They set it up and have not used it. Providing a broad backstop to the secondary market, there were no strings attached. You are seeing a lot of the beneficiaries directly and indirectly, they are still doing buybacks, they are still doing dividends, they are pursuing m a. It is hard to see much of the money is flowing into job preservation. I think they could have been more targeted and surgical on their corporate debt intervention. In terms of household jobs, i advocated for getting much more serious about centralbank Digital Currency and giving households and may be Small Businesses the ability to access, directly or indirectly, reserve accounts so when you need to increase money supply in a situation like this, give it directly to the sectors that are stressed. Right now we are transmitting it through banks and into loans. There is a lot of debt already. Households and Small Businesses need cash. They do not need more loans. Exploring this new technology to see if that is realistic to do that needs to be authorized by congress. Blend the lines between fiscal and monetary which is why there should be tight controls. I which the fed would get more serious at looking at technology. I think it could be a good automatic stabilizer to pump money directly into the sectors that need at. That need it. ,evin that was sheila bair center for Financial Stability senior fellow. More next. This is bloomberg. [ sigh ] not gonna happen. Thats it. Im calling kohler about their walkin bath. My name is ken. How may i help you . Hi, im calling about kohlers walkin bath. Excellent happy to help. Huh . Hold one moment please. [ finger snaps ] hmm. The kohler walkin bath features an extrawide opening and a low stepin at three inches, which is 25 to 60 lower than some leading competitors. The bath fills and drains quickly, while the heated seat soothes your back, neck and shoulders. Kohler is an expert in bathing, so you can count on a deep soaking experience. Are you seeing this . The kohler walkin bath comes with fully adjustable hydrotherapy jets and our exclusive bubblemassage. Everything is installed in as little as a day by a kohlercertified installer. And its made by kohler americas leading plumbing brand. We need this bath. Yes. Yes you do. A kohler walkin bath provides independence with peace of mind. Ask about saving up to 1,500 on your installation. Virtual appointments now available. Kevin this is bloomberg balance of power. Im Kevin Cirilli. South carolina is up for grabs. Senator Lindsey Grahams seat in the palmetto state is not a sure thing. Jamie harrison raising more money in the Third Quarter than any other Senate Candidate in history. Lets bring in anna edgerton. This was supposed to be senator allsey graham, this was an but given. What happened . Why is this race so close . The fact that we are even talking about this case shows just how far this blue wave could go in the direction of the democrats depending on the final weeks before the election. You did mention that Jamie Harrison, the democrat challenging graham for his seat, raised a record amount. He raised 57 million. The secondmost was beto orourke in texas when he was challenging ted cruz. We know its not a given that if you raise the most money that you will win that seat. Very curious if there are more local issues in the state that are more of a focus. We are certainly seeing National Money flowing into this race. South carolina is an interesting state because it is conservative but its not as focused on the social issues that some of the other states in the deep south. You see people like mark sanford who was really a fiscal conservative and that brand of conservative conservatism we see in south carolina. He resigned from the house of representatives because he didnt fit in with trumps Republican Party. Lindsey graham has made a different calculation. He has gone full in on President Trump. Kevin cirilli thats what i find fascinating. Yuko a couple miles up the interstate to North Carolina you go a couple miles up the interstate to North Carolina. Is trying to distance himself between President Trump. Has senator Lindsey Graham done anything to put distance between himself and the president . No. On the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett. Thatst remind viewers graham is the Judiciary Committee chairman and heading those confirmation hearings right now. Hes kind of banking on this moment to remind conservative voters that you might not like what President Trump has done, his personal style, but you are getting these conservative justices confirmed to the Supreme Court which could cement a conservative majority for a generation. Taylor how much of the shift that we have seen when graham andbig in 2016 to being net neck, is there Something Else going on entirely . Thet is interesting to see evolution of Lindsey Graham. He was critical of President Trump and now he has become one of his closest confidantes and golfing buddies which is a huge shift for Lindsey Graham who was a very close ally of the late senator john mccain. Hawk kind of traditional conservative. Republicans have completely gotten on board with the trump brand of conservatism especially when it comes to labeling democrats as part of the radical left that wants to dramatically reshape america as we know it. Kevin thats really fascinating, especially as we are watching and listening right now to senator Lindsey Graham before the Senate Judiciary committee orchestrating and overseeing the confirmation process to judge Amy Coney Barrett im old enough to remember when candidate donald trump gave out the cell phone number of senator Lindsey Graham on the campaign trail just a couple of years ago. Theyve come a long way. Taylor this will be very interesting. This is why i love to take a break from markets and talk about the shift in tone you have seen since 2016. A lot of the issue was if you didnt like trump, it was voting for a more conservative Supreme Court. Look where we are four years later. It certainly seems to be another similar situation. Kevin exactly. They are giving out cell phone tookrs and Lindsay Graham a hammer and trashed his cell phone. The republican establishment of yesteryear is done. Taylor im going from being your coanchor to being your marathon buddy. Heres mark crumpton. Senate confirmation hearings began today for President Trumps Supreme Court nominee. Judge Amy Coney Barrett will cast herself as a judge committed to avoid policy making and keeping her personal views out of rulings. Democrats are concerned that she will rule against abortion rights if she is confirmed as expected. The nations top Infectious Disease expert says he was taken out of context in a new campaign add that praises President Trumps handling of the coronavirus pandemic. The ad includes a clip of dr. Anthony fauci saying i cant imagine that anybody could be doing more. He made the comments during a march interview with fox and said they are part of a broad statement about the efforts of federal Public Health officials and were used without his permission. Dr. Fauci says he has never publicly endorsed any political candidate. Biggest hits is about to be available free on pluto tv, the streaming service owned by viacomcbs. Pluto will show episodes of narcos, a drama about the latin American Drug trade. Rightscquired exclusive to the series for the next six months. European Union Officials have agreed to impose sanctions for the poisoning of russian Opposition Leader alexey navalny. They will be banned from traveling in europe. He fell ill in august on a domestic flight in russia. Tests confirm he was poisoned by a soviet era nerve agent. Global news 24 hours a day on air and on bloomberg quicktake, powered by more than 2700 journalists and analysts in over 120 countries. Im am mark crumpton. This is bloomberg. Get thewe will republican perspective on President Trumps campaign restart following his covid diagnosis. We do that with Michael Steele of Hamilton Place strategies. This is bloomberg. Taylor this is balance of power on Bloomberg Television and radio. Im taylor riggs with my cohost and running buddy, Kevin Cirilli. President trump returning to the campaign trail today hoping to reverse unfavorable polling trends. Biden Vice President joe is leading by 12 Percentage Points with just three weeks to go until the election. We want to welcome Michael Steele, a partner with Hamilton Place strategies. A professor at Georgetown University and former Senior Advisor to jeb bushs president ial campaign. If we do believe the polls and the current president is behind, what do you want to see in the next few weeks to turn things around . He is coming out of the pit several laps behind. He is short on time and money. What i would like to see is what i think the American People have been hoping to see for much of the past year. Thisnge, a desire to take pandemic seriously and the economic devastation that it has wrought. Desire to work with democrats on capitol hill to get some relief and a tone that recognizes that humility and compassion are part of the job of being president of the united states. The campaignon trail strategy. Is to turny conservative districts blood red and amplified in districts they already won four years ago. We me put to you a question were talking about earlier. Upd down to south carolina, to North Carolina. How do you convince constituents who might be crossing over to biden to stick with the Republican Party on down ballot races . Thats going to be awfully tough. Given cal cunninghams shenanigans in North Carolina, his incredibly poor explanation of what seems to be indefensible behavior, i do think there is a possibility that donald trump could lose that state. If you look at south carolina, the number for Jamie Harrison versus Lindsey Graham are basically exactly the same as the numbers for President Trump versus joe biden. There is not a lot of ticket splitting going on right now. Kevin what is the risk politically with both parties as the judge Amy Coney Barrett hearings begin the q a portion tomorrow in washington . Republicans, the danger is you are rushing forward too quickly, you are jamming this through before the election. That is a popular message, but not an overwhelmingly popular message and not one that many people are going to vote on. The danger for the democrats is they are seen as attacking her faith, attacking her family, supporting some fairly unpopular positions on issues that will be coming before the court. I think the president and his team and a lot of republicans are hoping that democrats overstepped some gloves overstepped themselves and say things that are insensitive to people of faith and many americans. The bickering between trump and biden as local people go to the polls . Are they voting for biden and trump or local issues. Voting for national issues. Is that a risk . Absolutely. I think the president in some ways lots out the sun when it comes to this contest. Almost every voter that i know is going to their polling place or filling out their ballot by mail in order to vote on trump versus biden and there could be some effect in down ballot races where people just vote the party line one way or the other rather than taking the time to learn about their local races and make those decisions based on the merits which i hope they will do. Think it is smart for the president to skip out on the debates or should they be back at the negotiating table with the Debate Commission and trying to have these things . Debatetown hall style was probably going to be the weakest format for President Trump. It requires him to listen while ordinary americans ask questions patiently. It also requires him to show empathy. The people who are the masters of this format like joe biden and bill clinton, they have a different skill set than the president. It is daft for a candidate who is short on money and time and trailing in the polls not to want to get on the debate stage. Not to what the millions of eyeballs and not to what the opportunity for the former Vice President who is given to the , give thatgaffe opportunity to him to make that error in front of all of those people. I dont understand the president s strategy in avoiding the debate right now. Kevin you are one of the more consummate insiders in terms of washington, d. C. And conservative circles especially among strategists. Regardless of whether or not President Trump gets reelected and republicans hold onto the majority in the senate, are the conversations of whats next for the Republican Party already being had quietly, but are those conversations underway . 100 . The president is a unique individual. There is really no such thing as m without trump. If you look at the coalition he put together to very narrowly win the Electoral College while 2016, the popular vote in thats not the coalition of the future. Thats not the coalition that is going to win president ial elections for the Republican Party. There is a very serious conversation already going on about how you identify popular durable practical portions of the president s agenda and build a coalition around that that can be competitive on national a National Level in the future. Kevin that coalition of the future will be on full display in the months following november 3. Our thanks to Michael Steele, republican insider who knows everyone in conservative circles. President trump looks to revise his campaign in florida tonight with three weeks until election day. We talked to nikki friede. This is balance of power on bloomberg tv and radio. Kevin this is balance of power on Bloomberg Television and radio. Im Kevin Cirilli with taylor riggs. The final countdown is on for President Trump and joe biden with just 22 days until election day. We continue our swing states series and take a closer look at the Political Landscape in florida were President Trump is set to hold his first rally since falling ill with covid19 tonight. Friede. Us is nikki thank you for joining us. President trump back on the campaign trail. ,rom an economic standpoint what impact has the covid19 pandemic had on your state in particular . Its been disastrous. The president not only downplayed the pandemic, had no plan to get us through it and we all know because of the cases and the amount of deaths across the entire country and in the state of florida, we cant have an economic rebound. Tourism is our number one amped economic number one economic driver in the state of florida. We are one of the highest gdps in the entire nation. Most of that is in tourism. Covidwe can actually beat , tourists arent going to come back to the state of florida. That theme parks and seaworld and Universal Studios and disney, last week disney took 9000 people that they laid off. A lot of our hotels and restaurants had furloughed people during the original out rake outbreak. People in theion state of florida that are currently unemployed and there has been no plan either from the president or our governor to get our economy rebounding and thats because there is no plan to get covid under control and make sure we beat covid in the state. Kevin what do you need from capitol hill because they are having these roundtheclock conversations supposedly about fiscal stimulus. You mentioned tourism. What do you need for republicans or democrats to pass on fiscal stimulus . I also oversee the School Nutrition program. We need to make sure the usda is continuing to pay for the programs that stood up during the first part of this pandemic. We also need to make sure we are getting the food into our homes. More importantly, Small Businesses. We know a significant chunk of the money that was advocated during the first stimulus went to the one per centers. They went to the corporations and the stock market. That is not even close to a snapshot of what is happening in our american homes. Businesses, Small Farmers are continuing to struggle. Money needs to go right in the heart of people who are suffering. We need to make sure our Small Businesses have exactly what they need. Hotels are starting to lay off employees, not just furlough. The money needs to go to reinvigorate the middle class in the state of florida and not back into the 1 corporations. Woulde the corporations expand their hiring process, but recapw what they do is all of their profits. System are gaming the and the money is not going down to the hardworking floridians. The money needs to go to our Small Farmers and businesses. Do you want changes to see in the trade war to boost your agricultural business . I have been a strong opponent to usmca. Oftraded the better interest our florida farmers and southeast farmers for the auto industry. Stateas happened in the of florida since nafta was first signed is that we have seen a significant, over 200 to 400 increase in the amount of mexican products coming into the state of florida and throughout the southeast. Which means that Small Farmers trying to feed their communities and the world are having to compete with mexican growers who are paying . 25 a day for their farm labor which we know here in america is unacceptable. Actualsure that we have plans in place to equal the Playing Field. Our farmers are some of the hardest workers in the entire world. Creating a level Playing Field is all that we are asking for. Across the people country are actually buying domestic products. Demanding that. We know the power is in the pursestrings. If our americans are demanding domestic products, that will create a huge ripple effect. Kevin florida, swing state. Final countdown. Three weeks to go. How important is it going to be for democrats to win florida . How can they win it back from 2016 . The only wayw trump can actually win is by winning florida. Which is why he is putting his first rally here in the state of florida. His reckless behavior is just a clear example of his lack of leadership on covid. To have a rally here in the state of florida. Know as ive traveled throughout the entire state talking to a lot of our down ballot candidates. We have the most diverse candidates across the state. The message is very clear. We have an individual we have an opportunity to elect and that is joe biden and kamala harris. Control,ovid under making sure that we are actually respected again across the entire world. Inhave lost that prestige the international community. Here in the state of florida we as democrats are not just taking our message to democrats. We are taking it to independents and moderates. Todays Republican Party is that of donald trump which creates divisive politics, divisive social issues. Only taking care of the one per centers. Fried, thank you for joining us. Coming up, balance of power continues on Bloomberg Radio with Kevin Cirilli. We will hear from benton fox brendan fox, former advisor to speaker paul ryan. Mark im mark crumpton. Theident trump returns to campaign trail after declaring himself in great shape following his bout with coronavirus. He will hold a rally in orlando, kicking off four Straight Days of political events. Tos expected to travel pennsylvania, iowa and North Carolina this week. Hes hoping that resuming his signature rallies can help reverse his sagging poll numbers. Courtgs for the supreme nomination of judge Amy Coney Barrett began today in the Senate Judiciary committee. Cement aicans try to majority on the court before next months election. Committee chairman Lindsey Graham pushed back against criticism republicans are unfairly speeding through the confirmation process. Theres nothing on constitutional unconstitutional about this process. This is a vacancy that occurred through the tragic loss of a great woman and we are going to fill that vacancy with another great woman. The bottom line is that the

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