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Welcome to the whole story. Im Anderson Cooper on the campaign trail, former President Donald Trump has touted his experience and achievements from his first term in office and has vowed to continue with what he started if hes elected again. But where does he actually stand on some of the key issues for voters . In this election . Cnns Abby Phillip takes us through what the trump White House did when it came to the economy and reproductive rights, as well as immigration, foreign policy, and the state of democracy and she looks at what he and his allies have promised to continue or change if elected to another term in November Nafta has been a disaster for the united states. A complete and total disaster it was April 2017 173 months into Donald Trumps presidency. And he wanted to withdraw the united states from nafta the north american free Trade Agreement he would say repeatedly, in the Oval Office to everyone who had was signed, there ripping us off. They take advantage of americans were suckers and losers. Its been very, very bad for our companies and for our workers he heard lots of concerns when he was out campaigning from bluecollar supporters heres food fight, nafta had taken jobs from America Trump wanted to announce their withdrawal on his one 100th day in office a huge freak out occurred when this became known inside the White House and various advisers rushed over to stop this almost all economists think of trade to varying degrees as a potential way to make both sides winners. That if you in your country are really great and making cars. And i, in my country, im really great At Making Airplanes then it would make sense for me to make all the airplanes and you to make all the Cars Trump views nafta as a deal in which the united states is getting ripped off by mexico and ripped off by canada what would have been the consequences if trump pulled the united states out of nafta this isnt, you know, one of the largest, if not the largest Trade Pact in the world . One of the things that i think people misread about Donald Trump so often has a lot of the times these big statements like that are negotiating tactics. If the Prime Minister of canada and the president of Mexico Fear that america will unilaterally pull out of nafta it makes them much more willing to come to the Negotiating Table his supporters will say hes looking for leverage, but, you know its a form of playing Russian Roulette with the worlds economic security what was the reaction to that pledge inside Of Mexico i think the mexicans were concerned about that. Its been an agreement that was in place for about 25, 30 years, trade between the u. S. Canada and mexico was more than 1 Trillion a year here and nafta had lifted tariffs between the three countries for more than two decades a sudden withdrawal would upend global and domestic politics and rattle financial Markets Trump actually had one of his top aides, rob porter, Draft A letter to get out of nafta that he would sign presumptively paperwork was preparing inside the White House gary cohn, who was his national economic Council Director or took a bunch of different steps, including famously hiding some papers, some documents from trump that if he had signed them would have pulled the united states out of nafta right away. Well, i would go into terminate nafta as of two or three days from now . On his 98th Day in office. And after nearly two years of assailing nafta a lastminute late Night Phone Call with Mexicos President and canadas Prime Minister convinced trump to stand down. They called me and they said, rather than terminating nafta, could you please renegotiate that same week, desperate to announce a big wind during his first 100 Days Trump shifted focus and rushed to release an outline of a Tax Bill they need a win. And if theres one thing that every republican, even under this administration can agree on. Its we need to cut taxes the Tax Cuts and jobs act passed that december, Giving Trump his first major legislative victory. I consider this very much a bill for the middleclass. Had a bill for jobs the bill reduce the corporate Tax Rate from 35 to 21 , lowered Income Taxes for individuals for the next eight years. And doubled the Child Tax Credit they made huge changes to the Tax Code they had a real unifying theory, which was if we cut taxes for corporations, we are going to unleash an investment. Boom in the united states that makes america competitive again. So we can bring back that simple, but beautiful Phrase Youve heard it before, made in the usa, they were sure there was going to be more Job Growth specifically in areas like manufacturing and they were sure that that was going to lead to big wage increases for americans the most important thing that the Tax Cuts did for trump in his time in office was the game. People were money to spend right away. And there was this shortterm stimulative effect to the economy thats the big win for Trump Trump would score another economic win. Two years later. I promise to renegotiate nafta. And today we have kept that promise what President Trump was concerned about was to make sure that the agreement was not unfair and was not basically penalizing american workers he does cut a new Trade Deal but its not a complete fundamental overhaul. Its mostly the same thing with new branding and some new Components Branding has always been central To Trumps strategy. If im given another four years, i will be the best. I think ill be the best nobodys ever created a economy like us and hes hoping itll win him a second term in the White House. When i get to office, we are going to not charge taxes on tips not always a great slogan, but it just makes sense to be able to protect those people who make the bulk of their income comes from tips do you expect him to pursue Tax Cuts . As policy if he is reelected . That is one thing that he says that i think people should take him at his word on what does he really want to accomplish policywise, maybe other than the Tax Cuts . To talked about sweeping increases in tariffs. I will impose it across the Board Tariff on foreign made goods that have been warnings from economists that if you do that and you pursue these Tax Cuts, new are creating these settings for price spikes, which could then become inflationary he, his folks have insisted that that is not true. But whats true hasnt always been important To Trump. And his economic legacy as president is up for Debate Description of how successful the Tax Cuts were they were not as good for the economy as he claims at some point, does he understand that . He understands that he doesnt care . He likes the way what he says Sounds Better Trump has always been a very good salesman he was able to convince americans that he just had special powers when it came to Economics Growth that were not reflected in economic performance. Trump is not the best american president of our lifetime. He had a good economy but the full scope of trumps economic management when you include the pandemic hes hes nowhere close bu, good look at the Tax Cuts and say weeks out, positive outcomes of them. I think his critics will say they were not good policy for the country most, americans got a Tax Cut, but most of the trump Tax Cuts went to the highest earning americans he said he did the biggest Tax Cut of all time. He didnt he was going to bring back millions of american manufacturing jobs that had been sent overseas he did not Trump Campaigned on a promise, not just that he would balanced the federal budget, but that also he would pay off the entire national that when she came nowhere close to doing i dont think theres any evidence to support the idea the Trump Economy was the greatest economy in history. And its probably not the greatest economy in most americans living memory coming up Donald Trump said, when he was president , that he would sign a national Abortion Ban what hes done is try for political reasons, not to emphasize that in this 2024 campaign we all Need Fiber for our digestive health, but less than 10 of us get up each day. Good Thing Meta Missile gummies arent easy way to get prebiotic plantbased fiber for the same amount of fiber two cups of broccoli Meta Missile gummies. The easy way to get your daily fiber. 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Taking control a more Human Way to Health Care the supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has died at the age of 87 September 2020 we love you, minnesota when news broke of justice ginsburgs passing Donald Trump was rallying crowds and northern minnesota it was the surreal moment where the president of the united states is on stage and has no idea that this seismic event has just occurred she just died almost two hours later, trump would find out not only been having the first time he led an amazing light blue Jean Baby is playing in the background. Any kind of takes on this solemn tone about her passing magically saddened to hear that, but clearly and almost instantaneously, his aides inside the West Wing and republicans on Capitol Hill Work gearing up for what they knew would be a fight to get a new supreme Court Justice nominated and confirmed a fight because ginsburgs passing was so consequential it seemed clear that chief justice John Roberts had openly expressed his belief that precedent bound the court to move slowly and that made it seem unlikely that roberts would vote to overturn roe, at least in the near term unlikely with the slim conservative majority on the court of five to four but replacing ginsburg would give trump an Insurance Policy if one of the conservative justices got Cold Feet about overturning rowe you wouldnt need that person. In other words, youve had six justices not five. I believe it was maybe eight days after her death, he nominated Amy Coney Barrett we, fasttrack that nomination. How important was it To Trump to be able to put another supreme Court Justice on that court and do it quickly. Yeah it was of the utmost importance. It was something that he knew would be part of his legacy and reshaping the Supreme Court was trump involved in this process . Much trump was definitely involved. He wanted to put a woman on the Supreme Court. I think he thought it would help him more in the election today. It is, my honor to nominate one of our nations most brilliant and gifted legal minds to the Supreme Court. Judge, Amy Coney Barrett had this grand announcement at the White House in the Rose Garden that was kind of the event that we identified as wherever spreader, a super Spreader Event my Flashback Memory of their extreme their theyre giddiness, almost in the face of what they knew they would be able to accomplish Ending Roe was a promise that Candidate Trump made during his president Ial Campaign in 2016. A promise to conservatives that if they got behind him, hed do something. No other president has been able to do. I am prolife and i will be appointing prolife judges this is everybody a significant contrast to the position Donald Trump took decades earlier. Im very prochoice this is a businessman from New York, which is a pretty progressive city. He has always been more conservative than a lot of the people that he socialized with. But abortion was not one of those issues one of the first things he did in 2011 when he was thinking about running for president that cycle and he went to go speak to cpac, the conservative political action conference. Im prolife when he ran in 2016, he understood that overturning Roe V. Wade was core conservative priority. So he agreed to put a list of judges out before the election who were conservative. I am going to give a list of either five or ten judges that i will pick to show you may not trust me on this issue, but heres what i would do if i was president , i will guarantee that those are going to be the first judges that i put up for nomination. If i win, that tells me that. Yes, i can trust you with my vote because on the issues that matter, most to me, i can tell that these people are going to hopefully rule as we would want them to the President Elect of the united states of america, Donald Trump conservatives did trust him with their vote in 26 team. And trump gave them what they wanted today. I am keeping another promise to the american people. By nominating judge Neil Gorsuch starting with Neil Gorsuch, just weeks after taking office, then Brett Kavanaugh in 2018 and finishing off with Amy Coney Barrett just a week before Election Day we were looking in that moment at the cementing of a super majority of conservative justices with great fear because we knew the potential would move very quickly to overturn roe the Supreme Court has overturned Roe V wade im here because im absolutely a Static Roe has been overturned and that theyre going to be babies lives saved from this President Trumps appointments to the court are probably his lasting legacy. Its going Along Outlive Donald Trump going long, i live his memory because a lot of justices appointed judges are fairly young from a historical standpoint, it will obviously rank up there. Rank up there as one of trumps most consequential legacies a huge win for trump and his conservative base for 54 years, they were trying to get Roe V. Wade terminated. And i did it but the reversal of roe would become a loss at the ballot box. Blunting the expected Red Wave in the 2022 midterms, and being very unpopular with voters as trump approaches 2024 he doesnt know how to talk about it everybody does. He touted does he distance himself from it . He seems to choose a mixture of both. My view is now that we have abortion where everybody wanted it from a legal standpoint. The states will determine by vote or legislation, or perhaps both. And whatever they decide must be the Law Of The Land in this case the law of the state. Donald trump thinks that hes been given a sort of a neat pass out of the debate by saying, well, were just going to send it back the states. And thats going to solve everything essentially. So that im going to throw up my hands and i dont have to worry about this anymore but many believe the issue will be back on President Trumps agenda in a second term especially given his running mates past support of a national Abortion Ban i certainly would like abortion to be illegal nationally the president has been very clear, he would not sign a national Abortion Ban that he does support ivf. He does Support Fertility Treatments and he supports the exceptions for rape, incest, the life of the mother Donald Trump said, when he was president , that he would sign a national Abortion Ban if congress passed one and sent it to his desk, i strongly supported the House Of Representatives paincapable bill, which would end painful late term abortions nationwide. What hes done is try for political reasons, not to emphasize that in this 2024 campaign, but i dont think theres really any doubt i believe he is saying what is politically convenient to get elected. So im not sure why i would start to believe him right now coming up immigration, we are going to build a wall Kamala Harris, Donald Trump, the debate. Everyones been waiting for Follow Cnn for complete coverage and exclusive pre and postdebate analysis. A cnn special the abc News President ial defeat to the nine eastern on Cnn And Streaming on max. Want the effects of viagra that faster meet roe sparks. They contain. So dana, phil, and to dallas fill with sparks, dissolve under the time dissolvable work faster than and hills cia sparks are right for you at row that coast last sparks its pods biggest sale of the Summer Save up to 25 on moving in storage for a limited time in Cy Pods has been trusted with over 6 Million moves they dont wait, use Promo Code big 25 to save visit hot. Com today, my monthly subscriptions were problematic and one was billing me three times per month. 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This ending prisoners, murderers, drug dealers, mental patients, and terrorists believes that this kind of demonization of immigrants and his use of this issue is the reason that he became the president in 2016 Trump Administration will also secure the fence the borders of the united states and yes we will build a Great Wall and Yes Mexico will pay for the wall. Were going to pay from the start of trumps presidency, immigration would be at the forefront. He viewed it as his core political promise and he wanted to every element of the american government again these numbers down seven days after taking office, trump issued a series of Executive Orders banning citizens from majority muslim countries from entering the united states. And mr. Publishing new Vetting Measures to keep radical islamic terrorists out of the united states of america. We dont want them here and he close the border to all refugees its from around the world it was a shock and all campaign to show in the way things have been done in this country from Day One, we were doing it totally differently, effective immediately. What does this mean . Flag just likes of them since decisions and it was extraordinarily chaotic, that was all rolled out, if i remember correctly, on a Friday Night and it created absolute havoc. My kids lifts cool so one whole year will be the travel ban, i think was initially instituted because at some of these countries werent vetting people clearly and strongly enough to get our country the band faced months of legal challenges, but a revised version was ultimately upheld by the Supreme Court but trumps fixation for the next four years remained on the southern border. Illegal immigrants at drugs pouring into morocco he feels like the Border Patrol needs to make immigration much more unpleasant, painful. In order to discourage people from trying to do it. In May 2018 . The Trump Administration implemented what they called the zero Tolerance Policy. If you crossed the border unlawfully, then we will prosecute you if you know want. Your childhood a separated, then dont bring him across the border illegally the five u. S attorney is stationed along the southwest border have really big concerns about whats going to happen to the children who are separated from their parents so that these prosecutions can take place. And what was the answer that they were given . Jeff sessions doesnt answer their question what he does say is we need to take away children. If youre a parent and youre driving a car while youre toxic hated when the police shall up to take you away, they take your kid away. They take your kid and put them in child protective services you break the law, youre going to be separated from your family over the next several weeks, as many as 2000 children would be separated from their parents children were put into caged enclosures these are meant to be temporary facilities where children can only remain for 72 hours maximum but the government became so overwhelmed with so many new Immigration Cases that children remained stuck. The ones who are old enough to understand what was happening would cry, would scream, would bag for help. Stories that were coming out where harrowing parents and children literally being pulled limb from limb from one another with children grabbing onto anything that they could the next step was for children to be transferred into the custody of the health and human services department, which was not prepared to take on as many as it had to you had facilities with staff who were not prepared or trained in how to handle traumatized children and how to respond to them i remember going to mcallen, texas to a Garage Type Facility with Chain Fences around hundreds and hundreds of single man. There was room for them to lie down, smelled it was pretty dreadful. I went in the room with mike pence, was Vice President at the time, and you could tell parents were shocked by what he had seen to was the chaos and frankly, the suffering of these families was that the point they wanted to send a message they sought that Family Separation would prove to be a very powerful deterrent. The cruelty is the point to cries children who had just been separated from their parents heard on leaked audio from inside the facility six weeks after the policy took a fact this is not the kind of thing we want in the country that we live in, right . I think a lot of people felt that way. There was just an incredible backlash against what trump presidency. Former first lady laura bush. She writes this in part, this zero Tolerance Policy is cruel. It is a moral and it breaks my heart fair what people begging them day in and day out to call it off. Some republican senators were begging the White House to call it off. Presidents own Family Members were saying somethings got to give two days after that leak, trump abruptly ended the separations were going to keep the families together. I didnt like the sight or the feeling of families being separated determined to deliver on his campaign promises trump turned his attention to the Border Wall it was sort of a symbol of his presidency in his mind, big Construction Project Touch it, see it. And he first said mexico was going to pay for mexico, obviously, do not pay for the wall. He simply decided to take the money from the pentagon and to reprogram it in order to build portions of his promised Border Wall under trumps watch, nearly 500 miles of Border Wall was built but not nearly as much as he hoped. And still claims building 400 452 miles of an effective Border Wall system. The roads delighting the Fiber Optic Cable polls gave Border Patrol officials a new capability that they didnt have trump probably accomplished more of changing how people see immigration, changing, what people want the country to do on immigration than any he politician. Weve seen in a while. And according to recent polling, the majority of americans today support the idea of a Border Wall. We have a crisis in america on immigration. We havent dealt with the issue of comprehensive Immigration Reform for years and years. Every administration hicks down the road because its so difficult to do three congress actually tried to pass a bipartisan Border Deal earlier this year. The motion is not agreed to, but trump helped torpedo it so he could campaign on the issue this Fall And Day one, we will begin the largest domestic Deportation Operation in the history of our culture. Theyre poisoning the blood of our country thats what theyve done. I mean, its disgusting, but its not the first time that hes used hitleresque language. And i think that the types of policies that he would pursue would be much more harsh an extreme when it comes to the border and immigration people dont have any legal right to remain here, need to be removed from the country, deporting individuals from any country is a fundamental part of any functioning countrys immigration system. This idea of mass arrests, trump is very committed to that as part of an immigration policy, if hes reelected, does the Trump Campaign see it as realistic . They do. I mean, remember this is a singular Calling Card of his main policy adviser, stephen miller. These kinds of crackdowns could end up just making life so miserable for so many undocumented immigrant grants that they either leave or choose not to come in the first place the Detention Camps Two round up immigrants and deport them. How important is that visual part of the idea of that as a deterrence angle. And a Toughness Angle where the visual is very important. He is promising sort of an immigration agenda. Wed never really seen from a united States President add that magnitude. He sees that drilling down on Immigration Enforcement is a way to win elections. And so he willing to do it to no coming up if im president , i will have that war settled in one day, 24 hours. And trump says, hes going to just snap his fingers and all these problems are going away. Is there any policy behind that is just Trump And Bluster and Salesmanship And Nothing else straight things in, changing hit and why im not changed Sexual Orientation of not changing the political party. Were going go to the how for what we got here. Okay car saturday, October 5th on cnn its pods biggest sale of the Summer Save up to 25 on moving in storage for limited time in Cy Pods has been trusted with over 6 Million moves dont wait, use Promo Code big 25 to save visit hod. Com today. Heres why stops in your house and now hes home instead. 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Warned that he had a Nuclear Button on his desk and all of the u. S. Mainland was within range i think about Donald Trump. He likes to be Alpha Man he wants to be tough and somebodys challenging him. He challenges back that same evening, trump sent a tweet that shook the White House and the world. I to have a Nuclear Button but it is a much bigger and more powerful one than his. And my button works how Big Of a concern was it among trumps aides that there could be a nuclear confrontation on the horizon i think it depends on who you ask. But one thing they knew is they were dealing with two unpredictable leaders Donald Trump was sending a very strong signal. Youre not going to mess with the u. S. Is It Strategy or is It Bluster . I think it was strategy. They were actually meetings and there were actually discussions about how we can start to move together. The previous u. S. Policy has been to not eat with kim Jong Un Trump Flipback totally on its head for the hermit nation. It was a Longsought Gold for trump. He became the first sitting u. S. President to enter north korea. It was just one of three facetoface meetings historic moment, the fact that were making history making moment, but not a Breakthrough North koreas nuclear buildup has only continued. And so did the warm relationship between the two leaders. Grumbling and did write trump multiple Love Letters and trumps mind, he would often be in the Oval Office and he would call out as assistant. Can you bring in the Love Letters because he would want to show visitors will get the singer because i have from kim Jong Un Praising Adversaries and pushing allies became a recurring theme for trumps presidency. Were joined by a common heritage of democracy the north atlantic Treaty Organization founded in part by the united states in 1949, was trumps top target. Donald trumps worldview was been americas allies rather than being assets, were nothing is off nato members must finally contribute their fair Share And Meat their financial obligations Donald Trump looked at so many of these things when you make a commitment to say with nato spend 2 of your gross national product on the military then i expect you to live up to that deal. What trump would do instead of cultivating our allies and trying to bring everyone together, was he with threatened and cajole when bully these countries . It worked Military Spending from nato countries increased. But that did little to calm raw nerves in europe his very first visit to a nato summit, all he really needed to do was to say the one to the united states absolutely remains committed to article five of the nato treaty, which is the mutual defense of our allies. It was in the draft of the speech. It was in the drafted this but he did not say did not say it. A handful of words left unsaid then an image seen around the World Trump pushing aside the leader of nato is newest Member State montenegro. Its like the visual representation of how Donald Trump saw his presidency and also how he saw our allies just as people to be shoved aside in 2018, trump can close to pulling out of nato entirely. People do not fully appreciate how close the entire alliance seemed to unraveling with americas alliances seemingly on the brink. Trump prepared for a monumental meeting with vladimir putin in helsinki. There was no collusion at all. And we watched him side with putin over u. S. Intelligence agencies. And when u. S. Lead investigation found the right russia did indeed metal and the Election President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today. It shows the relationship between the two of them and how trump was willing to take an authoritarian Leader Metal in u. S. Elections at his word he saw both vladimir Putin And Xi jinping as his main piers on the world stage. And offered each of them a level of flattery and personal compliments youre a very special man. Trump heaped praise on chinese leader Xi Jinping my feeling toward you is an incredibly warm one, as we said, theres great chemistry he used tariffs to launch a Trade War with china in 2018 china is been taken advantage of the united states for many years those tariffs were paid by americans, paid by american companies and ultimately by american consumers. The trump Trade War probably cost americans about 300,000 jobs. Probably cost the economy somewhere north of 40 Billion i think its worth bearing in mind the president biden kept some of these tariffs in place, but i think that there are reasons why economists have concerns about continuing down that path on a greater Scale Trump insists that if hes elected president again, he would quote, fundamentally reevaluate Natos Purpose if theyre not going to pay, were not going to protect. Okay. I dont think trump will walk away from nato. I think it is a bargaining chip. I think its a position of strength and negotiate from. But if russia attacked us allies who dont spend enough on military defense, i would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want. You got to pay two wars, burning hot in Gaza And Ukraine would also be until his agenda. If im president , i will have that war settled in one day hey, 24 hours. If you ask people in ukraine, they say that everything that we have fought for the Blood And Treasure that has been expended to try to protect ourselves would all be for nothing. Putin would win the war caused by the attack on israel, would have never happened if i was president. He is intrigued maybe fixated on this idea of peace in the Middle East he got the Abraham Accords the Normalization Agreement between israel and the United Arab Emirates and back bahrain and the Abraham Accords to be fair to him, where a big deal they actually were a significant accomplishment, but it was not you know, mideast peace when trump says hes going to just snap his fingers and all of these problems arent going away. Is there any policy behind that or is that just trump . And the force of his personality is just Trump And Bluster and Salesmanship And Nothing thats it coming up i dont think youre going to have another election in this. Got you. If we dont win this election next on the. Whole story, Kamala Harris and her record on the key issues of the Election Season what does her past tell us about how she will lead the whole story with Anderson Cooper next on cnn looking for a way to stretch the dollar within sure. If you can cut your Car Insurance bill and half, scroll through, doesnt a prices and tap this, which online thats it. No Phone Calls and no wasted time. Go to terrify and save today that grimy film on your teeth. Dr. Gee actually the bill double attack bacteria, which can cause cavities. Most toothpastes quit working in minutes, but crespo healths antibacterial fluoride protects all day stuff, cow before they start crafts Donald Trumps back and hes out for control. I would have every right to go after them. Complete control. I will wield that power very aggressively, and he has a plan to get it detailed plans for exactly what movement will do is called project 2025, a 922 Page Blueprint to make Donald Trump the most powerful president ever overhauling the department workmen, of justice, Giving Trump the unchecked power to seek vengeance eliminating the Department Of Education and defunding k through 12 schools requiring the government to monitor womens pregnancies and severe cuts to medicare and social security. Donald trump may try to deny it, but those are Donald Trumps plans. Well, revenge does take time. I will say that in sometimes revenge can be justified. Hill take control, will pay the price. Im Kamala Harris and i approve this message. Why do we accept waiting two weeks for theta . Thanks to chime. I dont have to wait to get paid anymore. I couldnt believe it. I can get up to file hundred dollars of my pay on my schedule. Theres no interests, no credit checks, no mandatory join me at time. 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An Operation Day in america Todays Transfer of power is on precedent as Joe Biden was were hearing to be sworn in. Donald trump was preparing to move out President Trump felt and lots of others in America Felt that he got ripped off, that he was cheated trump, i think was having a weekslong tantrum about losing the election. And i dont think there was so much of a thought about what the future would look like in terms of his legacy and being known for not being the person who adhered to Customs President has now decided to snub the bidens yes, but 152 years since the president of the united states refused to attend the inauguration of his successor, i think he just would not give biden that moment. He knew that he had lost the election. He have publicly acknowledged it to people based on my reporting, i think the moment of actually handing over there reins of power to Joe Biden was something that he would not bring himself to do well, thank you very much president obama. Ill be didnt like President Trump very much, but he showed up and said, hey, listen youre now the steward of our country. I think President Trump owed that to america instead an unusual and unprecedented final Farewell Speech have a good life. We will see you soon thank you. Thank you very was nothing like what we normally see in an election and a transfer of power and that is going to be part of Donald Trumps legacy in History Weve never had a sitting president refuse to acknowledge that he was not reelected and be reluctant to pass the baton peacefully even cordially to the person who replaced thats never happened. Like a lot of times that we we view some of these traditions and at some point someones going to be the first to change that Tradition And Move on. Traditions and norms that Donald Trump pushed back on since the very beginning of his presidency. Starting with the Justice Department, general flynn, the way he was treated very, very unfair when the president started asking than Director Comey to actually drop investigations and stop pursuing lines of inquiry against people he liked it almost seemed like trump understood that there were these guardrails, but he either didnt care about them or intentionally wanted to blow past them. He didnt really care. That what he was doing is essentially undermining the ability of the doj and the fbi to continue functioning in a way that the american people could be proud of. Presidents have largely left fbi directors alone to avoid the appearance of political interference. But instead, trump fired comey, who is a showboat, his a grandstander attacked his attorney general, Jeff Sessions for not doing enough to end the investigation into russian interference in the 2016 election. I recuse myself and eventually fired him to that in the postwatergate era just violates what the norm has been after Richard Nixon left office. And what has been adhered to by president s were very, very long time, trump saw no reason to have any distance between himself and the Justice Department trump went to war publicly and privately against career public servants who stood in his way. You have trump ours, who are saying they believe the Department Of Justice should be reporting to the White House. The White House should tell the Department Of Justice white today. And what we have seen now recently is an unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats who dont change with administrations, they stay the same they are the ones that are actually calling the shots. And in many cases, as we saw with President Trump actively working against the elected president of the united states because they happen to disagree agree with them disagreeing. When trump went after his political opponents he didnt want Hillary Clinton instigated. He wanted James Comey investigated. He wanted John Kerry investigated so actually he already has a history of this and i expect that that would continue under no circumstances. You are promising America Tonight you would never abuse power as retribution against anybody except for Day One he says youre not going to be a dictator, are you . I said no, no, no other than Day One as President Trump chafed at restrictions on his executive powers and openly admired for and authoritarians who had no such limits. I think were going to do tremendous things for both china and for the united states. And it is a very, very great honor to be with you. It would be unthinkable before Donald Trump for an american president to show Hero Worship of foreign dictators. A lot of friendships have been made and this has been in particular aggressor redshift. He says theyre strong, theyre tough. And he says quite clearly that Thats Somebody who i want to get to know often its very striking because he will describe them as friends of mine. You dont hear other president s talking about authoritarian leaders that way it would all reach a dangerous and historic crescendo in the aftermath of the 2020 election. Frankly, we did win this election the election was totally rigged. This was a massive fraud. How is a rigged election where in a position where we are in a a Pitched Battle right now with some fundamental differences in terms of the direction of our country and there are many times when we need to make our opposition known. You dont think it mattered whether trump lied about whether he lost the last election, which he lost fair and square. That doesnt matter who look, theyre there have been people questioning our elections in our Election Results going back for 2530 years now i think its rationalization. There hasnt been an election where one partys supporters stormed the capitol well, during the electoral College Certification of the election. So this is just fundamentally different the extent of his challenges, the length of them, be projection of falsehoods about widespread fraud that would just never substantiated. That is different than what we have seen i dont think youre going to have another election in this country if we dont win this election and he is laying the groundwork to undermine an election. Again, if he loses Donald Trump has told us from the very beginning of his time in politics that he would not respect the results of any election in which he was not the Winner Trump is unquestionably a political survivor this is what the End Result is. He is the first president to be impeached twice. The only president to be convicted of 34 felonies and charged with 54 more and just one of two former president s who were shot and survived, shocking Assassination Attempts what happened . I had god on my side. Donald trump has survived it all to now, run again for office. He refuses to admit he wants lost

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