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Trade deal with the japanese but talked extensively about a trade deal between the United States and china given negotiations are kicking back up this week. The president was asked if he would accept a smaller deal rather than waiting for that grand big deal that hes been pushing for. Heres what he said. I think that we just have to see what happens i would much prefer a big deal thats what were shooting for can something happen maybe. In guess its probably unlikely reporter i also asked the president whether or not he told xi jinping as has been reported he would remain quiet about the hong kong protest during the course of these china trade negotiation. The president said no i didnt he said were new yorkgotiating. Politically it would be very tough. The president going on at some length here about the protests in hong kong and admiring the american flags, the trump signs he sees in the crowd and admiring pro democracy protesters but ultimately saying that the protests in hong kong and trade negotiations with the chinese are not linked interesting because just i want to say a month and a half ago or so the president , i believe, had made some comment to the effect we want to see that resolved first and then we can talk as if the trade talks would be contingent on the protests in hong kong dying down here we are today, and its a much different story reporter the president saying he hopes its resolved in a humane way thank you this could be the biggest market moving event this week. We have President Trump making some comments today. How do you feel about this as catalyst we had some that had people concerned. The you ask most people this is bipartisan we want protection of American Intellectual property. I think on some level care about subsidies. The industrial subsidies that china embarks upon domestically should not be our issue. No one asked for my opinion. As we get into the most thorny trade issues as far as getting a deal, u. S. Isp is most important. Its not going into law in china and thats a big deal. Can we get there you know, it becomes very difficult and when you add in the subsidies part of it where i dont think china will play ball i dont see a lot where they agree. Everybody thought we would get little deals thats what the market was looking for. A little deal and then maybe something bigger something bigger is not coming they are not dealing with ip it wont happen pap true negative for the market. Im afraid of any progress on the china trade deal i think is really a head fake and we keep seeing it. When the market gets, you know, rough and down and tweet something positive how progress is getting made or whatever it is i think it wouldnt shock me to see the administration sort of have a new perspective on what a trade deal should look like, how vast it should be, what it should cover and have that be a much narrower focus and then declare some kind of victory that could happen. I dont think thats the kind of real trade deal that we need to really support the economy to really get executives mostly ceos who are thinking about what do they do for expenditures, how do they think about the business Going Forward to have confidence we wont see tariffs up and down thats the real problem. I think thats one of the thorniest issues if we dont think china will comply, lets say with any agreement on intellectual property and tariffs remain in place that will be used as leverage against the chinese to comply thats the very thing that caused these markets the real trap is that we know that this is the single area of the market, industrials where after the election it was the most bid up and actually on a relative basis industrials as a sector peaked on the 1st of december just after the election and they have been going straight down ever since making new nine year lows just this week youre right. At some point are they cheap or more of a trap . If you think about, lets take fedex a stock that i think at these levels trading at 14 bucks a share, ten times next year we know fedex can get cheaper. I said that at 180 but that was a 280 stock. Its down 50 from the blow off top which is essentially a month before we got trade talks. If you look at fedex, steel stores they are telling you how important the industrial side that carter is talking about to this theres no relief until you get some certainty again we dont expect the Global Economy turns on a dime. Ceo has to understand how their business changes when i read that bloomberg article early this morning and i thought i wonder what the market are going to do today i thought they would be lower because basically no other news in the market no earnings. No Economic Data we had that article say it will be a slim down trade deal. Yet we finished fractionally off. Is that a good sign . Larry kudlow talking about they are not going to bar companies, Chinese Companies from listing or delist companies. That was a tail wind this is definitely a negative for the overall markets if a bigger deal cant get done the trajectory of the day was negative futures were down all night. You had the headline were thinking then it starts come back which draws money in only thoen reverse and close out near the loss. Thats very bad action so then what does the action of a stock like an apple tell us or some Semiconductor Names that did well in todays session and are the poster children of the trade war. Apple to me is relatively easytounderstand im long apple we talk at length on this show semis are harder to explain. Think about semis which are a couple of point from all time highs in the face of a trade war but bellwethers in that sector even intel, throwing a lot of cold water on their guidance for where we even see restocking let alone real demand. Its concerning. You dont chase semis. Apple changed the dialogue changed from an actual china trade stock to a stock based on fundamentals everyone was looking for the services to outweigh whatever the hardware was lacking or the slow in growth now you have hardware kicking in along with services, that to me is how the story changes i dont think it has anything to do with china at all any more because they are going to sell more iphone 11s the china threat is no longer. The china threat has dissipated to a larger extent and when notes started to come out the iphone is selling better and now all of a sudden everyone said we discounted that to a secular decline, i think the story does change for the better i think they kind of get a pass on this quarter, right . This isnt the revolutionary phone that we were going to see from 5g. On the calendar third quarter. Right so the 11th. The iphone 11 so i think if we see services that part of the story needs to stay intact, right we need that we want to see how the evolution of apple streaming does. But i think that they have a pass on the hardware for a little while i do think china threat still exists the theres an the article of steve cooks relationship with trump. Apple is a trade war stock. I know what steve is saying. Apple is kind of levitating despite the fact we know there are bottom up drivers for apple. Same thing for semis basically a market that is blase about bad news what does that tell you where markets are . We talk also a lot about positioning. A lot of Hedge Fund Managers that missed and time to drive it to year end. Where net longs are even though gross longs are big, people are not positioned long and need to find stocks like apple that are not terribly controversial to get long apple is as poised as any stock in the market to break out and not many stocks are. What do we know . Its daytoday action of all the things that have ever been tested, relative strength is a factor that one wants to embrace. On a classic charting level its a break out. I think its going to break out. What do semis look like they are to be modeled. They are not poised to break out. So perhaps they are trade war stocks the semis actually felt to me that they bounced on a smaller deal getting done and that anticipation, positive anticipation of a smaller deal getting done without any ip involved im surprised that President Trump hasnt walked that back a little bit and said were going to get it done in stages well get it done either in stages or a big deal but well get something done so you have been relatively bullish on the markets so now that you think a big deal is off the table do you pare back your expectations a bit i think once the deal gets done it is a very large shortable event for the overall market you and insmall deal youre expecting. Small deal. Whenever a deal gets done thats your time to ring the bell and probably start exiting some longs because china is the Growth Engine of the world or at least weve been told that for years and it has between case so if they give up something by its nature their growth slows even more. If that slows more we slow whats the riskreward for staying long at this point just a couple percentage from all time highs versus the down side, the selloff well see after that deal is announced. Does that work out no its diminishing to me where at this point you had to stay long because you have powell easing where last year we had the rest of the world was tightening powell was tightening. Now hes changed hes softer. More gdovicish you have that caveat of a trade deal getting done. You have earnings. Theres a fundamental case i think that earning estimates came in too hard you have that. Other than that you should probably the notion of staying long, thats ten stocks. Ten stocks are more than your bottom 350 think about the preeminent Brokerage Firm in the world is sa goldman sachs. Whats the normal, you have some number of leaders, obviously. What happens is its no different, when good technique argues for fewer and fewer range, its Musical Chairs then they get tighter and tighter and jump from chair to chair. People hide from names good technique ill stay in these as more and more stocks from okay terrify pillar to brokers to banks, industrials. Guess whats happening now big wheels are rolling we never played Musical Chairs we love games. Chairs are brought in so in term of musical fed chairs powell is going speak tomorrow and if we dont have a trade deal theres no question the fed to me is going to go and i mean more than once. To me right now i think the fed only goes once if you listen to some of the other folks they are not ready to do much at all. Im not saying bad news is good news im telling you in terms of look at the bond market which also, the ten year sold off half a point. Should that have been happening on a day when people thought that maybe the Economic News got much worse when the trade deal it was good news last week. When we got that bad number last week you saw december, they are going in october you saw december, the odds of them going doubled so bad news for the market has become good news at least on the rates front for more conducive bullish fed or pro growth fed. I understand thats happening. It doesnt make sense to me that a weaker economy would bring the fed back in to try to strengthen the economy. I much rather see much better economic numbers we do have some data i agree the fed, you know, theres mix. Theres mixed voices there but lets see. We have some ppi data tomorrow if any of that comes in hot. Unemployment at 50year low. Thats some cover for a fed that doesnt want to keep cutting right coming up uber catching a lift as one wall street analyst gets bullish on the stock well tell you if its rating can last and one of the years best performing sectors is about to break down well tell you what is it. Much more fast money right after this to take care of yourself. But natures bounty has innovative ways to help you maintain balance and help keep you active and wellrested. Because hey, tomorrows coming up fast. Natures bounty. Because youre better off healthy. Welcome back to fast money uber speeding ahead after citi upgraded it to a buy rating. The company said they are positive are you getting in on the action we love it. Some of the parts i thought was interesting because it was zero. Zero for everything else. But, big leap on what the ride business is worth. So i dont know what to make of that i dont know that the theories have shifted sentiment i dont want sentiment to be what will drive uber they need a shift to profitability. That would be something that would interest me more i under what they are saying they are talking about the next evolution which is autonomous vehicles, electric vehicles and thats 2. 0 for uber and they even have wildest dreams of upside of 102 and down side of 18, 19 so it still doesnt make me want to buy here. But i understand maybe it bottomed out. I dont think sentiment has changed. Obviously you look at the low, the recent low, the 28. 31 or thereabouts. It has to hold and has the to hold for some days for me to feel more confident in buying this thing Going Forward i need more of a base. Again, if your first day in life is your best day, it comes out of the gate and falls dead on the floor so what is there you can pick around one day call a bottom why do it . You start hearing some of the parts, thats so down there in the future right . Right now sentiment is bad and the stock is bad philosopher braxton worth never ceases to amaze. I was going to point out southeast parts. Some of the parts is a discounted cash flow model thats coming up with this number does anybody have a dart board ultimately thats what this becomes especially when the discount rate of the company and the terminal value of this ride share business which we see is almost nothing but discount rate of the Company Really determines the sum of the parts so while i use dcf, i think you can play around with valuations for a company like this. To say its gotten too cheap im not sure we know what the ride share business is worth. A rocky road for uber lyft is down 12 zoom, beyond meat, pinterest struggled. Wall street still placing bets on airbnb as it prepares to go public reporter well theres lots to like about air bnb heres how the Company Makes money. It takes 15 commission for each booking. This is a space where airbnb is making moves into. That fee could be higher the founders are still at the company, chesky as ceo last year they pooched Dave Stephenson to be its cfo and Belinda Johnson has been there since 2011 its board include key veterans with wall street experience. In may it added a former apple executive to a roster that includes former American Express ceo and former pixar ceo there is, however, guys, a lot that we still dont know about the company that may or may not be as appealing like its costs for things like insurance and host guarantee competition is heating up while bnb is moving into the Traditional Hotel space. And its new york hotellike project Big Hotel Chains like marie olt and ihg are encroaching. Investors want to learn about its Corporate Governance which is top of mind for many. Perhaps the biggest risk to airbnb businesslike uber and lyft is regulation like ride sharing home sharing is facing increased scrutiny from lawmakers in different cities in new york regulators are cracking down on home sharing and the company is blamed for the citys housing shortage. A key point its eyeing a direct listing and not an ipo. It doesnt need the money. The pricing could be different than if it went public reporter thats right. As of the First Quarter of this year it had 3. 5 billion on its Balance Sheet. Its not bleeding money like the Ride Sharing Companies and thats why its talked about as a major candidate for direct listings if it goes that route that could encourage other start ups here in the valley. Thank you do we feel better about airbnb than the others . The theres certainly there seems to be less of smoke around Corporate Governance. Heres the point the structure of the difference between ipo and direct listing is where you dont have to show as much disclosure one thing with we work went for an ipo sometimes its not necessarily even, you know, really deep dark secrets but its actually a company that has a certain part of the business thats waiting to mature. A direct listing allows a big company that doesnt necessarily need new funds to get liquidity for insiders on the way out and open themselves up to scrutiny is the regulatory issue a big one for you not really. Uber and lyft facing head winds in california. But no, not really to me wee work was an absolute watershed event for sure and i could see why they want to do a direct listing but its a segue to getting public. If they sell a small amount. Maybe it doesnt matter where it comes. Its a good segue to going public days of endless growth are gone. The pendulum swung way too far more about airbnbs plan to go public is on our website. Heres what else is coming up. Announcer time to rethink the safety trade the one sector that is shooting off massive warning flares and later, a frosty call on wendys. The companys big breakfast could leave investors serious underpinnings. Well explain when fast money returns. Focused on the long ter. Who look beyond the spreadsheets to understand companies, from breakroom to boardroom. Who know the only way to get a 360 view is to go around the world to get it. Can i rely on deep research to help make quality Investment Decisions . With capital group, i can. Talk to your advisor or consultant for investment risks and information. Talk to your advisor or consultant great riches will find you when Liberty Mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. Wow. Thanks, zoltar. How can i ever repay you . Maybe you could free zoltar . Thanks, lady. Taxi only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Welcome back to fast money stocks finishing the day in the red. All but one sector still sitting in the green our chart master says one of the best groups in the market shooting some warning flares carter, take it away a very simple look at utilities. The most crowd most popular most loved belongs here because of dcf and low Interest Rates what we do know is two things have happened that are fairly extraordinary. On friday last week, utility sector clocked its tenth consecutive advance. Thats happened two other times in the history of the data and thereafter it wasnt particularly good. While two other incidents is hardly significant still its worth noting so in the late spring of 03 we completed a 10 week run and what happened one week later two weeks later, three weeks later, four weeks later is on the screen for you to see. Same thing happened ten week consecutive run in early spraying of 2013 the sector did this i think its the beginning of what would be an unwind. Let look at a few other things just the chart itself. This is the entire decade. 2009 to where we are one thing we know you can get too far above trend and if you were to measure how far above the 150 Day Moving Average utility sector is, more often than not you start to get some counter trend move and thats what i think were set up for. Another way to do it same chart put a channel on it. It is literally lived in this channel like some sort of pin ball machine perfectly over and over and over and over and over and over and then what it has done blown out through the top. Thats what a blow off top looks like the thinking is little too good. Fade this very crowded area of the market then just for what its worth what kind of selloff can you get. Exact same chart 14, 14, a 13, a 19, 15, a 17, a 10 do you get this kind of thing coming in here i think you do what if its three or four or six. Does it keep advancing from here the odds are low and therefore take action. Can i ask potentially stupid question oh, come on no such thing one can look at the chart higher highs and lower loss why wouldnt it break out . Right thats the sequence. If you look at just that sequence the sequence calls for the next higher up meaning for some form of dip even if one believes its this and Interest Rates are going much, much lower and yiemts outperform sequence, if thats what were talking about, its just maybe what you said. A slight dip and then more but i think its more than a slight dip. All right inquiring minds i like utilities. I dont disregard. Ate staircase. Youll get that pull back. You have to look at relative strength index see when it gets overbought then you want to bleed out a little bit. People who own these own these for long term. So they are not going to buy and sell them, they will stay the path traders will this is sort of buy and hold area of the market were getting record inflows on etfs that attract utilitys different kind of money coming in. If youre grabbing at these kind of highs. Utilitys as carter pointed out they have these enormous draw downs. In december basically when everything was pulling back you lost 10 like that which tells you youre not immune and when theres more momentum in these things at those peaks when the market is most vulnerable thats something to watch out for coming up one report and option traders are betting and tesla, is it all autbo the model 3. Its the number one brand uniquely formulated for silky hair, glowing skin and healthy nails. Natures bounty, because youre better off healthy. You should be mad that this is your daily commute. You should be mad at people who forget theyre in public. And you should be mad at simple things that are unnecessarily complicated. But youre not mad, because youre trading with e trade, which isnt complicated. Their app makes trading quick and simple so you can strike when the time is right. Dont get mad, get e trade and start trading today. Owning and running the biggesta Small Business is finding the right people. In hiring our first recruiter, we decided to post a job on linkedin. They had to have worked. At a recruiter firm and be bilingual. When we saw ana marias profile. She had a ton of experience in hr. The interview went really well. And she seemed like someone who could really sell mckenzie to perspective employees. We found the best person to find the best person for us. Post a job today at linkedin. Com grow welcome back to fast money hope youre hungry because youre about to get a full smorgasboard of restaurant results. Reporter it kicks off tomorrow morning with earnings from dominos where delivery has been the key story line. The company has been facing some headwinds from the groeft thirdparty delivery as dominos continues to conquer that inhouse. Americans spent 10 billion on thirdparty delivery so cnbc took a look at recent earnings transcript to look at key things of major restaurant players. Delivery has stayed steady we can expect the trend to continue a big boost to business for brands like chipotle and Mcdonalds Restaurant upgrades and tech enhancement is in focus as companies introduce kiosks companies are expanding offerings like mobile order and pay. Starbucks and chipotle have continued to emphasize the offering and seen Loyalty Program enrollments increase one more thing we noticed. While value and menu items are key. Items peaked as wendys makes a full push. Wendys got a downgrade to parkt perform saying breakfast is not a long term competitive advantage. Very interesting back to you. Thank you. As these food names gear up should investors put their money where their mouth is in the case of dom no, sir some of these concerns in terms of some structural essence in their business are very realistic. If you look at the explosive growth of dom no, sir over a five year run through august of 2018 was one of the best performing stocks. I think at 26 times its growing into the valuation in terms of valuation relative to its peer group this is not an expensive company. Is it becoming a value trap. At 26 the times it sounds pricey to be calling it value but compared to restaurant peers, and companies that have become Growth Stocks because of Loyalty Programs and essentially their delivery and larger ticket items and what it means for analysts, dom no, sir hasnt had that youve been riding te ing ti dominos train for a long time. U. S. Growth is slowing. Im looking at a chart for jack in the box, a name i dont talk about a lot. Its digesting that blowout in earnings nice. Blowout in earnings they had back in august and absorbed it, digested it and moving higher from there i still like that name which name looks good in this space . My favorite is starbucks. It was the single strongest and one of the most important give backs. But what we do know is theres sort of the greats, chipotle, starbucks, mcdonalds. Then theres all the other sort of trying to be important players. And starbucks i think is best in class here is this a good gauge for the consumer it is a good gauge for the consumer because they are employed money to spend wages going up but also this is a real head wind forrest rants because it is a real head wind some of them are actual lir going to have to decrease the amount of hours or staff that they have. So i do like mcdonalds has done such an extraordinary job i know its pulled back a little, maybe not a lot. The last Sales Numbers were so impressive i wouldnt be surprised to see that momentum continue wages are increasing for some of these fast food changes but increasing Technology Like the kiosks which may even eliminate the need for people at some point. They do and at the kiosk as you add and specialize and change this and do that, you double up here, youre spending more money the ticket sizes are truly whats most impressive especially at mcdonalds thats how they are growing same store sales. Do you feel people arent making judgments on you if you get like a double or supersize why i go to a kiosk when i ask for an extra piece of cheese very personal decision. I dont want you to point at me. Personal experience you add more thing your ticket size gets bigger karen made a great point about mcdonalds their Digital Investments they made mcdonalds should be called a digital company. They get you through that drive through, family of six cafe too. Turned it into a coffee shop. Theyve done everything. Option traders are betting on big news when dom no, sir reports tomorrow reporter we did see quite a lot of options activity in dominos today traded 12 time its average daily call volume. The Options Market is implying a move over 7 by the end of the week after they report earnings tomorrow and thats larger than the just over 5 that they typically average. One of the trade i was looking at that was interesting was the weekly 217 1 2250 risk reversal. In this trade they were buying the 250 calls, selling the 217 puts spending 4. 65 to put that trade on thats less than 2 of the current stock price. The idea here is they will get long in the stock if it rallies through that 250 strike. They could get long of the stock if it falls. But they wont be long the stock until it declines by 10 if it should disappoint on earnings. As for myself, i got to go with carter im going starbucks myself thats the place that doesnt have those delivery challenges, i think. Still paying 3 bucks for a cup of coffee and i get it myself. Thanks. For more options action tune in to the full show on friday at 5 30 eastern time. Up next the eslouisiana shares getting a pop thanks to pepsi. Much more fast money right after this to take care of yourself. But natures bounty has innovative ways to help you maintain balance and help keep you active and wellrested. Because hey, tomorrows coming up fast. Natures bounty. Because youre better off healthy. Welcome back to fast money tesla charge up today after analysts said the electric carmaker is getting real world validation for semitrucks as pepsi announced plans to use 15 of tesla electric trucks at a california facility as a near zero emissions project these real deal customers with sophisticated supply chains are a huge milestone for tesla so it is gaining speed well, its endless. Look, its great for a monday think about it if this were a drinking game we would be drunk. Tesla, i dont know was up by 800, 900 million on this story so 15 trucks i think i saw on their website, 200,000 about per truck. So thats 3 million thats a good bang for your buck for the stock to have an order of 3 million worth of trucks. Thats great i want to see the evolution of electric vehicles for trucks that would being a great tesla talking about end of next year we thought end of this year. Its hard to get excited that this is going to happen. Great customer, obviously. But this is a tiny little wasnt this news out a year and half ago they put a big order out december of 2017 we were waiting pepsi was going to be first in line to get these big semis. As karen said were still waiting. Were still waiting. This is not a reason to go buy the stock. The reason to go buy the stock is when you see these guys are becoming less heavy cash burn story. Im not going to say cash flow aga generative the story is can this company find a way to be profitable because i dont think Capital Markets are wideopen to it. Its Balance Sheet. Also Short Interest is still hovering somewhere around 30 , just a shade underneath that when you look at it on a stock chart its trying to build a bay. I wouldnt own tesla i believe what tim says and everyone else at this desk its a Balance Sheet question not a technical or fundamental story. The fundamentals are not there yet. You have to look at the technicals it is trying to build a base. Very early in that process more often than not unless you completed it which is the time to go it ends up being very disappointing. Right in terms of this particular business segment though the semitruck, it seems corporations have mandates now to become more green much more so than an individual consumer who might choose to buy a model 3 or not and this electrified semitruck is the only one on the market being greenwich means being fuel next. Pepsi has started they can budget this and very easily rationalize this purchase. This is Good Business because its green and i believe in green. Thats a great point. We can all go through this desk and see how many other competitors there are in the car business but you can do it in this business for them to start getting these orders with zero competition, if they can Start Building some sort of a tail wind in that segment of the economy that starts to change the narrative it will come. How much of all of this is priced in when maybe it should be at 22 its different, though with this theres contracts. Sure. Competition will come they wont be the only person with the electric truck. But if they are first there, theres a different you have to go out and shake hands with fortune 500 companies. A lot different than earning the trust of the person thats just strolling by trying to buy a car because hes 50 or 40 or for his daughter her first car coming up were hours away from chinas stock market reopening for the first time in more than a week well take you live to asia. Take a look at our kramer cam. Jim is laying out what investors should keep an eye up as trade talks gear up. Were live at the naaq isdn times square much more fast money still ahead. But in my mind im still 25. Thats why i take osteo biflex, to keep me moving the way i was made to. It nourishes and strengthens my joints for the long term. Osteo biflex now in triple strength plus magnesium. Some things are too important to do yourself. Get customized security with 24 7 monitoring from xfinity home. Awarded the best professionally installed system by cnet. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Call, click or visit a store today. Welcome back to fast money were following two developing stories out of asia. First protests continue in hong kong this was the scene overnight as antigovernment demonstrators clashed with police as continued unrest comes as chinas stock market reopens after a week long holiday we go live to singapore. Reporter hi. A couple of opposing forces to consider for the china market reopening later on today. The negative end of the ledger it does appear the u. S. And china dont seem to be fully aligned in term of the outcome for trade talks. President trump does expect something substantial, we heard from him earlier on. He does sound optimistic however on the chinese side they appear to be narrowing the scope of a trade deal. They dont appear to be ready to make any movement actually on the structural issues like ip protection the chinese currency in the meantime has been weakening. Pricing in something of a pessimistic outlook. Trade uncertainty will continue to be a feature that will bully the Chinese Markets if not the regional markets as a whole. On the plus side retail spending during the china week Long National day holiday that was robust coming in at growth, returning to groelt of 8. 5 . Compare that with 6. 7 decline we saw last year thats positive. Big question moving forward is whether this represents just a flash in the pan, a one off or whether thats sustainable and continues. We should get some idea when we get the Services Sector pmi later on today and that should give us an indication how the Chinese Consumer is holding up i doubt youll see any real conviction either way in the china markets until we get some real clarity on the final outcome of the trade discussions. Back to you. Thank you this week long holiday is typically a big spending week. We see a lot of travel in the casinos and in Retail Stores in china. Look, whats happening in hong kong is particularly sad. Theres a couple of things that it will affect it will affect real estate prices theres a huge property bubble youre seeing outflow of capital and people this is a sad dynamic. China if you think about their local markets csi 300 has outperformed the s p by 5 trade war whatever you want to say there are moments over the summer up until the spring when we had those tweets in midmay, early may when trump again threw a lot of cold water on a trade deal this knocked this thing out of bed which hasnt recovered china the local market if youre playing them different ways to do it. One is the etf the market are incredibly cheap. On a relative to themselves they are cheap. I dont think this news overnight will do a whole lot to change that. The real stand out is the nikkei and topix kospi is in a free fall. Hang seng. I rather be in Japanese Equities here than any other area of asiapacific is that like a i buy nikkei or just they look relatively better both. Are you in em still i am. A member of different etfs, dxjs, one of them, evm a volatile ride. I need some exposure around the world permanently. If you look at the Chinese Consumer what better way the to play it than alibaba if youre getting a deal or the consumer is spending on an uptick play that its below all three of its moving averages. So maybe you wind up getting a little bit of a pop going into the deal and coming out. In the beginning were you making the contrast between the hang seng and local chines markets because you think the hang seng will be lower because of this unrest and local Chinese Markets will do okay theres more pressure in hong kong right now for obvious reasons. Not a great looking chart. Overnight you had fx reserves that came out of the china and lowest since february. At some point youll start to see more pressure on fx reserves up next final trade man how can i deliver superior longterm results . It begins with a distinctive approach to managing money. That for over 85 years has focused on keeping confidence up when markets are down. An approach where Portfolio Managers work well independently. And even better together. Who dont just invest, but are personally invested. Can i find a proven approach designed to deliver results . With capital group, i can. Talk to your advisor or consultant for investment risks and information. Talk to your advisor or consultant plants capture co2. What if other kinds of plants captured it too . If these industrial plants had technology that captured carbon like trees we could help lower emissions. Carbon capture is Important Technology and experts agree. Thats why were working on ways to improve it. So plants. Can be a little more. Like plants. Time for the final trade so we talked about restaurant stocks starbucks pulled back from its 85 level expectations now are lukewarm. I like this stock. Carter . Utilitys short. Starbucks long karen . Starting to see Bank Earnings next week which are important for the banks and their look into the year earned economy which many have a breath look particularly bank of america im long i leicht obviously tough market for banks with rates here but i like it. About a week and a half ago i bought on that huge dip that big sell offthey had i wound up selling it up about 14 , 15 i did the same thing with roku mad money starts right now. My mission is simple, to make you money im here to level the Playing Field for all investors. Theres always a bull market somewhere, and i promise to help you find it. Mad money starts now hey, im cramer, welcome to mad money. Im just trying to make you some money. My job is not just to entertain but to educate and teach you, so call me or tweet mme jimcramer. I did something some would say is illadvised but not from the town i am from

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