Its a pitch. Get way more into what youre into when you stream on the xfinity 10g network. Hello and welcome to our viewers here in the United States and All Around The World im john vause at the cnn center in atlanta with our ongoing coverage of israels war with hamas. We begin in gaza where two more women being held hostage have now been released, but the militant group hamas is Still Holding more than 200 civilians, all of them kidnapped 16 days ago during that deadly hamas attack on israel. The hostages have been identified as israeli as nurit cooper and sharone lifschitz. They were both released at the Rafah Crossing with egypt, where officials took him away by ambulance to be reunited by family at a Medical Center later in israel. Qatar and egypt to help negotiate their freedom. Hamas Officials Say the women were released for humanitarian and health reasons. It comes just two days after hamas agreed to american women as well. Now the precise number of citizens held by hamas in gaza remains unclear. After the weekend, ten americans are now unaccounted for and the Biden Administration is urging israel to delay any Ground Offenses well Hostage Negotiations continue with hamas. Obviously, though, the white house is insisting that it has no interest in dictating israels military operations. The Israeli Defense forces need to decide for themselves how theyre gonna conduct operations. Were not in the business of Dictating Terms to them and were certainly not going to be in the business here of reviewing any future operations one way or the other. Israels Defense Minister is giving every indication of Ground Incursion could happen at any moment. Saying the military has been planning a Multilateral Operation Against Hamas from the air, ground, and see. Elliott gotkine is live for us from london. What more do we know about this offensive that looks so imminent but seems to be on hold for a variety of reasons . It does seem to be on hold, john, doesnt it . And we have had those words from the Defense Minister talking about a trilateral attack from land, from the sea, and from the air, of course. The other day we have the Chief Of General Staff telling troops that they will be going into the gaza strip. We know that the troops that have been gathering in the dusty fields around the gaza strip, along with all that military hardware, tanks, armored personnel carrier, and the like, are also carrying out training exercises ahead of unexpected Ground Invasion. If that was not enough of the negation, we also hear that google maps and ways, and i can tell you that everyone in israel uses ways, has temporarily disabled live traffic features ahead of what was expected to be this Ground Invasion. So that is something one imagines could give indications of troops buildups or where traffic is going. So that has been temporarily disabled by google and ways, which was is and really Company Bought by google for about a billion dollars, but has become more integrated into the company. All the seem to be indicating that we are, again, getting closer to the Ground Invasion. But, as you say, many reasons for the delay. We understand the u. S. Was leaning on israel to try to get more progress with the release of hostages. We also know that there are other reasons, perhaps the weather, perhaps to more intelligence from hamas operatives who have been captured by israel as they interrogate them. And, of course, all the while that air campaign, the Bombing Campaign against hamas in the gaza strip is continuing as israel seeks to take out not just commanders, about Fossil Infrastructure and, of course, all the while that goes all the civilian death toll in the gaza strip also rising. John . Elliott, thank. You Elliott Gotkine live for us in london. With the latest. Thank you. A third convoy of humanitarian assistance has arrived in gaza. The u. N. Says 20 trips across from egypt monday, carrying desperately needed supplies of food and medicine. Like the previous two shipments, fuel was not concluded despite critical shortages across gaza. And the u. N. Warns the amount of aid being allowed into the enclave is barely a fraction of what is needed. I think as others have said it is a drop in the bucket. , the number of trucks that usually went into gaza a day was about 450 or so and now we are seeing 20 or 30 and we are not seeing any fuel, which is a great concern. Palestinian officials, palestinian on gaza have intensified the last 24 hours. In the south, where 28 people were killed and Dozens Injured near the city of according to a mile security officials. Last week israel told more than 1 Million People in Northern Gaza to relegate to the south for their own safety. Aid groups warn that all that chaos and destruction from unruly to israeli airstrikes is taking around his toll on gazas children. On palestinian human rights groups, so far more than 2000 children have been killed in just over two weeks. A number, for now, remains almost impossible to verify, but still, the number of dead and wounded children has brought calls for an immediate cease fire from save the children. All parties taking steps to protect the lives of children in gaza. Cnns Salma Abdelaziz has more now. Her story comes with a warning, it contains graphic video which some viewers will find disturbing. [crying] the piercing screams of yet another mother who has lost her child. The wails of countless we two weeks according to the Palestinian Ministry of health. Families terrified they may be struck down next are writing the names of their children on their legs in the hope they can identify them in the chaos. And more are dying by the day as israel intensifies its airstrikes on what it says are hamas targets in gaza. Over 2 Million People, half of them kids, are trapped in this war. The Israeli Military, yet again, called on all residents to flee south in order the u. N. Has previously called inhumane and a potential breach of international law. But even those who can sum down and make the journey under bombardment under siege find no wreckage. This is in the south of the strip. Death follows families here too. And no one can leave. A complete siege has sealed borders, food, water, medical supplies are running out. Survival is made for difficult by the hour. When translator they said to come here, because it is safe, this man said. But last night the airstrikes were the most difficult weve seen so far. Heading to the place of the strike. On a social media, palestinian journalist is documenting the toll on children. His feed is full of images of innocent faces. Tiny victims terrified and wounded by violence. No one here can tell them when it will end. Can anyone just tell me what they did to deserve this . I mean, please. Is there any reason why these children, they are murdered in this way. There are calls to delay an eminent Ground Invasion on the enclave from the u. S. And rights groups, but israels undeterred. Hounding the battered strip with hundreds more airstrikes. A place of suffering, somehow now bracing for even more. Salma abdelaziz, cnn, london. The gaza city now were joined by doctor a british Palestinian Surgeon working at the shiva hospital, the biggest medical facility in gaza. Doctor, thank you for speaking with, us we appreciate your time, sir. Thank you. The most urgent need in gaza right now is what is not coming, in which is fueled. Shiva hospital runs of two very big generators. If no fuel arrives, and there are no more supplies coming in, when do those generators stop working . So, over the last few days, we have been getting increasing frequent and longer electricity cuts. The real question is, we is there anything left of a hospital when theres no electricity . My answer is no. Effectively the hospital will become a mass grave if it runs out of electricity. We have 160 patients who are ventilated because of the critical nature of their wounds. We cannot run the operating booths, we cannot run the Anesthetic Machines. Effectively, the hospital, which now has around 1700 wounded patients, three times its capacity, will cease to exist as a hospital. So, right now, the situation of electricity. We know the israelis cut off supplies coming in from israel. The only Power Station in gaza is out of fuel. So when you say that you have had intermittent power supplies, are you essentially load sharing or going through blackouts or Rolling Blackouts with your own power supply from those generators trying to make it last longer . Yes. I think what is happening is they are trying to cut down on usage because they have been dependent on the generators for 24 hours. Since the war started. So my feeling is, as time passes and fuel supply is less, we are going to have longer and longer outages. Not only do the lot of people there in the icu and on ventilators because of them being wounded during this conflict with israel, but you also have an unusually high number of pre born children who are basically being incubated right now. How many and what is their status and what happens when the power stops . I mean, the same situation applies to the incubator units. She has the largest maternity in gaza. I think over 15 incubators will cease to function once the electricity is out. So this is essentially, without electricity, there is a countdown to these children . Absolutely. Absolutely. The children, the wounded, and the ventilating machines, and anyone wounded who needs an Anesthetic Machine for their surgery. Medical supplies have been part of the shipments in recent days, no fuel. How would you describe what you have received in those shipments compared to what you actually need . Miniscule. Sending 14, 16 trucks to a quarter Million People, 14,000 wounded. It will not be sufficient to make any tangible difference to the outcome of their treatment. What we need is a continuous humanitarian corridor and the cessation of the bombing so that we can evacuate to a safe place so that medical teams can come in and help, so that supplies can be replenished. Otherwise these quantities are just there we as a gimmick. I want to ask you about something the Israeli Military told me last week and that is how, Moschino Tent Group that is running gaza right now and responsible for the conflict with israel, they essentially seized supplies of fuel from a u. N. Compound, enough fuel, according to the israelis, at least, around gaza for a week. So, with that in mind, have you received as your response hospital received any extra Fuel Supplies from hamas at any point . I am not aware that the hospital has been receiving any extra Fuel Supplies. What i understand from the administration is that what we have is what was in the supplies. But this is also extends to the ambulances. I understand now that Gasquet Shuns are only giving health staff and ambulances access to and so even ambulances, unless they have access to patrol, they were not debris able to bring in thank you so much for being with us, we wish you all the very best of luck. This is a very difficult time for you and all the staff there at the hospital. Thank you for being with us. Thank you. Well take a short break. When we come back, israel prepares for a new phase of this war. But when is it actually going to happen . The latest plans from the Israeli Defense minister, just ahead. For days now israeli officials have been publicly hinting that a Gaza Ground Offensive is imminent. Many referring to the next phase of the war, but they havent said publicly is what that would look like. Now, on monday, israels Defense Minister said a Video Statement saying the idf is preparing a Multilateral Operation On Hamas from the air, ground, and see. By now more than 300 israeli troops amassed on the border with gaza. Cnns Nick Robertson reports in order to begin this next phase of the war, it could come at anytime. Just outside of gaza, Farmers Fields Churn with the controlled fury of a nation readying for an incursion to strike hamas. Battle ready troops with everything they need, except in order to attack. In part, sources tell cnn, because america wants more hostages released first. We want to get the rest of them out and that, you know, youve got to have the ability to continue to negotiate and try to work towards that outcome. Israeli officials denied the white house is leaning on them. The attacks and allow in humanitarian aid. We believe the best way to get the hostages out is to keep the pressure on. Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahus calculus of when descendant Ground Troops has never been so fraught. He is vulnerable to white house pressure because israel needs u. S. Weapons. And he is under increasing International Pressure with a civilian losses in gaza. So much so it seems to be running down the clock on his plans to smash hamas for its brutal october 7th attack. I think both in washington and in jerusalem they understand that the Legitimization Window is closing quickly. He is also under pressure at home, to. Military and others hawkish, either to begin a decisive ground attack. We are finishing preparing, you know, the ground force because we have changed planes and we are going for every maneuvering. Where, less than a week ago, these fields were teeming with tanks. Troops making lastminute repairs. Today, there are just tracks in the sand. This is a soldiers jacket here. Right in a back on a table. The question is where have all the tanks gone . Forward for an incursion or back to base before a pause . Close to the front line in gaza, these days, more questions than answers. International diplomacy, it seems, pushing Military Plans off track. The pressure is from washingtons real. It is real and strong and the Prime Minister says many times free his ministers, listen, we are getting from the United States more than you. Know the idf, however, refuting reports that israeli media of a growing rift between netanyahu and his military commanders. Nic robertson, cnn, sderot, israel. General wesley clark is a cnn Military Analyst and former nato supreme commander. He joins us this hour from new york. Its good to see you, sir. Thank you, john. So, the Israeli Defense minister was at an Idf Naval Base in houston and made a few brief remarks about the plans for a gaza incursion. This is what he said, listen to this. Translator keep preparing for our operation. It will come soon. We are preparing thoroughly for the next step. A multilateral operation in the air, ground, and see. Do your work, get ready. We will need to. There is also this reporting that israel learned that after 16 days of airstrikes the idf has told the government that it is fully prepared for a Ground Offensive in the gaza strip and believes it can achieve the goals set out for it, even at the risk of any casualties to soldiers and amid ongoing attacks by hezbollah in the north. If the Israeli Military has been doing its job and saying it will be preparing for a Ground Incursion in gaza longer for this latest conflict. So, if the idf is ready in terms of a military offensive, does that now mean the question of timing comes down to outside factors, political questions, negotiations, for example, over hostages. That kind of thing . Sure, it does come down to the. But not just about the hostages. This is also about what is happening in the north, it is about the larger diplomatic picture. It is about trying to get to the conditions set so that when the force goes in it has the greatest possible amount of International Support and the greatest possible pressure on iran and as a blow not to intervene. So, it is not just about the hostages, although that is certainly an important consideration. One of the other things, also, which is of concern to many countries around the worlds the civilian death toll in gaza. It is high and there is obviously this concern that it will grow higher once this Ground Invasion gets underway. Is u. S. Spokesperson john kirby. We have, since the beginning of the conflict in the early hours, maintained a level of communication with our israeli counterparts to ascertain their intentions, their strategy, their aims, to see what their answers are to the kinds of tough questions that any military ought to be asking before you launch any kind of a major operation. So what tough questions would be asking the israelis at this point . The first thing is what is the end to state . We have to be careful about this because there are it is pretty clear that the end stage should be the Palestinian Authority coming in and reasserting its leadership over that part of the Palestinian People living in gaza. That was the original intent before hamas took over, but, we are not going to be able to get the Palestinian Authority to commit to that in advance of the israeli operation. There is too much heated, too much passion, too many problems, too much anger in the arab street. The fighting in the west bank, for example. And so no Palestinian Leader is going to raise his hand and say i will work with israel on this. That has to be developed going along. But that is not a reason not to do the operation. We have to be careful. Now, having said that, then you are going to want military to military to ask the israelis what do you need . How will you do it . And they will tell you some of the secrets, theyre not going to tell us all the secrets, it probably. They are going to face tough obstacles to get in, improvised explosive devices, and pushes, and so forth. There are tunnels in there, they probably have some forces already in there in a forward reconnaissance role. It will be a reconnaissanceled effort. Air and ground reconnaissance. There are going to be mistakes made and a lot of casualties. So it is going to be very painful. But the United States has said that the we are fully in support and it is what the white house is showing. Whats response do you think hamas have waiting for israeli troops . Because that will be beyond the ordinary as well. It doesnt make a lot of sense if hamas leaders have spent two years planning an assault on israel, a very deadly one, only to be captured and killed by the idea . You know, it has been apparent from the beginning that hamas knew what would happen. They go out and capture and kill as many people or create mayhem. They know the israelis are going to come back. So it is at least a two phased operation from hamass viewpoint. Number one, rough up israel. Number two, when israel invades, suck them in, kill as many as possible, make them look as bad in world opinion, isolate them, and then maybe there is a third phase, which is hezbollah coming in from the north or some other intervening forth from the outside. But, for hamas, this is sort of go for broke time. They knew what was going to happen, they have been preparing for it, they have got 2 million civilian hostages in there that they will use at every opportunity not only to hide behind in a shootout, but also to use to attack israels use of the laws of land warfare and israels methods in combat. So this is going to be a really tough fight. Kinetic and nonkinetic. General clark, its great to have you with us. We really appreciate your insights. Thank you. And we will take a short break. When we come back here on cnn, the family of a young and then Hurricane Israeli Man kidnapped by hamas is speaking to cnn. Sharing their hopes for their son, as well as calls for an Urgent International response. The support is there. The empathy is there from the u. S. We are obviously hungry for more than that. We want action, we want results. The power goes out and we still have wifi to do our homework. And thats a good thing . Great in my book who are you . No power . No problem. Introducing stormready wifi. Now you can stay reliably connected through Power Outages with unlimited cellular data and up to 4 hours of battery backup to keep you online. Only from xfinity. Home of the xfinity 10g network. Welcome back. 31 minutes past the hour, even update in the major developments in israels war with hamas. Families of more than 200 hostages being held in gaza have begun some hope with release of two more civilians who were released on monday. Two israeli women, nurit cooper and, yochi lifshitz, were released by hamas. They said they were released for health and humanitarian reasons. Anderson cooper spoke with the grandson of one of the women about her current condition. She is talking. She can walk. She can hug her grandchildren, which are very happy and we are very glad to meet her. It is incredible that we see her. I mean, we couldnt imagine that it would happen. Lifshitz doctor says shes now trying to secure her fathers released, this also believed to be held by hamas and gaza. The red cross says it is looking to help facilitate future releases as well, should they happen. The release of four hostages over well is bringing some hope to those families relatives are still being held and theres also hope for another family. Now knowing their son might be among them. Israeli american goldberg was at that Music Festival where 250 people were killed by hamas militants more than two weeks ago. Its parent spoke with Cnns Anderson Cooper not long after the attack, describing their sons injuries and fears of a safety. After that interview, hansen realized he had seen their son before in a video taken at the Music Festival during that moscow talk. On that video, her spacing alive, badly wounded after losing part of an arm from a Grenade Blast but still able to walk. A short time agos parents booked again with anderson and they told the world that they want the world to see what costs under their son. A warning, the view of what you see is graphic. God is great, the gunmen shouts, recording on his phone. [speaking in a nonenglish language] he checks the car, looking for anyone else hiding. [speaking in a nonenglish language] other gunmen shout as they bring survivors from the shelter. Come, come, they yell. Load them. That is harsh on the right, another hostage. His left hand and part of his arm is blown off. His arm the bone sticks out. The other hostage appears wounded as well. [speaking in a nonenglish language] another wounded hostage is dragged by his hair and tossed into the truck. A fourth man is thrown on top of them. When i sent the video to you what was your initial first of all, it is a crazy sequence of events that we talked to you through a Computer Screen and then you get a phone call from you saying i have a video of your son. I didnt want to say on live television. Which we so appreciate it. The way everything has unfolded, the gentleness that you used. Because, at the end of the day, you are a journalist and journalists want a story. And that could have been dealt with in many other ways that were not kind and gentle. So, first to seeing that video, in general gave us a dose of optimism. As horrible is as a parent to see your kid under gunpoint being pushed with one arm, the composure with which he is walking on his own legs, pulling himself with as one week and. It is a lefty and his left arm was blown of. Pulling himself with his one weekend on to the truck gave me a real dose of strength that he is handling a horrible situation and he is dealing with composure. We are saying he walked out to calmly, which he did, but i think it was from shock. They had this photo taken from inside the shelter from before a mosque gunman began throwing grenades inside. Rachel said as many as 29 people were crammed together. That is herschel and this is his friend. So, hirsch went to the festival together, they have known each other since they were kids. Honor was by the door and honor, by everyones account but we spoke to, as they were throwing ingredients even keep picking them up and throwing him out. Picking them up, throwing them out. All these witnesses said there were 11 grenades thrown in. He threw out eight. Rachel says eight people survived and avoided captured by hiding under the blown up bodies of the dead, but shapiro did not make it out alive. His parents, they just came to our house on friday and the people who identifying bodies are actually let them know that they identified him with dna, but in his hand he was holding a grenade. His dead body at a grenade in it, in its hand. Thats incredible. He is the real hero. Those eight people, and even the people who walked out and are now in gaza. It is because of honor. How are you able to get through each day . I personally feel like we have to keep running to the end of the earth to save him. And we have to try to go believing that, somehow, he got treatment and he is there. And he is in pain, he is suffering, but he is alive and he is there. And there are also the moments in this universe that we now live where you say, maybe he died on that truck. Maybe he blood out in that truck. Maybe he died yesterday. Maybe he died five minutes ago. And there are those moments where you think, how are these thoughts i dont understand these thoughts. But they are real thoughts. They often go down to see their sons room. This is versus room . It is also, its a steel door because it is our bomb shelter. You can feel him here, close. It glow, his books, mementos, it is all just as he left them. Rachel did make his bed, however. She wants it ready for when he returns. We have reports that is facing south. I went out friday night and screaming to him. Because friday night we bless our children traditionally, it is traditional to bless your children on friday night. So i was screaming, it was a traditional blessing. And so i was screaming a blessing to him, my hands up. I usually put my hands on his head when hes home. What does the blessing say . It says make God Bless You and keep you. May gods face shine upon you and be gracious to you. May gods countenance these lifted up towards you and give you peace. What do you want people to know about hersh . He is just a super curious kid and the wanderlust that he developed when he was six or seven years old has been his life obsession, always asking for maps and globes and at losses for his bar mitzvah. Really these last few years he has saved every penny to go on this trip that he has a ticket for on december 27th. He was going to go to india and then all points east. Rachel and john were just on the cover of time magazine. They are trying to get the world to Pay Attention to the plight of the hostages, particularly those like her shoe have serious wounds or medical issues. As israelis we have been embraced by the u. S. Government from the u. S. We are obviously we want actually, want results. There are hostages from around 30 countries. Why have we not yet seen for Global Leaders and screaming to get the wounded help . Rachel also got to be in a poll with other American Families and biden. He stayed for 90 minutes and a listened to us, he cried with us. I know loss. I have lost two children. I lost my wife, and im telling you that you need to go through this, but you need to remember that you will be strong again for your family. You know, he said things that, because he knows loss, it wasnt platitudes. It was someone speaking who had lost children. Speaking to a mother who lost her two children. And it was a real moment, coming together just as people who know what pain is. You know, this is a very excruciating part of pain. This is a particular kind of pain . Correct. There is no playbook for this that we know of. Of the game daily. Is he alive, is he getting treatment, did he die 15 days ago . We are on the head of a pin and every direction you fall is a bad direction. So a lot of how we get through the day, when you asked that before, is that we are trying to balance on the head of a pin and just get everything done with hope that it will come home to us alive and he will go on that trip with one hand. Anderson cooper, cnn, jerusalem. Cmon, were right there. Cmon baby. Its the only we need. Go, go, go, go ah Touchdown Baby touchdown are your neighbors watching the same game . Yeah, my 5g Home Internet delays the game a bit. But you get used to it. Try these. Theyre noise cancelling earmuffs. I stole them from an airport. Its always something with you, man. Great solid greek salad . Exactly dont delay the game with verizon or tmobile 5g Home Internet. Catch it on the xfinity 10g network. Republican lawmakers in the u. S. House will try again tuesday to decide who will be their nominee for speaker. Three weeks after kevin kathy was ousted from the job by his own party. Eight candidates now vying for the gavel, and deep divisions remain over who should be mccarthys replacement. For the very latest, heres cnns manu raju. Republicans emerged from close to us tonight, still divided about the way forward, uncertain about whether their eventual speaker nominee can get the votes he will need on the house floor to be elected speaker, even though we are about three weeks now since Kevin Mccarthy was ousted in an unprecedented fashion, the first time is sitting speaker pushed out by his colleagues, and unable to, acted completely paralyzed in the house because of that effort that successfully ousted kevin car the. Still no closer to getting a speaker, even though there are eight candidates now in the race. From republican including some more Junior Members including Byron Donalds a member of the als freedom caucus. All down the, line making their pitch to their colleagues behind closed doors. But members have emerged making a very clear that their constituents are frustrated, and they are concerned that this dysfunction could cost them the House Majority next november. How does this reflect on the gop . There are facts are not governing. People are very angry and upset, ive got back from the district of, lot of people are very worked up down there about that. They think all of us are incapable. We have to figure out how to get our act together, big voice and big girls, quit Making Excuses now on tuesday there will be a leadership election, in which the winner will be the speaker nominee must get a majority of the conference vote. That is different than a majority of the full house, 221 members of House Republican conference in order to be elected speaker, 217 votes on the house floor, meaning you cannot lose more than four republican votes. At the moment, it is uncertain when any of these candidates can do just that. If they, cant nick or take some time to actually get to a war we could see this still made persist, and others talk about other avenues to try and reopen the house as this moves on to its fourth week and paralyzed chamber that members are uncertain about how to resolve this crisis at this moment. None of these candidates can, get their key issues like funding the government, aid to israel, aid to ukraine. All leading action as the house remains completely stalled amid a gop leadership crisis. Manu raju, cnn, capitol hill. When we come, back just as hundreds of thousands of palestinians are being told to leave their homes in Northern Gaza, we will look at what life has been like for Palestinian Refugees living in young and old, soldiers and civilians are the faces of a new showing that the victims of the October 7th Hamas attack. 1300 the campus or term are filled with images of the missing that. More than 1400 people have been killed in israel since israel Defense Forces says 220 people are now being held in gaza, and that must control Palestinian Health Ministry Within 5000 people have been killed by israeli airstrikes on gaza. The Tel Aviv University was organized by the Student Union as part of a wider anti the day after israel declared advanced 1940, 85 arab nations declared war and lost, and shares of thousands of absolute living in what is now israel fled their homes from refugee camps. Cnns nada bashir spoke to some Palestinian Refugees in jordan, who are now terrified that history will repeat. Through the narrow streets of a refugee camp, the mood is clear them establish more than 70 years ago, this community is now home to more than 30,000 Palestinian Refugees. Just a fraction of the more than 700,000 who were expelled or forced to flee their homes following of the 1948 arabisraeli or. Families in this camp know the pain of exile all too well. Denied by israel, their right to return to their homeland. It is a Life Sentence to separation from family and friends, from home, and for those with loved ones still in gaza they say it is a sentence to the cruelest form of anguish. Are we not humans to because we are palestinian . At any given moment, i could get a phone call telling me that my sister and her children have been killed. You know, my mother was killed during the gaza war in 2010. I hadnt seen her for 12 years. Says that he has more than 70 relatives in gaza that have already been killed in this latest round of israeli airstrike. Our home is palestine. We will never forget about palestine. Imagine being pushed out of your home for 75 years. We have already spent 75 years as refugees. How could you expect the palestinians to leave their, homes and moved to egypt or elsewhere . Now the prospect of thousands more palestinians being forcibly displaced to neighboring countries, were even further afield has been condemned by leaders across the arab world. It has been characterized by both the king of jordan and other officials as both a war crime, and a red line for the country. These rallies were always adamant about no return of refugees. That is why the palestinians claim to what they call law of return. Or the right of return back. So any eviction, any new mass of Palestinian Refugees for us is a repeat of 1948. That fear of history repeating itself, of another war as palestinians describe it because it felt across the region. Many relatives are trapped in gaza. Now, his friends call every morning, call hoping they are still alive. I do not even know whether my family is going to be able to go back to their homes if they are going to have homes to go back to and of course the biggest fear is that they are going to be evacuated and turned into refugees. They dont want to move. They would rather die in gaza then move. The connection felt by palestinians to their homeland is hard to overstate. At this church official, a poignant moment of remembrance. Ode to jerusalem, they saying. A 1960s melody, beloved across the region, dedicated to the holy city, and to the palestinian struggle. A cross which has drawn people of all faiths, walks of life together, with a message of enduring solidarity. Not a beshear, cnn, a man, jordan. This just into cnn, the french president Emmanuel Macron has now arrived in tel aviv, touchdown a short time ago. This trip is to show solidarity with israel and his war against hamas. Is the third world leader to make this trip to israel in the past week or so, u. S. President joe biden was there on tuesday, the eu k premise that rishi sunak followed him a day later. Whilst minute more cars there he will meet with the president as well as Prime Minister mention netanyahu, and pushing my, told for humanitarian pause in these really airstrikes, while stressing the need for a twostate solution for some kind of way to resolve this conflict. They say he is also likely to meet with Palestinian Authority president mahmoud abbas. West bank. More details on that as we get. It im john vause, back with more of our continuing coverage of his source were against hamas right after this

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