Bockfest Cincinnati's favorite debaucherous celebration of dark beer, springtime and goats returns to take over the city in March. But this time, the party will be in a new location. Bockfest is back March 4-6 and instead of being held at its traditional headquarters at the now-defunct Moerlein taproom, it will be held at the Findlay Playground at 1811 Vine St., Over-the-Rhine. Favorite activities are taking place all weekend including the 30th Bockfest parade (leaves 6 p.m. March 4 from Arnold's Bar & Grill), a Bockfest 5K (10 a.m. March 5 from Bockfest Hall) and the gender-neutral Bockfest Sausage Queen finale (9:30 p.m. March 5 at Bockfest Hall). Bockfest Hall will also be full of fun, food and Bock beer all weekend long. There will also be associated brewery tours.