Refund all donors automatically. Attorney general in at least five states announced plans to investigate the company. Brian is live in the newsroom with more details. Ted cruz wrote a letter to the Federal Trade Commission calling on the fcc to open an investigation into gofundme for unfair or deceptive Business Practices after the Fundraising Company withheld 10 million worth of donations to the socalled Freedom Convoy Of Canadian truckers. When people gave money, they gave money under the promise that it would go to the Freedom Convoy, not to whatever leftwing Ideology Gofundme and other Silicon Valley companies support. They are deceiving consumers and it is wrong. Eric republican Journey A Tendrils in five states say that they are now probing gofundme over potential fraud and deception of donors in their states. Critics say gofundme as engaging in political censorship by shutting down the Freedom Convoy fundraiser while promoting a fundraiser in this back in 2024 the antipolice occupation in seattle. For more than one week now, thousands of canadian truckers have been protesting canadas covid19 restrictions and Vaccine Mandates and multiple canadian cities including the capital city ottawa. Gofundme shut down the socalled Freedom Convoy fundraiser because they say that the police provided evidence that the protest had turned into an unlawful occupation. Violating its Terms Of Service by but hundred molding violence and harassment. Over 450 tickets have been issued. Some protesters have been charged with hate crimes. The city is under siege. This is a threat to our democracy. It is a nationwide insurrection. This is madness. We have been able to shut down the gofundme program. The temporary reprieve because the funds are already moving in different directions. The Freedom Convoy has raised over 3 million on the website. They say that they are peaceful and they need the money for fuel, food and lodging. Arthel obrien live in our New York City newsroom. Thank you. Eric. Eric a developing story in georgia where emma credit to an editorial candidate is firing back at critics. This follows other politicians accused of dealing in doubles standards. Hi, charles. Stacy abrams has since deleted the post. Going as far as deactivating her twitter account after catching a lot of slack for these photos posted to the twitter account of Glenwood Elementary School principal doctor holly brookins. A Maskless Abrams added Atlanta Area School surrounded by children despite a local Mask Mandate Being in place. These photos set up, up firestorm on twitter with people Calling Abrams who had supported mask wearing a hypocrite for not practicing what she preaches, so to speak. They are calling this line of attack against a black History Month reading event shameful. Particularly on the part of wouldbe republican challenger for governor. The Democrats Campaign saying in part in a statement it is pitiful and predictable that our opponents continue to look for opportunities to distract from their failed records and it comes to protecting Public Health during the pandemic. One of stacys opponents downplayed the virus while Trading Stock to product. Another Opponent Attack mayor seeking to protect the citizens and has failed to extend access to medicaid even as rural hospitals close. This pathetic attack is beneath anyone beneath hundred claiming he wants to lead georgia. Brian cap and david perdue who both jumped out and attacked abrams on this issue. Governor quinn saying stacy abrams wants State Government mask mandate for georgians and their children but it looks like they would not apply when she is attending a photo op. This kind of hypocrisy is exactly why Georgia Campaign for governor for what it truly is a quest for more power. Governor kim will continue to fight to put students and parents first. Perdue also piling on with his own statement that reads in part stacy abram hypocrisy knows no bounds. It has caused enormous damage to our kids while the elite like stacy continue living their lives. What is even worse is this is a classroom and Ride Kim Georgia not new york or california. A lot of thoughts being thrown there, eric. A lot of fire being thrown out of what should be a very busy campaign season. Eric it already is. Lots of sharp politics going. Thank you. Arthel california Highway Patrol confirming a suspect is in custody in connection to the Freeway Shooting Death of bay area basketball legend. Chp says it is still investigating why that suspect allegedly drove up next to his car and opened fire. Christina is live in our los angeles newsroom with the very latest. Christina. Hi. This is so awful. Another victim to gun violence. This time it is a 66yearold beloved basketball star from the bay area. California Highway Patrol says he was driving on Interstate 880 in oakland friday afternoon during rush hour when he was shot causing him to crash his vehicle into a guard rail. After several leads, officers were able to make an arrest. They identified as the suspect from san francisco. Detectives are investigating a motive for the shooting. Meantime, family and friends are morning the devastating loss of this basketball legend. Ransom dominated the court in the 70s and went on to be one of the alltime leading scorers at uc berkeley racking up over 1100 points between 1975 in 1978. He was inducted into the cal Athletic Hall of fame in 2001. They released a statement saying jean was one of the greatest players in our mens Basketball Program history and he will be missed greatly. He was also a coat for Berkeley High school in 2001, one of his former players says he made a big impact on the team. Basically like the big brother. Some of us father figures. During that year it was always love. He would always give us that big hug. He would just wrap his arms around you. He has small in stature, but he is a strong man. Hes got big hands. His hands are humongous. When he wrapped his arms around you, you knew that it was love. Sadly, Ransom Shooting is one of at least three deadly Freeway Shootings in oakland in the past three months. In november 23 monthold father was killed by a stray bullet while he was in the car with his family on Interstate 880. As for gene ransom killer, his arraignment is scheduled for february 9. Arthel christina in los angeles. Thank you. Eric. Eric the southern border. Lets take a live look at the border that you see there. Officials now say they are seeing more migrants from beyond mexico. This comes as the Agency Reports it made 1. 9 million arrest last year. That number is a new record. Bill is live in texas. Just at the border. The rising number of migrants from other countries is a challenge to the Biden Administration. Friday night in rio grande city, you will see here dps tackle several runners dressed in camouflage and in the next day just before dawn date at two coyotes who are with a group of venezuelans and nicaraguans. Both reflect the surgeon illegal traffic since the president s election and its failure to reform Immigration System as promised. The first that there is anyone seeking asylum has to do it in another country. That is never happened before in america. That is never happened before in america. You come to the United States and you make your case that you seek asylum based on the following premise. Why deserve it under american law. They are sitting in squalor on the other side of the river. The numbers show resident biden actually deported twice as many migrants as trump over the same. Aunt look where they are still living. The same overcrowded camps. Biden promised to protect from title 42. The remaining mexico policy to include patients and others that do not speak spanish. A little criticism from the left. These migrants friday threatening a new caravan if mexico and the administration did not allow them to cross into the u. S. And file their claim. The only think that we ask is for them to give us free passes. A humanitarian peace out. Give us opportunity to be in front of the United States so i can tell them wife to let me in if i wanted to enter your country legally. The bottom line is President Biden really promised to solve this problem. It has only gotten worse. Democrats control the house and senate and white house. Eric she wants to come to the United States she says. As she waits. By mission texas. Thank you. Arthel eric, thank you. Los angeles prepares for the arrival of super bowl fans. Police and activists working to bite the spike in human and Sex Trafficking that seems to hit every city that hosted big games anyone who attends a super bowl should be vigilant. We need everybody. From nfl players to fans to ceos to Small Business owners to help us come back Human Trafficking. It could be a young woman having her belongings taken away and coerced into working as a housekeeper until a debt is paid. It could be a child coerced into prostitution. Joining us now is tim ballard. The founder of Operation Underground Railroad a group dedicated to ending child trafficking. Right now if you have children watching, i dont think this is a segment they should be watching. Want to give you some time to either, you know, turned on the volume and weight until we are done or get them out of the room. Mr. Ballard, you know, how bad is the problem during events like the super bowl watermark why does it persist . Well, we need to understand, we are the United States and the number one consumer of child sexual consumer and in general. Top three and destination countries for Human Trafficking. The demand is here. The super bowl does, like any event, it congregates a lot of people with Disposable Income and so traffickers will bring their victims to this demand that exists. And, so, yes, anytime there is a big event like the super bowl which is the most watched sporting event, you will see a spike in that. Arthel let me share some stats with the Department Of Justice on Human Trafficking. This is from 2019. There were 137,000 hotline tips, almost 12,000 cases identified, 3800 potential victims found. Is the doj equipped to tackle this heinous problem . Yes. The doj along with fbi and homeland security. They deploy and they will deploy literally hundreds of agents working with local police. I know the Inglewood Police department is on the spirit los angeles sheriffs department. They will be working in the shadows. I have a lot of confidence in our Law Enforcement to be where they need to be in order to identify these potential victims who will be sold during super bowl weekend. Arthel you are partnering with the l. A. County sheriff. How does your organization help . One way we have helped the l. A. County sheriffs we have provided k9s that literally sniff out a digital media, these child traffickers and child pornographers, they will often hide their material and sometimes on that material is the only evidence of the existence of a child that is being sexually abuse, they will hide it on sd cards, thumb drives and these dogs literally like Bomb Sniffing drugs are Drug Sniffing dogs they get trained, they will go in and literally sniff out these sd cards and allow Law Enforcement to seize that and pursue the case. Arthel i think you just mentioned that you could help identify who the potential victims may be. How does that work . Well, what happened is once they get that as the card and the thumb drives they can put it into the Digital Forensic equipment and download images and then we can begin the process of identifying where that child is, where they are being sold. These dogs are heroes. L. A. County we provided one dog to them already and we are getting them another dog in march because they are so active it they are very proactive in predicting children here in los angeles. Arthel what if you are trapped in you need help. What do you do . Well, you tell someone. First of all, there is a hotline which i know you will provide. A Human Trafficking hotline which always sees spikes in reporting during the super bowl months. But tell someone. Reach out to someone. There will be Law Enforcement everywhere. If you are stuck, if you are vulnerable, reach out and dont be afraid to ask for help. Arthel a lot of the Law Enforcement will be undercover. What if they just want to, what if it is just to a regular person, a civilian, much of that civilian due if they see a young girl or boy or whomever being trafficked and they are trying to signal to them that they are in trouble . First and foremost, they should call 911 immediately. Also, the good thing about what is going on at the super bowl, civilians walking around, you will see nonprofits all over the place and you will see uniforms. Yes, there is undercover but there will be a lot of uniform police there. Ample opportunity for civilians during and around the super bowl to make reports to an ngo, Law Enforcement, just pick up the phone and call 911 and sam seeing something that looks very scary for this child. Arthel okay. We have it on the screen. The national Human Trafficking hotline is 8883737888 or you can text 233733 which stands for be free. Tim ballard of Operation Underground Railroad. Thank you for joining us. Thank you so much. Eric. Eric very important work. Vladimir putin is beefing up his forces that could invade ukraine. Straight ahead. We will have a dire warning from the pentagon on what would likely happen if putin does order his troops and how ukrainians are preparing for a possible war. Living with diabetes . Glucerna protein smart has your number with 30 grams of protein. Scientifically designed with carbsteady to help you manage your blood sugar. And more protein to keep you moving with diabetes. Glucerna live every moment u. S. Officials tell fox news that a russian invasion of ukraine could cause up to 50,000 civilian casualties in that country. Alterable sources on capitol hill tell fox that joint Chief Of Staff chair has warned ukraines capital could fall within 72 hours if russia does decide to invade. U. S. Forces have now arrived in nearby poland a native ally. The white house saying it is of a hundred prepared for contingency. A report from ukraines capital kyiv a just a moment. First lets go to alexandra half where the president just arrived after spending the weekend in wilmington. Upon the president s return he was asked if there was something in particular that he thinks President Putin is looking for as he weighs the decision whether to invade or not. President biden response to that same that President Putin is looking for things that he cannot get. Referring to demand that russia has given to the u. S. Including nato and eastern europe. He also said that he would not speculate on sending additional troops to nato nations as of yet. Fox news sunday at National Security director spoke about the potential for near media collapse of kyiv should russia decide to invade. We are in the window. Any day now, russia could take Military Action against ukraine or could be a couple weeks from now or russia could choose to take the diplomatic path instead. The key thing is that the United States needs to be and is prepared for any of those contingencies. In lockstep with our allies and partners. White house Officials Say the cost of innovation for ukraine would be in human lives and russia would be economic. Pushing to formalize those consequences. We ought to have biting sanctions in place now, not later. We have a bipartisan piece of legislation that we have been working on. Yes, there is a strong bipartisan effort to get President Biden the strongest possible hand to discourage and hopefully prevent putin from further encourages into ukraine. Russia is being accused of using energy as a weapon. The main supplier of natural gas to europe. Alternative sources are being discussed right now. At the white house, thank you Ukrainian Forces are boosting efforts to fortify their border and conducting drills of their own near chernobyl. Russia is also engaged in near drills in the practice exercise happening just yesterday. Steve is in ukraines capital of kyiv right now with the very latest. Steve. The numbers are pretty lopsided when you look at them. Some of the ukrainian civilians training with what in tell me rifles. Have the russians on three sides of ukraine now. Some of the most modern Weapon Systems in the world and that buildup in particular in the north of ukraine in the country of belarus. Russia and delivers carrying out joint exercises and its the largest deployment since the start of the cold war along the border. Russians have more than 30,000 forces. If there is innovation, if they do choose to go south from there, it is just a two hour drive to kyiv for capital here from there. A very easy route. Not a lot of population because chernobyl has gotten rid of a lot of people just north of the capital here. When you talk to people villages just north of the capital hill are training, perhaps, to fight the russians, they really are under no illusions of what they could be facing. We will fight, we will share we will defend our country. I was in the military, but i need to refresh my training because the enemy of our borders is welltrained and has lots of troops. Ukraine will need a lot of help if it is going to stand up to the russian army. More than 10 times of ukraine. Back to you. All human beings. Thank you, steve. The Deputy Ambassador has tweeted that the dyer u. S. Warning of a possible ukraine invasion are scaremongering. The predictions of civilian casualties there. Up to 50,000 ukrainian troops could be killed and 10,000 Russian Troops as putin prepares to have that on his hands. We have Military Analyst with us doctor grant, you just saw ukrainians training with wooden guns. But you also hear their resolve. What is the standoff like right now and how do you see it . A really key point is that ukraine has made it clear that they really are willing to fight. Very interesting point. Ukraine is not asking for u. S. Or nato Ground Forces. They want to do this fight for themselves, if god forbid it happens. They want weapon security assistance, all things that we are doing right now. Definitely a confrontation of getting very, very serious. Ukraine being outmanned, outgunned. What you are saying is it would not be necessary easy rollover by putin. That is right. First of all, ukraine is ready to fight and nato still has some very powerful options here. You hear about the russian airplanes that are flying, well, nato has quite a few airplanes threw up right now primarily doing very close surveillance all over ukraine in looking at those russian forces. Natos options include using its airpower. A very quick decision for the ally commander. They will not walk to kyiv or another location. Nato has the resources to stop that and make it really hard for putin. Nato can support ukraines Ground Forces with nato airpower. With a bomb putins tanks . Could that be inactive for on behalf of nato and our allies . I say that if there is a russian tank across and into ukraine, that is war. All nato 30 members have said that they want to defend territorial integrity to ukraine. Can they do it, yes, right now this is all about deterring. Make putin realized that nato does have options in their support for ukraine that could make it much much harder than putin thinks to conduct those operations. I would not write them off just yet, no way. What is going on in his minds right now. 10,000 Russian Troops. If he did this, when that be a miscalculation at home that he would not get the Domestic Support or without Build Support or is he in danger of undermining his own authoritarian regime . I think that he is out on a limb. Yes, there is some support for the idea that ukraine and russia are brothers blah blah blah. But putin is picking a fight that he really cannot win. There would be heavy casualties if he launched an invasion and he would be under incredible sanctions. He wants to push down the west, he wants to get back influence and get closer to china. He has got to be thinking now whether an actual Military Operation in ukraine really serves any of those. I say, no, he is making a mistake. What is your prediction . I hope that he will not do it. I want to see them be very strong and support ukraine all the way. I think that if nato hangs together and they must, we can push the world away from this brink of war. Germany kind of an exception. German chancellor at the white house this week. They have rebecca grant. Always good to see you. Thank you. Arthel the Biden Administration posing a diplomatic boycott on the Beijing Olympics over chinas brutal human rights abuses. Some critics say that that does not go far enough. We all will have more on that coming up next. Singers safelite repair, safelite replace. Man, i love that song [winter wind noises] you wanna go out, walter . Lets go. Yeah mush, walter pace yourself. Whoa. Thats incredible. Oh yeah, its a Chevy Silverado trail boss. This things built for offroading right from the factory. No, i meant the cat. Its like nobodys seen a cat before. The Chevy Silverado trail boss. Find new friends. Find new roads. Chevrolet. My name is austin james. As a musician living with diabetes, fingersticks can be a real challenge. Thats why i use the freestyle libre 2 system. With a painless, onesecond scan i know my Glucose Numbers without fingersticks. Now im managing my diabetes better and ive lowered my a1c from 8. 2 to 6. 7. Take the mystery out of managing your diabetes and lower your a1c. Now you know. Try it for free at freestylelibre. Us if you have Type 2 Diabetes or high blood pressure. Youre a target for. Chronic kidney disease. You can already have it and not know it. If you have Chronic Kidney Disease. Your kidney health. Could depend on what you do today. Farxiga farxiga is a pill that works. In the kidneys to help slow the progression of Chronic Kidney Disease. Farxiga can cause. Serious side effects including dehydration,. Urinary tract or genital yeast infections. In women and men,. And low blood sugar. Ketoacidosis is a serious side effect. That may lead to death. A rare, lifethreatening bacterial infection. In the skin of the perineum could occur. Stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away. If you have symptoms of this bacterial infection,. An allergic reaction,. Or ketoacidosis. And dont take it if you are on dialysis. Take aim. At Chronic Kidney Disease by talking to your doctor. And asking about farxiga. If you cant afford your medication,. Astrazeneca may be able to help. Farxiga the athletes on team usa have our full support. We will be behind them 100 as we cheered them on from home. U. S. Diplomatic or official representation will treat these games as Business As Usual in the face of the prcs agree just human rights and atrocities and we simply cannot do that. Talking about the diplomatic boycott of the Olympic Games ongoing in china. Some say the move does not send a Strong Enough message to Communist China following the horrifying reports, concentration camps, mass arrests and the erosion of democratic freedoms in hong kong. The rest are protesters and the Freedom Of Expression and activities as our wonderful athletes compete in the games. Fox news Contributor Editor of the washington journal. We praise and admire the athleticism of the olympic hopefuls and those competing in the spirit of athletics. But you cannot get away from Communist China. The totality and regime. Is the boycott stinging or doesnt it mean anything . Probably not stinging. Not too much. China would much prefer to have everyone there. George bush, president of the United States came to that as well. And they would have preferred to have that sort of representation you know, 2008 is a long time ago. Chinas economy is re times the size now than it was in 2008. It is kind of looking at this and kind of ignoring it. The Biden Administration had to do something. It is chinese aggression in the South China Seas towards philippines, towards taiwan, towards others in its neighborhood. But, this is kind of a way of sending a signal to china whether it ignores it or not without penalizing the athletes. We boycotted the olympics when they were held in russia after russia invaded afghanistan in 1979. It was kind of felt that the athletes took it on the chin and they wanted to avoid that this time. Those that do watch the olympics, its like youre doing this. Looking at the athletes and admiring them in being enthralled in the competition, but in the back of your mind you are thinking about what china has been doing, what you just mentioned, what they plan for the future dealing with the democratic taiwan and how that country acts, especially when you consider covid, the virus, where that potentially came from. How do you, in your mind, put those together . The danger here, eric, people are having that conflict in their mind. What is the United States doing . While this may have been important as a gesture, it is a gesture. Is there something more comprehensive that the u. S. Can do about china . Are intelligent agencies for years have listed it at the top of the list for potential threats for the United States in the future. There is greater acrimony for u. S. Business in china. It is a superpower. It does not need us as much as it did in the past. So, what do we do beyond this event . Not sending of diplomats to the olympics. We decided to build up our airbases and expand our airbases in guam and australia. That, too, feels quite episodic and incremental. You wonder if the u. S. Would be better off doing Something Like rejoining or joining the tpp. Transpacific partnership which we are a partnership. The important thing there is it is our allies in the region. The u. S. Economy and marketplace i would join that and china is not part of it. As a way of Holding China at arms length in a more substantive way. Trade, economy, money. That matters to china. Im not sure diplomats not showing up to the olympics matters as much. China poses the greatest threat in the 21st century. Here is a poll that shows about half a Million People dont really know. Dont know anything about the diplomatic. And then there is this. Stinging rebuke from the columnist saying all you have to do is forget about the lad where the wuhan virus probably came from. Enjoy the show. The bipartisan american combine are eager for chinas cash, willing to eagerly play the prostitute. All we are haggling about now is the price and you know who pays, america pays. What wouldve happened if cocacola and others just pulled out and said we will not be a part of this. Nbc is seeing it ratings tank. Record low numbers of americans. They just are not interested in watching the Olympic Games. Commercially, you know, it could be a failure. So, companies have taken a lower profile this time around. Jim has a very good story on this at the moment. Coke, visa, Procter Gamble low profile, they have been advised to do that enter lily and externally because of intentions with the west. But you are putting your finger on the real problem for the United States. Over the last 2030 years, American Business has run to china to up there. When i was working In Asia For The Journal 20022007, i was Helping Run Coverage Out of hong kong, there was Just One Company after each other tripping over itself. Complaining about china forcing it to transfer its technology so that it could get a stake in the market there. Also, willingly doing so. Corporate america is so now tied into the wellbeing of china it is not going to be a critic. You cannot count on Corporate America stepping up necessarily for the National Interest of the United States. Their portions are so tied to growth of that market. The u. S. Will have to do something else. It will have to find a different way. Probably trade alliances to put pressure on china. To stop some of the thuggery in south china. And to play by international rules. Right now it is going in the opposite direction. Eric we support and praise athletes, but have to forget where they are competing. Good to see you. Thank you. Pleasure. Arthel okay. Today marks the 70th Anniversary of Queen Elizabeths rule further cementing her as one of the longestserving monarchs in history. She ascended to the throne in 1952 when she was 25 years old after the death of her father king george the sixth. She was on a royal visit to kenya when she learned the news. And her seven decades on the throne the queen has been served by 14 prime ministers and has met with every u. S. President since harry truman with the exception of lyndon b. Johnson. This weekend come out the queen marked her Platinum Jubilee and discuss the future of the monarchy. It is her sincere wish that the Duchess Of Cornwall become the queen consort. The queen will hold massive celebrations for the Platinum Jubilee on june 3. Her magister will be just over a week shy of becoming the second longest reigning monarch in world history. The longer assist Louis The 14th of france who reigned for 72 years. Coming up, a new effort is coming under wage order turn a New York City law that would lead hundreds of thousands of Noncitizens Vote in city elections. Limu emu and doug. We gotta tell people that Liberty Mutual customizes Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need, and we gotta do it fast. [limu emu squawks] woo thirtyfour Miles Per Hour new personal record, limu [limu emu squawks] hell be back. Only pay for what you need. Liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. Psoriasis really messes with you. Try. Hope. Fail. No one should suffer like that. I started cosentyx®. Five years clear. Real people with psoriasis look and feel better with cosentyx. Dont use if youre allergic to cosentyx. Before starting get checked for tuberculosis. An increased risk of infection, some serious and a lowered ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. Tell your doctor if your Crohns Disease symptoms develop or worsen. Serious allergic reaction may occur. Best move ive ever made. Ask your dermatologist about cosentyx®. Girls Giggling fun music the Comfortmat Ask Yo from weathertech offers support where you need it. Moms gonna love this grandmas gonna love it Girls Giggling comfortmat provides antifatigue cushioning while youre standing. And wont slip against your floors or under your feet. Perfect throughout the home, or on the job. The Weathertech Comfortmat comes in three colors and finishes. Girls Giggling mmmm. Its so good order your American Made comfortmat at weathertech. Com. A Maryland Police officer is being hailed as a hero for saving a student from an oncoming car friday. Video shows the corporal pushing look at it pushing the student out of the way of this approaching car. She then takes a hit herself as you see falling to the street. This was in the Maryland City of northeast. Goodyear was treated at the hospital for minor injuries and released. That driver was issued for citations. Eric. Eric im glad she is okay. Arthel yes. Eric the move to let nonto push to let them stop it. Voting in municipal elections. Their new moves to stop them. A State Referenda is being proposed to block noncitizens from casting ballots. It is from kevin burns who was also running for County Executive of Putnam County just north of New York City. One of the hallmark benefits of being an American Citizen is the right to vote. Do not diminish that voting power of American Citizens by expanding it to noncitizens. If you want to vote in this country and especially in new york, you should become an American Citizen. An overwhelming number of people agree with him. Say noncitizens should not be allowed to vote. 89 of the republican say no as do 77 of independents. Democrats are evenly split on the issue. So marty allowed noncitizens to take part in local elections. Next month, per month Capital City Montclair will join them. Only affecting about 30 people in the city of 7000. Participation and democracy. People in our communities, our neighbors, our friends, our coworkers that live here and have lived here for years who are not citizens of the United States, but are nonetheless very much a part of our community. We wanted to extend to them the capacity to participate in local elections. New york city has it about eight and a half Million People. 800,000 are noncitizens here legally who could vote for the first time. That is unless this referendum goes on the ballot. We will be right back. 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Tell your provider about Vision Problems or changes. Taking rybelsus® with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. Side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. Wake up to the possibility of lower a1c with rybelsus®. You may pay as little as 10 for up to a 3month prescription. Ask your Healthcare Provider about rybelsus® today. After a week of wilde in bitterly cold weather a muchneeded break is coming for most of the u. S. With skies looking clear in temperatures warming up. Fox whether meteorologist is live with more now. A couple weeks of rounds of Winter Weather. A nice sunday across the country as you are looking at temperatures widely 30s, 40s and in some cases the 50s. Those temperatures will only climb. Fairly clear conditions. Satellite radar across the country. Completely clear skies. A couple of spots where there is low pressure bring in showers across portions of central georgia. This will lift its way on up the course today running you into tomorrow afternoon if this lifts Higher Elevations and interior North Carolina seeing some i. C. E. With the system. Like i said, mostly clear across the country. You see mostly sunshine out there. Maybe a couple spots with cloudy skies. Those temperatures, if you are join them now, guess what, they are only going to warm up. You see a little bit more of this green and yellow color and that only get stronger as you head into tuesday and wednesday. This ridge of warm air piles. 60 degrees in kansas city by tuesday. Starts to warm up in these areas where its colder. It lasts into wednesday and thursday. Yes, we are getting a little bit of a break of these rounds of Winter Weather finally. Not a bad looking map there. Thank you. By the way, you can get the latest forecast any time on the new fox weather app. Track Severe Weather with the apps we will have more news in a moment. Has your number with 30 grams of protein. 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Things are getting clearer i feel free to bare my skin, yeah, thats all me nothing and me go hand in hand nothing on my skin, thats my new plan nothing is everything achieve clearer skin with skyrizi. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90 clearer skin at 4 months. Of those, nearly 9 out of 10 sustained it through 1 year. And skyrizi is 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. I see nothing in a different way its my moment so i just gotta say nothing is everything skyrizi may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. Before treatment, your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms. Such as fevers, sweats, chills, muscle aches, or coughs. Or if you plan to or recently received a vaccine. Nothing is everything talk to your dermatologist about skyrizi. Learn how abbvie could help you save. Jasmine pro golfer living life on the edge, but the danger shot yesterday. Take a look at this on the eighth hole landed at the edge of a cliff, 70 feet above the rocks in the ocean as they tried to take them out of taking the next shot. The threetime major winner went for and ended up making part, heres what he said afterwards. The most nerveracking shot ive ever had in my life. Eric he said he did not realize how dangerous that was until he saw the replay. He apologized to his wife and his parents and they were in the crowd watching. That gives you vertigo, just looking at that. Arthel his wife is like what do you think and his parents alike is not worth it dont do it. Seriously, hes a pro and he made a nice shot but that momentum had gone the wrong way, we have to go, see you next week. Hello everyone i am tammy bruce along with alicia acuna, shawn duffy and joe kania. Welcome to Big Sunday Show heres whats on tap tonight. Our kids suffer Wearing Masks in schools, Stacey Abrams proves the rules do not apply to her what is she doing without a mask closing with a roomful of kids with masks on

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