Rolling Stone
20 Overlooked Bob Dylan Classics
Lesser-known tracks that deserve places in the pantheon
“You’re No Good” (
“Going, Going, Gone” (
One of his last great studio performances with the Band — and also one of his catchiest songs about death.
“Black Diamond Bay” (
Desire, 1976)
A tale of forbidden love, violence, treachery — plus a final-verse twist where it turns out Dylan’s at home watching the news on TV, drinking a beer. Ah, the Seventies.
“Where Are You Tonight? (Journey Through Dark Heat)” (
Street Legal, 1978)
A few beers later, here he is at the end of
Street Legal, with his final words before collapsing into the Christian years and his Eighties malaise. He asks the same question he used to ask Sweet Marie, but this is definitely the sound of a man on the brink of a cosmic breakdown.